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  • 42.75
  • 2010-2014  (49)
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  • 1950-1954
  • 1
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.5
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Tweestaarten Diplura behoren met de springstaarten Collembola en beentasters Protura tot de Entognatha. Dat zijn kleine ongevleugelde bodemdieren met zes poten, die zich onderscheiden van de insecten door hun verzonken monddelen. Tot nu toe waren twee soorten voor Nederland gemeld, maar voor België 13. Tijdens een onderzoek naar in mierennesten levende organismen werden twee soorten gevonden die nog niet uit Nederland bekend waren. Verder onderzoek zal zeker nog meer nieuwe tweestaarten kunnen opleveren.
    Keywords: Diplura ; Nederland ; Campodea lubbocki ; Campodea plusiochaeta ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.67
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Larven van kriebelmuggen komen uitsluitend voor in stromend water, waar ze met hun waaiervormige monddelen deeltjes filteren uit het voorbij stromende water. Het zijn goede indicatoren voor zuurstofrijk water. Tot nu toe was niet duidelijk welke soorten precies voorkomen in Nederland en België en de determinatie van kriebelmuggen wordt vaak als lastig beschouwd. Om dit te verhelpen, presenteren we hier determinatietabellen voor alle in Nederland en België voorkomende soorten, zowel voor larven van het laatste stadium als voor poppen.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Simuliidae ; Nederland ; België ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; ecologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 3
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.17
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De catalogus van de Nederlandse kevers uit 2010 geeft het meest recente overzicht van de Nederlandse kevers. Er staan 372 soorten loopkevers op deze lijst. Per soort wordt een overzicht gegeven van de provincies waaruit waarnemingen bekend zijn. Voor elk zogenaamd provincierecord is een collectie-exemplaar aangeduid als bewijsexemplaar. Sinds 2010 is er veel nieuwe informatie over loopkevers bekend geworden. In dit artikel worden de wijzigingen in de lijst toegelicht.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Carabidae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 4
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.1
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Hoe een leek op het gebied van wespen en bijen toch een leuke vondst kan doen. Op zonnige dagen gaat de auteur regelmatig op ‘tuinsafari’. Een tuin waarin rekening wordt gehouden met vogels en insecten, door keuze van beplanting en het ophangen van insectenhotels. De inspanningen leverden op 23 juli 2014 een opvallende wesp op. In een bijna automatische reactie werden snel foto’s gemaakt, in de hoop ze later te kunnen determineren. De wesp vloog daarna weg en werd niet meer gezien. Na determinatie blijkt het reuzenertswesp Leucospis dorsigera te zijn, een nieuwe soort bronswesp voor Nederland.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Chalcidoidea ; Leucospis dorsigera ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 5
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.27
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De gewone citroenzweefvlieg Xanthogramma pedissequum is een eenvoudig te herkennen zweefvlieg. Tenminste, dat dachten we tot voor kort. Nu blijkt dat de bijna identieke X. dives en X. stackelbergi ook in Nederland rondvliegen. Gelukkig zijn er enkele kenmerken waarmee deze drie soorten citroenzweefvlieg in het veld redelijk herkenbaar blijken. In dit artikel bespreken we deze kenmerken en geven we informatie over verspreiding en vliegtijden van de drie soorten.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Xanthogramma dives ; Xanthogramma stackelbergi ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 6
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.55
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Wespblaaskoppen Leopoldius worden ondanks hun opvallende uiterlijk maar weinig waargenomen. De soorten zijn lastig van elkaar te onderscheiden en bovendien werden tot voor kort variabele kenmerken gebruikt, wat tot veel verwarring heeft geleid. Nu blijkt dat alleen vrouwtjes met zekerheid te herkennen zijn aan de vorm van het klampje. Dit is een lepelvormig uitsteeksel onder het vijfde achterlijfsegment. Het wordt gebruikt bij het afzetten van eieren op een gastheer. Waarschijnlijk zijn limonadewespen de belangrijkste gastheer van Leopoldius. In dit artikel wordt een nieuwe soort voor België en een nieuwe soort voor Luxemburg gemeld. Daarnaast wordt een overzicht geboden van waarnemingen in Nederland, België en Luxemburg en een sleutel tot de Noordwest-Europese soorten.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Conopidae ; Leopoldius ; Nederland ; België ; Luxemburg ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 7
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.93
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Ondanks de fors toegenomen aandacht voor watermacrofauna sinds begin jaren 1980 is de schietmot Molanna albicans maar sporadisch aangetroffen. In dit artikel wordt de eerste larvenvondst van M. albicans buiten Drenthe beschreven. Samen met de vindplaatsen in Drenthe is de soort nu van vijf vennen in Nederland bekend. Aanvullend worden de determinatiekenmerken aan de hand van foto’s geïllustreerd.
    Keywords: Trichoptera ; Molannidae ; Molanna albicans ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.81
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Caddisflies are a species rich insect order. The adults are moth-like, but their wings bear hairs instead of scales. The larvae are aquatic and live in self-constructed cases, made of plant material, sand or debris. The species are used as indicators of water quality, but much is still not known about their biology and ecology. In this paper the preferred substrates and phenology of the larvae of 13 species are described, using the data of a survey of two lowland streams in the east of the Netherlands.
    Keywords: Trichoptera ; ecology ; phenology ; Netherlands ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.37
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Slakkendodende vliegen danken hun naam aan hun roofzuchtige, parasitaire larven, die het op slakken gemunt hebben. Uit België en Nederland zijn circa 60 soorten uit deze familie bekend, maar er zijn er zeker meer te ontdekken. Dit artikel meldt een nieuwe soort voor de Nederlandse fauna uit het genus Psacadina, dat in beide landen drie soorten telt. De herkenning en het voorkomen van de drie soorten wordt uitgebreid besproken.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Sciomyzidae ; Psacadina ; Nederland ; België ; biologie ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 10
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.33
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Zwarte vliegen behoren tot de muggen, maar door hun korte antennen doen ze oppervlakkig aan vliegen denken. De mannetjes zien er met hun grote kop en grote ogen heel anders uit dan de vrouwtjes, die een kleine kop met kleine ogen hebben. In het voorjaar vormen sommige soorten opvallend grote zwermen op windluwe plekken. Aan de 17 soorten die reeds uit Nederland bekend waren, kan er nu één worden toegevoegd: Bibio venosus.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Bibionidae ; Bibio venosus ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 11
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.11
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Astrobunus laevipes is een hooiwagen die via het Rijnbekken recentelijk ons land is binnengekomen. Er waren al vondsten langs de Waal en Nederrijn in Gelderland en het meest oostelijke puntje van de provincie Utrecht. Door gerichte inventarisaties kunnen wij de hooiwagen nu nieuw voor de provincies Zuid-Holland en Noord-Brabant melden. Daarnaast is er van A. laevipes nu ook een waarneming langs de IJssel en enkele westelijker in de provincie Utrecht. Allerlei rivierbegeleidende biotopen langs (uitlopers van) de Nederrijn en Waal worden al door deze opmerkelijke hooiwagen bevolkt, maar de noordelijke uitbreiding via de IJsselvallei lijkt veel trager te verlopen. De Maas lijkt nog niet bereikt.
    Keywords: Opiliones ; Astrobunus leavipes ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 12
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.43
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De familie der sluipvliegen is één der soortenrijkste vliegenfamilies in ons land. De larven ontwikkelen zich inwendig in ongewervelden, veelal vlinderrupsen. De familie is in ons land relatief goed bestudeerd. In dit artikel wordt wederom een soort voor het eerst uit ons land vermeld. Hiermee komt het totaal aantal soorten dat in Nederland ooit vastgesteld is op 334.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Tachinidae ; Pexopsis aprica ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 13
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.111
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Mariene borstelwormen vormen een ecologisch belangrijke, soortenrijke groep. Van diverse families is niet veel bekend over het voorkomen in Nederland en de bamboewormen (familie Maldanidae) behoren tot de slechtst bekende groepen. Bamboewormen danken hun naam aan de lange en aan het uiteinde verdikte segmenten. In dit artikel wordt een nieuwe bamboeworm voor Nederland besproken en een opsomming gegeven van de nu bekende inheemse soorten.
