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  • Danish  (65)
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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-01-17
    Description: An increasing number of preschool teachers have a master's degree, and in Norway, employing preschool teachers with a master’s-level education is a stated political objective. In both Norway and Denmark, there is growing demand for greater expertise in preschool and more career options for preschool teachers and educators. Thus, there is also a need for greater understanding about the impact of academic knowledge on preschool pedagogical practice. In this anthology, new empirical knowledge is presented on how master's-level competence is applied practically within the preschool context, and how academic knowledge is found relevant in practice. The empirical material that forms the basis of this anthology is qualitative interviews with master's-educated teachers in Norwegian and Danish preschools as well as a survey sent to all preschools in Norway. The anthology is also based on historical material and documents that highlight the rise of specialized education in general and master's education in particular. The book stems from the research project “Preschool master in practice”, a collaborative project between researchers at one Danish and two Norwegian educational institutions: VIA University College in Århus, Oslo Metropolitan University, and the University of South-Eastern Norway. The aim of the project has been to increase understanding of how master’s-educated preschool teachers’ feel their particular expertise is put to use, and how their expertise benefits the preschool and creates opportunities within the sector.
    Description: Stadig flere barnehagelærere har masterutdanning. I Norge er det også en uttalt politisk ambisjon om at det skal ansettes flere masterutdannede barnehagelærere i barnehagen. Både i Norge og Danmark ser vi en økende etterspørsel etter mer kompetanse i barnehagen og flere karriereveier for barnehagelærere og pedagoger. Dermed blir det også behov for mer kunnskap om hva som skjer i møtet mellom akademisk kunnskap og barnehagefaglig pedagogisk praksis. I denne antologien presenteres ny empirisk kunnskap om hvordan kompetanse på masternivå anvendes i barnehagen, og hvordan akademisk kunnskap gis relevans for barnehagens praksis. Det empiriske materialet som ligger til grunn for antologien, er kvalitative intervjuer med masterutdannede barnehagelærere i norske og danske barnehager og en spørreundersøkelse sendt ut til alle norske barnehager. Antologien er også basert på historisk materiale og dokumenter som synliggjør framveksten av videreutdanninger generelt og masterutdanning spesielt. Bokutgivelsen springer ut av forskningsprosjektet «Barnehagefaglig master i praksis», som er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forskere ved én dansk og to norske utdanningsinstitusjoner, henholdsvis VIA University College i Århus, OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet og Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge. Målet med prosjektet har vært å utvide kunnskapen om hvordan barnehagelærere med barnehagefaglig masterutdanning erfarer at deres kompetanse blir anvendt, og om hvordan kompetansen kommer barnehagen til gode og gis muligheter i sektoren.
    Keywords: professional practice, academic knowledge, early childhood education, dialogical governance, critique, pedagogisk praksis, akademisk kunnskap, barnehage, dialogisk styring, kritikk ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher & further education, tertiary education::JNMN Universities ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies & policy::JNFN Inclusive education / mainstreaming
    Language: Danish , Norwegian
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  • 2
    Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
    Publication Date: 2024-04-12
    Description: Książka stawia w centrum historie życia kobiet, które łączy aktywny stosunek do rzeczywistości oraz brak zgody na to, co zastają w swoich czasach i środowiskach, czyli odwaga w obalaniu schematów. To praca interdyscyplinarna. Autorki i autorzy tekstów składających się na książkę podejmują temat braku pokory kobiet, wybierając jako przykłady tego typu postawy - nie tak oczywistej dla kobiet z europejskiego kręgu kulturowego - bohaterki żyjące od XVII wieku do współczesności. Publikacja wpisuje się w nurt herstory, ukazując transformacje wyobrażeń na temat kobiecego losu i biografii. Artykuły ilustrują i analizują, jak owych przemian dokonywały bohaterki tekstów oraz z jaki mi konsekwencjami musiały się liczyć. W książce znajdziemy herstorie o sportsmenkach, badaczkach, kobietach interesu itd. Praca rozwija jeden z nurtów badawczych studiów gender, a mianowicie herstory, w tym dowodzi użyteczności kategorii gender i herstory. Ukazuje ich przydatność w refleksji naukowej wielu dziedzin z zakresu humanistyki i nauk społecznych.
    Keywords: aktywistki ; sufrażystki ; Piłsudska Aleksandra ; Rosenblattówny ; Orzeszkowa Eliza ; Konopnicka Maria ; Gojawiczyńska Pola ; Rubinstein Helena ; Dentière Marie ; Kozłowska Maria Franciszka
    Language: Polish
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  • 3
    Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
    Publication Date: 2024-04-12
    Description: Książka jest owocem pracy projektach z obszaru edukacji obywatelskiej, herstorii i polityki pamięci, poświęconych udziałowi kobiet w konfliktach zbrojnych oraz kwestii upamiętniania i politycznego wykorzystania ich symbolicznego potencjału. Herstoria to praca nad pamięcią mniejszościową, opowieściami, których się „nie opowiada”, to praca z wielością narracji, które przeglądają się w sobie. Dlatego myślenie herstoryczne jest elastyczne i dopuszcza także inne metody, również sztukę czy działania animacyjne, które pomagają wydobyć to, co przemilczane. Autorki starają się zmieścić w metodologicznych ramach refleksji hermeneutycznej, gdzie dopiero w dialogu ujawnia się milczenie i niemożność nadania formy temu, co było dotąd przemilczane. Odnoszą się do wypowiedzi wspomnieniowych, auto- i biograficznych, świadectw, tekstów politycznych, prawnych czy „świeckich hagiografii” tworzonych oddolnie. W polu ich zainteresowań mieszczą się także procesy społeczne i zbiorowa pamięć oraz formy mentalności społecznej. Odwołują się do zasobów antropologii politycznej zainteresowanej tożsamościami zbiorowymi, narracjami kulturowymi, znaczeniem i interpretacją symboli, budujących metafory i wyobrażenia, toposy. Przyświeca nam idea, że pamięć jest polityczna, a to, jak o niej myślimy, mówimy i ją tworzymy, jest zagadnieniem politycznym, objawiającym się w tekstach i praktykach kulturowych, których herstoria jest przykładem, a które stanowią mobilizujące uprawomocnienie zbiorowych wizji wspólnoty.
    Keywords: herstory ; politics of memory ; counter-memory ; feminism ; political anthropology
    Language: Polish
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  • 4
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: In this book, five experienced Nordic L1-didactitians and teacher educators search for their professional roots as pupils, students, teachers, teacher educators, managers and researchers over a period of fifty years. In the form of the scientific essay, various historical professional struggles and processes that may lie behind this professionalisation are examined, partly from a critical perspective: Academisation, theorising, didacticisation, textualisation, and internationalisation, especially within first language (L1), L1 didactics and L1 didactic research. Documentation and discussion of the complex relationship between institutionalised academic operations and personal and collective knowledge development nevertheless constitute a main line in the presentation. The L1 subjects in which the descriptions are anchored are Danish, Finnish Swedish, Norwegian and Swedish. The contributions provide personal, experience-based, historical representations of the development contextualized with the narrators' own research in the field as well as descriptions of general development trends within schools, education, and society. A framing chapter provides methodological and theoretical premises for the texts and a concluding chapter analyses the content of and discusses the outcome of the essays. The book is aimed at anyone who is interested in the development of professional teacher training on a Nordic basis, especially native language and subject didactics. Although Per-Olof Erixon and Sigmund Ongstad are editors, the book has been created in close collaboration with the other contributors, Sven-Erik Hansén, Ellen Krogh, and Jon Smidt.
    Description: I denne boka søker fem erfarne, nordiske morsmålsdidaktikere og lærerutdannere sine faglige røtter som elever, studenter, lærere, lærerutdannere, ledere og forskere over en femtiårsperiode. I det vitenskapelige essayets form undersøkes ulike historiske fagkamper og prosesser som kan ligge bak denne profesjonaliseringen, dels i et kritisk perspektiv: Akademisering, teoretisering, didaktisering, tekstualisering og internasjonalisering, spesielt innen morsmål (L1), morsmålsdidaktikk og morsmålsdidaktisk forskning, men også fagdidaktisk forskning. Dokumentasjon og diskusjon av det komplekse forholdet mellom institusjonalisert akademisk drift og personlig og kollektiv kunnskapsutvikling utgjør likevel en hovedlinje i fremstillingen. De L1-fagene som beskrivelsene forankres i, er dansk, finlandssvensk, norsk og svensk. Bidragene gir personlige, erfaringsbaserte, historiske fremstillinger av utviklingen kontekstualisert med beretternes egen forskning på feltet samt beskrivelser av generelle utviklingstendenser innen skole, utdanning og samfunn. Et innrammingskapittel gir metodologiske og teoretiske premisser for tekstene og et avslutningskapittel analyserer innhold i og diskuterer utkommet av essayene. Boka henvender seg til alle som er interessert i fremveksten av en profesjonalisert lærerutdanning på nordisk grunn, særlig morsmåls- og fagdidaktikere.
    Keywords: didactics, mother tongue, the Nordic countries, teacher training, didaktikk, morsmål, norden, lærerutdanning ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPA Educational: Arts, general::YPAF Educational: Drama and performance arts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJA Language teaching theory and methods ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English ; thema EDItEUR::4 Educational purpose qualifiers::4L For language learning courses and examinations::4LE For ELT / ESL learning, courses, examinations and certificates ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPA Educational: Arts, general::YPAF Educational: Drama and performance arts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJA Language teaching theory and methods ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English ; thema EDItEUR::4 Educational purpose qualifiers::4L For language learning courses and examinations::4LE For ELT / ESL learning, courses, examinations and certificates
    Language: Swedish , Danish
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  • 5
    Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
    Publication Date: 2024-04-12
    Description: Prezentowane w tomie rozważania ukazują czytelnikowi proces społecznej oraz mentalnej zmiany: kobiety wychodzące czasami z wielkim trudem, ale z niewątpliwymi sukcesami, od dotychczasowego zamknięcia w życiu prywatnym/rodzinie/domu ku sferze publicznej i politycznej, przekształcają strukturę i charakter przestrzeni, do której dążą. Autorki i autorzy poszczególnych tekstów, analizując sylwetki i dzieła polskich i zagranicznych badaczek, twórczyń i aktywistek żyjących współcześnie oraz postaci historycznych, wskazują na pewne prawidłowości łączące rozmaite kobiece działania. To aktywistki w odróżnieniu od aktywistów żądają czegoś nowego od polityki i od sfery publicznej; filozofki i teoretyczki są o wiele bardziej zanurzone w działania oddolne i codzienne niż filozofowie i teoretycy; opiekunki i „krzątaczki” nie mają swoich dosłownych męskich odpowiedników, choć „menedżerki domowe”·także pukają do bram tego, co publiczne i polityczne; artystki działające na polu sztuk plastycznych, teatru i literatury wnoszą w sferę publiczną twórczą refleksję na temat tego, co prywatne i cielesne – wynikające z doświadczeń kobiet.
    Keywords: feminizm ; gender ; kobieta ; macierzyństwo ; protest ; emancypacja ; aktywistka
    Language: Polish
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  • 6
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: The monograph by Grzegorz Grochowski documents insightful reflection on the current state of the field of the genre order of discourse, especially literary taxonomies. These orders are seen from the perspective of various methodological orders of the last few decades, developed in the area of postmodern literary studies. The conclusions emerging from these are examined from the angle of analytical utility of selected solutions. The study is successful at depicting the current state of the debates on the theory of literature and the dynamics of phenomena observed in the field of contemporary literature. It combines an in-depth theoretical analysis with sophisticated interpretations of the texts. Therefore, it skilfully transports theoretical discussions on to a concrete level. (excerpt from a review by Prof. Teresa Dobrzyńska) The fascinating book by Grzegorz Grochowski on the postmodern literary games is also a game the researcher plays with traditional genology and the aim of creating categories other than genre and text for this literary play: those of description and understanding. Discourse analysis leads theory of literature out of the narrow backwater of literary theories. It also demonstrates that literature has a meaning not only against the backdrop of language and genological norm, that its dynamics require a return into the chaos of social life (rejected by structuralism). (excerpt of a review by Prof. Zofia Mitosek)
    Keywords: theory of literature literary genology ; genre ; Polish literature ; discourse analysis ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 7
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: Li He (790-816) gained his early renown particularly for his lyrical reimaginings of lost song traditions from ancient times. The poet's premature death, along with the otherworldly quality of many of his works, led later readers to view Li He as the emblematic cursed poet, whose lyrical fascination with ancient history, with ghosts, and with celestial and demonic beings seemed to have presaged the brevity of poet's own earthly existence.
    Keywords: Li He (790-816) ; Tang dynasty (618-907) ; Poetry ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTM Regional / International studies
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: Boghistorie i Skandinavien præsenterer temaer fra mere end 500 års boghistorie og spænder fra oversættelser i 1500-tallet over børnelitteratur i 1700-tallet til nutidens forskningsinfrastruktur.Boghistorie i Skandinavien viser boghistorien som et levende forskningsfelt, der kan åbne for nye muligheder i arbejdet med bøger, litteratur og tekster på tværs af tidsperioder og nationale kontekster. Bogens bidrag er skrevet på de skandinaviske sprog og et enkelt på engelsk.
    Keywords: Language & Literature ; European Studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DN Biography and non-fiction prose::DNT Anthologies: general
    Language: Danish
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2023-11-17
    Description: Originally developed by the Canadian sociologist Dorothy E. Smith, institutional ethnography is an approach to research that aims to explore and challenge power relations in society. In Norway and the other Nordic countries, the approach is used by researchers in a variety disciplines and professional fields. In Experiences with Institutional Ethnography, we gain insight into several different researchers’ motivation for, experiences with and reflections on delving into and using institutional ethnography in their own research. We gain insight into specific research processes and their attendant methodological approaches, into experiences of using key concepts from institutional ethnography, and into reflections on the researcher's role. This book will be a useful tool for researchers, master’s students and research fellows who utilize – or are considering utilizing – institutional ethnography in their work.
    Description: Institusjonell etnografi er en forskningstilnærming som opprinnelig ble utviklet av den kanadiske sosiologen Dorothy E. Smith, og som har som formål å utforske og utfordre maktforhold i samfunnet. I Norge og Norden for øvrig brukes tilnærmingen av forskere fra ulike disipliner og fagfelt. I Erfaringer med institusjonell etnografi får vi innblikk i ulike forskeres motivasjon for, erfaringer med og refleksjoner rundt å sette seg inn i og bruke institusjonell etnografi i sin egen forskning. Vi får innblikk i bestemte forskningsprosesser og metodiske grep i slike prosesser, i erfaringer med å bruke sentrale begreper fra institusjonell etnografi og i refleksjoner over forskerrollen. Boken er et nyttig redskap for forskere, masterstudenter og stipendiater som benytter – eller vurderer å benytte – institusjonell etnografi i sin forskning.
