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  • 1
    Call number: MOP 19538/1d-6d
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 111 S.
    ISSN: 0486-2287
    Language: Undetermined
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 2
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Madrid : Secc
    Call number: PIK N 456-17-90913
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 536 Seiten
    Series Statement: Ministerio de Transportes Turismo Y Comunicaciones : Publicación Serie A 114
    Parallel Title: 1,1=6; 2,1=13 von Publicaciones / D / Ministerio del Aire, Subsecretaria de Aviación Civil, Servicio Meteorológico Nacional
    Language: Spanish
    Location: A 18 - must be ordered
    Branch Library: PIK Library
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  • 3
    Monograph non-lending collection
    Monograph non-lending collection
    Leiden : Nijhoff ; 1.2009 -
    Call number: IASS 17.92082
    Type of Medium: Monograph non-lending collection
    ISSN: 1876-8814
    Language: English
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
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  • 4
    Call number: PIK N 453-17-91096
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 50 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    Language: German
    Location: A 18 - must be ordered
    Branch Library: PIK Library
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  • 5
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeorolog. Izd.
    Call number: MOP 33767
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 663 S.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr., russ.
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 6
    Call number: 3/S 07.0034(2017)
    In: Annual report
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 51 Seiten
    ISSN: 1865-6439 , 1865-6447
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Parallel Title: Annual report ... / Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
    Language: English
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 7
    Call number: S 90.0066(162,1)
    In: Geologisches Jahrbuch / A
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 261 Seiten , Ill., 1 DVD-ROM (12 cm) und 1 Tafel-Beil. ([2] S.)
    ISBN: 9783510968534
    Series Statement: Geologisches Jahrbuch 162
    Engineering Geophysics
    Language: German
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 8
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Stuttgart : Schweizerbart Science Publishers ; Volume 1, number 1 (1978)-
    Call number: M 18.91571
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 134 Seiten
    ISSN: 2363-7196
    Series Statement: Global tectonics and metallogeny : special issue Vol. 10/2-4
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Global tectonics and metallogeny
    Language: English
    Location: Upper compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 9
    Journal available for loan
    Journal available for loan
    München : Altop Verlag ; 2007 -
    Call number: Z 19.92410
    Type of Medium: Journal available for loan
    Pages: 30 cm
    ISSN: 1865-4266
    Former Title: Vorg. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in Deutschland
    Language: German
    Note: Ungezählte Beil. ab 2010: Special , Ersch. jährl. 4x
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 10
    Call number: AWI G6-19-92375
    In: Berichte / Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Nr. 9
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 278 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISSN: 0175-9302
    Series Statement: Berichte / Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Geowissenschaften 9
    Language: English
    Note: Zugleich: Dissertation, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 1999 , INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1. Einleitung 1.1 Kenntnisstand und offene Fragen 1.2 Fragestellung und Ziele dieser Arbeit 2. Umweltbedingungen in den Arbeitsgebieten 2.1 Hydrographie, Eisverhältnisse und NAO 2.2 Zur Variation von Wassertiefe und Breite der Dänemarkstraße und zur Vereisung Islands während des letzten Glazials 3. Methoden 3.1 Auswahl der Kernstationen 3.2 Probennahme und Analysen (Übersicht) 3.3 Zur Rekonstruktion von Paläobedingungen im Oberflächenwasser Zur Aussage stabiler Isotopenverhältnisse in planktischen Foraminiferen Zur Messung stabiler Isotopenverhältnisse Zur Massenspektrometrie Zur Rekonstruktion von Oberflächentemperaturen Alkane und Alkohole als Maß für Staubeintrag Eistranspmtiertes Material und vulkanische Aschen 3.4 Zur Rekonstruktion von Paläobedingungen im Zwischen-/ Tiefenwasser Häufigkeit von Cibicides- und anderen benthischen Arten (inkl. Taxonomie) Stabile Isotopenverhältnisse in benthischen Foraminiferen 3.5 AMS 14C-Datierungen Probenreinigung 3. 6 Hauptelementanalysen von vulkanischen Asche-Leithorizonten 3. 7 Geomagnetische Meßgrößen und magnetische Suszeptibiltät 3.8 Techniken zur Spektralanalyse 4. Methodische Ergebnisse 4.1 Zum Einfluß der Probenreinigung auf δ18O-/ δ13C-Werte 4.2 Probleme bei der langfristigen Reproduzierbarkeit von δ18O-Zeitreihen 4.3 Einfluß der Korngröße und Artendefinition planktischer Foraminiferen auf SST-Rekonstruktionen in hohen Breiten 4.4 Vergleich der stabilen Isotopenwerte von Cibicides lobatulus und Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi 5. Stratigraphische Grundlagen und Tiefenprofile der Klimasignale 5.1 Stratigraphische Korrelation zwischen parallel-gekernten GKG- und SL-/KL-Profilen 5.2 Flanktische δ18O-/ δ13C-Kurven, 14C-Alter und biostratigraphische Fixpunkte Westliches Islandbecken Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 Kern PS2647 Kern 23351 Vøring-Plateau Kern 23071 Kern 23074 5.3 Benthische δ18O-/ δ13C-Werte in Kern PS2644 5.4 Siliziklastische Sedimentkomponenten: Eistransportiertes Material Westliches Islandbecken Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 Kern PS2647 Vøring-Plateau Kern 23071 Kern 23074 5.5 Vulkanische Glasscherben in Kern PS2644: Wind- und Eiseintrag 5.6 Geochemie und Alter einzelner Tephralagen als Leithorizonte Westliches Islandbecken Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 Kern PS2647 Vøring-Plateau Kern 23071 Kern 23074 5.7 Magnetische Suszeptibilität in den Kernen PS2644, PS2646 und PS2647 Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 und PS2647 5.8 Geomagnetische Feldintensität und Richtungsänderungen in Kern PS2644 5.9 Variation von Planktonfauna und -flora Westliches Islandbecken: Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 und PS2647 Vøring-Plateau: Kern 23071 und 23074 5.10 Benthische Foraminiferen in Kern PS2644 6. Entwicklung von Temperatur und Salzgehalt nördlich der Dänemark-Straße 6.1 Variation der Oberflächentemperatur nach Planktonforaminiferen 6.2 Variation der Oberflächentemperatur nach Uk37 6.3 Variation der Oberflächensalinität 7. Die Feinstratigraphie von Kern PS2644 als Basis für eine Eichung der 14C-Altersskala 22 - 55 ka 7.1 Korrelation zwischen den Klimasignalen in Kern PS2644 und der GISP2-Klimakurve zum Kalibrieren der 14C-Alter und Erstellen eines Altersmodells Tephrachronologische Marker Korrelationsparameter und -regeln Sonderfälle/ Probleme bei der Korrelation 7.2 Alters-stratigraphische Korrelation der Klimakurven von Kern 23071 und 23074 7.3 Variation der Altersanomalien zwischen 20 und 55 14C-ka 7.4 Variabilität des planktischen 14C-Reservoiralters in Schmelzwasserbeeinflußten Seegebieten Variation der planktischen 14C-Alter unmittelbar an der Basis von Heinrich-Ereignis 4 Unterschiede zwischen planktischen und benthischen 14C-Altern in der westlichen Islandsee. Zur Erklärung der inversen Altersdifferenzen 7.5 Differenz zwischen 14C- und Kalenderalter: Zeitliche Variation unter Einfluß des Erdmagnetfeldes - Modell und Befund 7.6 Sedimentationsraten der Kerne 23071, 23074 und PS2644 nach dem GISP2-Altersmodell Vøring-Plateau: Kerne 23071 und 23074 Südwest-Islandsee: Kern PS2644 8. Klimaoszillationen im Europäischen Nordmeer in der Zeit und Frequenzdomäne 8.1 "Der Einzelzyklus" in den Klimakurven von Kern PS2644 8.2 Zur Veränderlichkeit der Warm- und Kaltextreme sowie Zyklenlänge Besonderheiten in der Zyklenlänge Variation der Kalt-(Stadiale) Variation der Interstadiale 8.3 Periodizitäten der Klimasignale im Frequenzband der D.-Oe.-Zyklen. Der D.-Oe.-Zyklus von 1470 J., seine Multiplen und harmonischen Schwingungen Weitere Frequenzen: 1000-1150 Jahre- und 490- 510 Jahre-Zyklizitäten Höhere Frequenzen im Bereich von Jahrhunderten und Dekaden 8.4 Phasenbeziehungen und (örtliche) Steuemngsmechanismen der Dansgaard-Oeschger-Zyklen 9. Schlußfolgerungen Danksagung Literaturverzeichnis Anhang
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 11
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: Bände (Loseblattsammlung)
    ISBN: 9783963144509 , 3963144505
    Subsequent Title: Fortsetzung von EnEV und Energieausweise ...
