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  • Data  (1,151)
  • Published Data from GFZ  (1,151)
  • Data  (1,151)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-01-22
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The data set was collected to identify hydrological processes and their evolution over it time. It consists of several individual files in tabstop delimeted text format. The data set contains the data obtained from deuterium and brilliant blue tracer experiments at two chronosequence studies in the glacier forefield of the Stone Glacier and the Griessfirn in the central Alps, Switzerland. Each chronosequence consisted of four moraines of different ages (from 30 to 13500 years). At each forefield sprinkling experiments with deuterium and dye tracer experiments with blue dye (Brilliant Blue) were conducted on three plots per moraine. The moraines at the forefield of the Stone Glacier developed from siliceous parent material and at the forefield of the Griessfirn from calcareous parent material. Data from the siliceous forefield are marked with (S) and data from the calcareous forefield are marked with (C). The data set consist of soil moisture time series and soil water isotope profiles of the sprinkling experiments with deuterium, as well as trinary images of stained vertical subsurface flow paths from the dye tracer experiment. The individual plots per moraine are distinguished via their position relative to one another on the moraine (left, middle, and right, looking upslope). The plots used for the sprinkling experiments were located in close vicinity to the plots used for the dye tracer experiments. For the sprinkling experiments with deuterium each plot (4m x 6m) per age class was equipped with 6 soil moisture sensors. Three of these sensors were installed as a sensor profile at one side of the plot about one meter downslope from the upper plot boundary. The sensors were installed at 10, 30, and 50 cm soil depth. On the other side of the plot, two sensors were placed in 10 cm depth, one opposite to the sensor profile and the second sensor one meter upslope from the lower plot boundary. The sixth sensor was placed at 10 cm depth in the center of the plot. The plots were irrigated on three consecutive days with three different irrigation intensities and deuterium concentrations. Per forefield, the soil moisture data are listed in one file per age class. The file contains for each plot, the time stamp and the soil moisture values of the 6 sensors.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-01-26
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Teleseismic back-projection imaging has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding the rupture propagation of large earthquakes. However, its application often suffers from artifacts related to the receiver array geometry. We developed a teleseismic back-projection technique that can accommodate data from multiple arrays. Combined processing of P and pP waveforms may further improve the resolution. The method is suitable for defining arrays ad-hoc to achieve a good azimuthal distribution for most earthquakes. We present a catalog of short-period rupture histories (0.5-2.0 Hz) for all earthquakes from 2010 to 2022 with Mw {greater than or equal to} 7.5 and depth less than 200 km (56 events). The method provides automatic estimates of rupture length, directivity, speed, and aspect ratio, a proxy for rupture complexity. We obtained short-period rupture length scaling relations that are in good agreement with previously published relations based on estimates of total slip. Rupture speeds were consistently in the sub-Rayleigh regime for thrust and normal earthquakes, whereas a tenth of strike-slip events propagated at supershear speeds. Many rupture histories exhibited complex behaviors, e.g., rupture on conjugate faults, bilateral propagation, and dynamic triggering by a P wave. For megathrust earthquakes, ruptures encircling asperities were frequently observed, with down-dip, up-dip, and balanced patterns. Although there is a preference for short-period emissions to emanate from central and down-dip parts of the megathrust, emissions up-dip of the main asperity are more frequent than suggested by earlier results. The data are presented as follows (and described in detail in the associated README): SUPPORTING DATA SET S1 ( This Data Set (S1) consists of *.bp files containing (1) short-period earthquake rupture patterns, (2) energy radiated maps, and (3) source time functions derived from back-projections (0.5-2.0 Hz). The Data Set S1 includes 56 folders, representing 56 processed earthquakes between 2010 and 2022 with a moment magnitude (Mw) greater than or equal to 7.5 and a depth less than 200 km. These folders are labeled in the format YYYYMMDDhhmm_EVENT_NAME_REGION (UTC) in *.bp format. SUPPORTING DATA SET S2 (2024-001_Vera-et-al_Supporting-Data-S2.csv) This Data Set (S2) comprises a *.csv file containing earthquake source information used in the back-projection and the resulting rupture parameter estimates based on **visually determined** rupture end times. The *.csv file includes rupture parameter estimates for each of the 56 earthquake back-projections presented in Data Set S1. SUPPORTING DATA SET S3 (2024-001_Vera-et-al_Supporting-Data-S3.csv) This Data Set (S3) comprises a *.csv file containing earthquake source information used in the back-projection and the resulting rupture parameter estimates based on **automatic** rupture end times. Note: The main difference from Data Set S2 is that rupture parameter estimates in S3 are derived from **automated** rupture end times, whereas S2 provided estimates relative to **visually determined** rupture end times.
    Keywords: teleseismic back-projection ; large earthquakes ; megathrust earthquakes ; complex ruptures ; supershear ruptures ; earthquake rupture catalog ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 HUMAN DIMENSIONS 〉 NATURAL HAZARDS 〉 EARTHQUAKES
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-01-29
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The data provided here is an exemplary dataset for the flux site Zarnekow from one year (2018). The complete dataset that is needed to run the codes for all the years can be obtained from the European Fluxes Database Cluster under site ID DE-Zrk (Sachs et al., 2016) or provided upon request. This repository is intended to provide the necessary MATLAB and R code to reproduce the results by Kalhori et al. (2024). The data are provided as zip folder containing (1) a csv file with associated definition of variables and units (file: 2023-004_Kalhori-et-al_README_2018_units.txt), (2) a shapefile (file: 2023-004_Kalhori-et-al_2018_LAiV_DOP.shp) and (3) a Geotiff (file: 2023-004_Kalhori-et-al_2018_LAiV_DOP.tiff). In addition, we provide a second zip folder containing the data that produced the figures of the related article (Kalhori et al., 2024,
    Keywords: carbon dioxide emission ; CO2 emission ; methane emission ; CH4 emission ; peatland ; wetland ; eddy covariance ; rewetting ; emission factor ; mitigation ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 〉 WETLANDS 〉 PEATLANDS ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-01-29
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The dataset contains source parameters of acoustic emission (AE) events recorded during triaxial friction (stick-slip) experiments performed on the Westerly Granite sample WgN05. In addition we provide raw waveform data of AE events recorded in triggered mode with a network of 16 AE sensors. Basic seismic catalog associated with the stick-slip experiment contains origin time, hypocentral location in local Cartesian coordinate system of the sample (with associated uncertainties), and AE-derived magnitude. In addition, for a subset of AEs we provide full moment tensors. This catalog include information on fault parameters (strike, dip and rake of the two nodal planes), percentage of isotropic, compensated linear vector dipole and double-couple components of the full moment tensor, P, T, B axes orientations in the coordinate system of the sample, uncertainty assessment, as well as the six independent moment tensor components. Finally, we provide a time series of axial stress values as presented in the Kwiatek et al. (2023) as well as the coordinates of the AE sensors. The catalog and parametric data is supplemented with the raw waveform recordings stored in HDF5 format from 16 acoustic emission sensors placed on the surface of the sample.
    Keywords: acoustic emission ; rock mechanics ; earthquake precursors ; stick-slip ; earthquake preparation ; seismomechanics ; intermittent criticallity ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES 〉 EARTHQUAKE OCCURRENCES ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES 〉 EARTHQUAKE PREDICTIONS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES 〉 SEISMIC PROFILE 〉 SEISMIC BODY WAVES ; hazard ; hazard 〉 natural hazard ; monitoring 〉 seismic monitoring ; physical property 〉 inversion ; physical property 〉 pressure ; physical property 〉 rock mechanics
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-01-29
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This publication provides the codes produced for the article "Temporally dynamic carbon dioxide and methane emission factors for rewetted peatlands. Nature Communications Earth and Environment" by Aram Kalhori, Christian Wille, Pia Gottschalk, Zhan Li, Josh Hashemi, Karl Kemper, and Torsten Sachs ( In the article, the authors estimate the cumulative GHG emissions of a rewetted peatland in Germany using the long-term ecosystem flux measurements. They observe a source-to-sink transition of annual carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and decreasing trend of methane (CH4) emissions. This software is written in R and MATLAB. Running the codes ([R files and .m files](Code)) and loading the data files ([CSV files and .mat files](Data)) requires the pre-installation of [R and RStudio] ( and ([MATLAB]. The RStudio 2022.07.2 Build 576 version has been used for the R scripts. The land cover classification work was performed in QGIS, v.3.16.11-Hannover. Data were analyzed in both MATLAB and R and plots created with R (R Core Development Team 2020) in RStudio®. The following external packages are required to be incorporated into the codes in order to run the provided codes: "zyp" package; "missForest" package;"REddyProc" package and explained in detail in the README. Files: Codes/Kalhori2023_SenSlopes_fig2.r "zyp" package, Maintainer David Bronaugh 〈〉 Depends R (〉= 2.4.0), Kendall License: LGPL-2.1 Files: Codes/Kalhori2023_gapfillingMF_validation_figSI1.r "missForest" package, Maintainer Daniel J. Stekhoven 〈〉 Depends randomForest,foreach,itertools License: GPL (〉= 2), Files: Codes/Kalhori2023_NEEpartitioning.r "REddyProc" package, Maintainer Thomas Wutzler 〈〉 Depends R (〉= 3.0.0), methods Imports Rcpp, dplyr, purrr, rlang, readr, tibble, magrittr, solartime, bigleaf (〉= 0.7) License: GPL (〉= 2) Data are provided as .shp, CSV or text files. The MATLAB scripts for footprint calculation and the R scripts used for gapfilling (missForest) and flux partitioning (REddyProc) are also included.The full description of the data and methods is provided in the manuscript.
    Description: Other
    Description: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2023 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany (Aram Kalhori). Kalhori2023_Rewetted Peatland_GHG Analysis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see 〈〉.
    Keywords: carbon dioxide emission ; CO2 emission ; methane emission ; CH4 emission ; peatland ; wetland ; eddy covariance ; rewetting ; emission factor ; mitigation ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 〉 WETLANDS 〉 PEATLANDS ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS
    Type: Software , Software
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-01-30
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This data set contains the results from a 2023 GFZ Innovative Research Expedition project to explore for natural hydrogen gas (H2) occurrences in the NW Pyrenean foreland, near the town of Biarritz in France. The data represent in-situ measurements of soil and spring water gas, as well as in-situ spring water property measurements, complemented with laboratory analysis results of gas contents and noble gas isotopic compositions of gas and spring water samples collected during the expedition. This GFZ Innovative Research Expedition was inspired by previous exploration efforts in the region by Lefeuvre et al. (2021, 2022). These authors detected elevated concentrations of natural H2 gas in the soil and interpreted this natural H2 to be derived from serpentinizing mantle rocks below the Pyrenees. The main aims of this expedition were the following: (1) in-situ measuring soil gas contents and taking soil gas samples for laboratory analysis at a site near the town of Peyrehorade in the NW of the general study area of Lefeuvre et al. (2021), thus improving the soil gas data coverage along the NW end of the North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust (NPFT); (2) taking gas samples from degassing springs (or water samples from non-degassing springs to be degassed in the lab) in the general Lefeuvre et al. (2021) study area for additional laboratory analysis of gas contents and noble gas isotopic compositions, which may be indicative of (deep) gas origins; and (3) performing a detailed soil gas analysis by means of a portable mass spectrometer at Sauveterre-de-Béarn, a site along the NPFT where Lefeuvre et al. (2022) measured elevated concentrations of natural H2 in the soil. Furthermore, we also measured the properties of the visited springs (temperature, pH, conductivity) while on site, and performed additional in-situ soil gas measurements from manual drillholes. Details on the measurement and sampling methods, on the laboratory analyses, as well as the results of these measurements and analyses are provided in the data description file The expedition involved six field days in July 2023, during which a total of 26 sites were visited. These sites were selected for their vicinity near a major geological contact or fault zone that could have facilitated upward circulation of gas or (thermal) water from the (deep) subsurface (i.e., potentially from the mantle).