    Keywords: institutional ethnography, Dorothy E. Smith, welfare, research method, social science, professions, sociology, institusjonell etnografi, Dorothy E. Smith, velferd, forskningsmetode, samfunnsvitenskap, profesjoner, sosiologi, ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHB Sociology ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography
    Language: English , Norwegian , Danish
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  • 10
    Hamburg University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: Die Teilung Schleswigs nach Volksabstimmungen im Jahre 1920 hatte langfristige Folgen nördlich und südlich der neuen Grenze. Viele wurden durch Agitation und Abstimmung tief beeindruckt, sogar die Archive des Gebiets mussten geteilt werden. Nordschleswig wurde als ein Teil des Königreichs Dänemarks einverleibt. Diese wurde von einem nordschleswigschen Ministerium vorbereitet und kam bei der Konstruktion der Grenze sowie in Schule und Kirche zum Ausdruck. Die deutsche Minderheit widersetzte sich der Integration und während der Krisenjahre entstanden extreme politische Bewegungen. Diese Folgen werden in diesem Buch thematisiert, das ein Ergebnis einer deutsch-dänischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein und dem Rigsarkivet Aabenraa mit dem Studienzentrum für die Geschichte Schleswigs ist.
    Keywords: Schleswig ; Slesvigs ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: German , Danish
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  • 11
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2023-09-11
    Description: Through an intelligent and sharp description of the Irvine School of Critical Theory, Ewa Bobrowska’s book significantly expands the knowledge about post-structuralist critical thinking that has dominated the Western humanities in the last quarter of a century. While the achievements of Derrida, Lyotard, Iser, as well as Jameson, Joseph Hillis Miller, Greenblatt, and Dominick LaCapra are well known in Polish critical thought, the interdisciplinary project called the Irvine School has not yet been systematically and competently described. . . . The unusual dispositions of the author, who is an English philologist, philosopher, art historian, and an active artist, allow her to carry out all dimensions of the analysis, including critical discourse, philosophical reasoning, and an intellectual examination of a work of art. Ewa Bobrowska’s book can be read in several ways: as a guide to contemporary (mainly American) art that requires participation, and as a guide to contemporary (mainly postmodern) philosophy while visualising some, even very abstract, statements. These two diverse fields of contemporary art discourse and philosophy meet in this work and illuminate each other, giving the reader an extraordinary opportunity to understand the contemporary world of images and ideas. What is particularly worth emphasising is the part of the work that refers to ethical threads: it shows a little-known part of contemporary philosophy and, at the same time, the author’s extraordinary sensitivity. (excerpt from a review by Prof. Grażyna Borkowska)
    Keywords: critical theory ; contemporary art ; University of California ; Irvine ; irony ; the sublime ; Jacques Derrida ; Jean-François Lyotard ; J. Hillis Miller ; David Carroll ; bic Book Industry Communication::G Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTG General studies
    Language: Polish
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  • 12
    Punctum Books
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Complementary Modernisms in China and the United States: Art as Life/Art as Idea is the result of a conference where Chinese and Americanist art historians addressed the development of modernism in their respective cultural traditions. The chapters juxtapose historical developments without attempting to map connections or influences. Instead, both national modernisms are presented as part of the larger terrain of global modernism, but generated within specific, localized circumstances. This juxtaposition reveals significant differences as much as any particular moments of connection or similarities, disrupting any standard narrative of the primacy of French (or European) avant-garde art and its influence on more belated and peripheral communities. The differences that are revealed are not merely the result of the very different historical trajectories of each country’s moves into modernity. Rather, differences in attention and methodology are just as important, in particular the focus on the post-1980 development of Chinese art as part of the modernization of Chinese culture and economy, rather than the American perspective on post-1980s postmodern qualities. At the same time, significant convergent concerns emerge, such as the importance of urban centers and urbanization, the profound effect of political and technological disruption, and the question of identity.The volume represent a cross-section of Chinese and Americanist art historians, both early career and senior scholars, working on a wide variety of subjects, such as the Ashcan School, Impressionism, Cai Liang, Liang Sicheng, Huang Binhong, Cézanne, Bauhaus, Joseph Cornell, Andrew Wyeth, Louise Nevelson, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, and contemporary art more broadly, with (as is usual in any survey of the 20th century these days) a concentration on the 1960s. 《交互视野下的中国和美国的现代艺术: 艺术/生活或观念》这一会议论文集收录了中美艺术史家对现代主义在各自传统下的发展进行研究所得的成果。这些文章并置历史发展,而非试图详述其中的关联或影响。相反,两个国家的现代主义都被展现为全球现代主义大背景中的一部分,并被认为是在特定环境中产生的。这种并置显示了重要的差异性以及任何特殊情况下的联系或相似之处,打破了一般强调法国(或欧洲)先锋派首要地位及其对周围团体产生影响的标准论述。中国与美国现代主义发展上的差异,并不仅仅是由于两国进入不同历史轨道发展现代化而导致的。相反,关注点和方法论的差异也同样重要,尤其是关注八十年代后中国艺术的发展,将其作为中国文化与经济现代化的一部分,而不是从美国视角来看待八十年代后的后现代价值。同时,也出现了重要的趋同关注点:城市中心与城市化的重要性,政治或科技解体所造成的深远影响,以及自我认同的问题。本论文集所收录的文章,彰显了当今重要的中美艺术史家研究的多样性,从资深到青年一代,从阿什坎学派至当代艺术,(并与任何当下对二十世纪作出的概括论述相一致,)将重点放在二十世纪六十年代。
    Keywords: Art & Art History ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics
    Language: Chinese
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  • 13
    Open Book Publishers
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Shépa: ‘explanation’ or ‘elucidation’ in Tibetan. A form of oral poetry sung antiphonally in a question-and-answer style. This book contains a unique collection of Tibetan oral narrations and songs known as Shépa, as these have been performed, recorded and shared between generations of Choné Tibetans from Amdo living in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Presented in trilingual format — in Tibetan, Chinese and English — the book reflects a sustained collaboration with and between members of the local community, including narrators, monks, and scholars, calling attention to the diversity inherent in all oral traditions, and the mutability of Shépa in particular. From creation myths to Bon and Buddhist cosmologies and even wedding songs, Shépa engages with and draws on elements of religious traditions, historical legacies and deep-seated cultural memories within Choné and Tibet, revealing the multi-layered conceptualization of the Tibetan physical world and the resilience of Tibetan communities within it. This vital and unique collection, part of the World Oral Literature Series, situates Shépa in its ethnographic context, offering insights into the preservation and revitalization of intangible cultural heritage in the context of cultural Tibet, Indigenous studies and beyond. Scholars and students in the fields of anthropology, linguistics, ethnic and minority relations, critical Indigenous studies, Tibetan studies, Himalayan studies, Asian studies and the broader study of China will find much to reward them in this book, as will all readers interested in the documentation and preservation of endangered oral traditions, intangible cultural heritage, performance and textuality, and Tibetan literature and religions.
    Keywords: Oral poetry;community-led edition;linguistics;Tibetan oral literature;Choné;anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics::CFF Historical and comparative linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTD Oral history ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2G East and Southeast Asian languages::2GD Sino-Tibetan languages ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2G East and Southeast Asian languages::2GD Sino-Tibetan languages::2GDT Tibetan ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBG Popular beliefs and controversial knowledge::JBGB Folklore studies / Study of myth (mythology) ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSL Ethnic studies ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1F Asia::1FP East Asia, Far East::1FPC China ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1F Asia::1FP East Asia, Far East::1FPC China::1FPCT Tibet
    Language: English , Tibetan , Chinese
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 14
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: The book addresses the problem of the influence of copyright law on modern modes of functioning and understanding of literature. This problem is situated in a context of Law and Literature studies and in particular within the cultural studies of copyright, which are summarised in chapter one. The history of copyright law and related literary discussions is recapitulated in chapter two. In the next chapters, the analysis is focused on literary discussions in which copyright law is a directly posed problem, or it is indicated only as context. Particular attention is paid to: philological genealogical research (and texts by Wacław Borowy and John Livingstone Lowes); discussion surrounding T.S. Eliot’s poem ‘The Waste Land’; the debate provoked by Karol Irzykowski’s article ‘Plagiatowy charakter przełomów literackich w Polsce’ [‘The Plagiarising Character of Literary Breakthroughs in Poland’]; analysis of copyright law in the writings of Jacques Derrida and in the novel Muza dalekich podróży [The Muse of Long-Distance Travels] by Teodor Parnicki; finally, anthologies Future of Copyright published at the beginning of the twenty-first century in Poland. In the last chapter, the analysed problems are situated in the context of the debate on the commodification of literature in capitalist societies.
    Keywords: law and literature ; copyright law ; modern literature ; plagiarism ; literary property ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 15
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: Culture as a Verb is a book on what I call new humanities of a wide and vastly varied orientation, direction, turns, and simply interests, interconnecting in opposition to the principles of contemporary theory of humanistic cognition. For, if contemporary knowledge is presented as bodiless, impersonal, static, external and neutral (unengaged), then the new humanities inquiries are led on the basis of different principles: embodied knowledge, personalised (participating), actively-acting (intervening cognitively), penetrating the research field and situated (engaged). This is a very significant change . . . With it, we go from a culture of disinterested observation, founded on the myth of the contemplative view of the whole external world, to a real culture of participative action, reconciled with perspectivity and the fragmentary nature of cognitive actions of a subject, who forges a path to reality, from within and by their own actions.
    Keywords: culture ; new humanities ; literary studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 16
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: This book is the first monograph concerned with a feminist reading of Polish contemporary poetry to utilise tools of affective methodologies. It seeks to establish the extent to which affects contribute to the process of collective forms of existence. The book’s main thesis assumes affects to be the triggers of action, particularly of critically modifying established narratives about emotive histories of societies which include the allotment of the capacity to feel in order to coercively classify the actors and actresses of collective life. Poetry, as a very particular instance of those various affective machineries, becomes yet another version of collective memory. Poetical representations, acting in synergy with transformations of the contemporary subject, operate on three levels: firstly, by reproducing normative images of womanhood in its relations with surroundings, secondly, by disturbing the said images through an, often critical, reformulating of them, or thirdly, by becoming postulated variants of those transformations. The semantic dominants one can find in recent women’s poetry that, at the same time, constitute a portion of the broader symbolic feminine capital being a unified construct edifying the social discourses, pertain to the category of disease/illness, seeing, trauma and shame, the affective work, love, migration, and community.
    Keywords: social machinery ; affect ; women’s poetry ; literary studies ; women’s emancipation ; emotions ; Polish contemporary poetry ; feminism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 17
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: The author identifies selected aspects of the history of attention and exposes the peculiar relation between philosophy and literature against this background. The task of describing the world, not finished by phenomenology, is taken up by attentive poetry: it can complete the project of portraying the visible world, while keeping the rules of perceptive faith, but also being mindful of the constraints of language at the same time. After breaking contact between word and object, the poet becomes the one who brings the spirit of mankind closer to the world. In the context of twentieth-century dilemmas and projections, attention turns out to be not only a simple consequence of a certain aesthetic choice, but instead, choosing attention gains a crucial importance, rendering it a tool of re-vindicating the lost reality. Attentive poetry, that is such poetry, which does not allow itself to get carried away with language in whichever direction, but tames its anarchy, and does not accept a finished world, rejecting the temptation of relying on easy knowledge, is complemented by attentive reflection in this study: a reflection which is not prone to putting too much faith in the exclusivity of its own accomplishments. (excerpt from a review by Prof. Piotr Śliwiński)
    Keywords: attention ; philosophy ; literature ; poetry ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 18
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Danske 4.-klasseelevers læsekompetence har aldrig været lavere. Det viser resultaterne af Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) fra 2021. Der er flere elever, der har svært ved at læse, og for de svageste læsere er det endnu sværere end tidligere. Andelen af dygtige læsere er den samme som i tidligere undersøgelser, men næsten 25 procent af de danske 4.-klasseelever kan hverken fortolke, læse mellem linjerne eller læse kildekritisk.Samtidig er elevernes læseglæde faldet, og Danmark er – sammen med Norge – det land i hele undersøgelsen, som har færrest elever, der rigtig godt kan lide at læse. Flere elever har lav tiltro til deres egen læseforståelse, og både eleverne og deres forældre læser sjældnere i deres fritid.Danske elevers læsekompetence i 4. klasse præsenterer resultaterne af PIRLS 2021-undersøgelsen og fortæller om undersøgelsens baggrund og formål samt om udviklingen i elevernes læsekompetence fra 2006 og til i dag. Resultaterne peger på, at der fortsat er brug for en fælles indsats for at styrke elevernes læsning i skole og i fritid
    Keywords: Education ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Danish
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  • 19
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: In Part I, Ryszard Nycz formulates an opinion on the topical specifics of the humanities’ studies; the opinion is rooted in the traditions of the discipline (literary studies), the ability of its influential orientation (intertextual poetics), as well as the writings of T. W. Adorno, one of the most astute philosophers and researchers of modern culture. In Part II, the author drafts a modified formula for carrying out the theory of literature, the aim of which is to avoid not merely its marginalisation, but its breaking-up (and the assigning of it to anthropology and/or cultural studies in particular). In Part III, the author endeavours to delineate the tasks of literary criticism, exposed to challenges generated by the changes in the function and status of national literature, models of identity, and in the relationships between the global and local dimension of contemporary culture. In Part IV, case studies are used to critically test the traditional view of the solely-applied character of interpretation against theory. The last part, ‘Literature: A Reading of a Letter’, acts as a summary. In it, the author depicts a concept of literature precisely as poetics of experience, as well as drafting a sketch of the theory of its understanding. As part of this theory, in the entirety of the practices and procedures of getting to know it, the author distinguishes three separate (in some aspects) tasks: spontaneous understanding, intellectually rigorous interpretation, and the experience of reading.