    Language: German
    Branch Library: PIK Library
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  • 12
    Call number: IASS 22.95033
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 378 S , 225 mm x 135 mm
    ISBN: 3899421876 , 978-3-89942-187-3
    Series Statement: Edition panta rei
    Language: German
    Note: Zugl.: Marburg (Lahn), Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2004 u.d.T.: Gutmann, Mathias: Die Medialität des Erfahrens
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 13
    Journal available for loan
    Journal available for loan
    Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck ; 1.1884 - 48.1931; N.F. 1.1932/33 - 10.1943/44(1945),3; 11.1948/49(1949) -
    Call number: ZS 22.95039
    Type of Medium: Journal available for loan
    Pages: Online-Ressource
    ISSN: 1614-0974 , 0015-2218 , 0015-2218
    Language: German
    Note: N.F. entfällt ab 57.2000. - Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar , Ersch. ab 2000 in engl. Sprache mit dt. Hauptsacht.
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 14
    Call number: AWI A3-20-93434
    In: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin, Band XXXII, Heft 1
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 121 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin 32,1
    Language: German
    Note: Zugleich: Dissertation, Freie Unversität Berlin, [ca. 1963] , INHALTSVERZEICHNIS PROBLEMSTELLUNG UND ZIELSETZUNG 1. BEMERKUNGEN ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSGELÄNDE UND ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSMATERIAL 1.1 Das Beobachtungsgelände 1.2 Das Beobachtungsmaterial 2. HOMOGENITÄTSBETRACHTUNGEN 2.1 Temperatur 2.2 Niederschlag 2.3 Wind 2.4 Sonnenschein und Bewölkung 3. TEMPERATURVERHÄLTNISSE 3.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 3.2 Tageswerte 3.3 Pentadenwerte 3.4 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 3.5 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 3.6 Der tägliche Gang 3.7 Vorkommen bestimmter Schwellenwerte 3.71 Frost- und Eistage 3.72 Sommer- und Tropentage 4. DER WASSERGEHALT DER LUFT 4.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 4.2 Tageswerte 4.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 4.4 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 4.5 Der tägliche Gang 5. BEWÖLKUNGSVERHÄLTNISSE 5.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 5.2 Tageswerte 5.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 5.4 Der tägliche Gang 5.5 Heitere und trübe Tage 5.6 Nebel 6. SONNENSCHEIN 6.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 6.2 Tageswerte 6.3 Der tägliche Gang 7. NIEDERSCHLAGSVERHÄLTNISSE 7.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 7.2 Niederschlagsbereitschaft 7.3 Tageswerte 7.4 Der tägliche Gang 7.5 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 7.6 Niederschlags- und Trockenperioden 7.7 Niederschlag und Wind· 7.8 Schneeverhältnisse 7.81 Schneefall und Schneedecke 7.82 Schneehöhe 7.9 Gewitter 8. WINDVERHÄLTNISSE 8.1 Windrichtung 8.2 Windgeschwindigkeit 8.21 Der jährliche Gang 8.22 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 8.23 Sturmtage und Windstillen 8.24 Der tägliche Gang 9.ZUSAMMENFASSUNG VERZEICHNIS DER TEXTTABELLEN VERZEICHNIS DER ABBILDUNGEN LITERATURVERZEICHNIS TABELLENANHANG
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 15
    Call number: AWI A3-20-93434-2
    In: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin, Band XXXII, Heft 2
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 218 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin 32,2
    Language: German
    Note: Zugleich: Dissertation, Freie Unversität Berlin, [ca. 1963] , INHALTSVERZEICHNIS PROBLEMSTELLUNG UND ZIELSETZUNG 1. BEMERKUNGEN ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSGELÄNDE UND ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSMATERIAL 1.1 Das Beobachtungsgelände 1.2 Das Beobachtungsmaterial 2. HOMOGENITÄTSBETRACHTUNGEN 2.1 Temperatur 2.2 Niederschlag 2.3 Wind 2.4 Sonnenschein und Bewölkung 3. TEMPERATURVERHÄLTNISSE 3.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 3.2 Tageswerte 3.3 Pentadenwerte 3.4 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 3.5 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 3.6 Der tägliche Gang 3.7 Vorkommen bestimmter Schwellenwerte 3.71 Frost- und Eistage 3.72 Sommer- und Tropentage 4. DER WASSERGEHALT DER LUFT 4.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 4.2 Tageswerte 4.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 4.4 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 4.5 Der tägliche Gang 5. BEWÖLKUNGSVERHÄLTNISSE 5.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 5.2 Tageswerte 5.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 5.4 Der tägliche Gang 5.5 Heitere und trübe Tage 5.6 Nebel 6. SONNENSCHEIN 6.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 6.2 Tageswerte 6.3 Der tägliche Gang 7. NIEDERSCHLAGSVERHÄLTNISSE 7.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 7.2 Niederschlagsbereitschaft 7.3 Tageswerte 7.4 Der tägliche Gang 7.5 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 7.6 Niederschlags- und Trockenperioden 7.7 Niederschlag und Wind· 7.8 Schneeverhältnisse 7.81 Schneefall und Schneedecke 7.82 Schneehöhe 7.9 Gewitter 8. WINDVERHÄLTNISSE 8.1 Windrichtung 8.2 Windgeschwindigkeit 8.21 Der jährliche Gang 8.22 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 8.23 Sturmtage und Windstillen 8.24 Der tägliche Gang 9.ZUSAMMENFASSUNG VERZEICHNIS DER TEXTTABELLEN VERZEICHNIS DER ABBILDUNGEN LITERATURVERZEICHNIS TABELLENANHANG
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 16
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Garmisch-Partenkirchen : Institut für atmosphärische Umweltforschung der Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft
    Call number: MOP 44829 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 25 S. , graph. Darst.
    Language: English
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 17
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    [Edgecumbe, N.Z.] : A. Muller
    Call number: M 15.89146
    Description / Table of Contents: An account of the results of the 2 March 1987 earthquake in the eastern Bay of Plenty and the aftermath's effects on the people and places on the Rangitaiki Plains
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 223 S., , Ill.
    Language: English
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 18
  • 19
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    London : Penguin Books
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    ISBN: 9780141985206
    Language: English
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 20
    Call number: (DE-599)GBV03709842X
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Language: German
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 21
    Call number: Z 06.0500
    Type of Medium: Journal available for loan
    Pages: 30 cm
    ISSN: 1824-7741
    Former Title: Vorgänger Geologisch-paläontologische Mitteilungen, Innsbruck
    Language: German
    Note: Ersch. unregelmäßig , Beiträge teilweise in Englisch
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 22
    Call number: IASS 15.89494
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: Losebl.-Ausg.
