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  • 1
    Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    In:  Ariadne-Analyse
    Publication Date: 2024-01-18
    Description: Der Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien bedarf eines breiten Engagements lokaler Ak­teure. Kommunen mangelt es jedoch häufig an ausreichenden Ressourcen und die Rolle von Beratungs­stellen und Vermittlern wird daher immer wichtiger.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-01-30
    Description: Eine Teilung des deutschen Marktgebietes würde die Marktwerte erneuerbarer Energien beeinflussen. Wind und Photovoltaik (PV) im Süden Deutschlands würden an Wert gewinnen, während Erneuerbare im Norden Erlöse einbüßen würden. Bei einer auch zukünftig stärkeren Konzentration von erneuerbaren Energien im Norden bedeutet dies insgesamt einen höheren Förderbedarf für PV – Wind wäre trotz niedriger Marktwerte in den meisten Regionen wirtschaftlich. Wenn eine regionale Steuerung erreicht werden soll, müsste die auszuzahlende Förderung für neue PV-Anlagen anhand des zonenübergreifenden Referenzmarktwertes berechnet werden. Durchschnittliche Börsenstrompreise würden durch eine Gebotszonenteilung im Süden Deutschlands leicht angehoben und im Norden gesenkt, die Effekte auf Endkundenpreise und damit verbundene Anreize zur Standortwahl von Industrieunternehmen sind allerdings als gering einzuschätzen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-02-15
    Description: Die Energiewende sorgt für einen Paradigmenwechsel von einem grundlastbasierten zu einem flexiblen Stromsystem. Die zentralen Treiber für den zunehmenden Flexibilitätsbedarf sind die Stromerzeugung durch Wind und Sonne sowie die weiterhin bestehende unflexible Stromnachfrage, die gedeckt werden muss. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert, wie im Zeitverlauf bis zum Jahr 2045 der Flexibilitätsbedarf zunimmt und wie die Betriebsweisen der verschiedenen Technologien sich anpassen können. In der Studie wird auf das Energiesystemmodell REMod zurückgegriffen, mit dem eine Analyse über die intersektorale Flexibilität bis zum Jahr 2045 möglich ist. Für kurzfristige Flexibilität können in dieser Betrachtung zum Beispiel Batterien sowie Stromimporte und -exporte eingesetzt werden. Durch die Sektorenkopplung kann bei der Wärmebereitstellung in Gebäuden ebenfalls ein erheblich angepasstes Lastmanagement erfolgen. Ein höherer Anteil an Flexibilität kann jedoch durch Stromaufnahme in Elektrolyseanlagen und die Nutzung von Power-to-X-Kraftstoffen erfolgen. So können während längerer Dunkelflauten flexible Backup-Gasturbinen eingesetzt werden, um die Versorgungssicherheit zu gewährleisten. Um die notwendige Integration der Flexibilitäts-Technologien in den verschiedenen Märkten (insbesondere Strommarkt) und Sektoren voranzutreiben, müssen technische Voraussetzung, Marktregeln sowie Regulatorik in Bezug auf Bau und Betrieb so angepasst werden, dass die Technologien ihr Flexibilitätspotential bestmöglich ausspielen können.
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-02-15
    Description: Mit steigendem Anteil fluktuierender Erneuerbarer Energien im Stromsystem steigt auch der Bedarf an steuerbaren Kapazitäten, die Stromangebot und -nachfrage ausgleichen können, so genannte Flexibilitätstechnologien. In dieser Analyse wird der Nutzen von zehn verschiedenen Technologien, die Flexibilität bereitstellen können, für das deutsche Stromsystem im Jahr 2030 ermittelt. Die Nutzenanalyse macht deutlich, dass die Verschiebung von großen Energiemengen über einen längeren Zeitraum (saisonaler Ausgleich) den höchsten spezifischen Nutzen erreicht. Eine Schlüsseltechnologie für das Jahr 2030 sind daher Langzeitspeicher mit großen Speichervolumen, zum Beispiel in Form von Wasserstoff-Kavernenspeichern. Das Fehlen einer hierfür geeigneten Technologie würde zu hohen Effizienzverlusten führen. Die zweite Schlüsseltechnologie ist die steuerbare Leistung von Power-to-Heat1 in Wärmenetzen der allgemeinen Versorgung, die für den täglichen Ausgleich zwischen Nachfrage und erneuerbarer Erzeugung eingesetzt wird. Hier können allerdings auch andere nachfrageseitige Flexibilitäten eine ähnliche Funktion für das Stromsystem übernehmen. Die Analyse zeigt auch, dass die Erschließung der hier betrachteten Flexibilitätstechnologien, zum Beispiel durch den Abbau von regulatorischen Hemmnissen, bis zum Jahr 2030 für das Stromsystem von hoher Relevanz ist. Auch über die angenommenen Potentialgrenzen hinaus bieten insbesondere nachfrageseitige Flexibilitätstechnologien noch einen positiven Nutzen. Eine technologieoffene, marktbasierte Lösung zur Einbindung dieser Flexibilitäten könnte die unterschiedlichen Charakteristika, Nutzenniveaus sowie sich ändernde Rahmenbedingungen effizient berücksichtigen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Die schnelle und umfassende Emissionsminderung in der Energie- und Kreislaufwirtschaft ist der Schlüssel für die Begrenzung der Erderwärmung auf unter 2 °C. In Deutschland werden entsprechende Politiken seit den 1990er-Jahren verfolgt, allerdings erst in jüngster Vergangenheit mit dem notwendigen Nachdruck und der notwendigen Orientierung hin zu mehr Marktmechanismen. Wesentliche Handlungsfelder sind Energieeinsparung und erhöhte Energieeffizienz, Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien, Bepreisung von Klimagasen sowie eine Reduzierung und Schließung der Stoffkreisläufe. In allen Handlungsfeldern sind Grundlagen geschaffen, es bleibt jedoch der Großteil des Weges noch zu gehen, um Klimaneutralität zu erreichen. Für einen schnellen Fortschritt spielen neben der Überwindung der technischen, ökonomischen und organisatorischen Herausforderungen auch Verteilungsfragen und die Einbettung in internationale Maßnahmen eine zunehmende Rolle.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-03-12
    Description: Im Kopernikus-Projekt Ariadne wurden zufällig ausgewählte Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus ganz Deutschland in einem Forschungs- und Lernprozess zur Verkehrs- und Stromwende beteiligt. Dieser Lernprozess eröffnete neue Begegnungs- und Reflexionsräume, in denen Forschende und Bürger:innen über verschiedene Politikoptionen zur Energie- und Verkehrswende diskutieren konnten.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-04-11
    Description: Das Einzugsgebiet der Spree ist hydrologisch und wasserwirtschaftlich stark von der Entwicklung von Braunkohleförderung und –verstromung, verbunden mit Grundwasserabsenkungen, Versickerungsverlusten, Sümpfungswassereinleitungen, Kühlwassernutzung in thermischen Kraftwerken sowie Flutung ehemaliger Tagebaue, einem komplexen wasserwirtschaftlichen System und einem kontinentalen Klima geprägt. Im Projekt GLOWA Elbe wurden für das Gebiet Szenarien des globalen Wandels für den Zeitraum 2003 bis 2052 analysiert. Im Jahre 2004 war es das Ergebnis, dass das gegenwärtige System der Wasserbewirtschaftung die Folgen des angenommenen Klimawandels nicht ausgleichen kann. Nach Ablauf der ersten 20 Jahre des Simulationszeitraumes 2003 bis 2022 werden in diesem Artikel die in GLOWA Elbe und weiteren Projekten erzeugten Ergebnisse sowie die genutzten Eingangsdaten, Szenarien und Modelle hinsichtlich ihrer Übereinstimmung mit beobachteten Abflüssen bzw. Witterungsverlauf analysiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die in den Projekten genutzten Bergbauszenarien der Entwicklung bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt entsprechen, während die Szenarien zur klimatischen Entwicklung zum Teil deutlich von den Beobachtungen abweichen. Letzteres hat erhebliche Konsequenzen für die simulierten Abflüsse. Weiterhin kann gezeigt werden, dass auch in stark anthropogen überprägten Flusseinzugsgebieten die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels unter Nutzung hydrologischer und wasserwirtschaftlicher Modelle zuverlässig abgeschätzt werden können, wobei insbesondere die genutzten Klimaszenarien/-modelle eine erhebliche Unsicherheit hervorrufen. Deswegen ist es unabdingbar, in entsprechenden Klimafolgenstudien Eingangsdaten diverser Klimaszenarien/-modelle zu nutzen und die gesamte Bandbreite der hydrologischen/wasserwirtschaftlichen Ergebnisse darzustellen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-04-12
    Description: "Es gibt wissenschaftlich keine begründeten Hindernisse, die Biodiversität in ihrer Schönheit und Vielfalt zu schützen. Es bleiben nur noch sechs Jahre, um die Biodiversitätsziele bis 2030 zu erreichen. Dafür müssen wir jetzt gemeinsam anpacken." In den 10 Must-Knows aus der Biodiversitätsforschung 2024 haben 64 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ihre fundierten und vielseitigen Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus den 10MustKnows22 weiterentwickelt. Die zehn ausgewählten Schlüsselbereiche des Erde-Mensch-Systems werden inhaltlich durch relevante Publikationen von 2022 und 2023 ergänzt und mit den im Dezember 2022 verabschiedeten 23 globalen Zielen des Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) verknüpft. Den Autorinnen und Autoren ist bewusst, dass die kommenden sechs Jahre bis 2030 wesentlich sind, um mittel- und langfristig ein ökologisch nachhaltiges und sozial gerechtes Leben auf unserer Erde zu erreichen. Mit den 10MustKnows24 möchten sie durch wissenschaftlich gesicherte Empfehlungen für Politik und Gesellschaft ihren aktiven Beitrag leisten, um die sozial-ökologische Transformation zu beschleunigen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-04-18
    Description: Wohngebäude sind für 11 % der Treibhausgasemissionen in Deutschland direkt verantwortlich und für bis zu 40 %, wenn Stromverbrauch mit einbezogen wird. Um die Klimaziele gemäß dem Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz zu erreichen, ist ein höheres Ambitionsniveau der klimapolitischen Maßnahmen in diesem Sektor erforderlich. Dieser Bericht analysiert die Governance der Evaluierungsprozesse von Maßnahmen im deutschen Gebäudesektor. Wir analysieren die Rollen der beteiligten Akteure, das institutionelle Gefüge sowie die angewandten Metriken und Methoden der Evaluierungen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-06-19
    Description: Die Entscheidung für den Austausch oder Ersatz eines Heizsystems ist eine, die für mehr als ein Jahrzehnt getroffen wird. Oftmals berücksichtigen Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher dabei vor allem die einmal anfallende Einbau-Investition. Die Kosten über den gesamten Lebenszyklus sind deutlich schwerer zu ermitteln und unsicher, daher werden sie häufig zu wenig in die finanzielle Überlegung mit einbezogen. In einer neuen Analyse haben Ariadne-Forschende berechnet, wie hoch unterm Strich die Kosten für verschiedene Heiztechniken in bestehenden Wohngebäuden über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren angesichts zukünftiger Energieträgerpreise sowie der zu erwartenden CO2-Preisentwicklung sind.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 11
    In:  Warnsignal Klima: Wetterextreme schlagen zu - sie werden länger, häufiger & stärker
    Publication Date: 2024-06-20
    Description: Steigende Temperaturen, veränderte Niederschlagsverteilungen sowie häufigere und intensivere Extremwetterereignisse stellen die Landwirtschaft weltweit vor neue Herausforderungen. Insbesondere im globalen Süden ist in den kommenden Jahrzehnten mit Ertragseinbußen zu rechnen. Klimaresiliente Sorten können einen wichtigen Beitrag bei der Anpassung an den Klimawandel leisten. Es wird geschätzt, dass in Zukunft je nach Emissionsszenario 15-39% der weltweiten Anbauflächen neue Pflanzensorten benötigen. Die Züchtung einer neuen Sorte ist jedoch ein langwieriger und kostspieliger Prozess, der im Schnitt 10-12 Jahre in Anspruch nimmt. Durch neue Technologien wie Genome Editierung könnte dieser Prozess deutlich beschleunigt werden, gleichzeitig bietet die genetische Vielfalt von Landrassen und verwandten Wildarten große Möglichkeiten für die Züchtung. Im globalen Süden leisten internationale Forschungseinrichtungen sowie Gen- und Saatgutbanken einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Bereitstellung klimaresilienter Sorten. Hohe Kosten, unsichere Landeigentumsrechte, fehlender Zugang zu Märkten und Krediten stehen jedoch einer größeren Nutzung verbesserten Saatgutes entgegen. Durch Informationskampagnen, praktischer Demonstration von verbessertem Saatgut sowie finanziellen Anreizen kann ein schneller Sortenwechsel gefördert werden.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 12
    Publication Date: 2024-05-17
    Description: Die Änderungen wichtiger Klimakenngrößen wie Temperatur und Niederschlag sowie der Konzentration von Spurengasen in der Atmosphäre beeinflussen unmittelbar physiologische Prozesse in Kulturpflanzen und damit die Ernte und die Landwirtschaft insgesamt. Zudem wirken sich Klimaänderungen indirekt auf die Pflanzenproduktion aus, indem sie strukturelle und funktionelle Eigenschaften von Agrarökosystemen verändern. Zu erwarten sind sowohl negative als auch positive Konsequenzen für die deutsche Landwirtschaft. Betrachtet werden neben direkten Auswirkungen auch mögliche Folgen für Schadorganismen und Nutztiere sowie die zu erwartende Entwicklung der Agrarproduktion. Entscheidend dafür, wie diese Effekte ausfallen, sind zum einen die Art und Intensität der Klimaveränderungen selbst, zum anderen die Empfindlichkeit der jeweils betrachteten Produktionssysteme und die Implementierung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen, mit deren Hilfe sich die Folgen des Klimawandels nutzen, vermeiden oder mildern lassen.
