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  • ddc:330  (1,064)
  • Fisheries  (183)
  • Chemistry  (52)
  • Cell & Developmental Biology
  • Wuppertal : Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie  (1,064)
  • Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center  (186)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2023-10-02
    Description: Die verheerenden Mengen an Abfall am Ende des Lebenszyklus von Produkten zu bewältigen, gilt als eine der größten Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu einer Circular Economy. Die negativen Folgen, die sich aus dem Missmanagement von Kunststoffabfällen aufgrund fehlender oder nicht funktionierender Abfallwirtschaftsstrukturen in weiten Teilen der Erde ergeben, werden zunehmend deutlich. Bei der Circular Economy als elementarer Lösungsansatz sollen Stoffströme geschlossen und Produktlebenszyklen verlängert werden. Ein Instrument zur Annäherung an dieses Modell ist der Handel mit sogenannten Plastic Credits - ein Mittel, um den Ausbau regionaler Infrastrukturen für die Sammlung und das Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen zu finanzieren. Die Abnehmer von Plastic Credits sind die treibende Kraft hinter dem Mechanismus. Es ist weiterführende Forschung notwendig, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Frage, wie Unternehmen das Instrument der Plastic Credits nutzen und in ihre Gesamtstrategie integrieren. Diese Masterarbeit widmet sich der dabei vorgelagerten Frage: Existieren bestimmte Profile bei Unternehmen, die in Plastic Credits investieren, und lassen sich hierbei spezifische Cluster bilden? Im Rahmen der Beantwortung dieser Frage wurden Expert*innen-Interviews mit Hilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring ausgewertet. Dabei haben sich drei konkrete Unterfragen ergeben, die sich auf die Motivation, Branchenzugehörigkeit und räumliche Verortung der Abnehmer beziehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Abnehmer von Plastic Credits bereits umfangreich mit der Kunststoffabfallproblematik und der damit verbundenen Auswirkung auf die Umwelt beschäftigen. Offen bleibt, inwiefern Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von neuartigem Kunststoff, der Verbesserung der Recyclingfähigkeit der Produkte oder der Einsatz von Rezyklaten in der Herstellung dem Weg der Kompensation vorangestellt werden. In Bezug auf die Branchenzugehörigkeit legen die Ergebnisse nahe, dass vorrangig Unternehmen, die mit einem erschwerten Rezyklate-Einsatz konfrontiert sind, in Plastic Credits investieren. Welche Auswirkungen Maßnahmen wie die Entbürokratisierung der Zulassungsverfahren für neue Recyclingprozesse oder verpflichtende Anteile an recycelten Materialien in bestimmten Produkten auf die Investition in Plastic Credits haben, wird sich in Zukunft zeigen. Die Analyse der räumlichen Verortung gab Aufschluss darüber, dass zurzeit im Wesentlichen Unternehmen aus dem globalen Norden in Plastic Credits investieren - jedoch verbunden mit dem Ziel, eine Finanzierung aus den Projektländern heraus zu intensivieren.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: masterthesis , doc-type:masterThesis
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2023-10-02
    Description: Förderbanken vergeben in Deutschland jährlich mindestens 200 Milliarden Euro an Mitteln für Investitionen, die sonst nicht oder sehr viel später umgesetzt werden könnten. Sie arbeiten im öffentlichen Auftrag und richten ihre Tätigkeit an gesellschaftlichen Zielen aus. Diese Ziele haben sich weiterentwickelt. Angesichts von Klimawandel, Energiekrise und den Herausforderungen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft wollen sowohl die Länder als auch die Bundesregierung ihre Förderbanken umbauen. Gerade die Förderbanken der Länder müssen sich darum jetzt bereit machen für die "Weiterentwicklung von Förderbanken zu Transformationsbanken". Für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung dieses gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs brauchen sie Unterstützung. Wie dies gelingt, zeigt dieser Zukunftsimpuls.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2023-12-22
    Description: Die Transformation der bisher linearen Strukturen von Produktion und Konsum ("take-make-dispose") hin zu einer Circular Economy (CE) - im Sinne einer weiterentwickelten Kreislaufwirtschaft - gilt als zentrales Konzept zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz und Kreislaufführung von Materialien und Produkten, zur Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der einheimischen Industrie sowie zur Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplatzpotenziale. Ziel dieses Forschungsmoduls ist es, die bisherige Umsetzung dieses Konzepts im Rahmen der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie NRW zu analysieren und durch geeignete Impulse zu begleiten. Durch die Entwicklung eines Leitbilds für eine nachhaltige Circular Economy und zu seiner Messung geeigneter Indikatoren soll das noch an vielen Stellen unscharfe Konzept präzisiert und insbesondere an die spezifischen Ausgangsbedingungen und Herausforderungen von Nordrhein-Westfalen angepasst werden. Dazu sollen Bausteine für ein mittel- und langfristiges Leitbild (2030) entworfen werden, das einen konsistenten Entwicklungspfad für diesen komplexen Transformationsprozess beschreiben soll. Die bestehenden stark abfallwirtschaftlich geprägten Indikatoren zum Thema Kreislaufwirtschaft sollen durch Vorschläge für zusätzliche Indikatoren zur Nachhaltigkeit im Rahmen der Kreislaufwirtschaft (Circular Economy, CE) ergänzt werden.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2023-12-21
    Description: In Deutschland werden jährlich über sieben Millionen gebrauchte Matratzen entsorgt, die überwiegend verbrannt und nur zu einem Bruchteil recycelt werden. Dieser lineare Ansatz belastet die Ressourcen, erhöht die Emissionen und birgt Umweltrisiken. Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, kann die erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung (Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR) als Instrument zur Umsetzung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft dienen. In dieser Masterarbeit wird daher untersucht, wie ein EPR-System für Matratzen in Deutschland gestaltet sein sollte, um Kreisläufe effizient zu schließen. Gleichzeitig zielt diese Thesis darauf ab, die damit verbundenen Anforderungen und Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung eines solchen Systems zu identifizieren. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wurden mithilfe von Expert*innen-Interviews und einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche drei EPR-Modelle entwickelt und anhand von ausgewählten Kriterien bewertet. Die Ergebnisse der Bewertung ergaben, dass ein Modell präferiert werden sollte, in dem eine sogenannte Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) gebündelt die Verantwortung der Hersteller übernimmt. Ein solches System würde unter anderem eine angemessene Kontrolle ermöglichen und Anreize für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich der Recyclingtechnologien und des zirkulären Designs der Matratzen schaffen. Obwohl die Datenlage über Altmatratzen und deren Verwertung in Deutschland derzeit noch begrenzt sind und die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse von der gewählten Methodik abhängen, dient diese Masterarbeit als erste Grundlage für die weitere Entwicklung eines EPR-Systems für Matratzen in Deutschland.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: masterthesis , doc-type:masterThesis