    Keywords: Polychaeta ; Maldanidae ; Micromaldane ornithochaeta ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 14
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.47
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Slakkendodende vliegen zijn nog relatief slecht onderzocht in ons land, zeker de kleine soorten. De vertegenwoordigers van het genus Anticheta zijn kleine vliegjes, waarvan slechts twee soorten uit ons land bekend waren. Uitgebreider onderzoek, zowel in collecties als in het veld, heeft twee nieuwe soorten voor de fauna aan het licht gebracht: Anticheta nigra en A. obliviosa. Van de eerste soort waren wereldwijd slechts acht exemplaren bekend.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Sciomyzidae ; Anticheta ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 15
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.37
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Zelfs in een goed onderzochte insectengroep als de zweefvliegen zijn nog altijd nieuwe soorten voor de Nederlandse fauna te ontdekken. Ook in 2014 was het weer raak, dit keer in het fraaie natuurgebied rond de Drentsche Aa. Het lijkt niet toevallig dat deze aanvulling op de Nederlandse fauna juist hier werd gevonden. Deze vindplaats vult ecologische informatie uit het buitenland aan, waardoor langzamerhand een beeld begint te ontstaan van de levenswijze van deze zeldzame zweefvlieg, waarover tot voor kort weinig bekend was.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Cheilosia frontalis ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 16
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.75
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De doornkaakzandbij ziet er in het voorjaar een beetje anders uit dan in de zomer. Daarom worden de voorjaarsdieren door sommigen tot een andere soort beschouwd dan de zomerdieren. Uit Nederland zijn slechts drie exemplaren bekend: twee uit het voorjaar en één uit de zomer. Toevallig komen alle exemplaren uit hetzelfde gebied. Of is dit geen toeval?
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Apoidea ; Andrenidae ; Andrena trimmerana ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 17
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.29
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Elfjes behoren tot de vroegste zweefvliegen die in het voorjaar uit de pop kruipen. Rond bloeiende wilgen wemelt het vaak van wilgenelfjes Melangyna lasiophthalma, waardoor het zoeken naar de zeldzamere soorten soms lastig is. Toch zijn de meeste soorten relatief makkelijk van elkaar te onderscheiden. Met de vondst van het Sachalinelfje M. pavlovskyi wordt het echter weer iets lastiger.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Melangyna pavlovskyi ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 18
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.19
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Steltmuggen lijken op langpootmuggen en zijn daar nauw aan verwant. Veel soorten zijn groot en karakteristiek gekleurd, maar toch zijn ze in Nederland nog weinig bestudeerd. Dit artikel bewijst dat er nog veel te ontdekken valt: in één jaar tijd zijn drie soorten gevonden die nog niet uit ons land bekend waren: Atypophthalmus inustus, Molophilus niger en Arctoconopa melampodia. Hiermee komt het totaal aantal soorten voor Nederland op 149. De nieuwe meldingen sluiten goed aan op het bekende verspreidingsgebied.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Limoniidae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 19
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.9
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Jalla dumosa is een in Nederland zeer zeldzame pentatomide, die in 1969 voor het laatst was waargenomen op Terschelling. Na 45 jaren zonder waarnemingen werd ze in 2014 weer in klein aantal waargenomen in de Kooiduinen op Ameland. Rupsen van onder andere de duinparelmoervlinder en de sint-jansvlinder stonden daar op het menu. In deze bijdrage wordt informatie samengevat over de vondsten in Nederland, de biologie en de verspreiding van de soort.
    Keywords: Heteroptera ; Pentatomidae ; Jalla dumosa ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 20
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.103
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: In August 2014 the exotic jellyfish Blackfordia virginica was captured in the harbour of Amsterdam. This is the first confirmed record of this species in the Netherlands, although in October 2013 a possible specimen was filmed and released. This indicates that the species might be established in the Amsterdam area, although repeated introduction with ballast water cannot be ruled out. In September 2014 hydrozoan polyp colonies closely resembling those of B. virginica were collected near IJmuiden in the Noordzeekanaal, a canal connecting Amsterdam with the North Sea at IJmuiden.
    Keywords: Cnidaria ; Hydrozoa ; Blackfordia virginica ; Netherlands ; exotic species ; distribution ; identification ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 21
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.1
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Wie een steen of boomstronk omkeert en voor het eerst een Trogulus opmerkt, zal dit bizarre beest niet direct associëren met een hooiwagen. Met de korte, stevige poten, het afgeplatte achterlijf dat overdekt is met strooisel en zand, en een trage manier van voortbewegen is het een ongewone verschijning. De soorten van dit geslacht zijn bodembewoners die zich voornamelijk voeden met kleine huisjesslakken. Uit ons land waren tot nu toe twee soorten bekend. De identiteit van een van die twee was lang onzeker, maar door nieuwe inzichten is nu duidelijk om welke soort het werkelijk gaat. In Nederland blijkt bovendien nog een derde soort voor te komen, die hier voor het eerst gemeld wordt.
    Keywords: Opiliones ; Trogulidae ; Trogulus ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 22
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.47
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Roofvliegen zijn met 40 Nederlandse soorten een vrij kleine groep, die behoorlijk goed is onderzocht. Het gebeurt dan ook niet vaak dat er een nieuwe soort voor de Nederlandse fauna kan worden opgetekend. De meeste roofvliegen zijn grijze vliegen, zo niet de stamjagers van het genus Choerades. Dit zijn juist vrij opvallend gekleurde vliegen. Zo heeft de rode dennenstamjager Choerades gilvus een rood gekleurd achterlijf. Opmerkelijk genoeg blijkt dat in Nederland juist onder deze opvallende verschijning twee soorten schuilgaan.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Asilidae ; Choerades igneus ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 23
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.23
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Onlangs werd op een braakliggend terrein in Roermond de zaadkever Bruchus brachialis verzameld. Dit is de eerste Nederlandse vondst van deze zuidelijke soort. Een reeks recente waarnemingen uit de ons omringende landen laat zien dat deze soort al enige jaren in een noordwaartse areaaluitbreiding verwikkeld is. Met deze ontdekking komt het aantal Nederlandse Bruchus-soorten op zeven.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Chrysomelidae ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 24
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.63
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Nieuw gevormd landschap, zoals jonge duinvalleien, opgespoten polders en bedrijventerreinen in ontwikkeling vormen de habitat van gespecialiseerde soorten. Je moet tegen een stootje kunnen om in een dergelijke zandige, schaars begroeide omgeving te overleven. Vooral langdurig warme, droge perioden vormen een probleem voor vochtminnende bodemdieren. De springstaartsoorten die hier overleven zijn warmteminnend en droogteresistent, een bijzondere combinatie voor bodemdieren. Dit geldt ook voor Entomobrya unostrigata, een nieuwe aanwinst voor de fauna van Noordwest-Europa. Er is een aantal populaties van deze soort op de Tweede Maasvlakte gevonden. De dieren zaten hier onder stenen en hout op opgespoten zand.
    Keywords: Collembola ; Entomobryidae ; Entomobrya unostrigata ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 25
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.71
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De Polychaeta vormen een groep van vrijwel uitsluitend mariene wormen, gekenmerkt door een geleed lichaam met aan de meeste leden een tamelijk groot aantal borstels. Het is een soortenrijke groep; ze spelen een belangrijke rol in de ecologie en diversiteit van vooral zachte, maar ook harde zeebodems. In vergelijking met de kreeftachtigen en weekdieren, eveneens soortenrijke groepen in dezelfde biotoop, zijn borstelwormen minder goed onderzocht. In dit artikel wordt de zeerups Fimbriosthenelais minor nieuw voor ons land gemeld. Met name op stenige en schelprijke bodems zijn nog meer nieuwe borstelwormen voor ons land te verwachten.
    Keywords: Polychaeta ; Sigalionidae ; Fimbriosthenelais minor ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 26
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.55
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Het kalkdoorntje is een zeldzame sprinkhanensoort, die vooral bekend is uit Zuid-Limburg en van enkele locaties in het rivierengebied. Over het voorkomen van dit kleine sprinkhaantje binnen de Gelderse Poort was lange tijd weinig bekend. Pas vanaf 2007 worden regelmatig waarnemingen gedaan. Toevallige waarnemingen op, voor de auteur, onverwachte locaties vormden de aanleiding voor een grondige inventarisatie in de jaren 2011-2013. Hieruit komt naar voren dat het kalkdoorntje een ruime verspreiding heeft binnen de Gelderse Poort en een meer diverse biotoopkeuze heeft dan voorheen bekend was.
    Keywords: Orthoptera ; Tetrigidae ; Tetrix tenuicornis ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 27
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.79
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: The relative sensitivities of 309 common invertebrate species in Dutch marine waters are presented for environmental and anthropogenic pressures like organic enrichment, sedimentation and fisheries. The species were furthermore appointed to trophic groups like suspension and deposit feeders. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment uses these data when calculating the Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 and the Infaunal Trophic Index. These metrics aid in the mandatory monitoring of ecological quality for example for the European Water Framework Directive. The common Dutch species were selected based on their abundance according to, 1. the mwtl dataset including results of on-going monitoring programs issued by the Ministry, 2. the monitoring by volunteer scuba-divers for the anemoon Foundation and 3. the monitoring of fouling plates for the project setl.