    Language: German
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  • 13
    In:  Klimawandel in Deutschland
    Publication Date: 2024-05-17
    Description: Der Wissenschaftszweig der Klimaattribution analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen beobachteten Aspekten des Klimas und menschlichen Klimaeinflussfaktoren. Mit formalen, statistisch sorgfältigen Nachweis- und Attributionsmethoden sind globale Veränderungen im Klima unzweifelhaft nachgewiesen und erhöhten Treibhausgaskonzentrationen zugeordnet. Auch auf kontinentaler und nationaler Ebene ist dieser Nachweis für Änderungen in Temperaturmitteln sowie -extremen und manchen Niederschlagsindizes erbracht. Mit verwandten Methoden, vor allem denen der probabilistischen Ereignisattribution, werden beobachtete Ereignisse wie eine einzelne Hitzewelle oder ein einzelner Sturm untersucht. Dabei wird typischerweise quantifiziert, ob und wie sich die Auftrittswahrscheinlichkeit der Ereignisse durch den menschengemachten Klimawandel geändert hat. Attributionsergebnisse können Bewusstsein für den Klimawandel schaffen und für Fragen der Klimagerechtigkeit und möglicher Entschädigungen für Klimafolgen relevant sein.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 14
    Publication Date: 2024-05-17
    Description: In der Vergangenheit haben sich Wälder an die geringen Veränderungen des am Wuchsort herrschenden Klimas angepasst. Die gegenwärtige Geschwindigkeit des Klimawandels in Verbindung mit der aktuellen Verteilung der Baumarten überfordert jedoch die natürliche Anpassungsfähigkeit. Vegetationszonen, Verbreitungsgebiete der Baumarten und Artzusammensetzung der Wälder verschieben sich. Das Kapitel charakterisiert die Folgen, die der Klimawandel für die Wälder mit sich bringt, stellt Schadfaktoren im Einzelnen vor und schildert die Auswirkungen auf die Produktivität. Darüber hinaus wird detailliert auf die Rolle des Waldes als Kohlenstoffspeicher eingegangen, denn Wälder produzieren nicht nur den nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz, sondern sie leisten auch viel für die Umwelt und wirken ausgleichend auf das Klima. Auch mögliche Anpassungsoptionen werden dargestellt.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 15
    Publication Date: 2024-05-17
    Description: Hochwasser in Flussgebieten werden in lokale und plötzliche Sturzfluten in kleinen Gebieten und in Hochwasser an größeren Flüssen unterschieden. Für verschiedene Hochwasserindikatoren und Flusseinzugsgebiete ergeben sich erhebliche Unterschiede, wobei sowohl überwiegend aus Regen als auch überwiegend aus Schmelzwasser gespeiste Hochwasserereignisse betrachtet werden. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit finden Hochwasserereignisse in den großen Flussgebieten von Rhein, Donau, Elbe, Weser und Ems in Deutschland sowie die Entwicklung von Sturzfluten infolge von Extremniederschlägen kurzer Dauer, wobei die Beobachtungen und Trends zu Modellierungsergebnissen in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Auch die Notwendigkeit von Anpassungsmaßnahmen wird diskutiert.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 2024-05-17
    Description: Klimarelevante Naturgefahren sind auf vielfältige Faktoren zurückzuführen, deren Zusammenwirken in der Gesamtheit betrachtet werden muss. Die vorbereitenden, auslösenden und kontrollierenden Faktoren werden in unterschiedlichster Weise vom Klimawandel beeinflusst. Der Beitrag beschreibt verschiedene Arten von Dürren und damit verbundene Folgen und Risiken. Es wird diskutiert, inwieweit Waldbrände tatsächlich ausschließlich dem Klimawandel zuzuschreiben sind, wie sich der Trend bei Waldbränden in der Vergangenheit darstellt und wie sich der Klimawandel in Zukunft auf die Häufigkeit von Waldbränden auswirken könnte.
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  • 17
    Publication Date: 2024-05-17
    Description: Wasser ist für den Menschen und seine Umwelt von zentraler Bedeutung. Seine jahreszeitliche Verfügbarkeit prägt Ökosysteme wie auch Kulturen und Gesellschaften. Die Herausforderung, zu viel, zu wenig oder zu schmutziges Wasser zu bewältigen, begleitet den Menschen seit Jahrtausenden. Mit der globalen Klimaänderung verändert sich auch der Wasserkreislauf, insbesondere die Quelle erneuerbaren Süßwassers, nämlich der Niederschlag. Grund ist die mit der globalen Erwärmung einhergehende Intensivierung des Wasserkreislaufs, die zu vergrößerten atmosphärischen Energieumsätzen führt. Aufgrund der Wechselwirkung von Atmosphärendynamik und Landoberflächen sind so in manchen Regionen heftigere Niederschläge, in anderen Regionen aber entgegengesetzte Extreme, wie längere und häufigere Trockenperioden und Dürren, möglich. Die Abschätzung der zukünftigen räumlichen und zeitlichen Verteilung der terrestrischen Wasserverfügbarkeit gehört zu den zentralen wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts.
    Language: German
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  • 18
    Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    In:  Ariadne-Kurzdossier
    Publication Date: 2024-05-21
    Description: Subventionen im Verkehr, wie das Diesel- oder Dienstwagenprivileg, bedeuten negative CO2-Preise in Höhe von minus 70 bis zu minus 690 Euro pro Tonne CO2 und schwächen die Wirkungsweise der CO2-Bepreisung als wichtiges Instrument der Klimapolitik. Das zeigen Forschende des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Kopernikus-Projekts Ariadne in einer neuen Studie. Die Ariadne-Berechnungen unterstreichen, dass Deutschlands derzeitiges Steuer- und Abgabesystem im Verkehrssektor noch stark auf die Nutzung fossiler Energieträger ausgerichtet ist und so die Erreichung der deutschen Klimaziele erschwert.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
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  • 19
    In:  GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
    Publication Date: 2024-06-12
    Description: What role do socio-demographic and local environmental factors play in the perception of climate change? The article of Landwehr et al. to be discussed here presents interdisciplinary findings on this question, which are particularly interesting regarding the group of farmers. However, the findings also raise questions about the degree of abstraction of climate perception, the rigidity of social identity, the role of the media and the strategy of targeting. In the context of recent “farmer protests” and populist narratives, the author of this response concludes that future interdisciplinary research projects on climate perceptions should also analyse political variables and the relevance of populist discourses.