    Keywords: poetics ; experience ; modernity ; theory of literature ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Accessibility to art and cultural activities is a topic with increasing attention. Most municipalities in the Scandinavian countries have kulturskoler (extra curricular schools of music and performing arts) that offer training and experiences in – and through – art and culture subjects for children and young people. But the users of these institutions are not representative for the society around them. The majority of the children and young people who actually use the kulturskole come from middle-class homes and have well-educated parents. There is therefore an increasing and absolutely necessary attention in the municipalities on how kulturskoler can reach new target groups, ensure more fair representation and develop as institutions being inclusive forces in the local community. The development project ""Kulturskolen as an inclusive force in the local community (KIL)"" had this focus. In this anthology, there are nine independent peer-reviewed research articles with topics that are relevant for those municipalities wanting to develop their potential as inclusive forces further. The book is suitable for both researchers, students or teachers associated with the didactic field of art, but also kulturskole leaders, elementary school teachers and others who are interested in how the kulturskole can function as an inclusive force in the local community
    Description: Tilgjengelighet til kunst og kulturaktivitet er et tema med økende oppmerksomhet. De fleste kommuner i de skandinaviske landene har musikk- og kulturskoler som tilbyr opplæring og opplevelser i og gjennom kunst- og kulturfag for barn og unge. Men kulturskoleelevene avspeiler ikke samfunnet rundt, for størstedelen av de barn og unge som faktisk bruker kulturskolene kommer fra middelklassehjem og har godt utdannede foreldre. Det er derfor et økende og helt nødvendig søkelys på hvordan kulturskolene kan nå nye målgrupper og sikre en bedre representasjon. Utviklingsprosjektet Kulturskolen som inkluderende kraft i lokalsamfunnet (KIL) hadde dette søkelyset. I denne antologien finnes ni selvstendige fagfellevurderte forskningsartikler med tematikk som er relevant for å kunne utvikle dette potensialet videre. Boken passer for både forskere, studenter eller lærere tilknyttet det kunstfagdidaktiske utdanningsfeltet, men også kulturskoleledere, lærere og andre som interesserer seg for hvordan kulturskolen kan bli en inkluderende kraft.
    Keywords: school of music and performing arts, music school, arts education, inclusion, cultural diversity, action learning, skole for musikk og scenekunst, musikkskole, kunstutdanning, inkludering, kulturelt mangfold, aksjonslæring ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATQ Dance ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATX Other performing arts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools and pre-schools
    Language: Norwegian , Swedish , Danish
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: How are school meals organized in the Scandinavian countries? And in what ways can new pedagogical practice lead to better school meal programs for students and a better understanding of the importance, for health and sustainable development, of the food offered through schools? Learning Through Food and Meals in Primary School takes a look at school meal programs in Denmark, Sweden and Norway with the objective of providing educators and teacher-education students an understanding of school meals from public health and nutritional perspectives, as well as a sense of the potential for teaching through school meals. The book is written in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian, and is structured in three parts, presenting new research from each of the three countries. Thematically, the chapters range from studies of different school meal initiatives to analyses of the social, democratic, and pedagogical significance of school meals. Through the different contributions, the book presents both experiences of how teaching through food can be done in a practical sense and an argument for its importance in an overall pedagogical and didactic perspective. The book will be relevant for anyone who is interested in food and meals served in primary schools, such as teachers, researchers, politicians and school administrators. The authors include researchers, educators and primary school administrators. Learning Through Food and Meals in Primary School has been edited by Dorte Ruge (UCL University College, Denmark), Frøydis Nordgård Vik (University of Agder, Norway), and Johanna Björklund and Sara Frödén (Örebro University, Sweden). The anthology has been made possible with the support of Nordplus Horisontal, project LEARNFOOD. The illustrations on the cover of the book are by Elisabeth Werngren (Sweden) and Marie Madsen (Denmark).
    Description: Hvordan er skolemåltiderne organiseret i de skandinaviske lande? Og på hvilken måde kan ny pædagogisk praksis give eleverne et bedre skolemadstilbud og en bedre forståelse af skolemadens betydning for sundhed og bæredygtig udvikling? Læring gennem mad og måltider i grundskolen præsenterer viden om skolemad fra Danmark, Sverige og Norge. Formålet med antologien er at give pædagoger, lærere og studerende indenfor læreruddannelse, folkesundhed og ernæring viden om skolemad, og om hvad læring gennem måltider kan være. Bogen er skrevet på dansk, svensk og norsk. Den er inddelt i tre dele, som præsenterer ny forskning fra hvert enkelt land. Tematisk spænder indholdet fra studier af forskellige skolemadsordninger til forskning i skolemåltidernes sociale, demokratiske og pædagogiske betydning. Gennem de forskellige bidrag præsenterer bogen både erfaringer med, hvordan læring gennem skolemåltider kan foregå i praksis, og en begrundelse for, hvorfor dette er vigtigt i et helhedsorienteret pædagogisk og didaktisk perspektiv. Bogen er relevant for alle, som er optaget af mad og skolemåltider i grundskolen, herunder lærere, forskere, politikere, skoleledere og rektorer. Forfatterne omfatter både forskere og lærere, pædagoger og skoleledere i grundskolen. Læring gennem mad og måltider i grundskolen er redigeret af Dorte Ruge (UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, Danmark), Frøydis Nordgård Vik (Universitetet i Agder, Norge) samt Johanna Björklund og Sara Frödén (Örebro Universitet, Sverige). Antologien er støttet af Nordplus Horisontal, projekt LEARNFOOD. Illustrationer på omslag er udarbejdet af Elisabeth Werngren (Sverige) og Marie Madsen (Danmark).
    Keywords: food education ; social learning ; social equality ; school meals ; free school meals ; whole school approach ; health promotion ; sustainability ; pedagogy ; maddannelse ; social læring ; social lighed ; skolemad ; gratis skolemad ; helhedsorienteret tilgang ; sundhedsfremme ; bæredygtighed ; pædagogik ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies::JBCC4 Cultural studies: food and society ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools and pre-schools::JNLB Primary and middle schools
    Language: Danish , Swedish , Norwegian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 22
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: In her book, Katarzyna Liszka provides the reader with a clearly outlined map of the main sides of the debate on the ‘division of labour of memory’ after the Holocaust, examines the arguments, which are used in this dispute, together with an analysis of ethical implications, which, according to the author, have a fundamental significance for the majority of Jewish thinkers taking a stance in this debate. This angle, with the focus on the plural ‘ethics of memory’ in the beginning of the work, allows the author to connect various idioms of philosophy, theology and sociology of the twentieth century, as complementary elements of reflection framed as a way of remembering. In this perspective, the subsequent notional mediations, corrections of approaches taken by Hannah Arendt, Avishai Margalit, or Zygmunt Bauman, become an indirect proof of the crystallisation, not only of the aforementioned community of memory work, but also of the transformation of ethical and legal categories related to the issue of the community of universal ethics, which the author writes about in the conclusion of her work, with reference to the reflections of Natan Sznaider and Daniel Levi. (excerpt from a review by Dr hab. Tomasz Majewski)
    Keywords: collective memory ; ethics ; the Holocaust ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 23
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Med “paradigmeskiftet" i dansk udlændingepolitik i februar 2019 er alle flygtninges ophold blevet af midlertidig karakter. Udlændingemyndigheder skal nu gå til grænsen af Danmarks internationale forpligtelser i deres vurderinger af opholdstilladelser og ikke vægte flygtninges tilknytning til landet i samme grad som tidligere. Flygtninge skal sendes tilbage til deres oprindelsesland, så snart det er muligt, og hvis de ikke vil rejse frivilligt, må de flytte ind på et udrejsecenter, indtil de kan deporteres. Paradigmeskiftet markerer på den ene side et radikalt nybrud i dansk flygtningepolitik, men må på den anden side forstås i forlængelse af de sidste årtiers restriktive politik på udlændinge- og integrationsområdet.Denne bog er den første til systematisk at belyse de mange konsekvenser af den aktuelle danske flygtningepolitik. Den viser, at paradigmeskiftet ikke kun påvirker flygtninges liv, men som ringe i vandet får betydning for fagfolk og frivillige, for forholdet mellem borgerne, staten og velfærdssamfundet, for os selv og vores omgang med hinanden. Bogen henvender sig til alle, der interesserer sig for relationerne mellem flygtninge, stat og civilsamfund.
    Keywords: Education ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Danish
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  • 24
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The theoretical weakness of history of art and the cognitive inefficiency of studies on visual culture cause images to remain a challenge for us. Iconophilia is an alternative perspective, within which they are (finally) taken seriously. The history of iconophilia in French humanities (in pictorial semiology in particular) serves the purpose of drafting the proposed future of the thought on images. It is not about a traditional presentation of the history of the notion of an image, but about reflecting on the various strategies of understanding images in the humanities, the effect of which is theory. This study, therefore, relates to the issue of image as a phenomenon, which writes history and theory. (excerpt from a review by Prof. Marta Leśniakowska)
    Keywords: theory of art ; history of art ; painting ; semiology ; visual culture ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts
    Language: Polish
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  • 25
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: This volume comprises texts created on the basis of three-fold meetings: the first kind were constituted by lectures led by invited guests, representing various fields and areas of research, which, in some necessary simplification, can be divided into historiography (Ewa Domańska), philosophy (Agata Bielik-Robson), literary and memory studies (Michael Rothberg), and philosophy of literature (Michał Paweł Markowski). The lectures were accompanied by workshops, whose leaders present their texts in the second part of the work, and the third part is made up of notes from panel talks. As per the nature of these types of sessions, they present themselves as highly intense (various meetings from morning until evening), as well as showing the unavoidable variety in outlooks, which is one of the major advantages of such events. Another advantage is a slightly more ‘personalist’ encounter, not so much with text, but with the figure of an author, and thus also with the personality of a researcher. What became the idea bringing all these activities together was memory, understood and treated in very different ways. The variety of starting points and views on the forms and places of the functioning of memory then transformed itself into an abundance of experiences of the ‘originators’ and the richness of feelings (also of those imprinting themselves in memory) of the ‘receivers’.
    Keywords: memory ; memory studies ; historiography ; philosophy ; literary studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 26
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: Alongside Bentham the guardian of the weak and the subordinate, sensitive to other’s suffering and deeply engaged in the fight for a better future and a more just legal system, there also exists a Bentham the unmitigated demiurge, with uncontrollable ambitions, incessantly creating soulless and authoritarian worlds of control and discipline. There is much that would suggest the English philosopher was pushed towards authoritarianism by the striving to provide a sense of security to the landed classes, and by fear of phenomena such as panic and social unrest. At the same time, as work on specific projects progressed, the noble impulses which often underpin them became weak, and they were replaced, under the influence of perfectionist fears and passions, by the thirst for complete control and total discipline. (excerpt from the book)
    Keywords: Jeremy Bentham ; control ; power ; philosophy ; panopticism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 27
    Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: We will be following the departure of cinema ‘towards virtuality’ (towards new ways of creating, understanding and existence of cinema in the times of transformations of media technology) primarily from the perspective of selected artistic practices of three artists: Peter Greenaway (who often repeats the argument about the ‘death’ of traditional cinema and the birth of new ways of depiction), Lynn Hershman Leeson (American artist of the ‘wider cinema’) and Mike Figgis, who reflected on various types of cinematic image and the cinema of the digital age in his autothematic films. The authors will also discuss cinema in the wider context of cultural reflection. Questions on the ‘virtualisation’ of culture will require an attempt at defining the notion of ‘virtuality’, and a tracing of its journey through different levels of cultural discourses, as well as linking it back to the analysed works. Towards Virtuality… is a book about cinema (its creators, works and characters), steeped in technological, philosophical, scientific and, more generally, cultural transformations of modernity.
    Keywords: contemporary cinema ; virtuality ; contemporary art ; Peter Greenaway ; Lynn Hershman Leeson ; Mike Figgis ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Polish
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  • 28
    In:  Polityczna kultura ekspercka w Polsce i w Niemczech. Politycy, doradcy i lobbyści w perspektywie porównawczej
    Publication Date: 2024-02-02
    Description: Classical approaches to policy advice envisage a clear division of roles between its providers and recipients, i.e. experts and politicians. However, this dualistic scheme is beginning to erode. In the concept of policy-oriented public advice, which this chapter takes as its starting point, an additional, distinct role is assigned to citizens. Using the heuristic of Römmele and Schober (2011), as well as examples from Germany and Poland, we argue that – under some conditions – ordinary citizens can help develop solutions to complex and ambiguous socio-political challenges. Citizen assemblies offer a methodology that can allow for articulation of citizens’ consultative voice, based on the principle of random selection of participants. The chapter includes a discussion of the characteristics of this format, presents their functions and the boundary conditions that should be met for the use of citizen assemblies to be purposeful and effective. Similarities and differences in the functioning of citizens’ assemblies in Poland and Germany are also presented, particularly regarding the advisory mandate of these bodies.
    Description: Klasyczne ujęcia doradztwa politycznego przewidują wyraźny podział ról między jego dostawcami a odbiorcami, tj. ekspertami a politykami. Ten dualistyczny schemat zaczyna jednak podlegać erozji. W koncepcji ukierunkowanego na politykę doradztwa społecznego, którą za punkt wyjścia obiera niniejszy rozdział, dodatkowa, odrębna rola przypada obywatelom. Posiłkując się heurystyką Römmele i Schobera (2011), jak również przykładami z Niemiec i Polski, stawiamy tezę, że zwykli obywatele mogą pomóc w wypracowaniu rozwiązań dla złożonych i niejednoznacznych wyzwań społeczno-politycznych. Metodyką, która – pod pewnymi warunkami – może pozwolić na artykulację głosu doradczego obywateli są panele obywatelskie, opierające się na zasadzie losowego doboru uczestników. Rozdział prezentuje cechy charakterystyczne tego formatu, omawia ich funkcje oraz warunki brzegowe, które powinny zostać spełnione, by zastosowanie paneli było celowe i skuteczne. Przedstawione są również podobieństwa i różnice w funkcjonowaniu paneli obywatelskich w Polsce i Niemczech, w szczególności w odniesieniu do doradczego mandatu tych gremiów.
    Language: Polish
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 29
    In:  Polityczna kultura ekspercka w Polsce i w Niemczech. Politycy, doradcy i lobbyści w perspektywie porównawczej
    Publication Date: 2024-02-02
    Description: Starting from the discussion of the concepts of formality and informality, the paper first examines and analyzes empirical findings from a survey of German and Polish political advisors, lobbyists and experts on their perceptions of the access channels to politics and of politics to experts in Germany and Poland. Which access channels are chosen and why, how open are they, and what imbalances exist in access to experts and experts’ access to politics? A second section looks at the degree of formalization of advisory processes and access channels in both countries. In a third section, the focus is on interpretations of perceptions of access channels and degree of formalization and their implications for policy advice in Germany and Poland. The Polish sub-study finds a considerable gap between the perceptions of policy experts and lobbyists. While the former group enjoys a relatively high reputation in Poland, the reputation of lobbyists is much worse. In the German sample, the sharpness of the distinction between the reputation of lobbyists/interest representatives on the one hand and expert advisers on the other is less visible than in the Polish survey. The chapter concludes that political expert cultures in Poland and Germany are not congruent with regard to the perception of access channels and the play with formality and informality, but nevertheless show fundamental similarities – above all the fundamentally positive assessment of access channels to expertise. But below some very general similarities, the different perceptions of expert cultures begin to emerge. In both countries, a technocratic culture of expert advice is held in high esteem, but in Germany the assessment of interest-driven expert advice is perceived less negative than in Poland.