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-01-30
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The EU funded project CRM-geothermal aims to establish an overview of the potential for critical raw materials (CRM) in geothermal fluids across the EU and third countries (Ref). Within this framework, the geothermal sites of Tuzla, Seferihisar and Dikili in eastern Turkey have been visited in March 2023. To estimate the potential of CRM at these sites, a comprehensive sampling program was performed. Rock samples (drill gravel) of the production borehole and scaling from gas-water separators were obtained. Furthermore, sampling of geothermal fluids (gas and brine) and precipitates (salt) along the production line was performed. Here, the results of the geochemical analyses of solid sample materials (drill gravel, scales and salt) are presented. All analyses were performed in the ElMiE-Lab (Elements and Minerals of the Earth Laboratory) at German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam, Germany ( For their major and minor element compositions, bulk samples of drill gravel and scales were analyzed with XRF and ICP-MS, respectively. Salt precipitates were analyzed for dry loss and mineral composition using XRD.
    Description: Methods
    Description: Sampling of drill gravel: Drill core gravel from Tuzla geothermal site was obtained from existing samples taken during drilling in 2010. For the analyses, three samples of the geothermal reservoir horizon at different depth and from two different drill holes were chosen. Sampling of scales: Scales were sampled during geothermal power plant maintenance in 2023 in Tuzla and in 2022 in Seferihisar. It was analyzed from all water-gas separators from the three drill holes in Tuzla. For Seferihisar, fresh scales were obtained from inside a tube, a pump and a fitter. Sampling of salt precipitates: During the visits, fresh salt precipitates were taken from outside the pipeline that transports geothermal brine to the power plant. The sampling points were located near the production well. Here, few connectors were slightly leaking which is negligible for the geothermal power production. Over time, the small amounts of brine release causes salt precipitation, due to brine cooling and evaporation. The residual salts occurs in form of fine crystalline precipitations around the pipe connectors or, stalactite-like salt tubings. Sampling of fresh, slightly moist material was performed by either scratching material off the precipitate deposit or breaking off juvenile stalactite outgrowth. The sample were stored and transported in air-tight zipper plastic bags to avoid sample alteration by atmospheric air.
    Keywords: critical raw materials ; geothermal power plant eastern turkey ; drill gravel ; scales ; salt precipitates ; geochemistry ; XRF ; ICP-MS ; XRD ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 HUMAN DIMENSIONS 〉 ECONOMIC RESOURCES 〉 ENERGY PRODUCTION/USE 〉 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY PRODUCTION/USE ; energy 〉 energy type 〉 non-conventional energy 〉 geothermal energy ; Models/Analyses 〉 CRM
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-02-06
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The dataset is the basis for describing a 60-year-long evolution of groundwater dynamics and thermal field in the North German Basin beneath the Federal State of Brandenburg (NE Germany), covering the period between 1953 and 2014 with monthly increments. It was produced by one-way coupling of a near-surface distributed hydrologic model to a 3D basin-scale thermohydraulic groundwater model with the goal of investigating feedbacks between climate-driven forcing (in terms of time- and space-varying recharge and temperature), basin-scale geology, and topographic gradients. Modeled pressure and temperature distributions are validated against published groundwater level and temperature time series from observation wells. Our results indicate the spatio-temporal extent of the groundwater system subjected to nonlinear interactions between local geological variability and climate conditions. The dataset comprises of input files and scripts required to run the groundwater model in GOLEM and output files from the transient thermo-hydraulic simulations in EXODUS format. The input and output data is organized as separate archived folders (*.gz format).
    Description: Methods
    Description: Hydrological fluxes are simulated via mesoscale Hydrological Model (mHM) (Samaniego et al., 2010), a spatially distributed hydrologic modeling tool. We make use of the results from a Germany-wide realization of mHM to derive time and space varying water fluxes, which we translate into boundary conditions at the top of our groundwater model. All groundwater simulations were conducted with GOLEM, a Finite Element Method (FEM) modelling platform for thermal-hydraulic-mechanical and non-reactive chemical processes in fully-saturated porous media (Cacace and Jacquey, 2017). Steady-state conditions were derived by solving separately for the hydraulic and the thermal cases. These uncoupled steady-state simulations have been used as initial conditions to run a coupled pseudo-transient simulation, the results of which have been later imposed to initialize the pore pressure and the temperature in the final transient simulation.
    Description: TechnicalInfo
    Description: The dataset comprises of output fluxes from the hydrological model, input files and scripts required to run the groundwater model, output files from the transient thermo-hydraulic simulations, references to validation data, and workflows for data pre-conditioning and post-processing. The 3D structural model built for groundwater modeling covers an area of 28800 km2, extends down to 6000 m below sea level, and contains 12 stratigraphic units from pre-Permian to Quaternary. It was built using structural surfaces from an earlier basin-scale structural model of Brandenburg (Noack et al., 2013). The model captures large-scale geological features controlling the regional groundwater flow, including salt structures, permeable glacial valleys, and aquitard discontinuities. The simulated finite element mesh has a resolution of 1 km x 1 km. It is divided into 54 computational layers and consists of 1.9 million nodes, giving a total of 3 million degrees of freedom.
    Keywords: groundwater modeling ; groundwater level ; geothermal potential ; groundwater recharge ; mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) ; North German Basin ; Brandenburg ; climate ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE 〉 GROUND WATER 〉 PERCOLATION ; hydrosphere 〉 water (geographic) 〉 groundwater
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-02-21
    Description: Abstract
    Description: A high-resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) has been processed for the Tillandsia landbeckii study sites at Arica. The original source data have been obtained from drone flight images. The final resolution of the DTM is of about 14 cm. We acknowledge support in the field and during data processing from Alexander Siegmund (PH Heidelberg). RE Stein and D Jäger contributed equally to the work.
    Description: TableOfContents
    Description: The zip.file contains the following 5 files: 1) Arica.blend 2) Arica_Ortho_clipped_0-5res.tif 3) DEM_Arica_final_clipped_rescale2.tif 4) DEM_Arica_final_clipped_rescale2_0-5res_raw.tif 5) DEM_Arica_final_clipped_rescale2_0-5res_rendered.tif Please do not change file names nor file extensions when loading files for viewing in BLENDER version 4.0 ( The "0-5res" file-versions refer to a 0.5m/px resolution (EPSG:32719 - WGS 84 / UTM Zone 19S). File DEM_Arica_final_clipped_rescale2.tif was processed to a final resolution of 1.35e-06 °degrees (c. 0.143 m) [EPSG:4326 - WGS 84].
    Description: Other
    Description: Short introduction into the methods: Very-high resolution images were captured using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) [drone: DJI Matrice 200; DJI Zenmuse X5S RGB camera]. With processing of the UAV data images are merged according to their geographical position by means of the Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithm and a digital elevation model was created (Micheletti et al. 2015; Westoby et al. 2012). High-resolution topographic surveying using the Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithm is a low-cost and user-friendly photogrammetric technique to obtain high-resolution datasets. The SfM method solves the camera pose and scene geometry simultaneously and automatically, using highly redundant bundle adjustment based on matching features in multiple overlapping, offset images (Westoby et al. 2012). SfM-Processing was performed using Agisoft Metashape Professional (Version 1.6.1 64 bit). Agisoft Metashape Professional performs well to reconstruct landscape 3D point clouds and the different steps of the process are configurable and can be controlled (Laporte-Fauret et al. 2019). Images were fed into the software and the quality (tool “estimate image quality”) and position was determined respectives images were chosen to cover the study area. Using the “Aling Photos” tool images were aligned creating tie points (2D) and a Depth Maps (high quality, mild filtering) was created (3D). With the help of the Build Dense Cloud tool, set to high quality, the data points were created that represent the study area in 3D. Consecutively an orthomosaic of the study area was created using the Build Orthomosaic tool. An orthomosaic is a photogrammetrically orthorectified image product that has been mosaicked from a collection of images and corrected for geometric distortion to create a seamless mosaic dataset. Due to the high-resolution input data and the processing without compression a high-resolution orthomosaic was achieved with a pixel size of 2.1 cm/pix covering the study area. This detailed, high-resolution geolocated photo representation of the study site is the basis for the following analytical steps. A digital elevation model (DEM) was computed using the “Build DEM” tool. Its dimensions resulted herein in a 14 cm/pix size to cover the entire study site. Final adjustment of elevation has been done using the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model ( using Q-GIS ( Laporte-Fauret, Q., et al. (2019). "Low-Cost UAV for high-resolution and large-scale coastal dune change monitoring using photogrammetry." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7(3): 63. Micheletti, N., Chandler, J. H., & Lane, S. N. (2015). Structure from motion (SFM) photogrammetry. In L. E. Clarke, & J. M. Nield (Eds.), Geomorphological techniques (Online Edition) (pp. 1–12, Chapter 2.2.2). British Society for Geomorphology Westoby, M. J., et al. (2012). "‘Structure-from-Motion’photogrammetry: A low-cost, effective tool for geoscience applications." Geomorphology 179: 300-314.
    Keywords: Biota ; Landscape Evolution ; Biodiversity
    Type: Dataset , Sub data for DTM configuration
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-02-21
    Description: Abstract
    Description: A high-resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) has been processed for the Tillandsia landbeckii study sites at Arica. The original source data have been obtained from drone flight images. The final resolution of the DTM is of about 16 cm/px. We acknowledge support in the field and during data processing from Alexander Siegmund (PH Heidelberg).
    Description: TableOfContents
    Description: The zip.file contains the following 5 files: 1) Caldera.blend 2) Caldera_Ortho_0-5res_clipped.tif 3) Caldera_DEM_clipped_rescale.tif 4) Caldera_DEM_clipped_rescale_0-5res.tif 5) Caldera_DEM_clipped_rescale_0-5res_rendered.tif Please do not change file names nor file extensions when loading files for viewing in BLENDER version 4.0 ( The "0-5res" file-versions refer to a 0.5m/px resolution (EPSG:32719 - WGS 84 / UTM Zone 19S). File Caldera_DEM_clipped_rescale.tif was processed to a final resolution of 1.67e-06 °degrees (c. 0.165 m) [EPSG:4326 - WGS 84].