    Edition: Stand: Oktober 2010
    ISBN: 9783768501828
    Language: German
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 23
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Physics Letters B 294 (1992), S. 466-478 
    ISSN: 0370-2693
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Physics
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 24
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Physics Letters B 317 (1993), S. 474-484 
    ISSN: 0370-2693
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Physics
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 25
    Publication Date: 2024-12-11
    Description: Die riffogenen Kalke des Tithons stellen ein neues Ziel der geothermischen Exploration im Raum München dar. Nachdem aus mehreren Bohrungen nur Spülproben und wenige Schußkerne vorliegen, ist eine Bohrung, in der Kerne gewonnen wurden, von besonderem Interesse, um die fazielle und diagenetische Entwicklung der Tithon-Karbonate besser erfassen zu können. In der Bohrung Utting-1 wurden Karbonatgesteine des Tithons in drei Kernstrecken im Teufenbereich von 2689 m bis 2743,3 m mit einer Mächtigkeit von 54,3 m (Kernverlust ca. 8 m) erfasst. Die vorhandenen 46,1 m wurden mit 57 petrographischen Dünnschliffen belegt. Die untersuchte Folge ist von Spalten durchsetzt, in denen detritische Quarze und feine Quarz-Sande infiltriert sind, die von der Basis der tertiären Bausteinschichten stammen. In den frühdiagenetisch verfestigten Kalksteinen (Riffschutt) treten Partikel- und Gesteins-Lösungsporen unterschiedlicher Größe auf (bis 4 cm). Ihre Bildung kann auf eine lange Phase tiefgreifender Verkarstung während der Kreidezeit zurückgeführt werden. Die ab dem Eozän erfolgte Kippung der Süddeutschen Großscholle von etwa 40 nach SE bewirkte, dass westlich und nördlich der Bohrung Utting-1 tithonische Sedimentgesteine nicht mehr erhalten sind, während diese östlich und südöstlich im Bereich von München als Liegendes des Purbeck auftreten. Die Folge wird von Globigerinenmergeln des Fischschiefers diskordant überlagert. Die Karbonatsedimente des Tithon zeigen Ablagerungen in 10 Oben-Grob-Zyklen von 5–6 m Mächtigkeit, die jeweils als Entwicklung von nieder- zu höher energetischen Bedingungen aufgrund zyklischer Meeresspiegels-Verflachung interpetiert werden. Dabei zeigen sieben gut ausgebildete Zyklen meist die Entwicklung von Wackestones an der Basis über Schwamm-führende Floatstones und Packstones im mittleren Bereich hin zu Packstones, Grainstones und Rudstones (Korallen, Hydrozoen, Gastropoden, Austern) im oberen Bereich. Die Zyklen können durch Einschaltungen von Ooid-, Onkoid- und Intraklast-reichen Packstones-Grainstones episodisch unterbrochen sein. Vertikale Übergänge von einer Schwamm-reichen Massenfazies über Ooid-reiche Sedimente zu einer Onkoid-reichen Korallenfazies (Stbre. Saal und Oberau, Malm Delta bis Zeta 2), wie sie in Aufschlüssen der Südlichen Frankenalb zu finden sind, fehlen im Tithon der Bohrung Utting-1. Auch eine mächtige Hydrozoen-Korallen-Fazies (Stbr. Marsching, Malm Zeta 2) oder gar eine Riffkern-Fazies mit assoziierter Schutt-Fazies (Stbr. Laisacker; Malm Zeta 3) kann nicht nachgewiesen werden. Daher kann die tithonische Sedimentabfolge in der Bohrung Utting-1 nur als Sedimentschüttung (Grain Flows, Debris-Flows) in ein Becken interpretiert werden, in dem eine niederenergetische Hintergrund-Sedimentation herrschte. Die Schüttungen mit rasch wechselnden Faziestypen kamen von einer Karbonatplattform und dem oberen Hangbereich des Beckens von unbekannter Entfernung und Ausdehnung. Eine genauere Angabe ist aufgrund der kleinräumigen Information aus der Bohrung Utting-1 nicht möglich. Die hohe Gesteins-Lösungsporosität in vielen Bereichen der Folge kann nur durch tiefgreifende Verkarstung von der Oberfäche während der Kreidezeit erfolgt sein. Dabei können lokal auch primäre Partikel-Lösungsporen und Kluft-Poren als Ausgangspunkt für die Erweiterung zu Gesteins-Lösungsporosität interpretiert werden.
    Description: The reefal limestones of the Tithonian represent a new target for geothermal exploration in the Munich area. Since most wells have yielded only cuttings and a few sidewall cores, a well with recovered cores is of particular interest to better understand the facies and diagenetic evolution of the Tithonian carbonates. In the Utting-1 well, Tithonian carbonate rocks were encountered in three cored intervals at depths ranging from 2689 m to 2743.3 m, with a thickness of 54.3 m (core loss approximately 8 m). The available 46.1 m were analyzed using 57 petrographic thin sections. The examined sequence is traversed by fractures filled with detrital quartz and fine quartz sands, which originated from the base of the Tertiary Baustein beds. Early diagenetically lithified limestones (reef debris) display solution porosity and dissolution features of varying sizes (up to 4 cm). Their formation can be attributed to a prolonged phase of deep karstification during the Cretaceous period. The tilting of the South German massif by about 40 degrees to the southeast, starting in the Eocene, resulted in the erosion of Tithonian sedimentary rocks to the west and northwest of the Utting-1 well, while they are preserved to the east and southeast in the Munich area as the substratum of the Purbeck Formation. The sequence is unconformably overlain by Globigerina marls from the Fish Shale. The Tithonian carbonate sediments exhibit deposition in 10 upward-coarsening cycles of 5 to 6 m thickness, interpreted as resulting from cyclic shallowing events due to changes in sea level. Seven well-developed cycles typically show a transition from wackestones at the base, through sponge-bearing floatstones and packstones in the middle, to packstones, grainstones, and rudstones (with corals, hydrozoans, gastropods, oysters) in the upper part. These cycles can be episodically interrupted by intercalations of packstones and grainstones rich in ooids, oncoids, and intraclasts. Vertical transitions from a sponge-rich mass facies, through ooid-rich sediments, to an oncoid-rich coral facies (e.g., Saal and Oberau sections, Malm Delta to Zeta 2) commonly found in outcrops of the southern Franconian Alb are absent in the Tithonian section of the Utting-1 well. Neither a significant hydrozoan-coral facies (e.g., Marsching outcrop, Malm Zeta 2) nor a reef core facies with associated debris facies (e.g., Laisacker outcrop, Malm Zeta 3) can be documented. Thus, the Tithonian sedimentary succession in the Utting-1 well can only be interpreted as sedimentary infill (grain flows, debris flows) into a basin characterized by low-energy background sedimentation. These deposits, with rapidly changing facies types, originated from a carbonate platform and the upper slope of the basin, the exact distance and extent of which remain unknown due to the limited spatial information from the Utting-1 well. The high solution porosity in many parts of the sequence can only be attributed to extensive karstification at the surface during the Cretaceous. In some cases, primary particle solution pores and fracture porosity may have acted as starting points for the development of larger-scale solution porosity.
    Description: research
    Keywords: Östliches Molassebecken ; ­Tithon ; Riffschutt ; Karst ; Utting
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article , doc-type:article
    Format: 29
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2024-12-11
    Description: eukirchen-Hemau liegen Kalkstein-Rotlehm, Braunlehm und lehmige Albüberdeckung als Bodensedimente aus der Dekomposition des Malm und der Kreide. Es wird erörtert, wieweit mit den vorliegenden Bodensedimenten verschieden alte Flächen bestimmt werden können. In die Hochfläche sind Relikte der Kreide eingesenkt, auf denen Profile von autochthonen Rotlehmen (Plastosole) erhalten sind. Ebenso sind im unteren Regental auf tektonisch verstellter Oberkreide derartige Profile überliefert. Im Periglazial des Donau- und des unteren Regentales waren in Ziegeleigruben und in weiteren Aufschlüssen zwischen äolischen Deckschichten örtlich bis zu acht interglaziale Böden aufgeschlossen; in ihrem Liegenden warmzeitliche Böden als marmorierte Pseudogleye. Am Top der warmzeitlichen Böden lag die Matuyama/Brunhes Grenze, d. h. sie waren älter als 0,9–1,2 Mio a. Einen Überblick über die Lage der jeweiligen Böden gibt Abb. 1.