    Description: Wychodząc od omówienia pojęć formalności i nieformalności, w artykule najpierw analizowane są wyniki badania przeprowadzonego wśród niemieckich i polskich doradców politycznych, lobbystów i ekspertów w zakresie postrzegania kanałów ich dostępu do polityki oraz polityków do ekspertyzy w Niemczech i Polsce. Jakie kanały dostępu są wybierane i dlaczego, jak bardzo są one otwarte i jakie nierówności istnieją w dostępie polityków do ekspertów i ekspertów do polityki? Druga część tekstu poświęcona jest analizie stopnia sformalizowania procesów doradczych i kanałów dostępu w obu krajach. W trzeciej części skupiono się na interpretacji postrzegania kanałów dostępu i stopnia formalizacji oraz ich implikacji dla doradztwa politycznego w Niemczech i w Polsce. W polskim badaniu cząstkowym stwierdzono znaczny rozdźwięk między percepcją ekspertów ds. polityki a lobbystów. Podczas gdy ta pierwsza grupa cieszy się w Polsce stosunkowo wysoką reputacją, opinia o lobbystach jest znacznie gorsza. W próbie niemieckiej ostrość rozróżnienia między reputacją lobbystów/przedstawicieli grup interesu, z jednej strony, a doradców-ekspertów, z drugiej, jest mniej widoczna niż w badaniu polskim. Rozdział kończy się wnioskiem, że polityczne kultury eksperckie w Polsce i w Niemczech nie są zbieżne pod względem postrzegania kanałów dostępu oraz gry z formalnością i nieformalnością, niemniej jednak wykazują fundamentalne podobieństwa – przede wszystkim zasadniczo pozytywną ocenę kanałów dostępu do wiedzy eksperckiej. Jednak mimo pewnych bardzo ogólnych podobieństw zarysowuje się też odmienność w postrzeganiu kultur eksperckich. W obu krajach technokratyczna kultura ekspercka jest ceniona wysoko, ale w Niemczech ocena doradztwa powiązanego z reprezentacją interesów jest postrzegana jako mniej negatywna niż w Polsce.
    Language: Polish
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 30
    Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
    In:  IASS Policy Brief
    Publication Date: 2023-07-18
    Description: W ostatnich latach coraz większą uwagę zyskują wyzwania stojące przed europejskimi regionami związane ze zmianami strukturalnymi w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju. Łużyce, leżące na granicy Niemiec i Polski, doświadczają znacznej presji związanej z transformacją. Krajowe i europejskie programy finansowania, w ramach Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu, mają na celu łagodzenie skutków odchodzenia od wydobycia i konsumpcji węgla. Niedawno przyjęty unijny Mechanizm Sprawiedliwej Transformacji ma za zadanie wspieranie zrównoważonych zmian strukturalnych poprzez pomoc pracownikom i przyczynianie się do dywersyfikacji gospodarki w najbardziej dotkniętych obszarach. Niniejszy Policy Brief przedstawia trzy rekomendacje związane z wykorzystaniem funduszy UE w polsko-niemieckim obszarze granicznym w celu wspierania sprawiedliwej transformacji. Po pierwsze, fundusze udostępnione w ramach Mechanizmu powinny być wykorzystywane w porozumieniu z regionalnymi interesariuszami w Łużycach w celu uzupełnienia krajowych środków wsparcia. Dalsze programy finansowania ukierunkowane na różne obszary polityki publicznej powinny być wykorzystane w celu wzmocnienia spójności w całym regionie. W tym kontekście szczególnie interesujące są programy zarządzane centralnie przez Komisję Europejską (tzn. nie podlegające zarządzaniu dzielonemu z rządami krajowymi). Ściślejsza współpraca polityczna i gospodarcza, w połączeniu z głębszą wymianą doświadczeń, może przyspieszyć integrację regionalną i ukierunkować procesy przekształceń strukturalnych na osiągnięcie trwałych rezultatów. Użycie tych programów w obszarze granicznym obarczone jest jednak praktycznymi przeszkodami, które należy pokonać. Ponadto powyżej wymienione działania powinny być realizowane zgodne z celami zrównoważonego rozwoju (SDGs), przyczyniać się do osiągnięcia celu, jakim jest neutralność klimatyczna, a także do złagodzenia społecznych skutków transformacji strukturalnej na wszystkich poziomach.
    Language: Polish
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 31
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Why do children and young people need art? How do we rationalize the significance of art in society? This anthology is based on research carried out by members of the multidisciplinary research group Art and Young People at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Agder in Kristiansand. The contributing authors argue in favor of research into children’s and young people’s actual experience of art and artistic practices as well as issues within the arts that affect them indirectly. The book’s subtitle indicates a desire to employ a wider understanding of the notions of art and childhood and youth, which is also evident in the themes, content and research approaches it includes. The chapters span both children’s and young people’s interaction with visual art, music, theater within and outside the context of preschool, school and extracurricular programs, and projects that are more on the periphery of these areas. The authors are thus not just interested in the importance of art to children and young people, but to society in general as well. This anthology is aimed at readers across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines, but will also be of interest to all those concerned with art’s place and meaning in schools, in society, and in research itself.
    Description: Hvorfor trenger barn og unge kunst? Hvordan begrunnes kunstens betydning i samfunnet? Denne antologien tar utgangspunkt i forskning utført av medlemmer av den tverrfaglige forskningsgruppen Kunst og barn & unge ved Fakultet for kunstfag, Universitetet i Agder i Kristiansand. Forfatterne argumenterer både for betydningen av å forske på barn og unges møter med kunst og kunstnerisk praksis direkte og det å forske på kunstfaglige problemstillinger som indirekte berører barn og unge. Bokens undertittel peker på et ønske om å anvende en utvidet forståelse av begrepene kunst og barn og unge, som også kommer til uttrykk i antologiens temaer, innhold og forskningstilnærminger. Kapitlene omhandler både barn og unges omgang med visuell kunst, musikk og teater i og utenfor barnehage, skole, kulturskole, og prosjekter som er mer i randsonen av denne målgruppen. Forfatterne er derfor ikke bare opptatt av hvilken betydning kunst og kunstnerisk praksis har for barn og unge, men også for samfunnet generelt. Antologien retter seg mot et bredt fagfelt og kan være interessant for alle som er opptatt av kunstens plass og betydning i skole og samfunn og i forskningen selv.
    Keywords: Art and young people, art education, relevance of art, visual art, theatre and music, performative approaches, Kunst og barn & unge, kunst og utdanning, kunstens betydning, visuell kunst, teater og musikk, performative tilnærminger ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics::ABA Theory of art ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSP Age groups and generations::JBSP1 Age groups: children ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education
    Language: English , Norwegian , Danish
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Extended store has been a work of mapping the phenomena of digitalization that effects spaces and above all the world of retail. Apps allow interaction between users and brands, the book hosts a selection of those which are redesigning spaces, changing their forms, hierarchies, flow systems, arrangement of goods, experiences, and dimensions. The store takes on completely new dimensions and characteristics, in addition to sales, that of exhibition, performance, entertainment, engagement and sensory immersion. The store is a place tailored to the desires and sensory, psychological, and temporal needs of those who want to encounter the brand. The extended store will be a shop spread throughout the territory, it will be more connected, more available, more open and at the same time closer, mass customized, but above all it will be more digitalized and able to fulfil and modify itself more quickly and faithfully to needs and desires. Shops will not disappear in the 21st century, but they will have to change (if they have not already done so) to survive. They will have to evolve by integrating technological solutions that are not only back-end (as they have done so far), but front-end, and therefore available to customers in the shop as in the cases reported in the book.
    Keywords: retail, digitalization, senses, time, design, customer journey ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AK Design, Industrial and commercial arts, illustration::AKR Furniture design
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 33
    University of Tartu Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Acta Slavica Estonica is an international series of publications on current issues of Russian and other Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. One of the fundamental oppositions of the semiotics of culture – between “own” (native) and “alien” (foreign) – is also important for the language, which is the foundation of any ethnic culture and in which “our own”, originally inherent in a given language, constituting its basis, and elements of the “alien” at different levels of the language always coexist. The articles in this collection make their contribution to the study of the cultural and social characteristics of the language by studying the complex interaction of “own” and “alien” in language and speech.
    Keywords: language ; speech ; linguistic interaction ; cultural interaction ; communication ; speech manifestations ; dialects ; translation ; language teaching ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBF Social and ethical issues
    Language: Russian , Czech , Polish , Slovak , Estonian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2021-06-14
    Description: The Changning MS6.0 earthquake and its moderate to strong aftershocks, which occurred in the axial area of Changning anticline, exhibit different features with the moderate to strong earthquakes that occurred in the southern syncline area nearby, although these two areas are only a dozen kilometers away. Whether this difference is only caused by different fault structures, or caused by local change is still a matter of debate. In order to answer this question, basing on the correction of small earthquake location and seismic velocity structure through double-difference tomography inversion, this paper determined the fine structure of the crustal stress field by using comprehensive focal mechanism solutions, and analyzed its mechanical consistency with the focal mechanism solutions of moderate to strong earthquakes. It is found that for the different subareas of Changning area, the maximum principal stress remains horizontal, and its azimuth remains almost East-West oriented although it has a small clockwise rotation from north to south; meanwhile, the stress regime exhibit a significant local change, which is thrust stress regime for the axial area of Changning anticline, against strike-slip stress regime for the southern syncline area. The stress fields in these two subareas highly accord with the focal mechanism solutions of moderate to strong earthquakes in the corresponding area, but poorly accord with, or even contradict that in the non-corresponding area, which indicates that the local stress change of stress field is the necessary mechanical basis for the complex seismicity behavior in Changning area. Additional rock mechanics analysis points out that lateral difference of Poisson's ratio of rock is probably the main cause of this local change of stress field. This paper also discusses the seismogenic fault structure of Changning MS6.0 earthquake sequence, and suggests the activation of the basement fault(s) in the depth range of 6 to 9 km in the axial area of Changning anticline driven by regional stress field is the potential cause of the occurrence of Changning MS6.0 earthquake sequence.
    Language: Chinese
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2022-02-04
    Description: For a long time, with the continuous expansion of the oil and gas genesis theory and the increasing global demand for clean energy, hydrogen, as an important link connecting the theory of inorganic and organic hydrocarbon generation, as well as a promising clean energy, has gradually attracted widespread academic attention. The genesis of hydrogen in natural gas is relatively complex and diverse. According to its reaction mechanism, it can be divided into two categories: inorganic and organic. Inorganic genesis is mainly earth degassing, water rock reaction and water radiation decomposition, while organic genesis is dominated by biological action and organic matter pyrolysis. At present, hydrogen isotope and geochemical characteristics of associated gases are mainly used to identify the origin of hydrogen. However, due to the complex and diverse sources of hydrogen and its active chemical properties, it is still unable to identify the origin of hydrogen systematically and accurately. Due to the extensive genesis of hydrogen, natural gas with different hydrogen concentrations has been found in different geological conditions around the world, and the hydrogen content varies greatly (0.1%-99%). Hydrogen can participate in hydrocarbon generation in Fischer Tropsch synthesis as a reducing agent, and also can be used as a hydrogen source to improve the hydrocarbon yield during the thermal evolution of organic matter. Therefore, the existence of hydrogen may extend the lower limit of deep gas exploration and development. Based on the systematic summary of the genetic mechanism and distribution of hydrogen, this paper discusses the energy significance of hydrogen in natural gas, and provides a reference for the future research on hydrogen rich natural gas resources.
    Language: Chinese
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 36
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) | Trender for idrettspsykologisk forskning i Skandinavia
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: "The overall purpose of this study was to examine how a transformative and community psychological approach could affect a socially challenged neighbourhood and participants´ perceptions of involvement (young boys, 12–16 years). A social research experiment lasting 2 years was co-created between researchers, practitioners and participants. A multi-method approach was used to ensure that thorough and socially robust knowledge was produced. Methods used included questionnaires, interviews, fieldwork and observations. Although several notable results emerged throughout the intervention period, the most important results were related to the significance of the overall approach regarding these results. Despite the challenges faced by researchers, when engaging youth at the margins of society in a co-creation process, the approach seemed valuable. Giving the participants the possibility to engage themselves, through empowerment initiatives, seems to be a confounding reason for the success of the project. Hence, this article will focus upon the benefits of using a community psychological approach when working with exercise psychology in a socially deprived community."
    Description: "Det overordnede formål med dette studie var at undersøge, hvordan en handlingsrettet og community psykologisk tilgang påvirkede et socialt udsat boligområde og deltagernes opfattelse af sig selv og hinanden (unge drenge, 12–16 år). I den forbindelse blev der samskabt (co-created) et socialt eksperiment over en toårig periode imellem forsker, praktikere og deltagere. En multi-method tilgang blev anvendt for at sikre socialt robust viden. Metoderne omfattede spørgeskemaer, interviews, feltarbejde og observationer. Gennem interventionsperioden blev der rapporteret flere resultater på baggrund af projektet, men vigtigst synes at være den community psykologiske tilgangs betydning for disse resultater. Den valgte tilgang kan anses for at have været det centrale fundament for projektets succes i forhold til at engagere unge drenge på kanten af samfundet i en fælles skabelsesproces. I denne artikel fokuseres på fordelene ved at benytte en community psykologisk tilgang, når man ønsker at arbejde med idrætspsykologi i et socialt udsat boligområde."
    Keywords: action research ; community psychology ; co-creation ; social experiment ; aktionsforskning ; community psykologi ; samskabelse ; socialt eksperiment ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JM Psychology
    Language: Danish
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  • 37
    De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2023-12-20
    Description: Wang Wei has traditionally been considered one of the greatest of Tang dynasty poets, together with Li Bo and Du Fu. This is the first complete translation into English of all of his poems, and also the first substantial translation of a selection of his prose writings. For the first time, readers encountering his work in English translation will get a comprehensive understanding of Wang Wei‘s range as a poet and prose writer. In spite of the importance of Wang Wei's poetry in the history of Chinese literature, no one has attempted a complete translation of all of his surviving poems moreover, even though he was known for his skill in composing prose pieces in the recognized genres of his day (especially as a writer of commissioned compositions), very little of his prose has been translated. This translation will enable students with limited or no knowledge of Chinese to get a full sense of Wang Wei's compositional range. Moreover, since Wang Wei was known for being a devout Buddhist, having the complete poetry available in reliable translation as well as all of the prose that is connected to the Buddhist faith will be useful to students of Chinese religion.
    Keywords: PN1-6790 ; Chinese ; bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 38
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) | Trender for idrettspsykologisk forskning i Skandinavia
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: "The present case study investigates stress and recovery of the Danish national under- 20 ice hockey players during a training camp and the following World Championship. The aims were to track their stress-recovery states longitudinally, and to map their main sources of stress and recovery. Methods included a survey, qualitative interviews and a coach diary. Results showed well-balanced stress-recovery states during the entire period, and the athletes stated that this positively affected their well-being, and performance. The athletes’ perceived sources of stress and recovery were classified into organizational, social, personal and athletic, with the organizational decisions and strategies playing a major role in reducing unnecessary stress and providing a good setting for engaging in recovery. The results lead us to suggest that coaches and managers be very mindful of the potential influence of their decisions on the athletes’ stress and recovery when preparing training camps and participation in major competitions."