    Description: Welche Rolle spielen sozio-demografische und lokale Umweltfaktoren für die Klimawandelwahrnehmung? Der hier besprochene Artikel von Landwehr et al. stellt interdisziplinäre Befunde zu dieser Frage vor, die besonders mit Blick auf die Gruppe der Landwirt(inn)e(n) interessant sind. Die Befunde werfen aber auch Fragen zum Abstraktionsgrad der Klimawahrnehmung, der Rigidität sozialer Identität, der Rolle der Medien und der Zielgruppenstrategie auf. Im Kontext der jüngsten ,,Bauernproteste“ und populistischer Narrative folgert der Autor dieser Reaktion, dass in künftigen interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten zur Klimawahrnehmung auch politische Variablen und die Relevanz populistischer Diskurse untersucht werden sollten.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2024-06-14
    Description: In diesem Positionspapier zur Neubewertung der DGE-Position zu veganer Ernährung werden neben neuen Daten zur Gesundheit auch die weiteren Zieldimensionen einer nachhaltigeren Ernährung (Umwelt, Tierwohl und Soziales) betrachtet. Zur Identifizierung relevanter Publikationen wurden ein Umbrella Review und ein ergänzendes systematisches Review durchgeführt sowie weitere Publikationen berücksichtigt. Die Betrachtung der Zieldimensionen Tierwohl und Soziales zeigt, dass die bisherigen Ansätze zur Bewertung der Auswirkung von Ernährungsweisen in diesem Zusammenhang noch nicht ausreichend etabliert sind und nicht umfassend angewendet werden. Daher werden nur die Zieldimensionen Gesundheit und Umwelt in die Position einbezogen. Gegenüber anderen Ernährungsweisen wurden bei einer veganen Ernährung potenzielle Vor- und Nachteile für die Gesundheit identifiziert. Für die gesunde erwachsene Allgemeinbevölkerung kann neben anderen Ernährungsweisen auch eine vegane Ernährung, unter der Voraussetzung der Einnahme eines Vitamin-B12- Präparats, einer ausgewogenen, gut geplanten Lebensmittelauswahl sowie einer bedarfsdeckenden Zufuhr der potenziell kritischen Nährstoffe (ggf. auch durch weitere Nährstoffpräparate), eine gesundheitsfördernde Ernährung darstellen. Für die vulnerablen Gruppen Kinder, Jugendliche, Schwangere, Stillende und Senior*innen kann die DGE aufgrund der weiterhin eingeschränkten Datenlage weder eine eindeutige Empfehlung für noch gegen eine vegane Ernährung aussprechen. Aufgrund des Risikos für potenzielle, teilweise irreversible Konsequenzen bei inadäquater Durchführung müssen für eine vegane Ernährung in vulnerablen Gruppen besonders fundierte Ernährungskompetenzen vorliegen. Eine Ernährungsberatung durch qualifizierte Fachkräfte ist daher für diese Gruppen dringend angeraten. Eine vegane Ernährung ist als äußerst umweltfreundlich anzusehen, sie stellt eine empfehlenswerte Maßnahme zur Verringerung der Umweltbelastungen des Ernährungssystems dar. Unter Berücksichtigung sowohl gesundheits- als auch umweltrelevanter Aspekte ist eine Ernährungsweise mit einer deutlichen Reduktion tierischer Lebensmittel zu empfehlen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2024-06-21
    Description: Wasserstoff wird eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Dekarbonisierung von schwer elektrifizierbaren Sektoren spielen, doch die Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff steckt noch in der Anfangsphase. Aus diesem Grund wird die Nutzung von kohlenstoffarmem Wasserstoff aus nicht-erneuerbaren Quellen als Übergangslösung auf dem Weg zu einer erneuerbaren Wasserstoffwirtschaft diskutiert. Kohlenstoffarmer Wasserstoff umfasst unterschiedliche Produktionsmethoden, wie die Herstellung aus fossilen Brennstoffen mit nachfolgender Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung (CCS) oder -nutzung (CCU), sowie die Elektrolyse mit Strom aus Kernenergie. Um eine positive Klimaschutzwirkung durch den Einsatz von kohlenstoffarmem Wasserstoff sicherzustellen, müssen signifikante Reduzierungen von Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) erzielt werden. Dies sollte durch einen kohärenten regulatorischen Rahmen für die Produktion und den Import von kohlenstoffarmem Wasserstoff auf EU-Ebene gewährleistet werden. Diese Analyse gibt demnach Einblicke in den aktuellen Stand der EU-Gesetzgebung zur Produktion und zum Import von kohlenstoffarmem Wasserstoff und untersucht, ob die verbundenen Risiken und Herausforderungen für einen wirksamen Klimaschutz durch den Rechtsrahmen abgedeckt sind. Da jede Produktionsmethode durch unterschiedliche Herausforderungen charakterisiert ist, untersucht die Analyse die jeweiligen Regelungen gasbasierter Wasserstoffproduktion mit CCS, gasbasierter Wasserstoffproduktion mit CCU, sowie die Wasserstoffproduktion mit Kernenergie im Einzelnen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Empfehlungen für die Entwicklung des regulatorischen Rahmens für innereuropäisch produzierten und importierten kohlenstoffarmem Wasserstoff formuliert.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 22
    Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    In:  Ariadne-Analyse
    Publication Date: 2024-06-21
    Description: Wasserstoff ist durch seine vielfältigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten ein Schlüsselelement der Sektorenkopplung auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität. Damit Wasserstoff aber für unterschiedliche, momentan noch nicht abschließend definierte Anwendungsbereiche genutzt werden kann, sind entsprechende technologische Infrastrukturen notwendig. Diese umfassen die Produktion, die Speicherung und den Transport von Wasserstoff. Während bei der Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff konkrete Ziele formuliert wurden und auch hinsichtlich der Anwendungsbereiche deutliche, wenn auch konkurrierende Vorstellungen bestehen, sind bei der Wasserstoffinfrastruktur viele grundsätzliche Fragen offen. Vor diesem Hintergrund diskutiert diese Analyse, unbeschadet der Tatsache, dass bislang weder eine Systementwicklungsplanung noch ein abgeschlossenes Wasserstoffwirtschaftsrecht in Deutschland bestehen, wie viel „System“ und „Planung“ bereits jetzt durch Stakeholder und den einschlägigen Rechtsrahmen mit Blick auf Wasserstoff mitgedacht werden. Dabei orientiert sich die Analyse an folgenden Fragen: Erfolgt die Regulierung in Sachen Wasserstoff bereits jetzt aus der Sicht eines geschlossenen Energiesystems? Sehen die Stakeholder Wasserstoff bereits systemisch und interpretieren sie den bestehenden Rechtsrahmen zur Planung der Infrastrukturen entsprechend? Folgen die Vorstellungen der Wasserstoffinfrastruktur schon jetzt systemischen Ansätzen oder stellen sie vielmehr eine weitere sektorale Infrastruktur und Planung dar? Die vorliegende Analyse zeigt, dass Stakeholder nicht grundsätzlich einen systemischen Blick auf Wasserstoff haben und gerade bei wirtschaftlichen Akteuren teilweise eine sektorale Betrachtung überwiegt. Hier sollte beobachtet werden, in welcher Weise bei der Realisierung des seit dem Sommer 2023 vorliegenden Vorschlag des Wasserstoffkernnetzes (FNB Gas 2023), Nutzerbedarfe in die Planungsprozesse einbezogen werden. Noch weniger berücksichtigen einschlägige Rechtsvorschriften die systemische Bedeutung von Wasserstoff. Beachtenswert ist dabei unter anderem, dass die bestehenden nationalen Vorschriften zur Einführung einer Wasserstoffnetzplanung wenig bis gar keine Bezugnahme zur systemischen Funktionsweise von Wasserstoff aufweisen. Im europäischen Recht entfaltet die Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie durch das Kriterium der Zusätzlichkeit bei neu in Betrieb genommenen Anlagen hingegen durchaus eine vorgelagerte systemische Entscheidungswirkung. In der deutschen Planungspraxis könnte der systemische Aspekt dadurch gestärkt werden, dass Strom- und Wasserstoffnetzplanungen über Einzelaspekte wie Power-to-Gas-Anlagen in Zukunft von vornherein integriert angelegt werden.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 23
    Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    In:  Ariadne-Analyse
    Publication Date: 2024-06-28
    Description: Die Kommunikation zur Einführung des CO2-Grenzausgleichsmechanismus lief zwischen der Europäischen Union und Drittländern rigide und wenig koordiniert ab, so das Ergebnis einer neuen Ariadne-Analyse. Forschende untersuchten, wie die EU ihre Diplomatie dabei organisiert hat, um möglichem handelspolitischem Protest schon während der Entwicklung des CO2-Grenzausgleiches zu begegnen. Die eher reaktive diplomatische Begleitung hat den Ariadne-Forschenden zufolge möglicherweise dazu beigetragen, dem Widerstand von Handelspartnern weniger Angriffsfläche zu bieten und die Akzeptanz des Mechanismus als Ausdruck des Führungsanspruchs der EU bei ambitionierter Klimapolitik zu erhöhen.
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 24
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 25
    FrancoAngeli | Transizioni = Transitions
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 26
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il volume, muovendo dall’analisi dello stile architettonico promosso in Deccan dalla dinastia dei Bahmani (1347-1527), intende offrire uno spaccato della complessità sociale, religiosa e culturale della regione. L’identificazione di modelli e vocabolari eletti consente di ridefinire ‘scontri’, ‘incontri’ e sincretismi tra le diverse identità presenti, consolidatesi e rimodellatesi nel tempo proprio attraverso un reciproco guardarsi. Lo scenario tratteggiato e la condivisione di spazi e riti rivelano l’inapplicabilità delle categorie che generalmente dominano gli studi sul subcontinente indiano anche in ambito storico-artistico, ridisegnando la geografia sacra della regione e i rapporti tra le comunità coinvolte.
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 27
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il presente volume consiste in una miscellanea di studi su vari temi del mondo classico offerta da amici, colleghi, ed ex-allievi, a Ettore Cingano, Professore Ordinario di Letteratura Greca presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, in occasione del suo settantesimo compleanno. I contributi qui presentati coprono, con approcci metodologici variegati, una vasta area della cultura classica: dall’epica arcaica e la lirica arcaica e tardo-arcaica alla storia degli studi e alla ricezione antica e moderna della classicità, dalla poesia latina alla storia politica e del pensiero, dalla poesia ellenistica alla prosa imperiale, dalla linguistica alla metrica.
    Keywords: Evenius,Glaucus of Rhegium,Platon curapalates,Epigram,Latin Literature,Apollonios Malakos,Ass,Lyric poetry,Augustus,Poetry and religion,Herodotus,Poseidippus,Intertextuality,Didactic poetry,Hesiod,Theognis,Ancient reception,Early Greek hexameter poetry,Civil wars at Rome,Aphrodite,Metric-rhythmic variation,Corinna,Hecataeus of Miletus,Freud,Ancient readership,Hexameter,Pragmatics,Enunciation,Tragic irony,Delphic verse oracles,Magic,Alcibiades,Romance,Moirai,Oracular poetry,Epicleseis,Hellenistic,Anthropology,Homeric Hymns,Textual history,Alcman,Antigone,Hedylus,Lyric Poetry,Atalanta,Amphiaraus,Antinoupolis,Etymology,Codex,Aristophanes,Garland,Priapus,Aelian,Alexandrian scholarship,Narrative,Aeschines,Eschatology,Ritual,Dionysus,Cleopatra,Erotodidaxis,Etymologica,Epic,Programmatic,Local traditions,Pindar,Sexual meaning,Volcanism,Caesarion,Iphigenia,Dictys of Crete,Pythian Apollo,Eratosthenes’ Catasterismoi,PSI X 1174,Aspasia,Sacrifice,Ausonius,Second stasimon,Sublime,Greek Popes,Virgil,Human error,Hyginus’ Astronomica,Hesiodic Catalogue of Women,Prometheus Bound,Sicily,Socrates,Perioikoi,Pope John VII,Eumenides,Callimachus,Catalogue of Women,Poetic allusivity,Poetry,Verbal adjectives,Cyprus,Homeric hymn,Collection,Byzantine poetry,Asclepiades,Ps,μάχλος,Christian poetry,Ancient scholarship,Didymus,Dares the Phrygian,Epitaphs of animals,Ancient exegesis of comedy,Typhonomachy,Funerary epigram,Theban saga,Aristophanic scholia,Carmina Latina Epigraphica 1395,Odyssey,Text and image,Corinthian vases,Critical editions,Oxyrhynchus,Aeschylus,Curse,Plato,Commentary,Sophocles,Audience,Greek Poetry,Hermes,impersonation,Adespota,Aristocracy,Roman epic and politics,Greek Literature,Knowledge,Linguistics,Elegy,A personal anthology of modern Greek poems (from D,Frazer,Homeric model,Euphronius,Athenaeus,Venus,Boeotian dialect,Heraclides of Pontus,Carthage and Alexandria in the Aeneid,Metaphors,Antiatticist,Kitharōidia,Fragmentary poetry,Comparatives,Prose,Greek epigram,Byzantine Rome,Xenophon,Authorship,Ancient Rhetoric,Epiploke,Narratology,Aulōidia,Epithets,Longinus,Book,Tragedy,Second Sophistic,Papyrology,Trojan War,Mount Etna,Body doubles,Plutarch’s De musica,Reperformance,Inscribed Greek verse,Solon,Strabo,Rhodes,Ibycus,Heracles,Homer,Lexicography,The Greek West,Pyrwias,Folklore,Iliad,Melampous,Herodicus,Cyrene,Dancers,μαχλοσύνη,Late Latin epigrams,Parthenopaeus
    Language: English , Italian , French
    Format: image/png
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  • 28
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: L’Italia, l’altrove è una riflessione su come il cinema e la letteratura sulla migrazione ci invitano a ripensare gli spazi e i luoghi non come elementi stabili e immutabili, ma in termini di mobilità. Analizzando alcuni luoghi (la stazione Termini e i ponti nella letteratura sugli italiani americani), la costruzione di spazi nazionali in termini trans-nazionali (l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti d’America), e due modalità di attraversare lo spazio (camminare e guidare), questo intervento si propone di ripensare la cultura, l’identità nazionale, ma soprattutto quello spazio che consideriamo come «nostro» in maniera più inclusiva.