    Description: Other
    Description: Short introduction into the methods: Very-high resolution images were captured using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) [drone: DJI Matrice 200; DJI Zenmuse X5S RGB camera]. With processing of the UAV data images are merged according to their geographical position by means of the Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithm and a digital elevation model was created (Micheletti et al. 2015; Westoby et al. 2012). High-resolution topographic surveying using the Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithm is a low-cost and user-friendly photogrammetric technique to obtain high-resolution datasets. The SfM method solves the camera pose and scene geometry simultaneously and automatically, using highly redundant bundle adjustment based on matching features in multiple overlapping, offset images (Westoby et al. 2012). SfM-Processing was performed using Agisoft Metashape Professional (Version 1.6.1 64 bit). Agisoft Metashape Professional performs well to reconstruct landscape 3D point clouds and the different steps of the process are configurable and can be controlled (Laporte-Fauret et al. 2019). Images were fed into the software and the quality (tool “estimate image quality”) and position was determined respectives images were chosen to cover the study area. Using the “Aling Photos” tool images were aligned creating tie points (2D) and a Depth Maps (high quality, mild filtering) was created (3D). With the help of the Build Dense Cloud tool, set to high quality, the data points were created that represent the study area in 3D. Consecutively an orthomosaic of the study area was created using the Build Orthomosaic tool. An orthomosaic is a photogrammetrically orthorectified image product that has been mosaicked from a collection of images and corrected for geometric distortion to create a seamless mosaic dataset. Due to the high-resolution input data and the processing without compression a high-resolution orthomosaic was achieved with a pixel size of 2.1 cm/pix covering the study area. This detailed, high-resolution geolocated photo representation of the study site is the basis for the following analytical steps. A digital elevation model (DEM) was computed using the “Build DEM” tool. Its dimensions resulted herein in a 16.5 cm/pix size to cover the entire study site. Final adjustment of elevation has been done using the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model ( using QGIS ( Laporte-Fauret, Q., et al. (2019). "Low-Cost UAV for high-resolution and large-scale coastal dune change monitoring using photogrammetry." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7(3): 63. Micheletti, N., Chandler, J. H., & Lane, S. N. (2015). Structure from motion (SFM) photogrammetry. In L. E. Clarke, & J. M. Nield (Eds.), Geomorphological techniques (Online Edition) (pp. 1–12, Chapter 2.2.2). British Society for Geomorphology Westoby, M. J., et al. (2012). "‘Structure-from-Motion’photogrammetry: A low-cost, effective tool for geoscience applications." Geomorphology 179: 300-314.
    Keywords: Biota ; Landscape Evolution
    Type: Dataset , Sub data for DTM configuration
    Format: ZIP
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  • 11
    Publication Date: 2024-02-12
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Crystallographic Information File (CIF) of the magnesium phosphate mineral struvite collected by single-crystal X-Ray diffraction.  The magnesium phosphate mineral struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) is of interest for the recovery of phosphorus from wastewaters and for use as a fertilizer in agriculture, yet its structure is still debated. The structure of synthetic single crystals of struvite was characterized through refinement of a single-crystal X-ray diffraction pattern acquired at 100 K. The crystal structure was processed into a crystallographic information file (CIF), which is an internationally used data format used by crystallographers, mineralogists and chemists, containing all relevant information about the structure of a specific crystalline phase (Hall et al.: International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G, ch. 2.2, pp. 20-36). Detailed description and experimental outline of the structural determination is found in Volkmann et al. (2024), DOI:
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 12
    Publication Date: 2024-02-12
    Description: Abstract
    Description: In near-Earth space, a large population of high-energy electrons are trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. These energetic electrons are trapped in the regions called Earth’s ring current and radiation belts. They are very dynamic and show a very strong dependence on solar wind and geomagnetic conditions. These energetic electrons can be dangerous to satellites in the near-Earth space. Therefore, it is very important to understand the mechanisms which drive the dynamics of these energetic electrons. Wave-particle interaction is one of the most important mechanisms. Among the waves that can be encountered by the energetic electrons when they move around our Earth, whistler mode chorus waves can cause both acceleration and the loss of energetic electrons in the Earth's radiation belts and ring current. Using more than 5 years of wave measurements from NASA’s Van Allen Probe mission, Wang et al (2019) developed chorus wave models which depend on magnetic local time (MLT), Magnetic Latitude (MLat), L-shell, and geomagnetic condition index Kp. To quantify the effect of chorus waves on energetic electrons, we calculated the bounce-averaged quasi-linear diffusion coefficients using the chorus wave model developed by Wang et al (2019) and extended to higher latitudes according to Wang and Shprits (2019). Using these diffusion coefficients, we calculated the lifetime of the electrons with an energy range from 1 keV to 2 MeV. In each MLT, we calculate the lifetime for each energy and L-shell using two different methods according to Shprits et al (2007) and Albert and Shprits (2009). We make the calculated electron lifetime database available here. Please notice that the chorus wave model by Wang et al (2019) is valid when Kp 〈= 6. If the user wants to use this lifetime database for Kp 〉6, please be careful and contact the authors.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 13
    GFZ Data Services
    Publication Date: 2024-02-14
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This database contains a compilation of published zircon geochronology, chemistry and isotope data. The database was created through automated web scraping of the Figshare data repository. Data included U-Pb and Pb-Pb dating, Lu-Hf isotopes, trace element and rare earth element chemistry and isotopes. Where available, metadata on the analytical method, lithology, sample description and sampling coordinates are included. All analyses include a citation and doi link to the original data hosted on Figshare. See metadata table for descriptions of table headers. See associated manuscript for web scraping code.
    Description: Other
    Description: The DIGIS geochemical data repository is a research data repository in the Earth Sciences domain with a specific focus on geochemical data. It is hosted at GFZ Data Services through a collaboration between the Digital Geochemical Data Infrastructure (DIGIS) for GEOROC 2.0 ( and the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. The repository archives, publishes and makes accessible user-contributed, peer-reviewed research data that fall within the scope of the GEOROC database. Compilations of previously published data are also made available on the GEOROC website ( as Expert Datasets.
    Keywords: data compilation ; zircon geochronology ; geochemistry data ; isotope data ; GEOROC Expert Dataset ; zircon ; magmatic ; detrital ; U-Pb age ; Pb-Pb age ; Lu-Hf isotopes ; trace elements ; rare earth elements ; adakite ; amphibolite ; andesite ; anorthosite ; aplite ; arenite ; ash ; basalt ; basaltic andesite ; basaltic trachyandesite ; bentonite ; biotitite ; charnockite ; conglomerate ; dacite ; diamictite ; diorite ; dolerite ; dunite ; gabbro ; granite ; granodiorite ; granulite ; greenschist ; greywacke ; hornblendite ; kersantite ; kimberlite ; lamprophyre ; leucogranite ; lherzolite ; limestone ; migmatite ; monzodiorite ; monzogranite ; monzonite ; norite ; orthogneiss ; paragneiss ; pegmatite ; pelite ; psammite ; pumice ; pyroxenite ; quartzite ; radiolarite ; rhyodacite ; rhyolite ; rodingite ; sandstone ; schist ; serpentinite ; shale ; siltstone ; spessartite ; syenite ; syenogranite ; tonalite ; trachyandesite ; trachydacite ; trachyte ; trondhjemite ; tuff ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOCHEMISTRY ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOCHEMISTRY 〉 GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOCHEMISTRY 〉 GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 〉 ISOTOPE MEASUREMENTS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOCHEMISTRY 〉 GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 〉 ISOTOPE RATIOS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOCHEMISTRY 〉 GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 〉 ISOTOPES ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOCHEMISTRY 〉 GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 〉 ISOTOPIC AGE ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 ROCKS/MINERALS/CRYSTALS 〉 MINERALS 〉 MINERAL AGE DETERMINATIONS
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 14
    Publication Date: 2024-02-26
    Description: Abstract
    Description: To enhance the EU's economic autonomy, feasible options for local sourcing of critical raw materials that would allow for shorter supply routes along with ethical and responsible value chains are under contemplation. Social acceptance of mining in Europe is, however, low, and the establishment of new mining sites faces strong public opposition. Therefore, innovative solutions for the production of primary raw materials need to be developed. A new idea for raw material extraction is the extraction of essential elements from geothermal fluids. Deep geothermal fluids, increasingly used for energy production, often contain high concen-trations of dissolved ions and gases in commercially interesting concentrations. The EU-funded project CRM-geothermal aims to develop new technologies to extract these highly relevant elements, including helium, during geothermal production cycles. In this way, an environmentally friendly and socially acceptable exploration and exploitation method could be deployed. One aim of the CRM-geothermal project is to gain an overview of the actual quantities of critical raw materials in various geothermal fluids in Europe by taking and analyzing fluid samples. In Turkey for instance, classical high enthalpy (volcanic) systems exist, which are representative for many geothermal areas worldwide. The sites are located at the edges of tectonic plates and close to areas undergoing volcanic activity. The brines are mixed with seawater and circulate in the deeper crust. The data publication contains analyses results of three gas samples from Tuzla, two samples from Seferihisar geothermal power plant and one sample from the Dikili geothermal field in Turkey, taken in 2023 as part of the CRM-geothermal project.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 15
    Publication Date: 2024-02-28
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This dataset comprises event peak flows, representing extreme floods at 516 stations in Germany. The data generation process involves several key steps. Initially, observed rainfall events associated with 10 historical flood disasters from 1950 to 2021 are undergone spatial shifts. These shifts involve three distances (20, 50, and 100 km) and eight directions (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest), resulting in 24 counterfactual precipitation events. Including the factual (no shift) event, a total of 25 distinct shifting events are considered. Subsequently, these shifted fields are used as atmospheric forcing for a mesoscale hydrological model (mHM) set up and calibrated for the entire Germany. The model produces daily stream flows across its domain, from which the event peak flows are derived. This dataset is expected to provide a valuable resource for analyzing and modeling the dynamics extreme flood events in Germany.
    Keywords: extreme floods ; counterfactuals ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 HUMAN DIMENSIONS 〉 NATURAL HAZARDS 〉 FLOODS
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 2024-03-06
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Intercropping is the simultaneous growth of two or more crops in the same space for a significant part of their life cycle (Willey, 1979). In this context, samples from one farm experiments in the growing season 2015/2016 and 2016/2017, embedded in the cropping systems of one arable farm in the surrounding of Pisa, central-western part of Italy, were collected for analysis. The treatments were: PCW, a temporary intercropping system of wheat and persian clover, sown in paired rows; CONTROLSTRIP, unfertilized wheat as a sole crop, sown in paired rows.
