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  • 1
    In:  ???
    Publication Date: 2013
    Description: Simulationen mithilfe des Models 4C zu möglichen Auswirkungen der Klimaänderungen des RCP 8.5 Klimaszenariums auf Wälder in Deutschland Kiefer Fichte Eiche Buche KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels (Temperatur, Niederschlag, CO2-Gehalt der Atmosphäre) auf die Wälder KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T (Frühjahr) + und Delta Nied (Frühjahr) -, dann Produktivität der Wälder -; Delta C02 + um 25 - 30 %, dann Produktion der Wälder + um 9 - 20%; Delta T + (an nicht wasserlimitierten Standorten), dann Produktivität der Wälder +; Delta CO2+, dann Wassernutzungseffizienz der Wälder +; Delta T (Sommer) +, dann Waldbrandgefahr +; Delta T (Sommer) + und Delta Nied (Sommer) - (= WaBi -), dann Trockenstress der Wälder + um bis zu 9% und dann Produktivität der Wälder -; Delta T (Sommer) + und Delta Nied (Sommer) -, dann Populationsdichte Kiefern-Großschädlinge +;
    Keywords: Deutschland ; 20. und 21. Jahrhundert ; Boden ; Buche ; Eiche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Klima ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Phänologie ; Sturmschaden ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Verdunstung ; Waldbrand ; Waldwachstum ; Wassermangel ; Wind ; Grundwasser ; Modell
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  • 2
    In:  Informationen der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschutz; Nr. 5
    Publication Date: 1976
    Description: Beschreibung der auf die Dürre- und Hitzeperiode folgenden Schäden durch nadel- und blattfressende Insekten KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung (Temperatur, Niederschlag) auf die Schädlingspopulationen KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta Nied -- und Delta T +, dann Abwehrkraft (Kiefern) - und somit Raupenmortalität -; Delta T (April/Mai) -, dann Zeitpunkt Falterflug - (später); Delta Nied - und Delta T +, dann Buchenrindensterben +;
    Keywords: DDR ; 1975-1976 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Buche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Wassermangel ; Witterung ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 3
    In:  Information der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschatz; Nr. 3
    Publication Date: 1976
    Description: Informationen zum Gradationsverlauf der Forleule und ihrer Begleitarten KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung (Temperatur, Niederschlag) auf die Schädlingspopulation KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T (Winter) + und Delta Nied -, dann Vermehrung (Forleule) ++; Delta T (Frühjahr und Sommer) --, dann Population -; Delta T (März, April) - und Delta Nied (März, April) +, dann Population (Forleule) -;
    Keywords: DDR ; 1972-1976 ; Insekten ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Witterung
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  • 4
    In:  Informationen der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschutz; Nr. 1
    Publication Date: 1976
    Description: Beschreibung des Befalls von Kiefernschädlingen und der Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Folgeschäden in sturmgeschädigten Kiefernbeständen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung auf die Entwicklung von Kiefernschädlingen KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T (Winter) +, dann Entwicklung (rindenbrütende Insekten) +; Delta T (April bis August) und Delta Nied --, dann Entwicklung (rindenbrütende Insekten) +; Delta Wind (=Sturm) +, dann Entwicklung (rindenbrütende Insekten) +;
    Keywords: DDR ; 1976 ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Sturmschaden ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Witterung
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  • 5
    In:  Forstw. Centbl. 43: 41-49, 100-114
    Publication Date: 1921
    Description: Eine Studie über die Auswirkungen von späten Frühjahrsfrösten in der geographischen Verteilung von Waldbäumen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Anbaueignung für Baumarten aufgrund Schäden durch Spätfrostgefährdung: Weißbirke: Bayrischen Alpen (-1600m), Bay. Wald (-1028m), Mitteldeutschen Bergland (-500m); Kiefer: Bayrischen Alpen (-1600m), Bay. Wald (-1028m), Mitteldeutschen Bergland (-500m); Aspe: Bayrischen Alpen (-1360m), Bay. Wald (-1237m), mitteldeutschen Gebirge (-971m) KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Deutschland, teilw. einzelne Regionen, Europa ; 1900-1920 ; Buche ; Fichte ; Kiefer ; Temperatur ; Frost
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  • 6
    In:  Informationen der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschutz; Nr. 3
    Publication Date: 1977
    Description: Beschreibungen der durchgeführten Maßnahmen zum Forstschutz, der gegenwärtigen Situation (von u.a. Kiefernspanner, Forleule, Nonne, Kiefernspinner, Gemeine und Gelbe Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe) und Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle und Überwachung von Schädlingen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung (Temperatur, Niederschlag) auf die Schädlingspopulation KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T - und Delta Nied -, dann Entwicklung (Schadinsekten) -; Delta T +: T 〉 20 °C, dann Eiablage (Blauer Kiefernprachtkäfer) bis Ende September
    Keywords: DDR ; 1977 ; Insekten ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Witterung
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  • 7
    In:  Ann. ent. fenn. 10: 181-183
    Publication Date: 1944
    Description: Beschreibung des Überwinterungsverhaltens des Kiefernspinners KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Zusammenhang zwischen geografischer Breite, Temperatur und dem Überwinterungsverhalten des Kiefernspinners KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T-, dann zweimaliges Überwintern der Larven bei Versuchen in Finnland
    Keywords: Finnland ; 1940-44 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur
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  • 8
    In:  Ztschr. Forst-, Jagdwesen 73: 201-246
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Eizahl und der Kokonzahl der Kiefernhornblattwespe auf das Massenauftreten KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Betimmung der kritischen Anzhal Eier und der kritischen Anzahl Winter- und Sommerkokons für das Massenauftreten KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Sachsen, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 9
    In:  Ztschr. angew. Ent. 29: 367-411
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Untersuchungen zu biotischen und abiotischen Ursachen für den Zusammenbruch der Population der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Ursachen für den Zusammenbruch der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespen-Population neben dem harten Winter 1939/40 eine andauernde Schönwetterperiode Ende April/Anfang Mai und vor allem stärkere Vermehrung der Feinde KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta sonn +, (April-Mai) führte zu erhöhten Vertrocknen der Kokons der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe im Jahr 1940
    Keywords: Nordostdeutschland ; 1939-40 ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Sonnenscheindauer
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  • 10
    In:  Ztschr. Pfl.krankh. 51: 257-278
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung der Massenvermehrung der Kiefernblattwespe, Hauptgrung ist die Umwandlung von ursprünglich Laubwaldgesellschaften in reine Kieferngesellschaften, Bedeutung der Temperatur für das Überliegen der Larven KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Temperatur und Luftfeuchte für das Überliegen der Larven entscheidend und damit auch für ein Massenauftreten im darauffolgenden Jahr, Begünstigung der Parasitierung der Kieferblattwespe KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T- (Juli-August und im Winter), dann Geschlechterfolge von Diprion pini stark dezimiert
    Keywords: Slowakei ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Parasit
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  • 11
    In:  Ztschr. angew. Ent. 28: 125-156
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung von Massenauftreten mit wirtschaftlichem Schaden der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe (Acantholyda erythrocephala L.) in Europa, detaillierte Untersuchungen zum Massenauftreten östlich von Schwerin in den Jahren 1937-40 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Starker Anstieg des Befalls mit der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe in den Jahren 1939 und 1940, wirtschafltiche Schäden durch Absterben der Kiefern lagen bei 5% des Bestandes in einzelnen Unterförstereien KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1828-1940 ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 12
    In:  Ztschr. angew. Ent. 29: 412-441 u. 601-635
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Beschreibung der Biologie der Buschhornblattwespe vom Schlüpfen, über die Entwicklung bis hin zum Überliegen und die abiotischen Sterlichkeitsursachen, u.a. witterungsbedingt KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Beginn der Frühjahrsgeneration ist klima- und wetterbedingt, unter günstigen Bedingungen (milder Winter) bereits im Januar Beginn der Entwicklung und Schlupfbeginn ab Anfang April KATASTER-DETAIL: Tmit- (Spätfrühjahr und Frühwinterwitterung) , dann Schlupfbeginn später und Anteil der Überlieger höher
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1937-1940 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Vegetationsperiode ; Wachstum ; Witterung
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  • 13
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beobachtungen über das vermehrte Auftreten der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Durch Massenvermehrung der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe und Fraß an Nadeln des Maitriebes bei Kieferen kommt es zum Absterben der Bäume, vorwiegend auf Kuppen und sandigen Standorten, weniger in Mulden und Senken KATASTER-DETAIL: Massenauftreten der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe führte bis 1939 zu Absterben von mindestens 5% der Kiefernbestände, nach 1940 noch höhere Schäden
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1920-40 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 14
    In:  Forstwiss. Centralbl. Thar. forstl. Jahrb. 66: 115-120
    Publication Date: 1944
    Description: Beschreibung des Ertragsrückgang und der Schäden durch die Spätfröste im Mai 1943 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Spätfröste verursachten Schäden an Kiefern, Maitriebbildung teilweise extrem gestört und Posthorn- oder kandelaberartige Triebbildung als Folge des Frostes, unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit der Baumarten KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T -, (Ende Mai 〈 -6°C), dann schwere Schäden an Walnuss, Eiche, Robinie, Roteiche, Esche, Tanne, mittlere Schiiden:Buche, Roterle, Ahorn, Fichte, Douglasie, Lärche; geringe Schiiden: Roflkastanie,Hainbuche, Linde, Weisserle, Ulme, Birke. Im allgemeinen blieben ohne Schäden: Aspe, Eberesche, Traubenkirsche, Kiefer, Strobe und Bankskiefer.