    Description: "I dette studie undersøgte vi de danske U-20 ishockeyspilleres stress og genopladning under en længerevarende træningslejr og det efterfølgende verdensmesterskab. Formålet var at følge udviklingen i spillernes stress-og genopladningsbalance samt at kortlægge deres oplevede kilder til stress og genopladning. Vi foretog dataindsamling via et spørgeskema, kvalitative interviews og en trænerdagbog. Resultaterne viste, at spillerne var i positiv stressgenopladningsbalance, hvilket i deres oplevelse havde en positiv indvirkning på deres trivsel og præstationer. Vi kunne inddele spillernes oplevede kilder til stress og genopladning i organisatoriske, sociale, personlige og sportslige, hvor beslutninger og strategier på organisatorisk niveau viste sig at spille en afgørende rolle i at reducere unødig stress og skabe gode rammer for genopladning. Med baggrund i resultaterne anbefaler vi, at trænere og sportschefer nøje overvejer, hvordan deres beslutninger og planlægning af træningslejre og konkurrencer potentielt har stor indflydelse på deres atleters stress og genopladning."
    Keywords: RESTQ-sport ; applied sport psychology ; organizational psychology in sport ; anvendt sportspsykologi ; organisationspsykologi i sport ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JM Psychology
    Language: Danish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 39
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) | Trender for idrettspsykologisk forskning i Skandinavia
    Publication Date: 2022-05-02
    Description: "In recent years there has been an increased focus on the importance of the environment for the development of elite athletes. In order to understand the factors that contribute to or limit an athlete’s sporting development, it is not enough to study only the individual but the whole environment in which the athlete develops. The purpose of this chapter is to investigate what characterizes a successful elite sport environment in Danish badminton. An elite sports environment that continuously manages to create senior results at the highest international level and win medals at the European championships, the World championships and the Olympics. The study was organized as a case study of the national elite sports center in Badminton Denmark (BD). Data was based on interviews with players, coaches and managers, observations on training and in competitions, meetings and analysis of documents. The environment was centered on self-understanding based on “us against the rest of the world” and a fundamental value in the environment was to create intelligent players while focusing on individual development through high training quality. The organizational culture was characterized by being: 1) a well documented, quality oriented and dialogue-based learning environment, 2) an environment with hard competition and 3) an environment with proximal role models."
    Description: "De seneste år har der været stigende fokus på miljøets betydning for udvikling af eliteidrætsudøvere. Det er sket ud fra en erkendelse af, at hvis man ønsker at forstå de faktorer, der medvirker til eller begrænser en udøvers sportslige udvikling, er det ikke nok kun at studere den enkelte atlet, men hele miljøet, som udøveren udvikler sig i. Formålet med dette kapitel er at undersøge, hvad der karakteriserer et succesfuldt eliteidrætsmiljø i dansk badminton, dvs. et eliteidrætsmiljø, der kontinuerligt formår at skabe seniorresultater på højeste internationale niveau og vinde medaljer ved EM, VM og OL. Undersøgelsen var et casestudie af eliteidrætsmiljøet i Badminton Danmark (BD). Der er indsamlet data fra interviews med spillere, trænere og ledere, observationer under træning og turneringer, interne møder og analyse af dokumenter. Miljøet var centreret omkring en selvforståelse baseret på ”os mod resten af verden”, og en grundlæggende værdi i miljøet var at skabe intelligente spillere og samtidig have fokus på individuel udvikling igennem høj træningskvalitet. Organisationskulturen var konstrueret som: 1) et veldokumenteret, kvalitetsorienteret og dialogbaseret læringsmiljø, 2) et miljø med hård intern konkurrence og 3) et miljø med nære rollemodeller."
    Keywords: badminton ; sport psychology ; elite sport ; talent development ; organizational ; psychology ; sportspsykologi ; elitesport ; talentudvikling ; organisationspsykologi ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology
    Language: Danish
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  • 40
    Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: The series Specimina philologiae Slavicae, founded in 1972 by the Frankfurt Slavists Olexa Horbatsch and Gerd Freidhof, is today performed by Holger Kuße (Dresden), Peter Kosta (Potsdam), Beatrix Kreß (Hildesheim), Franz Schindler (casting), Barbara Sonnenhauser (Zurich) and Nadine Thielemann (Vienna) issue. The series includes monographs, anthologies and textbooks covering all areas of Slavic, Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies. In linguistics, both linguistic and innovative works on pragmatics and semantics, slavic minor languages ​​and discourse linguistics are published. In literary and cultural studies, one of the areas of special interest is Russian philosophy
    Description: Die 1972 von den Frankfurter Slavisten Olexa Horbatsch und Gerd Freidhof begründete Reihe Specimina philologiae Slavicae wird heute von Holger Kuße (Dresden), Peter Kosta (Potsdam), Beatrix Kreß (Hildesheim), Franz Schindler (Gießen), Barbara Sonnenhauser (Zürich) und Nadine Thielemann (Wien) herausgeben. In der Reihe erscheinen Monographien, Sammelbände und Lehrbücher zu allen Gebieten der Slavistik, der Sprach-, der Literatur- und der Kulturwissenschaft. In der Sprachwissenschaft erscheinen sowohl sprachhistorische als auch innovative Arbeiten zur Pragmatik und Semantik, zu slavischen Kleinsprachen und zur Diskurslinguistik. In der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft gehört zu den besonderen Interessensgebieten die Russische Philosophie.
    Keywords: Beiträge ; Fleischer ; Phänomen ; Weltbild ; Weltbildgesteuerte ; Wirklichkeitskonstruktion ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics
    Language: Polish , German
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  • 41
    Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: 〈P〉Die 1972 von den Frankfurter Slavisten Olexa Horbatsch und Gerd Freidhof begründete Reihe Specimina philologiae Slavicae wird heute von Holger Kuße (Dresden), Peter Kosta (Potsdam), Beatrix Kreß (Hildesheim), Franz Schindler (Gießen), Barbara Sonnenhauser (Zürich) und Nadine Thielemann (Wien) herausgeben. In der Reihe erscheinen Monographien, Sammelbände und Lehrbücher zu allen Gebieten der Slavistik, der Sprach-, der Literatur- und der Kulturwissenschaft. In der Sprachwissenschaft erscheinen sowohl sprachhistorische als auch innovative Arbeiten zur Pragmatik und Semantik, zu slavischen Kleinsprachen und zur Diskurslinguistik. In der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft gehört zu den besonderen Interessensgebieten die Russische Philosophie.〈/P〉
    Keywords: dęba ; Linguistik ; Literatur ; Pegaz ; Polen ; Slavische Sprachwissenschaft ; Slawistik ; Tuwim ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics
    Language: German , Polish
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  • 42
    University of Michigan Press | U OF M CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES
    Publication Date: 2023-02-14
    Description: Pentasyllabic poetry has been a focus of critical study since the appearance of the earliest works of Chinese literary criticism in the Six Dynasties period. Throughout the subsequent dynasties, traditional Chinese critics continued to examine pentasyllabic poetry as a leading poetic type and to compile various comprehensive anthologies of it. The Matrix of Lyric Transformation enriches this tradition, using modern analytical methods to explore issues of self-expression and to trace the early formal, thematic, and generic developments of this poetic form. Beginning with a discussion of the Yüeh-fu and ku-shih genres of the Han period, Cai Zong-qi introdues the analytical framework of modes from Western literary criticism to show how the pentasyllabic poetry changed over time. He argues that changing practices of poetic composition effected a shift from a dramatic mode typical of folk compositions to a narrative mode and finally to lyric and symbolic modes developed in literati circles.
    Keywords: Sociology and anthropology ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 43
    Hamburg University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: The German-Danish War of 1864 has been extensively investigated in the literature -as far as the major political and military events are concerned. The civilian population, the civil administration and the national movements during the war, as well as the economic consequences and the formation of identities after the war, have been more or less neglected. In order to change this, German and Danish historians have written this book. It is the result of a German-Danish conference organized by the the federal state archives in Schleswig and Aabenraa.
    Keywords: German-Danish War 1864 ; Schleswig ; Holstein ; Denmark ; Prussia ; Austria ; civilian population ; civil administration ; national movements ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: German , Danish
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  • 44
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: With this publication, the Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish State Archives celebrate the 75th anniversary of the signing of the German-Danish Archives Agreement. As is already a tradition in German-Danish archival cooperation, this is done in German and Danish. All texts of the publication are therefore available in both languages.The former archivist Hans Kargaard Thomsen, Copenhagen, wrote a detailed report in the 1990s entitled "Arkivoverenskomsten med Tyskland 1933 og dens forhistorie" ("The Archives Agreement with Germany of 1933 and its Prehistory"). It forms the core of the publication. This is followed by guidelines on the use of archival material exchanged in 1936 under the agreement between Germany and Denmark. The archivists Malte Bischoff, Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, and Hans Schultz Hansen, Landsarkivet for Sønderjylland, are the authors of these texts. The annex contains the wording of the German-Danish archive agreement.
    Keywords: Archive ; Germany ; Denmark ; German-Danish Archives Agreement ; Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GL Library and information sciences / Museology
    Language: German , Danish
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  • 45
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Wang Wei has traditionally been considered one of the greatest of Tang dynasty poets, together with Li Bo and Du Fu. This is the first complete translation into English of all of his poems, and also the first substantial translation of a selection of his prose writings. For the first time, readers encountering his work in English translation will get a comprehensive understanding of Wang Wei‘s range as a poet and prose writer.
    Keywords: Chinese Poetry ;  Buddhism ;  Asian Studies ;  Asian Literature ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism
    Language: English , Chinese
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 46
    De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2023-12-20
    Description: Wang Wei has traditionally been considered one of the greatest of Tang dynasty poets, together with Li Bo and Du Fu. This is the first complete translation into English of all of his poems, and also the first substantial translation of a selection of his prose writings. For the first time, readers encountering his work in English translation will get a comprehensive understanding of Wang Wei‘s range as a poet and prose writer. In spite of the importance of Wang Wei's poetry in the history of Chinese literature, no one has attempted a complete translation of all of his surviving poems moreover, even though he was known for his skill in composing prose pieces in the recognized genres of his day (especially as a writer of commissioned compositions), very little of his prose has been translated. This translation will enable students with limited or no knowledge of Chinese to get a full sense of Wang Wei's compositional range. Moreover, since Wang Wei was known for being a devout Buddhist, having the complete poetry available in reliable translation as well as all of the prose that is connected to the Buddhist faith will be useful to students of Chinese religion.
    Keywords: PN1-6790 ; Chinese ; bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 47
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: This is a new, accurate translation into English, with critical introduction and notes and based on recent scholarship, of Yan Zhitui’s (531–590s) complete literary works, including his famous Family Instructions, his self-annotated poetic autobiography, a never-before-translated fragmented rhapsody questioning the phenomena of the natural world, and his extant poems. The appendix provides a translation of Yan’s biographies in dynastic histories.
    Keywords: Yan Zhitui ; Family Instructions ; ethics ; conduct of life ; clan and family ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTM Regional / International studies
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 48
    University of Michigan Press | U OF M CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES
    Publication Date: 2023-02-14
    Description: The relationships, both historical and philosophical, among the Zhuangzi’s Inner, Outer, and Miscellaneous chapters are the subject of ancient and enduring controversy. Liu marshals linguistic, intertextual, intratextual, and historical evidence to establish an objectively demonstrable chronology and determine the philosophical affiliations among the various chapters. This major advance in Zhuangzi scholarship furnishes indispensable data for all students of the great Daoist text. In a lengthy afterword, Liu compares his conclusions with those of A. C. Graham and addresses the relationship between the Zhuangzi and the Laozi.
    Keywords: Sociology and anthropology ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 49
    Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: In der Reihe Slavistische Beiträge werden vor allem slavistische Dissertationen des deutschsprachigen Raums sowie vereinzelt auch amerikanische, englische und russische publiziert. Darüber hinaus stellt die Reihe ein Forum für Sammelbände und Monographien etablierter Wissenschafter/innen dar.
    Keywords: 1945 ; 1989 ; Fleischer ; Gegenwartsliteratur ; polnische Avantgarde ; polnische Lyrik ; polnische Neue Welle ; polnische Prosa ; polnischen ; polnisches Drama ; sozialistischer Realismus ; Strömungen ; Überblick ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Language: Polish , German
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  • 50
    University of Michigan Press | U OF M CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting presents two texts in translation that provide dual insight into the Painting Academy of Emperor Hui-tsung and the literati school of painting. The Shan-shui ch’un-ch’uan chi is a treatise for beginning landscape painters dated to the Hsüan-ho era. The treatise was written by Han Cho, a reputed member of the Academy, but the text was not specifically directed at Academicians. The treatise collects and orders previous writings on landscape painting; one of Han Cho’s main goals is to list all landscape definitions and their practical application in painting. Yet his view is more detached and analytical than a stereotypical Academy painter, revealing an approach reminiscent of Confucian scholarship and literati painting as well. The Hua-chi by Teng Ch’un is a history of painting that was written as a sequel to two earlier painting histories. In ten chapters, Teng Ch’un compiles facts and critical evaluations of painters from 1075 to 1167, as well as listings of selected masterpieces. Teng Ch’un provides more specific information about the Academy than Han Cho, discussing its organization and examination system, and noting that “form-likeness” and adherence to rules were leading standards for painting in the Academy. On the other hand, he thinks that painting should transmit “soul,” not just “form.” Thus, Teng Ch’un writes the history of both the establishment values of the Academy and the intellectual tendencies of the literati.
    Keywords: History of art ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 51
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Meng Haoran (689-740) was one of the most important poets of the "High Tang" period, the greatest age of Chinese poetry. In his own time he was famous for his poetry as well as for his distinctive personality. This is the first complete translation into any language of all his extant poetry. Includes original Chinese texts and English translation on facing pages.
    Keywords: Chinese ; poetry ; medieval ; Tang ; literature ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DB Ancient, classical and medieval texts ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DC Poetry ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTZ General studies and General knowledge
    Language: English , Chinese
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 52
    Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: In welcher Weise und warum bei der Übersetzung des Textes einer Sprache in eine andere Irritationen auftreten können, soll, am Beispiel des Sprachenpaares Polnisch-Deutsch vorgeführt, Gegenstand der Untersuchung sein.