    Description: Methods
    Description: The samples were collected from a farm located in Valtriano, around 20 km from Pisa (43°36’N 10°29’E). The temporary intercropping system comprises common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Bolero) and persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L., cv. Laser). Sampling of above-ground plant biomass was done by hands in March 2016 and 2017. For each treatment, above-ground plant biomass was collected several plots which includes three subplots with dimension of 0.25m2 in 2016 and 0.075 m2 in 2017. The samples collected, only for the green part of the plant, were dried at 60°C for 48 h. Then, coarse grinding of the plant fibres (about 1 mm in diameter) was carried out, followed by further cryogenic grinding.
    Keywords: EPOS ; multi-scale laboratories ; geochemistry and microscopy ; geochemistry data ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 VEGETATION 〉 NITROGEN
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 17
    Publication Date: 2024-03-08
    Description: Abstract
    Description: In autumn 2022, an expedition to Tanzania was undertaken within the framework of the research project “CRM-geothermal” and Scintific Priority Program (SPP) 2238 “Dynamics of Ore Metal Enrichment”. Within „CRM-geothermal“ we are looking for an environmentally friendly co-production of critical raw materials together with the provision of geothermal energy. In the EARS, high levels of rare earth elements (REE), Sr, Ba and Mg are expected in waters and solids in areas with alkaline volcanic rocks, while other critical elements, including helium, have been sought in other localities. In particular, the eastern branch is the most juvenile sector and has increased geothermal potential related to hot fluids migrating along permeable faults. Tanzania was crossed from north to south, along the eastern arm of the EARS, to collect gas, water, rock and sediment samples associated with natural hot springs, lakes and vents. On site, physical and chemical parameters were measured in-situ and documented together with the geology, infrastructure and the domestic use of the hot site. In the south, existing drill sites and geothermal development areas were visited and gas and water samples were taken from boreholes and rocks sampled from drill cores. The survey covered 13 sites, from Lake Natron in the north to Lake Malawi in the south (see map).
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 18
    Publication Date: 2024-03-18
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Geysers are localized hydrothermal vents that periodically erupt with gas bubbles at the surface. Understanding their distribution, dynamics, and conduit geometry is critical to understand the fluid and heat transfer through the crust. To explore this at the Geysir geothermal field in Iceland, we analyzed the spatial distribution of thermal features using high-resolution UAV-based optical and infrared cameras. Based on this, Walter et al. (2020) identified 364 distinct thermal spots. Here we release the high-resolution drone orthomosaic dataset at the Geysir geothermal field, Iceland.
    Description: Methods
    Description: The field campaign and subsequent findings are derived from UAV data collected between July 27th and August 5th, 2016. We used lightweight cameras mounted on a modified DJI Matrice 100 quadcopter drone, allowing flight durations of over 30 min and simultaneous use of optical and thermal cameras. Flight control was based on GPS, with live video feed to the operator and predefined flight paths. Overflights were conducted at different times to optimize image quality: daylight flights at 5:00 local time for optimal contrast for the optical camera, and cold night flights at 3:00 local time for the infrared camera. Altitudes were 120 meters above ground to ensure comprehensive image coverage. The optical camera, a DJI Zenmuse X5R, captured 16-megapixel images at 2 frames per second, with each image geotagged by GPS. The thermal camera, a FLIR Tau 2, had a fully radiometric resolution of 640 × 512 pixels and a spectral band of 7.5-13.5 μm, with GPS geotagging for each image.
    Keywords: Strokkur ; Iceland ; thermal map ; orthomosaic ; Aircraft 〉 UAV ; Earth Remote Sensing Instruments 〉 Passive Remote Sensing 〉 Thermal/Radiation Detectors 〉 FLIR ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 OCEANS 〉 MARINE VOLCANISM 〉 HYDROTHERMAL VENTS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES 〉 TECTONIC LANDFORMS 〉 GEYSER ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES 〉 TECTONIC LANDFORMS 〉 VOLCANO ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 MODELS 〉 DIGITAL ELEVATION/DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELS ; energy 〉 energy type 〉 non-conventional energy 〉 geothermal energy ; hydrosphere 〉 water (geographic) 〉 surface water 〉 thermal water ; monitoring 〉 monitoring technique 〉 photogrammetry
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 2024-03-16
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This dataset contains simulation data using the LPJmL-FIT model (Billing et al., 2019). The purpose of this dataset is to investigate the influence of functional diversity on European forest biomass dynamics under varying climate change scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5). The LPJmL-FIT ("Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land – Flexible Individual Traits") model is a dynamic flexible-trait vegetation model that simulates the establishment, growth, competition, and mortality of individual trees and grasses. Each tree individual is categorized into one of four main plant functional types (PFTs) and assigned a set of functional trait values, including specific leaf area (SLA), leaf longevity (LL), and wood density (WD). The model is driven by daily climate input data, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and soil texture. For this dataset, the model was applied to six different regions across central and eastern Europe, covering a range of environmental gradients. Those sites include: Alpine Mountains, Boreal flatland, Carpathian Mountains, central European flatland, central European low mountain range and eastern European flatland. Each region is represented by a set of 9 grid cells of 0.5° x 0.5° longitude and latitude in size. Four experimental set-ups were investigated, varying in the degree of functional diversity. These set-ups specify characteristics of newly establishing trees, including assignment to PFTs and the range of leaf traits drawn from the full spectrum. This dataset provides detailed model outputs from simulations exploring the effects of different levels of functional diversity on forest adaptation under changing climatic conditions.
    Keywords: vegetation carbon ; forests ; future ; Europe ; temperate forests ; boreal forests ; mountainous forests ; functional diversity ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 〉 FORESTS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 VEGETATION 〉 BIOMASS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 VEGETATION 〉 CARBON ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 MODELS 〉 DYNAMIC VEGETATION/ECOSYSTEM MODELS
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2024-03-22
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Tables that include information and calculations associated with water samples collected from rivers in Central Italy. The goal of the project was to determine the carbon budget for the Central Apennine Mountains of Italy, by accounting for weathering reactions that are responsible for either CO2 drawdown or release into the atmosphere. The carbon budget was created by: 1) analysing samples from different water bodies and sources in the Central Apennines (rivers, lakes, and groundwater) for ion and isotope signatures, and 2) by incorporating the ion and isotope signatures from the waters into an inversion model that partitions these signatures into different sources (e.g. minerals, vegetation, atmospheric sources) around the landscape. All data associated with this publication are provided in a single excel spreadsheet that contains a separate tab for each of the 18 Tables. The supplementary data include: 1) Information on the locations of the water samples and associated water bodies, described in the “Sampling Methods” section, 2) ion and isotope measurements from the water samples, described in the “Analytical Procedure” section, 3) the setup and output from the inversion model, and 4) the CO2 calculations that form the basis for the carbon budget, described in the “Data Processing” section. Water samples were collected over two seasons, in winter and summer; data in the tables are divided by sampling season, where indicated in the content description. For a full description of the sampling strategy, data, and methods, please refer to: Erlanger et al. (2024) “Deep CO2 release and the carbon budget of the central Apennines modulated by geodynamics” Nature Geoscience.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Numerical model supporting the article: "Uplifted marine terraces at active margins: understanding the effects of sea reoccupation and coseismic uplift on uplift rate calculation. The forward numerical model reproduces the evolution of an uplifting margin subject to sea erosion. The age-mixing resulting from reoccupation and the likelihood of missing terraces along a staircase sequence increase the inaccuracy of terrace ages assigned through geometrical cross correlation; this may result in erroneous uplift rates and consequent misinterpretation of the uplift evolution. Further research is needed to explore whether vertical displacement reproducing the full seismic cycle, inclusive of both permanent and elastic deformation, and variable uplift rates, have a similar relevance in shaping the geometry of terrace sequences. The code provides the possibility to have steady uplift, i.e. aseismic and constant over time, or coseismic uplift, i.e. given by instantaneous vertical displacement, reproducing earthquakes. It is possible to define time intervals having different uplift rate values, or different uplift modes (aseismic and seismic periods), or vary the characteristic of the coseismic uplift, such as recurrence intervals and coseismic uplift displacement. The coseismic uplift can also be superimposed to a background uplift rate. All values can be of positive or negative sign. The user can define which variable values are saved in the model output, and these include parameters such as the terrace age and the reoccupation tracker. In the repository we include three sea level curves, but any other sea level curve provided by the user can be used to run the model. The parameter values used in the manuscript models are described in the Supplementary Information file of the manuscript. The data provided in txt format report data published by Saillard et al. (2011) and additional calculations, which have been used for the case study of the manuscript. The model scripts are written in Julia language and can be used to reproduce marine terraces formation at coastal margins subject to uplift. The scripts are organized as Github repository ( Movies S1 to S8 provide a qualitative illustration of the terrace evolution under different uplift conditions.
    Description: Other
    Description: Copyright 〈2020〉 〈albert-de-montserrat〉 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
    Keywords: subduction margin ; marine terraces ; sea erosion ; earthquakes ; coseismic uplift ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES 〉 COASTAL LANDFORMS 〉 WAVE-CUT NOTCH/PLATFORMS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES 〉 TECTONIC PROCESSES 〉 TECTONIC UPLIFT ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 NEOTECTONICS ; science 〉 natural science 〉 earth science 〉 geology 〉 tectonics
    Type: Model , Model
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  • 22
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS) was established in 2015 by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). IGETS continues the activities of the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP, 1997-2015) to provide support to geodetic and geophysical research activities using superconducting gravimeter (SG) data within the context of an international network. The SG site “Serrahn” is located in the TERENO Observatory in the nort-eastern German lowlands. The observatory contributes to investigating the regional impact of climate and land use change. At the IGETS site Serrahn, the mean annual temperature is 8.8 °C and mean annual precipitation is 591 mm. The land cover is mainly characterized as a mixed forest, dominated by European beech and Scots pine. Influenced by the last glaciation in an outwash close to the terminal morraine, the uppermost soil layer of the site consists of aeolian sands up to a depth of 450 cm, followed by coarser sandy material with intercalated till layers. The unconfined groundwater level is at about 14 m below surface. There is hardly any human activity (e.g., traffic) at this quiet forest site. The nearest town is Neustrelitz at a distance of 5 km. Since December 2017, the superconducting gravimeter iGrav-033 is operated outdoors at this forest location (Latitude: 53.3392 N, Longitude: 13.17413 E, Elevation: 79.60 m). The gravimeter is installed in a dedicated field enclosure on top of a concrete pillar with an area of 1.1 m x 1.1 m at an elevation of 0.80 m above the terrain surface. The pillar has been build to a depth of 2.00 m below the surface. One additional pillar (also 1.1 m x 1.1 m, at surface level) is located right next to the iGrav installation and is used for repeated observations with absolute gravimeters (AG). At the site, meteorological (precipitation, air temperature, humidity, air pressure) and hydrological (groundwater, soil moisture, sapflow, throughfall) parameters are monitored by different sensors. Raw gravity and local atmospheric pressure records sampled at second intervals and the same records decimated at 1‐minute samples are provided as Level 1 products to the IGETS network.