    Keywords: Nordostdeutschland ; 1943 ; Buche ; Eiche ; Ertrag ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Roterle ; Frost ; Ulme ; Rosskastanie
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  • 15
    In:  Dtsch. Forstztg. 10: 307-308
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung der großen Frassschäden der letzten Jahrzehnte, bezug der Temperatur und des Niederschlages auf die Entwicklungsmöglichkeit einer Population KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Ziiterte Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Nonnenraupe KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T+ (Temperaturoptimum von 21.5°C, Ende April-Anfang Mai), dann günstige Entwiclungsbedingungen Delta Nied- (relative Feuchte schwankt zwischen 50-100%), dann Absterben großer Zahl futtersuchender Raupen
    Keywords: Deutschland, teilw. einzelne Regionen ; 1850-1940 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Beobachtungen zur Massenvermehrung des Kiefernspanners in gleichaltrigem, umgleichaltrigem und Kiefern-Eichenbestand und der Bezug zu abiotischen Faktoren KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Beziehung zwischen Kiefernspanner und belebter Umwelt, im Mischwaldbeständen ist Dynamik höher, Anteil des Wetters an der Mortalität liegt bei ca. 12% (mit sehr starken Schwankungen), stark abhängig von der Lebensbedingungen für die natürlichen Feinde des Spinners KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Sachsen-Anhalt ; 1936-1937 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 17
    In:  Ann. Ent. fenn., Helsinki, 8: 143-163
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Vertrockungnung der Eberesche, der Salweide durch den Befall mit Kleinschmetterlingen, bzw. Käfern und sekundär Pilzen, Bescchreibung der Prozesse und Auswirkungen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Finnland ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Forst ; Pflanzenkrankheit ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 18
    In:  Mitt. Forstwirtsch. u. -wissensch. 12: 25-68
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Auswertung verschiedener Parameter (Nonnenraupen, Falterflug) in unterschiedlichen Überwachungsbereichen der Forstentomologischen Dienststellen, Befallsermittlungsverfahren nach der Wellensteinschen Methode KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Rhytmische Schwankungen der plötzlichen Übervermehrung, 10 oder 12 jährige Perioden, Bezug zu Schwankungen der Umweltbedingungen KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Nord- und Mitteldeutschland ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Zusammenhang zwischen dem Abgang von Puppen der Kieferneule und abiotischen Faktoren KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Zusammenhang zwischen der Überlebensrate der Puppen der Kieferneule und der Feuchtikeit in einzelnen Monaten, Optimum der relativen Feuchte für die Entwicklung bei 91% Luftfeuchte, günstigste Puppenlager sind trockene Standorte KATASTER-DETAIL: Nied+ (Mittelfeuchte und feuchte Lagen sowie in Mischlagen im Frühjahr), dann höherer Abgang von Puppen
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1939-1941 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 1958
    Description: Auswertung aus 25jährigen Stammscheiben ermöglichen lagebedingte Darstellung von Ertragsunterschieden bei Fichte, Kiefer, weniger bei Buchen, Einfluss der Temperatur, des Niederschlages und der Höhe auf den Zuwachs KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Der Zusammenhang von Niederschlag (Mai-August) und Temperatur (Mai-August) zum jährlichen Durchmesserwachstum ermöglich die Berechnung von Korrelations- und Regressionskoeffizienten, echte Beziehung in den unteren (〈400m) Höhenlagen, teilweise gesicherte Beziehungen in den mittleren (400-700m) Höhenlagen KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta Nied+ (Fichten in Eisenach): x=261+77.5(y-2.7) mit x=jährlicher Durchmesserzuwachs in mm, y=Niederschlagssumme Mai-August;
    Keywords: Thüringen ; letzten100 Jahre ; Buche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Temperatur ; Vegetationsperiode ; Waldwachstum
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: Nadelschäden, Überlebensrate, Höhenwachstum 1-jähriger Kiefern im Laborexperiment unter verschiedenen Frösten. Bei genereller Zunahme der mittleren Jahrestemperatur nimmt die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Frösten zu KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Kiefer ; Klima ; Temperatur ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 22
    In:  Archiv für Forstwesen und Landschaftsökologie 42(1): 8-15
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: siehe Kätzel 2008 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Stressindikator ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Trockenheit ; Wassermangel ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 23
    In:  In U. S. Department of Agriculture, (ed.) A Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Washington.
    Publication Date: 1931
    Description: Kompendium zum Zusammenhang Wetter und Pflanzen, landwirtschaftlich, gärtnerische und forstwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Schädlinge und Gesundheit, 2324 Literaturstellen mit kurzer Zusammenfassung KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: weltweit ; 1650-1930 ; Insekten ; Umweltmedizin ; Zuckerrüben ; Kartoffeln ; Anbautermine ; Infektionskrankheiten ; Boden ; Botanik ; Buche ; Eiche ; Ertrag ; Fichte ; Forst ; Getreide ; Hafer ; Kiefer ; Klima ; Korrelationsmethode ; Landwirtschaft ; Mais ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenkrankheit ; Pflanzenschädling ; Phänologie ; Rangordnungsmethode ; Roggen ; Roterle ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Vegetationsperiode ; Verdunstung ; Wachstum ; Waldbrand ; Waldwachstum ; Wassermangel ; Weizen ; Wetterbeobachtung ; Wind ; Witterung ; Witterungsextreme ; Düngung ; Globalstrahlung ; Hackfrüchte ; Erbsen ; Wein
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  • 24
    In:  Gatower Gespräche 2007: Waldbau und Forstökonomie im Zeichen des Klimawandels
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: hauptsächlich Stress und Schäden durch zukünftigen Klimawandel KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Stressindikator ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Wassermangel ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 25
    In:  Archiv für Forstwesen und Landschaftsökologie 42(3)
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: Bewertung von 47 Waldbaumarten hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung unter Bedingungen des Klimawandels; Bewertung der Toleranz gegenüber Trockenheit und Frost auf 4 Standorten unterschiedlicher Wasserversorgung KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Buche ; Eiche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Klima
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2009
    Description: Einschätzungen der Reaktion der Wälder auf Klimawandel aus 11 Bundesländern mittels Fragebogen; biotische Schäden, abiotische Faktoren, Anfälligkeit von Baumarten gegenüber Einflüssen des Klimawandels KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Buche ; Eiche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Klima ; Phänologie ; Temperatur ; Vegetationsperiode ; Waldwachstum ; Wassermangel ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: siehe Möller 2007 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Insekten ; Forst ; Kiefer
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2004-12-03
    Description: This paper reports a new balance for the measurement of three components of force - lift, drag and pitching moment - in impulsively starting flows which have a duration of about one millisecond. The basics of the design of the balance are presented and results of tests on a 15 deg semi-angle cone set at incidence in the T4 shock tunnel are compared with predictions. These results indicate that the prototype balance performs well for a 1.9 kg, 220 mm long model. Also presented are results from initial bench tests of another application of the deconvolution force balance to the measurement of thrust produced by a 2D scramjet nozzle.
    Type: Shock Tunnel Studies of Scramjet Phenomena 1993; p 107-112
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  • 29
    In:  CASI
    Publication Date: 2004-12-03
    Description: Radiography is discussed as a method for nondestructive evaluation of internal flaws of solids. Gamma ray and X-ray equipment are described along with radiographic film, radiograph interpretation, and neutron radiography.
    Type: Nondestructive Testing; p 63-99
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2010-10-04
    Description: Piloted simulator studies of low-speed longitudinal handling qualities of supersonic transport aircraft
    Type: AIAA Simulation for Aerospace Flight Conference, A Volume of Technical Papaers Presented August 26-28, 1963, Columbus, Ohio; 35-43
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  • 31
    Publication Date: 2011-09-13
    Description: Ground wind measurements and theoretical response of inertia-type anemometer
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: High-resolution (0.01/cm) absorption spectra of lean mixtures of CH4 in dry air were recorded with the McMath-Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) of the National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak at various temperatures between 24 and -61 C. The spectra have been analyzed to determine the values at room temperature of pressure-broadened widths and pressure-induced shifts of more than 740 transitions. The temperature dependence of air-broadened widths and pressure-induced shifts was deduced for approx. 370 transitions in the nu(sub 1) + nu(sub 4), nu(sub 3) + nu(sub 4), and nu(sub 2) + nu(sub 3) bands of (12)CH4 located between 4118 and 4615/cm. These results were obtained by analyzing a total of 29 spectra simultaneously using a multi-spectral non-linear least-squares fitting technique. This new technique allowed the determination of correlated spectral line parameters (e.g. intensity and broadening coefficient) better than the procedure of averaging values obtained by fitting the spectra individually. This method also provided a direct determination of the uncertainties in the retrieved parameters due to random errors. For each band analysed in this study the dependence of the various spectral line parameters upon the tetrahedral symmetry species and the rotational quantum numbers of the transitions is also presented.