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2022-01-26
    Description: Within the Shaping Digitalisation project, we aim to highlight and discuss the opportunities that digitalisation can bring to Germany. In particular, we are discussing three stand-out areas where action is most needed to achieve ecological transformation: mobility, the circular economy, and agriculture and food. This report addresses the second area in need of action. Up until now, discussions on the circular economy have been limited to recycling and the re-use of materials. We must expand the scope of these discussions to include new, resource-efficient business models and the comprehensive transformation of value chains and industrial structures. Our analysis has found that digitalisation is indispensable for this transformation if used properly. We hope this report will provide the impetus needed to kick-start a climate- and resource-friendly industrial transformation in Germany. Here, we have incorporated the findings of our interdisciplinary workshop on "Shaping the Digital-Ecological Industrial Transformation - Business Models and Political Framework Conditions for Climate and Resource Protection" that was attended by experts from international research institutes, civil organizations, public authorities, and private companies.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2022-10-24
    Description: A main goal of this study - which also functions as deliverable 210078-D07 of the Circular Economy Beacons (CEB) project - is to evaluate currently available frameworks that measure and operationalise Circular Economy (CE), with a particular focus on the urban context. The regional focus lies on the Western Balkan region, which is at the centre of the project. Such "Urban Circularity Hotspot Frameworks" (UCHF) aim at providing decision support for policy makers, companies, citizens etc. regarding the transition to CE within cities. Based on the analysis of different frameworks, suggestions are derived regarding UCHF suitable for the specific characteristics of Western Balkan municipalities, i.e. a Circular Economy Beacons Urban Circularity Hotspot Framework (CEB-UCHF) ready for short-term implementation.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2023-03-24
    Description: At the end of March 2022, the European Commission published its new EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. Its ambitious vision is to reduce textile waste, promote circular measures and minimise the negative environmental impacts of the textile industry. But what would a textile industry that keeps textiles in a closed loop look like, and what political conditions would be required in Germany? This Zukunftsimpuls paper by the Wuppertal Institute points to the role that Germany could play in the transformation towards a circular textile industry.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2023-07-07
    Description: Innerhalb des Projekts "Digitalisierung gestalten - Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit ermöglichen" werden die besonderen Transformationspotenziale der Digitalisierung herausgearbeitet und für Deutschland am Beispiel der ausgewählten Handlungsfelder Mobilität, Circular Economy sowie Landwirtschaft und Ernährung diskutiert. Dieser Bericht adressiert das Handlungsfeld einer klimaschonenden und ressourceneffizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft, die Circular Economy. Bisher wird Kreislaufwirtschaft dabei vor allem mit Fokus auf Recycling und Wiederverwertung von Materialien diskutiert. Das greift jedoch zu kurz - es muss um die Skalierung von neuen, ressourcenschonenden Geschäftsmodellen und der umfassenden Transformation von Wertschöpfungsketten und Industriestrukturen gehen. Die Analyse zeigt: richtig eingesetzt ist Digitalisierung unverzichtbar für diesen Wandel. Der vorliegende Bericht möchte Anstöße für diesen Weg liefern und neue Impulse für eine klima- und ressourcenschonende Industrietransformation in Deutschland setzen. Der Bericht verarbeitet dabei Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Workshops zum Thema "Die digital-ökologische Industrietransformation gestalten - Geschäftsmodelle und politische Rahmenbedingungen für Klima- und Ressourcenschutz" mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Forschung, Zivilgesellschaft, Behörden und Privatunternehmen.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2023-07-07
    Description: Das Wirtschafts- und Strukturprogramm für das Rheinische Zukunftsrevier enthält eine Reihe von Zielen, die demonstrieren sollen, wie der European Green Deal modellhaft im Rheinischen Revier bis 2038 umgesetzt werden kann. Das Konzept der "Ressourcenwende" stellt dabei einen Lösungsweg für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieser Transformation dar. Das Wuppertal Institut hat vor diesem Hintergrund gemeinsam mit der Prognos AG die vorliegende Studie zu einer regionalen Ressourcenwende im Rheinischen Revier erarbeitet. Das Rheinische Revier ist geprägt durch die Gewinnung, Verstromung und Veredelung von Braunkohle. Darüber hinaus haben sich hier - aufgrund der Nähe zu bedeutenden europäischen Transportwegen und einer zentralen Lage zu wichtigen Märkten in Europa - viele weitere Branchen angesiedelt, wie etwa die Metall-, Chemie- und Aluminiumbranche. Im Hinblick auf den von der Bundesregierung und Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) beschlossenen Braunkohleausstieg 2030 und den European Green Deal wird die Notwendigkeit eines Wandels der energie- und ressourcenintensiven Industrien hin zu einer treibhausgasneutralen und ressourcenleichten Wirtschaft im Rheinischen Revier mehr als deutlich. Welchen Fußabdruck hinterlässt das Rheinische Revier, welche innovativen Ressourcenstrategien sollte die Region verfolgen und wie kann dies gemessen werden? Zu dieser Fragestellung haben die Forschenden ein methodisches Konzept einer regionalen Ressourcenwende für das Rheinischen Revier erarbeitet. Die Ressourcenwende selbst begrenzt sich dabei nicht nur auf Primärrohstoffe, sondern nimmt auch die Aspekte wie Bodennutzung bzw. Flächenverbrauch und Biodiversität bzw. Ökosystemleistungen in den Blick und setzt diese in den Kontext eines regionalen Kreislaufwirtschaftssystems.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-01-18
    Description: The project "Plastic Credits - Financing the Transition to the Global Circular Economy" supports the implementation of a waste management structure in India's rural regions. By that it aims to improve the current waste collection and treatment structures in the pilot regions Goa, Maharashtra, and Kerala. Herein, the project focuses on low value plastics (LVP), and especially multi-layer plastics (MLP), that have no market value. In order to analyze the environmental impacts of the project, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was conducted. The considered environmental components comprise: greenhouse gas emissions, usage of primary resources, impacts on marine and terrestrial wildlife, standard of living, and economic costs.