    Keywords: Superconducting gravimetry ; Earth tides ; Geodynamics ; IGETS ; International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service ; geophysics ; geodesy ; hydrology ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GRAVITY/GRAVITATIONAL FIELD 〉 GRAVITY ; environment 〉 geophysical environment ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 GEOPHYSICAL STATIONS/NETWORKS 〉 GRAVITY STATIONS ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 GEOPHYSICAL STATIONS/NETWORKS 〉 SGO ; In Situ/Laboratory Instruments 〉 Magnetic/Motion Sensors 〉 Gravimeters 〉 SUPERCONDUCTING GRAVIMETER ; science 〉 geography 〉 geodesy
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 23
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This dataset is the result of an experimental series that was carried out in September/October 2022 at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany to observe biosorption of lead under extreme conditions. Synthetic solutions, simulating the geothermal fluids from the Heemskerk geothermal power plant were were prepared in 30 ml glass vials (Rotalibo screw neck ND24 EPA). To prepare the stock solutions, sodium chloride (NaCl, 99.8 %, Cellpure, Merck, DE) was added at 265 g/L and Pb(II), in form of lead nitrate (Pb(NO3 )2 , Merck, DE), at 1 g/L to ultrapure water. To assess the impact of acetic acid on lead biosorption, two treatments were done: one without acetic acid and one where acetic acid (100 %, Merck, DE) was added at 60 mg/L. Finally, dead biomass of the fungus Penicillium citrinum was added in the samples at a concentration of 4 g/L (Wahab et al., 2017). The samples were incubated in an autoclave at a pressure of 8 bars on a rotative shaker. The temperature was set at 25 °C, 60 °C or 98 °C with three contact times (1, 2 and 3 h). All treatments were performed in triplicates. For each treatment, two controls without biomass were done. Control samples without the addition of NaCl were done in duplicate, at 25 °C and for 2 h. After incubation, samples were filtered through a 0.22 µm nitrocellulose filter (Sartorius Stedim Biotech, FR) to separate the biomass from the liquid. The biomass on the filters was dried for 24 h at 45 °C before being scraped from the filter and kept in a Falcon tube at room temperature.
    Keywords: geothermal ; biosorption ; lead biosorption ; Penicillium cintrinum ; batch experiments ; brine
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 24
    Publication Date: 2024-04-10
    Description: Abstract
    Description: We merged various digital elevation models (DEMs) published in the recent years and created an up-to-date composite and global solution for Earth’s topography and bathymetry. Compared to the original geographically limited data sets, the final product is a seamless merged grid which additionally provides high resolution and accuracy topography and depth globally. We provide Earth relief grids w.r.t EIGEN-6C4 global geoid in terms of surface and bedrock elevation, ice thickness, and land-type masks which have been substantially improved w.r.t the global grids found in literature. We assessed the quality of the merged surface elevations w.r.t the heights given for about globally distributed 5000 ITRF stations. The merged surface model shows improvement of a factor of three w.r.t the other commonly used DEMs in terms of standard deviation. In addition to the four grids, GDEMM2024_SUR, GDEMM2024_BED, GDEMM2024_ICE, and GDEMM2024_LTM, we provide two additional files, the surface elevation without water (GDEMM2024_TBI) and the GDEMM2024_GEO file to transform the heights above EIGEN_6C4 geoid to ellipsoidal heights. The final grids are provided both in 30 arcsec and 1arcmin resolution and in GeoTIFF format which is one of the standards that is available in GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) and in almost all GIS software systems.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 25
    Publication Date: 2024-04-17
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The Turkey heat flow database includes several research articles obtained from the catalogue of The Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project conducted by the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC; The presented database contains 725 heat-flow determinations compiled from 9 different publications generated between 1991-2023 reported within Turkey. For the reporting and sorting of the database, the structure documented by Fuchs et al. (2023) is followed. Within this dataset, 98% of the entries represent continental heat-flow data (onshore), while the remaining 2% correspond to marine data (offshore). 88% of the reported heat flow values were obtained via direct temperature measurements, while the remaining data (12%) were estimated from indirect Curie depth temperature calculations.
    Keywords: Türkiye ; Heat Flow ; Database ; onshore (continental) ; drilling ; surface temperature/bottom water temperature ; bottom hole temperature – uncorrected ; continuous temperature logging in borehole equilibrium using semiconductor transducer or thermistor probe ; Curie Point/Depth estimate ; thermal conductivity source: assumed from literature ; thermal conductivity method: estimation from lithology and literature ; temperature gradient ; thermal conductivity ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 LAND SURFACE 〉 SOILS 〉 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2024-04-24
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This data set includes the results of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) and digital image correlation (DIC) analysis applied to analogue modelling experiments. Twenty generic analogue models are extended on top of a rubber sheet. Two benchmark experiments are also reported. Detailed descriptions of the experiments can be found in Liu et al. (submitted) to which this data set is supplement. The data presented here are visualized as topography and the horizontal cumulative surface strain (principal strain and slip rake).
    Keywords: EPOS ; multi-scale laboratories ; analogue models of geologic processes ; analogue modelling results ; depression ; Digital Image Correlation (DIC) / Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) ; Digital Image Correlation (DIC) / Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) 〉 StrainMaster (La Vision GmbH) ; Extension box ; fault ; graben ; graben ; High frame rate camera ; horst ; normal fault ; Poisson ratio ; rift valley ; rifting ; Sand 〉 Quartz Sand ; Sandbox ; Silicon/Silly putty/PDMS ; SLR camera ; Structure from Motion (SfM) ; Structure from Motion (SfM) 〉 Photoscan (Agisoft) ; tectonic and structural features ; tectonic process ; tectonic process 〉 continental_breakup ; tectonic process 〉 continental_breakup 〉 rifting ; tectonic setting 〉 extended terrane setting ; tectonic setting 〉 extended terrane setting 〉 continental rift setting ; tectonic setting 〉 intraplate tectonic setting ; wrench fault
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2024-04-30
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The model named EHFM_Earth_7200 was derived by layer-based forward modeling technique in ellipsoidal harmonics, the maximum degree of this model reaches 7200. The relief information was provided by Earth2014 relief model. EHFM_Earth_7200 provides very detailed (~3 km) information for the Earth’s short-scale gravity field, and it is expected to be able to augment or refine existing global gravity models. To meet the existing standard, here we provide spherical harmonic coefficients, which are transformed from original ellipsoidal harmonic coefficients. The maximum degree of the spherical harmonic coefficients is 7300.
    Description: Methods
    Description: - Compute global equiangular reduced latitude grids from degree 10800 Earth2014 SHCs and expanded these grids into EHCs. The grids are band-limited in spherical harmonics instead of in ellipsoidal harmonics so extra degrees beyond the truncation degree are also calculated. We obtained surface EHCs up to degree and order (d/o) 11000 but truncated them to d/o 7200. - Calculate potential models of three layers (crust, water and ice) separately from Earth2014 reliefs by new developed ellipsoidal harmonic forward modeling formulas. The densities of the three layers are 2670, 1030, and 917 kg/m^3. - Sum up results from the three layers and obtain EHFM_Earth_7200 ellipsoidal harmonic coefficients. - Convert ellipsoidal harmonic coefficients to spherical harmonic coefficients. The maximum degree of the spherical harmonic coefficients is 7300.
    Keywords: Gravity forward modeling ; Ellipsoidal topographic potential ; Spectral domain ; Layer concept ; ICGEM ; geodesy ; topographic gravity field model ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GRAVITY/GRAVITATIONAL FIELD ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GRAVITY/GRAVITATIONAL FIELD 〉 GRAVITY
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2024-05-02
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The data publication contains the compilation of global heat-flow data by the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC; of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI). The presented data update release 2024 contains data generated between 1939 and 2024 and constitutes the second intermediate update benefiting from the global collaborative assessment and quality control of the Global Heat Flow Database running since May 2021 ( The data release comprises new original heat-flow data published since April 2023 (the update 2023). It contains 91,182 heat-flow data from 1,586 publications. 57% of the reported heat-flow values are from the continental domain (n ~ 54,553), while the remaining 43% are located in the oceanic domain (n ~ 36,692).
    Keywords: heat flow density ; Global Heat Flow Database ; International Heat Flow Commission ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 OCEANS 〉 MARINE VOLCANISM 〉 BENTHIC HEAT FLOW ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 OCEANS 〉 OCEAN HEAT BUDGET 〉 HEAT FLUX ; physical property 〉 temperature
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 29
    Publication Date: 2024-05-03
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This dataset contains element concentrations of six different hydrological compartments sampled on a daily basis over the course of one year in two neighboured first order headwater catchments located in the Conventwald (Black Forest, Germany). Critical Zone water compartments include above-canopy precipitation (bulk precipitation including rainwater, snow and fog water), below-canopy precipitation (throughfall), subsurface flow from three distinct soil layers (organic layer, upper mineral soil, deep mineral soil), groundwater, creek water and spring water. Element concentrations include major elements (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Si, S), trace elements (Al, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, P, Sr, Zn), anion (Cl), and dissolved organic elements (DOC, DON). The data were used to explore concentration (C) - discharge (Q) relationships and to calculate short-term element-specific chemical weathering fluxes, which were compared with previously published long-term element-specific chemical weathering fluxes. The ratio of both weathering fluxes, described by the so-called “Dissolved Export Efficiency” (DEE) metric revealed deficits in the stream dissolved load. These deficits were attributed to colloid-bound export and either storage in re-growing forest biomass or export in biogenic particulate form. Tables supplementary to the article, including data quality control, are provided in .pdf and .xlsx formats. In addition, data measured in the course of the study are also provided as machine readable ASCII files.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2024-05-03
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Human-wildlife conflict poses a significant challenge to 21st-century conservation, with a limited understanding of these interactions within the broader social and ecological context of coexistence. Specifically, the impact of large-scale refaunation efforts on social-ecological dynamics in landscapes shared by humans and wildlife remains poorly understood. This study aims to enhance this understanding by jointly analyzing the consequences of refaunation involving wildlife and cattle in a mixed-use landscape in sub-Saharan Africa. Applying an interdisciplinary approach encompassing ecology, soil science, agricultural economics, and environmental anthropology, we reconstruct the coupling processes in social-ecological systems triggered by refaunation over the last five decades in Namibia&039;s portion of the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA). To assess ecological impacts of refaunation with cattle or elephants, space-for-time substitutions are used. The findings demonstrate that post-1960s increases in cattle numbers, and the surge in wildlife numbers since the 1990s have shaped the coexistence landscape. Elephant refaunation positively impacted herbaceous vegetation and soil conditions at intermediate elephant densities but negatively affected vegetation at higher densities. Wildlife refaunation, achieved through conservation and tourism, reduced income inequality. However, this effect was outweighed by the concentration of wealth among affluent cattle owners. Increasing rural inequality contributed challenges of local resource governance. Our study highlights that refaunation has profound ecological and socio-economic repercussions, challenging existing forms of resource governance in KAZA-TFCA and similar coexistence landscapes in Africa, and emphasizing the need for further research on the simultaneous increase of wildlife and cattle and its socio-ecological consequences.