    Type: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer (ISSN 0022-4073); 51; 3; p. 439-465
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The concept of the well-known Langley plot technique, used for the calibration of ground-based instruments, has been generalized for application to satellite instruments. In polar regions, near summer solstice, the solar backscattered ultraviolet (SBUV) instrument on the Nimbus 7 satellite samples the same ozone field at widely different solar zenith angles. These measurements are compared to assess the long-term drift in the instrument calibration. Although the technique provides only a relative wavelength-to-wavelength calibration, it can be combined with existing techniques to determine the drift of the instrument at any wavelength. Using this technique, we have generated a 12-year data set of ozone vertical profiles from SBUV with an estimated accuracy of +/- 5% at 1 mbar and +/- 2% at 10 mbar (95% confidence) over 12 years. Since the method is insensitive to true changes in the atmospheric ozone profile, it can also be used to compare the calibrations of similar SBUV instruments launched without temporal overlap.
    Type: Journal of Geophysical Research (ISSN 0148-0227); 100; D2; p. 2997-3004
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  • 34
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: There is no simple and perfect way to measure residual stresses in metal parts that have been welded or deformed to make complex structures such as pressure vessels and aircraft, yet these locked-in stresses can contribute to structural failure by fatigue and fracture. However, one proven and tested technique for determining the internal stress of a metal part is to drill a test hole while measuring the relieved strains around the hole, such as the hole-drilling strain gage method described in ASTM E 837. The program HOLEGAGE processes strain gage data and provides additional calculations of internal stress variations that are not obtained with standard E 837 analysis methods. The typical application of the technique uses a three gage rosette with a special hole-drilling fixture for drilling a hole through the center of the rosette to produce a hole with very small gage pattern eccentricity error. Another device is used to control the drilling and halt the drill at controlled depth steps. At each step, strains from all three strain gages are recorded. The influence coefficients used by HOLEGAGE to compute stresses from relieved hole strains were developed by published finite element method studies of thick plates for specific hole sizes and depths. The program uses a parabolic fit and an interpolating scheme to project the coefficients to other hole sizes and depths. Additionally, published experimental data are used to extend the coefficients to relatively thin plates. These influence coefficients are used to compute the stresses in the original part from the strain data. HOLEGAGE will compute interior planar stresses using strain data from each drilled hole depth layer. Planar stresses may be computed in three ways including: a least squares fit for a linear variation with depth, an integral method to give incremental stress data for each layer, or by a linear fit to the integral data (with some surface data points omitted) to predict surface stresses before strain gage sanding preparations introduced additional residual stresses. Options are included for estimating the effect of hole eccentricity on calculations, smoothing noise from the strain data, and inputting the program data either interactively or from a data file. HOLEGAGE was written in FORTRAN 77 for DEC VAX computers under VMS, and is transportable except for system-unique TIME and DATE system calls. The program requires 54K of main memory and was developed in 1990. The program is available on a 9-track 1600 BPI VAX BACKUP format magnetic tape (standard media) or a TK50 tape cartridge. The documentation is included on the tape. DEC VAX and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
    Type: ARC-12807
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  • 35
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The PYROLASER package is an operating system for the Pyrometer Instrument Company's Pyrolaser. There are 6 individual programs in the PYROLASER package: two main programs, two lower level subprograms, and two programs which, although independent, function predominantly as macros. The package provides a quick and easy way to setup, control, and program a standard Pyrolaser. Temperature and emissivity measurements may be either collected as if the Pyrolaser were in the manual operations mode, or displayed on real time strip charts and stored in standard spreadsheet format for post-test analysis. A shell is supplied to allow macros, which are test-specific, to be easily added to the system. The Pyrolaser Simple Operation program provides full on-screen remote operation capabilities, thus allowing the user to operate the Pyrolaser from the computer just as it would be operated manually. The Pyrolaser Simple Operation program also allows the use of "quick starts". Quick starts provide an easy way to permit routines to be used as setup macros for specific applications or tests. The specific procedures required for a test may be ordered in a sequence structure and then the sequence structure can be started with a simple button in the cluster structure provided. One quick start macro is provided for continuous Pyrolaser operation. A subprogram, Display Continuous Pyr Data, is used to display and store the resulting data output. Using this macro, the system is set up for continuous operation and the subprogram is called to display the data in real time on strip charts. The data is simultaneously stored in a spreadsheet format. The resulting spreadsheet file can be opened in any one of a number of commercially available spreadsheet programs. The Read Continuous Pyrometer program is provided as a continuously run subprogram for incorporation of the Pyrolaser software into a process control or feedback control scheme in a multi-component system. The program requires the Pyrolaser to be set up using the Pyrometer String Transfer macro. It requires no inputs and provides temperature and emissivity as outputs. The Read Continuous Pyrometer program can be run continuously and the data can be sampled as often or as seldom as updates of temperature and emissivity are required. PYROLASER is written using the Labview software for use on Macintosh series computers running System 6.0.3 or later, Sun Sparc series computers running OpenWindows 3.0 or MIT's X Window System (X11R4 or X11R5), and IBM PC or compatibles running Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later. Labview requires a minimum of 5Mb of RAM on a Macintosh, 24Mb of RAM on a Sun, and 8Mb of RAM on an IBM PC or compatible. The Labview software is a product of National Instruments (Austin,TX; 800-433-3488), and is not included with this program. The standard distribution medium for PYROLASER is a 3.5 inch 800K Macintosh format diskette. It is also available on a 3.5 inch 720K MS-DOS format diskette, a 3.5 inch diskette in UNIX tar format, and a .25 inch streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format. An electronic copy of the documentation in Macintosh WordPerfect version 2.0.4 format is included on the distribution medium. Printed documentation is included in the price of the program. PYROLASER was developed in 1992.
    Type: MFS-28819
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  • 36
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Scale-space filtering is used to screen information obtained from signals that produce a complex curve (such as that in geographic and thermal analysis) to gain a truer representation of the area under analysis. PSF extends this technique to extract non-periodic hills and valleys from a signal. Because the signal's information is sometimes too complex to determine with certainty if some features are real or artificial, PSF calculates probabilities, with the extracted features corresponding to real events, in order to aid in determining the signal's accuracy. Since the probabilities associated with the features are derived from domain-specific statistics, it is (most likely) necessary to modify the program code to correspond to the user's particular domain. PSF also provides a standard scale-space filtering algorithm for use when the desired features can be identified with certainty or when it is not practical to get the domain-specific statistics. The PSF algorithm is based on Witkin's scale-space filtering theory. The program detects signal variations by finding the points of inflection in the input signal. The number and position of these points are dependent upon the scale of the derivative operators used to detect them. Therefore, instead of assuming any single scale to be correct, PSF identifies points of inflection in a large number of different scales. It then describes the curve according to the groups of points of inflection, across all scales, caused by the same physical process. PSF provides an output table giving the following information: the abscissa of the first inflection of the peak, the type of peak, the distance between the first and second inflection points, the abscissa of the peak, and the probability of the feature corresponding to a real event in the curve. The program will also list points representing a graphical image of the signal and detected peaks. This data can be used with a standard plotting program (not included) to display the signal and its features graphically. PSF is written in C language (49%) and Common LISP (51%) for use on a Sun SPARC workstation running the UNIX operating system. PSF requires 4Mb of RAM. The standard distribution medium for this program is a .25 streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format. It is also available on a 3.5 inch diskette in UNIX tar format. PSF was developed in 1991. Sun and SPARC are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
    Type: ARC-13198
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  • 37
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The complex environment of the typical research laboratory requires flexible process control. This program provides natural language process control from an IBM PC or compatible machine. Sometimes process control schedules require changes frequently, even several times per day. These changes may include adding, deleting, and rearranging steps in a process. This program sets up a process control system that can either run without an operator, or be run by workers with limited programming skills. The software system includes three programs. Two of the programs, written in FORTRAN77, record data and control research processes. The third program, written in Pascal, generates the FORTRAN subroutines used by the other two programs to identify the user commands with the user-written device drivers. The software system also includes an input data set which allows the user to define the user commands which are to be executed by the computer. To set the system up the operator writes device driver routines for all of the controlled devices. Once set up, this system requires only an input file containing natural language command lines which tell the system what to do and when to do it. The operator can make up custom commands for operating and taking data from external research equipment at any time of the day or night without the operator in attendance. This process control system requires a personal computer operating under MS-DOS with suitable hardware interfaces to all controlled devices. The program requires a FORTRAN77 compiler and user-written device drivers. This program was developed in 1989 and has a memory requirement of about 62 Kbytes.