    Keywords: macrozoobenthos ; marine ; Netherlands ; environment ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 28
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.43
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Onze fauna verandert en de mariene fauna is daarop geen uitzondering. Zuidelijke soorten koloniseren onze kustwateren en exotische soorten worden door de mens aangevoerd. Voor sommige soorten is niet duidelijk waarom ze hier opduiken. De sterk veranderende kustbiotopen spelen ongetwijfeld eveneens een rol. Een niet-aflatende stroom onverwachte soorten, soms zelfs behorend tot nieuwe genera en zelfs families maken faunistisch onderzoek in de kustwateren verrassend en boeiend. In het kader van een inventarisatie van kreeftachtigen in het Deltagebied werden in de Oosterschelde bij Zierikzee verscheidene kleine monsters genomen van diverse substraten. De monsters van roodwieren bevatten een aantal opmerkelijke soorten. Dit artikel behandelt Uromunna spec., een zeepissebeddensoort van een familie die in ons land nog niet was aangetroffen.
    Keywords: Isopoda ; Munnidae ; Nederland ; Uromunna ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 29
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.31
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: This paper describes the discovery of a settled juvenile specimen of the stomatopod Platysquilla eusebia on the Dutch part of the Dogger Bank in the central North Sea. This is the northernmost record in Europe. The species is native to the Mediterranean and to the Atlantic coast from Portugal up to France. Further investigations have to show if the species already forms populations this far north. As the planktonic stages of P. eusebia have already been recorded in prior years, the establishment of the species should not be a problem, providing the circumstances are favourable.
    Keywords: Malacostraca ; Stomatopoda ; Platysquilla eusebia ; distribution ; Netherlands ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 30
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.1
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Met enige regelmaat duiken nieuwe springstaartsoorten op in ons land. Het vinden van een nieuwe soort is soms op toeval gebaseerd. Op een foto van een sprinkhaan was naast de linker voorpoot een klein, donker vlekje te zien. Uitvergroot bleek het om een klein springstaartje te gaan. Het zwart-wit gestreepte patroon liet geen ruimte voor twijfel over de determinatie: Fasciosminthurus quinquefasciatus, een nieuwe springstaart voor de Nederlandse fauna. In dit artikel wordt het genus en de soort voorgesteld, beschrijven we de habitat en geven we informatie over de verspreiding in de rest van Europa.
    Keywords: Collembola ; Bourletiellidae ; Fasciosminthurus quinquefasciatus ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 31
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.49
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De roodbruine heiderouwzwever Exoprosopa capucina is een fraaie en karakteristieke koffiebruine verschijning op de Nederlandse heideterreinen. Zoals veel wolzwevers is deze te herkennen aan de vleugeltekening en de kleur van de lichaamsbeharing. Echter naarmate de dieren ouder worden verliezen ze deze beharing en wordt de determinatie lastiger. Vermoedelijk heeft het verfomfaaide uiterlijk van een vrouwtje Exoprosopa cleomene er voor gezorgd dat deze ruim 50 jaar onopgemerkt tussen de exemplaren van E. capucina heeft gestaan.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Bombyliidae ; Exoprosopa cleomene ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 32
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.7
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: In de afgelopen jaren werd op verschillende plekken in Nederland een houtzwamkever gevonden die tot nu toe niet officieel gemeld werd: Sulcacis bidentulus. Deze soort valt binnen de zeer eenvormige familie Ciidae op door de kleur van de dekschilden, die duidelijk iets lichter bruin zijn dan de rest van het lichaam. De soort zou zich ontwikkelen in de bleke borstelkurkzwam, die voornamelijk op populieren groeit. Oudere vondsten ontbreken en de ontdekking van deze soort op meerdere locaties duidt op een recente vestiging in ons land. Dit sluit aan bij de geconstateerde uitbreiding in Midden-Europa.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Ciidae ; Sulcacis bidentulus ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 33
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.35
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De boomkrekel is een slanke geelbruine krekel, die vooral opvalt door zijn melodieuze zang. Vroeger moest je naar Frankrijk om dit geluid te horen, maar tegenwoordig heerst ook in het rivierengebied bij Nijmegen een mediterrane sfeer. De boomkrekel is in 2004 voor het eerst langs de Waal gevonden en heeft zich daarna uitgebreid. In 2010 en 2011 heeft de Flora- en faunawerkgroep Gelderse Poort met vele vrijwilligers onderzoek gedaan naar de precieze verspreiding. In totaal werd de boomkrekel in 57 kilometerhokken gevonden en de verwachting is dat de soort zich de komende jaren verder zal uitbreiden.
    Keywords: Orthoptera ; Oecanthus pellucens ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 34
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.55
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Hongerwespen behoren tot de grote groep van de sluipwespen. Het zijn slanke wespjes die typisch met hangende pootjes vliegen, waarbij de verbrede achterschenen opvallen. Ze parasiteren bijen en mogelijk ook bepaalde angeldragende wespen en worden daarom vaak bij bijenhotels waargenomen. In het kader van dit artikel zijn de meldingen van Nederlandse hongerwespen kritisch beschouwd. In totaal zijn nu negen soorten uit ons land bekend, waarvan er hier maar liefst zes voor het eerst worden gemeld.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Evanioidea ; Gasteruptiidae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 35
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.69
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: As most of the sea bottom in the Dutch part of the North Sea consists of sand, marine fauna that live in association with hard substrates are rarely monitored. We report here on the results of a species inventory in June 2011 done by scuba-diving while focusing on a wreck on the Dogger Bank and on rocky bottoms on the Cleaver Bank. This resulted in various new records of species for the Dutch part of the North Sea. This result appeared for a large part linked to the added value of monitoring with scuba-divers. It is therefore concluded that scuba-divers should be used in addition to the more traditional monitoring methods in which dredges and grabs are used, if one aims at getting an accurate view of the biodiversity present in marine regions like the North Sea.
    Keywords: biodiversity ; hard substrata ; Netherlands ; marine ; scuba-diving ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 36
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.59
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Five years after the commissioning of the offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee, the monopiles and the rocks of the scour protection layers were covered by a wide variety of marine organisms. This paper describes the results of qualitative and quantitative assessments carried out in 2008 and 2011. The assessments were based on video footage, pictures and samples collected by divers at three different wind turbines. The ecological relevance of identified taxa is also discussed.
    Keywords: offshore wind farms ; Netherlands ; biodiversity ; benthic zone ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 37
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.39
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De gouden kegelbij Coelioxys aurolimbata is uit ons land recent alleen bekend uit de zuidelijke helft van Limburg. Vóór 1960 kwam deze parasiet van de lathyrusbij Chalicodoma ericetorum ook in het rivierengebied voor. In juli van dit jaar werd de gouden kegelbij gevangen in Duiven. Mogelijk is dit de voorbode van een herovering van het rivierengebied door deze bedreigde soort.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Apoidea ; Megachilidae ; Nederland ; Coelioxys aurolimbata ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: During an expedition with scuba-divers to the Dutch part of the Brown Ridge in the central North Sea in June 2013, two colonies of the jewel anemone Corynactis viridis were found on the wreck Anna Graebe. With the jewel anemone both a new species and a new animal order, the Corallimorpharia, are added to the autochthonous fauna of the Netherlands. This species typically occurs in the Mediterranean and along the Atlantic coast from Portugal and the west British Isles up to Shetland. As other records of settled colonies of C. viridis in the North Sea were recently reported from Belgian, German and English waters, it is concluded that the jewel anemone, which used to be known as an occasional visitor, should now be considered autochthonous in the North Sea.
    Keywords: Cnidaria ; Corallimorpharia ; Netherlands ; Corynactis viridis ; distribution ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 39
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.15
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: In de bodem van de Noordzee leeft een bijzondere groep van kreeften. Zij brengen hun leven door in een ondergronds gangenstelsel: de molkreeften. Het zijn algemene bewoners van het Friese Front, de Oestergronden en de Klaverbank. In, op en bij deze kreeften leven verschillende andere diersoorten: parasitaire pissebedden, een mosdiertje en twee soorten tweekleppigen. Deze bijdrage gaat in op de ecologie van de molkreeften en hun symbionten.