    Description: Upon the Malm etch plain near Ratisbon limestone red loams and limestone brown loams cover the planation. It will be discussed, whether one can distinguish the age of the etchplains especially by means of such paleosoils. Likewise, Cretaceous relics, locked up by up faults, appear upon the Malm and in the Regen valley. They showed decomposition with profiles, containing paleosoils. In brick pits near Ratisbon and in the Regen valley sequences of quarternary profiles were discovered, which comprise up to eight interglacial soils between glacial löss-lössloams. Beneath them lie three marbled Pseudogleys. On their top the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary was found. Therefore, they are older than 0,9–1,2 mio a. Picture 1 serves as a survey about the situation of the paleosoils.
    Description: research
    Keywords: Dekomposition der Oberkreide ; Albüberdeckung ; Pseudogley ; Brunhes-Matuyama-Grenze
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article , doc-type:article
    Format: 7
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  • 27
    Hamburg : Hyperzine
    Publication Date: 2025-01-10
    Description: Sei es in der Landwirtschaft, im Waldbau oder im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien - seit vielen Jahren gibt es ökologische und soziale Ansätze, gibt es Praktiken und Initiativen für andere und zukunftsfähige Umgangsweisen von Menschen mit Natur und mit Technik. Im Forschungsverbund VorAB wollen wir wissen, welche Potenziale für nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung diese Ansätze haben.
    Keywords: ddc:700
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: book , doc-type:book
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2025-01-10
    Description: Charting future emissions pathways is a central tenet of IPCC assessment reports (AR), yet it is unclear how underlying drivers (including around policy and technology) have influenced the evolution of emissions pathways. Here we compare scenarios in AR5 and AR6 and find that scenarios without specific climate policies enforced have shifted lower in each scenario generation, owing to falling low-carbon technology costs and reduced expectations for economic growth, reducing fossil-fuel shares in energy and industry. Mitigation pathways consistent with 1.5-2 °C have seen increasing electrification rates and higher shares of variable renewables in electricity in more recent scenario generations, implying reduced reliance on coal, nuclear, bioenergy and carbon capture and storage, reflecting changing costs. Despite the shrinking carbon budget due to insufficient recent climate action, mitigation costs have not increased given more optimistic low-carbon technology cost projections. Moving forward, scenario producers must continually recalibrate to keep abreast of technology, policy and societal developments to remain policy relevant.
    Keywords: ddc:320
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: article , doc-type:article
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  • 29
    Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V. - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften
    Publication Date: 2025-01-10
    Keywords: ddc:600
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2025-01-10
    Keywords: ddc:600
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
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  • 31
    Publication Date: 2025-01-13
    Description: Vom steigenden Druck auf natürliche Ressourcen sind auch Nord- und Ostsee betroffen. Ihre Ökosysteme leiden unter zu starker wirtschaftlicher Nutzung. Ansätze zur Verringerung des Nutzungsdrucks und zur Stärkung der Resilienz der marinen Umwelt bieten einen Ausweg.
    Keywords: ddc:320
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: contributiontoperiodical , doc-type:contributionToPeriodical
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: PROMETHEUS is a statistical tool that allows creating maps showing the probability of finding tephra deposits of different grain sizes, originating from eruptions of a specific volcanic source, at any location around the vent. It couples wind profiles at different heights in the Mediterranean area with terminal velocity of volcanic particles. The input parameters include the height of the eruption column (which characterizes the intensity of the eruption), wind statistics (directions and intensities), and tephra deposits of a selected grain size. In particular, we used the parameterizations provided by Costa et al. (2016) and performed simulations using the HAZMAP tephra dispersal model to determine the maximum reachable distances that tephra can cover under weak, medium, and strong wind conditions (e.g. 7, 30, and 70 m/s velocities at the tropopause) and with column heights of 10, 20, and 30 km, depositing of at least the loading corresponding to 0.1 mm (corresponding to cryptotephra). Three alternative configurations of the model are validated analyzing first the eruptive source of Somma Vesuvius, with the related explosive eruptions from 22 ka Pomici di Base to the 1944 eruption. A further validation is made by comparing the probabilistic maps with the tephrostratigraphy of known marine and terrestrial cores using standard test of proportions (binomial distributions) and the binary logistic regression model, statistically quantifying the effectiveness of the model against the tephrostratigraphy recorded within this time frame. Based on this validation, a preferred configuration of PROMETHEUS is selected. PROMETHEUS probability maps will guide the selection of sampling sites for specific tephra deposits and could also support the study of the completeness of overall eruption catalogs over time.
    Description: Published
    Description: 108031
    Description: OSV2: Complessità dei processi vulcanici: approcci multidisciplinari e multiparametrici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: This document describes the services for managing the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data that have been developed at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) within the context of the European-funded research infrastructure EPOS (European Plate Observing System) program. These services, optimised for solid Earth research applications, seek to harmonise and standardise the collection and quality control of GNSS data and metadata. The EPOS Thematic Core Services (TCS) GNSS developed an architecture based on Geodetic Linkage Advance System Software (GLASS) nodes which hosts the metadata information and allows access to the entire database from the web and a datacenter which hosts the data to distribute. INGV contributes to the EPOS TCS GNSS initiative by managing the GLASS Italian Ring Node (IRN) [1], to provide data and metadata from the Rete Integrata Nazionale GNSS (RING) network [2]. The RING network currently consists of approximately 250 permanent stations all over Italy and abroad (Greece and Malta) installed for the study of active tectonic deformation at regional (Eurasia-Africa plate boundary) and local (seismogenic faults) scales. In support of this infrastructure, INGV is developing and managing different software: Flask Web Service Server (FWSS) which is an interface with the local database to store the metadata; bancadati_sync which is the script to synchronise the RINEX data repository from the source to the local IRN node; gnss_indexer which automates the process to populate the database; ring_synchronization to upload the sitelog metadata of the GNSS stations, and other software tools to let the system working. All software was developed in Python language (version 3.10) while the PostgreSQL database is used to store the information.
    Description: INGV
    Description: Published
    Description: N/A or not JCR
    Keywords: EPOS ; GNSS ; RINEX
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: Article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: Hasandağ volcano (Central Anatolia, Turkey) has recently underwent an increase in local seismicity and fumarolic activity since 2013. In the past, this volcano has produced multiple large explosive eruptions during the last million years. The Belbaşhanı Pumice is the product of a sub-Plinian to Plinian eruption dated at ~ 417 ± 20.5 ka (40 Ar/ 39 Ar). Here, we present a complete volcanological study including stratigraphy, glass chemistry, pumice morphology, geochronology, and eruption source parameters with the associated uncertainties, to characterize the Belbaşhanı Pumice eruption. The eruption involved a column of 18-29 km in height, with the main dispersal axis towards the northeast. A pumice layer up to ~ 17-m-thick accumulated in proximal deposits along the Belbaşhanı path, and up to 2-m-thick in medial-distal areas (~ 18 km northeast from the vent). The high and tubular vesicularity of the pumice clasts indicates that the Belbaşhanı eruption was predominantly magmatic. The bulk volume of the Belbaşhanı Pumice fallout deposit has been estimated as 0.5 and 8 km 3 (with ~ 2 km 3 being the mean value), which corresponds to Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of at least 4 and up to 6. Both isopach and isopleth maps indicate that the volcanic vent may have been located at the intersection of the Tuz Gölü fault and Ulukışla caldera, within the Hasandağ volcanic complex. The glass composition of Belbaşhanı Pumice confirms that the eruption belongs to the Hasandağ magmatic system. The reconstruction of the Belbaşhanı Pumice eruption represents an essential baseline in providing volcanological constraints for further investigations of tephra fallout hazard assessment in Central Anatolia, especially considering that a new Plinian eruption cannot be ruled out at Hasandağ volcano in the future. The chemical and geochronological datasets presented here could aid in refining tephrochronological correlations, with the goal of synchronizing paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic records alongside archaeological sites.