    Type: LEW-14907
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The Vibration Pattern Imager (VPI) system was designed to control and acquire data from laser vibrometer sensors. The PC computer based system uses a digital signal processing (DSP) board and an analog I/O board to control the sensor and to process the data. The VPI system was originally developed for use with the Ometron VPI Sensor (Ometron Limited, Kelvin House, Worsley Bridge Road, London, SE26 5BX, England), but can be readily adapted to any commercially available sensor which provides an analog output signal and requires analog inputs for control of mirror positioning. VPI's graphical user interface allows the operation of the program to be controlled interactively through keyboard and mouse-selected menu options. The main menu controls all functions for setup, data acquisition, display, file operations, and exiting the program. Two types of data may be acquired with the VPI system: single point or "full field". In the single point mode, time series data is sampled by the A/D converter on the I/O board at a user-defined rate for the selected number of samples. The position of the measuring point, adjusted by mirrors in the sensor, is controlled via a mouse input. In the "full field" mode, the measurement point is moved over a user-selected rectangular area with up to 256 positions in both x and y directions. The time series data is sampled by the A/D converter on the I/O board and converted to a root-mean-square (rms) value by the DSP board. The rms "full field" velocity distribution is then uploaded for display and storage. VPI is written in C language and Texas Instruments' TMS320C30 assembly language for IBM PC series and compatible computers running MS-DOS. The program requires 640K of RAM for execution, and a hard disk with 10Mb or more of disk space is recommended. The program also requires a mouse, a VGA graphics display, a Four Channel analog I/O board (Spectrum Signal Processing, Inc.; Westborough, MA), a break-out box and a Spirit-30 board (Sonitech International, Inc.; Wellesley, MA) which includes a TMS320C30 DSP processor, 256Kb zero wait state SRAM, and a daughter board with 8Mb one wait state DRAM. Please contact COSMIC for additional information on required hardware and software. In order to compile the provided VPI source code, a Microsoft C version 6.0 compiler, a Texas Instruments' TMS320C30 assembly language compiler, and the Spirit 30 run time libraries are required. A math co-processor is highly recommended. A sample MS-DOS executable is provided on the distribution medium. The standard distribution medium for this program is one 5.25 inch 360K MS-DOS format diskette. The contents of the diskettes are compressed using the PKWARE archiving tools. The utility to unarchive the files, PKUNZIP.EXE, is included. VPI was developed in 1991-1992.
    Type: LAR-14897
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Commercially available hot wires/films were used to measure the velocities of evaporated hydrogen or helium gas during cryogenic mixing experiments. Hot wires were found to be too delicate to use in this harsh environment. Hot films were rugged enough to use at cryogenic temperatures even though they failed after a number of thermal cycles. Since the hot films have small aspect ratios, 13.4 and 20, they are quite sensitive to the thermal loading, Tw/Tg, even with a correction for the conduction end loss. In general, although the increase of the Nusselt number with Reynolds number at low temperatures was similar to that at room temperature, there was also a pronounced variation with Tw/Tg over the large range of 1.2 to 12 investigated.
    Type: ASME, Transactions, Journal of Heat Transfer (ISSN 0022-1481); 114; 4; p. 859-865.
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  • 40
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This paper demonstrates that optical microlithography can be used to produce a crossed grating which diffracts light into multiple orders sufficient to record moire interferograms with sensitivities ranging from 2.0 to 0.285 micron/fringe. The grating profile produced by the method is analyzed to establish the diffraction efficiency in each diffraction order, and generalized expressions are given for variable sensitivity moire interferometry. Experimental tests are conducted to verify analytical arguments. In one of these tests, two different diffraction order pairs are used simultaneously to verify that surface displacement can be measured at different sensitivities.
    Type: In: 1991 SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Milwaukee, WI, June 10-13, 1991, Proceedings (A93-16601 04-39); p. 268-277.
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  • 41
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: We report the use of a short-length, multimode sapphire rod as an extension to a Michelson configuration, but operated as a low-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity. We demonstrate the performance of such a device as an interferometric sensor, where the interference between the reflections from the sapphire-air interface and an air-metallic surface is observed for microdisplacement of the metallic surface which is placed close to the sapphire endface. We describe in detail the fabrication procedure and present results obtained from the detection of temperature changes, applied strain, and surface acoustic waves.
    Type: In: Fiber optic smart structures and skins IV; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 5, 6, 1991 (A93-21068 06-35); p. 117-124.
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Progress in developing fiber-optic interferometric sensors for aeroacoustic measurements in wind tunnels, performed under the NASA program, is reported. Preliminary results show that the fiber-optic interferometer sensor array is a powerful instrument for solving complex acoustic measurement problems in wind tunnels, which cannot be resolved with the conventional transducer technique.
    Type: In: Fiber optic and laser sensors X; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 8-11, 1992 (A93-52980 23-35); p. 16-27.
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  • 43
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Multiresponse imaging is a process that acquires A images, each with a different optical response, and reassembles them into a single image with an improved resolution that can approach 1/sq rt A times the photodetector-array sampling lattice. Our goals are to optimize the performance of this process in terms of the resolution and fidelity of the restored image and to assess the amount of information required to do so. The theoretical approach is based on the extension of both image restoration and rate-distortion theories from their traditional realm of signal processing to image processing which includes image gathering and display.
    Type: ; : Problems in the ae
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  • 44
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The Far Infrared Limb Observing Spectrometer (FILOS) is an instrument designed to measure chemical species in the upper atmosphere using limb emission in the FIR region of the spectrum. FILOS uses three Fabry-Perot etalons in series to obtain a resolution of 0.0017/cm near 100/cm (100 microns). It is compact and has low power and low data rate requirements so that it may be flown as an auxiliary balloon payload with larger instruments. FILOS has two 0.05/cm bandwidth channels which are currently tuned to a HCl line at 104.2/cm and a pair of OH lines at 101.3/cm. The instrument is described in further detail and results are presented from two recent balloon flights in which OH was measured as a function of time on one hour centers from sunrise to sunset.
    Type: In: Optical methods in atmospheric chemistry; Proceedings of the Meeting, Berlin, Germany, June 22-24, 1992 (A93-51501 22-35); p. 451-456.
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: In an effort to improve the signal to noise in an interference experiment, we have developed a method to remove systematic phase drift between data sets acquired over long time intervals. Using this technique, it is possible to average repeatedly acquired phase measurements and improve the phase estimate without sacrificing spatial resolution. Results from tests using real-time phase stepping holographic interferometry applied to cantilever bending of a piezoelectric bimorph indicate that white noise has been reduced from 3 to less than 1 deg (lambda/360) by averaging 36 phase compensated data sets before object bending and 36 data sets after bending.
    Type: In: Laser interferometry IV: Computer-aided interferometry; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1991 (A93-44185 18-35); p. 221-230.
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The potential for using high-temperature superconductive elements, screen-printed onto ceramic substrates, as thermal bridges to replace the currently employed manganin wires is studied at NASA-LaRC. Substrate selection is considered to be the most critical parameter in device production. Due to the glass-like thermal behavior of yttria-stabilized-zirconia (YSZ) and fused silica substrates, these materials are found to reduce the heat load significantly. The estimated thermal savings for superconductive leads printed onto YSZ or fused silica substrates range from 6 to 14 percent.
    Type: Applied Superconductivity (ISSN 0964-1807); 1; 7-9; p. 1363-1372.
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  • 47
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The instantaneous velocity fields of time-dependent flows, or of a collection of objects moving with spatially varying velocities, can be measured by means of digital image velocimetry (DIV). DIV overcomes several shortcomings of such existing techniques as laser-speckle or particle-image velocimetry. Attention is presently given to numerically generated images representing objects in uniform motion which are then used for the experimental validation of DIV.
    Type: ; : Mechanical behavio
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Selective deposition and abrasion, as well as etching in atomic oxygen or reduced-pressure air, have been used to prepare patterned polycrystalline diamond films which, on further processing by anisotropic Si etching, yield the microstructures of such devices as flow sensors and accelerometers. Both types of sensor have been experimentally tested in the respective functions of hot-wire anemometer and both single- and double-hinged accelerometer.
    Type: In: Applications of diamond films and related materials; Proceedings of the 1st International Conference, Auburn, AL, Aug. 17-22, 1991 (A93-40551 16-76); p. 311-318.
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  • 49
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: AVIRIS is a facility consisting of a flight system, a ground data system, a calibration facility, and a full-time operations team. The facility was developed by JPL under funding from NASA. NASA also provides funding for operations and maintenance. The flight system is a whisk-broom imager that acquires data in 224 narrow, contiguous spectral bands covering the solar reflected portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is flown aboard the NASA high altitude ER-2 research aircraft. The ground data system is a facility dedicated to the processing and distribution of data acquired by AVIRIS. It operates year round at JPL. The calibration facility consists of a calibration laboratory at JPL and a suite of field instruments and procedures for performing inflight calibration of AVIRIS. A small team of engineers, technicians, and scientists supports a yearly operations schedule that includes 6 months of flight operations, 6 months of routine ground maintenance of the flight system, and year-round data processing and distribution. Details of the AVIRIS system, its performance history, and future plans are described.
    Type: Remote Sensing of Environment (ISSN 0034-4257); 44; 2-3; p. 127-143.