    Keywords: ddc:330
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 11
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 05:53:49 | 26301 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Philippines ; Pesticides ; Cultured organisms ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Quality assurance ; Biochemical analysis ; Lethal limits
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 84-89
    Format: 6
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  • 12
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-04-02 01:39:27 | 26312 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Viet Nam ; Histamines ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Biological sampling ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 143-145
    Format: 3
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  • 13
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-13 01:57:17 | 26289 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Education ; Technology transfer ; Chemical pollution ; Training ; Curricula
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 3-4
    Format: 2
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  • 14
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-19 01:08:33 | 26829 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in lipid extraction from fish using the Modified Folch's Method. Instructions on sample preparation, and the apparatus and reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures in lipid extraction are provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Fish inspection ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Lipids
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: C-2.1-C-2.2
    Format: 2
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  • 15
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-19 00:56:39 | 26832 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in determination of free fatty acids (FFA) in fish.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Fatty acids
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: C-5.3
    Format: 1
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  • 16
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-19 00:36:53 | 26838 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in the preparation of methyl esters by boron trifluoride method in fish. Instructions on sample preparation and the apparatus and reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures are also provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Fish oils ; Fats ; Fatty acids ; Esters ; Lipids
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: C-11.1-C-11.2
    Format: 2
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  • 17
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-19 00:46:29 | 26835 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in the determination of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) number in fish fat. The apparatus and reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures and calculations are also presented.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Fish oils ; Fats ; Fatty acids
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: C-8.1-C-8.3
    Format: 3
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  • 18
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-19 00:39:35 | 26837 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in the determination of the degree of lipid oxidation by gas chromatography. Instructions on sample preparation and the detailed procedures and calculation are provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Lipids ; Fats ; Fatty acids ; Oxidation ; Chromatographic techniques
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: C-10.1
    Format: 1
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  • 19
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:59:29 | 26840 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in lipid determination of monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) content in fish jelly products. Instructions on sample preparation and the reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures calculation are also provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Additives ; Food additives ; Food
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: D-2.1-D-2.3
    Format: 3
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  • 20
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:56:22 | 26841 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The paper provides the methodology in the determination of sugar (sucrose) in fish product by Somogyi's method. Instructions for sample preparation and the reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures in the determination of the sugar in a sample are provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Saccharides ; Products
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: D-3.1-D-3.4
    Format: 4
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  • 21
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:46:46 | 26846 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The aerobic plate count provides an estimate of the number of viable microorganisms in the food according to the medium used and the time and temperature incubation. Presented in the paper is the aerobic plate count procedure using the spread plate method. The culture media, apparatus, sample preparation, and the detailed procedures and the calculation of aerobic plate count are also provided in the paper.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Aerobic bacteria ; Microbiological analysis ; Microorganisms
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: E-2.1-E-2.3
    Format: 3
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  • 22
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:48:51 | 26845 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Proper handling of samples is presented in the paper. Specifically, the procedures in the proper collection, transport, and storage of samples are presented. Moreover, the procedures of monitoring of the condition of samples in a container, and thawing of frozen samples are also provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Methodology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Fish handling ; Samples ; Sample contamination ; Sample storage
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: E-1.1
    Format: 1
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  • 23
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 05:19:43 | 26858 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: An account is given of the fish processing industry of Malaysia; products consist of dried fish, fish crackers, shrimp past, fermented fish, fish satay, canned tuna/sardine, frozen prawn/fish/squid, and fish meal. Problems faced by the industry and the role of government, statutory boards and other institutions in upgrading the industry are examined.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery development ; Food technology ; Fishery industry ; Processing fishery products ; Malaysia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 14-16
    Format: 3
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  • 24
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:51:20 | 26844 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Boric acid and borates were commonly used as preservatives. It acts as an antimicrobial agent; however it is not permitted in the fishery products. The paper provides the methodology in the determination of boric acid and borates in fishery products. Instruction for sample preparation and the reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures in the determination of boric acid and borates in a sample are provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Additives ; Food additives ; Borate minerals
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: D-6.1-D-6.2
    Format: 2
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  • 25
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:41:06 | 26849 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Staphylococcus aureus is a common organism on the skin and in the nasal passages of approximately 50% of the population. Heat-treated seafood may become contaminated with this organism by poor handling, then storage at improper temperatures allows the organism to multiply and produce its toxin. This type of food poisoning may be avoided by practicing strict personal hygiene, thorough cleaning and disinfection of equipment, and storage of susceptible food at temperatures below 10°C or above 60°C. Presented in the paper is the methodology of determining S. aureus in fish and fishery products.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Aerobic bacteria ; Microbiological analysis ; Microorganisms ; Pathogenic bacteria ; Pathogens ; Health and safety ; Public health ; Microbial contamination ; Staphylococcus aureus
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: E-5.1-E-5.4
    Format: 4
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  • 26
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 05:20:59 | 26857 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Improvement of post-harvest technology in Southeast Asian countries and the various problems involved are discussed, considering the following topics: fresh fish handling; traditional products; fish products for export; utilization of available resources for direct human consumption; and, the role of post-harvest technologies.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fish handling ; Food technology ; Quality control ; Fishery products ; South East Asia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 3-8
    Format: 6
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  • 27
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 05:24:40 | 26853 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Abstracts of the various country reports, resource papers and case histories presented at the Seminar are cited individually.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Food technology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Fishery technology ; Conferences ; Minced products ; Fermented products ; South East Asia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 116
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  • 28
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 05:22:21 | 26856 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Details are given of the various processing methods used for fish landed in Indonesia. Data for the period 1983-85 indicate curing to be the most popular method, in particular dry salted and boiled fish. Problems involved in the production of cured products and also frozen and canned products are discussed and the development of new products examined briefly.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Food technology ; Product development ; Cured products ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 11-13