    Keywords: Representation,Place,Migration,Space,Mobility
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 29
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 31
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Strategy-making takes place in webs of socio-material practices, where agency is mediated by artifacts and actors continuously reframe the way on which they give sense to their actions and objectives. Despite agency still depends on human actors, material artifacts can play a critical role in these ensembles of practices making strategizing always open to transformation. The practices associated with the strategy formation encompass conflicting people mental models, distributed knowledge and materiality for the development of a systematic, coherent and coordinated strategic process. The activities that qualify strategy-making are multifaceted and include a more or less deliberative and routinized individual decision-making and the conscious or unconscious exploration of emerging patterns. According to a cognitive approach to strategy-making, what strategists decide is largely influenced by their different perceptual filters, which are unique, as they were formed through the specific ways of engaging with the world, and by the construction of shared meanings. This consideration puts scholars to elaborate about the use of visual artifacts to frame strategic thinking and conceptualize a shared strategic orientation. The unfolding character of strategizing process stimulates to better understand the knowledge production process that explains the epistemic nature of the process itself. In particular, it has been demonstrated that the use of visual representations supports the knowledge production during the innovation processes as it facilitate the abstraction and the concretization of innovation practices. The potential benefits of using visual representations for fostering strategizing process have not yet been analysed extensively. Few case studies reflecting on the crucial role of visual representation in the strategy process and decisions in complex setting. This study aims to fill these gaps and explores how strategy maps shape the strategic practices within Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The Italian University setting is a complex research field as it is a multivoiced domain and a rapidly changing one. A recent reform is stimulating a radical change in the management policies making the strategy processes a pluralistic and uncertain work.
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 32
    Milano University Press | Milano University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Markov chains represent a classical topic of probability theory that has a large number of applications in different areas, including mathematics, computer science, physics, biology, natural science, economics and several others. Typical examples of Markovian models concern for instance the analysis and interpretation of DNA sequences, voice recognition and the design of procedures for analysis and browsing of the web. In computer science and in particular in the algorithmic area Markov chains have been used to introduce the so-called Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, which allow us to design probabilistic approximation algorithms for solving NP-hard problems. This work presents Markov chains and their algorithmic applications in a mathematical style, with a didactic spirit. It mainly has educational purposes, and it is specifically designed for teaching these topics in Italian university courses at a master level. 
    Description: Published
    Description: Le catene di Markov rappresentano un argomento di studio classico, di carattere matematico e probabilistico, che ha trovato un grande numero di applicazioni in varie discipline, dall’informatica alla matematica, dalla fisica alla biologia e alle scienze naturali, dalla sociologia all'economia e in molti altri contesti. Esempi tipici di modelli markoviani riguardano l'analisi e l’interpretazione di sequenze di DNA, il riconoscimento di segnali vocali, il disegno di procedure di esplorazione e analisi della rete web. In un ambito informatico e soprattutto algoritmico le catene di Markov hanno dato origine ai cosiddetti metodi Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), che consentono di definire algoritmi probabilistici di approssimazione per problemi difficili dal punto di vista computazionale. Questo testo presenta le catene di Markov e alcune loro applicazioni algoritmiche in uno stile matematico con un taglio principalmente didattico, rivolto in particolare agli studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale a carattere scientifico delle università italiane. 
    Keywords: probabilistic algorithms ; finite Markov chains ; random generation ; Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods ; thema EDItEUR::U Computing and Information Technology
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2024-04-06
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 36
    FedOA - Federico II University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: The Royal Mineralogical Museum of the University of Naples Federico II can be a MAB in essence, a place where archive, library and museum coexist; for decades it was led by an illustrious mineralogist, Professor Arcangelo Scacchi, geologist and volcanologist, who also assumed the position of Rector of the University for several terms.Through the documents drawn up by the director and the correspondence held with exponents of the academic and institutional world and carefully preserved, it is possible to reconstruct not only the more than two hundred year history of the museum, but also its rich bibliographic heritage. Above all, of this, of the interweaving of purchases of minerals and books, of the studies for conservation and the idea of​​forming a "specialized" library for the use of mineralogists and of the conspicuous documentation purchased by the mineralogist for the university library, the current University Library of Naples, deals with the sources used.The transcription of the unpublished archival documents preserved both in the archives of the Royal Mineralogical Museum of the University of Naples Federico II and in the State Archives of Naples constitutes the heart of the work; especially the numerous book catalogues can shed light on the relationships of the nineteenth-century academic world.Over the years, especially in recent decades, several studies have had the mineralogy museum as their object, but perhaps for the first time the emphasis is on the library.
    Description: Published
    Description: Il Real Museo Mineralogico dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II può essere un MAB in nuce, un luogo in cui coesistono archivio, biblioteca e museo; per decenni è stato condotto da un illustre mineralogista, il professore Arcangelo Scacchi, geologo e vulcanologo, che assurse anche alla carica di Rettore dell’Università per più mandati. Attraverso i documenti redatti dal direttore e alla corrispondenza intrattenuta con esponenti del mondo accademico e istituzionale e conservati con cura è possibile ricostruire non solo la storia più che bicentenaria del museo, ma anche il suo ricco patrimonio bibliografico. Soprattutto di questo, dell’intreccio di acquisti di minerali e di libri, degli studi per la conservazione e l’idea di formare una biblioteca “specializzata” ad uso dei mineralogisti e della cospicua documentazione comprata dal mineralogista per la biblioteca dell’università, l’attuale Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli, trattano le fonti utilizzate. La trascrizione degli inediti documenti d’archivio conservati sia nell’archivio del Real Museo Mineralogico federiciano che nell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli costituisce il cuore del lavoro; soprattutto i numerosi cataloghi di libri possono illuminare sui rapporti del mondo accademico ottocentesco. Nel corso degli anni, soprattutto negli ultimi decenni, diversi studi hanno avuto come oggetto il museo di mineralogia, ma forse per la prima volta l’accento è posto sulla biblioteca.
    Keywords: Mineralogical Museum of Naples, Arcangelo Scacchi, Mineralogy, Scientific museums, University of Naples Federico II, Academic libraries, Documents ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GL Library and information sciences / Museology::GLZ Museology and heritage studies
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 37
    Firenze University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: That error could be of interest to Freemasons and Illuminati as a topic becomes evident when one sees it in the context of concepts such as prejudice, ignorance, and gullibility. The perfection of the human being was understood as the detachment from prejudices – from errors –, as overcoming ignorance and as a fight against gullibility. In 1785 there was a discussion among the Illuminati of Gotha about how one should understand error. Prince August of Saxe-Gotha transfers Voltaire’s two types of imagination to two types of errors, using the distinction made by the physicist Charles Du Fay, who distinguished resin electricity (électricité résineuse) with its negative charge from glass electricity (électricité vitreuse) with its positive charge. So August suggests that there are positive and negative errors: the positive errors are attractive, they attract. In this case the cause of error lies on our side, on the side of the subjects: because of certain defects in the knower, facts are not correctly recognized. The negative errors, on the other hand, repel: there it is due to the nature of the representations of the facts themselves, which have pitfalls or are distorted by hallucinations, that we go wrong.
    Keywords: Illuminati ; electricity ; Gotha ; pedagogy ; truth
    Language: Italian
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 39
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il volume raccoglie una serie di contributi presentati nel convegno omonimo svoltosi presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Ca’ Foscari nell’ottobre 2014; in essi si affronta il tema della rappresentazione dell’alterità negli scritti di autori e autrici del XIX e XX secolo. Il carattere poliedrico e sfaccettato della letteratura di viaggio assume in questa raccolta particolare pregnanza: i saggi, dal carattere marcatamente interdisciplinare, si incentrano infatti sia su testi attribuibili alla letteratura odeporica nell’accezione più tradizionale del termine, sia su opere che ricorrono alla nozione di viaggio in senso metaforico. Attraversa l’intera raccolta il tentativo di discutere e problematizzare il rapporto, talvolta controverso, con ciò che viene considerato l’altro da sé, a partire da una eterogeneità di voci e punti di vista.
    Keywords: Landscape,Celati,Tourist,Travel writing,Argentina,Atzeni,Italian women travellers,Visualization,Othering,Italian novel in 2000,Travel literature,Food,Female character,Zanzotto,African colonies,Journalism,Traveller,Travel Literature,Italian Postcolonial Literature,Identity,Travel,Narration,USSR,Travels and landscapes,Vittorio Sereni,Journey,Otherness,XXth century italian poetry,XXth century Italian poetry,Time,Languages
    Language: Italian
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  • 40
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: This volume, which collects the proceedings of the international study day Intersections. New Perspectives for Public Humanities, aims at shedding light on the often complicated and chaotic ‘texture’ of public humanities in order to foster a less marginal place for this field of study. The choice to focus the analysis on a selection of case studies that includes history, cultural heritage, archaeology, and literature leads to redesigning a profile whose main feature is to create bridges between specialised knowledge domains and large audiences and identifying methods and models that can make humanistic knowledge ‘actionable’ in our society.
    Keywords: Brain computer interface,History,Research,Public,Cultural heritage,Media art,Entertainment,Sustainability,Fascism,Discipline,Learning,Bolzano,Pandemic crisis,Diversity,Environmental humanities,Inclusion,De-fascistization,Public humanities,Contemporary literature,Public archaeology,Digital,Museology,Public history,20th century,Citizen science,Museum,Trieste,Teaching,Virtual heritage,Mental health,Museums,Women artists,Cultural landscape,Communities,Dissemination,University,Knowledge design,Landscape archaeology,Public History,Digital technologies,Public engagement,Venice,Digital humanities,Intersections,Architecture,Creative industries,Venice lagoon,Italy,Wellbeing,Women writers,Young people,Literary canons,Water management,Citizen-science,Collections,Cultural heritage management
    Language: English , Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 41
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il Dottorato di ricerca in Storia Antica e Archeologia, oggi confluito in quello in Scienze dell’Antichità in convenzione con Udine e Trieste, ha rappresentato, a Ca’ Foscari, un momento importante di crescita del settore antichistico con la formazione di un gruppo di giovani studiosi attivi e apprezzati in diversi settori, in Italia e all’estero. Questo volume riunisce i contributi di due seminari sviluppati dai dottorandi su temi comuni, uno relativo al ruolo delle élites, l’altro a quello del sacro, tra antichità e medioevo. È una testimonianza del lavoro svolto e curato dai dottorandi, un momento di formazione che ritrova oggi nel nuovo dottorato la sua tradizione.
    Keywords: Elite culture,Sanctuary,Élites,Altino,Sleeping Cupid,Pherse,Eurasian steppes,Funerary rituals,Corinthian, Corinthian,Etruscan mirror,Minoan Palace,Iconography,Bacchic child,Metus,Coeli,Medusa,Palazzo Pitti,Thesmophorion,Iron Age,Monumental build- ings,Kurgan,Dionysus,Social complexity,Mysteries,Religious Studies,Crete,Scythians,Status-symbol,Cristiano Grottanelli,Inscriptions,Malia,Gela,Sacrifice,Production and consumption,Elite groups,Greece,Protopalatial sites,Menerva,Religious beliefs,Roma,Early Helladic period,Deposits,Perseo,Antiquity,Prosopography,Epigraphy,Iconology,Kotylai,Instrumenta inscripta,Necropolis,Roman sculpture,Orientalia
    Language: English , Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 43
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 44
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Italian Sign Language (LIS) has been studied and taught in universities for more than twenty years. Some university research projects result in dissertations, which often remain confined to university databases. This edited volume aims at giving prominence and visibility to particularly deserving theses developed in the Master’s Program in Language Sciences at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The selected contributions delve into some under-investigated linguistic phenomena in LIS and explore interlinguistic and intermodal contact phenomena between LIS and Italian.