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  • 50
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The solar corona, supernova remnants, the hot diffuse interstellar gas in the Galaxy, galactic halos, and the hot intracluster gas in rich clusters of galaxies, are examples of extended astrophysical plasmas which emit line-rich spectra in the X-ray spectral range from 1.5 to 25 A. These phenomena represent a significant fraction of the baryonic matter in the universe. The study of the composition, structure and dynamics of these astrophysical plasmas requires observations with both high spectral and spatial resolution simultaneously. The Objective Double Crystal Spectrometer, coupled with a grazing incidence X-ray telescope, represents a stigmatic instrument which is highly efficient for the study of such sources. We describe the configuration and performance (spatial resolution, spectral resolution and efficiency) of the Objective Double Crystal spectrometer.
    Type: In: Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray(EUV optics; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1991 (A93-39658 15-74); p. 461-470.
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The present treatment of vector magnetic field measurement in coronas by means of the Hanle effect of the Lyman-alpha line uses data from all-reflecting imaging coronagraph/polarimeters. The polarization sensitivity, bandpass, and spatial resolution of these instruments are defined through a modeling of the Hanle-effect signature in Lyman-alpha emission from coronal magnetic loops; the line-of-sight integration through an inhomogeneous coronal medium is taken into account. The use of the Hanle effect to measure solar corona vector magnetic fields is verified.
    Type: In: Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray(EUV optics; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1991 (A93-39658 15-74); p. 402-413.
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Multilayer optics operated at normal incidence offer a powerful new technology for the study of the solar spectrum in the XUV. The spectra of most cosmic X-ray sources are strongly extinguished at wavelengths above 40 A due to absorption and scattering by interstellar grains. We describe a number of configurations which allow multilayer optics to be used at nonnormal angles of incidence in conjunction with grazing incidence optics to analyze the spectra of cosmic X-ray sources in the wavelength interval between 1.5 and 40 A. These optical configurations utilize both multilayer mirrors and gratings, and permit the efficient observation of extended sources using stigmatic spectrographs. The response of the instruments described to typical cosmic X-ray sources is also discussed.
    Type: In: Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray(EUV optics; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1991 (A93-39658 15-74); p. 333-344.
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The rocketborne Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array (MSSTA) uses an array of Ritchey-Chretien, Cassegrain, and Herschelian telescopes to produce ultrahigh-resolution full-disk images of the sun within the soft X-ray, EUV, and FUV ranges. Such imaging of the solar disk and corona out to several solar radii placed great demands on the MSSTA's data storage capabilities; in addition, its photographic films required very low outgassing rates. Results are presented from calibration tests conducted on the MSSTA's emulsions, based on measurements at NIST's synchrotron facility.
    Type: In: Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray(EUV optics; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1991 (A93-39658 15-74); p. 188-204.
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The spherical Schwarzschild microscope for soft X-ray applications in microscopy and projection lithography consists of two concentric spherical mirrors configured such that the third-order spherical aberration and coma are zero. Since multilayers are used on the mirror substrates for X-ray applications, it is desirable to have only two reflecting surfaces in a microscope. To reduce microscope aberrations and increase the field of view, generalized mirror surface profiles are here considered. Based on incoherent and sine wave modulation transfer function calculations, the object plane resolution of a microscope has been analyzed as a function of the object height and numerical aperture (NA) of the primary for several spherical Schwarzschild, conic, and aspherical Head reflecting two-mirror microscope configurations. The Head microscope with a NA of 0.4 achieves diffraction limited performance for objects with a diameter of 40 microns. Thus, it seems possible to record images with a feature size less than 100 A with a 40x microscope when using 40 A radiation.
    Type: In: Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray(EUV optics; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1991 (A93-39658 15-74); p. 117-124.
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Consideration is given to a cryogenic multichannel electronically scanned pressure (ESP) module developed and tested over an extended temperature span from -184 to +50 C and a pressure range of 0 to 5 psig. The ESP module consists of 32 pressure sensor dice, four analog 8 differential-input multiplexers, and an amplifier circuit, all of which are packaged in a physical volume of 2 x 1 x 5/8 in with 32 pressure and two reference ports. Maximum nonrepeatability is measured at 0.21 percent of full-scale output. The ESP modules have performed consistently well over 15 times over the above temperature range and continue to work without any sign of degradation. These sensors are also immune to repeated thermal shock tests over a temperature change of 220 C/sec.
    Type: In: International Instrumentation Symposium, 38th, Las Vegas, NV, Apr. 26-30, 1992, Proceedings (A93-37851 15-35); p. 773-791.
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The paper reports the development and initial testing of a digital resolver to replace existing analog signal processing instrumentation. Radiometers, mounted directly on one of the fully articulated blades, are electrically connected through a slip ring to analog signal processing circuitry. The measured signals are periodic with azimuth angle and are resolved into harmonic components, with 0 deg over the tail. The periodic nature of the helicopter blade motion restricts the frequency content of each flapping and yaw signal to the fundamental and harmonics of the rotor rotational frequency. A minicomputer is employed to collect these data and then plot them graphically in real time. With this and other information generated by the instrumentation, a helicopter test pilot can then adjust the helicopter model's controls to achieve the desired aerodynamic test conditions.
    Type: In: International Instrumentation Symposium, 38th, Las Vegas, NV, Apr. 26-30, 1992, Proceedings (A93-37851 15-35); p. 619-628.
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  • 57
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Multi-component strain-gage force transducer design requires the designer to determine the spring constant of the numerous beams or flexures incorporated in the transducer. The classical beam deflection formulae that are used in calculating these spring constants typically assume that the beam has a uniform moment of inertia along the entire beam length. In practice all beams have a radius at the end where the beam interfaces with the shoulder of the transducer, and on short beams in particular this increases the beam spring constant considerably. A Basic computer program utilizing numerical integration is presented to determine this effect.
    Type: In: International Instrumentation Symposium, 38th, Las Vegas, NV, Apr. 26-30, 1992, Proceedings (A93-37851 15-35); p. 417-432.
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  • 58
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The objective is to describe continuing efforts to develop methods for measuring surface heat flux, gauge active surface temperature, and heat transfer coefficient quantities. The methodology involves inventing a procedure for fabricating improved plug-type heat flux gauges and also for formulating inverse heat conduction models and calculation procedures. These models and procedures are required for making indirect measurements of these quantities from direct temperature measurements at gauge interior locations. Measurements of these quantities were made in a turbine blade thermal cycling tester (TBT) located at MSFC. The TBT partially simulates the turbopump turbine environment in the Space Shuttle Main Engine. After the TBT test, experiments were performed in an arc lamp to analyze gauge quality.
    Type: In: International Instrumentation Symposium, 38th, Las Vegas, NV, Apr. 26-30, 1992, Proceedings (A93-37851 15-35); p. 263-271.
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  • 59
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A ground-based optical telescope system has been constructed with the capability to locate fast optical transients that may be associated with gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The instrument has been integrated and operated during a shakedown period at GSFC, Maryland. Results of 35 hours of 'state mode' data are presented. The telescope has the proven capability to slew to any point on the night sky within 1.0 sec, track that position with better than one arcsecond stability, and image a 9 x 12 arcmin field of view with 1 arcsec angular resolution with 1.5 sec time resolution. The telescope-CCD camera system has a sensitivity of 13th magnitude for transients and 14th mag for field stars. In the 35 hr of operation many single frame transients of instrumental and optical origin have been observed; no two-sequential frame astrophysical transients have been identified. The combined rate of instrumental transients (predominantly sea-level muons) is 7.2/hr and of optical transients (satellite glints, airplane strobe lights, and meteors) is 5.1/hr. The RMT will operate in conjunction with the MIT Explosive Transient Camera survey instrument at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson. The RMT is now being installed at Kitt Peak. Full operation will begin this summer.
    Type: In: Robotic telescopes in the 1990s; Proceedings of the Symposium, 103rd Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, June 22-24, 1991, 1991 (A93-36457 14-89); p. 137-150.
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  • 60
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This report describes the calibration of a nonnulling, conical, seven-hole pressure probe over a large range of flow onset angles. The calibration procedure is based on the use of differential pressures to determine the three components of velocity. The method allows determination of the flow angle and velocity magnitude to within an average error of 1.0 deg and 1.0 percent, respectively. Greater accuracy can be achieved by using high-quality pressure transducers. Also included is an examination of the factors which limit the use of the probe, a description of the measurement chain, an error analysis, and a typical experimental result. In addition, a new general analytical model of pressure probe behavior is described, and the validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing it with experimentally measured calibration data for a three-hole yaw meter and a seven-hole probe.
    Type: Experiments in Fluids (ISSN 0723-4864); 14; 1-2; p. 104-120.
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  • 61
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This paper describes a recently completed electrooptical camera flying onboard the NASA ER-2 high altitude aircraft. The device includes a six-position filter wheel which can be fitted with a combination of polarizing and/or spectral filters. An alternate configuration will include a polarizing filter which can be rotated to any angle under computer control. The camera mount in the nose of the ER-2 can tilt forward or aft up to 40 degrees, both for bidirectional reflectance studies and for image motion compensation (the aircraft moves 34 meters between frame acquisitions). The ground resolution is nominally 5 meters from and altitude of 20 km. Spectral responsivity is that of the silicon imaging array (Kodak KAF-1400). Initial data sets were acquired in support of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Program Regional Experiment of November, 1991, and will be used to study cirrus cloud properties.
