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  • ASTROPHYSICS  (4,662)
  • 42.75
  • 2010-2014  (49)
  • 1985-1989  (4,662)
  • 1950-1954
  • 1
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.5
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Tweestaarten Diplura behoren met de springstaarten Collembola en beentasters Protura tot de Entognatha. Dat zijn kleine ongevleugelde bodemdieren met zes poten, die zich onderscheiden van de insecten door hun verzonken monddelen. Tot nu toe waren twee soorten voor Nederland gemeld, maar voor België 13. Tijdens een onderzoek naar in mierennesten levende organismen werden twee soorten gevonden die nog niet uit Nederland bekend waren. Verder onderzoek zal zeker nog meer nieuwe tweestaarten kunnen opleveren.
    Keywords: Diplura ; Nederland ; Campodea lubbocki ; Campodea plusiochaeta ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.67
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Larven van kriebelmuggen komen uitsluitend voor in stromend water, waar ze met hun waaiervormige monddelen deeltjes filteren uit het voorbij stromende water. Het zijn goede indicatoren voor zuurstofrijk water. Tot nu toe was niet duidelijk welke soorten precies voorkomen in Nederland en België en de determinatie van kriebelmuggen wordt vaak als lastig beschouwd. Om dit te verhelpen, presenteren we hier determinatietabellen voor alle in Nederland en België voorkomende soorten, zowel voor larven van het laatste stadium als voor poppen.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Simuliidae ; Nederland ; België ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; ecologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 3
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.17
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De catalogus van de Nederlandse kevers uit 2010 geeft het meest recente overzicht van de Nederlandse kevers. Er staan 372 soorten loopkevers op deze lijst. Per soort wordt een overzicht gegeven van de provincies waaruit waarnemingen bekend zijn. Voor elk zogenaamd provincierecord is een collectie-exemplaar aangeduid als bewijsexemplaar. Sinds 2010 is er veel nieuwe informatie over loopkevers bekend geworden. In dit artikel worden de wijzigingen in de lijst toegelicht.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Carabidae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 4
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.1
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Hoe een leek op het gebied van wespen en bijen toch een leuke vondst kan doen. Op zonnige dagen gaat de auteur regelmatig op ‘tuinsafari’. Een tuin waarin rekening wordt gehouden met vogels en insecten, door keuze van beplanting en het ophangen van insectenhotels. De inspanningen leverden op 23 juli 2014 een opvallende wesp op. In een bijna automatische reactie werden snel foto’s gemaakt, in de hoop ze later te kunnen determineren. De wesp vloog daarna weg en werd niet meer gezien. Na determinatie blijkt het reuzenertswesp Leucospis dorsigera te zijn, een nieuwe soort bronswesp voor Nederland.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Chalcidoidea ; Leucospis dorsigera ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 5
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.27
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De gewone citroenzweefvlieg Xanthogramma pedissequum is een eenvoudig te herkennen zweefvlieg. Tenminste, dat dachten we tot voor kort. Nu blijkt dat de bijna identieke X. dives en X. stackelbergi ook in Nederland rondvliegen. Gelukkig zijn er enkele kenmerken waarmee deze drie soorten citroenzweefvlieg in het veld redelijk herkenbaar blijken. In dit artikel bespreken we deze kenmerken en geven we informatie over verspreiding en vliegtijden van de drie soorten.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Xanthogramma dives ; Xanthogramma stackelbergi ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 6
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.55
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Wespblaaskoppen Leopoldius worden ondanks hun opvallende uiterlijk maar weinig waargenomen. De soorten zijn lastig van elkaar te onderscheiden en bovendien werden tot voor kort variabele kenmerken gebruikt, wat tot veel verwarring heeft geleid. Nu blijkt dat alleen vrouwtjes met zekerheid te herkennen zijn aan de vorm van het klampje. Dit is een lepelvormig uitsteeksel onder het vijfde achterlijfsegment. Het wordt gebruikt bij het afzetten van eieren op een gastheer. Waarschijnlijk zijn limonadewespen de belangrijkste gastheer van Leopoldius. In dit artikel wordt een nieuwe soort voor België en een nieuwe soort voor Luxemburg gemeld. Daarnaast wordt een overzicht geboden van waarnemingen in Nederland, België en Luxemburg en een sleutel tot de Noordwest-Europese soorten.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Conopidae ; Leopoldius ; Nederland ; België ; Luxemburg ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 7
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.93
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Ondanks de fors toegenomen aandacht voor watermacrofauna sinds begin jaren 1980 is de schietmot Molanna albicans maar sporadisch aangetroffen. In dit artikel wordt de eerste larvenvondst van M. albicans buiten Drenthe beschreven. Samen met de vindplaatsen in Drenthe is de soort nu van vijf vennen in Nederland bekend. Aanvullend worden de determinatiekenmerken aan de hand van foto’s geïllustreerd.
    Keywords: Trichoptera ; Molannidae ; Molanna albicans ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.81
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Caddisflies are a species rich insect order. The adults are moth-like, but their wings bear hairs instead of scales. The larvae are aquatic and live in self-constructed cases, made of plant material, sand or debris. The species are used as indicators of water quality, but much is still not known about their biology and ecology. In this paper the preferred substrates and phenology of the larvae of 13 species are described, using the data of a survey of two lowland streams in the east of the Netherlands.
    Keywords: Trichoptera ; ecology ; phenology ; Netherlands ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.37
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Slakkendodende vliegen danken hun naam aan hun roofzuchtige, parasitaire larven, die het op slakken gemunt hebben. Uit België en Nederland zijn circa 60 soorten uit deze familie bekend, maar er zijn er zeker meer te ontdekken. Dit artikel meldt een nieuwe soort voor de Nederlandse fauna uit het genus Psacadina, dat in beide landen drie soorten telt. De herkenning en het voorkomen van de drie soorten wordt uitgebreid besproken.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Sciomyzidae ; Psacadina ; Nederland ; België ; biologie ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 10
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.33
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Zwarte vliegen behoren tot de muggen, maar door hun korte antennen doen ze oppervlakkig aan vliegen denken. De mannetjes zien er met hun grote kop en grote ogen heel anders uit dan de vrouwtjes, die een kleine kop met kleine ogen hebben. In het voorjaar vormen sommige soorten opvallend grote zwermen op windluwe plekken. Aan de 17 soorten die reeds uit Nederland bekend waren, kan er nu één worden toegevoegd: Bibio venosus.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Bibionidae ; Bibio venosus ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 11
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.11
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Astrobunus laevipes is een hooiwagen die via het Rijnbekken recentelijk ons land is binnengekomen. Er waren al vondsten langs de Waal en Nederrijn in Gelderland en het meest oostelijke puntje van de provincie Utrecht. Door gerichte inventarisaties kunnen wij de hooiwagen nu nieuw voor de provincies Zuid-Holland en Noord-Brabant melden. Daarnaast is er van A. laevipes nu ook een waarneming langs de IJssel en enkele westelijker in de provincie Utrecht. Allerlei rivierbegeleidende biotopen langs (uitlopers van) de Nederrijn en Waal worden al door deze opmerkelijke hooiwagen bevolkt, maar de noordelijke uitbreiding via de IJsselvallei lijkt veel trager te verlopen. De Maas lijkt nog niet bereikt.
    Keywords: Opiliones ; Astrobunus leavipes ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 12
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.43
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De familie der sluipvliegen is één der soortenrijkste vliegenfamilies in ons land. De larven ontwikkelen zich inwendig in ongewervelden, veelal vlinderrupsen. De familie is in ons land relatief goed bestudeerd. In dit artikel wordt wederom een soort voor het eerst uit ons land vermeld. Hiermee komt het totaal aantal soorten dat in Nederland ooit vastgesteld is op 334.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Tachinidae ; Pexopsis aprica ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 13
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.111
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Mariene borstelwormen vormen een ecologisch belangrijke, soortenrijke groep. Van diverse families is niet veel bekend over het voorkomen in Nederland en de bamboewormen (familie Maldanidae) behoren tot de slechtst bekende groepen. Bamboewormen danken hun naam aan de lange en aan het uiteinde verdikte segmenten. In dit artikel wordt een nieuwe bamboeworm voor Nederland besproken en een opsomming gegeven van de nu bekende inheemse soorten.