    Keywords: Focus marking,Referential links,Idiomatic expressions,Bimodal bilingualism,Cross-linguistic influence,Italian Sign Language (LIS),Signers,Italian Sign Language,Reference tracking,Iconicity,Deaf Culture,Non-manual markers (NMMs),Idioms,Referential chains,Signs,Spoken Italian,Sign languages,Deaf signing children,Coverbal gestures,Multimodality,Mouthing
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 46
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Quali altre parole vi aspettate che aggiunga? è una raccolta di saggi dedicata alla memoria di Alfredo Cadonna (1948-2020), filologo, traduttore e studioso delle religioni della Cina. Gli undici capitoli di questo volume, tutti a opera di suoi allievi, propongono la traduzione annotata di brani appartenenti a varie epoche e a differenti tradizioni religiose e cosmologiche, e rappresentativi di generi letterari e registri linguistici diversi. I testi qui raccolti includono scritti della Cina arcaica, brani di letteratura a tema religioso composti da funzionari letterati dell’Impero, varie tipologie di opere del Taoismo e del Buddhismo medievali e tardo imperiali ed esempi delle loro espressioni più moderne.
    Keywords: Awakening of Faith,Nortern Dipper,Poetry,Astronomy,Cosmology,Geography,Ge Hong,Spirits,Suchness,Chan,Min Yide,Neidan,Chinese religions,Shamanism,Nüdan,Zutang ji,Kan huatou,Guoyu,Longevity,China,Chinese Literature,Daoism,Critical phrase,Longmen Daoism,Wei Qumou (749-801),Daoist alchemy,Dhyāna pāramitā,Female alchemy,Heavenly Transcendent,Immortality,Caodong Chan,Qing dynasty,Baojing sanmei,Fengshui,Hanlongjing,Tiantai,Zhi,Enlightenment,Buddhist meditation,Self-cultivation,Yang Yunsong,Zhiyi (538-97),Tōzan Ryōkai,Tang Dynasty,Mythology,Tathāgatagarbha,Liu Yiming,Laiguo (1881-1953),Chan Buddhism,Beidou,Mind,Human nature,Alfredo Cadonna,Internal Alchemy,Buddhism
    Language: Italian
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  • 47
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Da molti anni le narrazioni sulla Shoah si diffondono sempre più. Esistono motivazioni etiche per questa crescente attenzione. Ma forse non sono le sole. Questo libro indaga le strutture narrative sottese a queste storie per verificare se rispondano alle esigenze dei lettori. Ne emerge un quadro preoccupante nel quale l’inaspettata liaison tra romance e Shoah rischia di trasformare la narrazione storica di un evento tragico – e tragico fino all’ineffabile – in un genere letterario prossimo all’intrattenimento. Il volume affronta questioni teoriche – la ricezione, il romance, il postmoderno – e casi specifici tratti dalla grande letteratura su questi temi – Primo Levi, Littell, Vollman, Cercas - per interrogarsi su cosa siano le narrazioni sulla Shoah oggi e cosa rischino di diventare, dopo l’ultimo testimone.
    Keywords: Narratology,Comparative Studies,Ethics,Postmemory,Romance,Contemporary Literature,Storytelling,Postmodernism,Holocaust
    Language: Italian
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 49
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 50
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 51
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: L’approccio al Medioevo, lungo più di un millennio e tutt’altro che unitario e coerente, continua a oscillare tra le due contrapposte immagini che Illuminismo e Romanticismo ci hanno consegnato. Da un lato, il Medioevo del fanatismo religioso, delle superstizioni, dello scontro fra chiesa e stato; un Medioevo oscuro, barbaro, oppressivo. Dall’altro il Medioevo della sincera devozione religiosa, delle grandi espressioni artistiche, dell’affermazione della libertà dei popoli contro la tirannia dell’Impero romano; un Medioevo luminoso, raffinato, fantasioso. Per incontrare in modo meno stereotipato il Medioevo occorre aprirsi ai linguaggi del passato, che a un esame attento rivelano dimensioni inaspettate. Se proviamo ad ascoltare le voci che ci giungono da quel tempo lontano, riusciamo forse a comprendere meglio anche il senso di quello che le attuali operazioni di riuso del Medioevo – dei vari Medioevi – cercano di dirci, non solo riguardo a quel periodo storico in sé, ma anche su noi stessi, oggi.
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 52
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Come definire la letteratura della migrazione? Attraverso una serie di casi di studio che vanno dalla Turchia alla Cina, passando per l’Armenia e l’Iran, Orienti migranti: tra letteratura e traduzione analizza ‘zone di contatto’ a metà tra più lingue e paesi, allo scopo di delineare un modello di letteratura al contempo locale e globale e che considera il migrante un tropo ricorrente della contemporaneità. Il volume è così l’occasione per intraprendere un viaggio dell’immaginazione verso est, verso un altrove linguistico e letterario che – in fin dei conti – non è poi così lontano.
    Keywords: Family identity,Garod,Language,Armenian,Ethnic identity,Qing,Memory,Migration literature,William Saroyan,City,Cosmopolitan dimension,Qiu Xiaolong,Identity,Sinophone writing,Armenian-American cultural blend,Crime fiction,Migration
    Language: English , Italian
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  • 53
    Milano University Press | Milano University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-01-18
    Description: The book collects contributions from computer scientists, jurists, philosophers, and sociologists capable of photographing the multidisciplinary approach required to understand NFTs completely and is divided into two sections. The first is dedicated to introducing the IT concepts necessary to understand the functioning of NFTs and to delve into the market dynamics from a legal perspective, starting from the economic sustainability and the techniques used to influence prices. Specific ones, such as the possibility of giving the NFTs as collateral or implementing their requisition, are added to these aspects. The second section examines the nature and use of artistic and fashion NFTs and their possible use in the Metaverse. The section opens with a philosophical reflection on the evolution of the very concept of a work of art and an artist in light of the development of NFTs. Then, it focuses on the legal and sociological aspects.
    Description: Published
    Description: Il volume raccoglie contributi di informatici, giuristi, filosofi e sociologi capaci di fotografare la multidisciplinarietà di approccio necessaria per una piena comprensione degli NFTs. La prima parte è dedicata ad un’introduzione ai concetti informatici necessari per comprendere il funzionamento degli NFTs e ad approfondire, in un’ottica giuridica, le dinamiche di mercato a partire dalla natura e sostenibilità economica delle piattaforme che li commercializzano, dalle tecniche utilizzate per influenzare i prezzi fino alla possibilità di dare gli NFTs in garanzia o attuarne il sequestro. La seconda esamina la natura e l’utilizzo degli NFTs artistici e della moda e la loro possibile fruizione nel Metaverso. La sezione si apre con una riflessione di natura filosofica sull’evoluzione del concetto di opera d’arte e di artista alla luce dello sviluppo degli NFTs per poi soffermarsi sugli aspetti giuridici e sociologici.
    Keywords: NFT ; Crypto Art ; Fashion ; Metaverse ; Gaming ; bic Book Industry Communication::L Law
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: The paper aims to give some coordinates on the dialogue between the Athenaeum and a particular school-educational experience well rooted in Florence and recognised for its merits on an international scale, namely the Scuola-Città Pestalozzi. This is a very significant case to describe the relationship between the University and the school world because Scuola-Città was born and grew up in that laboratory of ideas nourished by the synergy between the cultural, political and pedagogical circles of the city, especially those close to liberal-socialism, and those similar to the University.
    Keywords: post-World War II ; Educational excellence ; liberal socialism ; reconstruction of Italy ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 57
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: A inizio Novecento l’espansione del movimento socialista rappresentava un serio motivo d’allarme per la Chiesa cattolica, che in esso vedeva l’espressione e il veicolo di un processo di secolarizzazione interpretato come essenzialmente anticristiano. Questo volume investiga i caratteri dell’antisocialismo cattolico e le modalità concrete del suo manifestarsi, svolgendo un’analisi comparativa fra il caso dell’Italia e quello della Germania guglielmina.
    Keywords: Comparative history,Catholic antisocialism,German Catholicism,Italian Catholicism,Case study research,Secularisation ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 58
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il volume che qui vede la luce costituisce il secondo capitolo del progetto METra (Mapping Epic in Tragedy – Epica e tragedia greca: una mappatura) e contiene i contributi presentati durante il Seminario Internazionale METra 2, tenutosi a Verona nel giugno 2022. Proseguendo sulle direttrici di ricerca i cui esiti sono ora disponibili in METra 1 (Lexis Supplementi 11, 2022), questa seconda raccolta indaga ulteriori aspetti dell’eredità omerica ed epica in tragedia. Come nel volume precedente, i saggi propongono approcci disciplinari diversificati: dallo studio metrico, linguistico e stilistico all’intertestualità, dalla ricerca dell’allusione alla riflessione sull’eventuale persistenza, tra Grecia arcaica e classica, di sistemi culturali ed etico-religiosi, senza trascurare il dialogo con la modernità.
    Keywords: Persians,Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers,Parodos,Metaphor,Oratio recta,Tragic formularity,Aristocratic ideology,Epics,Funeral ideology,Modern epic,Dactylo-epitrites,Ancient Greek Thought,Anapaests,God’s will,Intertextuality,Dactyls,Gods,Homeric poems,Trojan Women,Dialogue,Ethics,Nikos Kazantzakis,Odyssey,War,τις-Rede,Aeschylus,Greek tragedy,Ajax,Epic lexicon,Tragedy and polis,Sophocles,Euripides,Funeral lament,Athena’s name,Epic language,Homer,Autocitation,Iliad,Performance,Reciprocity,Agency,Hecuba,Ulysses,Andromache,Helen,Lyric Poetry,Kunstsprache,Greek prayers,Drama,Funeral rite,Fragments,Attic tragedy
    Language: English , Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 59
    Firenze University Press | USiena Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-06
    Description: Moby Dick Rehearsed is a magnificent experiment in the style of Orson Welles, whose talent explores in depth the texture of Melville's novel in an attempt to put it on stage. The analysis shows how the play - performed in New York in 1955 - sheds light on Welles's idea of the theater as a laboratory to experiment with the possibilities of this peculiar form of entertainment. The novel's inner violence and theatrical power become evident when Welles stages a rehearsal of Moby Dick by a company of actors used to act in Shakespeare's Hamlet in 1955. The well-known influence of Shakespeare on Melville's novel emerges from the play, which became a book published by Samuel French in 1965 in New York. Its Italian translation by Cristina Viti - Moby Dick. Prove per un dramma in due atti - provides the base for Elio De Capitani's mise en scene of the play in Milan in 2022, under the title of Moby-Dick alla prova.
    Keywords: Adaptation ; violence ; rehearsal ; experiment ; performance ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATD Theatre studies
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 60
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: ‘Volontà’ discende, etimologicamente, da voluntas. Ma nell’accezione di voluntas non è più avvertita la plurivocità terminologica presente nella lingua greca. Di conseguenza la teoria dell’azione ampiamente affrontata nel contesto del pensiero classico (si pensi, tra gli altri, alle Etiche aristoteliche) ne ha risentito, finendo per risolversi, in ambito romano, in un quadro concettuale semplificato. I saggi qui raccolti hanno consentito di mettere a fuoco un vero e proprio nuovo paradigma articolato. Al suo interno si colloca una rinnovata concezione di ‘volontà’: quella che si dispiega nella moderna interpretazione dell’‘atto volontario’ e del ‘volontarismo’ tout-court.