    Keywords: Decapoda ; Upogebiidae ; Upogebia ; Nederland ; biology ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 40
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.1
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Bryozoa or moss animals constitute a conspicuous and species-rich component of hardsubstrate benthic communities in marine and estuarine habitats. To gain insight into the biodiversity of these habitats, knowledge of bryozoan species is indispensable. Since the last comprehensive publication on Dutch species in 2004 much new information has become available. Particularly from the Dutch part of the Continental Flat of the North Sea, the largest natural area of the Netherlands, many new records have been collected. Other reasons to present an updated review are changes in nomenclature, the arrival of some exotic species and identification issues.
    Keywords: Bryozoa ; Netherlands ; checklist ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 41
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.35
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Heleomyzidae zijn kleine tot middelgrote vliegen. Ze krijgen niet veel aandacht, omdat de meeste soorten een nogal verborgen leven leiden en bovendien niet opvallend gekleurd of getekend zijn. De Nederlandse familienaam, afvalvliegen, is voor de meeste soorten niet echt passend, maar veel soorten van de subfamilie Heteromyzinae, waartoe Tephrochlaena oraria behoort, worden dan wel weer vaker rond afval aangetroffen. Tephrochlaena oraria is echter in meerdere opzichten een buitenbeentje. Met deze soort komt de lijst van Nederlandse Heleomyzidae op 49.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Heleomyzidae ; Tephrochlaena oraria ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 42
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.9
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Cucujus cinnaberinus is een recent voor Nederland ontdekte soort. De kever staat op de Habitatrichtlijn, wat onder meer betekent dat hij beschermd is en dat de populatie gemonitord dient te worden. Inventarisatie en monitoring gebeurt in het algemeen door het weghalen van schors van recent gestorven bomen. Hierdoor wordt het leefgebied van de kever echter flink aangetast. Wij voerden een klein onderzoek uit naar de mogelijkheden om C. cinnaberinus te vangen in azijnzuurvallen, zodat de habitat intact gelaten kan worden en de soort toch geïnventariseerd kan worden. Tijdens het voorjaar van 2013 werden vier vallen opgehangen op een locatie waar zich een populatie van deze soort bevindt. Er werden slechts twee individuen verzameld; de vangmethode lijkt dus niet bijzonder geschikt.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Cucujidae ; Cucujus cinnaberinus ; methode ; inventarisatie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 43
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.95
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: The tanaid Zeuxo holdichi, described in 1990 from Arcachon Bay in southwest France, has since then been recorded from west Portugal to northern Brittany and southwest England. The species is recorded here from the Netherlands, a further northward expansion of the range. It is hypothesised that Z. holdichi may be non-native to Europe.
    Keywords: Crustacea ; Tanaidae ; Zeuxo holdichi ; Netherlands ; distribution ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 44
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.49
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: This paper reports on observations made during wreck dive expeditions in 2010-2012, in order to investigate the ecological relevance of shipwrecks on the Dutch Continental Shelf (dcs). Shipwrecks are biodiversity hotspots. The number of species recorded on shipwrecks is similar to the number of species found in soft bottoms of the entire dcs. The soft substrates, however, represent a vastly larger habitat on the dcs than the shipwrecks. Amongst many other taxa, juvenile and large Atlantic cod, linear skeleton shrimp, goldsinny wrasses and leopard spotted gobies were found in the shipwreck habitats. The presence of these important species and their absence from many other habitats, illustrate that shipwrecks function as key habitats, nurseries, and refugia that are rare or absent anywhere else in the Netherlands.
    Keywords: shipwrecks ; Netherlands ; biodiversity ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 45
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.23
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Wolzwevers zijn vliegen waarvan de larven parasitair leven bij andere insecten. Wolzwevers van het genus Villa veroorzaken vaak determinatieproblemen. Deze problemen lijken verleden tijd met recent gepubliceerde taxonomische inzichten. Eindelijk konden nu ook de Nederlandse exemplaren van dit genus op naam gebracht worden. Deze bleken te behoren tot vier soorten, waarvan er twee vermoedelijk reeds zijn verdwenen.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Bombyliidae ; Villa hottentotta ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Sluipwespen van de groep van de Polysphinctini hebben een bijzondere levenswijze. Het vrouwtje van wesp legt een eitje op het achterlijf van een spin. Wanneer het eitje is uitgekomen brengt de larve haar hele leven op het achterlijf van de spin door. Ze maakt kleine wondjes in de huid en voedt zich met lichaamsvloeistof van de spin. Na verloop van tijd ontwikkelt de larve bulten op de rug, een teken dat ze bijna volgroeid is. Ze zuigt dan de spin leeg, de ‘grote slurp’ genaamd, en verpopt zich in het web. In dit artikel wordt de levenswijze van één van deze soorten, Acrodactyla quadrisculpta, voor het eerst beschreven en geïllustreerd.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Ichneumonidae ; Araneae ; Tetragnathidae ; biologie ; Nederland ; Acrodactyla quadrisculpta ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 47
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.15
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De bladwespgenera Phyllocolpa, Tubpontania, Pontania en Euura hebben gemeenschappelijk dat ze gallen vormen op wilg. Recentelijk is er veel vernieuwend taxonomisch werk verricht aan deze groepen. In dit artikel wordt de Nederlandse situatie samengevat. Uit oudere literatuur waren 18 soorten bekend en in het recent gepubliceerde gallenboek worden nog eens 11 soorten voor het eerst voor ons land vermeld. In dit artikel worden nog acht soorten aan de lijst toegevoegd en twee soorten worden van de lijst afgevoerd. In totaal zijn nu 35 soorten galvormende bladwespen van wilg uit Nederland bekend.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Tenthredinidae ; Nematinae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 48
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.15
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Snuitvliegen zijn rare snuiters onder de zweefvliegen. Ze hebben een verlengd gezicht en een lange tong. Hiermee kunnen ze foerageren op bloemen met diepliggende nectar, in tegenstelling tot de meeste andere zweefvliegen. Als genus zijn de vliegen makkelijk herkenbaar, maar de zeer zeldzame soorten tussen de zeer algemene gewone snuitvlieg uithalen was niet altijd even makkelijk. In dit artikel wordt de herontdekking van de rode snuitvlieg beschreven en een tabel gegeven voor de drie Noordwest-Europese soorten.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Rhingia rostrata ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 49
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.89
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De larven van Trichoptera heten kokerjuffers en leven in het water. Veel soorten bouwen een kokertje van zand, takjes of ander materiaal, vandaar de Nederlandse naam. De volwassen dieren lijken wel wat op nachtvlinders en worden schietmotten genoemd. De laatste jaren heeft het onderzoek naar deze dieren een grote vlucht genomen. Enerzijds spelen ze een rol als indicator voor de waterkwaliteit. De larven worden dan ook veel verzameld tijdens macrofaunabemonsteringen door waterschappen. Anderzijds is er een groeiende groep entomologen die schietmotten bestudeert. In dit artikel wordt Ecclisopteryx dalecarlica voorgesteld, een nieuwe soort voor Nederland.
    Keywords: Trichoptera ; Limnephilidae ; Ecclisopteryx dalecarlica ; Nederland ; Belgie ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 50
    Publication Date: 2005-11-10
    Description: Through the Surveyor 3 and 7, and Apollo 11-17 missions a knowledge of the mechanical properties of Lunar regolith were gained. These properties, including material cohesion, friction, in-situ density, grain-size distribution and shape, and porosity, were determined by indirect means of trenching, penetration, and vane shear testing. Several of these properties were shown to be significantly different from those of terrestrial soils, such as an interlocking cohesion and tensile strength formed in the absence of moisture and particle cementation. To characterize the strength and deformation properties of Lunar regolith experiments have been conducted on a lunar soil simulant at various initial densities, fabric arrangements, and composition. These experiments included conventional triaxial compression and extension, direct tension, and combined tension-shear. Experiments have been conducted at low levels of effective confining stress. External conditions such as membrane induced confining stresses, end platten friction and material self weight have been shown to have a dramatic effect on the strength properties at low levels of confining stress. The solution has been to treat these external conditions and the specimen as a full-fledged boundary value problem rather than the idealized elemental cube of mechanics. Centrifuge modeling allows for the study of Lunar soil-structure interaction problems. In recent years centrifuge modeling has become an important tool for modeling processes that are dominated by gravity and for verifying analysis procedures and studying deformation and failure modes. Centrifuge modeling is well established for terrestrial enginering and applies equally as well to Lunar engineering. A brief review of the experiments is presented in graphic and outline form.
    Type: First Annual Symposium. Volume 1: Plenary Session; 14 p
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  • 51
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Nonthermal radio emissions from earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are reviewed. The dominant source of emission at each planet appears to be AKR-like auroral emission in the X-mode. O-mode emissions are substantially responsible. There is a remarkably constant scaling factor relating the total solar wind input power into each planetary system and the AKR-like auroral emissions.