    Keywords: Polychaeta ; Maldanidae ; Micromaldane ornithochaeta ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 14
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.47
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Slakkendodende vliegen zijn nog relatief slecht onderzocht in ons land, zeker de kleine soorten. De vertegenwoordigers van het genus Anticheta zijn kleine vliegjes, waarvan slechts twee soorten uit ons land bekend waren. Uitgebreider onderzoek, zowel in collecties als in het veld, heeft twee nieuwe soorten voor de fauna aan het licht gebracht: Anticheta nigra en A. obliviosa. Van de eerste soort waren wereldwijd slechts acht exemplaren bekend.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Sciomyzidae ; Anticheta ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 15
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.37
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Zelfs in een goed onderzochte insectengroep als de zweefvliegen zijn nog altijd nieuwe soorten voor de Nederlandse fauna te ontdekken. Ook in 2014 was het weer raak, dit keer in het fraaie natuurgebied rond de Drentsche Aa. Het lijkt niet toevallig dat deze aanvulling op de Nederlandse fauna juist hier werd gevonden. Deze vindplaats vult ecologische informatie uit het buitenland aan, waardoor langzamerhand een beeld begint te ontstaan van de levenswijze van deze zeldzame zweefvlieg, waarover tot voor kort weinig bekend was.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Cheilosia frontalis ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 16
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.75
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De doornkaakzandbij ziet er in het voorjaar een beetje anders uit dan in de zomer. Daarom worden de voorjaarsdieren door sommigen tot een andere soort beschouwd dan de zomerdieren. Uit Nederland zijn slechts drie exemplaren bekend: twee uit het voorjaar en één uit de zomer. Toevallig komen alle exemplaren uit hetzelfde gebied. Of is dit geen toeval?
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Apoidea ; Andrenidae ; Andrena trimmerana ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 17
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.29
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Elfjes behoren tot de vroegste zweefvliegen die in het voorjaar uit de pop kruipen. Rond bloeiende wilgen wemelt het vaak van wilgenelfjes Melangyna lasiophthalma, waardoor het zoeken naar de zeldzamere soorten soms lastig is. Toch zijn de meeste soorten relatief makkelijk van elkaar te onderscheiden. Met de vondst van het Sachalinelfje M. pavlovskyi wordt het echter weer iets lastiger.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Melangyna pavlovskyi ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 18
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.19
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Steltmuggen lijken op langpootmuggen en zijn daar nauw aan verwant. Veel soorten zijn groot en karakteristiek gekleurd, maar toch zijn ze in Nederland nog weinig bestudeerd. Dit artikel bewijst dat er nog veel te ontdekken valt: in één jaar tijd zijn drie soorten gevonden die nog niet uit ons land bekend waren: Atypophthalmus inustus, Molophilus niger en Arctoconopa melampodia. Hiermee komt het totaal aantal soorten voor Nederland op 149. De nieuwe meldingen sluiten goed aan op het bekende verspreidingsgebied.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Limoniidae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 19
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.9
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Jalla dumosa is een in Nederland zeer zeldzame pentatomide, die in 1969 voor het laatst was waargenomen op Terschelling. Na 45 jaren zonder waarnemingen werd ze in 2014 weer in klein aantal waargenomen in de Kooiduinen op Ameland. Rupsen van onder andere de duinparelmoervlinder en de sint-jansvlinder stonden daar op het menu. In deze bijdrage wordt informatie samengevat over de vondsten in Nederland, de biologie en de verspreiding van de soort.
    Keywords: Heteroptera ; Pentatomidae ; Jalla dumosa ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 20
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.103
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: In August 2014 the exotic jellyfish Blackfordia virginica was captured in the harbour of Amsterdam. This is the first confirmed record of this species in the Netherlands, although in October 2013 a possible specimen was filmed and released. This indicates that the species might be established in the Amsterdam area, although repeated introduction with ballast water cannot be ruled out. In September 2014 hydrozoan polyp colonies closely resembling those of B. virginica were collected near IJmuiden in the Noordzeekanaal, a canal connecting Amsterdam with the North Sea at IJmuiden.
    Keywords: Cnidaria ; Hydrozoa ; Blackfordia virginica ; Netherlands ; exotic species ; distribution ; identification ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 21
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.1
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Wie een steen of boomstronk omkeert en voor het eerst een Trogulus opmerkt, zal dit bizarre beest niet direct associëren met een hooiwagen. Met de korte, stevige poten, het afgeplatte achterlijf dat overdekt is met strooisel en zand, en een trage manier van voortbewegen is het een ongewone verschijning. De soorten van dit geslacht zijn bodembewoners die zich voornamelijk voeden met kleine huisjesslakken. Uit ons land waren tot nu toe twee soorten bekend. De identiteit van een van die twee was lang onzeker, maar door nieuwe inzichten is nu duidelijk om welke soort het werkelijk gaat. In Nederland blijkt bovendien nog een derde soort voor te komen, die hier voor het eerst gemeld wordt.
    Keywords: Opiliones ; Trogulidae ; Trogulus ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 22
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.47
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Roofvliegen zijn met 40 Nederlandse soorten een vrij kleine groep, die behoorlijk goed is onderzocht. Het gebeurt dan ook niet vaak dat er een nieuwe soort voor de Nederlandse fauna kan worden opgetekend. De meeste roofvliegen zijn grijze vliegen, zo niet de stamjagers van het genus Choerades. Dit zijn juist vrij opvallend gekleurde vliegen. Zo heeft de rode dennenstamjager Choerades gilvus een rood gekleurd achterlijf. Opmerkelijk genoeg blijkt dat in Nederland juist onder deze opvallende verschijning twee soorten schuilgaan.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Asilidae ; Choerades igneus ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 23
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.43 (2014) p.23
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Onlangs werd op een braakliggend terrein in Roermond de zaadkever Bruchus brachialis verzameld. Dit is de eerste Nederlandse vondst van deze zuidelijke soort. Een reeks recente waarnemingen uit de ons omringende landen laat zien dat deze soort al enige jaren in een noordwaartse areaaluitbreiding verwikkeld is. Met deze ontdekking komt het aantal Nederlandse Bruchus-soorten op zeven.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Chrysomelidae ; Nederland ; herkenning ; biologie ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 24
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.63
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Nieuw gevormd landschap, zoals jonge duinvalleien, opgespoten polders en bedrijventerreinen in ontwikkeling vormen de habitat van gespecialiseerde soorten. Je moet tegen een stootje kunnen om in een dergelijke zandige, schaars begroeide omgeving te overleven. Vooral langdurig warme, droge perioden vormen een probleem voor vochtminnende bodemdieren. De springstaartsoorten die hier overleven zijn warmteminnend en droogteresistent, een bijzondere combinatie voor bodemdieren. Dit geldt ook voor Entomobrya unostrigata, een nieuwe aanwinst voor de fauna van Noordwest-Europa. Er is een aantal populaties van deze soort op de Tweede Maasvlakte gevonden. De dieren zaten hier onder stenen en hout op opgespoten zand.
    Keywords: Collembola ; Entomobryidae ; Entomobrya unostrigata ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 25
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.71
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: De Polychaeta vormen een groep van vrijwel uitsluitend mariene wormen, gekenmerkt door een geleed lichaam met aan de meeste leden een tamelijk groot aantal borstels. Het is een soortenrijke groep; ze spelen een belangrijke rol in de ecologie en diversiteit van vooral zachte, maar ook harde zeebodems. In vergelijking met de kreeftachtigen en weekdieren, eveneens soortenrijke groepen in dezelfde biotoop, zijn borstelwormen minder goed onderzocht. In dit artikel wordt de zeerups Fimbriosthenelais minor nieuw voor ons land gemeld. Met name op stenige en schelprijke bodems zijn nog meer nieuwe borstelwormen voor ons land te verwachten.
    Keywords: Polychaeta ; Sigalionidae ; Fimbriosthenelais minor ; Nederland ; herkenning ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 26
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.42 (2014) p.55
    Publication Date: 2017-03-16
    Description: Het kalkdoorntje is een zeldzame sprinkhanensoort, die vooral bekend is uit Zuid-Limburg en van enkele locaties in het rivierengebied. Over het voorkomen van dit kleine sprinkhaantje binnen de Gelderse Poort was lange tijd weinig bekend. Pas vanaf 2007 worden regelmatig waarnemingen gedaan. Toevallige waarnemingen op, voor de auteur, onverwachte locaties vormden de aanleiding voor een grondige inventarisatie in de jaren 2011-2013. Hieruit komt naar voren dat het kalkdoorntje een ruime verspreiding heeft binnen de Gelderse Poort en een meer diverse biotoopkeuze heeft dan voorheen bekend was.