    Keywords: Cynicism,Boulesis,Weakness of assent (asthenês sunkatathesis),Stoic psychology,Choice,Fate,Passion,Masculinity,Lucan,Power,Seneca,Original sin,Sponte,Uoluntas,Strength,Virtus,Mens,Augustine,Fortuna,Tragedy,Events,Anger,Action,Cicero,βούλησις,Audacia,Voluntas,Stoicism,Odysseus,Desire,Heracles,Will,Prohairesis,De ira,Temeritas,Historia naturalis,Epibole,Heroes,Officium,Socrates,Velleitas,Impulse,Responsibility,Gods
    Language: English , Italian , French
    Format: image/png
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  • 61
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 62
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: There is part of the children’s population who experiences, in the language- acquisition field, an unparalleled and unique phenomenon: they are youngsters who arrive in Italy through international adoption. When they arrive, they are effectively legal citizens. However, at first Italian appears to be a foreign language which, gradually, is going to become a second language and, eventually, is going to turn into a second mother tongue. This process is extremely fast but it is also painful even because, along the way, the biological mother tongue is notched and replaced by the new adopted language. Often, these youngsters display to have linguistic and communicative disorders caused, on the one hand, by the pre-adoptive conditions and, on the other hand, by the urgency to organize the new language. It is a peculiar and evocative process which entails the intersection of bonds, languages and cultural worlds which are normally distant and divergent. The choice of adoption – with its permanent traits – challenges the family, the siblings and the newcomer. Several studies have already deepened the psychological consequences which an adoption may imply, but little is known about the linguistic-communicative aspects. This publication aims to approach the linguistic and acquisitional data of the adoptive experience, in relation to the primary mother tongue and the new-secondary mother tongue. A field research, conducted in the province of Mantua, allowed us to hand out a questionnaire, to the adoptive parents, regarding the linguistic process which has affected their children once they have come in contact with our language. A reasoned vocabulary of the linguistic terms related to adoption supplies additional and operational information to teachers, educators and parents
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 63
    Firenze University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: The essay concerns the Commitment of the University Professors within the most important local Political Institutions: the Municipality of Florence and the Tuscany Region. The chronological period examined in the first case goes from 1944 to 2019; in the first case goes from 1944 to 2019. For each election, within a brief historical-political framework, are indicated the Faculty Members who have held the position of Council members (Municipal or Regional), of Councillor or of Mayor, and the respective party to which they belong.
    Keywords: Tuscany Region ; Municipality of Florence ; Mayor ; Council member ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 64
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 65
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Atti del IV Congresso della società di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa DILLE (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2-4 febbraio 2017). Il fenomeno dell’internazionalizzazione è sempre più presente in ogni sfera della vita economica, sociale e culturale del paese. In ambito educativo, l’internazionalizzazione è associata a nuove condizioni culturali e linguistiche, nuove esigenze e problemi, e i suoi effetti sono ad ampio raggio, dal momento che il fenomeno produce un impatto importante sull’educazione linguistica, sui programmi formativi per gli studenti, sulla formazione dei docenti, sull’erogazione di corsi. Dietro lo sfondo della crescente natura internazionale del sistema educativo, i contributi presentati al Congresso hanno esplorato le implicazioni per l’insegnamento/apprendimento delle lingue e per l’educazione linguistica in generale.
    Keywords: Language teaching,Multilingualism,Text meaning,Resilience,Italian as FL/SL,Discourse community,Internationalisation,Foreign university students,Language Policy,Second generation,Multiculturalism,Plurilingual communication,Academic vocabulary,CEFR,Academic Italian,Reading,Italian,Students’ perception,Interculturality,Higher Education,Italian language,Arabic,ICC,Reading skills,Linguistic and Intercultural Needs,Longitudinal studies,Authentic video,Ethnicization,Intercultural skills,Academic writing,ICT,Italian for academic purposes,Intercultural education,Italian as L2,Simplification,Study abroad,Non-formal learning,Plurilingualism,International classroom,Writing approach,Culture,Vocabulary acquisition,Lecturing styles,Listening comprehension,Multiethnic classroom,Teacher training,Language testing,Non-native speaker,Second Language,French/Spanish/German,English-Taught Programs,Key competences,Integration,Assessing initial preparation,International students,Migrant students,Italian dialects,Blogging,Competencies,Student perceptions,Proverbs,Malta,Content subject teacher,Museum learning,Oral intercomprehension didactic methods,Urban context,Literature,Mitigation,Teaching foreign languages,Self-assessment,Bilingualism,Placement test,Sociolinguistics,CLIL,Education,Higher education,Erasmus,L2 Italian,Minority language university students,Certificate in “Italian Language Teaching” DILS-PG,Academic language,EMI,Candidates,Language proficiency,Applied linguistics,Language for academic purposes,English-as-a-Foreign-Language,Bilingual education,Interlinguistic strategies,Intercomprehension among related languages,Cooperative language learning and teaching,Categorization analysis,Internationalization,Learner autonomy,Content and Language integrated learning,Literacy,Academic discourse,",Heritage language,Pragmatic competence,ICLHE,Testing academic language proficiency,Non-professional mediation,Young learners,Intercultural communicative competence assessment,Italian as a Second Language,Knowledge,Method,University students’ communicative skills,Linguistic repertoires,Teachers Training,Incidental learning,Rhetoric,Linguistic diversity,Teacher Training,Carinthia,Student mobility,Integrated curriculum,Austria,Team teaching,Intercultural communicative competence,Linguistic and cultural diversity,Language education,School,Language teacher profile,Heteroglossia,Italian L2,Scholarly interaction,Internationalization of research,Language awareness,Learners,Intercomprehension,English-medium instruction,European policies,Child language brokering,Interaction studies,Methodological innovation,Subtitles,ETP,Intercultural language education,Text,Alphabetization,Language Testing,Linguistic Landscape,International classes,Conversation analysis,Teachers training,Intercultural learning,Language competences,Romance languages teaching,Scaffolding,Intercultural communication,Skills,Immigrant languages
    Language: English , Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 66
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 67
    E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Published
    Description: Quest’opera di Karsavin, di cui si presenta qui la prima traduzione e che viene riedita per la prima volta a Mosca dopo la sua pubblicazione a Berlino nel 1923, è senza dubbio la meno fortunata tra quelle dell’autore, a giudicare dal lungo silenzio che l’ha accompagnata. Ciò naturalmente suscita qualche interrogativo, dal momento che la maggior parte degli scritti di questo autore, non soltanto quelli pubblicati all’estero, ma anche quelli già pubblicati in patria prima dell’espulsione, sono stati riediti negli anni ’90 e alcuni di essi sono stati tradotti in italiano, in francese e in lituano. Il libro su Giordano Bruno non appartiene certo alle opere minori di Karsavin, e non soltanto per l’ampiezza, ma soprattutto per l’impostazione che lo colloca nel periodo della riflessione filosofica più matura dell’autore.
    Keywords: Lev Platonovič Karsavin ; Giordano Bruno ; Russian philosophy ; Russian literature ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DT Eastern Europe::1DTA Russia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Language: Italian
    Format: application/octet-stream
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 68
    FrancoAngeli | Transizioni = Transitions
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 69
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 70
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: This book investigates the transmission of Sumerian literature to Syria and Anatolia (i.e. the Western periphery) during the Late Bronze Age. Sumerian is the most ancient language so far documented and remained for about three millennia the language of culture in Mesopotamia for its association with scribal education. With the end of the Old Babylonian period, Sumerian literary and lexical texts were disseminated to regions outside Mesopotamia. The volume, however, is not limited to the documentation stemming from peripheral sites but also includes a comprehensive study of contemporary Mesopotamian sources, i.e. Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian. Sumerian literature is best known through the Old Babylonian texts, to which countless studies were dedicated, while the subsequent period is poorly known and has been neglected by scholars for the scarcity of sources. Nevertheless, the Late Bronze Age is extremely important for the Sumerian literature because the process of selection and modification of texts that ended up in the first millennium canonization started in this period. Therefore, this book aims at filling a gap in our comprehension of the history of Sumerian literature. The primary objective of this book is the identification of the tradition of texts discovered in the Western periphery in comparison with second and first millennium Mesopotamian sources. The subject has been approached from different perspectives, taking into account philological, cultural, and historical aspects.
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 71
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Il volume contiene l’edizione critica dell’anonimo volgarizzamento della Brevis introductio ad dictamen, uno dei più diffusi trattati di ars dictaminis del Trecento, opera del maestro bolognese Giovanni di Bonandrea. Il testo, conservato da un solo codice, il quattrocentesco Riccardiano 2323, stilisticamente è modesto, ma risulta assai interessante sotto l’aspetto linguistico, in quanto testimonia della ristretta circolazione del lessico dell’ars in volgare. L’edizione è accompagnata da un’introduzione, che esamina le modalità di traduzione e i problemi attributivi e di datazione, da un commento e da un glossario dei termini grammaticali, retorici e metrici.
    Keywords: Ars dictaminis,Medieval translation,Textual studies,Rhetoric,Giovanni di Bonandrea ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Language: Italian
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  • 72
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Questo libro presenta uno studio sulle rappresentazioni di genere nel linguaggio dei telegiornali italiani con un approccio interdisciplinare che integra l'analisi linguistica con l'analisi dei media. La prima parte fornisce una panoramica del quadro teorico e di ricerca su “lingua e genere” e “media e genere”, con una breve presentazione dei modelli teorici internazionali e una rassegna commentata dello stato dell'arte a livello nazionale, che evidenzia convergenze e nozioni condivise nella prospettiva comune del “genere” nei due ambiti disciplinari. La seconda parte presenta un’analisi delle rappresentazioni femminili e maschili nei telegiornali italiani, che esplora sia le variazioni di genere nel discorso delle fonti delle notizie, sia la tematizzazione di donne e uomini nei contenuti delle notizie, basandosi su un corpus linguistico. I risultati mostrano un quadro complesso: il linguaggio giornalistico italiano diffonde ancora attivamente rappresentazioni asimmetriche e stereotipate, caratterizzandosi così come androcentrico e sessista, ma mostra anche segni di innovazione rispetto al passato. In particolare, i risultati mostrano che un linguaggio giornalistico più consapevole del genere veicola rappresentazioni più gender-fair.
    Keywords: Gender representations,Language,Sexism,Gender stereotypes,Corpus analysis,Television news
    Language: Italian
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  • 73
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il libro dei cammelli errabondi e di quelli che li radunano è composto da 175 domande di tema filologico, letterario, etico, filosofico, scientifico, di costume e dalle relative risposte. Ha la forma di un dialogo fra il letterato al-Tawḥīdī e il filosofo Miskawayh elaborato alla fine del X secolo nel clima creato dall’ambientazione della filosofia e della scienza greca nella cultura arabo islamica. Da questa opera, di cui viene presentata qui la prima traduzione integrale in una lingua europea, emerge il ritratto di un ambiente multiculturale, intellettualmente curioso e aperto, in cui è lecito per esempio, interrogarsi sul rapporto tra ragione e legge religiosa, o sul perché distruggere è più agevole che costruire, uccidere più semplice che far vivere. Se un senso ultimo si deve cercare nell’interrogare i testi, è proprio quello della conoscenza di un passato che aiuti ad aprirsi con coscienza critica al presente, perché «la gente osteggia ciò che non conosce».
    Language: Italian
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  • 74
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: […] la vita a Parigi non si descrive, puoi conoscerla solo vivendola […], le parole non servono ad alcunché quando si tratta di Parigi. Piuttosto: vai alle Piramidi – non credo tu ci sia mai stato – ed entra nella grande Piramide. Là ti sentirai mancare i sensi. Ti sentirai soffocare, e il tuo corpo si coprirà di sudore. Sentirai come se stessi portando il peso di quel mastodontico edificio addosso, e avrai la sensazione di esserne schiacciato. Poi esci dal profondo di quella piramide e incontra la luce e l’aria aperta. Sappi che la vita in Egitto è la vita dentro alla Piramide, mentre la vita a Parigi è la vita dopo che sei riemerso da laggiù.