    Format: 3
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  • 29
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:45:03 | 26848 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Coliforms are Gram-negative, non-sporing, facultatively anaerobic rods which ferment lactose, producing acid and gas within 48 hrs and they belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Presented in the paper is the methodology of examining the presence of coliforms and E. coli for fish and fishery products.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Aerobic bacteria ; Microbiological analysis ; Microorganisms ; Microbial contamination ; Microbiology ; Pathogens ; Escherichia coli
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: E-3.1-E-3.4
    Format: 4
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  • 30
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:39:11 | 26850 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Streptococci are gram-positive cocci, sometimes coccobacilli, arranged in chains. This group of streptococci resides in the intestine of warm-blooded animals. They are bile resistant and capable of growth at 45°C. Fecal streptococci form part of the microflora of many foods without necessarily indicating poor hygiene. They are found in many fermented foods, such as cheese and raw sausage, and often take part in the fermentation process. However, in meat products which have received a severe heat process, the presence of excess numbers of fecal streptococci indicates unhygienic handling and/or faulty storage. Presented in the paper is the methodology of determining the presence of fecal streptococci in fish and fishery products.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Aerobic bacteria ; Microbiological analysis ; Microorganisms ; Pathogenic bacteria ; Pathogens ; Health and safety ; Public health ; Microbial contamination
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: E-6.1-E-6.3
    Format: 3
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  • 31
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 07:43:06 | 26847 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Salmonella is a gram-negative bacterium of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Salmonella lives in animal and human intestines and is shed through feces, which usually infects humans through contaminated water or food. The paper presents the methodology of determining the presence of Salmonella and Shigella in fish and fishery products.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Aerobic bacteria ; Microbiological analysis ; Microorganisms ; Pathogenic bacteria ; Pathogens ; Health and safety ; Public health ; Microbial contamination ; Salmonella
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: E-4.1-E-4.5
    Format: 5
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  • 32
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 05:18:11 | 26859 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: An account is given of the fish processing industry of the Philippines. The various existing post-harvest technologies are described, considering fresh fish handling practices, fish processing technologies, new fish processing methods, and other fishery products and by-products. Problems facing the industry and government programs and projects to help development in the sector are discussed briefly.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery development ; Food technology ; Fishery industry ; Philippines
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 17-27
    Format: 11
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  • 33
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 05:15:57 | 26860 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: An account is given of the fish processing industry in Singapore, which produces 4 major groups of fish products, namely frozen fish products, fish jelly products, snack food and seafood delicacies. Problems faced by the industry are examined briefly and government bodies regulating the sector are indicated.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery development ; Food technology ; Fishery industry ; Processing fishery products ; Singapore
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 28-31
    Format: 4
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  • 34
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:32:57 | 26861 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Following a brief account of the fishery industry of Thailand, describing the fishery resources and the utilization of the fish landed, details are given of the fish processing sector. Cold storage and freezing facilities, canneries, processing of traditional products and pre-processing, and fishmeal plants are described. The export of fishery products is also discussed, considering the tuna, cephalopod, shrimp, canned shrimp, canned crabmeat and clam and dried fish. Problems facing the industry include shortage of raw material, quality of fish and fishery products, technology and rejection of Thai fish exports. The role of the government in upgrading the industry and future development prospects are examined briefly.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery development ; Trade ; Fishery industry ; Processing fishery products ; Thailand
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 32-46
    Format: 15
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  • 35
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:30:34 | 26862 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Following a brief account of the food fish supply in the Southeast Asian region, details are given of per capita fish consumption in the following countries: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The disposition of the marine fish landed and fish quality improvement are also discussed.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fish consumption ; Quality control ; South East Asia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 59-61
    Format: 3
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  • 36
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:26:43 | 26864 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The marine fishery catch for Japan in 1984 was over 12 million tonnes; the sardine catch was high, although Alaska pollack showed a decrease. A brief account is given of imports and export, both worldwide and for Japan, examining also factors affecting changes in the Japanese markets for fish and fish products.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Trade ; Industrial products statistics ; Processed fishery products ; Market research ; Japan
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 63
    Format: 1
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  • 37
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:25:17 | 26865 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: A review is made of studies conducted on cryoprotectants for use in the frozen storage of processed fishery products, such as surimi. Some 150 compounds were screened for cryoprotective effects on fish actomyosin; the findings of experiments investigating the behaviour of carp actomyosin, and fish myosin, actin and other constituent proteins during frozen storage are described. The mechanism of freeze denaturation and of the effects of cryoprotectants is outlined and the application of cryoprotectants in the development of new fish gel products considered.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Food technology ; Product development ; Freezing storage
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 64-67
    Format: 4
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  • 38
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:28:23 | 26863 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Fish consumption in Japan is very high compared with other countries; it is approximately 96 g daily per capita and provides a good balance of protein, fats and oils, and carbohydrates. The largest component of the fish catch in Japan is sardine; attempts are being made to produce new products, other than the traditional forms, such as surumi. In fatty sardine fish, the characteristic components include polyunsaturated fatty acids which lower the blood cholesterol levels; in particular eicosapentaenoic acid lowers the incidence of adult diseases such as myocardial infarction.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Food fish ; Public health ; Japan ; Sardinella
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 62
    Format: 1
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  • 39
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:20:33 | 26866 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The development of fish jelly processing in Sarawak, Malaysia, a technique first introduced in 1984, is discussed. Socio-economic factors affecting the development of the industry are examined, considering attitudes, preference, and standard of living. The importance of technology transfer in the region as a means of further developing the fish jelly processing industry is stressed.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Food technology ; Product development ; Sarawak ; Malaysia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 75-77
    Format: 3
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  • 40
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:11:15 | 26870 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The Navotas Fishing Port Complex in Manila Bay, Philippines and its harbour and market operations are described in detail. The findings are presented of an assessment study conducted regarding the fish quality in the trading halls; quality was found to improve with night-time trading as opposed to day-time trading.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Trade ; Marketing ; Quality control ; Philippines
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 91-94
    Format: 4
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  • 41
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:05:49 | 26871 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Development of the cockle industry in Malaysia is discussed, with respect to problems regarding quality control. Activities conducted concerning the establishment of depuration plants to purify the cockles prior to sale are outlined, considering also bacteriological testing to show purification to acceptable limits.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Self purification ; Seafood ; Quality control ; Cardiidae ; Malaysia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 95-96