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: This article presents the results of a fit of a model of the Martian satellite orbits to earthbased and spacecraft-based observations. An assessment of the orbit accuracies is given and the orbits are compared with those obtained by previous investigators.
    Type: Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361); 225; 2, No
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The petrology and chronology of early lunar crust is examined using the least equivocal of the available petrographic and age data on lunar rock samples, and the possible processes which produced the lunar crust are discussed. The results suggest that the lunar anorthositic crust was formed by about 120 Ma after the primary accretion of the moon at 4.56 Ga. At least some members of the diverse Mg-suites of rocks, such as norites, troctolites, and dunites, crystallized within a very few 100s of Ma after 4.56 Ga. A trace-element-rich material (KREEP) was formed by about 4.3 Ga ago, and this residue was subsequently reworked in melting and impact processes such that most samples which contain it have ages around 3.9-4.0 Ga. The findings also suggest that the onset of ferrous mare basalt volcanism began about 4.33 Ga, much earlier than was once assumed, and was still in process before the end of the most intense period of bombardment (3.9-4.0 Ga ago).
    Type: Tectonophysics (ISSN 0040-1951); 161; 157-164
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  • 54
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The findings made by the Voyager 2 Neptune encounter are reviewed. Data on the bowshock, magnetic field, magnetosphere, rings, plasma sheet, aurora, moons, and dust of Neptune are discussed. Findings made concerning Triton are summarized.
    Type: EOS (ISSN 0096-3941); 70; 915-921
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The composition of lunar regolith and its attendant properties are discussed. Tables are provided listing lunar minerals, the abundance of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, olivine, and ilmenite in lunar materials, typical compositions of common lunar minerals, and cumulative grain-size distribution for a large number of lunar soils. Also provided are charts on the chemistry of breccias, the chemistry of lunar glass, and the comparative chemistry of surface soils for the Apollo sites. Lunar agglutinates, constructional particles made of lithic, mineral, and glass fragments welded together by a glassy matrix containing extremely fine-grained metallic iron and formed by micrometeoric impacts at the lunar surface, are discussed. Crystalline, igneous rock fragments, breccias, and lunar glass are examined. Volatiles implanted in lunar materials and regolith maturity are also addressed.
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  • 56
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Theoretical models of planetary-ring dynamics are discussed in a detailed analytical review and illustrated with graphs and diagrams. The streamline concept is introduced, and the phenomena associated with the transport of angular momentum are described. Particular attention is then given to (1) broad rings like those of Saturn (shepherding, density-wave excitation, gaps, bending-wave excitation, multiringlet structures, inner-edge shepherding, and the possibility of polar rings around Neptune), (2) narrow rings like those of Uranus (shepherding, ring shapes, and a self-gravity model of rigid precession), and (3) ring arcs like those seen in stellar-occultation observations of Neptune.
    Type: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (ISSN 0923-2958); 46; 3, 19
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  • 57
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Type: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (ISSN 0923-2958); 46; 2, 19
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  • 58
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Images of Neptune obtained by the narrow-angle camera of the Voyager 2 spacecraft reveal large-scale cloud features that persist for several months or longer. The features' periods of rotation about the planetary axis range from 15.8 to 18.4 hours. The atmosphere equatorward of -53 deg rotates with periods longer than the 16.05-hour period deduced from Voyager's planetary radio astronomy experiment (presumably the planet's internal rotation period). The wind speeds computed with respect to this radio period range from 20 meters per second eastward to 325 meters per second westward. Thus, the cloud-top wind speeds are roughly the same for all the planets ranging from Venus to Neptune, even though the solar energy inputs to the atmospheres vary by a factor of 1000.
    Type: Science (ISSN 0036-8075); 245; 1367-136
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  • 59
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The theory of turbulent plumes maintained above steady line sources of buoyancy is worked out in detail within the limitations of Taylor's entrainment assumption. It is applied to the structure of a pure plume injected into a stably stratified atmosphere. Volcanic basalt eruptions that develop from long, narrow vents create line source plumes, which rise well above the magmatic fire fountains playing near the ground level. The eruption of Laki in 1783 may provide an example of this style of eruption. Flood basalts are more ancient examples. Evidence of enormous fissure eruptions that occurred in the past on Mars and Venus also exists. Owing to the different properties of the atmospheres on these two planets from those on the earth, heights of line source plumes are expected to vary in the ratios 1:6:0.6 (earth:Mars:Venus). It is very unlikely that the observed increase of sulfur dioxide above the Venusian cloud deck in 1978 could have been due to a line source volcanic eruption, even if it had been a flood basalt eruption.
    Type: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (ISSN 0022-4928); 46; 2662-267
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  • 60
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: An analytical and numerical study of the stability of polar rings around Neptune is presented. The stability proofs are based on various methods used to study gas disks in galaxies. It is shown that stable polar rings can exist despite energy dissipation by collisions between particles. Also, four equilibrium orientations which pass nearly over the pole of Neptune are found, two of which are stable in the presence of dissipation.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 81; 132-144
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  • 61
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Issues related to the establishment of lunar observatories are briefly addressed. The advantages of placing an observatory in a crater at one of the poles, where permanent darkness exists, are pointed out, and the methods required to emplace and operate such an observatory are considered. Planning for the installation of the first set of observatory instruments is discussed.
    Type: Spaceflight (ISSN 0038-6340); 31; 308
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  • 62
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The phenomena of the Saturn system discovered by the Voyager missions are addressed. The characteristics of the rings, including grooves, spikes, and warps, are described, and the discovery of bombarded rings and young rings is discussed. The unique and unexplained properties of Enceladus are summarized, and the possibility that some moons of Saturn have been reassembled is addressed. The interaction of moons with the rings is examined, and the possibility that Titan's atmosphere may contain complex molecules that are the precursors of life is considered.
    Type: Planetary Report (ISSN 0736-3680); 9; 12-15
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  • 63
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Spectral data from earth observations have indicated the presence of N2 and CH4 on Triton. This paper outlines the use of the 1-D radiative-convective model developed for Titan to calculate the current pressure of N2 and CH4 on Triton. The production of haze material is obtained by scaling down from the Titan value. Results and predictions for the Voyager Triton encounter are as follows: A N2-CH4 atmosphere on Triton is thermodynamically self consistent and would have a surface pressure of approximately 50 millibar; due to the chemically produced haze, Triton has a hot atmosphere with a temperature of approximately 130 K; Triton's troposphere is a region of saturation of the major constituent of the atmosphere, N2.
    Type: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276); 16; 973-976
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  • 64
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The process by which ambient gases can be implanted into silicates by shocks was investigated by analyzing the noble-gas content of several experimentally and naturally shocked silicate samples. The retentivity of shock-implanted gas during stepwise heating in the laboratory was defined in terms of two parameters, namely, the activation energy for diffusion and the extraction temperature at which 50 percent of the gas is released, both of which correlate with the shock pressure. The experiments indicate that, with increasing shock pressure, gas implantation occurs through an increasing production of microcracks/defects in the silicate lattice. The degree of annealing of these defects control the degree of diffusive loss of implanted gas.
    Type: Meteoritics (ISSN 0026-1114); 24; 113-123
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  • 65
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The long-term modulation of Saturn's nonthermal radio emission in the kilometric wavelength range has been studied based upon data obtained by Voyagers 1 and 2. A comparison of the ballistic and hydrodynamic propagation of solar wind features from the spacecraft to Saturn allows the uncertainty inherent in the projection to be determined. The results confirm the previous suggestion that momentum, ram pressure, and kinetic energy flux are the primary solar wind parameters that drive the nonthermal radio emission. It is suggested that, under certain conditions and for limited periods of time, the magnetic properties and time derivatives of the solar wind have increased importance.
    Type: Annales Geophysicae (ISSN 0980-8752); 7; 341-353
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  • 66
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: It has been observed from the plasma experiments on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter that the altitude of the upper boundary of the ionosphere decreases in response to increasing solar wind dynamic pressure. However, at pressures above about 2.5 x 10 to the -8th dynes/sq cm, the further decrease in the ionopause height is rather small. Following the model of Cloutier et al. (1969), it is suggested that during high solar wind conditions, when the ionopause is formed at lower altitudes, the solar wind induces vertical and horizontal flows which sweep away the ionospheric plasma that is produced locally by photoionization. As a result, a disturbed photodynamical ionosphere is formed which has the scale height of the ionizable neutral constituent. It is shown that such a photodynamical ionosphere is observed at the subsolar ionopause under these conditions. As a consequence of this interaction, the ionopause altitude is observed to follow the small-scale height of the ionizable species, atomic oxygen, showing only small changes with solar wind pressure.