    Type: In: Polarization and remote sensing; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22, 23, 1992 (A93-30026 11-35); p. 200-204.
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  • 62
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Microstrip detectors in which the usual discrete anode and cathode wires are replaced by conducting strips on an insulating or partially insulating substrate are fabricated using integrated circuit-type photolithographic techniques and hence offer very high spatial accuracy and uniformity, together with the capability of producing extremely fine electrode structures. Microstrip proportional counters have now been variously reported having an energy resolution of better than 11 percent FWHM at 5.9 keV. They have been fabricated with anode bars down to 2 microns and on a variety of substrate materials including thin films which can be molded to different shapes. This review will examine the development of the microstrip detector with emphasis on the qualities which make this detector particularly interesting for use in astronomy.
    Type: In: EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy III; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-24, 1992 (A93-29476 10-35); p. 96-103.
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  • 63
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A fault-tolerant, six-feature, all-sky star-field identification algorithm has been integrated with a CCD-based imaging camera. This autonomous intelligent camera identifies in real time any star field without a priori knowledge and requires a reference catalog incorporating fewer than 1000 stars. Observatory tests on star fields with this intelligent camera are described.
    Type: Optics Letters (ISSN 0146-9592); 18; 6; p. 402-404.
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  • 64
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Type: AIAA Journal (ISSN 0001-1452); 31; 3; p. 491-498.
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  • 65
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Type: AIAA Journal (ISSN 0001-1452); 31; 3; p. 465-477.
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  • 66
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Type: AIAA Journal (ISSN 0001-1452); 31; 3; p. 426-433.
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  • 67
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The description, analysis, and experimental results of a method for identifying possible defects on High Temperature Reusable Surface Insulation (HRSI) of the Orbiter Thermal Protection System (TPS) is presented. Currently, a visual postflight inspection of Orbiter TPS is conducted to detect and classify defects as part of the Orbiter maintenance flow. The objective of the method is to automate the detection of defects by identifying anomalies between preflight and postflight images of TPS components. The initial version is intended to detect and label gross (greater than 0.1 inches in the smallest dimension) anomalies on HRSI components for subsequent classification by a human inspector. The approach is a modified Golden Template technique where the preflight image of a tile serves as the template against which the postflight image of the tile is compared. Candidate anomalies are selected as a result of the comparison and processed to identify true anomalies. The processing methods are developed and discussed, and the results of testing on actual and simulated tile images are presented. Solutions to the problems of brightness and spatial normalization, timely execution, and minimization of false positives are also discussed.
    Type: In: Cooperative intelligent robotics in space III; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 16-18, 1992 (A93-29101 10-54); p. 330-340.
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  • 68
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The Capaciflector, a capacitive proximity sensor, is being developed by NASA for collision avoidance. Capaciflector provides a single output value as measure of altered base frequency. This value is a characteristic of an external object in the sensor's field of view. An attempt is made to use the Capaciflector for imaging with operating range from 1 to 2 inches. By positional arangement of sensors in a grid pattern and electronic activation of sensors over the grid one at a time an object characteristic image is obtained. The article describes the Capaciflector experimental imaging system and preliminary results obtained by the system.
    Type: In: Cooperative intelligent robotics in space III; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 16-18, 1992 (A93-29101 10-54); p. 13-24.
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  • 69
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: There will be a need for a wide array of chemical sensors for biomedical experimentation and for the monitoring of water and air recycling processes on Space Station Freedom. The infrequent logistics flights of the Space Shuttle will necessitate onboard analysis. The advantages of biosensors and chemical sensors over conventional analysis onboard spacecraft are manifold. They require less crew time, space, and power. Sample treatment is not needed. Real time or near-real time monitoring is possible, in some cases on a continuous basis. Sensor signals in digitized form can be transmitted to the ground. Types and requirements for chemical sensors to be used in biomedical experimentation and monitoring of water recycling during long-term space missions are discussed.
    Type: Biosensors and Bioelectronics (ISSN 0956-5663); 7; 8; p. 535-548.
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  • 70
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A liquid crystal television (LCTV) SLM's phase, amplitude, and polarization all influence our selection of operating curves for input and filter. With its continuum of drive voltage, the LCTV permits grey-level control in both locations. Selection of an optimum curve depends on expected variations in signal amplitude, presence of input scene structured noise, and other factors. Using modulators obtained from a commercially available projection LCTV, and with no specifically added input noise present, we have obtained laboratory results in which the ratio of peak intensity to correlator system noise exceeded 100:1. Unfortunately, it was massively inefficient to implement the algorithm which had been developed as the abstract for this paper was submitted. Fortunately, we have quite recently developed two insights that will speed it by several orders of magnitude, and we shall report that result in the future. We will also extend the work to include clutter objects and additive input scene noise.
    Type: In: Optical pattern recognition III; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 21, 22, 1992 (A93-28672 10-63); p. 78-82.
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  • 71
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The features and the components of a new microscale guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) system for future space systems are discussed. An approach is described for the utilization of new microengineering technologies for achieving major reductions in the GN&C system's mass, size, power, and costs. The micro-GN&C system and the component concepts include microactuated adaptive optics, micromachined inertial sensors, fiberoptic data nets with light-power transmission, and VLSI microcomputers. The GN&C system will be applied in microspacecraft, microlanders, microrovers, remote sensing platforms, interferometers, and deployable reflectors.
    Type: In: Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation II; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 22, 23, 1992 (A93-28151 10-35); p. 144-158.
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  • 72
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: NASA's Office of Commercial Programs is funding a multispectral sensor system to be used in the development of remote sensing applications. The Airborne Terrestrial Applications Sensor (ATLAS) is designed to provide versatility in acquiring spectral and spatial information and will be a test bed for the development of specifications for airborne and spaceborne remote sensing instrumentation for dedicated applications. This objective requires spectral coverage from the visible through thermal IR wavelengths, variable spatial resolution form 2-25 meters; high geometric and geolocation accuracy; on-board radiometric calibration; digital recording; and optimized performance for minimized cost, size, and weight.
    Type: In: Small satellite technologies and applications II; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 21, 22, 1992 (A93-28076 10-12); p. 63-74.
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  • 73
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The Electronic Still Camera (ESC) project has been implemented in its first form for space shuttle operations. The system is composed of three components: (1) a hand-held battery-operated fully digital and programmable high-resolution camera; (2) a laptop-computer-based playback/downlink unit for onboard image processing; and (3) a ground station capable of receiving shuttle data, processing images, producing hardcopies, and distributing the data and hardcopies to end users. The advantages of the ESC system over film and satellites are discussed, and system specifications are summarized.
    Type: In: IGARSS '92; Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, TX, May 26-29, 1992. Vol. 1 (A93-47551 20-43); p. 149-151.
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  • 74
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Permittivity may be determined by measuring the complex reflection coefficient of an open-ended coaxial line placed in contact with a test sample. This method works best for liquid samples. For the measurement of non-liquid materials problems can arise. A perfect preparation is needed to provide a good contact between the tip and the dielectric medium. At times, the dimension of the sensor cannot be freely chosen, as is the case for the measurement of the dielectric constant of the xylem layer of a living tree. The influence of the installation of the sensor on a tree's water status must be minimized by using a small sensor. In such cases the capacitance cannot be optimized. By extending the center conductor of the open-ended coaxial line, some of these problems can be avoided. This provides an additional tool to tune the capacitance of the sensor by adjusting the length of the extension. Therefore the measurement accuracy can be optimized. The sensor also becomes sensitive to a larger volume. A comparative study of a flush and extended tipped probes shows that the ability to measure the dielectric constant of trees has been notably increased due to the extension of the center conductor.
    Type: In: IGARSS '92; Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, TX, May 26-29, 1992. Vol. 1 (A93-47551 20-43); p. 443-445.
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  • 75
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The ALIAS instrument is a very high resolution (0.0003/cm) scanning, tunable diode laser spectrometer designed to make direct, simultaneous measurements of NO2, HNO3, HCl, CH4, and either O3 or N2O (including vertical profiles of CH4 and N2O) in the polar stratosphere at sub-part-per-billion level sensitivities over integration times from 3 to 30 s. Unique features include a sample inlet/throttle system designed to achieve near-isokinetic sampling, in PSC events, an in-flight wavelength reference cell rack, mechanical fringe-spoilers, a four-laser/four-detector dewar with 24-hr hold-time operating at a fixed temperature without electrical regulation, and in-flight fast correlation routines for spectral drift compensation prior to spectral addition. Instrument design and test flight results are discussed in the light of ALIAS's role in the Winter 1991 Arctic aircraft stratospheric ozone campaigns out of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Bangor, Maine.
    Type: In: Infrared technology XVII; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 1991 (A93-38376 15-35); p. 187-194.