    Keywords: Orthoptera ; Tetrigidae ; Tetrix tenuicornis ; verspreiding ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 27
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.79
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: The relative sensitivities of 309 common invertebrate species in Dutch marine waters are presented for environmental and anthropogenic pressures like organic enrichment, sedimentation and fisheries. The species were furthermore appointed to trophic groups like suspension and deposit feeders. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment uses these data when calculating the Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 and the Infaunal Trophic Index. These metrics aid in the mandatory monitoring of ecological quality for example for the European Water Framework Directive. The common Dutch species were selected based on their abundance according to, 1. the mwtl dataset including results of on-going monitoring programs issued by the Ministry, 2. the monitoring by volunteer scuba-divers for the anemoon Foundation and 3. the monitoring of fouling plates for the project setl.
    Keywords: macrozoobenthos ; marine ; Netherlands ; environment ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 28
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.43
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Onze fauna verandert en de mariene fauna is daarop geen uitzondering. Zuidelijke soorten koloniseren onze kustwateren en exotische soorten worden door de mens aangevoerd. Voor sommige soorten is niet duidelijk waarom ze hier opduiken. De sterk veranderende kustbiotopen spelen ongetwijfeld eveneens een rol. Een niet-aflatende stroom onverwachte soorten, soms zelfs behorend tot nieuwe genera en zelfs families maken faunistisch onderzoek in de kustwateren verrassend en boeiend. In het kader van een inventarisatie van kreeftachtigen in het Deltagebied werden in de Oosterschelde bij Zierikzee verscheidene kleine monsters genomen van diverse substraten. De monsters van roodwieren bevatten een aantal opmerkelijke soorten. Dit artikel behandelt Uromunna spec., een zeepissebeddensoort van een familie die in ons land nog niet was aangetroffen.
    Keywords: Isopoda ; Munnidae ; Nederland ; Uromunna ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 29
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.31
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: This paper describes the discovery of a settled juvenile specimen of the stomatopod Platysquilla eusebia on the Dutch part of the Dogger Bank in the central North Sea. This is the northernmost record in Europe. The species is native to the Mediterranean and to the Atlantic coast from Portugal up to France. Further investigations have to show if the species already forms populations this far north. As the planktonic stages of P. eusebia have already been recorded in prior years, the establishment of the species should not be a problem, providing the circumstances are favourable.
    Keywords: Malacostraca ; Stomatopoda ; Platysquilla eusebia ; distribution ; Netherlands ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 30
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.1
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Met enige regelmaat duiken nieuwe springstaartsoorten op in ons land. Het vinden van een nieuwe soort is soms op toeval gebaseerd. Op een foto van een sprinkhaan was naast de linker voorpoot een klein, donker vlekje te zien. Uitvergroot bleek het om een klein springstaartje te gaan. Het zwart-wit gestreepte patroon liet geen ruimte voor twijfel over de determinatie: Fasciosminthurus quinquefasciatus, een nieuwe springstaart voor de Nederlandse fauna. In dit artikel wordt het genus en de soort voorgesteld, beschrijven we de habitat en geven we informatie over de verspreiding in de rest van Europa.
    Keywords: Collembola ; Bourletiellidae ; Fasciosminthurus quinquefasciatus ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 31
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.49
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De roodbruine heiderouwzwever Exoprosopa capucina is een fraaie en karakteristieke koffiebruine verschijning op de Nederlandse heideterreinen. Zoals veel wolzwevers is deze te herkennen aan de vleugeltekening en de kleur van de lichaamsbeharing. Echter naarmate de dieren ouder worden verliezen ze deze beharing en wordt de determinatie lastiger. Vermoedelijk heeft het verfomfaaide uiterlijk van een vrouwtje Exoprosopa cleomene er voor gezorgd dat deze ruim 50 jaar onopgemerkt tussen de exemplaren van E. capucina heeft gestaan.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Bombyliidae ; Exoprosopa cleomene ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 32
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.7
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: In de afgelopen jaren werd op verschillende plekken in Nederland een houtzwamkever gevonden die tot nu toe niet officieel gemeld werd: Sulcacis bidentulus. Deze soort valt binnen de zeer eenvormige familie Ciidae op door de kleur van de dekschilden, die duidelijk iets lichter bruin zijn dan de rest van het lichaam. De soort zou zich ontwikkelen in de bleke borstelkurkzwam, die voornamelijk op populieren groeit. Oudere vondsten ontbreken en de ontdekking van deze soort op meerdere locaties duidt op een recente vestiging in ons land. Dit sluit aan bij de geconstateerde uitbreiding in Midden-Europa.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Ciidae ; Sulcacis bidentulus ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; biologie ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 33
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.35
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De boomkrekel is een slanke geelbruine krekel, die vooral opvalt door zijn melodieuze zang. Vroeger moest je naar Frankrijk om dit geluid te horen, maar tegenwoordig heerst ook in het rivierengebied bij Nijmegen een mediterrane sfeer. De boomkrekel is in 2004 voor het eerst langs de Waal gevonden en heeft zich daarna uitgebreid. In 2010 en 2011 heeft de Flora- en faunawerkgroep Gelderse Poort met vele vrijwilligers onderzoek gedaan naar de precieze verspreiding. In totaal werd de boomkrekel in 57 kilometerhokken gevonden en de verwachting is dat de soort zich de komende jaren verder zal uitbreiden.
    Keywords: Orthoptera ; Oecanthus pellucens ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 34
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.55
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Hongerwespen behoren tot de grote groep van de sluipwespen. Het zijn slanke wespjes die typisch met hangende pootjes vliegen, waarbij de verbrede achterschenen opvallen. Ze parasiteren bijen en mogelijk ook bepaalde angeldragende wespen en worden daarom vaak bij bijenhotels waargenomen. In het kader van dit artikel zijn de meldingen van Nederlandse hongerwespen kritisch beschouwd. In totaal zijn nu negen soorten uit ons land bekend, waarvan er hier maar liefst zes voor het eerst worden gemeld.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Evanioidea ; Gasteruptiidae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 35
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.69
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: As most of the sea bottom in the Dutch part of the North Sea consists of sand, marine fauna that live in association with hard substrates are rarely monitored. We report here on the results of a species inventory in June 2011 done by scuba-diving while focusing on a wreck on the Dogger Bank and on rocky bottoms on the Cleaver Bank. This resulted in various new records of species for the Dutch part of the North Sea. This result appeared for a large part linked to the added value of monitoring with scuba-divers. It is therefore concluded that scuba-divers should be used in addition to the more traditional monitoring methods in which dredges and grabs are used, if one aims at getting an accurate view of the biodiversity present in marine regions like the North Sea.
    Keywords: biodiversity ; hard substrata ; Netherlands ; marine ; scuba-diving ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 36
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.59
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Five years after the commissioning of the offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee, the monopiles and the rocks of the scour protection layers were covered by a wide variety of marine organisms. This paper describes the results of qualitative and quantitative assessments carried out in 2008 and 2011. The assessments were based on video footage, pictures and samples collected by divers at three different wind turbines. The ecological relevance of identified taxa is also discussed.
    Keywords: offshore wind farms ; Netherlands ; biodiversity ; benthic zone ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 37
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.39
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De gouden kegelbij Coelioxys aurolimbata is uit ons land recent alleen bekend uit de zuidelijke helft van Limburg. Vóór 1960 kwam deze parasiet van de lathyrusbij Chalicodoma ericetorum ook in het rivierengebied voor. In juli van dit jaar werd de gouden kegelbij gevangen in Duiven. Mogelijk is dit de voorbode van een herovering van het rivierengebied door deze bedreigde soort.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Apoidea ; Megachilidae ; Nederland ; Coelioxys aurolimbata ; verspreiding ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: During an expedition with scuba-divers to the Dutch part of the Brown Ridge in the central North Sea in June 2013, two colonies of the jewel anemone Corynactis viridis were found on the wreck Anna Graebe. With the jewel anemone both a new species and a new animal order, the Corallimorpharia, are added to the autochthonous fauna of the Netherlands. This species typically occurs in the Mediterranean and along the Atlantic coast from Portugal and the west British Isles up to Shetland. As other records of settled colonies of C. viridis in the North Sea were recently reported from Belgian, German and English waters, it is concluded that the jewel anemone, which used to be known as an occasional visitor, should now be considered autochthonous in the North Sea.