    Keywords: Autobiographical writing,Modern Arabic novel,Ṭāhā Ḥusayn,Egyptian novel
    Language: Italian
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  • 75
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
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  • 76
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: L’esplorazione dell’arte armena iniziò nel diciannovesimo secolo grazie a storici dell’arte francesi, russi, tedeschi, finlandesi, austriaci e armeni e continuò nel ventesimo secolo prevalentemente con studiosi russi, armeni, ucraini, americani e italiani, che hanno portato all’attenzione del largo pubblico, non solo dei ricercatori, il patrimonio artistico di un territorio che supera i confini dell’attuale Armenia, e investe un’area definita Subcaucasia, termine con il quale si intende il territorio che dal Caucaso meridionale trapassa negli altopiani iranico e anatolico. L’interesse per l’arte armena, dai manoscritti miniati, ai khachkar, alle architetture, è cresciuto negli ultimi vent’anni conferendo a queste testimonianze una dimensione globale. Il volume illustra le caratteristiche, i temi e i metodi dei vari percorsi di ricerca emergenti dalle diverse tradizioni storiografiche tracciando così una mappa che aiuta ad orientarsi tra i fenomeni artistici e culturali di questo complesso territorio, fornendo diverse chiavi per comprenderli e ragionamenti utili per le future indagini scientifiche.
    Keywords: Research,Silverwork,Anatolia,Armenia,Armenian-Islamic ‘syncretism’,Bronze Age archaeology,Illustrated manuscripts,Seljuk and Ilkhanid architecture,Study trips,Armenian-Georgian architectural relationship,Armenian-Georgian cultural ties,Replica,Preservation,Armenian architecture,CSDCA Centro Studi e Documentazione sulla Cultura ,Caucasus,Icons,Armenian art,Repatriation movement,Cultural Ecology,Nakhchivan,Megalithic art,South Caucasus archaeology,Iran,Heritage,Monumentality,Milan Polytechnic University,Nikolay Brunov,Early Modern Armenian Studies,Cross-stones,Historiography,Historiograhy,Wall paintings,Textiles,Romania,CSDCA - Centro Studi e Documentazione Cultura Arme,History of art,Aleksej Nekrasov,Armenian history,Khachkar,Medieval architecture,Yovnatʽanean family,Varazdat Harutyunyan,Medieval art,Medieval Armenian art and Soviet Union,Photography,Adriano Alpago Novello,Armenian prehistory,Mikhail Babentchikov,Julfa,Dragon-stones,Architecture,Etchmiadzin cathedral,Middle Ages,Destruction,Alexey Lidov
    Language: English , Italian
    Format: image/png
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  • 77
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: This study, based on extensive archival research, sheds light on the writings attributed to the sixteenth-century sculptor Baccio Bandinelli (Libro del disegno, Memoriale) and analyses them in their historical and artistic context, while offering a portrait of the erudite activity of Bandinelli's grandson, Baccio the Younger, within the broader framework of early modern genealogical culture in Florence. ; This study, based on extensive archival research, sheds light on the writings attributed to the sixteenth-century sculptor Baccio Bandinelli (Libro del disegno, Memoriale) and analyses them in their historical and artistic context, while offering a portrait of the erudite activity of Bandinelli's grandson, Baccio the Younger, within the broader framework of early modern genealogical culture in Florence. ; La monografia esplora, alla luce di un’articolata ricerca archivistica, alcune questioni riguardanti le scritture attribuite allo scultore Baccio Bandinelli (1493–1560), la fortuna coeva e postuma dell’artista, la trasmissione e la dispersione dell’archivio di famiglia. Il volume comprende un’edizione critica e commentata sia dei frammenti del Libro del disegno, trattato autografo e idiografo del Bandinelli, sia del Memoriale, apocrifo secentesco messo a punto sotto la supervisione del nipote dell’artista, l’erudito Baccio Bandinelli il Giovane (1579–1636). Se il Libro del disegno viene inquadrato nell’ambito della trattatistica d’arte rinascimentale, con particolare riguardo al rapporto dello scultore con Anton Francesco Doni e all’influenza delle due lezioni accademiche di Benedetto Varchi sulle arti, il Memoriale è riletto, anche grazie al ritrovamento di documenti inediti, alla luce della complessa operazione di riordino archivistico e interpolazione documentaria attuata da Baccio il Giovane, riconducibile a prassi scrittorie comuni tra gli eruditi fiorentini del primo Seicento.
    Keywords: Bandinelli, Baccio ; Memoriale ; Disegno ; Baccio Bandinelli ; 16th-Century Italian Literature ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day::3MG 17th century, c 1600 to c 1699 ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day::3ML 18th century, c 1700 to c 1799 ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSK Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers
    Language: Italian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 78
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: El volumen recoge los trabajos de un grupo de hispanistas de universidades italianas y otro de italianistas de universidades españolas comprometidos con la investigación de la traducción literaria, tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como práctico, que centran su interés en el problema de la variación lingüística. En textos de distintas épocas, desde el Medioevo y el Renacimiento hasta el siglo XXI, se analizan distintos problemas de traducción que plantea el paso del español al italiano, del italiano al español e incluso del italiano al catalán, poniendo de relieve cómo el diálogo entre España e Italia sigue siendo un tema de gran actualidad.
    Keywords: Alas de fuego,Literary translation Spanish-Italian,Polyphony,Tabucchi,Laura Gallego,Fantasy,Multilingualism,Register,Spanish and peninsular varieties,〈p〉Translation,Fables,Linguistic variation,Ricard Permanyer,Colloquial language,Don Quixote,Spanish translation into Italian,Miguel de Cervantes,Young adult literature,Verbal games,Translation,Theatre,Polysystem,Sicilian dialect,Baricco,Reception of Italian Literature,Leopardi,Italian translation into Spanish,Literary Translation,Adaptation in verse,Camilleri,Canti,Literature,Italian translation into Catalan,Odo of Cheriton,Libro de los Gatos,Dialect,Moralisation,Translation strategies
    Language: Italian , Spanish
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  • 79
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il rapporto tra violenza domestica, stabilità sociale e famigliare è stato il leitmotiv che ha accompagnato i documenti ufficiali dell’iter legislativo culminato nel testo della legge contro la violenza domestica della Repubblica Popolare Cinese nel 2016. In Cina, il dibattito sul tema degli abusi sulle donne è stato avviato con la Fourth World Conference on Women tenutasi a Pechino nel 1995. Il volume si propone di riflettere sugli strumenti normativi, in particolare il divorzio e il sistema degli ordini di protezione, e sulle specificità di tali istituti nel limitare e prevenire gli abusi domestici, restituendone un’analisi socio-culturale, giuridica e linguistica.
    Keywords: Domestic violence,China,Divorce,Protection order,Law
    Language: Italian
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  • 80
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: The Jesuit textual production from the sixteenth century leaves no doubt that the Japanese evangelising enterprise was publicised as the epitome of success. Francisco Cabral, third superior of the mission, who had initially shared this judgement, in time began fearing that the mission was, instead, doomed to failure. As he perceived the loosening of the internal ties of the Society of Jesus, and the salvation of the catechumens as more and more independent of that of the Jesuits, Cabral concluded that God had abandoned the mission. This study, using little-known manuscript sources, examines Cabral’s attitudes towards his confreres and the Japanese people, to illuminate how particular salvation mechanics could define early modern Catholic missions.
    Keywords: History of Catholicism in Japan,Early modern Catholicism,Catholic soteriology,Early modern Jesuit missions,Japanese Jesuit mission
    Language: English , Italian
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  • 81
    FrancoAngeli | Transizioni = Transitions
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 82
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 83
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 84
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 85
    FedOA - Federico II University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: History Teaching in the university context is a completely unexplored field of research in Italy and for a large part also in those countries that can boast more solid traditions of studies in this research area. This is caused by the shared idea that the academic context is always a guarantee of a high quality of teaching. This work reverses this thesis and therefore aims to deeply investigate the teaching and learning of History to understand its effectiveness; in other words, this means understand whether and how the university can lead students to the development of Historical Thinking, i.e. the most important of the educational objectives concerning History. Through the comparison between Italy and Spain (one of the most advanced country in this research area), the use of a large variety of sources (including specific surveys) and a wide recognition of the Didactics of History as a discipline (with reference to its most important debate on Historical Thinking), the result is a first attempt to identify and analyze the original characteristics and critical issues of History in the higher education system which focuses on the most relevant disciplinary traditions, practices and teaching tools, and also on the complex relationship of academic History with school, publishing industry and digital.
    Description: Published
    Description: La didattica universitaria della Storia è un terreno di ricerca del tutto inesplorato in Italia, e per larga parte anche in quei Paesi che possono vantare tradizioni di studi ben più solide in questo settore, e ciò perché è comunemente accettata l'idea secondo cui l'ambito accademico sia sempre garanzia di un'alta qualità dell'insegnamento impartito. Rovesciando tale tesi, questo contributo si propone di indagare a fondo sull'insegnamento e l'apprendimento della Storia all'università allo scopo di comprenderne l'efficacia, ossia di verificare se effettivamente, e in che termini, quest'ultima sia in grado di condurre i discenti al raggiungimento del più importante degli obiettivi didattici concernenti la Storia, lo sviluppo del ragionamento storico. Avvalendosi della comparazione tra Italia e Spagna (uno dei contesti nazionali più all'avanguardia in questo ambito), dell'impiego di una grande molteplicità di fonti (tra cui figurano specifici questionari) e di un'ampia ricognizione della Didattica della Storia come disciplina e del suo dibattito di riferimento concernente le teorie della conoscenza storica, il risultato è un primo tentativo di individuazione e di analisi dei caratteri originali e delle criticità della Storia nel sistema d'istruzione superiore che focalizza l'attenzione sulle tradizioni disciplinari, le pratiche e gli strumenti didattici più rilevanti, senza però dimenticare il complesso rapporto della Storia accademica con la scuola, l'editoria e il digitale.
    Keywords: Didactics of History, University, Historical Thinking, Teaching, Learning ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Italian
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  • 86
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il volume presenta i risultati di una rierca internazionale sul fenomeno dei lavoratori vulnerabili (under24 e over55)
    Language: Italian
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  • 87
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Il volume fotografa lo stato attuale della politica linguistica italiana in relazione con quella europea, concentrandosi su alcuni argomenti di particolare interesse. È diviso in tre parti: la prima parte offre le coordinate generali sulla politica linguistica, la seconda parte si concentra su alcuni ‘percorsi’ che si stanno avviando in Italia e, per ultimo, nella terza parte, si affrontano alcune delle s de che sta affrontando la glottodidattica italiana in questo secondo decennio del XXI secolo.
    Keywords: Teaching variety-models,educational linguistics,EFL in italian schools,Mixed abilities classes,Special Educational Needs,linguistica educativa,Language education,Internationally adopted individuals,glottodidattica,Language Policy,Multilingual learning approach,Legislation,Language Education,Italian Education System,PAS,Introduzione, politica linguistica,TFA,World English,Communicative intercultural competence,Linguistic proficiency,Italian Language Acquisition,Intercomprehension,European language policies,Italian Schools Language Policy,Europe, Italy,Didactics of Culture,flipped training,Interlinguistic Intercultural mediation,Italian professional training,formazione insegnanti,European Language Teaching Associations,edulinguistica,Italy,Foreing language Teaching,Common European Framework,Early foreing language learning,Foreign Language Teaching
    Language: Italian
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  • 88
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Questo primo volume della serie Eurasiatica. Quaderni di Studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale riunisce diversi articoli dedicati al Caucaso e all’Asia Centrale. Sono regioni ampiamente distinte tra loro, ma unite al tempo stesso da numerosi vincoli storici, culturali, politici ed economici. E anche strettamente collegate alle aree circonvicine, in particolare all’Iran, alla Turchia e alla Russia. Il volume ha l’ambizione di rafforzare l’interesse scientifico verso delle regioni che oltre alla loro tradizionale importanza storico-culturale stanno assumendo una sempre più accentuata rilevanza politica ed economica.
