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  • 1
    In:  ???
    Publication Date: 2013
    Description: Simulationen mithilfe des Models 4C zu möglichen Auswirkungen der Klimaänderungen des RCP 8.5 Klimaszenariums auf Wälder in Deutschland Kiefer Fichte Eiche Buche KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels (Temperatur, Niederschlag, CO2-Gehalt der Atmosphäre) auf die Wälder KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T (Frühjahr) + und Delta Nied (Frühjahr) -, dann Produktivität der Wälder -; Delta C02 + um 25 - 30 %, dann Produktion der Wälder + um 9 - 20%; Delta T + (an nicht wasserlimitierten Standorten), dann Produktivität der Wälder +; Delta CO2+, dann Wassernutzungseffizienz der Wälder +; Delta T (Sommer) +, dann Waldbrandgefahr +; Delta T (Sommer) + und Delta Nied (Sommer) - (= WaBi -), dann Trockenstress der Wälder + um bis zu 9% und dann Produktivität der Wälder -; Delta T (Sommer) + und Delta Nied (Sommer) -, dann Populationsdichte Kiefern-Großschädlinge +;
    Keywords: Deutschland ; 20. und 21. Jahrhundert ; Boden ; Buche ; Eiche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Klima ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Phänologie ; Sturmschaden ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Verdunstung ; Waldbrand ; Waldwachstum ; Wassermangel ; Wind ; Grundwasser ; Modell
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  • 2
    In:  Informationen der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschutz; Nr. 5
    Publication Date: 1976
    Description: Beschreibung der auf die Dürre- und Hitzeperiode folgenden Schäden durch nadel- und blattfressende Insekten KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung (Temperatur, Niederschlag) auf die Schädlingspopulationen KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta Nied -- und Delta T +, dann Abwehrkraft (Kiefern) - und somit Raupenmortalität -; Delta T (April/Mai) -, dann Zeitpunkt Falterflug - (später); Delta Nied - und Delta T +, dann Buchenrindensterben +;
    Keywords: DDR ; 1975-1976 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Buche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Wassermangel ; Witterung ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 3
    In:  Information der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschatz; Nr. 3
    Publication Date: 1976
    Description: Informationen zum Gradationsverlauf der Forleule und ihrer Begleitarten KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung (Temperatur, Niederschlag) auf die Schädlingspopulation KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T (Winter) + und Delta Nied -, dann Vermehrung (Forleule) ++; Delta T (Frühjahr und Sommer) --, dann Population -; Delta T (März, April) - und Delta Nied (März, April) +, dann Population (Forleule) -;
    Keywords: DDR ; 1972-1976 ; Insekten ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Witterung
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  • 4
    In:  Informationen der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschutz; Nr. 1
    Publication Date: 1976
    Description: Beschreibung des Befalls von Kiefernschädlingen und der Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Folgeschäden in sturmgeschädigten Kiefernbeständen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung auf die Entwicklung von Kiefernschädlingen KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T (Winter) +, dann Entwicklung (rindenbrütende Insekten) +; Delta T (April bis August) und Delta Nied --, dann Entwicklung (rindenbrütende Insekten) +; Delta Wind (=Sturm) +, dann Entwicklung (rindenbrütende Insekten) +;
    Keywords: DDR ; 1976 ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Sturmschaden ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Witterung
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  • 5
    In:  Forstw. Centbl. 43: 41-49, 100-114
    Publication Date: 1921
    Description: Eine Studie über die Auswirkungen von späten Frühjahrsfrösten in der geographischen Verteilung von Waldbäumen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Anbaueignung für Baumarten aufgrund Schäden durch Spätfrostgefährdung: Weißbirke: Bayrischen Alpen (-1600m), Bay. Wald (-1028m), Mitteldeutschen Bergland (-500m); Kiefer: Bayrischen Alpen (-1600m), Bay. Wald (-1028m), Mitteldeutschen Bergland (-500m); Aspe: Bayrischen Alpen (-1360m), Bay. Wald (-1237m), mitteldeutschen Gebirge (-971m) KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Deutschland, teilw. einzelne Regionen, Europa ; 1900-1920 ; Buche ; Fichte ; Kiefer ; Temperatur ; Frost
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  • 6
    In:  Informationen der Hauptstelle für Forstlichen Pflanzenschutz; Nr. 3
    Publication Date: 1977
    Description: Beschreibungen der durchgeführten Maßnahmen zum Forstschutz, der gegenwärtigen Situation (von u.a. Kiefernspanner, Forleule, Nonne, Kiefernspinner, Gemeine und Gelbe Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe) und Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle und Überwachung von Schädlingen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Einfluss der Witterung (Temperatur, Niederschlag) auf die Schädlingspopulation KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T - und Delta Nied -, dann Entwicklung (Schadinsekten) -; Delta T +: T 〉 20 °C, dann Eiablage (Blauer Kiefernprachtkäfer) bis Ende September
    Keywords: DDR ; 1977 ; Insekten ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Witterung
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  • 7
    In:  Ann. ent. fenn. 10: 181-183
    Publication Date: 1944
    Description: Beschreibung des Überwinterungsverhaltens des Kiefernspinners KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Zusammenhang zwischen geografischer Breite, Temperatur und dem Überwinterungsverhalten des Kiefernspinners KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T-, dann zweimaliges Überwintern der Larven bei Versuchen in Finnland