    Format: 2
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  • 42
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:14:28 | 26869 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Development activities in the traditional fish processing industry in Malaysia during the past two decades are outlined. Satay fish, keropok, dried/salted fish, and belacan products are detailed.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Dried products ; Food technology ; Processed fishery products ; Product development ; Malaysia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 87-90
    Format: 4
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  • 43
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:18:36 | 26867 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Details are given of research activities conducted by the Marine Fisheries Research Department of Singapore regarding the use of small demersal fish (trawling by-catch) for the production of comminuted products. The production of frozen surimi and fish jelly products are described and technology transfer activities by the Department to the fish processing industry also outlined.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Minced products ; Food technology ; Product development ; Singapore
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 78-80
    Format: 3
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  • 44
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:07:22 | 26873 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The findings are presented of a questionnaire conducted in Southeast Asia regarding fish products available, their quality and constraints to their marketing and promotion. Most quality problems were concentrated in the category of traditional products -- particularly smoked, dried and fermented items. The application of such information is identifying available products and highlighting and overcoming certain problems is considered briefly.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Quality control ; Processed fishery products ; Market research ; South East Asia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 99
    Format: 1
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  • 45
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:16:59 | 26868 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Development in minced fish technology in Thailand has involved the improvement of machinery to replace manpower, the development of new processing techniques and the improved utilization of underutilized species. Socio-economic factors are examined, considering the increase in price of raw material, an increase in employment and consumer benefits. Technology transfer is also outlined.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Minced products ; Food technology ; Product development ; Thailand
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 81-86
    Format: 6
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  • 46
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:57:47 | 26877 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: An account is given of present shellfish production in Indonesia, indicating the species involved, collection methods, production and value, and utilization.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Shellfish ; Fishery industry ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 28-32
    Format: 5
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  • 47
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:03:18 | 26875 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Details are given of red tides which occurred in Brunei Darussalam, 1976 and 1980. Methods of monitoring are described which included plankton sampling, aerial surveillance and toxicity tests.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Toxicity tests ; Food poisoning ; Red tides ; Public health ; Dangerous organisms ; Brunei Darussalam
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 17-24
    Format: 8
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  • 48
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:09:43 | 26872 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Details are given of fermentation processes involved in the production of fermented fish in Thailand, considering in particular conditions to speed up the process and also examining factors which play an important role in determining the aroma, flavor and color of the finished product. The quality of the fermented product depends on the species and quality of the fish used and also the techniques used; good quality products result if the proportion of salt to fish is 1:2 and the temperature for incubation 25-30°C.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fermented products ; Food technology ; Quality control ; Thailand
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 97-98
    Format: 2
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  • 49
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:41:48 | 26874 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The occurrence of toxic red tides and paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) have become more frequent in Southeast Asian waters in recent years. A consultative meeting was organized by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada on 11-14 September 1984 to review the status of shellfish toxicity in Southeast Asia and discuss ways and means for its improved study and control. It was attended by 28 officials and researchers from Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, including participants from the International Center for Living Aquatic Resource Management, IDRC and SEAFDEC. This volume resulted from the meeting and provides, for the first time, a review of past problems and current research on the subject. It includes edited papers, recommendations and conclusions of the meeting. The papers describe the background related to PSP and red tide in the region as well as the measures taken to protect consumers. Also included are resource papers outlining conditions in Canada and Japan and the protective measures which have been adopted by the two countries.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Conferences ; Fish poisoning ; Red tides ; Shellfish ; Dangerous organisms ; South East Asia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 133
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  • 50
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 03:00:12 | 26876 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: A description is given of an incident of fish poisoning in East Nusa Tenggana in November 1983, which resulted from a red tide. Sampling studies were made to investigate the distribution of dinoflagellates in Jakarta Bay, Taman Jaya, Banten, and Benoa Bay, Bali. Four genera were observed: Noctiluca, Ceratium, Dinophysis and Peridinium.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Fish kill ; Red tides ; Public health ; Dangerous organisms ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 25-27
    Format: 3
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  • 51
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:56:01 | 26878 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: A brief review is made of the current status regarding shellfish toxicity and red tide occurrence in Malaysia.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Toxicity ; Shellfish ; Red tides ; Public health ; Dangerous organisms ; Malaysia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 33-34
    Format: 2
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  • 52
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:52:29 | 26880 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: A study was conducted to determine the potency of the dinoflagellate toxin accumulated in green mussels, Perna viridis, in the Philippines. The results are also presented of a plankton survey undertaken in order to study the distribution and abundance of the red tide causing alga, Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Biological poisons ; Shellfish ; Toxicity tests ; Red tides ; Bioaccumulation ; Public health ; Dangerous organisms ; Philippines ; Perna viridis
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 43-51
    Format: 9
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  • 53
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:26:02 | 26884 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: A study was conducted to detect the causative organisms of paralytic shellfish poisoning in Thailand waters and to observe the occurrence of the toxic bloom and red tides in the toxic shellfish beds.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Public health ; Red tides ; Shellfish ; Dangerous organisms ; Medicine ; Gulf of Thailand
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 87-89
    Format: 3
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  • 54
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:34:08 | 26882 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The results are presented of procedures for the detoxification of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin using ozone, chlorine and PVP-iodine. Findings indicate ozone and PVP-iodine to effectively inactivate the toxins isolated from Perna viridis; however, further investigations are recommended.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Biological poisons ; Red tides ; Public health ; Philippines ; Pyrodinium ; Perna viridis
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 80-85
    Format: 6
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  • 55
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:20:40 | 26886 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: A brief review is made of the incidences of red tides and paralytic shellfish poisoning in the Indo-Pacific region during the period 1972-84, indicating the organisms involved in the toxicity.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Biological poisons ; Public health ; Red tides ; Shellfish ; Dangerous organisms ; Indo Pacific Ocean
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 92-102
    Format: 11
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  • 56
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:16:53 | 26887 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Under the supervision of the Fisheries Agency, each prefectural government has the responsibility of carrying out monitoring programs. Although some problems exist, monitoring operations have been proceeding successfully. Investigations concerning various aspects of shellfish poisoning are being conducted by 6 national institutions, 15 universities, and about 30 fisheries laboratories. Because shellfish poisoning is a kind of natural phenomenon, the only defense is the establishment of precise monitoring techniques to reduce damages. Efforts to improve monitoring, however, need to be carried out through fundamental research.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Monitoring ; Public health ; Red tides ; Shellfish ; Dangerous organisms ; Japan