    Description: Published
    Description: 61
    Description: OSV2: Complessità dei processi vulcanici: approcci multidisciplinari e multiparametrici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: Eruption source parameters ; Explosive volcanism ; Volcanic hazard ; Central Anatolian Volcanic Province ; Tephrostratigraphy Editorial responsibility: A. Tadini
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: The Campi Flegrei (CF) caldera, in southern Italy, is the source of some of the most powerful Late Pleistocene eruptions of the European sub-continent (e.g., Campanian Ignimbrite, Neapolitan Yellow Tuff eruptions). Although the CF caldera has been continuously and intensively investigated for decades, relatively little is known regarding its earliest volcanic activity. In this work, integrating existing and new tephrostratigraphic data, we provide a comprehensive and updated framework for the CF volcanic activity which has occurred at ~160 ka and between ~110 ka and ~90 ka. The new tephrostratigraphic, geochemical (EMPA +LA-ICP-MS), chronological (40Ar/39Ar dating) and grain-size distribution data relate to CF tephra deposits preserved in mid-proximal (Campanian Plain), distal (Tyrrhenian Sea) and ultra-distal (Lower Danube area) sedimentary archives. Our results allowed us to recognize the presence of at least 13 CF eruptions covering the investigated time frame, with 12 eruptions occurring between 110 and 90 ka. Our high-resolution stratigraphic and chronological investigation also allowed us to recognize that the Triflisco/C-22 tephra, previously considered as a single marker layer, can be actually separated into three different events, sourced from within the CF area in the short time interval of ~93- 90 ka, suggesting a more complex and intense volcanic history than previously thought. Moreover, a Bayesian age-depth model, constrained by previous and new high precision 40Ar/39Ar ages, has led to a reliable estimate of the ages of those undated CF eruptions. Overall, the updated framework on the stratigraphy, chronology, dispersion, and geochemistry of the CF tephra of ~160 ka and between 110 ka and 90 ka consolidates the notion that the Middle-Late Pleistocene activity in theCF area represents a significant stage of its volcanic evolution, characterised by intense and frequent explosive eruptions.
    Description: Published
    Description: 108623
    Description: OSV2: Complessità dei processi vulcanici: approcci multidisciplinari e multiparametrici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 36
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: Published
    Description: OS: Terza missione
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: book
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  • 37
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: A new method for assessing volumes of tephra deposits based on only two thickness data is presented. It is based on the assumptions of elliptical shape for isopachs, a statistical characterization of their eccentricity, and an empirical relationship between their deposit thinning length scale and volumes. The method can be applied if the pair of thickness data are sufficiently distant from the volcano source, with a minimum distance ratio larger than 2. The method was tested against about 40 published volumes, from both equatorial belt and mid-latitude volcanoes. The results are statistically consistent with the published results, demonstrating the usefulness of the method. When applied in forward, the model allowed us to calculate the volume for some important tephra layers in the Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy, providing, for the first time, an assessment of the size of these eruptions or layers.
    Description: Published
    Description: 62
    Description: OSV2: Complessità dei processi vulcanici: approcci multidisciplinari e multiparametrici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: Tephra volume ; Volcanic eruptions ; Magnitude ; Empirical model ; Statistical model
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: Calcareous lithics are commonly found within the products of some explosive eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius. The pumice fragments from the final phase of the Plinian fallout event of the Pomici di Avellino eruption contain abundant calcareous xenoliths. Previous work on that eruption, including numerical simulations, suggested that the release of CO 2 from the entrapment of carbonates may have prolonged the magmatic phase of the eruption by maintaining sufficient driving pressure in the feeding dike. The texture and thermo-metamorphic reactions of carbonate xenolith-bearing pumice fragments of the Pomici di Avellino eruption are analyzed through petrography, scanning electron microscope images, energy dispersive spectrometer analyses, and micro-computed X-ray tomography to deduce the behavior of short-term carbonate-magma interaction and its contribution to the eruption dynamics. Results show that calcareous xenoliths experienced short-term magma-carbonate interaction, which took place in three steps: (i) entrainment, i.e., the mechanical process of carbonate xenoliths entrapment into a magma; (ii) decarbonation, related to high-temperature decomposition reaction of the xenoliths; and (iii) digestion or dissolution of the incorporated calcareous xenoliths into the melt with diffusion of Ca and Mg. The CO 2 released during the syn-eruptive decarbonation process thus provided extra volatiles to the rising magma, which may have maintained magma buoyancy longer than expected if only magmatic volatiles were involved in the eruption.
    Description: Published
    Description: 83
    Description: OSV2: Complessità dei processi vulcanici: approcci multidisciplinari e multiparametrici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: Pomici di Avellino eruption ; Magma-carbonate interaction ; Carbonate assimilation ; Magma ascent ; Explosive volcanism ; Eruptive behavior
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2025-01-09
    Description: 〈jats:title〉Abstract〈/jats:title〉〈jats:p〉The Millennium Eruption of Paektu volcano, on the border of China and North Korea, generated tephra deposits that extend >1000 km from the vent, making it one of the largest eruptions in historical times. Based on observed thicknesses and compositions of the deposits, the widespread tephra dispersal is attributed to two eruption phases fuelled by chemically distinct magmas that produced both pyroclastic flows and fallout deposits. We used an ensemble-based method with a dual step inversion, in combination with the FALL3D atmospheric tephra transport model, to constrain these two different phases. The volume of the two distinct phases has been calculated. The results indicate that about 3-16 km〈jats:sup〉3〈/jats:sup〉 (with a best estimate of 7.2 km〈jats:sup〉3〈/jats:sup〉) and 4-20 km〈jats:sup〉3〈/jats:sup〉 (with a best estimate of 9.3 km〈jats:sup〉3〈/jats:sup〉) of magma were erupted during the comendite and trachyte phases of the eruption, respectively. Eruption rates of up to 4 × 10〈jats:sup〉8〈/jats:sup〉 kg/s generated plumes that extended 30-40 km up into the stratosphere during each phase.〈/jats:p〉
    Description: Published
    Description: 6
    Description: OSV3: Sviluppo di nuovi sistemi osservazionali e di analisi ad alta sensibilità
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 40
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 41
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 42
    In:  EPIC3Environmental Modelling & Software, Elsevier, 185, pp. 106270-106270, ISSN: 1364-8152
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: Sea ice in the polar oceans plays a significant role in regulating global climate and biological ecosystems. During the winter months, seawater freezes to form porous ice, which also serves as a habitat for sea ice algae to survive in harsh winter conditions. However, accurate description of mechanisms and interactions associated with formation of ice, and its interaction with photosynthesis and carbon assimilation have not been well understood. This paper presents a modeling framework to describe coupled small scale Physical (P) and BioGeoChemical (BGC) processes associated with sea ice. Critical processes associated with photosynthesis along with growth and loss of algal carbon are considered. Appropriate parametrization for environmental factors such as temperature, light, salinity, and nutrients are employed to model the photosynthetic rate. Summer and winter environmental conditions are presented and discussed in detail. Finally, monthly data is taken from literature to simulate a typical year in the Southern Ocean.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 43
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    In:  EPIC3Nature Climate Change, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, ISSN: 1758-678X
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: 〈jats:title〉Abstract〈/jats:title〉〈jats:p〉Marine heatwaves (MHWs), defined as extreme ocean warming episodes, have strengthened over the past decades. High-resolution climate models improve understanding of MHWs under global warming, but such events in the future Arctic are currently overlooked. In a high-resolution climate model, we find Arctic MHWs intensify on orders of magnitude during the warming twenty-first century, following sea ice retreat. However, with little sea ice coverage, strong interannual variability emerges, which could surpass the amplitude of former intensification. Furthermore, the enhancement of MHWs correlates with an order of magnitude increase in the rate of change in the temperature anomaly. Additionally, MHWs are found to be accompanied by stratification enhancement, which could surpass interannual variability of future stratification. Such extreme temperature fluctuations combined with stratification enhancement suggest major challenges for Arctic ecosystems, and may negatively impact food webs through direct physiological temperature effects, as well as indirectly through nutrient supply and taxonomic shifts.〈/jats:p〉
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 44