    Language: Italian
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  • 89
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: I contributi raccolti nel presente volume delineano lo stato dell’arte delle ricerche di linguistica slava svolte recentemente nell’ambito della slavistica italiana. I saggi sono dedicati a temi di morfologia, sintassi, semantica, lessicologia, pragmatica, sociolinguistica e didattica delle lingue slave, in ottica contrastiva, sincronica o diacronica, secondo quadri teorici e approcci metodologici di scuole e tradizioni diverse. La grande varietà dei temi trattati dagli autori, non solo italiani, è la più viva testimonianza della vivacità e della ricchezza che oggi permeano lo studio delle lingue slave in Italia e non solo.
    Keywords: Current Relevance,Russian Heritage Speakers,Slovene,Deixis,Czech language,Transfer,Locational,Negative Concord,Verb,Discourse/pragmatic markers, ved', Russian-Italian,Spatial metaphor,Italian,Czech,Present gerund,Passive voice,Competing inflectional case endings,Pragmatics,Nominative case,Background knowledge,Russian Renarrative markers,Manuscripts,Indefinite article,Fixed expression,Contrastive interlanguage analysis,Verbal aspect,17th century,Aktionsart,Conjunction chot’,Supralexical prefixes,Russian,Macedonian,Semantic shift,Articles,Verbs of motion,Oblique case,Slovo,Variation,Morphosyntactic structure,Saturday Russian Schools,Phraseology,Language standardisation,Aspectual pairs,Metaphor,Meta-linguistic analysis,Bulgarian,Spatial prefixes,Dynamic modality,Italian verb ‘fare’,Negative polarity items,Zonal inclusion,Language Learning,Slovo, the prefix iz-/vy-,Female referent,Indefiniteness,Scalar semantics,Slovenian,Neologisms,Comitative,Imperfective general-factual (IGF),Resian,Ved',Derivation,Delimitatives,Areal distribution,Non-paradigmatic imperative forms,Subjunctive complements,Metonymy,Resumption,Russian as a foreign language,Linguistic gender,Word formation,Běžati,Verbal mood,Anglicism,L2 Russian,With-phrase,Alienable,Factual meaning,Location-possession,Polish,Derivational models,Heritage Languages,Nonce compounds,Semantics,Aspect,Dialects,Litoral dialect,Part-of-speech affiliation,Albanian,Natural gender,Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis,Syntactic idioms,Truthfulness,Vocabulary articles,Learner corpus,Grammaticalization,Romance languages,Syntactic environment,Corpus-based contrastive analysis,Evidentiality,Resultative constructions,Relative Introducers,Croatian,Morphosyntax,Ukrainian,Linguistic minorities,Verbal lexicon,Minimizers,Tense,Negative indefinites,Old-Russian language,Discourse/pragmatic markers,Bilingualism and Migration,Contrastive studies,Morphology,Slavic languages,Perfective,Language planning,Past gerund,Slavic aspect,Evaluation,Present participle,Secondary borrowing,Negation,Irrealis,Predicative possession,Syntax,Non-past,Actionality,Distance,Intensification,Internet linguistics,Support (light) verb constructions,Productivity,Gradual verbs,Russian-Italian contrastive analysis,Inalienable,Contemporary Russian,Corpus,Modal logic,Modality of strong obligation,Linguistic coding,Taboo words,Restrictive/non-restrictive,Vocative case,Emotion verbs,International recognition,The prefix iz-/vy-,Deadjectival verbs,Grammatical aspect,Clausal mood,Translation,Causation,Language Acquisition,Relative Clauses,Derogatory words,Intercomprehension,Slavonic,Mood and modality,Suffixation,Telicity,Parallel corpora,Prepositions,Analogy,Neologism,Causative verbs,Neosemy,Lexicography,Discontinuous past,Prefixes,Molise Slavic,Colloquial Slovenian,Iintensification,Early East Slavic language,Preposition,Semantic Roles,Numeral one,Mood and moality,Aorist,Perfect,Slavic languages (Serbian, Polish, Bulgarian),Etiquette formulas
    Language: Russian , English , Italian
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  • 90
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
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  • 91
    punctum books
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: Who wants to champion the figure of Don Giovanni in the time of Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo? Don Giovanni is a rapist, murderer, serial seducer, and liar. Can he ever be held up as a role model or seen as a figure to be enjoyed? This is the task that the eminent Italian historian and lifelong feminist, Luisa Passerini, sets for herself in In Defense of Don Giovanni. As she developed the long arc of her distinguished career, Don Giovanni surprisingly became not only her role model but also a secret object of research. Taking her method from oral history, Passerini creates a series of characters with whom she discusses the forms and incarnations of the myth of Don Giovanni across time, from its first appearance in early medieval Spain and Commedia dell’Arte to its many European variations and its transposition to the colonial and postcolonial world in the Middle East, the Americas, and Africa. Pivoting round Don Giovanni’s best known incarnation in Mozart’s opera, Passerini and her interlocutors meet in different locations from Venice and Bern to Paris and Turin. They discuss plays, films, and operas and talk about art, novels, and psychoanalytic interpretations of the myth while also sharing their own life stories, in which Don Giovanni often plays a part that is, by turns, destructive, mischievous, and full of the joy of life. From his early beginnings in the Iberian Peninsula to recent analysis of the sexuality of colonial conquest and postcolonial revenge and return, Don Giovanni shape-shifts between rapacious hypermasculinity, comic trickster, and morally vacuous loser whose annoyingly persistent nemesis Don Ottavio emerges as an alternative and ultimately better object of desire. As she tracks Don Giovanni’s image across the world and through the centuries, however, Passerini comes to see that it also plays another role, that of a mirror, in which women can see themselves emerge as individuals with their own life force.
    Keywords: Don Giovanni;opera;mythobiography;literary studies;autotheory;feminism;Paul Klee ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVL Music: styles and genres::AVLF Opera ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups::JBSF1 Gender studies: women and girls::JBSF11 Feminism and feminist theory
    Language: English , Italian
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  • 92
    FrancoAngeli | Transizioni = Transitions
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
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  • 93
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: This volume include essays originally delivered at the international workshop Italy, Europe, China: Economic, Political and Cultural Relations During the Cold War Years (1949-1971) held at the Department of Asian and African Studies of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on 13th-14th February 2014 as well as invited research papers by two international outstanding scholars who have made valuable contributions to the study of China’s foreign policy and engagement in the ’50s and ’60s. The book illustrates recent trends in international research on China-Western Europe relations in the years of intense Cold War, complicating the long-held image of Mao-era China as sealed off from the outside world.
    Keywords: CCP,Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft,French foreign policy,Foreign experts,Devaluation,China’s Communist Youth League,Sino-Italian Relations,German business,Twentieth century,Foreign policy,Mao Zedong,Velio Spano,Chinese Communist Party,China,China-Italy relations,Review article,Federal Republic of Germany,Riots,People’s Republic of China,Cold war,Cold War,Cold War years,Mao era,East-West Trade,European residents,Word Federation of Democratic Youth,1949 China,Chinese scholars,Hong Kong,International economic relations,China National Import & Export Corporation,Chinese Committee for the Promotion of Internation,European students,United States,Bruno Bernini,ICP,Italy,Recognition,Sterling,China National Import &amp ; Export Corporation,PRC,COCOM
    Language: English , Italian
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  • 94
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
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  • 95
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
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  • 96
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: Nel 1968 fu pubblicata la prima edizione completa della Bibbia cattolica in lingua cinese. Gli autori della traduzione erano i membri dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Sinense, l’istituto biblico fondato nel 1945 a Pechino dal francescano Padre Gabriele Allegra, che aveva inaugurato il progetto e scelto i suoi primi collaboratori. Questo volume approfondisce la formazione e il ruolo dei francescani cinesi coinvolti nella traduzione e delinea l’attività degli stessi nella successiva fondazione della Vicaria e della Provincia francescana cinese (1970, 1989). Viene presentata in dettaglio la figura di Padre Ludovico Liu Xutang, membro dello Studio Biblico e primo Vicario nel 1970. La traduzione del volumetto Huainian Liu Xutang shenfu consente di vedere concretizzati gli impegni di Padre Liu nelle attività bibliche dello Studio, nell’erezione della Provincia Reginae Sinarum e nella ripresa dei contatti con i cattolici della Cina continentale, e offre al lettore una raccolta di testimonianze dirette sulla vita del francescano.
    Keywords: Missions in China,Chinese Bible,Liu Xutang,Sigao Shengjing,Studium Biblicum Version,Gabriele Allegra,Catholicism in China,Chinese Franciscans
    Language: Italian
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  • 97
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-02-22
    Description: La conoscenza della grammatica dei versi, che ha toccato il suo più alto livello speculativo con la teoria di al-Halıl ibn Ahmad nell’VIII secolo, è il cuore segreto della poesia araba – mai finora sistematicamente scrutato – di cui nel corso dei secoli si sono nutrite le sfide e le dispute dei poeti e dei loro critici. A partire dalla lettura dei trattati di metrica medievali, viene qui offerto il quadro storico della disciplina versificatoria e la ricostruzione dei suoi fondamenti tecnici, cui segue l’analisi di ciascuno dei sedici metri e infine l’esame dei modi in cui si compone la rima.
    Language: Italian
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  • 98
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
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  • 99
    Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: La metafora è una componente fondamentale di ogni linguaggio, e in particolare di quello poetico. Nel Medioevo si sviluppano ampie riflessioni sugli usi propri della lingua, gli ornamenti stilistici e i vari significati di un testo. Dante si appropria di queste elaborazioni teoriche per legittimare il proprio uso del linguaggio figurato e per dar vita a un articolato sistema di metafore che rinnovano la lingua, realizzano complesse strategie discorsive e istituiscono fitte reti di connessioni. Questo volume si propone di intrecciare una storia delle teorie medievali sul linguaggio figurato con un esame delle riflessioni dantesche e con un’analisi multifocale delle metafore della Commedia.
    Keywords: Figurative language,Metaphor,Linguistics,Dante,Stylistics,Medieval rhetoric ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Language: Italian
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  • 100
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The volume, dedicated to the 44th International Conference of the Italian Union for Drawing, investigates the theme of ‘Transitions’, which particularly effectively represents our time and the current condition of the discipline of Drawing. The term, beyond its generic meaning of an intermediate stage in a process in which a condition changes from one state to another, has always been used in various fields, from music to geophysics. In fact, the disciplines of drawing have always been confronted with themes and issues relating to transitions from one condition to another. The history of representation tells us of transformations, even epochal ones, relating to ‘drawing’, with all that such transitions entail: suffice it to think of the evolution of forms of representation, of instrumental apparatuses, of the mutability of supports, of the analogical-digital transition underway, of the new modes of communication on platforms, of the hypertrophic offer of images also on the net that confirms Guy Debord’s intuitions relating to the new spectacularisation of society. Similarly, representation triggers transitions in the prefiguration and communication of design, the anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.The challenges posed by the digital pose open questions whose scope can only be glimpsed, such as the relationship between drawing and the act of modelling, and the construction of new paradigms of visual language and communication. ‘Transitions’, almost implicitly, points to possible futures, the evolution of technique and the search for new modes of expression; at the same time, however, it can suggest silences and reflections in a process of connection between history, theory, criticism and construction.
    Keywords: Transitions ; Cross ; Modulate ; Develop ; Drawing ; Science of Representation ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TB Technology: general issues::TBG Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGZ The Arts: techniques and principles
    Language: Italian , English , Spanish
    Format: image/jpeg
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