    Keywords: Basislexum ; Bildung ; deutschen ; Diminutivbildung ; Diminutive ; Divergenzen ; Eine ; einer ; Gebrauch ; Koecke ; Konvergenzen ; polnisch ; Studie ; Theorie des Diminutivs ; Übersetzungskritik ; Übersetzungsverglei ; Übersetzungsvergleich ; Übersetzungsvergleich ; variierenden ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics
    Language: Polish , German
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  • 53
    De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: The poetry of Ruan Ji has been previously translated several times, with one fully scholarly translation of both the poetry and the Fu (poetic expositions). The present translation not only provides a facing page critical Chinese text, it addresses two problems that have been ignored or not adequately treated in earlier works. First, it traces the history of the current text. The rather serious problems with this text will be, if not soluble, at least visible. Second, translations have been shaped by the anachronistic assumption that Ruan Ji was loyal to the declining Wei dynasty, when actual power had been taken by the Suma family, who founded the Jin dynasty after Ruan Ji's death. The introduction shows how and when that assumption took full shape five centuries after Ruan Ji lived and why it is not tenable. This leads to a different kind of translation, closer to what a contemporary reader might have understood and far less certain than referring it to some political event. The Poetry of Xi Kang presents a complete scholarly translation of his poetic works (including "Rhapsody on the Zither") alongside the original texts. Many of Xi Kang's poems are difficult and most are laden with allusions and quotations, adding another level of challenge to interpretation. Basic explanatory notes are provided. The translations are based on the critical modern edition of Xi Kang's work by Dai Mingyang, generally considered to be the best edition available. Important editions by Lu Xun and Lu Qinli are consulted on matters of variants, arrangement, and interpretation.
    Keywords: poetry ; translation ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTM Regional / International studies
    Language: Chinese
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Keywords: D1-2009 ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DN Biography and non-fiction prose
    Language: Polish , German
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  • 55
    University of Michigan Press | U OF M CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: For many years, the oral performing and dramatic literatures of China from 1200 to 1600 CE were considered some of the most difficult texts in the Chinese corpus. They included ballad medleys, comic farces, Yuan music dramas, Ming music dramas, and the novel Shuihu zhuan. The Japanese scholars who first dedicated themselves to study these works in the mid-twentieth century were considered daring. As late as 1981, no comprehensive dictionary or glossary for this literature existed in any language, Asian or Western. A Glossary of Words and Phrases fills this gap for Western readers, allowing even a relative novice who has resonable command of Chinese to read, translate, and appreciate this great body of literature with an ease undreamed of even two decades ago. The Glossary is organized into approximately 8,000 entries based on the reading notes and glosses found in various dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, and editions of works from the period. Main entries are listed alphabetically in the pinyin romanization system. In addition to glosses, entries include symbolic annotations, guides to pronunciation, and text citations. The result is a broadly useful glossary serving the needs of students of this literature as well as scholars researching Jin and Yuan language and its usage.
    Keywords: Sociology and anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology
    Language: English , Chinese
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 56
    Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Bei dem vorliegenden Text handelt es sich um eine Übersetzung von Władysław Kuraszkiewicz, Gramatyka historyczna języka polskiego, Warszawa: PZWS 1972(2. Aufl.). Die Übersetzung wendet sich an den Studenten der Slawischen Philologie, vor allem der frühen Semester, in denen es nicht die Regel ist, daß polnische Literatur schon frei gelesen und verstanden werden kann.
    Keywords: Curriculum ; Entwicklung der polnische Sprache ; Grammatik ; Historische ; historische Lautlehre ; Kuraszkiewicz ; Linguistik ; Materialien ; polnische Sprache ; polnischen ; slavische Philologie ; slavische Sprachwissenschaft ; Sprache ; Südslawischen ; West ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics
    Language: Polish , German
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  • 57
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: This volume is a translation of the song lyrics, poetry, and prose of Li Qingzhao (1084-1150s), with annotations and an introductory critical essay. Her song lyrics and poetry will be presented in a way to help readers get beyond traditional conventional images of her and gain insight into her originality and importance as a female voice in a literary world of her time that was almost exclusively male.
    Keywords: Li Qingzhao ; Chinese Women's History ; Literary Song ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTM Regional / International studies
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 58
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    Publication Date: 2022-05-02
    Description: Sporting and sport psychological accomplishments are an important part of Scandinavian culture. Psychological factors have been demonstrated to have a major impact on both participation and achievements in sport. Sport psychology is about precisely these factors. The diversity of sport psychology research in Scandinavia is presented for the first time in this scholarly volume. Contributors from key sport psychology research teams in Sweden, Denmark and Norway present resarch covering a wide range of issues in the book’s twelve chapters. By publishing the contributions collectively as an Open Access anthology, the authors wish to reach researchers in the field of sport psychology, sport psychology advisers and professionals throughout Scandinavia. The volume will also be relevant to anyone with any interest in sport. The editors of the book are Tommy Haugen and Rune Høigaard, who are both affiliated with the Department of Public Health, Sport and Nutrition in the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Agder.
    Description: Idrett og idrettspsykologiske prestasjoner er en viktig del av den skandinaviske kulturen. Psykologiske faktorer har vist seg å ha stor betydning for både deltagelse og prestasjoner i idrett. Idrettspsykologi handler om nettopp disse faktorene. I denne vitenskapelige antologien presenteres for første gang mangfoldet i den idrettspsykologiske forskningen i Skandinavia. Gjennom tolv kapitler illustrerer bidragsytere fra sentrale idrettspsykologiske forskningsmiljøer i Sverige, Danmark og Norge forskning på et vidt spekter av problemstillinger. Ved å publisere bidragene samlet som en Open Access-antologi ønsker forfatterne å nå forskere innenfor idrettspsykologi-feltet, idrettspsykologiske rådgivere og fagpersoner i alle de skandinaviske landene. Antologien vil også være interessant for alle som er interessert i idrett. Redaktører for boka er Tommy Haugen og Rune Høigaard, begge fra Institutt for folkehelse, idrett og ernæring, Fakultet for helse- og idrettsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder.
    Keywords: Sport psychology ; psychology ; sport ; research ; Scandinavia ; Idrettspsykologi ; psykologi ; sport ; forskning ; Skandinavia ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology
    Language: Norwegian , Danish , Swedish
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  • 59
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Wang Wei has traditionally been considered one of the greatest of Tang dynasty poets, together with Li Bo and Du Fu. This is the first complete translation into English of all of his poems, and also the first substantial translation of a selection of his prose writings. For the first time, readers encountering his work in English translation will get a comprehensive understanding of Wang Wei‘s range as a poet and prose writer.
    Keywords: Chinese Poetry ;  Buddhism ;  Asian Studies ;  Asian Literature ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism
    Language: English , Chinese
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  • 60
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: This is the first complete translation of the poetry of Cao Zhi, a major figure from the formative age of classical Chinese poetry. The translations take the reader beyond anthology pieces to present a more complete view of the literary practices and concerns of Cao Zhi and his contemporaries. A number of works not previously available in English are included here, enhancing our understanding of the culture of China’s early medieval period.
    Keywords: Cao Zhi ; Jian’an ; Early Medieval Chinese Poetry ; Chinese Literature ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GT Interdisciplinary studies::GTM Regional / International studies
    Language: English , Chinese
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 61
    Publication Date: 2023-09-20
    Description: Dette projekt startede med en vild idé i oktober 2015 : Skriv en ansøgning om finansiering af et internationalt, tværfagligt og utraditionelt videnskabeligt outreach-projekt... inden for de næste 48 timer. Og det virkede. En gruppe stærkt motiverede unge forskere fra Canada og Europa gik sammen for at kombinere kunst og videnskab og lave en række tegneserier om permafrost (frossen jord). Formålet med projektet er at præsentere og forklare videnskabelig forskning, udført på tværs af det arktiske område, med vægt på feltarbejde og det arktiske miljø i hurtig forandring. Målgruppen er børn, unge, forældre og lærere, og det overordnede mål er at gøre videnskab om permafrost sjovere og mere tilgængelig for offentligheden. For tænk engang : permafrost repræsenterer et område på mere end tyve millioner km2 på den nordlige halvkugle, et enormt område. Eftersom klimaet bliver varmere, tør permafrosten og bliver et ustabilt underlag for huse, veje og lufthavne. Denne hurtige optøning af den tidligere frosne jord, ændrer også planters og dyrs habitater, påvirker vandkvaliteten og søernes økologi samt frigiver kulstof til atmosfæren som drivhusgasser, hvilket gør klimaforandringerne endnu stærkere. Derfor vedrører permafrost og dens reaktion på klimaforandringer os alle. Projektet modtog fra starten støtte fra ”International Permafrost Association” (IPA) som en målrettet ‘Action Group’, og siden da er flere andre sponsorer kommet med i projektet. Her er vi nu to år efter denne første ide. Det, du nu skal til at læse, er resultatet af en udveksling af ideer mellem kunstnere og forskere. Vi opfordrede kunstnere til at deltage og modtog 49 ansøgninger fra kunstnere i 16 lande. Ud af alle ansøgerne valgte vi to kunstnere til projektet : Noémie Ross fra Canada og Heta Nääs fra Finland. Med input fra forskere, skabte Noémie og Heta fantastiske tegneserier, der forklarer nogle af de ændringer, der sker i miljøet i permafrostområder, hvordan de påvirker mennesker og dyreliv, og hvad forskere gør for bedre at forstå disse ændringer for at hjælpe folk med at finde innovative måder at tilpasse sig på. Vi ønsker alle masser af sjov med dette hæfte, og vi vil gerne takke alle dem, der støttede projektet.
    Description: This project started in October 2015 with a crazy idea : prepare and submit a funding application for an international, multidisciplinary and non-traditional scientific outreach project… within the next 48 hours. Well, it worked out. A group of highly motivated young researchers from Canada and Europe united to combine arts and science and produce a series of outreach comic strips about permafrost (frozen ground). The aim of the project is to present and explain scientific research conducted across the circumpolar Arctic, placing emphasis on field work and the rapidly changing northern environment. The target audience is kids, youth, parents and teachers, with the general goal of making permafrost science more fun and accessible to the public. Because guess what : permafrost represents an area of more than twenty million km2 in the Northern Hemisphere, a huge area. As the climate warms, permafrost thaws and becomes unstable for houses, roads and airports. This rapid thawing of previously frozen ground also disrupts plant and animal habitats, impacts water quality and the ecology of lakes, and releases carbon into the atmosphere as greenhouse gases, making climate change even stronger. Hence permafrost and its response to climate change concerns us all. The project received initial support from the International Permafrost Association (IPA) as a targeted ‘Action Group’, and since then several other sponsors have joined the project. Here we are, now, two years after this first idea. What you are about to read is the result of an iterative process of exchanging ideas between artists and scientists. We first made an application call and received 49 applications from artists in 16 countries. Through a formal review process, we then selected two artists to work on this project: Noémie Ross from Canada, and Heta Nääs from Finland. With input from scientists, Noémie and Heta created fantastic cartoons that explain some of the changes happening to the environment in permafrost areas, how they affect people and wildlife, and what scientists are doing to better understand these changes to help people find innovative ways to adapt. We wish everyone plenty of fun reading this booklet and we would like to thank all those who supported this project.
    Language: Danish
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/book
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 62
    Publication Date: 2023-07-18
    Description: The report is confidential and only available for the Chinese government.
    Language: Chinese
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 63
    University of Michigan Press | U OF M CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: The interplay between the external world (ching) and the poet’s inner world (ch’ing) lies at the heart of Chinese poetry, and understanding the interaction of the two is crucial to understanding this work from within its own tradition. Closely coordinating her discussions of poetry and criticism so that practice and theory become mutually enriching and illuminating, Sun offers sensitive and original readings of poems and a wealth of insights into Chinese poetics.
    Description: The interplay between the external world (ching) and the poet’s inner world (ch’ing) lies at the heart of Chinese poetry, and understanding the interaction of the two is crucial to understanding this work from within its own tradition. Closely coordinating her discussions of poetry and criticism so that practice and theory become mutually enriching and illuminating, Sun offers sensitive and original readings of poems and a wealth of insights into Chinese poetics.
    Keywords: Society and social sciences ; Poetry ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DC Poetry
    Language: Chinese , English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 64
    In:  Sosiologen, 19.05.2019
    Publication Date: 2023-07-18
    Description: Barbara Adam introduserer et tidsbillede-perspektiv, for å forene det som den industrielle levemåde har løsrevet fra hinanden; fænomener og deres kreative processer, teori og praksis, natur og kultur, handlinger i nuet og deres (u)tilsigtede indflydelse.
    Language: Danish
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
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  • 65
    In:  Doradztwo polityczne i lobbing w parlamentarnym procesie decyzyjnym
    Publication Date: 2023-07-18
    Description: The market of political consulting and lobbying from the perspective of Polish and German parliamentarians. The number of forms, contexts and actors of policy advice and lobbying has grown over the years to such an extent that the problem of diffuse boundaries between these processes, and of capturing the specificity of the market that they form, gains in both theoretical and practical importance. This study is based on interviews with members of parliament: the Polish Sejm and the German Bundestag and concentrates on the question about how the market for political advice and lobbying is perceived by the very addressees. The comparative perspective is multi-layered and includes the cognitive, affective and normative dimensions. The image that emerges as a result offers a starting point for a discussion on the role of decision makers (who not only take part in the processes of our concern but also co-shape their regulatory framework) and on the features of a mature market of policy advice and lobbying, including mechanisms that favorably affect it.
    Language: Polish
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 66
    Call number: AWI Bio-17-90819
    Description / Table of Contents: The authors completed collecting and arranging plates of photomicrographs for common pollen and spores in Quaternary strata. Given China's vast territory, complex vegetation types, a variety of plants, and polen grains with similar morphology probably produced by different plant species in different regions. We have organized this book's photomicrographs of pollen grains and spores in the division of China into five regions, i.e. northwest,northern, southeast, south and southwest China. Photomicrographs of pollen grains and spores in each region are arranged by plant classification system i.e. in order of algae, bryophyte, pteridophyte, gymnosperm, and angiosperm. All 409 plates of color photomicrographs for pollen grains and spores are finally illustrated and described.