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: The Siberian Arctic is warming rapidly, causing permafrost to thaw and altering the biogeochemistry of aquatic environments, with cascading effects on the coastal and shelf ecosystems of the Arctic Ocean. The Lena River, one of the largest Arctic rivers, drains a catchment dominated by permafrost. Baseline discharge biogeochemistry data are necessary to understand present and future changes in land-to-ocean fluxes. Here, we present a high-frequency 4.5-year-long dataset from a sampling program of the Lena River's biogeochemistry, spanning April 2018 to August 2022. The dataset comprises 587 sampling events and measurements of various parameters, including water temperature, electrical conductivity, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, dissolved organic carbon concentration and 14C, colored and fluorescent dissolved organic matter, dissolved inorganic and total nutrients, and dissolved elemental and ion concentrations. Sampling consistency and continuity and data quality were ensured through simple sampling protocols, real-time communication, and collaboration with local and international partners. The data are available as a collection of datasets separated by parameter groups and periods at (Juhls et al., 2020b). To our knowledge, this dataset provides an unprecedented temporal resolution of an Arctic river's biogeochemistry. This makes it a unique baseline on which future environmental changes, including changes in river hydrology, at temporal scales from precipitation event to seasonal to interannual can be detected.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: Phytoplankton are responsible for releasing half of the world’s oxygen and for removing large amounts of carbon dioxide from surface waters. Despite many studies on the topic conducted in the past decades, we are still far from a good understanding of ongoing rapid changes in the Arctic Ocean and how they will affect phytoplankton and the whole ecosystem. An example is the difference in net primary production modelling estimates, which differ twice globally and fifty times when only the Arctic region is considered. Here, we aim to improve the quality of Greenland Sea primary production estimates, by testing different versions of primary production model against in situ data and then calculating regional estimates and trends for 1998-2022 for those performing best. As a baseline, we chose the commonly used global primary production model and tested it with different combinations of empirical relationships and input data. Local empirical relationships were taken from measurements by the literature and derived from the unpublished data of Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences across the Fram Strait. For validation, we took historical net primary production 14C data from literature and added to it our own gross primary production O2 measurements. Field data showed good agreement between primary production measured with 14C and O2 evolution methods. From all the model setups, those including local chlorophyll a profile and local absorption spectrum best reproduced in situ data. Our modelled regional annual primary production estimates are equal to 346 TgC/year for the Nordic Seas region and 342 TgC/year for the Greenland Sea sector of the Arctic defined as 45°W-15°E, 66°33′N-90°N. These values are higher than those previously reported. Monthly values show a seasonal cycle with less monthly variability than previously reported. No significant increase or decrease in primary production was observed when studying regionally averaged trends. The accuracy of the selected here model setups to reproduce the field data in terms of Root Mean Square Difference is better than in the related Arctic studies. The improved primary production estimates strengthen researchers’ ability to assess carbon flux and understand biogeochemical processes in the Greenland Sea.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: Microplastic (MP) pollution has reached the remotest areas of the globe, including the polar regions. In the Arctic Ocean, MPs have been detected in ice, snow, water, sediment, and biota, but their temporal dynamics remain poorly understood. To better understand the transport pathways and drivers of MP pollution in this fragile environment, this study aims to assess MPs (≥ 11 μm) in sediment trap samples collected at the HAUSGARTEN observatory (Fram Strait) from September 2019 to July 2021. MP fluxes determined by μ-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) imaging ranged from 0 to 2.9 MP m−2 d−1, peaking in April 2020 and April 2021, with all detected MPs being 〈300 μm in size. There was no strong correlation between MPs and any of the recorded biogeochemical and physical variables, as each MP flux event was associated with different variables such as biogenic matter, sea ice concentration, or origin. By providing time series data over 21 months, this study provides a baseline for future MP flux assessments in Fram Strait, Arctic.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 47
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Conference , NonPeerReviewed
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a hotspot of climate warming, evidencing glacier retreat and a decrease in the fast-ice duration. This study provides a 〉 30-y time-series (1987–2022) on annual and seasonal air temperatures in Potter Cove (Isla 25 de Mayo/King George Island). It investigates the interaction between warming, glacial melt, fast-ice and the underwater conditions (light, salinity, temperature, turbidity) over a period of 10 years along the fjord axis (2010–2019), and for the first time provides a unique continuous underwater irradiance time series over 5 years (2014–2018). The effects on the annual light budget in the water column were studied along the fjord axis in three areas, a low glacier influence area (LGI), an intermediate glacier influence area (IGI), and a high glacier influence area (HGI). To determine the possible impact of light limitation on the viability of benthic primary producers, the minimum annual light requirements and the daily metabolic carbon balance of two key macroalgal Antarctic species, Himantothallus grandifolius and Palmaria decipiens, wereestimated. The mean annual, autumn, winter and spring air temperature has risen during the last three decades, but summer temperatures kept rather stable. Turbidity caused by glacial melt mostly governs the underwater light climate while fast-ice duration is currently of minor importance for the annual light budget. Glacier melting differentially affected the fjord system along its axis. The three areas showed quantitative differences in turbidity and underwater irradiance varying across seasons and years. Water clarity significantly decreased within the last few years, with key macroalgal species probably not reaching their minimum annual light requirements during warmer years. This may have considerable effects on the primary productivity of the ecosystem.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 49
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: In the first part of this paper series (Sun et al., 2023), we developed an ecological model that partitions the total chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) into three phytoplankton size classes (PSCs), pico-, nano-, and microplankton. The parameters of this model are controlled by sea surface temperature (SST), intended to capture shifts in phytoplankton size structure independently of variations in total Chl-a. In this second part of the series, we present an Ocean Colour Modelling Framework (OCMF), building on the classical Case-1 assumption, that explicitly incorporates our ecological model. The OCMF assumes the presence of the three PSCs and the existence of an independent background of non-algal particles. The framework assumes each phytoplankton group resides in a distinct optical environment, assigning chlorophyll-specific inherent optical properties to each group, both directly (phytoplankton) and indirectly (non-algal particulate and dissolved substances). The OCMF is parameterised, validated, and assessed using a large global dataset of inherent and apparent optical properties. We use the OCMF to explore the influence of variations in temperature and Chl-a on phytoplankton size structure and its resulting effects on ocean colour. We also discuss applications of the OCMF, such as its potential for inverse modelling and phytoplankton climate trend detection, which will be explored further in subsequent papers.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 50
    In:  Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, pp. 1-1
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: Amphibian populations are increasingly sampled with traps instead of the traditional dipnet, because of high yields at a comparatively low workload. Observations on sympatric newt species in the west of France uncovered a size effect in which the larger species Triturus cristatus and T. marmoratus were more frequently captured than the smaller species Lissotriton helveticus and L. vulgaris. The small juveniles of T. cristatus and the large Triturus interspecies hybrids fitted this series. The lightweight, collapsable, and easy to clean funnel traps here employed are useful for population studies because, due to a high capture efficiency, sampling biases can accurately be quantified and be accounted for.
    Keywords: Catchability ; Lissotriton ; population biology ; sympatry ; Triturus cristatus x T. marmoratus hybrids
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: DNA metabarcoding of benthic diatoms has been successfully applied for biomonitoring at the national scale and can now be considered technically ready for routine application. However, protocols and methods still vary between and within countries, limiting their transferability and the comparability of results. In order to overcome this, routine use of DNA metabarcoding for diatom biomonitoring requires knowledge of the sources of variability introduced by the different steps of the procedure. Here, we examine how elements of routine procedures contribute to variability between European laboratories. A set of four experiments were performed focusing on DNA extraction and PCR amplification steps to evaluate their reproducibility between different laboratories and the variability introduced by different protocols currently applied by the scientific community. Under the guidance of a reference laboratory, 17 participants from 14 countries performed DNA extraction and PCR amplification in parallel, using the same fixed protocol and their own choice of protocol. Experiments were performed by each participant on a set of standardised DNA and biofilm samples (river, lake and mock community) to investigate potential systematic and random errors. Our results revealed the successful transferability of a protocol amongst labs and a highly similar and consistent ecological assessment outcome obtained regardless of the protocols used by each participant. We propose an “all for one but prove them all” strategy, suggesting that distinct protocols can be used within the scientific community, as long as their consistency is be proven by following minimum standard requirements.