    Description: Other
    Description: Article impact statement: Simultaneous refaunation with cattle and elephants poses both ecological and governance challenges, emphasizing the need for balanced conservation policies.
    Keywords: Ecology ; Environment ; Carbon ; Conservation Areas ; Ecology ; National Park ; Vegetation Structure ; Wildlife ; Livestock Grazing ; Future-making ; Economy ; Anthropology ; Human-Environment Interactions ; Tree-Grass Interactions ; Rewilding ; Refaunation
    Type: DataPaper , Scientific Publication
    Format: PDF
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  • 31
    Publication Date: 2024-05-08
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This data collection contains inundation maps in Lima and Callao (Peru) based on tsunami simulations with two numerical wave propagation and run-up models (Tsunami-HySEA and TsunAWI) for a range of Manning values between 0.015 and 0.06, where constant values were applied in the whole model domain. The simulations were carried out in the framework of the RIESGOS project ( The source is based on the historic event from October 1746, the parameters are derived from the study Jimenez et al. (2013). The moment magnitude is prescribed to Mw 9.0, the source area is split into five sub-faults, with inhomogeneous slip distribution and static deformation at time zero (this means no kinematic source model). The flow depth distribution in Lima/Callao after four hours simulation time obtained by the two models is interpolated to raster files and provided in geoTIFF format.
    Keywords: numerical modelling ; tsunami inundation ; Nonlinear prosesses ; bottom roughness ; Callao ; Peru ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 OCEANS 〉 OCEAN WAVES 〉 TSUNAMIS ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION ; environmental data ; experiment 〉 simulation 〉 modelling
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2024-05-08
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Strokkur is a pool geyser in southwest Iceland that erupts every 3.7 minutes. Eruptions start with a blue water bulge that soon turns white (bulge phase) before the water bubble bursts into a jetting water fountain (jet phase). We measured the bulge rising velocity and height and fountain rising velocity and height using video cameras and drones from GFZ and the accompanying ground motion using seismometers from the University of Potsdam. We publish the derived products from video data and seismic data here.
    Keywords: geyser ; eruption ; geothermal ; geothermal tremor ; Earth Remote Sensing Instruments 〉 Passive Remote Sensing 〉 Photon/Optical Detectors 〉 Cameras 〉 VIDEO CAMERA ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOTHERMAL DYNAMICS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY 〉 ERUPTION DYNAMICS ; science 〉 natural science 〉 earth science 〉 geophysics
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2024-08-12
    Description: Abstract
    Description: Adsorption and isotopic fractionation of boron on clastic sediment is one process responsible for the heavy boron isotopic composition of the modern ocean. However, the mechanism by which boron complexes to the surface of clay minerals and the cause of its isotopic fractionation are still unclear. We performed two sets of experiments, using solutions of pure water with added boron and seawater, to explore the isotope behavior during adsorption of boron onto kaolinite, smectite and illite. The dataset consists of an excel file with four sheets that store (1) the NIST RM 803 measurements we used to establish the long-term reproducibility of our isotope measurements, (2) results of our pure experiment, (3) results of our seawater experiments and (4) a global compilation of XRD-based riverine clay mineral assemblages.
    Keywords: surface complexation model ; clay ; boron isotopes ; boron adsorption ; compound material 〉 sedimentary material 〉 sediment 〉 clastic sediment 〉 mud 〉 clay ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 LAND SURFACE 〉 EROSION/SEDIMENTATION 〉 SUSPENDED SOLIDS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE 〉 SURFACE WATER 〉 SURFACE WATER CHEMISTRY ; In Situ/Laboratory Instruments 〉 Spectrometers/Radiometers 〉 MC-ICP-MS ; physicochemical process 〉 sorption 〉 adsorption ; The Present
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2024-08-14
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This repository contains all the data used for the article "Monitoring cropland daily carbon dioxide exchange at field scales with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery" by Pia Gottschalk, Aram Kalhori, Zhan Li, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs. The data are used to exemplify how ground measured CO2 fluxes of an agricultural field can be linked with remotely sensed vegetation indices to provided an upscaling approach for spatial CO2-flux projection. The provided data form the basis for running the data processing scripts sequentially for (re-)producing all statistical analyses, results and figures in the article. The data are given in the formats as used in the data-processing scripts written in R, MATLAB and JavaScript of Google Eearth Engine. All codes for processing the data and a workflow description can be found here. The dataset covers three types of data: half-hourly eddy covariance (EC) data, satellite derived vegetation indices and GIS/image data. Continuous EC CO2 fluxes (03/2020 - 08/2023) are measured at the agricultural site "Heydenhof" in Northeastern Germany. The data file is provided in .mat (MATLAB) format containing the standard EddyPro software output variables which are described in an accompanying meta data file. The land use information used for footprint modeling is included as .jpeg and .png-files for visulisation and as .mat-file to be used for running the footprint modeling script. Sentinel-2 vegetation indices are provided as .csv files. These files are provided for convenience and version control only as the JavaScript for generating Sentinel-2 derived vegetation indices in Google Earth Engine is provided in the associated code repository. Here, the field boundaries are provided as shape file. Data file description: "HEY_LandUse_image.mat": MATLAB file in raster format, containing the land use codes in a 4x4 km raster with a resolution of 1 m used for running the Korman-Meixner foot print model for flux source area attribution. "meta_data_HEY_LandUse_image.txt": description of land use codes used in the "HEY_LandUse_image.mat" "HEY_LandUse_image.png": Visualisation of HEY_LandUse_image.mat. Figure A2 in manuscript. Showing the land use distribution around the measurement tower encoded in the number of land use classes used for foot print modeling. "HEYDENHOF.jpeg": Visualisation of land use classes from digitisation. Auxiliary information. Showing the land use distribution around the measurement tower. "HEY_FluxData_20200304_20220824_all_data.mat": MATLAB data file containing the half-hourly EC measurements plus auxiliary meteorological variables from 04/03/2020 to 24/08/2022 in matrix format with rows being the half-hourly measurements and including the unique time identifier "Timestamp", and "NaN" as missing data value. "meta_data_HEY_FluxData.txt": text file accompanying "HEY_FluxData_20200304_20220824_all_data.mat" containing the variable names, units, format, range and description for the variables of "HEY_FluxData_20200304_20220824_all_data.mat" "TERENO_prec_data_2020_2022.csv": comma separated text file containing the half-hourly precipitation data for the measurement site (HEY) from 01/01/2020 to 13/10/2022. "meta_data_TERENO_prec.txt": text file accompanying " TERENO_prec_data_2020_2022.csv " containing the variable description of the TERENO precipitation data. "": zipped shape file outlining the agricultural field used as source area for the satellite data retrieval. "S2.csv": comma separated text file containing the vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 for the agricultural field from 02/03/2020 to 29/08/2022. "meta_data_Sentinel2_S2.txt": text file accompanying "S2.csv" containing the variable description of Sentinel-2 derived vegetation indices, i.e. "S2.csv". "S2_SD.csv": comma separated text file containing the standard deviation of the vegetation indices for the agricultural field from 02/03/2020 to 29/08/2022. "meta_data_Sentinel2_S2_SD.txt": text file accompanying "S2_SD.csv" containing the variable description of the standard deviation for the Sentinel-2 derived vegetation indices.
    Keywords: net ecosystem exchange ; gross primary production ; ecosystem respiration ; satellite derived vegetation indices ; NDVI ; EVI ; EVI2 ; GNDVI ; SAVI ; SR ; S2REP ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 〉 AGRICULTURAL LANDS ; environment 〉 natural environment 〉 terrestrial environment ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS ; In Situ/Laboratory Instruments 〉 Current/Wind Meters 〉 EDDY CORRELATION DEVICES
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2024-08-14
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This repository provides the code used for the article "Monitoring cropland daily carbon dioxide exchange at field scales with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery" by Pia Gottschalk, Aram Kalhori, Zhan Li, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs. The data are used to exemplify how ground measured CO2 fluxes of an agricultural field can be linked with remotely sensed vegetation indices to provided an upscaling approach for spatial CO2-flux projection. The repository contains the codes produced for the article "Monitoring cropland daily carbon dioxide exchange at field scales with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery" by Pia Gottschalk, Aram Kalhori, Zhan Li, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs. In this article, the authors present how local carbon dioxide (CO2) ground measurements and satellite data can be linked to project CO2 emissions spatially for agriculutral fields. The codes are provided for - footprint analysis and raw flux data quality control (MATLAB codes); - retrieving Sentinel-2 vegetation indices via Google Earth Engine (GEE code); - subsequent quality control, gap-filling and flux partitioning following the MDS approach by Reichstein et al. 2005 implemented by the R-package "REddyProc" (R codes); - statistical analyses of combined EC and Sentinel-2 data (R codes); - code for all figures as displayed in the manuscript (R codes). This software is written in MATLAB, R and JavaScript (GEE). Running the codes (R and .m files (Code)) and loading the data files (CSV files and .mat files (Data)) requires the pre-installation of [R and RStudio] ( and (MATLAB). The GEE script runs in a browser and can also be opened/downloaded here: The RStudio 2021.09.0 Build 351 version has been used for developping the R scripts. The land cover classification work was performed in QGIS, v.3.16.11-Hannover. Data were analyzed in both MATLAB and R; and plots created with R (R Core Development Team 2020) in RStudio®.The R codes in this repository contain a suite of external R-packages ("zoo"; "REddyProc"; "Hmisc"; "PerformanceAnalytics") which are required for data analysis in this manuscript. The data to run the codes are published with the DOI (Gottschalk et al., 2023).