    Description / Table of Contents: 本书整理编排了我国第四纪地层常见的孢粉类型显微照相图版,按照西北、北方、东南、华南和西南五个大区编排,并对这些区域的现代植被、第四纪植被史做了简要概述,还重点叙述了各地区第四纪主要孢粉类型、特点以及常见孢粉种类的鉴定形态特征。共分三章,第一章为我国各地区现代植被和第四纪植被概述,重点叙述了古植被与古气候的演变历史;第二章介绍本图鉴中所列出的各地区主要第四纪孢粉类型及其特点,并对不同地区常见孢粉种类
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 620 Seiten , zahlreiche Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9787030505682
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Preface. - Chapter 1: Overview of modern and Quaternary vegetation in China. - 1.1 Northwest region / Tang Lingyu and Shen Caiming. - 1.1.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Gobi desert and desert vegetation in eastern Xinjiang. - Extremely arid desert and shrubland vegetation in the Qaidam Basin. - Arid desert shrub and semi-shrub vegetation in the Hexi Corridor. - Sylvosteppe or pine-oak forest in the transitional region between semi-humid and semi-arid monsoonal climate of temperate zone in the Loess Plateau. - 1.1.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in Qinghai. - Holocene vegetation succession of steppe/meadow in north Xizang (Tibet). - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in the Loess Plateau. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in Xinjiang. - 1.2 Northern region / Tang Lingyu and Li Chunhai. - 1.2.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Coniferous and broadleaved forest and meadow of temperate zone in Northeast China. - Oak forest of river valley, Chinese pine forest, and shrub steppe in the lower valley of Liaohe River, North China plain, southern Shanxi, and central Shaanxi plain. - 1.2.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in North China. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in Northeast China. - 1.3 Southeast region / Shu Junwu and Tang Lingyu. - 1.3.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - 1.3.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation succession since the mid-Pleistocene in Hubei. - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in the lower valley of the Yangtze River. - 1.3 .2.3 Forest succession since the last glaciation in southeast coast of Fujian. - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in the central Taiwan. - 1.4 South region / Mao Limi, Tang Lingyu and Shen Cairning. - 1.4.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Vegetation in the southern zone of middle subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. - Vegetation in the zone of south subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. - Tropical semi-evergreen monsoonal forest and tropical monsoonal forest. - 1.4.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation in the Zhujiang delta and Chaozhou plain since the Pleistocene recorded by pollen and spores. - Vegetation and climate since the late Pleistocene in Leizhou Peninsula and Holocene vegetation and climate in Hainan Island. - Late Quaternary pollen and spores, vegetation and climate records in the South. - Vegetation and climate since the late Pleistocene in Hong Kong. - 1.5 Southwest region / Shu Junwu, Tang Lingyu and Shen Caiming. - 1.5.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Vegetation of evergreen broadleaved forest in the Yunnan , Guizhou and western Sichuan Plateau. - Vegetation of coniferous forest in southeast Xizang. - 1.5.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Holocene vegetation in northwest Yunnan. - Vegetation and monsoonal climate history since the late Pleistocene in western and south-central Yunnan. - Holocene vegetation in western Sichuan. - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in Guizhou. - Vegetation and monsoonal climate history since the late Pleistocene in southeastern Xizang. - Chapter 2 Main types of Quaternary pollen and spores and their characteristics in different regions of China. - 2.1 Northwest region / Tang Lingyu and Mao Limi. - 2.1.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Northwest China. - 2.1.2 Identifiable features of major Quaternary pollen and spores in Northwest China. - Identifiable features of main Compositae pollen types. - Identifiable features of Artemisia, Tamarix, and Zygophyllum pollen. - Identifiable features of Rhamnus, Hippophae, and Elaeagnus pollen. - 2.1.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary spores and pollen in Northwest China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen types in Northwest China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen types in Northwest China. - 2.2 Northern region / Tang Lingyu. - 2.2.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Northern China. - 2.2.2 Identifiable features of major Quaternary pollen and spores in Northern China. - Identification keys of pollen morphology for several saccate genera of Pinaceae. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for genera of Betulaceae. - Identifiable features of tricolpate pollen from Salix and Cruciferae. - Identifiable features of tricolpate pollen from Ranunculaceae and Labiatae. - 2.2.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary spores and pollen in Northern China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen types in Northern China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen types in Northern China. - 2.3 Southeast region / Tang Lingyu and Shu Junwu. - 2.3.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Southeast China. - 2.3.2 Identifiable features of major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southeast China. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for Fagaceae. - Identification keys of pollen morphology for several genera of Fagaceae. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for several genera of Fagaceae. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for several genera of tropical and subtropical. - 2.3.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southeast China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen types in Southeast China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen types in Southeast China. - 2.4 South region / Mao Limi and Tang Lingyu. - 2.4.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - 2.4.2 Identifiable features of main Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - Modern distribution and paleophytogeography of Sonneratia and its identifiable features of pollen morphology. - Modern distribution and paleoecology significance of Rhizophoraceae and its identifiable features of pollen morphology. - 2.4.3 Photomicrographs and descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - 2.5 Southwest region / Tang Lingyu and Shu Junwu. - 2.5.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - 2.5.2 Identifiable feature of main Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - Plant distribution and pollen features of Pinaceae in Southwest China. - Identification keys of pollen morphology for Pinaceae. - 2.5.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - Photomicrographs for common pollen in Southwest China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - Chapter 3 Plates and descriptions of Quaternary pollen and spores in different region of China. - 3.1 Northwest region / Tang Lingyu and Mao Limi. - Spores of the pteridophyte Plates 1-3. - Gymnosperm pollen Plates 3-10. - Angiosperm pollen Plates 11-63. - 3.2 Northern region / Tang Lingyu and Li Chunhai. - Spores of the algae Plates 1-3. - Spores of the bryophyte Plate 4. - Spores of the pteridophyte Plates 5-9. - Gymnosperm pollen Plates 9-24. - Angiosperm pollen Plates 25-63. - 3.3 Southeast region / Tang Lingyu, Zhou Zhongze and
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    Associated volumes
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91553-2
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    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
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    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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    Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie
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    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/book
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    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
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    Note: Table of Contents: NYCTAGINACEAE. - 1. Pisonia L. - 1. P. aculeata L.. - 2. Ceodes J. et G. Forst. - 1. C. grandis (R. Br.) D. Q. Lu. - 2. C. umbellifera J. et G. Forst. - 3. Bougainvillea Comm. ex Juss. - 1. B. glabra Choisy. - 2. spectabilis Willd. - 4. Mirabilis L. - 1. M. jalapa L. - 5. Oxybaphus L' Her. ex Willd. - 1. O. himalaicus Edgew. - 6. Boerhavia L. - 1. B. diffusa L. - 2. B. erecta L.. - 3. B. crispa Heyne. - 7. Commicarpus Standl. - 1. C. chinensis (L. ) Heim. - 2. C. lantsangensis D. Q. Lu. - PHYTOLACCACEAE. - 1. Phytolacca L. - 1. Ph. acinosa Roxb. - 2. Ph. polyandra Batalin. - 3. Ph. japonica Makino. - 4. Ph. americana L. - 2. Rivina L. - 1. R. humilis L. - AIZOACEAE. - 1. Gisekia L. - 1. G. pharnaceoides L. - 2. Glinus L. - 1. Gl. lotoides L. - 2. Gl. oppositifolius (L.) A. DC. - 3. Mollugo L. - 1. M. nudicaulis Lam. - 2. M. cerviana (L.) Ser. - 3. M. stricta L. - 4. M. verticillata L. - 4. Sesuvium L. - 1. S. portulacastrum (L.) L. - 5. Trianthema L. - 1. Tr. portulacastrum L. - 6. Mesembryanthemum L. - 1. M. cordifolium L. f. - 2. M. crystallinum L. - 3. M. uncatum Salm-Dyck. - 4. M. edule L.. - 5. M. spectabile Haw. - 7. Tetragonia L. - 1. T . tetragonioides (Pall. ) Kuntze. - PORTULACACEAE. - 1. Portulaca L. - 1. P. oleracea L. - 2. P. pilosa L. - 3. P. grandiflora Hook - 4. P. quadrifida L. - 5. P. psammotropha Hance. - 6. P. insularis Hosokawa. - 2. Talinum Adans. - 1. T. paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. - BASELLACEAE. - 1. Basella L. - 1. B. alba L. - 2. Anredera Juss. - 1. A. scandens (L.) Moq. - 2. A. cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis. - CARYOPHYLLACEAE. - I. Subfam. PARONYCHIOIDEAE Vierh. - 1. Trib. PARONYCHIEAE Pax. - 1. Gymnocarpos Forssk. - 1. G. przewalskii Maxim. - 2. Herniaria L. - 1. H. glabra L. - 2. H. polygama J. Gay. - 3. H. caucasica Rupr. - 2. Trib. SPERGULEAE Vierh. - 3. Spergula L. - 1. Sp. arvensis L. - 4. Spergularia (Pers.) J. et C. Presl. - 1. Sp. rubra (L.) J. et C. Presl. - 2. Sp. diandra (Guss.) Heldr. et Sart. - 3. Sp. media (L.) C. Presl. - 4. Sp. salina J. et C. Presl. - 3. Trib. POLYCARPEAE Pax. - 5. Drymaria Willd. ex Roem. et Schult. - 1. Dr. villosa Cham. et Schlecht. - 2. Dr. diandra Bl. - 6. Polycarpon Loefl. ex L. - 1. P. prostratum (Forssk.) Aschers. et Schweinw. - 7. Polycarpaea Lam. - 1. P. corymbosa (L.) Lam. - 2. P. gaudichaudii Gagnep. - ll. Subfam. ALSINOIDEAE Vierh. - 1. Subtrib. STELLARIINAE Aschers. et Graebn. - 8. Pseudostellaria Pax. - 1. Ps. sylvatica (Maxim.) Pax. - 2. Ps. heterophylla (Miq.) Pax. - 3. Ps. japonica (Korsh.) Pax. - 4. Ps. davidii (Franch.) Pax. - 5. Ps. rupestris (Turcz.) Pax. - 6. Ps. heterantha (Maxim.) Pax. - 7. Ps. himalaica (Franch.) Pax. - 8. Ps. maximowicziana (Franch. et Sav.) Pax. - 9. Myosoton Moench. - 1. M. aquaticum (L.) Moench. - 10. Cerastium L. - 1. C. cerastoides (L.) Britt. - 2. C. pauciflorum Stev. ex Ser. - 3. C. falcatum Bge. - 4. C. maximum L. - 5. C. lithospermifolium Fisch. - 6. C. dahuricum Fisch. - 7. C. perfoliaturn L. - 8. C. glomeratum Thuill. - 9. C. furcatum Cham. et Schlecht. - 10. C. fontanum Baumg. - 11. C. tianschanicum Schischk. - 12. C. limprichtii Pax et Hoffm. - 13. C. szechuense Williams. - 14. C. wilsonii Takeda. - 15. C. pusillum Ser. - 16. C. baischanense Y. C. Chu. - 17. C. arvense L. - 18. C. subpilosum Hayata. - 11. Stellaria L. - 1. Sect. Stellaria. - 1. Subsect. Stellaria. - 1. Ser. Petiolares Fenzl. - 1. St. bungeana Fenzl. - 2. St. nemorum L. - 3. St. nepalensis Majumdar et Vartak. - 4. St. arisanensis (Hayata) Hayata. - 5. St. wushanensis Williams. - 6. St. neglecta Weihe ex Bluff et Fingerh. - 7. St. media (L.) Cyr. - 8. St. apetala Ucria ex Roem. - 9. St. vestita Kurz. - 10. St. chinensis Regel. - 11. St. pilosa Franch. - 12. St. petiolaris Hand. -Mazz. - 13. St. lanipes C. Y. Wu et H. Chuang. - 2. Ser. Sessilifoliae Y. W. Tsui ex P. Ke. - 14. St. omeiensis C. Y. Wu et Y. W. Tsui ex P. Ke. - 15. St. reticulivena Hayata. - 16. St. infracta Maxim. - 17. St. gyirongensis L. H. Zhou. - 18. St. zangnanensis L. H. Zhou. - 19. St. tibetica Kurz. - 20. St. lanata Hook. f. ex Edgew. et Hook. f. - 21. St. patens D. Don. - 3. Ser. Dichotomae Roshev. - 22. St. dichotoma L. - 23. St. amblyosepala Schrenk. - 4. Ser. Holosteae Fenzl. - 24. St. henryi Williams. - 2. Subsect. Larbraea (St. Hil.) Fenzl. - 1. Ser. Foliaceo-bracteatae Schischk. - 25. St. ebracteata Korn. - 26. St. winkleri (Briq.) Schischk. - 27. St. crassifolia Ehrh. - 2. Ser. Discolares Schischk. - 28. St. discolor Turcz. - 29. St. gyangtseensis Williams. - 3. Ser. Uliginosae Schischk. - 30. St. pusilla E. Schmid. - 31. St. mainlingensis L. H. Zhou. - 32. St. depressa E. Schmid. - 33. St. uliginosa Murr. - 4. Ser. Gramineae Roshev. - 34. St. graminea L. - 35. St. brachypetala Bge. - 36. St. yunnanensis Franch. - 37. St. palustris Ehrh. ex Retz. - 38. St. salicifolia Y. W. Tsui ex P. Ke. - 39. St. dianthifolia Williams. - 40. St. longifolia Muehl. ex Willd. - 41. St. imbricata Bge. - 42. St. nipponica Ohwi. - 43. St. filicaulis Makino. - 5. Ser. Parviflorae Schischk. - 44. St. alaschanica Y. Z. Zhao. - 45. St. oxycoccoides Korn. - 46. St. uda Williams. - 47. St. souliei Williams. - 6. Ser. Pedunculares Schischk. - 48. St. soongorica Roshev. - 7. Ser. Umbellatae Schischk. - 49. St. irrigua Bge. - 50. St. parvi-umbellata Y. Z. Zhao. - 51. St. umbellata Turcz. - 52. St. suburnbellata Edgew.. - 2. Sect. Adenonerna (Bge.) Pax. - 53. St. arenaria Maxim.. - 54. St. cherleriae (Fisch. ex Ser.) Williams. - 55. St. petraea Bge. - 56. St. decumbens Edgew. - 57. St. congestiflora Hara. - 3. Sect. Fimbripetalurn Turcz. - 58. St. radians L. - 4. Sect. Leucostemma (Benth. ex G. Don f.) Pax. - 59. St. rnartjanovii Krylov. - 5. Sect. Schizothecium Fenzl. - 60. St. monosperma Buch. -Ham. ex D. Don. - 61. St. ovatifolia (Mizushima) Mizushima. - 62. St. delavayi Franch. - 6. Sect. Oligosperma Boiss. - 63. St. bistyla Y. Z. Zhao. - 64. St. strongylosepala Hand.-Mazz. - 12. Holosteum L. - 1. H. umbellatum L. - 13. Arenaria L. - 1. Subgen. Arenaria. - 1. Sect. Arenaria. - 1. A. serpyllifolia L. - 2. Sect. Rotundifoliae McNeill. - 2. A. orbiculata Royle ex. Edgew. et Hook f. - 3. A. neelgerrensis Wight et Arn. - 3. Sect. Rariflorae Williams. - 4. A. monosperma Williams. - 5. A. puranensis L. H. Zhou. - 4. Sect. Compressae McNeill. - 6. A. compressa McNeill. - 2. Subgen. Eremogone (Fenzl) Fenzl. - 1. Sect. Monogone Maxim. - 7. A. potaninii Schischk. - 2. Sect. Capillares McNeill. - 8. A. juncea M. Bieb. - 9. A. capillaris Poir. - 10. A. acicularis Williams ex Keissler. - 11. A. grüningiana Pax et Hoffm. - 12. A. formosa Fisch. ex Ser. - 13. A. haitzeshanensis Y. W. Tsui. - 3. Sect. Sclerophyllae (Boiss.) McNeill. - 14. A. griffithii Boiss. - 15. A. androsacea Grub. - 3. Subgen. Eremogoneastrum Williams. - 16. A. brevipetala Y. W. Tsui et L. H. Zhou. - 17. A. baxoiensis L. H. Zhou. - 18. A. kumaonensis Maxim. - 19. A. kansuensis Maxim. - 20. A. ischnophylla Williams. - 21. A. roborowskii Maxim. - 22. A. lancangensis L. H. Zhou. - 23. A. gerzeensis L. H. Zhou. - 24. A. qinghaiensis Y. W. Tsui et L. H. Zhou. - 25. A. aksayqingensis L. H. Zhou. - 26. A. pulvinata Edgew. - 27. A. shannanensis L. H. Zhou. - 28. A. edgeworthiana Majumdar. - 29. A. bryophylla Fernald. - 30. A. zadoiensis L. H. Zhou. - 31. A. taibaishanensis L. H. Zhou. - 32. A. festucoides Benth. - 4. Subgen. Dolophragma (Fenzl) McNeill. - 33. A. przewalskii Maxim. - 34. A. smithiana Mattf. - 35. A. oreophila Hook. f. ex Edgew. et Hook. f. - 36. A. densissima Wall. ex Edgew. et Hook. f. - 37. A. polytrichoides Edgew. ex. Edgew. et Hook f. - 5. Subgen. Solitaria McNeill. - 38. A. ciliolata Edgew. - 39. A. ramellata Williams. - 40. A. stracheyi Edgew. - 41. A. rhodantha Pax et Ho , Text in chinesischer Schrift , Überschriften in lateinischer Sprache
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    Xining : Qinghai People's Publishing House
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    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91553-3
    In: Flora Qinghaiica, Vol. 3
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 547 S , Ill., graph. Darst
    ISBN: 722501255X
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Pyrolaceae, Ericaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Oleaceae, Loganiaceae, Gentianaceae, Convolvulaceae, Verbenaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae, Capdfoliaceae, Dipsacaceae, Cucurbitaceae / Ho Ting-nung. - Primulaceae / Ho Ting-nung, Xue Chun-ying. - Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Polemoniaceae, Plantaginaceae, Rubiaceae, Adoxaceae, Valerianaceae / Xue Chun-ying. - Boraginaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Bignoniaceae, Orobanchaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Gesneriaceae / Lu Xue-feng. - Campanulaceae, Compositae / Liu Shang-wu. - Delineatores / Wang Ying, Yan Cui-lan, Liu, Jin-jun. , Sprache In chines. Schr. - Nomenklatur in lat. Schr.