    Keywords: Cnidaria ; Corallimorpharia ; Netherlands ; Corynactis viridis ; distribution ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 39
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.15
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: In de bodem van de Noordzee leeft een bijzondere groep van kreeften. Zij brengen hun leven door in een ondergronds gangenstelsel: de molkreeften. Het zijn algemene bewoners van het Friese Front, de Oestergronden en de Klaverbank. In, op en bij deze kreeften leven verschillende andere diersoorten: parasitaire pissebedden, een mosdiertje en twee soorten tweekleppigen. Deze bijdrage gaat in op de ecologie van de molkreeften en hun symbionten.
    Keywords: Decapoda ; Upogebiidae ; Upogebia ; Nederland ; biology ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 40
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.1
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Bryozoa or moss animals constitute a conspicuous and species-rich component of hardsubstrate benthic communities in marine and estuarine habitats. To gain insight into the biodiversity of these habitats, knowledge of bryozoan species is indispensable. Since the last comprehensive publication on Dutch species in 2004 much new information has become available. Particularly from the Dutch part of the Continental Flat of the North Sea, the largest natural area of the Netherlands, many new records have been collected. Other reasons to present an updated review are changes in nomenclature, the arrival of some exotic species and identification issues.
    Keywords: Bryozoa ; Netherlands ; checklist ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 41
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.35
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Heleomyzidae zijn kleine tot middelgrote vliegen. Ze krijgen niet veel aandacht, omdat de meeste soorten een nogal verborgen leven leiden en bovendien niet opvallend gekleurd of getekend zijn. De Nederlandse familienaam, afvalvliegen, is voor de meeste soorten niet echt passend, maar veel soorten van de subfamilie Heteromyzinae, waartoe Tephrochlaena oraria behoort, worden dan wel weer vaker rond afval aangetroffen. Tephrochlaena oraria is echter in meerdere opzichten een buitenbeentje. Met deze soort komt de lijst van Nederlandse Heleomyzidae op 49.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Heleomyzidae ; Tephrochlaena oraria ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; biologie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 42
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.9
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Cucujus cinnaberinus is een recent voor Nederland ontdekte soort. De kever staat op de Habitatrichtlijn, wat onder meer betekent dat hij beschermd is en dat de populatie gemonitord dient te worden. Inventarisatie en monitoring gebeurt in het algemeen door het weghalen van schors van recent gestorven bomen. Hierdoor wordt het leefgebied van de kever echter flink aangetast. Wij voerden een klein onderzoek uit naar de mogelijkheden om C. cinnaberinus te vangen in azijnzuurvallen, zodat de habitat intact gelaten kan worden en de soort toch geïnventariseerd kan worden. Tijdens het voorjaar van 2013 werden vier vallen opgehangen op een locatie waar zich een populatie van deze soort bevindt. Er werden slechts twee individuen verzameld; de vangmethode lijkt dus niet bijzonder geschikt.
    Keywords: Coleoptera ; Cucujidae ; Cucujus cinnaberinus ; methode ; inventarisatie ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 43
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.95
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: The tanaid Zeuxo holdichi, described in 1990 from Arcachon Bay in southwest France, has since then been recorded from west Portugal to northern Brittany and southwest England. The species is recorded here from the Netherlands, a further northward expansion of the range. It is hypothesised that Z. holdichi may be non-native to Europe.
    Keywords: Crustacea ; Tanaidae ; Zeuxo holdichi ; Netherlands ; distribution ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 44
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.41 (2013) p.49
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: This paper reports on observations made during wreck dive expeditions in 2010-2012, in order to investigate the ecological relevance of shipwrecks on the Dutch Continental Shelf (dcs). Shipwrecks are biodiversity hotspots. The number of species recorded on shipwrecks is similar to the number of species found in soft bottoms of the entire dcs. The soft substrates, however, represent a vastly larger habitat on the dcs than the shipwrecks. Amongst many other taxa, juvenile and large Atlantic cod, linear skeleton shrimp, goldsinny wrasses and leopard spotted gobies were found in the shipwreck habitats. The presence of these important species and their absence from many other habitats, illustrate that shipwrecks function as key habitats, nurseries, and refugia that are rare or absent anywhere else in the Netherlands.
    Keywords: shipwrecks ; Netherlands ; biodiversity ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 45
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.23
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Wolzwevers zijn vliegen waarvan de larven parasitair leven bij andere insecten. Wolzwevers van het genus Villa veroorzaken vaak determinatieproblemen. Deze problemen lijken verleden tijd met recent gepubliceerde taxonomische inzichten. Eindelijk konden nu ook de Nederlandse exemplaren van dit genus op naam gebracht worden. Deze bleken te behoren tot vier soorten, waarvan er twee vermoedelijk reeds zijn verdwenen.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Bombyliidae ; Villa hottentotta ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Sluipwespen van de groep van de Polysphinctini hebben een bijzondere levenswijze. Het vrouwtje van wesp legt een eitje op het achterlijf van een spin. Wanneer het eitje is uitgekomen brengt de larve haar hele leven op het achterlijf van de spin door. Ze maakt kleine wondjes in de huid en voedt zich met lichaamsvloeistof van de spin. Na verloop van tijd ontwikkelt de larve bulten op de rug, een teken dat ze bijna volgroeid is. Ze zuigt dan de spin leeg, de ‘grote slurp’ genaamd, en verpopt zich in het web. In dit artikel wordt de levenswijze van één van deze soorten, Acrodactyla quadrisculpta, voor het eerst beschreven en geïllustreerd.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Ichneumonidae ; Araneae ; Tetragnathidae ; biologie ; Nederland ; Acrodactyla quadrisculpta ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 47
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.15
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De bladwespgenera Phyllocolpa, Tubpontania, Pontania en Euura hebben gemeenschappelijk dat ze gallen vormen op wilg. Recentelijk is er veel vernieuwend taxonomisch werk verricht aan deze groepen. In dit artikel wordt de Nederlandse situatie samengevat. Uit oudere literatuur waren 18 soorten bekend en in het recent gepubliceerde gallenboek worden nog eens 11 soorten voor het eerst voor ons land vermeld. In dit artikel worden nog acht soorten aan de lijst toegevoegd en twee soorten worden van de lijst afgevoerd. In totaal zijn nu 35 soorten galvormende bladwespen van wilg uit Nederland bekend.
    Keywords: Hymenoptera ; Tenthredinidae ; Nematinae ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 48
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.40 (2013) p.15
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: Snuitvliegen zijn rare snuiters onder de zweefvliegen. Ze hebben een verlengd gezicht en een lange tong. Hiermee kunnen ze foerageren op bloemen met diepliggende nectar, in tegenstelling tot de meeste andere zweefvliegen. Als genus zijn de vliegen makkelijk herkenbaar, maar de zeer zeldzame soorten tussen de zeer algemene gewone snuitvlieg uithalen was niet altijd even makkelijk. In dit artikel wordt de herontdekking van de rode snuitvlieg beschreven en een tabel gegeven voor de drie Noordwest-Europese soorten.
    Keywords: Diptera ; Syrphidae ; Rhingia rostrata ; Nederland ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 49
    In:  Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen (0169-2453) vol.39 (2013) p.89
    Publication Date: 2015-12-09
    Description: De larven van Trichoptera heten kokerjuffers en leven in het water. Veel soorten bouwen een kokertje van zand, takjes of ander materiaal, vandaar de Nederlandse naam. De volwassen dieren lijken wel wat op nachtvlinders en worden schietmotten genoemd. De laatste jaren heeft het onderzoek naar deze dieren een grote vlucht genomen. Enerzijds spelen ze een rol als indicator voor de waterkwaliteit. De larven worden dan ook veel verzameld tijdens macrofaunabemonsteringen door waterschappen. Anderzijds is er een groeiende groep entomologen die schietmotten bestudeert. In dit artikel wordt Ecclisopteryx dalecarlica voorgesteld, een nieuwe soort voor Nederland.