    Type: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276); 16; 759-762
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  • 67
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Asteroids appear in light of telescopic and meteority studies to be the most accessible repositories of early solar system history available. In the cooler regions of the outer asteroid belt, apparently unaffected by severe heating, the C, P, and D populations appear to harbor significant inventories of volatiles; the larger primordial belt population may have had an even greater percentage of volatile-rich, low-albedo asteroids, constituting a potent asteroid for veneering early terrestrial planet atmospheres. The volatile-rich asteroids contain carbon, structurally bound and adsorbed water, as well as remnants of interstellar material predating the solar system.
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  • 68
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The development and implementation of the Voyager missions are reviewed. The interplanetary missions preceding Voyager are discussed, focusing on the technological development leading up to the Voyager spacecraft. The main results from Voyager observations of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are outlined. Also, consideration is given to the prospects for observations of Neptune.
    Type: Sky and Telescope (ISSN 0037-6604); 78; 16-20
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  • 69
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Isotopic analysis of nesquehonite recovered from the surface of the LEW 85320 H5 ordinary chondrite shows that the delta C-13 and delta O-18 values of the two generations of bicarbonate (Antarctic and Texas) are different: delta C-13 = + 7.9 per mil and + 4.2 per mil; delta O-18 = + 17.9 per mil and + 12.1 per mil, respectively. Carbon isotopic compositions are consistent with equilibrium formation from atmospheric carbon dioxide at - 2 + or - 4 C (Antarctic) and + 16 + or - 4 C (Texas). Oxygen isotopic data imply that the water required for nesquehonite precipitation was derived from atmospheric water vapor or glacial meltwater which had locally exchanged with silicates, either in the meteorite or in underlying bedrock. Although carbonates with similar delta C-13 values have been identified in the SNC meteorites EETA 79001 and Nakhla, petrographic and temperature constraints argue against their simply being terrestrial weathering products.
    Type: Meteoritics (ISSN 0026-1114); 24; 1-7
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  • 70
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A primary concern in the formation of a multinational Mars-exploration program is that of technology transfer, which would be most acute in the U.S./U.S.S.R. case but would exist in lesser degree among other nations. Another concern is that of management-complexity, which could inflate total costs and substantially counteract the anticipated benefits of spreading program costs among a number of nations. It is presently suggested that these problems can be substantially reduced by having each nation become responsible for one (or more) complete flight system. Each nation's role in mission operations must be clear, and the cleanliness of interfaces among flight systems must carry over into mission operations.
    Type: Aerospace America (ISSN 0740-722X); 27; 18-21
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  • 71
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Observations of the stratospheric IR emission structure on Saturn are presented. The high-spatial-resolution global images show a variety of new features, including a narrow equatorial belt of enhanced emission at 7.8 micron, a prominent symmetrical north polar hotspot at all three wavelengths, and a midlatitude structure which is asymmetrically brightened at the east limb. The results confirm the polar brightening and reversal in position predicted by recent models for seasonal thermal variations of Saturn's stratosphere.
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 342; 777-780
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  • 72
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: An overview of the Voyager 2 encounter with Neptune is presented, including a brief discussion of the trajectory, the planned observations, and highlights of the results described in the 11 companion papers. Neptune's blue atmosphere has storm systems reminiscent of those in Jupiter's atmosphere. An optically thin methane ice cloud exists near the 1.5-bar pressure level, and an optically thick cloud exists below 3 bars. Neptune's magnetic field is highly tilted and offset from the planet's center; it rotates with a period of 16.11 hours. Two narrow and two broad rings circle the planet; the outermost of these rings has three optically thicker arc segments. Six new moons were discovered in circular prograde orbits, all well inside Triton's retrograde orbit. Triton has a highly reflective and geologically young surface, a thin nitrogen atmosphere, and at least two active geyser-like plumes.
    Type: Science (ISSN 0036-8075); 246; 1417-142
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  • 73
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Recent models of the internal structure of Pluto and Charon, made possible by analysis of the Pluto/Charon mutual events are reviewed. At a mean density of just over 2 g/cu cm and a predicted rock mass fraction of roughly 0.7, the Pluto/Charon system is significantly rockier than the icy satellites of the giant planets, a contrast which may reflect its formation in a CO-rich outer solar nebula rather than a circumplanetary nebula. Pluto and Charon may in fact be so rocky that they lost volatiles early in their history (possibly during a Charon-forming impact event), although this is still an open issue.
    Type: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276); 16; 1209-121
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  • 74
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Preliminary results from electric field measurements in the environment of Mars using the plasma-wave system on board Phobos 2 are reported. Electron-plasma oscillations observed upstream of the bow shock correspond to a solar-wind density of 2/cu cm. The shock-foot boundary was crossed up to three times on each orbit. The shock ramp was detected at altitudes between 0.45 and 0.75 Mars radii R(M) above the planetary surface. The density increased by about a factor of two at the ramp. The shock position, although variable, seems to be consistent with previous measurements. The downstream magnetosheath contained broadband electric-field noise below the plasma frequency. The boundary of th obstacle, or plasmapause, was crossed at altitudes of the order of 0.28 R(M); the cold plasma density was highly variable within the planetopause and reached the unexpected value of 700/cu cm on the third orbit, at 0.25 R(M) altitude. Bursts of waves with frequencies below the electron cyclotron frequency occur within the planetopause.
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 341; 607-609
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  • 75
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The magnetic fields of Mars have been measured from Phobos 2 with high temporal resolution in the tail and down to an 850-km altitude. During four successive highly elliptical orbits, the position of the bow shock as well as that of a transition layer, the 'planetopause', were identified. Subsequent circular orbits at 6000-km altitude provided the first high-resolution data in the planetary tail and indicate that the interplanetary magnetic field mainly controls the magnetic tail. Magnetic turbulence was also detected when the spacecraft crossed the orbit of Phobos, indicating the possible existence of a torus near the orbit of this moon.
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 341; 604-607
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  • 76
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The formation of the ice-rock cores of the giant planets by density wave-assisted accretion is outlined. The process could be rapid (100,000-1,000,000 yr) and completed within the probable lifetime of the solar nebula. The mechanism works for both Jupiter and Saturn and does not require a large excess of mass over that believed present in their cores.
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters (ISSN 0004-637X); 345; L99-L102
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  • 77
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: This paper identifies and documents several well-preserved examples of Martian strike-slip faults and examines their relationships to wrinkle-ridges. The strike-slip faulting predates or overlaps periods of wrinkle-ridge growth southeast of Valles Marineris, and some wrinkle ridges may have nucleated and grown as a result of strike-slip displacements along the echelon fault arrays. Lateral displacements of several km inferred along these arrays may be related to tectonism in Tharsis.
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 341; 424-426
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  • 78
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Results are presented on the long-term behavior of the main peak electron density in the Venus ionosphere during the solar cycle 21, based on 104 radio occultation measurements of the vertical electron density profile in the dayside ionosphere of Venus carried out aboard the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft (along with published data on 11 Venera 9-10 measurements). The equation representing the electron temperature at h = 140 km is presented. The results imply that the electron temperature at h = 140 km decreased by about 25 percent from solar maximum to solar minimum, compared to a decrease of 50-75 percent above 200 km found by Kliore and Mullen (1989).
    Type: Journal of Geophysical Research (ISSN 0148-0227); 94; 13339-13
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  • 79
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Theoretical models of early Martian atmospheric evolution describe the maintenance of a dense CO2 atmosphere and a warm, wet climate until the end of the heavy-bombardment phase of impacting. However, the presence of very young, earthlike fluvial valleys on the northern flank of Alba Patera conflicts with this scenario. Whereas the widespread ancient Martian valleys generally have morphologies indicative of sapping erosion by the slow outflow of subsurface water, the local Alba valleys were probably formed by surface-runoff processes. Because subsurface water flow might be maintained by hydrothermal energy inputs and because surface-runoff valleys developed late in Martian history, it is not necessary to invoke drastically different planet-wide climatic conditions to explain valley development on Mars. The Alba fluvial valleys can be explained by hydrothermal activity or outflow-channel discharges that locally modified the atmosphere, including precipitation and local overland flow on low-permeability volcanic ash.