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  • 76
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Calibration algorithms for a synthetic aperture microwave radiometer are presented. The calibration is geared to Earth remote sensing applications, and is demonstrated on an airborne prototype of thinned array imager. Two approaches to the system calibration are presented; the first utilizes commonly available reference brightness temperature scenes, such as open water, and the second utilizes data collected on the antenna range. Both algorithms yield spatial response information which is cast in matrix form and inverted to obtain the image reconstruction formula. Experimental results are examined, and errors in some reconstructed images are linked to the present prototype antenna design. Algorithms for improving the synthesized antenna pattern side lobe performance are also presented. In one solution, the pattern efficiency is optimized by minimizing the pattern outside a defined beam. In another solution, the patterns are matched to a desired model pattern by the method of least squared errors. Both techniques offer an attractive alternative to aperture weighting.
    Type: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISSN 0196-2892); 31; 1; p. 257-267.
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  • 77
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: An analysis is presented that establishes how correction-free radiance measurements or pyrometry can be performed on targets in furnaces where there may be significant additional radiance from heated furnace walls or from reflecting surfaces close to the target. These configurations are common in microgravity and containerless processing applications where a specular target is radiantly heated in a hot-wall furnace, or inductively heated from the fields arising from nearby closely spaced electromagnetic coils. Proper design requires that the pyrometer does not view any images of the background features in the specular target so that stray radiation will not be reflected into the viewing optics of the pyrometer. To analyze the problem, conventional paraxial optics analysis is shown to be significantly in error. Instead a method of nonparaxial ray tracing, based on the derivatives of the ray paths, shows how the images must be located. This leads to analytical results that can be used to design such systems. The findings are applied to the furnace geometries that are presently being considered for flight in LEO.
    Type: Review of Scientific Instruments (ISSN 0034-6748); 63; 11; p. 5394-5402.
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  • 78
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors have been used to obtain calibrated, quantitative measurements of the in-plane displacement components associated with the propagation of ultrasonic elastic stress waves on the surfaces of solids. The frequency response of the sensor is determined by the internal spacing between the two reflecting fiber endface surfaces which form the Fabry-Perot cavity, a distance which is easily controlled during fabrication. With knowledge of the material properties of the solid, the out-of-plane displacement component of the wave may also be determined, giving full field data.
    Type: In: Fiber optic smart structures and skins V; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 8, 9, 1992 (A93-37326 14-35); p. 144-152.
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  • 79
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Spectralon, a commercially available diffuse reflectance material made from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), is being evaluated for the multiangle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR), currently under development for the Earth Observing System. Results of a series of environmental exposure tests indicate that no degradation of the optical properties was apparent following proton bombardment, and stability through UV illumination was satisfactory, provided simple cleaning and handling procedures were implemented. A buildup of several thousand volts of static charge was found to develop while simulating a rare pass through an auroral storm.
    Type: Optical Engineering (ISSN 0091-3286); 32; 4; p. 805-814.
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  • 80
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A technique is described which combines up to three channels of imagery into a single 8-bit composite color image. Each image controls a specific color or colors (red, green, or blue) in the resultant color composite image, allowing for improved interpretation of scene characteristics. The technique is a useful tool for the forecaster and satellite image analyst. In addition to providing the capability of displaying multichannel images on an 8-bit desktop color workstation, the technique allows sophisticated image manipulation to be performed.
    Type: In: Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 6th, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 5-10, 1992, Preprints (A93-36051 14-47); p. J92-J95.
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  • 81
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: We present Monte Carlo analysis and experimental data from a novel lithium-drifted silicon detector stack for gamma ray spectroscopy instrumentation in future Mars surface landers and other planetary missions. The Monte Carlo analysis shows full energy photopeaks even in the range of about 100 keV to 2 MeV where, in Si, Compton scattering dominates the absorption processes. Laboratory data is shown for an experimental detector stack of four planar Si(Li) devices, each 5 mm thick with an active area 2 cm in diameter. All the experimental data were collected with maximum temperature of the stack at 175 K. Background reduction is achieved by using the detector of the stack closest to the source in anticoincidence. We present a comparison of experimental data from the stack with the Monte Carlo model for Cs-137 (662 keV). Agreement is shown to be good, with a full energy photopeak clearly seen (FWHM about 10 keV). Experimental stack data is also shown for multiple peaks at 511 keV (Na-22) and 662 keV (Cs-137). The peaks are clearly resolved (FWHM 10 keV), and are compared with the results obtained using a 8 percent resolution, 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(TI) device (FWHM about 50 keV).
    Type: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (ISSN 0018-9499); 39; 4; p. 981-986.
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  • 82
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: An Automated Thermocouple Calibration System (ATCS) was developed for the unattended calibration of type K thermocouples. This system operates from room temperature to 650 C and has been used for calibration of thermocouples in an eight-zone furnace system which may employ as many as 60 thermocouples simultaneously. It is highly efficient, allowing for the calibration of large numbers of thermocouples in significantly less time than required for manual calibrations. The system consists of a personal computer, a data acquisition/control unit, and a laboratory calibration furnace. The calibration furnace is a microprocessor-controlled multipurpose temperature calibrator with an accuracy of +/- 0.7 C. The accuracy of the calibration furnace is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The computer software is menu-based to give the user flexibility and ease of use. The user needs no programming experience to operate the systems. This system was specifically developed for use in the Microgravity Materials Science Laboratory (MMSL) at the NASA LeRC.
    Type: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (ISSN 0018-9456); 41; 5; p. 702-706.
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  • 83
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A novel optical proximity sensor system, capable of measuring the distance to the orientation and the discontinuity at a local area of an object surface, was designed and evaluated for robotic applications. The sensor system gets its name, Hexagonal Eye, (HexEYE) from its shape where seven identical hexagonal sensing units were configured hexagonally into a compact geometric structure. The seven sensing units were grouped into multiple combinations of three sensing units to measure the surface orientation as well as surface discontinuity. The distinctive features of HexEYE are an order of magnitude increased in distance sensitivity by optimizing the curvature of a conical mirror, the enhanced measurement accuracy based on multiple levels of sensor fusion, and the compactness in size due to a sensing mechanism based on the Gaussian lens law. A prototype of single sensing unit has been built and was evaluated experimentally.
    Type: In: 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 8th, Nice, France, May 12-14, 1992, Proceedings. Vol. 2 (A93-35501 13-63); p. 1567-1572.
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  • 84
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Data processing and calibration methods are described for tunable diode laser absorption spectrometers which produce harmonic absorption spectra as raw data for measuring gas mixing ratios down to parts-per-trillion levels at a variety of pressures. The methods, which take advantage of modern computer speed, memory, and data storage capabilities, are applicable to the detection of weakly absorbing gases in quantitative industrial monitoring, in addition to aircraft and balloon atmospheric measurements for which they were designed. Algorithms for calibration and data analysis, including rejection of erroneous spectra, variation of effective integration time, spectral alignment prior to averaging, and plotting and archiving of results, have been tested on actual stratospheric laser spectra recorded by the Aircraft Laser Infrared Absorption Spectrometer (ALIAS) spectrometer in numerous flights of NASA's ER-2 aircraft.
    Type: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (ISSN 0022-4073); 49; 4; p. 335-347.
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  • 85
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Dynamic alignment has been demonstrated as a practical approach to alignment maintenance for systems in the infrared region of the spectrum. On the basis of work done by OPTRA, this technique was introduced in commercial Fourier transform spectrometer systems in 1982 and in various forms is now available from a number of manufacturers. This paper reports on work by OPTRA to extend the basic technique to systems operating in the ultraviolet. In addition, this paper reports the preliminary results of the development of an alignment system using a laser diode in place of a gas laser normally found in dynamic alignment systems. A unique optical system and spatial heterodyne technique allows for achievement of a metrology system with characteristics that fully satisfy the requirements of an ultraviolet spectrometer system.
    Type: In: Ultraviolet technology IV; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 20, 21, 1992 (A93-34426 13-35); p. 308-322.
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  • 86
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Photometric imaging of ionospheric/magnetospheric O II emission at 83.4 nm is a primary objective for mapping the distribution of O(+) ions. However, instrumental sensitivity has been a major barrier to realizing this goal. We report an instrumental design employing a low focal ratio three-mirror camera where the reflecting surfaces act as both narrowband reflection filters at 83.4 nm and as a high quality imaging system. The design includes coatings with reflectances that are relatively insensitive to the angle of incidence of light. The peak reflectance per mirror is more than 60 percent at 83.4 nm with the average reflectance for out-of-band wavelengths of less than 5 percent. The net reflective transmission for the three mirrors is greater than 20 percent with 6.8 nm bandwidth and 0.01 percent maximum transmittance for out-of-band wavelengths. The transmittance at 30.4 nm is 0.03 percent at 58.4 nm 0.05 percent, and at 121.6 nm 0.004 percent. When used with an open microchannel plate detector, contamination by H Ly-alpha is essentially eliminated. With this spectral purity and effective elimination of major contributors to background contamination noise, a signal-to-noise ratio (excluding detector noise) of 10 is achievable for a 0.01 R signal in 8.8 seconds for the full 6 deg field-of-view.
    Type: In: EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy II; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 24-26, 1991 (A93-34376 13-35); p. 234-244.