    Keywords: Trichoptera ; Limnephilidae ; Ecclisopteryx dalecarlica ; Nederland ; Belgie ; verspreiding ; herkenning ; 42.75
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: Article / Letter to the editor
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  • 50
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The possibility of high-energy gamma-ray emission from the X-ray binary Vela X-1 was investigated by analyzing the COS-B satellite observations, using the COS-B X-ray detector for a phase coherent analysis in the search of rotational periodicity. The rotational upper limit is compared to the X-ray, TeV, and PeV fluxes reported by Chodil et al. (1967), North et al. (1984), and Protheroe et al. (1984), respectively. It was found that, under certain conditions, the upper limit determined here is not inconsistent with the reports of TeV and PeV emission.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361); 226; 1, De
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: An attempt is made to survey the CO(2-1) emission toward the centers of 17 IR-luminous galaxies which have previously been detected in CO(1-0). These galaxies span a wide range of size and L(FIR)/L(B) ratio, many have multiple-wavelength studies establishing them as starbursts, and some bear a morphological resemblance to M 82. Nine galaxies are detected and useful upper limits are placed on the remaining eight. Using the CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) ratio of antenna temperature as a diagnostic of optical depth, it is found that all of the galaxies contain predominantly optically thick molecular gas. This implies that the phase of starburst during which the molecular gas is optically thin, currently witnessed in M 82, is either uncommon or short-lived.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361); 225; 1, No
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A review of the formation of large scale structure through gravitational growth of primordial perturbations is given. This is followed by a discussion of how symmetry breaking phase transitions in the early universe might have produced the required perturbations, in particular through the formation and evolution of a network of cosmic strings.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The prospects for obtaining evidence of the particle acceleration by SN 1987A pulsar wind are discussed. It is noted that, of the seven experiments that searched for high-energy signals since the discovery of SN 1987A, operating in both the TeV region (air Cerenkov arrays) and the 100-TeV region (air shower arrays), not one has reported a continuous signal from the supernova. The only signal reported so far that could be interpreted as a signal from the supernova remnant is from an air shower experiment YANZOS (Bond, 1988), in which a transient flux of photons above 3 TeV was observed. It is pointed out however, that, if a TeV signal is seen, the accompanying gamma-ray flux around 100 MeV should be well above threshold for detection by the EGRET detector on Gamma-Ray Observatory.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: New York Academy of Sciences, Annals (ISSN 0077-8923); 571; 522-531
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The v1 and v5 infrared bands of formaldehyde in Halley's comet have been synthesized, using a line-by-line model for solar infrared fluorescence from low-temperature H2CO. Fully resolved spectra were convolved to spectral resolutions comparable with those used on the IKS spectrometer on the Vega 1 spacecraft. Excellent agreement is obtained between the observed and modeled spectra, permitting a definite identification of H2CO in Halley's comet. The retrieved production rate is 4.5 + or - 0.5 x 10 to the 28th molecules/s, and the rotational temperature is probably less than 150 K, with a best-fit value of about 50 K. Production rates (or upper limits) are also retrieved from ground-based spectra of Comets Halley and Wilson (1986), and it is shown that the production rate of H2CO exhibits significant temporal variability, relative to H2O, in Comet Halley.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 344; 940-948
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The X-ray binary Cyg XR-1/HDE 226868 was observed polarimetrically over one orbit at three different optical wavelengths. The standard theory of Brown, et al. (1978) is used to derive an orbital inclination i = 62 deg (+5 deg, -37 deg), where the error is the 90-percent-confidence interval derived by the method of Simmons, et al. (1980). The value of the orbital inclination is significantly lower than values based on polarimetric observations. The difference is a result of the observational protocols used. A bias toward larger values of the inclination caused by the tidal distortion of the primary is still found in the present result. The inclination derived corresponds to a mass of the compact component of 6.3 solar masses, above the maximum mass of any degenerate configuration consistent with general relativity except a black hole.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 344; 830-834
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The 3-13 micron emission of the Orion Bar is spectroscopically and spatially studied. There are three emission components, one from 'classical' dust that accounts for the bulk of the emission longward of 20 microns, a second one from large amorphous carbon grains or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) clusters accounting for the broad features, and a third from PAH molecules that accounts for the sharp bands. The 3.3 and 11.3 micron features, which are due to C-H modes, are well correlated spatially, while the 7.7 micron band, due to C=C modes, has a different distribution than the 3.3 and 11.1 micron bands. It is concluded that the sharp emission bands arise in the photodissociation transition region between the H II region and the molecular cloud and are not present in the H II region. The broad continuum feature from 11-13 microns is strong in both regions.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 344; 791-798
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  • 57
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The Uhuru X-ray source 4U1722 + 11 was observed using the microchannel-plate detector (High Resolution Imager) on the Einstein Observatory, and its coordinates measured to a precision of about 5 arcsec. A 16th-magnitude stellar object within the error circle was observed spectroscopically at CTIO, and at the AAT, and found to have a featureless continuum. Subsequent radio observations at the VLA have established that the object is a radio source at the level of 60 mJy, and optical polarization measurements have determined that the source exhibits variable polarization at the level of 10 percent. On the basis of these observations, it is concluded that 4U1722 + 11 is a member of the class of objects known as X-ray selected blazars of BL Lac objects.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices (ISSN 0035-8711); 240; 33-39
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  • 58
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Observations and theoretical studies of the evolution of massive asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Magellanic Clouds are reviewed. Recent results support the hypothesis that AGB is truncated, probably through mass loss, before these stars can attain the theoretically predicted maximum luminosity. In particular, IRAS observations of the LMC provide little evidence for the presence of highly obscured 'cocoon' stars.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysics and Space Science (ISSN 0004-640X); 156; 1-2,; 73-79
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  • 59
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: This paper considers the possibility of identifying a black hole on the basis of the detection of some unique effect occurring during the transit of a black hole across the stellar disk of a companion star in a binary system. The results of Monte-Carlo calculations show that the amplitude of the photometric and polarimetric light curves in a typical X-ray binary is too small to be observed with present instrumentation, but that a black hole transit might be detectable in a binary having a large separation of the components. No binary system suggested as containing a stellar-mass-sized black hole is a like candidate to exhibit an observable transit signature, with the possible exception of X Persei/4U0352+30 described by White et al. (1976).