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 341; 514-516
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  • 80
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: On the Mars rover sample-return mission, the rover vehicle will collect and select samples from different locations on the Martian surface to be brought back to earth for laboratory studies. It is anticipated that an in situ energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer will be on board the rover. On such a mission, sample selection is of higher priority than in situ quantitative chemical anlaysis. With this in mind, a pattern recognition technique is proposed as a simple, direct, and speedy alternative to detailed chemical analysis of the XRF spectra. The validity and efficacy of the pattern recognition technique are demonstrated by the analyses of laboratory XRF spectra obtained from a series of geological samples, in the form both of standardized pressed pellets and as unprepared rocks. It is found that pattern recognition techniques applied to the raw XRF spectra can provide for the same discrimination among samples as a knowledge of their actual chemical composition.
    Type: Journal of Geophysical Research (ISSN 0148-0227); 94; 13611-13
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  • 81
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The present photoelectric lightcurve observations of 44 Nysa at one aspect, and 64 Angelina at both polar aspects, indicate the presence of an opposition spike or brightening of approximately 0.25 mag within several deg of zero-phase angle. Since the three curves are identical within the bounds of observational scatter, the opposition spike cannot be judged anomalous within the asteroid taxonomic class E. The general similarity of the observed phase curves to those of the Uranian satellites and the rings of Saturn supports the status of the spike as an ordinary property of moderate-to-high albedo atmosphereless surfaces.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 81; 365-374
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  • 82
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: In order to ascertain the features of organic compound-production in planetary atmospheres under the effects of plasmas and shocks, various mixtures of N2, CH4, and H2 modeling the atmosphere of Titan were subjected to discrete sparks, laser-induced plasmas, and UV radiation. The experimental results obtained suggest that UV photolysis from the plasma is an important organic compound synthesis process, as confirmed by the photolysis of gas samples that were exposed to the light but not to the shock waves emitted by the sparks. The thermodynamic equilibrium theory is therefore incomplete in the absence of photolysis.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 81; 413-428
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  • 83
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: An account is given of the results of photometric light curve observations in the V band for asteroids, yielding estimates of the mean and maximum reduced magnitudes for each object. On the basis of fits of the H-G magnitude relation for 33 objects, the mean values of the slope parameter are examined for different taxonomic classes; these values are then applied to the analysis of less complete data sets. While in the case of the moderate albedo S and M class asteroids the H-G relation appears to fit the available data, the relation for dark asteroids appears to predict more of an opposition than is characteristically present.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 81; 314-364
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  • 84
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Voyager imaging, radio occultation, and stellar occultation data for the regular structure of Saturn's inner Cassini Division are presently analyzed. The regular optical depth variation observed by the radio occultation experiment scan and the feature noted in Voyager images is the same structure, namely the gravitational wakes of two 10-km radius satellites orbiting within the division. The structure is azimuthally symmetric, and is judged to rule out the possibility that large moonlets may be responsible for the observed structure.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 82; 180-199
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  • 85
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: TEM and IR spectroscopy investigations of the interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the stratosphere have shown the majority of IDPs in the layer-lattice silicate and pyroxene classes to not have been heated to temperatures above 600 C during atmospheric entry. This implies that they arrive at the upper atmosphere with low geocentric encounter velocities, and limits the possible encounter trajectories for these particles to relatively circular prograde orbits. On this basis, it is judged unlikely that these IDPs are from earth-crossing comets or asteroids; collected IDPs dominated by olivine include a larger portion of above-600 C-heated particles, suggesting their capture from more eccentric orbits.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 82; 146-166
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  • 86
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The present examination of the west Deuteronilus Mensae region of Mars notes the changes in fretted terrain across the gradational boundary from uplands to lowlands to include a reduction of canyon wall slopes and depths, so that the fretted terrain north of the gradational boundary appears matted, but not obscured. The two process-classes that may account for the lateral overlap are the erosion of stratified upland terrain, and the deposition of plains materials onto the sloping upland margin and fretted terrain. A variety of plains-emplacement mechanisms is considered.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 82; 111-145
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  • 87
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The compositional contrast between the giant-planet satellites and the significantly rockier Pluto/Charon system is indicative of different formation mechanisms; cosmic abundance calculations, in conjunction with an assumption of the Pluto/Charon system's direct formation from solar nebula condensates, strongly suggest that most of the carbon in the outer solar nebula was in CO form, in keeping with both the inheritance from the dense molecular clouds in the interstellar medium, and/or the Lewis and Prinn (1980) kinetic-inhibition model of solar nebula chemistry. Laboratory studies of carbonaceous chondrites and Comet Halley flyby studies suggest that condensed organic material, rather than elemental carbon, is the most likely candidate for the small percentage of the carbon-bearing solid in the outer solar nebula.
    Type: Icarus (ISSN 0019-1035); 82; 1-35
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  • 88
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: An attempt is made to provide a constraint on the combined mass of Janus and Epimetheus from an analysis of Voyager I and Voyager 2 data and ground-based observations obtained during the 1966 and 1980 ring plane crossings. The results of the analysis presented here suggest that the total mass is 2.59 + or - 0.26 x 10 to the 21st g, the mass ratio is 3.61 + or - 0.01, and Janus' density is 0.67 + or - 0.10 g/cu cm. The low density of Janus is attributed to its porosity rather than composition.
    Type: Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256); 98; 1875-188
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  • 89
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A coordinated multinational Mars Surveyor Program involving a series of robotic missions is proposed in order to select worthwhile human landing sites for discoveries, for safe operations, and for testing and proving technologies for making human flight to Mars possible. Some characteristics motivating exploration of the planet are briefly discussed, including the possibility of life, geological features, and meteorological conditions. The necessity for preliminary exploration of Mars by robots prior to human exploration is discussed, and the rationale behind a multinational approach for a Mars Surveyor Program is presented.
    Type: Planetary Report (ISSN 0736-3680); 9; 12-15
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  • 90
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Arecibo high-resolution (1.5 to 2 km) radar data of Venus for the area extending from Beta Regio to western Eisila Regio provide strong evidence that the mountains in Beta and Eisila Regiones and plains in and adjacent to Guinevere Planitia are of volcanic origin. Recognized styles of volcanism include large volcanic edifices on the Beta and Eisila rises related to regional structural trends, plains with multiple source vents and a mottled appearance due to the ponding of volcanic flows, and plains with bright features surrounded by extensive quasi-circular radar-dark halos. The high density of volcanic vents in the plains suggests that heat loss by abundant and widely distributed plains volcanism may be more significant than previously recognized. The low density of impact craters greater than 15 km in diameter in this region compared to the average density for the higher northern latitudes suggests that the plains have a younger age.
    Type: Science (ISSN 0036-8075); 246; 373-377
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  • 91
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: In February and March 1989 the Phobos 2 spacecraft took 37 television images of Phobos from a distance of 190-1100 km. The data are being used to update the three-dimensional model of Phobos, to provide improved determinations of its density and orbital dynamics, and to study its surface color, composition, and texture. Preliminary findings are presented here which include different integrated photometric behavior in visible and near-infrared bands, observation of a region immediately west of Stickney which is relatively free of large grooves, the prevalence of bright rims on grooves and younger craters, and low bulk density.
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 341; 585-587
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  • 92
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The nearly ubiquitous presence of a negative Eu anomaly in the mare basalts has been suggested to indicate prior separation and flotation of plagioclase from the basalt source region during its crystallization from a lunar magma ocean (LMO). Are there any mare basalts derived from a mantle source which did not experience prior plagioclase separation? Crystal chemical rationale for REE substitution in pyroxene suggests that the combination of REE size and charge, M2 site characteristics of pyroxene, fO2, magma chemistry, and temperature may account for the negative Eu anomaly in the source region of some types of primitive, low TiO2 mare basalts. This origin for the negative Eu anomaly does not preclude the possibility of the LMO as many mare basalts still require prior plagioclase crystallization and separation and/or hybridization involving a KREEP component.
    Type: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (ISSN 0016-7037); 53; 3331-333
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  • 93
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Pioneer Venus ion composition measurements are used to study the Venus ionosphere during solar minimum. It is suggested that the topside electron density profile at Venus during solar minimum has two distinct regimes. One beween 140 and 180 km is dominated by O2(+) ions which are in photochemical equilibrium. The other regime is above 180 km and is dominated by O(+) ions which are disturbed by the solar wind induced plasma transport. For Pioneer Venus, Mariner 10, and Venera 9 and 10 data, it is found that Venus exhibits a photodynamical type of ionopause during solar minimum.
    Type: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276); 16; 1477-148
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  • 94
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Voyager 2's IR observations of Neptune encompass thermal emissions and broadband radiometer measurements of reflected solar radiation. Temperature maps were obtained for the planet between 80 deg S and 30 deg N for two atmospheric layers, one in the lower stratosphere and the other in the troposphere. The relatively warm pole and equator, with cooler midlatitudes, are qualitatively similar to Uranus, despite the two planets' very different obliquities and internal heat fluxes. Powerful wavelike longitudinal thermal structure is noted, of which some appears to be associated with the Great Dark Spot; a localized cold region uncorrelated with any visible feature is found in the lower stratosphere.