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 105-109
    Format: 5
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  • 57
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:16:11 | 26888 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Paralytic shellfish poisoning occurs along both the east and west coasts of Canada. Since 1973 there have been more than 300 documented cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning, resulting in about 35 deaths. Causative dinoflagellates include Gonyaulax catenella, G. acatenella and G. excavata. Details are given of shellfish contamination, toxic blooms patterns, toxicity monitoring, impact on shellfish industry and detoxification.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Historical account ; Public health ; Red tides ; Shellfish ; Dangerous organisms ; Canada ; Gonyaulax
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 110-113
    Format: 4
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  • 58
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-05 02:28:34 | 26883 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: No incidence of shellfish toxicity related to red tides has been recorded in Singapore to date. Only one species of dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium catenatum, has been found dominant in some of the phytoplankton blooms reported. Monitoring is regularly carried out in the waters along Johore Strait for paralytic shellfish poisoning on a fortnightly basis.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Health ; Shellfish ; Quality assurance ; Red tides ; Singapore
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 86
    Format: 1
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  • 59
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-04-02 01:39:51 | 26311 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Thailand ; Histamines ; Fish ; Canned products ; Dried products ; Biological sampling ; Biochemical analysis ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 138-142
    Format: 5
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  • 60
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-04-02 01:47:44 | 26315 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Fisheries ; Myanmar ; Drugs ; Aquaculture products ; Biological sampling ; Biochemical analysis ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 160-165
    Format: 6
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  • 61
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-22 05:17:06 | 26294 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Singapore ; Heavy metals ; Arsenic ; Cadmium ; Lead ; Mercury ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Seafood
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 47-52
    Format: 6
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  • 62
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 05:50:18 | 26302 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Singapore ; Pesticides ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Dried products ; Biochemical analysis ; Lethal limits
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 90-99
    Format: 10
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  • 63
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 03:44:10 | 26308 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Malaysia ; Histamines ; Biological sampling ; Biochemical analysis ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 124-128
    Format: 5
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  • 64
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-04-02 02:01:14 | 26316 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Fisheries ; Philippines ; Organic compounds ; Drugs ; Aquaculture products ; Fishery products ; Quality assurance ; Legislation
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 166-172
    Format: 7
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  • 65
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 05:46:04 | 26310 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Philippines ; Histamines ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 134-137
    Format: 4
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  • 66
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-04-02 02:44:00 | 26318 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Fisheries ; Viet Nam ; Drugs ; Organic compounds ; Fishery products ; Aquaculture products ; Biochemical analysis ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 177-181
    Format: 5
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  • 67
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 01:42:58 | 26702 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Studies on the development of value-added products using arrow squid (Loligo sp.) and bullet tuna (Auxis rocheii, R.) were conducted. The recommended steps in new product development were systematically followed while establishing control to all steps in these product development studies to ensure that the requirements for quality fishery products are met. New product concepts were generated, evaluated, and refined. The most plausible concepts were then advanced to the product optimization stage wherein samples were subjected to a series of sensory evaluations to come up with the standardized formulations. Three (3) squid products, namely squid nuggets, squid loaf, and squid rolls, and two (2) bullet tuna products, namely tuna loaf and dried seasoned tuna, were then subjected to either accelerated or actual shelf life testings, consumer acceptability testings, and cost analyses. In collaboration with a private company, the most promising technologies generated from the preceding activities were advanced to pilot-scale production in which the HACCP-concept of quality assurance was applied, and the hazards and critical control points associated with each step in the production of the new products were established. The resulting products were finally subjected to consumer testing at the Japan Food Expo '95 which proved their acceptability to the export market as well as the products' feasibility for commercialization.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery products ; HACCP ; Testing ; Fishery economics
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 153-161
    Format: 9
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  • 68
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 03:16:26 | 26708 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Frozen surimi has been a major export fishery product of Thailand for many years. Approximately 70% of its total production is exported to Japan, while the remaining is locally used and exported to France, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. Although surimi is not categorized as a high risk item, as it is not a ready-to-consume product but prepared to serve as a raw material for a variety of surimi-based products, it still needs to meet the minimum requirements of product safety control. In this study, the quality assurance program is established for the Thai surimi industry. The guidelines are prepared and based upon risk assessment and potential health hazard identification associated with routine surimi production, from the point where raw material is received at the plant, through the line processing steps, and ending with the finished product s transportation. Besides the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles applied in this program, Good Manufacturing Practices and sanitation standard operating program are also added to strengthen the aim of assurance in food safety.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Minced products ; Quality assurance ; Processing fishery products ; HACCP ; Thailand
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 224-233
    Format: 10
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  • 69
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 08:02:13 | 26705 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Lizardfish, Saurida tumbil, is an abundant resource that is relatively underutilized. It is a potential raw material for surimi processing. Characterized by its ability to produce formaldehyde endogenously after catch, the lizardfish tends to have comparatively higher levels of formaldehyde, which is known to accelerate protein denaturation. As such minced meat from lizardfish has to be treated to enhance its gel-forming ability. The objective of this project is to improve the gel-forming ability of surimi made from fresh and frozen lizardfish by sodium pyrophosphate leaching (PL), and the use of egg white and beef-plasma protein concentrate. This was compared against the usual leaching (UL) method. Pyrophosphate leaching (PL) resulted in better gel-forming ability. Two-times of leaching using 0.2% sodium pyrophosphate resulted in the production of reasonably good quality fish jelly products from fresh and frozen lizardfish. Both egg white and beef-plasma protein concentrate improved the gel-forming ability of surimi from lizardfish. However, if the frozen raw material is of poor quality, neither pyrophosphate leaching nor the addition of egg-white or beef-plasma could improve the gel-forming ability of the surimi. The critical control point for raw material quality is its formaldehyde level. The best quality surimi is obtained when the formaldehyde level is below 15 ppm.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Saurida tumbil ; Minced products ; Processing fishery products ; Experimental research
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 183-199
    Format: 17
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  • 70
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 07:44:23 | 26713 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery products ; Fishery data ; Brunei Darussalam
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 257
    Format: 1
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  • 71
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 05:55:56 | 26717 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Minced products ; Frozen products ; Fishery economics ; Singapore
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 265-267
    Format: 3
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  • 72
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 00:55:51 | 26724 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Energy ; Fishing ; Processing fishery products ; Japan