    Keywords: Cross-laboratory experiment ; DNA-based approach ; ecological status assessment ; intercalibration ; standardisation
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: Coral reefs are impacted worldwide by coastal eutrophication, which is often translated by a decrease in coral cover and an increase in potentially harmful invertebrates and algal blooms. Additionally to corals and other macro-benthos, micro-benthic communities are affected tremendously, however few studies reported the specific effect of eutrophication on those communities. This study addresses how micro-benthic communities are impacted by turbidity and associated eutrophication. To answer this question, we compared three groups that have been previously suggested as bioindicators of reef environmental conditions: foraminifera, diatoms and bacteria, from 12 islands (and 600 samples) in the Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia) along a near- to offshore turbidity gradient. Insights from environmental DNA metabarcoding and satellite images highlighted differences between the reef slope (deep) and the reef flat (shallow) communities, a distinction that has been omitted in most previous studies. The reef flat communities were 1.5- to 2-fold more affected by turbidity parameters compared to the reef slope, which we argue is related to eutrophication. Based on previous work, we expected that prokaryotes would be the most impacted group by water quality. However, we found that large benthic foraminifera and diatom communities were highly impacted by turbidity, whereas the reef flat prokaryotic communities were primarily shaped by the substrate type. Additionally, a total of 112 exact sequence variants (ESVs) were identified as indicators of different turbidity levels, of which 87 foraminifera and diatom ESVs were associated with high-moderate turbid waters. Our study revealed fundamental knowledge and provides key information of the specific effect of turbidity and associated eutrophication and habitat variables (substrate type and reef area) on foraminifera, diatoms and prokaryotic communities. We argue that local and regional eutrophication participates in shaping reef flat micro-benthic communities, which may therefore play an important role as early warning signals for local degradation in coral reefs.
    Keywords: Turbidity ; Large benthic foraminifera ; Diatoms ; Prokaryotes ; Coral reef
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2025-01-14
    Description: Editorial to Special issue Embracing the past, empowering the present, envisioning the future, 25th INGV Anniversary
    Description: 〈jats:p〉Dear AG Readers,   It is with great pleasure and pride that I introduce to you this special volume of Annals of Geophysics titled “Embracing the past, empowering the present, and envisioning the future”. As Editor-in-Chief, I am thrilled to present a collection of articles that celebrates 25 years of INGV excellence, within the realm of geophysical disciplines. This volume showcases the outstanding contributions of our esteemed colleagues who have made themselves available to participate as authors in the compilation of this volume. Their participation is rooted in the numerous projects, collaborations, and cultural exchanges they have had over time with all the personnel of our Institute, which have allowed the advancement of knowledge in the various scientific disciplines covered. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all authors, reviewers, and editorial board members whose dedication has made this milestone possible. Over the past 6 months we have worked hard to curate this special issue of Annals of Geophysics.  I would like to acknowledge the generous help of A. Grazia Chiodetti, who has been consistently present in every stage of editing the papers, and not least Emanuela Bagnato, Felicia Corsale and M. Chiara Piazza in following up with the authors and compiling the papers into the special issue. Without their assistance, the production of this volume would have been significantly more difficult, if not impossible. I'd like to finally thank Enrico Rocchetti, Simone Vecchi and Barbara Angioni for helping us have a well-made and always up-to-date website. I would like to thank all the referees for their excellent work in reviewing the scientific papers in such a short time. I invite you to explore these pages and delve into the diverse insights and discoveries that define our field. May this volume inspire further exploration and collaboration in the years to come. Warm regards, Editor-in-Chief〈/jats:p〉
    Description: INGV
    Description: Published
    Description: OS: Terza missione
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2025-01-14
    Description: Dramatic climatic and environmental changes over the last 12,000 years have significantly impacted Arabian coastal stratigraphy and human populations. The Bar Al Hikman peninsula (BAH), the largest low-lying area (1000 km2) along the Arabian Sea coast of Oman is a monsoon storm-dominated carbonate-evaporite system, where late Neolithic artifacts suggest human presence from at least 5.75–5.05 ka before the present (BP). Despite its archaeological significance at the crossroads of important Neolithic coastal sites in Dhofar, Masirah, and Ja'alan coast, paleoenvironmental interpretation, timing, and expression of relative sea level (RSL) changes in this coastal area remain poorly understood. Fortunately, the extensive size and arid climate of the area have preserved carbonate-dominated Mid-Late Holocene coastal geomorphologies exceptionally well, making this area an excellent geological archive to study past coastal environments, thereby understanding how environmental changes at BAH influenced Neolithic human mobility and settlement patterns. This study reconstructs the paleoenvironment of BAH over the last 12,000 years using a combination of field and remote sensing techniques, including satellite imagery, digital elevation models, bathymetric data, GIA modeling, and Sea Level Index Points to trace RSL history. The Holocene transgression began flooding the extensive continental shelf offshore BAH around 10 ka BP, progressively separating Masirah from the mainland through channel formation between 9.5 and 8.0 ka BP. It then inundated the present-day BAH peninsula around 7.7 ka BP, reaching a highstand of 2.5–3.2 m above present sea level by 6.0 ka BP (Mid-Holocene Highstand; MHHS), before gradually declining to the current level. Human presence documented at BAH (5.75–5.05 ka BP) coincides with the end of the mid-Holocene highstand, and the onset of the regression. This relative sea level history is contemporaneous to the aridification of Arabia, a period of transition from mangrove-dominated intertidal settings to coral reef and carbonate coastal barriers. The disappearance of mangrove-like gastropods around 5.4 cal ka BP and the subsequent appearance of significant coral fragments in the sediment indicates a critical change in terms of environmental settings with less nutrients and a warmer sea surface temperature). Comparing the findings at BAH to well-established nearby Neolithic sites on Masirah Island, the scarcity of prehistoric remains at BAH suggests that during the Mid-Holocene Highstand (MHHS), the small, rocky, paleo-low-lying islands at BAH may have served as waypoints and shelters between Masirah and the mainland.
    Description: Published
    Description: 108842
    Description: OSA4: Ambiente marino, fascia costiera ed Oceanografia operativa
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: Holocene ; Neolithic ; Arabia ; Oman ; Arabian Sea Coast ; Paleoenvironments ; Relative Sea level ; Paleoclimate
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2025-01-14
    Description: With this volume, Annals of Geophysics proudly presents a special issue dedicated to celebrating the anniversary of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) for its "25 years of geosciences for society". This collection of scientific articles is authored by dedicated researchers whose active participation and collaboration have brought prestige to both INGV and our journal. Although the list of authors is not exhaustive among the numerous past and present INGV collaborators, it offers an exciting and insightful journey through the fields of seismology, volcanology, and environmental science. This volume is divided into three parts: the first is dedicated to topics more closely related to seismology, the second to volcanology, and the last part is focused on environmental issues, including both review articles and articles addressing specific problems. There are contributions dedicated to the study of tsunamis and multi-hazard analyses, as well as articles on the history of globally significant infrastructure and sections focused on the most widely used seismological models.
    Description: INGV
    Description: Published
    Description: P426
    Description: OS: Terza missione
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2025-01-14
    Description: Fault slip is a complex natural phenomenon involving multiple spatiotemporal scales from seconds to days to weeks. To understand the physical and chemical processes responsible for the full fault slip spectrum, a multidisciplinary approach is highly recommended. The Near Fault Observatories (NFOs) aim at providing highprecision and spatiotemporally dense multidisciplinary near-fault data, enabling the generation of new original observations and innovative scientific products. The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory is a permanent monitoring infrastructure established around the Alto Tiberina fault (ATF), a 60 km long low-angle normal fault (mean dip 20°), located along a sector of the Northern Apennines (central Italy) undergoing an extension at a rate of about 3 mm yr −1. The presence of repeating earthquakes on the ATF and a steep gradient in crustal velocities measured across the ATF by GNSS stations suggest large and deep (5-12 km) portions of the ATF undergoing aseismic creep. Both laboratory and theoretical studies indicate that any given patch of a fault can creep, nucleate slow earthquakes, and host large earthquakes, as also documented in nature for certain ruptures (e.g., Iquique in 2014, Tōhoku in 2011, and Parkfield in 2004). Nonetheless, how a fault patch switches from one mode of slip to another, as well as the interaction between creep, slow slip, and regular earthquakes, is still poorly documented by near-field observation. With the strainmeter array along the Alto Tiberina fault system (STAR) project, we build a series of six geophysical observatory sites consisting of 80-160 m deep vertical boreholes instrumented with strainmeters and seismometers as well as meteorological and GNSS antennas and additional seismometers at the surface. By covering the portions of the ATF that exhibits repeated earthquakes at shallow depth (above 4 km) with these new observatory sites, we aim to collect unique open-access data to answer fundamental questions about the relationship between creep, slow slip, dynamic earthquake rupture, and tectonic faulting.