    Type: Science (ISSN 0036-8075); 246; 1454-145
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  • 95
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Detection of very intense short radio bursts from Neptune was possible as early as 30 days before closest approach and at least 22 days after closest approach. The bursts lay at frequencies in the range 100 to 1300 kilohertz, were narrowband and strongly polarized, and presumably originated in southern polar regions of the planet. Episodes of smooth emissions in the frequency range from 20 to 865 kilohertz were detected during an interval of at least 10 days around closest approach. The bursts and the smooth emissions can be described in terms of rotation in a period of 16.11 + or - 0.05 hours. The bursts came at regular intervals throughout the encounter, including episodes both before and after closest approach. The smooth emissions showed a half-cycle phase shift between the five episodes before and after closest approach. This experiment detected the foreshock of Neptune's magnetosphere and the impacts of dust at the times of ring-plane crossings and also near the time of closest approach. Finally, there is no evidence for Neptunian electrostatic discharges.
    Type: Science (ISSN 0036-8075); 246; 1498-150
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  • 96
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Based on the success of several two-dimensional (latitude, longitude) linear barotropic instability models at matching some of the observed characteristics of the cloud level, polar region of the Venus atmosphere, a more realistic, linear, three-dimensional (height, latitude and longitude) model has been developed to further test the hypothesis that the observed features can be described by linear instability theory. The approach taken is to vary the model input parameters to see whether it is possible to produce modes that resemble the observations of wave activity and to compare those input parameters with other observations of the mean state. Sensitivity studies show that in addition to a well-documented dependence on the mean zonal wind, the growth and propagation of unstable modes depends on the latitude variation of the mean temperature (and hence static stability). These studies have led to the specification of a model basic state wind and temperature field that produces modes which are matched to observations of spatial structure, preferred wavenumber and phase speed of the polar disturbances. Wavenumber 2 is found to have the shortest growth time and unlike the two-dimensional results, wavenumbers 1-3 share a nearly common period of about 3 days. The derived basic state has a temperature field that is quite similar to Pioneer Venus observations; however, in some regions the model basic state wind field departs from cyclostrophic values based on temperature observations.
    Type: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (ISSN 0022-4928); 46; 3559-356
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  • 97
    Publication Date: 2013-08-31
    Description: Particles in the mass range from 10 to the minus 7th power to 10 to the minus 3rd power grams contribute 80 percent of the total mass influx of meteoritic material in the 10 to the minus 13th power to 10 to the 6th power gram mass range at Earth (Hughes, 1978). On Earth atmospheric entry, all but the smallest particles in the 10 to the minus 7th power to 10 to the minus 3rd power gram mass range, about 60 to 1200 micrometers in diameter, are heated sufficiently to melt and vaporize. Mars, because of its lower escape velocity and larger atmospheric scale height, is a much more favorable site for unmelted survival of micrometeorites on atmospheric deceleration. Researchers calculate that a significant fraction of particles throughout the 60 to 1200 micrometer diameter range will survive atmospheric entry unmelted. Thus returned Mars soils may offer a resource for sampling micrometeorites in a size range uncollectable in unaltered form at Earth. The addition of meteoritic material to the Mars soils should perturb their chemical composition, as has been detected using the soils on the Moon (Anders, et al., 1973). Using measured mass influx at Earth and estimates of the Mars/Earth flux ratio, researchers estimate a mass influx at Mars of between 2,700 and 202,000 metric tons per year.
    Type: NASA, Lyndon B.; NASA, Lyndon B. John
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  • 98
    In:  CASI
    Publication Date: 2013-08-31
    Description: A central question for any planet is the age of its surface. Based on comparative planetological arguments, Venus should be as young and active as the Earth (Wood and Francis). The detection of probable impact craters in the Venera radar images provides a tool for estimating the age of the surface of Venus. Assuming somewhat different crater production rates, Bazilevskiy et al. derived an age of 1 + or - 0.5 billion years, and Schaber et al. and Wood and Francis estimated an age of 200 to 400 million years. The known impact craters are not randomly distributed, however, thus some area must be older and others younger than this average age. Ages were derived for major geologic units on Venus using the Soviet catalog of impact craters (Bazilevskiy et al.), and the most accessible geologic unit map (Bazilevskiy). The crater counts are presented for (diameters greater than 20 km), areas, and crater densities for the 7 terrain units and coronae. The procedure for examining the distribution of craters is superior to the purely statistical approaches of Bazilevskiy et al. and Plaut and Arvidson because the bins are larger (average size 16 x 10(6) sq km) and geologically significant. Crater densities define three distinct groups: relatively heavily cratered (Lakshmi, mountain belts), moderately cratered (smooth and rolling plains, ridge belts, and tesserae), and essentially uncratered (coronae and domed uplands). Following Schaber et al., Grieve's terrestrial cratering rate of 5.4 + or - 2.7 craters greater than 20 km/10(9) yrs/10(6) sq km was used to calculate ages for the geologic units on Venus. To improve statistics, the data was aggregated into the three crater density groups, deriving the ages. For convenience, the three similar age groups are given informal time stratigraphic unit names, from youngest to oldest: Ulfrunian, Sednaian, Lakshmian.
    Type: Lunar and Planetary Inst., Abstracts for the Venus Geoscience Tutorial and Venus Geologic Mapping Workshop; p 54-55
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  • 99
    Publication Date: 2013-08-31
    Description: The Tellus Regio area of Venus represents a subset of a narrow latitude band where Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) altimetry data, line-of-sight (LOS) gravity data, and Venera 15/16 radar images have all been obtained with good resolution. Tellus Regio also has a wide variety of surface morphologic features, elevations ranging up to 2.5 km, and a relatively low LOS gravity anomaly. This area was therefore chosen in order to examine the theoretical stress distributions resulting from various models of compensation of the observed topography. These surface stress distributions are then compared with the surface morphology revealed in the Venera 15/16 radar images. Conclusions drawn from these comparisons will enable constraints to be put on various tectonic parameters relevant to Tellus Regio. The stress distribution is calculated as a function of the topography, the equipotential anomaly, and the assumed model parameters. The topography data is obtained from the PVO altimetry. The equipotential anomaly is estimated from the PVO LOS gravity data. The PVO LOS gravity represents the spacecraft accelerations due to mass anomalies within the planet. These accelerations are measured at various altitudes and angles to the local vertical and therefore do not lend themselves to a straightforward conversion. A minimum variance estimator of the LOS gravity data is calculated, taking into account the various spacecraft altitudes and LOS angles and using the measured PVO topography as an a priori constraint. This results in an estimated equivalent surface mass distribution, from which the equipotential anomaly is determined.
    Type: Lunar and Planetary Inst., Abstracts for the Venus Geoscience Tutorial and Venus Geologic Mapping Workshop; p 52-53
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  • 100
    Publication Date: 2013-08-31
    Description: Previous analyses have recognized several styles and orientations of compressional deformation, crustal convergence, and crustal thickening in Eastern Ishtar Terra. An east to west sense of crustal convergence through small scale folding, thrusting, and buckling is reflected in the high topography and ridge-and-valley morphology of Maxwell Montes and the adjacent portion of Fortuna Tessera. This east to west convergence was accompanied by up to 1000 km of lateral motion and large scale strike-slip faulting within two converging shear zones which has resulted in the present morphology of Maxwell Montes. A more northeast to southwest sense of convergence through large scale buckling and imbrication is reflected in large, northwest-trending scarps along the entire northern boundary of Ishtar Terra, with up to 2 km of relief present at many of the scarps. It was previously suggested that both styles of compression have occurred at the expense of pre-existing tessera regions which have then been overprinted by the latest convergence event. The difference in style is attributed mostly to differences in the properties of the crust converging with the tessera blocks. If one, presumably thick, tessera block converges with another tessera region, then the widespread, distributed style of deformation occurs, as observed in western Fortuna Tessera. However, if relatively thin crust (such as suggested for the North Polar Plains converges with thicker tessera regions, then localized deformation occurs, as reflected in the scarps along Northern Ishtar Terra. The purpose is to identify the types of features observed in Eastern Ishtar Terra. Their potential temporal and spatial relationships, is described, possible origins for them is suggested, and how the interpretation of some of these features has led to the multiple-style tectonic evolution model described is shown.
    Type: Lunar and Planetary Inst., Abstracts for the Venus Geoscience Tutorial and Venus Geologic Mapping Workshop; p 50-51
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