    Keywords: net ecosystem exchange ; gross primary production ; ecosystem respiration ; satellite derived vegetation indices ; NDVI ; EVI ; EVI2 ; GNDVI ; SAVI ; SR ; S2REP ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 BIOSPHERE 〉 TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 〉 AGRICULTURAL LANDS ; environment 〉 natural environment 〉 terrestrial environment ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 FIXED OBSERVATION STATIONS ; In Situ/Laboratory Instruments 〉 Current/Wind Meters 〉 EDDY CORRELATION DEVICES
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 36
    Publication Date: 2024-07-09
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The dataset contains a subset of an airborne hyperspectral HyMap image over the Cabo de Gata-Nίjar Natural Park in Spain from 15.06.2005, and soil wet chemistry data based on in-situ soil sampling. The Cabo de Gata-Nίjar Natural Park is a semi-arid mediterranean area in Southern Spain, sparsely populated and with a range of landscape patterns. The soils in this area are developed on volcanic and carbonatic bedrocks and are highly variable in their textural and mineralogical composition, offering interesting spectral variability. The airborne survey was acquired during a DLR / HyVista HyEurope campaign. The image dataset is fully processed for atmospheric and geometric correction with PARGE and ATCOR and is provided as orthorectified reflectance in BSQ format. Spatial resolution is 5 m and spectral coverage is 0.45-2.45 μm with 12-17 nm spectral sampling. In addition to the HyMap imagery, this dataset contains two soil reference datasets as CSV files, namely in-situ data for clay content and iron content. The dataset is made publicly available as part of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Beyond the Visible - Imaging Spectroscopy for Soil Applications ", available from Spring 2024. Guidance on how to derive semiquantitative and quantitative soil maps (clay and iron content) using the EnMAP-Box (QGIS plugin) EnSoMAP tool are provided as videos at the HYPERedu YouTube channel ( and the soil MOOC course pages (
    Description: Other
    Description: HYPERedu is an education initiative within the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), a German hyperspectral satellite mission that aims at monitoring and characterizing the Earth’s environment on a global scale. EnMAP serves to measure and model key dynamic processes of the Earth’s ecosystems by extracting geochemical, biochemical and biophysical variables, which provide information on the status and evolution of various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
    Keywords: hyperspectral ; hyperspectral imagery ; imaging spectroscopy ; HyMap airborne imagery ; Cabo de Gata-Nίjar ; Spain ; Mediterranean ; soil ; clay ; DEM ; Earth Remote Sensing Instruments 〉 Passive Remote Sensing 〉 Spectrometers/Radiometers ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 37
    Publication Date: 2024-07-09
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This dataset accompanying the MOOC on soil applications contains an airborne hyperspectral HySpex image over the study site Demmin in Northern Germany which was recorded in October 2015. The surrounding area of Demmin is characterized by its glacial past and is largely used for agriculture. Here you can find relics of the ice age such as kettle holes - small, completely closed hollow shapes whose formation is attributed to the burial and subsequent thawing of an ice lens. Mostly overgrown nowadays by vegetation, SOC accumulates in these areas and higher contents are measured. The image dataset is fully pre-processed – all non-soil pixels are masked, the spectra were smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay Filter and transformed to first derivatives – and provided in BSQ format. In addition to the HySpex image, this dataset contains a point data shapefile with 27 sampling locations, as well as information on the soil organic carbon (SOC) contents [g/kg]. The dataset is made publicly available as part of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Beyond the Visible - Imaging Spectroscopy for Soil Applications ", available from Spring 2023. Guidance on how to derive quantitative soil maps (SOC content) using the EnMAP-Box (QGIS plugin) are provided as videos at the HYPERedu YouTube channel, the soil MOOC course pages and the regression workflow documentation.
    Description: Other
    Description: HYPERedu is an education initiative within the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), a German hyperspectral satellite mission that aims at monitoring and characterizing the Earth’s environment on a global scale. EnMAP serves to measure and model key dynamic processes of the Earth’s ecosystems by extracting geochemical, biochemical and biophysical variables, which provide information on the status and evolution of various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
    Keywords: hyperspectral ; hyperspectral imagery ; imaging spectroscopy ; HySpex airborne imagery ; Demmin ; Germany ; soil ; SOC ; Earth Remote Sensing Instruments 〉 Passive Remote Sensing 〉 Spectrometers/Radiometers ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2024-05-13
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The here presented data set contains time series recording urban seismic noise which was evaluated with MASW to retrieve a shear wave velocity model for subsurface characterization. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology was used to acquire the seismic data in strain-rate unit along an 11-km long telecommunication fiber optic cable which runs parallel to a major road in Berlin, Germany. The original DAS data was recorded at the sampling frequency of 1000 Hz using iDAS Silixa Interrogator Unit with a gauge length of 10 m and a channel spacing of 8 m for the duration of 15 days form 5th of April 2021 to 20th April 2021.
    Keywords: Seismic interferometry ; Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves ; Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES 〉 SEISMIC PROFILE 〉 SEISMIC SURFACE WAVES
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2024-05-20
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This dataset contains orientation data for foliations (n=773) and lineations (n=512) from the central Tauern Window collected during fieldwork in the years 2016 to 2019. The data is distributed in the form of shapefiles for easy use with GIS software. It can be displayed conveniently using the symbology files that are also part of the dataset.
    Keywords: structural data ; orientation data ; lineation ; foliation ; schistosity ; coordinates ; GIS ; 4DMB ; 4D Mountain Building ; tectonics ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES 〉 TECTONIC LANDFORMS 〉 FOLDS ; information 〉 information system 〉 geographic information system ; science 〉 natural science 〉 earth science 〉 geology 〉 tectonics
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 40
    Publication Date: 2024-05-26
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This collection contains 10500 computationally generated, randomised 2D microstructures, their geometrical and electrical properties, and the Matlab software package used to calculate these properties. The two-phase microstructures (mineral matrix, pore space) represent three different pore space types (microfracture networks, intergranular pore space, oomoldic pore space) and are organised into 35 ensembles - with common modelling parameters - of 100 individual microstructure realisations each. For all realisations, several geometrical properties (percolation, total porosity, connected porosity, isolated porosity, surface area, fractal dimension) and physical properties (formation factor from electrical resistivity, electrical tortuosity) are given. The collection also includes a Matlab-based finite element simulation package derived from the FEMALY library, which can be used to compute the properties of any given 2D raster microstructure.
    Keywords: petrophysics ; microstructure ; finite element method ; permeability and porosity ; statistical methods ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 ROCKS/MINERALS/CRYSTALS 〉 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 〉 SEDIMENTARY ROCK PHYSICAL/OPTICAL PROPERTIES ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 ROCKS/MINERALS/CRYSTALS 〉 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 〉 SEDIMENTARY ROCK PHYSICAL/OPTICAL PROPERTIES 〉 ELECTRICAL ; science 〉 natural science 〉 earth science 〉 geophysics
    Type: Collection , Collection
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  • 41
    Publication Date: 2024-05-28
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This repository contains the site amplification functions obtained by Bindi et al. (2023). The site amplifications were obtained through a Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) applied to seismic recordings downloaded from EIDA (Strollo et al., 2021) and EarthScope ( using stream2segment software (Zaccarelli, 2018). We computed the Fourier spectra of S-waves windows considering the square root of the sum of the two horizontal components squared. The site amplifications are relative to the station CH.LSS (station Linth-Limmern of the Swiss network,, installed on rock with shear wave velocity averaged over the top 30 m equal to vs30=2925 m/s (Fäh et al. 2009). The site amplification at the reference station LLS is constrained to be equal to 1 for frequencies f below 10 Hz and to the function exp[−0.015π(f−10)] above 10 Hz, to account for near-surface attenuation effects at high frequencies. Details about the decomposition can be found in Bindi et al (2023). The file siteAmp_repo.csv uses as field separator the semicolon (;). It contains: - column freq: values of frequency between 0.5 and 20 Hz; - columns with site amplifications: 3001 columns with column name given by network_station_channel (e.g. GR_MOX_HH indicated station MOX of network GR, channel HH). The R script (R Core Team, 2024) plotRepo.R shows how to read and plot the site amplification for a given station.
    Keywords: Site amplification ; Europe ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES ; geological process 〉 seismic activity 〉 earthquake
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2024-05-27
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The Geldingadalir 2021 eruption in Iceland started on 19 March and ended on 18 September. It featured nearly 9000 lava fountain episodes of minute to day duration that were all accompanied by seismic tremor. We measured the duration, repose time, tremor amplitude and shape using seismometers from the University of Potsdam. We publish the corresponding catalogs that contain information about these episodes. Periodically, aerial surveys were conducted by the University of Iceland using unoccupied aerial systems (UAS). These surveys lead to digital surface models (DSM), orthomosaics, and 3D models. These products were used to supplement the seismic observations.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 43
    Publication Date: 2024-05-30
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The dataset contains three seismicity catalogs covering the first 5 days of the aftershock sequence of the Mw 7.8 Karamanmaraş and Mw 7.6 Elbistan earthquakes that occurred in Türkiye on February 6th, 2023. The catalogs are derived from machine learning (ML) approaches operating on continuous data from 38 permanent seismological stations covering the area of the aftershock sequence and span the time interval 06.02.2023-10.02.2023. The seismological stations are operated by AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey) and KOERI (Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute). Automatic P- and S-phase picks were obtained using the deep learning PhaseNet software (Zhu & Beroza, 2019), and either GaMMA (Zhu et al., 2022) or GENIE (McBrearty & Beroza, 2023) routines were used to associate these phases into seismic events. The probabilitic NLLoc earthquake location software (Lomax et al., 2009) was used to produce single event locations and final relative relocations were obtained after applying the hypoDD software (Waldhauser & Ellsworth, 2000). This resulted in two single event location NLLoc aftershock catalogs based on GaMMA and GENIE event association and containing 17,550 and 14,805 event detections in the time interval 06.02.2023 01:18 UTC - 11.02.2023 00:00 UTC, respectively. The hypoDD based catalog of better constrained relative relocations contains 5,215 events. The magnitude range is between M-0.1 and M6.9 with time-variable magnitude of completeness. The catalog covers the area 36.00S-39.00S and 35.40E-40.00E. The full description of the data and methods is provided in the data description file.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 44
    Publication Date: 2024-06-04
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This data publication provides the results of the investigations and measurements of thermal rock properties conducted on site in the Tournemire field laboratory and at the Thermal Petrophysics Lab at GFZ. The thermal characterization of the clayey Jurassic (Upper Toarcian, ca. 180 My old) is contributing to the site characterization of the Tournemire Underground Research Lab (URL), located in Southern France. This URL is installed in a former railway tun-nel to better understand the physical processes resulting from thermal and hydrau-lic loading in a small fault zone in a highly consolidated shale formation (Bonnelye et al., 2023). At the Tournemire site, faults and fractures of different sizes extend from the surface (sedimentary cover) to the crystalline basement. At one specific gallery (Gallery East 03) installed in the former tunnel, thermally controlled in-situ fluid injection experiments are scheduled on a strike-slip fault zone outcropping at the URL (Bonnelye et al., 2023). In 2022, we visited the URL for baseline characteri-zation of thermal properties and to study the heterogeneity of the clay-dominated formation. Therefore, we took the chance to collect data and samples for a laborato-ry measurement campaign and to measure thermal conductivity in-situ in the tun-nel wall of Gallery East 03. The thermal data shall provide the baseline for the pa-rameterization of future numerical 3D models to better understand the thermal-hydraulic processes related to the experiment. This data publication provides the results of the investigations and measurements conducted on-site in the field la-boratory and at the Thermal Petrophysics Lab at GFZ.