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 23-35
    Format: 13
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  • 73
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 07:40:48 | 26714 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery data ; Fisheries ; Fishery products ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 258-259
    Format: 2
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  • 74
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-29 01:05:10 | 26723 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Gadoid fisheries ; Proteins ; Fishery economics ; Fishery products ; Processing fishery products ; Packing fishery products
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 18-22
    Format: 5
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  • 75
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-28 05:29:51 | 26728 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Freezing storage ; Thawing ; Odour ; Taste ; Acceptability ; Lobster fisheries
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 73-85
    Format: 13
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  • 76
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-28 05:13:12 | 26729 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fisheries ; Fishery resources ; Fishery economics ; Fishery technology ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 89-97
    Format: 9
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  • 77
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-10-22 05:10:19 | 26801 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Presented in the paper is the standard procedure in the determination of ash in meat. Specifically, the procedures in the sample preparation, instrument and apparatus required, and the analytical procedures and calculation for each method are presented.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Ashes ; Ash content ; Heating ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Microbiological analysis ; Standards ; Specifications
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: A-2.1
    Format: 1
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  • 78
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-09-12 03:29:18 | 26740 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Natural and liquid smoking of striped catfish (Pangasius sutchi), chub mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysonus), squid (Loligo edulis) and green mussel (Mytilus viridis) were compared to evaluate the feasibility of liquid smoking of these products. The appropriate brine concentration and brining time as well as liquid smoke concentration and soaking time for each product were determined. The acceptability of these smoked products was tested by sensory evaluation using a nine-point hedonic scale. The characteristics of the products judged were colour, flavour, odour, texture and overall acceptability. A panel of 14 judges was drawn from the faculty members and students of the Department of Fishery Products, Faculty of Fisheries. The results were statistically analyzed using Student s t-test. The appropriate brine concentration and brining time for striped catfish, chub mackerel, squid and green mussel were 15% for 7 min; 20% for 30 min; 15% for 10 min and 5% for 4 min, respectively. The suitable liquid smoke concentration and soaking time for striped catfish and chub mackerel were 10% for 15 min; for squid and green mussel the appropriate concentration and soaking time were 6% for 15 min and 1% for 2 min respectively. The sensory evaluation scores of both natural and liquid smoked products were comparable. The scores for colour, flavour, odour, texture and overall acceptability of striped catfish, chub mackerel and green mussel were not significantly different. However, the score for odour of liquid smoked squid was significantly lower than that of natural smoked squid (P=0.05) but all other characteristic scores were not significantly different.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery products ; Curing ; Brines ; Acceptability ; Evaluation
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 221-229
    Format: 9
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  • 79
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-28 07:49:52 | 26725 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery products ; Trade ; Inspection ; Standards ; Food additives
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 36-52
    Format: 17
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  • 80
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-28 05:40:18 | 26727 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Biotechnology ; Research ; Research programmes ; Research institutions ; Education establishments ; Norway
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 63-72
    Format: 10
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  • 81
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-09-12 01:49:08 | 26743 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The K value, expressed as K value % = HxR + Hx /ATP + ADP + AMP + IMP + HxR + Hx x 100 is a good index for estimating the enzymatic freshness of fish. The changes in K value of various species of tropical food fishes during ice-storage had been studied. It was found that these warm water fishes deteriorate slowly under ice-storage preservation. A study was made on the K value changes of three species of fish (Polynemus sp., Rastrelliger kanagurta and Pampus argenteus) in a supermarket distribution chain. Most sets of data showed changes of quality; from the point of supply until the morning after an overnight stay on display shelves. The results support a conclusion that the shelf life limit of fresh tropical food fish, based on sensory evaluation, was, when handled well, between 12 to 28 days ice-storage depending on species, with the K value ranging from 24 -37%.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Food fish ; Tropical fish ; Quality control ; Freezing storage
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 250-257
    Format: 8
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  • 82
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-09-12 00:54:43 | 26747 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Samples of meat were taken from tuna landed at Ambon, Biak, Bitung and Denpasar between August 1989 and February 1990 at two month intervals. They were flown to Jakarta for assessment of their mercury content. It was found that the mercury content did not increase with size of tuna. The mercury content of tuna was generally well below 0.5 ppm, although samples from Ambon were higher than those from other three landing places.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Mercury ; Tuna fisheries ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 283-285
    Format: 3
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  • 83
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-09-13 00:50:39 | 26745 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: An assessment was carried out on histamine content of three canning factories. These factories are located in East Java (A), Bali (B) and North Sulawesi (C). Histamine contents were assessed along various stages of their processing. Results showed that histamine contents changed during processing of canned tuna in both A and B factories and that they increased significantly especially after steaming. In contrast, decreasing histamine content was noted during processing of canned tuna at factory C. These results seem to stem from the fact that a lot of raw material was processed by factories A and B. Histamine was probably produced during delays along the processing line. This was in contrast to factory C in which a special tuna fish was processed for the study and only a small quantity of fish was going through at the time.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Canned products ; Canning ; Fishery industry plants ; Histamines
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 273-276
    Format: 4
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  • 84
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-10-01 02:38:00 | 26792 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Canned products ; Quality control ; Inspection ; HACCP ; Evaluation ; Fishery industry equipment ; Fishery industry plants ; Packing fishery products
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 203
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  • 85
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-12 05:20:14 | 26799 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The manual provides useful guides for laboratory workers and technical personnel. The procedures for determining the physical and chemical properties of fish meat, the analysis of oils and some additives and microbiological procedures are also included.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Microbiological analysis ; Fishery products ; Processed fishery products ; Fish inspection ; Fishery industry ; Food additives ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 86
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-10-01 02:16:18 | 26795 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery industry equipment ; Fishery industry plants ; Inspection ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 73-92
    Format: 20
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  • 87
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-11-15 08:02:24 | 26839 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: Polyphosphates are commonly used in the production of fish jelly products. The paper provides the methodology in the detection of polyphosphates in fish products. Instructions on the preparation of sample solution and the apparatus and reagents needed are presented. Detailed procedures in the chromatographic separation of polyphosphates are also provided.
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Manuals ; Culture media ; Analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Methodology ; Chemical analysis ; Fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Food technology ; Standards ; Specifications ; Additives ; Food additives ; Phosphates
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: D-1.1-D-1.3
    Format: 3
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  • 88
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-13 02:17:52 | 26250 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The 203-page book compiles the baseline information on the current situation of chemical and drug residues in seafood in some Southeast Asian countries. The information is based on the regional surveys undertaken by SEAFDEC/MFRD under the project on “Chemical and Drug Residues in Fish and Fish Products in Southeast Asia.”