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysics and Space Science (ISSN 0004-640X); 155; 1, Ma
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  • 60
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Observations of SN1987A in the spectral range 18-35 microns taken on November 16 and 23, 1988, 632 and 639 days after core collapse, are reported. A strong and rather flat continuum underlies weak fine-structure lines from heavy elements and declines slowly between 24 and 30 microns. The spectral shape indicates thermal emission from an almost featureless dust component, probably graphite, with silicates contributing less than 20 percent of the emitting dust mass. Some of the emission may be an 'echo' of supernova light reflected from a preexisting dust cloud, but a better explanation which can account for the entirety of emission from infrared to gamma wavelengths, is that dust is being formed in the supernova ejecta. This also accounts more naturally for the inferred dust composition.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 340; 697-699
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  • 61
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The X-ray transient 4U 1543 - 47 was observed in August 1983 by the Exosat observatory near the maximum of an outburst. The X-ray spectrum was measured using a gas scintillation proportional counter (GSPC) and a transmission grating spectrometer (TGS). A broad (FWHM about 2.7 keV) line at 5.9 keV is detected in the GSPC, which is interpreted as a redshifted and broadened iron K-alpha line. The line broadening and redshift may arise from either Compton scattering in a cool plasma with small optical depth and/or from Droppler and relativistic effects in the vicinity of compact object. The spectrum below 2 keV, obtained with the TGS, shows evidence for a broad emission feature at 0.74 keV, which may be an iron L-transition complex. However, such an emission feature could be an artifact caused by an anomalously low interstellar absorption by neutral oxygen. The contimuum emission is extremely soft and is well described by an unsaturated Comptonized spectrum from very cool plasma (kT = 0.84 keV) with large scattering depth.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 344; 320-324
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  • 62
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: HEAO 1 A-2 data are used to determine hard X-ray fluxes, or upper limits, for complete optically selected samples of active and normal galaxies, in order to estimate or to constrain their local X-ray luminosity functions. It is found that the luminosity function of Seyfert nuclei must flatten down drastically shortly below the observational limit of Piccinotti et al (1982); little can be added by dwarf active nuclei hidden in otherwise normal galaxies. Also analyzed is the possible contribution to the X-ray background from galaxies with strong star-formation activity, in the light of the possibility of a substantial cosmological evolution suggested by recent radio and IRAS data.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 344; 125-134
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  • 63
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A relation between two- and three-point correlation functions similar to that of galaxies is presently established by estimating the irreducible angular three-point correlation function of Abell clusters in distance classes 5 and 6, for Galactic latitudes below 40 deg. The shape of the three-point correlation function is fully consistent with the quadratic scaling law found by Groth and Peebles (1977) for galaxies. The three-point correlation function is inconsistent with the expectations from biasing.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 344; 75-88
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  • 64
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The standard nongravitation force model has been modified by allowing the water-vaproization curve to peak a certain number of days (DT) either before or after perihelion, and the modification is shown to often improve the data fit. The best fit to the astrometric data is generally achieved for a value of DT corresponding to the offset in the comet's visual light curve. The asymmetric model, which more accurately mimics the comet's outgassing history, suggests only weakly that the rotation direction of Comet Halley is direct, and it does not provide evidence that the rotation axis of Comet Kopff passed through its orbit plane in the early twentieth century. Approximate lag angles of 4 deg for Comet Halley and 10 deg for Comet d'Arrest are found using the asymmetric model, and it is noted that these values are lower than those obtained with the standard model.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256); 98; 1083-109
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  • 65
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Total flux densities, peak flux densities, and spatial extents at 12, 25, 60, and 100 microns are presented for the 330 sources in the IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample. The flux density ratios S sub nu (60 microns)/S sub nu (100 microns) and S sub nu (12 microns)/S sub n (25 microns) are found to correlate with both the infrared luminosity and the ratio of IR to visible flux. The relation between these two flux density ratios is shown to follow that found previously, with different slopes appearing for the warmer and colder galaxies in the sample. The results suggest that single photon heating of small grains (often the dominant source of 12 and 25 micron radiation from galaxies) significantly affects the emission of some galaxies at 60 microns, and that optical depth effects may alter the emergent radiation at 12 and 25 microns.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256); 98; 766-797
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  • 66
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Infrared flux densities of 182 galaxies, including 50 galaxies in the Virgo cluster, were analyzed using IRAS data for 12, 25, 60, and 100 microns, and the results were compared with data listed in the Point Source Catalog (PSC, 1985). In addition, IR luminosities, L(IRs), colors, and warm dust masses were derived for these galaxies and were compared with the interstellar gas masses and optical luminosities of the galaxies. It was found that, for galaxies whose optical diameter measures between 5 and 8 arcmin, the PSC flux densities are underestimated by a factor of 2 at 60 microns, and by a factor of 1.5 at 100 microns. It was also found that, for 49 galaxies, the mass of warm dust correlated well with the H2 mass, and that L(IR) correlated with L(H-alpha), demonstrating that the L(IR) measures the rate of star formation in these galaxies.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049); 70; 699-722
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  • 67
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Results are presented from a systematic search for CO emission from regions around 34 young open clusters in the outer Galaxy. The clusters have well-determined distances ranging from about 1 to 5 kpc and ages not greater than about 100 Myr. It was found that some moderately young clusters have no associated CO emission. All the surveyed clusters younger than about 5 Myr have associated with them at least one molecular cloud more massive than 10,000 solar mass, while the molecular clouds associated with clusters older than about 10 Myr are not more massive than a few thousands solar masses. It was also found that molecular clouds are receding from young clusters at a rate of about 10 km/sec, and that they seem to be destroyed by their interaction with the stars. Sites of ongoing star formation were identified in a number of clouds associated with young clusters.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049); 70; 731-812
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  • 68
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Following the accretion of solids and gases in the solar nebula, the giant planets contracted to their present sizes over the age of the solar system. It is presently hypothesized that this contraction was rapid, but not hydrodynamic; at a later stage, a nebular disk out of which the regular satellites formed may have been spun out of the outer envelope of the contracting giant planets due to a combination of total angular momentum conservation and the outward transfer of specific angular momentum in the envelope. If these hypotheses are true, the composition of the irregular satellites directly reflects the composition of planetesimals from which the giant planets formed, while the composition of the regular satellites is indicative of the composition of the less volatile components of the outer envelopes of the giant planets.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
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  • 69
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The evolution of a planetary atmosphere can be powerfully influenced by the planetary interior's function as both a source and a sink of atmospheric constituents; the interior can in turn be strongly influenced by the atmosphere because the mechanism of interior heat loss depends on a volatile content for which the atmosphere can serve both as sink and source. The dependence of mantle rheology on volatile content could furnish a feedback mechanism tending to keep regassing/degassing in balance, thereby maintaining a relatively constant atmospheric mass. Consideration of the abundances of radiogenic and nonradiogenic noble gases in the earth's atmosphere, and of the fluxes of these gases from the mantle, support a large degassing event early on, followed by a decrease in degassing efficiency with time and relatively inefficient outgassing over most of geologic time.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
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  • 70
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: High-resolution photographs of H II regions show that a large number of stars embedded in the nebulosities appear to be surrounded by 'emply' spaces. This phenomenon seems to be quite common but has escaped attention up to now. The effect is not a photographic one, nor does it arise in the half-tone reproduction processes employed in publications, but no satisfactory explanation is apparent.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications (ISSN 0004-6280); 101; 547-554
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  • 71
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Interstellar silicon carbide grains in meteorites provide a novel means for studying the carbon-star population of about 5 x 10 to the 9th years ago. Their C-12/C-13 ratios differ greatly from the solar value but resemble those of present-day csrbon stars, implying little change in the galactic C-13 inventory. Isotope data on nitrogen and silicon suggest that the silicon carbide grains come mainly from red giants, with small contributions from novae.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 339; 351-354
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  • 72
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The development of activity in Comet P/Tempel 2 is studied from aphelion (R = 4 AU) to perihelion (R = 1.4 AU) using extensive time-series CCD photometry and CCD spectra. The comet undergoes a profound morphological change at R of about 2-2.5 AU, from a bare nucleus at larger distances to an active comet supporting a coma of gas and dust. Cyclic photometric variations with the period T = 8.95 + or - 0.01 hr. are present at all R, and are attributed to the rotation of the nucleus at this period. The nucleus is prolate (axes a:b:c = 1.9:1:1), a property shared with other nuclei studied using CCD photometry. Novel results include a limit on the bulk density of the nucleus, rho above 300 kg/cu m, and a 20-A-resolution CCD spectrum of the nucleus. Spatially and temporally resolved photometry is used to study the effects of nucleus rotation on the coma. The coma does not share the dramatic photometric variations shown by the nucleus. It possesses a steep surface-brightness distribution, which is attributable to progressive destruction of the coma grains with increasing space exposure.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256); 97; 1766-179
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  • 73