    Keywords: thermal conductivity ; claystone ; host rocks ; URL ; compound material 〉 sedimentary material 〉 sedimentary rock 〉 generic mudstone 〉 mudstone 〉 claystone ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 ROCKS/MINERALS/CRYSTALS 〉 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 〉 SEDIMENTARY ROCK FORMATION
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2024-06-12
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The data present the intermediate to final results when we introduce a two-step fully Bayesian approach with coupled uncertainty propagation for estimating crustal isotropic and radial anisotropy models using Rayleigh and Love dispersion data along with receiver functions in Sri Lanka. In the first step, 2D surface wave tomography is used to generate period-wise ambient noise phase velocity maps for Rayleigh and Love waves along with their associated uncertainties. Here we provide the inter-station dispersion data (folder: 2024-003_1_Ke-et-al_interstation_surface_ dispersion_curves; ASCII) for the 2D surface wave tomography process, along with the results of the tomography, including the velocity maps (folder: 2024-003_Ke-et-al_2_velocity_map; ASCII). In addition, the results (folder: 2024-003_3_Ke-et-al_2Dmcmc_inversion_results) are available in MAT format, along with a MATLAB script to allow users to extract the data independently. In a second step, local surface wave dispersion and model errors are derived from the velocity maps. The surface wave dispersion receiver functions are jointly inverted to obtain the isotropic mean shear wave and radial anisotropy profiles as a function of depth at each station site. The input data (folder: 2024-003_Ke-et-al_4_inv_data; ASCII) of surface dispersion and receiver function for the inversion are presented here, as well as the final result model from the inversion (folder: 2024-003_Ke-et-al_5_model; ASCII and .dat formats).
    Keywords: seismic crustal structure ; Bayesian joint inversion ; seismic ambient noise ; receiver functions ; radial anisotropy ; Bayesian joint inversion ; seismic ambient noise ; receiver functions ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 MODELS 〉 GEOLOGIC/TECTONIC/PALEOCLIMATE MODELS ; science 〉 natural science 〉 earth science 〉 geophysics
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2024-06-12
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This data set was taken within the Perturbations of Earth Surface Processes by Large Earthquakes PRESSurE Project (, Hazard and Risk Team (HART) project by the German Center for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam. This project aims to better understand the role of earthquakes on earth surface processes. Strong earthquakes cause transient perturbations of the near Earth’s surface system. These include the widespread landsliding and subsequent mass movement and the loading of rivers with sediments. In addition, rock mass is shattered during the event, forming cracks that affect rock strength and hydrological conductivity. Often overlooked in the immediate aftermath of an earthquake, these perturbations can represent a major part of the overall disaster with an impact that can last for years before restoring to background conditions. Thus, the relaxation phase is part of the seismical-ly induced change by an earthquake and needs to be monitored in order to understand the full impact of earthquakes on the Earth system. Following the April 2015 Mw 7.9 Gorkha earthquake, 6 hydrological stations were installed on the Buri Gandaki, Trisuli, Bhotekoshi, Sunkoshi, Koshi and Kahole Khola rivers, draining the epicentral area. The stations were operated for 4 monsoon sea-sons from May/June 2015 to October 2018. The stations were equipped with river stage height measurements and manned daily river sampling for suspended river sediments and water geo-chemistry. In this data publication we present the data from the small head water catchment Ka-hule Khole (see also Andermann et al. 2021, Bhotekoshi at Barabise, Sunkoshi at Khurkot and Koshi at Chatara. The samples were filtered at the sampling location and analyzed at the GFZ Potsdam SedLab, section 4.6 Geomorphology, for suspended sed-iment concentration and grainsize distribution. A small sample batch of suspended sediment concentrations was published already in Cook et al. 2018. The samples BA_01.07.2016 – BA_25.07.2016 have been published in this manuscript in figure 4. This data publication contains 920 suspended sediment measurements and respective grainsize distributions. List after station: Kahule Khola 230 samples, Bhotekoshi 282, Sunkoshi 189, and Sapta Koshi 219 samples.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 47
    Publication Date: 2024-06-18
    Description: Other
    Description: This dataset contains simulated daily accumulated total precipitation (convective and non-convective) for the Atacama Desert, generated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. The simulation represents a high-resolution regional precipitation dataset from the dynamic downscaling of ERA5 data, using a higher-resolution climate model. The dataset spans the years 1990 to 2020, providing a horizontal resolution of 6 km and is stored in NetCDF format. The time indicated represents the end of the accumulation period in UTC. A single one-way nesting was performed using ERA5 as initial and boundary conditions within the domain 26-16°S and 67-74°W. The WRF Model simulation is initially output as 3-hourly data. Further, 3-hourly total precipitation (convective plus non-convective rainfall) is accumulated into daily precipitation. Other initial and boundary conditions include land use and soil categories (USGS 24 categories), vegetation fraction and LAI (monthly MODIS climatology), and sea surface temperature (ERA5, provided by HadISST2 prior to September 2007 and OSTIA as per Dee et al., 2011). For physical parameterizations used in WRF, please refer to Reyers et al. (2021).
    Keywords: Climatology/Meteorology/Atmosphere ; Climate Models ; Precipitation
    Type: Dataset , WRF simulation
    Format: NetCDF
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2024-06-18
    Description: Abstract
    Description: The dataset contains the seismic weight drop data acquired in Private Reserve Santa Gracia, Chile. The data acquisition was conducted as a part of the EarthShape project in the subproject of Geophysical Imaging of the Deep EarthShape (GIDES). The seismic line was setup to cut across an existing borehole location with core and geophysical logging data available (Krone et al., 2021; Weckmann et al., 2020). The data was acquired to image the deep weathering zone identified by the borehole data across the seismic profile. Included in the datasets are the raw data of the CUBE data logger, SEG-Y data of the recorded shots, and the shot and receiver geometry data. A vital aspect of comprehending the interplay between geological and biological processes lies in the imaging of the critical zone, located deep beneath the surface, where the transition from unaltered bedrock to fragmented regolith occurs. It had been hypothesized that the depth of such weathering zone is dependent on the climate condition of the area. A more humid climate with higher precipitation will result in a deeper weathering front. As a part of the EarthShape project (SPP-1803 ‘EarthShape: Earth Surface Shaping by Biota’), specifically the Geophysical Imaging of the Deep EarthShape (GIDES - Grant No. KR 2073/5-1), we aim to image the weathering zone using the geophysical approach. Using the seismic method, we can differentiate different weathered layers based on the seismic velocity while also providing a 2D subsurface image of the critical zone. We conducted a seismic weight drop experiment in the Private Reserve Santa Gracia, Chile, to observe the depth of the weathering zone in a semi-arid climate and compare the resulting model with existing borehole data (Krone et al., 2021; Weckmann et al., 2020). The acquired data can then be used for multiple seismic imaging techniques, including body wave tomography and multichannel analysis of surface waves.
    Description: Other
    Description: The DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota" (2016-2022; explored between scientific disciplines and includes geoscientists and biologists to study from different viewpoints the complex question how microorganisms, animals, and plants influence the shape and development of the Earth’s surface over time scales from the present-day to the young geologic past. All study sites are located in the north-to-south trending Coastal Cordillera mountains of Chile, South America. These sites span from the Atacama Desert in the north to the Araucaria forests approximately 1300 km to the south. The site selection contains a large ecological and climate gradient ranging from very dry to humid climate conditions.
    Type: Dataset , Dataset
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  • 49
    Publication Date: 2024-06-21
    Description: Abstract
    Description: This data repository contains electrical and seismic tremor measurements, thermal infrared imagery, atmospheric conditions and information on plume heights that were recorded and collected during the 2021 Tajogaite eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. The 2021 Tajogaite eruption lasted from 19 September until 13 December 2021. The "data description" file provides more detailed information on each dataset and the way the data is formatted. The electrical data was recorded using a Biral Thunderstorm Detector BTD-200. This sensor was installed at two consecutive locations: BTD1 (28.635°N, 17.876389°W) recorded from 11-26 October 2021 and BTD2 (28.602365°N, 17.880475°W) recorded from 27 October 2021 until the end of the eruption. The volcanic tremor measurements were recorded at seismic station PLPI (28.5722°N, 17.8654°W), which was operated by the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias. Here we provide the seismic tremor amplitudes within the Very Long Period (0.4-0.6 Hz) and the Long Period (1-5 Hz) frequency bands between 10 September and 20 December 2021. Thermal infrared videography of the explosive volcanic activity was done using an InfraTec HD thermal infrared (TIR) video camera. This camera was installed in El Paso (28.649361°N, 17.882279°W) and recorded almost continuously between 3-8 November 2021. Here we provide individual thermal infrared frames. Atmospheric conditions were obtained from weather balloon measurements at Güímar (station nr. 60018) on Tenerife, which were provided by the University of Wyoming, Department of Atmospheric Science ( In addition, atmospheric data was collected from ground-based weather stations at El Paso and Roque de los Muchachos, which were operated by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) of Spain on La Palma. Information on the volcanic plume heights was obtained from both the Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Center ( as well as the Plan de Emergencias Volcánicas de Canarias.
    Keywords: Volcanic lightning ; Volcanic ash ; Biral Thunderstorm Detector ; Electrostatic measurements ; 2021 Tajogaite eruption ; Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge ; La Palma ; Canary Islands ; Movement of charge ; Volcanic plume height ; Ice nucleation ; Lava fountaining ; Strombolian activity ; Ash emission ; Gas jetting ; Explosive volcanic activity ; Seismic tremor ; Thermal infrared rise diagram ; Isotherms ; Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ; Very Long Period (VLP) ; Long Period (LP) ; Balloons/Rockets 〉 RADIOSONDES ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 ATMOSPHERE 〉 ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY 〉 ELECTRIC FIELD ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 ATMOSPHERE 〉 ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY 〉 LIGHTNING ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES 〉 EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE/INTENSITY ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 EARTHQUAKES 〉 EARTHQUAKE OCCURRENCES ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY 〉 ERUPTION DYNAMICS 〉 ASH/DUST DISPERSION ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY 〉 ERUPTION DYNAMICS 〉 VOLCANIC EXPLOSIVITY ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY 〉 VOLCANO MAGNITUDE/INTENSITY ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SOLID EARTH 〉 TECTONICS 〉 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY 〉 VOLCANO PREDICTIONS ; EARTH SCIENCE 〉 SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING 〉 INFRARED WAVELENGTHS 〉 THERMAL INFRARED ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORIES 〉 GEOLOGICAL ADVISORIES 〉 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORIES 〉 WEATHER/CLIMATE ADVISORIES 〉 DUST/ASH ADVISORIES ; EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES 〉 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORIES 〉 WEATHER/CLIMATE ADVISORIES 〉 PRESENT WEATHER ; geological process 〉 volcanism 〉 volcanic eruption ; hazard 〉 natural hazard ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 GEOPHYSICAL STATIONS/NETWORKS 〉 SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 GEOPHYSICAL STATIONS/NETWORKS 〉 VOLCANO OBSERVATORY ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 WEATHER STATIONS/NETWORKS 〉 METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS ; In Situ Land-based Platforms 〉 WEATHER STATIONS/NETWORKS 〉 WWLLN ; In Situ/Laboratory Instruments 〉 Electrical Meters ; In Situ/Laboratory Instruments 〉 Magnetic/Motion Sensors 〉 Seismometers 〉 SEISMOMETERS ; monitoring 〉 seismic monitoring ; physical process 〉 transport (physics) 〉 mass transport (physics) ;