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Pollution ; Heavy metals ; Pesticides ; Histamines ; Drugs ; Chemical pollution ; Fish ; Fishery products
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 203
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  • 89
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-13 01:43:47 | 26290 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Pollution ; Cambodia ; Heavy metals ; Chemical pollution ; Pollution monitoring ; Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 7-9
    Format: 3
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  • 90
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 06:01:19 | 26297 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Chemistry ; Cambodia ; Pesticides ; Cultured organisms ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Biochemical analysis ; Lethal limits
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 67-70
    Format: 4
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  • 91
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-22 05:28:42 | 26296 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Viet Nam ; Heavy metals ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Seafood
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 59-64
    Format: 6
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  • 92
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 06:17:20 | 26313 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Chemistry ; Indonesia ; Drugs ; Biological sampling ; Biochemical analysis ; Cultured organisms ; Lethal limits ; Quality control ; Penaeus monodon ; Penaeus vannamei
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 149-155
    Format: 7
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  • 93
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 03:53:19 | 26304 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Aquaculture ; Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Viet Nam ; Pesticides ; Cultured organisms ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products ; Lethal limits
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 106-109
    Format: 4
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  • 94
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 06:26:14 | 26314 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Fisheries ; Malaysia ; Drugs ; Biological sampling ; Biochemical analysis ; Quality control ; Lethal limits ; Penaeus monodon
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 156-159
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  • 95
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-03-27 03:30:25 | 26306 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Cambodia ; Histamines ; Biological sampling ; Fish ; Fishery products
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 113-115
    Format: 3
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  • 96
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-09 03:12:10 | 26688 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The fishery industry in Indonesia comprise domestic-based traditional fish products factories and export-oriented companies. The traditional processing units are usually operated by small to medium-scale processors while the export-oriented products are mostly operated by means of advanced technology. The traditional processing units are predominantly engaged in fish curing such as salting and drying, smoking, steaming/boiling and fermentation, whereas modernised industries usually produce products for export purposes, including handling of live and fresh or chilled shrimp and other fish products and frozen, canning factories, etc. The fish inspection and quality control programme includes the development of a standardization system, inspection of production facilities in terms of Good Handling, and/or Manufacturing and Hygienic Practices and inspection of product quality. The inspection and quality control policy consists of compulsory and supervisory approaches. The compulsory programme was manifested with certifications of a) GMP, which includes sanitary and hygienic status of plant; b) competence provided to in-plant processing technologist and quality control supervisors; c) quality or health for exported product and d) letter of origin/ quality for products transported and distributed inter-provincially. The application of quality management in the fishery industry, whether they are traditional or more modem and whether their products are for domestic or export markets, are all at different states of development. The processing plants are classified according to the degree of compliance for meeting prerequisite conditions. The plant must achieve at least "C+" rating to pass the inspection; those which fall under plant-rating of C- and D are considered to be in non-compliance and will go through the supervisory programme to correct deficiencies within a specified period. For the past five years, an Integrated Quality Management Programme (IQMP) based on HACCP concept adopted from the Canadian QMP, has been exercised by those fishery industries which meet the acceptable prerequisite conditions.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery industry ; Fishery technology ; Fishery products ; Fishery resources ; Inspection ; Quality control ; Legislation ; Indonesia
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 42-49
    Format: 8
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  • 97
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-15 02:07:40 | 26682 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: This paper emphasizes that efforts in the upgrading of the fish processing industry in Southeast Asia should be directed at each country s traditional fish products. In the coming era, the increase in food production may not match the world s population growth. In this respect, the major challenge for the fish processing industry is the utilization of all fish caught. Emphasis on development of new products might be one area of responsibility. However, this paper stresses the importance of traditional fish products of each country because these products have survived many decades without any assistance from government or perhaps even society. In other words, there must be some reason for their existence. When fish technologists are able to help the traditional fish products industry, the industry will play a more powerful role in the future. This paper focuses on a simple and fast way of boosting the fish processing industry in the region by emphasizing on the upgrading of existing traditional fish products.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery industry ; Processing fishery products ; Fishery products
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 3-5
    Format: 3
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  • 98
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-15 01:55:35 | 26684 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: 1. Internationalization and Diversification of Surimi IndustryIt is estimated that the world s surimi production in 1994 was 512,000 tonnes. Japan was the biggest surimi producer in the middle of 80 s, but the surimi production of Japan decreased to 132,000 tonnes in 1994. The USA started the commercial production of frozen surimi in Alaska in 1985 and became the biggest surimi producer in the world with 209,000 tonnes in 1994. Thailand started surimi production in 1978 and has increased its production to 65,000 tonnes in 1994. The success of the Thai surimi industry stimulated development of surimi production in other countries in the region. With an increase in the number of countries producing surimi, the fish species used for frozen surimi has been diversified. Of about 500,000 tonnes of frozen surimi in the world, the share of Alaska pollock surimi was 60% in 1994. The share of surimi from other fish such as whiting, threadfin bream, etc., has been increasing over the years.2. Intrinsic Quality of Frozen SurimiStability of the meat proteins (especially of myofibrillar proteins) against heat and frozen storage is species dependent. Protein stability of cold water species is much poorer than of temperate/tropical water species. The stability or the rate of denaturation of myofibrillar proteins is closely related to the temperature of the water in which the fish lives. Strict temperature control is required for surimi of Alaska pollock and other cold water species.3. Internationalization of Surimi-Based ProductsThe world production of surimi-based products in 1993 was estimated at 1,090,000 tonnes. The biggest kamaboko producer is Japan, followed by Korea, USA, Taiwan and Thailand. The production of imitation crab and seafood analogs began in the middle of the 70 s and are now manufactured throughout the world.4. Recent Trend of Kamaboko Products in JapanJapanese consumers now prefer softer textured foods than previously and pay more attention to healthy foods. Some of the successful soft textured products are made by incorporating isolated soy protein into surimi-based products.5. New Surimi-Based Product TechnologyVacuum grinding mixers have been introduced more and more into kamaboko processing plants in Japan. Imitation crab meat, scallop or squid with fine texture and juiciness as compared to conventional products are now produced by twin-screw extrusion cooking. Ohmic cooking, or Joule cooking, with heat generated by flowing electric current through the foods is becoming popular in the kamaboko industry. Proteinase inhibitors such as blood plasma are used for Pacific whiting surimi infected by Myxosporidian parasites.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Minced products ; Processing fishery products ; Quality control
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 13-17
    Format: 5
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  • 99
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-09 02:48:20 | 26691 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Description: The Veterinary Public Health and Food Supply (VPHFS) Division of the Primary Production Department (PPD) is the government agency responsible for the inspection and licensing control of all fish processing establishments in Singapore. This paper reviews the current status of the fish processing industry in Singapore and the inspection and auditing approaches adopted by PPD to ensure the wholesomeness and public health safety of fish and fishery products for human consumption as well as to meet the health and sanitary requirements of the importing countries in respect of the plants export and premises. The application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept to the fish processing establishments is also discussed.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery industry plants ; Inspection ; Licensing ; Singapore
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book_section
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 68-71
    Format: 4
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  • 100
    Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | Singapore
    In: | 23782 | 2019-08-15 02:14:35 | 26681 | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Marine Fisheries Research Department
    Publication Date: 2021-07-24
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Fishery products ; Processing fishery products ; Fishery industry ; Quality ; Quality control ; Inspection ; HACCP
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: book
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 284
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