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The FIR properties of more than 2400 optically selected galaxies in the Uppsala General Catalog are examined. The galaxies were detected by IRAS at 60 and 100 microns and have measured redshifts. A simple radiative transfer model is presented to study the nature of dust-heating sources. It is shown that for many normal disk galaxies, dust heated by old disk stars competes with dust heated by UV photons from newly formed stars. It is found that the 60-micron/100-micron flux density ratio may be used as an indicator of the dominant dust-heating source. Scaling relations with galaxy size and mass are presented which make it possible to estimate the contributions of any cirrus-like component to the total FIR luminosity.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 341; 129-150
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  • 74
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Analytic models for the evolution of disk galaxies are presented, placing special emphasis on the radial properties. These models are straightforward extensions of the original Schmidt (1959, 1963) models, with a dependence of star formation rate on gas density. The models provide successful descriptions of several measures of galactic disk evolution, including solar neighborhood chemical evolution, the presence and amplitude of metallicity and color gradients in disk galaxies, and the global rates of star formation in disk galaxies, and aid in the understanding of the apparent connection between young and old stellar populations in spiral galaxies.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 339; 700-711
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  • 75
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Application of the Baade-Wesselink method to three field RR Lyrae variables reveals evidence of shock waves in the atmospheres of RV Phe and V440 Sgr (but not YZ Cap) during maximum light. The results yield distance moduli of 24.21 + or - 0.20 for M31, 18.26 + or - 0.20 for the LMC, and 18.85 + or - 0.20 for the SMC. Using the Sandage (1982) age/turn-off luminosity relationship of VandenBerg and Bell (1985), estimated ages of 18.8 Gyr for M92 and of 15.7 Gyr for 47 Tuc are derived.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361); 209; 1-2,; 154-164
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  • 76
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The 6 cm radio continuum structure of the R Aquarii outer nebula is compared with CCD imagery of H-alpha and H-beta line emission. It is shown that the 6 cm VLA imagery is morphologically similar and quantitatively related spatially to Balmer line imagery. There is negligible interstellar or circumstellar absorption along the line of sight to the outer nebula. The 6 cm structure of the outer nebula is consistent with thermal bremsstrahlung emission by a hot, optically thin gas. Spectra of the outer R Aquarii nebula are suggestive of shock-wave heating. The approximate equality of mass loss and radiative cooling suggests that the system's wind is probably enough to power the outer nebula and may account for its long-term persistence.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 337; 795-802
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  • 77
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: New H-alpha narrow-based CCD imaging of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis and the detection of a very faint, extended H-alpha halo surrounding the already known shell are reported. A forbidden O III image containing an emitting shell with a morphology different from that of the H-alpha shell is presented, and measurements of the H-alpha shell expansion are reported which rule out the 1966 eruption date for the shell origin, assuming uniform expansion. It is proposed that the observed shell consists of slowly moving, solar abundance ejecta which are photoionized.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 337; 720-729
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  • 78
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Five nights of Arecibo radar observations of Comet Halley are reported which reveal a feature in the overall average spectrum which, though weak, seems consistent with being an echo from the comet. The large radar cross section and large bandwidth of the feature suggest that the echo is predominantly from large grains which have been ejected from the nucleus. Extrapolation of the dust particle size distribution to large grain sizes gives a sufficient number of grains to account for the echo. The lack of a detectable echo from the nucleus, combined with estimates of its size and rotation rate from spacecraft encounters and other data, indicate that the nucleus has a surface of relatively high porosity.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 338; 1094-110
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  • 79
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: It is suggested that the pre-main-sequence object Z CMa is a luminous accretion disk, similar in many respects to the FU Orionis variables. Z CMa shows the broad, doubled optical absorption lines expected from a rapidly rotating accretion disk. The first overtone CO absorption detected in Z CMa is blue-shifted, suggesting line formation in a disk wind. Accretion at rates about 0.001 solar mass/yr over 100 yr is required to explain the luminosity of Z CMa. The large amount of material accreted (0.1 solar mass/yr) indicates that Z CMa is in a very early stage of stellar evolution, possibly in an initial phase of massive disk accretion.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 338; 1001-101
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  • 80
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Observations of the potential optical counterparts of the unusual source IRAS 18333-2357 are reported. There are three distinct optical objects located within roughly 2 arcsec of the IR source: a red star, a very blue star, and an extended emission line nebulosity. IRAS 18333-2357 indeed appears to be physically associated with the Galactic globular cluster M22, and while it probably should be considered a PN, its very small nebular mass and extreme abundance anomalies are very unusual among known PNe. IRAS 18333-2357 does not appear to be at an early stage of PN evolution, but instead may be in a late stage. The lack of an associated radio or H-alpha source is the result of abundance anomalies in the source.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 338; 862-874
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  • 81
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Subarcsecond observations of the RX Puppis symbiotic system with the VLA have resolved 2 cm continuum emission which deviates from a previously reported circularly symmetric radio distribution. The radio structure is comprised of at least three nearly colinear components. Under the assumption that the strongest feature is coincident with the hot star, the other two features lie 230 and 590 AU distant. These radio features are reminiscent of small-scale radio structure detected toward R Aquarii, another symbiotic star system, and probably represents material ejected from the RX Puppis system at an earlier epoch.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 337; 514-519
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  • 82
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The source functions and the energy fluxes for wave generation in magnetic flux tubes embedded in an otherwise magnetic field-free, turbulent, and compressible fluid are derived. The calculations presented here assume that the tube interior is not itself turbulent, e.g., that motions within the flux tube are due simply to external excitation. Specific results for the generation of longitudinal tube waves are presented.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 337; 470-484
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  • 83
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Nonlinear interactions of water group ions with large-amplitude whistler wave packets detected at the leading edge of steepened magnetosonic waves observed near Comet Giacobini-Zinner (GZ) are studied using test particle simulations of water-ion interactions with a model wave based on GZ data. Some of the water ions are found to be decelerated in the steepened portion of the magnetosonic wave to the resonance velocity with the whistler wave packets. Through resonance and related nonlinear interaction with the large-amplitude whistler waves, the water ions become trapped by the packet. An energy balance calculation demonstrates that the trapped ions lose their kinetic energy during the trapped motion in the packet. Thus, the nonlinear trapping motion in the wave structure leads to effective energy transfer from the water group ions to the whistler wave packets in the leading edge of the steepened MHD waves.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276); 16; 25-28
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  • 84
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Narrow-band images of an unusual swirl structure located near the center of the Puppis A supernova remnant are presented which reveal three overlapping filamentary systems of highly diverse composition. One is dominated by emission lines of nitrogen, one by oxygen, and one by sulfur. Spectra indicate that these small rings have high velocities and a corresponding kinematic age of less than 800 yr. Heavy-element abundances are extremely high and different in each system, some reminiscent of knots in Cas A, and others of circumstellar matter observed surrounding supernova 1987A. The youth and unusual chemistry lead to the suggestion that a second supernova has exploded within the shell of Puppis A, giving rise to the swirl structure.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 337; 48-50
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  • 85
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Numerical simulations of large-scale structure formation from cosmic strings and massive neutrinos are described. The linear power spectrum in this model resembles the cold-dark-matter power spectrum. Galaxy formation begins early, and the final distribution consists of isolated density peaks embedded in a smooth background, leading to a natural bias in the distribution of luminous matter. The distribution of clustered matter has a filamentary appearance with large voids.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Physical Review Letters (ISSN 0031-9007); 62; 379-382
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  • 86
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A time-dependent chemical model is used to analyze the processes generating and destroying molecules in very high velocity winds from low-mass protostars. CO and SiO are found to be generated in significant quantities despite the persistence of H in atomic form, consistently with recent protostellar wind detections of CO and H I at velocities in excess of 100 km/sec. A moderate mass-loss rate, in conjunction with a temperature distribution that decreases rather rapidly with distance from the protostar, are the conditions for substantial molecule formation.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters (ISSN 0004-637X); 336; L29-L31
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  • 87
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The mass of the degenerate primary in A0620 - 00 is inferred from its spectroscopic mass function to be not less than 3.2 solar masses, making it an excellent candidate for a black hole. The exact value of the mass depends on the orbital inclination. The inclination of a binary system can be determined from the shape of its Stokes parameter light curves if the linear polarization of the system varies as a function of orbital phase. A0620 - 00 over one 8-hour binary period was observed with the 4.5-m equivalent MMT. Its polarization in the visible is variable with orbital phase. The standard theory of Brown et al. (1978) was used to derive an orbital inclination of i = 57 deg (+20 deg, -50 deg), where the error is the 90-percent confidence interval. An inclination of i = 57 deg corresponds to a mass of the compact primary of 6.6 solar masses, but the large uncertainty in the measured value of the inclination allows the derived mass of A0620 - 00 to be as low as 3.8 solar masses. If this is taken to be the maximum mass of any degenerate configuration consistent with general relativity except a black hole, then the mass of A0620 - 00 is still not well enough determined to conclude that it must be a black hole.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications (ISSN 0004-6280); 101; 1135-113