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  • 87
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The characteristics of a conventional cylindrical geometry proportional counter filled with high pressure xenon gas up to 10 atm. were fundamentally investigated for use as a detector in hard X-ray astronomy. With a 2 percent methane gas mixture the energy resolutions at 10 atm. were 9.8 percent and 7.3 percent for 22 keV and 60 keV X-rays, respectively. From calculations of the Townsend ionization coefficient, it is shown that proportional counters at high pressure operate at weaker reduced electric field than low pressure counters. The characteristics of a parallel grid proportional counter at low pressure showed similar pressure dependence. It is suggested that this is the fundamental reason for the degradation of resolution observed with increasing pressure.
    Type: In: EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy II; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 24-26, 1991 (A93-34376 13-35); p. 20-27.
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  • 88
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The motion of an imaging sensor causes each imaged point of the scene to correspondingly describe a time trajectory on the image plane. The trajectories of all imaged points are reminiscent of a flow (e.g., of liquid) which is the source of the term 'optical flow'. Optical-flow ranging is a method by which the stream of two-dimensional images obtained from a forward-looking forward-moving passive sensor is used to compute depth (or range) to points in the field of view. Another well-known ranging method consists of triangulation based on stereo images obtained from at least two stationary sensors. In this paper we analyze the potential accuracies of a combined optical flow and stereo passive-ranging system in the context of helicopter nap-of-the-earth obstacle avoidance. The Cramer-Rao lower bound is developed for the combined system under the assumption of an unknown angular bias error common to both cameras of a stereo pair. It is shown that the depth accuracy degradations caused by a bias error is negligible for a combined optical-flow and stereo system as compared to a monocular optical-flow system.
    Type: In: Surveillance technologies; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 2-5, 1991 (A93-27712 09-35); p. 259-267.
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  • 89
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Theoretical considerations and test results are presented for a new-type velocity analyzer for incident fast neutral particles, positive ions, and negative ions. Velocity analysis is carried out by means of a pulsed, three-gate time-of-flight (TOF) technique capable of eliminating alias velocities (harmonics) to sixth order. In addition the design and operation are presented of a four-element ion lens system, with small spherical and chromatic aberrations, suitable for interfacing a large-diameter ion beam from the TOF section with a subsequent mass analyzer.
    Type: Review of Scientific Instruments (ISSN 0034-6748); 64; 2; p. 470-476.
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  • 90
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A simple polishing technique was developed for thinning the LaAlO3 substrates for high-quality Tc bolometer films, and thus reducing their heat capacity. A 150-ms bolometer was made on a LaAlO3 substrate with a 5-Hz D* value of 1.5 x 10 exp 8. It is shown that passive temperature stabilization is adequate for operation at the transition. There remained excess noise at the transition, but this noise appears to be of nonbolometric origin.
    Type: In: Superconductivity applications for infrared and microwave devices II; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 4, 5, 1991 (A93-27243 09-33); p. 166-173.
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  • 91
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Electrooptical sensors provide a covert way of computing range during helicopter flight. The optical flow-based computation of range provides range information only in certain distinguishable parts of the image. The regions where range information is available can be increased by performing texture analysis and object segmentation in the image. This paper reviews some of the literature on texture segmentation methods with a view towards applying them to images containing both man-made and natural objects at varying ranges. Two algorithmic approaches are given and their application to a real image is demonstrated. Results indicate that it will be necessary to combine several different texture measures and methods in a hierarchical way in order to achieve an object segmentation which is useful in enhancing range information.
    Type: In: Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation; Proceedings of the Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 2, 3, 1991 (A93-27043 09-19); p. 178-189.
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  • 92
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A technique that compensates for low spatial frequency spurious phase changes during an interference experiment is developed; it permits temporal averaging of multiple-phase measurements, made before and after object displacement. The method is tested with phase-stepped real-time holographic interferometry applied to cantilever bending of a piezoelectric bimorph ceramic. Results indicate that temporal averaging of the corrected data significantly reduces the white noise in a phase measurement without incurring systematic errors or sacrificing spatial resolution. White noise is reduced from 3 deg to less than 1 deg using these methods.
    Type: Applied Optics (ISSN 0003-6935); 32; 2; p. 147-154.
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  • 93
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A He-Ne Zeeman laser has been utilized as a two-frequency light source in a Michelson-type micro-displacement fiber sensor. A polarization maintaining fiber has been installed in the sensing arm, which facilitates flexibility and allows the sensing region to be remotely located. This fiber sensing arm is arranged to replace a quarterwave plate component. The fiber sensor system has a resolution of half a micrometer.
    Type: In: Fiber optic and laser sensors IX; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 3-5, 1991 (A93-53103 23-35); p. 146-151.
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  • 94
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: An integrated-optic Mach-Zender interferometer is used as a Fourier transform spectrometer to analyze the input and output spectra of a temperature-sensing thin-film etalon. This configuration provides a high degree of immunity to the effects of changes in the source spectrum, and it readily permits the interrogation of a number of different sensors using a single spectrometer. In addition, this system has a potentially low cost because it uses optical communications hardware that may in the future be manufactured in large quantities.
    Type: In: Fiber optic and laser sensors IX; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 3-5, 1991 (A93-53103 23-35); p. 64-71.
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  • 95
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A new remote sensing instrument, the Submillimeterwave Limb Sounder, has been developed to simultaneously measure ClO, HCl, O3 and HO2 from high altitude balloon and aircraft platforms. The instrument is a double sideband heterodyne radiometer measuring atmospheric thermal emission spectra near 640 GHz from the Earth's limb. The instrument was flown in April and October, 1991 and in February, 1992 on high altitude balloon platforms over the southwestern United States.
    Type: In: Optical methods in atmospheric chemistry; Proceedings of the Meeting, Berlin, Germany, June 22-24, 1992 (A93-51501 22-35); p. 433-440.
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  • 96
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A three-mesh gate is used in a time-of-flight (TOF) apparatus to analyze the velocity of positive ions. Test results and a theoretical description are presented of an effect arising from trapping ions between meshes of a two-gate TOF velocity analyzer. The entrapped ions produce a side peak in the TOF spectra corresponding to faster ions. The onset and relative height of the side peak is dependent on the gating voltage and risetime of the pulsing electronics, while the relative intensity depends upon the velocity being sampled and the ratio of the gate width to duration.
    Type: Review of Scientific Instruments (ISSN 0034-6748); 64; 7; p. 1754-1757.
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  • 97
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Scattering calculations using a detailed model of the multimode laser beam in the forward-scattering spectrometer probe (FSSP) were carried out using a recently developed extension to Mie scattering theory. From this model, new calibration curves for the FSSP were calculated. The difference between the old calibration curves and the new ones is small for droplet diameters less than 10 microns, but the difference increases to approximately 10 percent at diameters of 50 microns. When using glass beads to calibrate the FSSP, calibration errors can be minimized by using glass beads of many different diameters, over the entire range of the FSSP. If the FSSP is calibrated using one-diameter glass beads, then the new formalism is necessary to extrapolate the calibration over the entire range.
    Type: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (ISSN 0739-0572); 10; 4; p. 518-525.
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  • 98
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The Airborne Ocean Color Imager was developed as an aircraft instrument to simulate the spectral and radiometric characteristics of the next generation of satellite ocean color instrumentation. Data processing programs have been developed as extensions of the Coastal Zone Color Scanner algorithms for atmospheric correction and bio-optical output products. The latter include several bio-optical algorithms for estimating phytoplankton pigment concentration, as well as one for the diffuse attenuation coefficient of the water. Additional programs have been developed to geolocate these products and remap them into a georeferenced data base, using data from the aircraft's inertial navigation system. Examples illustrate the sequential data products generated by the processing system, using data from flightlines near the mouth of the Mississippi River: from raw data to atmospherically corrected data, to bio-optical data, to geolocated data, and, finally, to georeferenced data.
    Type: Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (ISSN 8750-9237); 36; 5; p. 423-430.
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  • 99
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: An integrated-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer is used as a Fourier transform spectrometer to analyze the input and output spectra of a temperature-sensing thin-film etalon. This type of spectrometer has an advantage over conventional grating spectrometers because it is better suited for use with time-division-multiplexed sensor networks. In addition, this spectrometer has the potential for low cost due to its use of a component that could be manufactured in large quantities for the optical communications industry.
    Type: In: Integrated optics and microstructures; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 8, 9, 1992 (A93-49456 21-35); p. 127-136.
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  • 100
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Two-mode, elliptical-core optical fibers are demonstrated in weighted, distributed and selective vibration-mode-filtering applications. We show how appropriate placement of optical fibers on a vibrating structure can lead to vibration mode filtering. Selective vibration-mode suppression on the order of 10 dB has been obtained using tapered two-mode, circular-core fibers with tapering functions that match the second derivatives of the modes of vibration to be enhanced. We also demonstrate the use of chirped, two-mode gratings in fibers as spatial modal sensors that are equivalents of shaped piezoelectric sensors.
    Type: In: Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors; Proceedings of the Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 4, 5, 1991 (A93-49426 21-35); p. 53-66.
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