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    Xining : Qinghai People's Publ. House
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    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91553-4
    In: Flora Qinghaiica, Vol. 4
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 353 Seiten , Illustrationen , 26 cm
    ISBN: 722501255X , 722501448X , 7225017543 , 7225017551 , 9787225012551 , 9787225014487 , 9787225017549 , 9787225017556
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Typhaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Juncaginaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Alismataceae, Araceae, Lemnaceae, Juncaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae / DengDe-shan. - Gramineae / Lu Sheng-lian. - Gramineae (Triticeae Dumort) / Cai Lian-bing. - Cyperaceae / Liang Song-jun, Dai Lun-kai, Zhang Shu-ren. - Liliaceae / Liu Shang-wu. - Orchidaceae / Lang, Kai-yong. - Delineatores / Yan Cui-lan, Wang Ying, Liu Jin-jun, Wang Jin-feng, Ji Chao-zhen, Wu Zhang-hua, Zhang Tai-li. , In chines. Schr. - Nomenklatur in lat. Schr.
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    Call number: K 96.0083/1-3
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Pages: 3 Spezialbl + Erl.-H. (7 S.)
    ISBN: 8789813278
    Series Statement: Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse: DGU kortserie nr. 47
    Language: Danish
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    Call number: K 96.0084/1-4
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    Call number: K 96.0156(14) / R13
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Type of Medium: Map available for loan
    Pages: 6 S. + 1 Kt., gefaltet
    ISBN: 8789813375
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    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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    Call number: K 96.0085/1-4
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
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    Call number: K 96.0086/1-4
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    Kobenhavn : Danmarks Geologiske Undersoegelse
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    Call number: K 96.0002(25) / R13
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Type of Medium: Map available for loan
    Pages: 5 S. + 1 Kt.
    ISBN: 8788640949
    Series Statement: 28
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    Yakutsk : Institut Merzlotovedenija SO RAN
    Call number: AWI G3-93-0194
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 79 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5762307654
    Language: English , Russian , Chinese
    Note: Contents Preface / Cheng Guodong, R.M. Kamensky Comparison: development condition of frozen ground in the Bolshaya-Almatinka-Kosmo Permafrost Station, Kasakhstan and the Tian Shan Glaciological Station, China / Qiu Guoqing and A.P. Gorbunov Permafrost and pereletok in the forest zoe of Tian Shan / A.P. Gorbunov Distribution and thermal regime of alpine permafrost in the middle-section of East Tian Shan, China / Jin Huijun, Qiu Guoqing, Zhao Lin and Wang Shujuan Comparative characteristics of icings in Zailiysky Alatau and East Tian Shan / A.P. Gorbunov and E.D. Ermolin Some new data of D.S. electrical soundings of permafrost in Northern Tian Shan / Zeng Zhonggong, Wang Shujuan and A.E. Nemov The depositional characteristics of sediments in the Borehole No. 2 and No. 4 in the source area of Urumqi river / Zhao Lin and Qiu Guoqing Rock glaciers in Bolshaya Almatinka river basin and Urumqi river basin of Northern and Eastern Tian Shan / A.P. Gorbunov and S.N. Titkov Comparative characteristics of frost mound in the Mt. Zailiysky Alatau, Mt. Kalaucheng and Mt. Bogda / S.N. Titkov, Zhao Lin and Jin Huijun Permafrost and climate at the upper reach of Urumqi river during the past 15 000 years / Zhao Lin, Qui Guoqing and Jin Huijun Development condition of the polygonal soil-wedges in Zailiysky Alatau / A.P. Gorbunov, E.D. Ermolin, Zeng Zhonggong and Qiu Guoqing Pollen composition and its significance in the reconstruction of paleoclimate in Northern Tian Shan during the past 5000 year / Ma Yuzheng, Qiu Guoqing and Zhao Lin Discussion: Geocryological studies in Central Asia - Present and future / A.P. Gorbunov, E.D. Ermolin, S.N. Titkov, Qiu Guoqing, Zeng Zhanggong, Wang Shujuan, Zhao Lin and Jin Huijun , Zusammenfassung in russischer und chinesischer Sprache
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    Call number: K 96.0160(41) / R13
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 5 S. + 1 Kt.
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    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Type of Medium: Map available for loan
    Pages: 8 S. + 1 Falkt.
    ISBN: 8789813405
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    Call number: K 96.0159 (39) / R13
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Type of Medium: Map available for loan
    Pages: 9 S. + 1 Kt.
    ISBN: 8789813391
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    Call number: 1.1/M 92.0730
    In: Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch der portugiesischen und deutschen Sprache
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Edition: 10. Aufl
    ISBN: 3468102712 , 3-468-10275-5
    Language: Polish
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    Berlin [u.a.] : Langenscheidt
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    Call number: 1.1/M 93.0631
    In: Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch der Dänischen und Deutschen Sprache
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 170 S.
    Edition: 20. Aufl
    ISBN: 3468111010
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    Berlin [u.a.] : Langenscheidt
    Call number: 1.1/M 93.0642
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    ISBN: 3468121008
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  • 99
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91560-3
    In: Flora in desertis Reipublicae Populorum Sinarum, Tomus 3
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: III, 508 S , Ill
    ISBN: 7030023471
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Primulaceae. - 1. Primula L. - 2. Androsace L. - 3. Glaux L. - 4. Lysimachia L. - Plumbaginaceae. - 1. Goniolimon Boiss. - 2. Limonium Mill. - Oleaceae. - 1. Fraxinus L. - Loganiaceae. - Buddleja L. - Gentianaceae. - 1. Centaurium Hill. - 2. Gentiana L. - 3. Nymphoides Seguier. - Apocynaceae. - 1. Apocynum L. - 2. Poacynum Baill. - Asclepiadaceae. - 1. Periploca L. - 2. Cynanchum L. - Convolvulaceae. - 1. Convovulus L. - 2. Calystegia R. Br. - 3. Cuscuta L. - Hydrophyllaceae. - 1. Phacelia Juss. - Boraginaceae. - 1. Rindera Pall. - 2. Heliotropium L. - 3. Messerschmidia L. ex Hebenstr. - 4. Symphytum L. - 5. Rochelia Reichb. - 6. Asperugo L. - 7. Gastrocotyle Bge. - 8. Nonea Medic. - 9. Lycopsis L. - 10. Heterocarpum DC. - 11. Cynoglossum L. - 12. Lappula V. Wolf. - 13. Stenosolenium Turcz. - 14. Trigonotis Stev. - 15. Lepechiniella M. Pop. - 16. Arnebia Forsk. - 17. Onosma L. - 18. Lithospermum L. - 19. Echium L. - Verbenaceae. - 1. Caryopteris Bge. - Labiatae. - 1. Amethystea L. - 2. Scutellaria L. - 3. Marrubium L. - 4. Lagopsis Bge. ex Benth. - 5. Schizonepeta (Benth.) Briq. - 6. Lallemantia Fisch. et Mey. - 7. Dracocephalum L. - 8. Nepeta L. - 9. Eremostachys Bge. - 10. Phlomis L. - 11. Leonurus L. - 12. Panzeria Moench. - 13. Lagochilus Bge. - 14. Stachys L. - 15. Charmaesphacos Schrenk. - 16. Salvia L. - 17. Clinopodium L. - 18. Ziziphora L. - 19. Hyssopus L. - 20. Thymus L. - 21. Mentha L. - 22. Lycopus L. - 23. Elsholtzia Willd. - 24. Plectranthus L'Her. - Solanaceae. - 1. Lycium L. - 2. Solanum L. - 3. Hyoscyamus L. - 4. Datura L. - Scrophulariaceae. - 1. Veronicastrum Heist. ex Farbic. - 2. Veronica L. - 3. Linaria Mill. - 4. Limosella L. - 5. Leptorhabdos Schrenk. - 6. Scrophularia L. - 7. Rehmannia Libosch. ex Fisch. et Mey. - 8. Dodartia L. - 9. Omphalothrix Maxim. - 10. Euphrasia L. - 11. Odontites Ludw. - 12. Pedicularis L. - 13. Cymbaria L. - 14. Siphonostegia Benth. - Bignoniaceae. - 1. Incarvillea Juss. - Orobanchiaceae. - 1. Orobanche L. - 2. Cistanche Hoffmg. et Link. - Lentibulariaceae. - 1. Utricularia L. - Plantaginaceae. - 1. Plantago L. - Rubiaceae. - 1. Microphysa Schrenk. - 2. Galium L. - 3. Rubia L. - 4. Leptodermis Wall. - Caprifoliaceae. - 1. Lonicera L. - 2. Viburnum L. - 3. Sambucus L. - Valerianaeceae. - 1. Patrinia Juss. - Dipsaceae. - 1. Scabiosa L. - Campanulaceae. - 1. Adenophora Fisch. - 2. Lobelia L. - Compositae. - I. Eupatorieae. - 1. Eupatorium L. - II. Asterae Cass. - 2. Heteropappus Less. - 3. Aster L. - 4. Asterothamnus Novopokr. - 5. Galatella Cass. - 6. Linosyris Cass. - 7. Arctogeron DC. - 8. Tripolium Nees. - 9. Brachyactis Ledeb. - 10. Erigeron L. - 11. Conyza L. - III. Heliantheae. - 12. Xanthium L. - 13. Siegesbeckia L. - 14. Bidens L. - IV. Anthemideae. - 15. Achillea l. - 16. Tripleuospermum Sch. Bip. - 17. Tanacetum L. - 18. Hippolytia Poljak. - 19. Cancrinia Kar. et Kir. - 20. Brachanthemum DC. - 21. Dendranthema (DC,) Des. Moul. - 22. Stilpnolepis Krasch. - 23. Ajania Poljak. - 24. Filifolium Kitam. - 25. Kaschgaria Poljak. - 26. Elachanthemum Ling et Y. R. Ling. - 27. Neopallasia Poljak. - 28. Artemisia L. - V. Senecioneae. - 29. Senecio L. - 30. Ligularia Cass. - VI. Inuleae. - 31. Karelinia Less. - 32. Filago L. - 33. Leontopodium R. Brown. - 34. Gnaphalium L. - 35. Helichrysum Mill. - 36. Inula L. - 37. Pulicaria Gaertn. - VII. Echinopsideae. - 38. Echinops L. - VIII. Cynareae. - 39. Carlina L. - 40. Tugarinovia Iljin. - 41. Arctium L. - 42. Acroptilon Cass. - 43. Cousinia Cass. - 44. Olgaea Iljin. - 45. Ancathia DC. - 46. Carduus L. - 47. Cirsium Mill. emend. Scop. - 48. Silybum Adans. - 49. Oligochaeta C. Koch. - 50. Saussurea DC. - 51. Pilostemon Iljin. - 52. Jurinea Cass. - 53. Onopordum L. - 54. Russowia C. Winkl. - 55. Plagiobasis Schrenk. - 56. Serratula L. - 57. Schischkinia Iljin. - 58. Chartolepis Cass. - 59. Stemmacantha Cass. - 60. Amberboa (Pers.) Less. - 61. Hyalea (DC.) Jaub. et Spach. - 62. Centaurea L. - 63. Carthamus L. - IX. Cichorieae. - 64. Cichorium L. - 65. Garhadiolus Jaub. et Spach. - 66. Koelpinia Pall. - 67. Heteracia Fisch. et Mev. - 68. Achyrophorus Adans. - 69. Picris L. - 70. Epilasia (Bge.) Benth. et Hook. - 71. Scorzonera L. - 72. Tragopogon L. - 73. Taraxacum Wigg. - 74. Paramicrophynchus Kirp. - 75. Sonchus L. - 76. Cephalorrhynchus Boiss. - 77. Lactuca L. - 78. Chondrilla L. - 79. Hexinia H. L. Yang, gen. nov. in Addenda. - 80. Hieracium L. - 81. Crepis L. - 82. Ixeris Cass. - 83. Youngia Cass. - Addenda Diagnoses Taxorum Novarum. , Titel und Text in chines. Schr. , Nomenclature also in Latin.
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    Call number: K 96.0008(37) / R13
    In: Geologisk kort over Danmark
    Type of Medium: Map available for loan
    Pages: 5 S. + 1 Kt.
    ISBN: 8789813227
    Language: Danish
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