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  • 88
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Adopting the hypothesis of accretion-induced magnetic field decay in neutron stars, the consequent evolution of a neutron star's spin and magnetic field are calculated. The results are consistent with observations of binary and millisecond radio pulsars. Thermomagnetic effects could provide a possible physical mechanism for such accretion-induced field decay.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836); 342; 656-658
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  • 89
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A comprehensive study of the PAH hypothesis is presented, including the interstellar, IR spectral features which have been attributed to emission from highly vibrationally excited PAHs. Spectroscopic and IR emission features are discussed in detail. A method for calculating the IR fluorescence spectrum from a vibrationally excited molecule is described. Analysis of interstellar spectrum suggests that the PAHs which dominate the IR spectra contain between 20 and 40 C atoms. The results are compared with results from a thermal approximation. It is found that, for high levels of vibrational excitation and emission from low-frequency modes, the two methods produce similar results. Also, consideration is given to the relationship between PAH molecules and amorphous C particles, the most likely interstellar PAH molecular structures, the spectroscopic structure produced by PAHs and PAH-related materials in the UV portion of the interstellar extinction curve, and the influence of PAH charge on the UV, visible, and IR regions.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049); 71; 733-775
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  • 90
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Characteristics which might be observed in silicate grains from a cometary nucleus are examined on the basis of theoretical studies of the life cycle of refractory grains and laboratory experiments using simple analogs to the complex natural system. The life-cycle of a typical silicate grain is reviewed from condensation in a circumstellar outflow to incorporation into a cometary parent body. The possibility for grain metamorphism in the cometary environment is discussed and results are presented from experiments on the properties of interstellar grains. Also, consideration is given to the information about presolar refractory grains that might be gained from studying samples returned from a cometary nucleus.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Earth, Moon, and Planets (ISSN 0167-9295); 47; 33-50
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  • 91
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Results are presented from Exosat observations of 48 hard X-ray selected Seyfert-type active galactic nuclei (AGN). These include all 30 of the emission line AGN in the Piccinotti (1981) sample. Combining Exosat LE and ME data has yielded X-ray spectra over the broad energy range 0.1-10 keV. Spectra in the about 2-10 keV range are found to be well described by a simple power law, with a narrow distribution of spectral indices across the sample about a mean energy index alpha = 0.70. Exosat has also revealed a substantial number of sources with complex soft X-ray spectra. Evidence that soft emission components occur in many Seyferts, together with detection of rapid variability in the soft component, provides a quantitative support for an accretion disk model for AGN. Approximately half of the present sample of AGN show low-energy absorption attributable to substantial cold matter within the host galaxy. A few cases show evidence for column variability and reduced low-energy opacity (by photo-ionization). These results and the observed rarity of intrinsic absorption in the higher luminosity sources suggest the absorbing matter lies close to the central continuum source.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices (ISSN 0035-8711); 240; 833-880
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  • 92
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The large-angular-scale cosmic microwave background anisotropy is calculated in a low-density baryon-dominated universe with isocurvature primordial inhomogeneities. In models in which the initial power spectra of perturbations are steeper than white noise, predictions for the quadrupole moment of the anisotropy are found to be in conflict with existing observational limits, if the universe remained fully ionized and Compton drag inhibited growth of inhomogeneities until z = about 100. In order to lower the amplitude of the anisotropy, it is necessary to substantially prolong the duration of the growth phase of density perturbations, while smearing out fine-scale anisotropies, thereby requiring reionization to occur at a redshift smaller than 100, but larger than the redshift of the last scattering surface (in a reionized model).
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters (ISSN 0004-637X); 346; L1-L4
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  • 93
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The problems of nonradiative heating of outer atmospheric layers and p-mode oscillations in white dwarfs caused by acoustic waves generated in convective zones are discussed. These effects have been studied by calculating the cutoff periods for adiabatic and isothermal waves propagating in atmospheres of DA and DB stars with Teff greater than or equal 20,000 K and log g = 6-9. The obtained cutoff periods are approximately bounded by 0.01 and 40 sec for high- and low-gravity white dwarfs, respectively. Expected amplitudes of p-mode oscillations corresponding to trapped acoustic waves with small angular wave numbers are estimated, indicating that the amplitudes could be observed as Doppler shifts of spectral lines which might be detectable if adequate spectral resolution were available. The luminosity variations corresponding to these amplitudes are unlikely to be observable when all damping processes are accounted for. Results also indicate that the present theory of convection predicts some irregularities in the behavior of physical parameters.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 346; 435-443
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  • 94
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A deep search for the J = 4-3 and 5-4 fine-structure components of the N(KK) = 4(04)-3(13) rotational transition of methylene toward the hot core of the Orion KL nebula is conducted. An approximate 4-sigma emission feature which is frequency-coincident with a hyperfine blend of the J = 4-3 component is detected, and weak features (about 2-3 sigma) frequency-coincident with the resolved F = 6-5 and 5-4 hyperfine components of the J = 5-4 component are observed. The relative intensities of these spectral features and their observational repeatability suggest that assignment to interstellar CH2 is likely correct, although the result must be confirmed.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 346; 794-798
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  • 95
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Results of optical observations of 26 bright elliptical galaxies selected on the basis of IRAS data are discussed. Optical broadband imaging (using B and R filters) and narrow-band imaging (using H-alpha interference filters) have been performed to study dust patches and ionized gas. Long-split spectroscopy has also been made to determine gas kinematics and relative line ratios. The spectroscopic data confirm the presence and distribution of interstellar matter (dust lanes and ionized gas) seen in the direct imaging. Decoupled kinematics of interstellar gas and stars favors an external origin of the interstellar matter. However, for one isolated galaxy, an internal origin is not excluded. The rotation curves determined by optical emission lines are symmetric around the center in most galaxies observed. Galaxy masses and mass-to-light ratios are estimated using the rotation curves of the ionized gas.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 346; 653-674
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  • 96
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A search is reported for X-ray emission associated with the object, dubbed the 'great attractor', which has been postulated as the cause of the coherent deviations from the Hubble flow which are observed in nearby parts of the universe. The hypothesis that a substantial fraction of the dynamical mass of the great attractor exists in the form of rich clusters of galaxies is ruled out. The possibility is considered that a substantial fraction of the mass of the great attractor could exist in a form which would increase the apparently diffuse X-ray surface brightness. The observational upper limit to the diffuse X-ray sky surface brightness enhancement in the general direction of the great attractor allows interesting limits to be set on the fraction of the dynamical mass of the great attractor which can exist in the form of X-ray-luminous material.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 346; 638-647
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  • 97
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: Ground-based observations have been obtained for eight F and G supergiant-like stars showing large IR excesses. The combination of ground-based and IRAS data shows that these objects have dual-peak energy distributions, with comparable amounts of energy emitted in the visible and the IR. The IR-emitting cool dust shells are likely to represent the remnants of ejecta from an earlier phase of evolution. It is suggested that these eight objects are similar to IRAS 18095 + 2704 and are intermediate-mass stars in a post-AGB phase of evolution. Model fittings to the 0.4-100 micron energy distribution of these objects suggest that they left the AGB within the last 1000 yr.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X); 346; 265-276
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  • 98
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The availability of a reclassification of the IRAS LRS Atlas of spectra using a new Bayesian classification procedure (AutoClass) is announced. The classes of objects which result from the application of the AutoClass algorithm include many of the previously known LRS classes. New classes which have interesting astronomical and astrophysical interpretations were also found. Techniques, such as the AutoClass algorithm, have a bright future in the arena of astronomical classification problems.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361); 222; 1-2,
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  • 99
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: A new IR emission feature at 1905/cm (5.25 microns) has been discovered in the spectrum of BD + 30 deg 3639. This feature joins the family of well-known IR emission features at 3040, 2940, 1750, 1610, '1310', 1160, and 890/cm. The origin of this new feature is discussed and it is assigned to an overtone or combination band involving C-H bending modes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Laboratory work suggests that spectral studies of the 2000-1650/cm region may be very useful in elucidating the molecular structure of interstellar PAHs. The new feature, in conjunction with other recently discovered spectral structures, suggests that the narrow IR emission features originate in PAH molecules rather than large carbon grains.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters (ISSN 0004-637X); 345; L59-L62
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  • 100
    Publication Date: 2011-08-19
    Description: The discovery of an unidentified emission feature at 21 microns in the LRS spectra of four IRAS sources is reported. These objects all show large FIR excesses due to a circumstellar dust envelope surrounding a carbon-rich central star and are likely to be in the evolutionary phase between the asymptotic giant branch and planetary nebula stages. The strength of the feature and the carbon richness of the objects suggest that this feature is due to the bending mode of a transient carbon-bearing molecule.
    Keywords: ASTROPHYSICS
    Type: Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters (ISSN 0004-637X); 345; L51-L54
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