    Description: This research has been supported by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP-2018/05), the European Research Council (ERC; grant agreement no. 835012, TECTONIC), RETURN Extended Partnership, the European Union NextGenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005), and the US Department of Energy (projects DESC0020512 and DE-EE0008763).
    Description: Published
    Description: 173–190
    Description: OST5 Verso un nuovo Monitoraggio
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 57
    Publication Date: 2025-01-14
    Description: Abstract. The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) STAR (A Strainmeter Array Along the Alto Tiberina Fault System) drilling project aims to study the seismic and aseismic fault slip behavior of the active low-angle Alto Tiberina normal fault (ATF) in the northern Apennines, central Italy, by drilling and instrumenting six shallow boreholes (maximum depth 160 m) with seismometers and strainmeters. During the STAR fieldwork, a geophysical downhole logging campaign was carried out to define the optimal target depth for instrument deployment and formation rock characterization. In particular, the main objectives of this study were to define in situ physical properties of the rocks and the tectonic discontinuity geometry along the boreholes. The downhole logging data provide new findings and knowledge, especially with regards to physical properties such as resistivity and gamma-ray and wave velocity. The collected parameters were compared to the results of literature data collected in similar lithologies, as well as with the results of logging performed in deeper wells drilled for commercial purposes. The physical properties of the Mesozoic–early Tertiary calcareous formations show low gamma-ray values and high compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities (up to 5.3 and 2.9 km s−1, respectively), whereas the overlying clay-rich Late Tertiary formations exhibit high gamma-ray and low resistivity values as well as relatively low Vp and Vs values (up to 3.5 and 2.0 km s−1, respectively). The results obtained from the analysis of the orientations of the tectonic structures, measured along the six boreholes, show good agreement with the orientations of the present-day extensional stress field, which is NE–SW-oriented. Our study allowed us to bridge the gap between the physical properties obtained from literature data and those obtained from the deep well measurements, representing a possible case history for future projects. These new outcomes represent an almost unexplored window of data and will contribute to the advancement of knowledge of the physical properties of the rocks at shallow depths, which are typically overlooked.
    Description: This research has been supported by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP-2018/05) and the European Research Council (ERC; grant agreement no. 835012, TECTONIC). In addition, this work would not have been possible without the contribution of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia.
    Description: Published
    Description: 1385–1406
    Description: JCR Journal
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 58
    Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
    Publication Date: 2025-01-15
    Description: This article is includes in the Special Issue "25 Years of Advancing Geoethics and Social Geosciences at INGV " of the Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences
    Description: The development of geoethics has made remarkable progress in recent years, involving a growing number of scholars from various disciplines. This has led to the creation of spaces dedicated to sharing reflections, points of view, and study material. The network of relationships between scholars has significatively incremented both physical and virtual spaces for discussions strengthened conceptual coherence in geoethical thought, anchoring reflections in the historical evolution of the discipline and promoting further developments through open analysis. At the heart of this network is the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), founded in 2012. More recently, two new bodies have joined this network: the Commission on Geoethics of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), established in February 2023, which serves as the supporting branch of the IAPG to the IUGS and is the official body addressing geoethics and social geosciences for the Union; and the Chair on Geoethics of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), established in January 2024, whose aim is to broaden the international research network by promoting interdisciplinary initiatives that integrate geosciences, humanities, and social sciences through geoethics. These three bodies together represent the International Geoethics Research Infrastructure (IGRI), built over years of activity in geoethics at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome, Italy. It also includes the School on Geoethics and Natural Issues (the “Schola”), founded in 2019, and two editorial initiatives. This paper provides an overview of the foundations of geoethics and outlines the progressive development of the international research infrastructure supporting it.
    Description: Published
    Description: 1-20
    Description: OS: Terza missione
    Description: N/A or not JCR
    Keywords: Geoethics ; Research infrastructure ; Responsibility ; Sustainability ; Research integrity ; 05.03. Educational, History of Science, Public Issues ; 05.09. Miscellaneous ; e
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 59
    Publication Date: 2025-01-15
    Description: Currently many studies are carried out in the Neapolitan Volcanic District (Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and the Island of Ischia), thus demonstrating the interest by the Supersite science teams and the scientific community as a whole in this active volcanic area. The aims of these studies by the science teams, though not limited to, are:  research, by taking part into international research projects/activities and  monitoring, focused on the near real time surveillance of the volcanoes belonging to the Neapolitan Volcanic District, for benefit of the local and national Civil Protection agencies. Such monitoring activities are now mainly focused on Campi Flegrei, currently at the attention (yellow) level according to the Campi Flegrei Emergency Plan issued by the Italian Civil Protection Department, where an anomalous seismic activity has been recorded starting from September 2023, with shallow events with magnitude up to 4.4, clearly felt by people, also in the city of Naples. Since the beginning of the current unrest phase in November, 2005, Campi Flegrei area underwent an uplift 〉 130 cm to date in the maximum deformation area, close to the coastline (see the INGV-"Osservatorio Vesuviano" monthly surveillance reports No significant events have been recorded in the time span covered by this report (2022-2024) neither in the Vesuvius area, nor in the Island of Ischia where, conversely, a Md=3.9 earthquake occurred on August 21 st , 2017. Moreover, during the 2022-2024 biennium of the Supersite initiative, there was an improvement and fine-tuning of the EPOS Data Portal infrastructure (, conceived for data and products dissemination within the scientific community and accessible through the Volcano Observations Thematic Core Service (VO-TCS) gateway ( In this biennium, besides the provision of InSAR data from X-and C-bands (TSX/TDX/CSK/S-1) already exploited since many years, more activities supporting scientists involved in this Supersite took place, i.e. the provision of PLEIADES tri-stereo optical data over Vesuvius, jointly
    Description: Coordinator: - INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) with the “Osservatorio Vesuviano” (INGV-OV), the “Osservatorio Etneo” (INGV-OE) and the “Osservatorio Nazionale Terremoti” (INGV-ONT) branches. Participants: - IREA-CNR (Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente, the Italian Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment from CNR, the National Research Council); - Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Ottawa (Canada); - University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Earth Sciences, of the Environment and Resources (Italy); - University of Rome 3, Sciences Department (Italy); - Instituto de Geociencias, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain); - University of Colorado, Boulder (USA); - Universidad de Chile, Santiago (Chile).
    Description: Submitted
    Description: OSV3: Sviluppo di nuovi sistemi osservazionali e di analisi ad alta sensibilità
    Keywords: 04. Solid Earth
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: report , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 60
    Publication Date: 2025-01-15
    Description: Am 5. Dezember 1465 erließ Kurfürst Friedrich I. von der Pfalz eine Bergordnung mit 62 Paragrafen für die Eisenerzbergwerke in Amberg. Grundlage dieser Bergordnung war die Rattenberger Bergordnung von 1463 sowie der Bergbrief von Schladming aus dem Jahre 1408. Hintergrund für den Erlass der Bergordnung ist die Etablierung einer Großgewerkschaft zur Intensivierung des Bergbaus.
    Description: source
    Keywords: Kurfürst Friedrich I. von der Pfalz ; Vitzthum Eberhard II. von Neipperg ; Oberpfalz ; Amberg ; Rattenberg ; Schladming ; Bergordnung ; Eisenerzbergbau
    Language: German
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/book , doc-type:book , updatedVersion
    Format: 13
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  • 61