    Keywords: Finnland ; 1940-44 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur
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  • 8
    In:  Ztschr. Forst-, Jagdwesen 73: 201-246
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Eizahl und der Kokonzahl der Kiefernhornblattwespe auf das Massenauftreten KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Betimmung der kritischen Anzhal Eier und der kritischen Anzahl Winter- und Sommerkokons für das Massenauftreten KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Sachsen, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 9
    In:  Ztschr. angew. Ent. 29: 367-411
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Untersuchungen zu biotischen und abiotischen Ursachen für den Zusammenbruch der Population der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Ursachen für den Zusammenbruch der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespen-Population neben dem harten Winter 1939/40 eine andauernde Schönwetterperiode Ende April/Anfang Mai und vor allem stärkere Vermehrung der Feinde KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta sonn +, (April-Mai) führte zu erhöhten Vertrocknen der Kokons der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe im Jahr 1940
    Keywords: Nordostdeutschland ; 1939-40 ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Sonnenscheindauer
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  • 10
    In:  Ztschr. Pfl.krankh. 51: 257-278
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung der Massenvermehrung der Kiefernblattwespe, Hauptgrung ist die Umwandlung von ursprünglich Laubwaldgesellschaften in reine Kieferngesellschaften, Bedeutung der Temperatur für das Überliegen der Larven KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Temperatur und Luftfeuchte für das Überliegen der Larven entscheidend und damit auch für ein Massenauftreten im darauffolgenden Jahr, Begünstigung der Parasitierung der Kieferblattwespe KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T- (Juli-August und im Winter), dann Geschlechterfolge von Diprion pini stark dezimiert
    Keywords: Slowakei ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Parasit
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  • 11
    In:  Ztschr. angew. Ent. 28: 125-156
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung von Massenauftreten mit wirtschaftlichem Schaden der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe (Acantholyda erythrocephala L.) in Europa, detaillierte Untersuchungen zum Massenauftreten östlich von Schwerin in den Jahren 1937-40 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Starker Anstieg des Befalls mit der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe in den Jahren 1939 und 1940, wirtschafltiche Schäden durch Absterben der Kiefern lagen bei 5% des Bestandes in einzelnen Unterförstereien KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1828-1940 ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 12
    In:  Ztschr. angew. Ent. 29: 412-441 u. 601-635
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Beschreibung der Biologie der Buschhornblattwespe vom Schlüpfen, über die Entwicklung bis hin zum Überliegen und die abiotischen Sterlichkeitsursachen, u.a. witterungsbedingt KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Beginn der Frühjahrsgeneration ist klima- und wetterbedingt, unter günstigen Bedingungen (milder Winter) bereits im Januar Beginn der Entwicklung und Schlupfbeginn ab Anfang April KATASTER-DETAIL: Tmit- (Spätfrühjahr und Frühwinterwitterung) , dann Schlupfbeginn später und Anteil der Überlieger höher
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1937-1940 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur ; Vegetationsperiode ; Wachstum ; Witterung
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  • 13
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beobachtungen über das vermehrte Auftreten der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Durch Massenvermehrung der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe und Fraß an Nadeln des Maitriebes bei Kieferen kommt es zum Absterben der Bäume, vorwiegend auf Kuppen und sandigen Standorten, weniger in Mulden und Senken KATASTER-DETAIL: Massenauftreten der Kiefernschonungs-Gespinstblattwespe führte bis 1939 zu Absterben von mindestens 5% der Kiefernbestände, nach 1940 noch höhere Schäden
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1920-40 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 14
    In:  Forstwiss. Centralbl. Thar. forstl. Jahrb. 66: 115-120
    Publication Date: 1944
    Description: Beschreibung des Ertragsrückgang und der Schäden durch die Spätfröste im Mai 1943 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Spätfröste verursachten Schäden an Kiefern, Maitriebbildung teilweise extrem gestört und Posthorn- oder kandelaberartige Triebbildung als Folge des Frostes, unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit der Baumarten KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T -, (Ende Mai 〈 -6°C), dann schwere Schäden an Walnuss, Eiche, Robinie, Roteiche, Esche, Tanne, mittlere Schiiden:Buche, Roterle, Ahorn, Fichte, Douglasie, Lärche; geringe Schiiden: Roflkastanie,Hainbuche, Linde, Weisserle, Ulme, Birke. Im allgemeinen blieben ohne Schäden: Aspe, Eberesche, Traubenkirsche, Kiefer, Strobe und Bankskiefer.
    Keywords: Nordostdeutschland ; 1943 ; Buche ; Eiche ; Ertrag ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Roterle ; Frost ; Ulme ; Rosskastanie
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  • 15
    In:  Dtsch. Forstztg. 10: 307-308
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Beschreibung der großen Frassschäden der letzten Jahrzehnte, bezug der Temperatur und des Niederschlages auf die Entwicklungsmöglichkeit einer Population KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Ziiterte Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Nonnenraupe KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta T+ (Temperaturoptimum von 21.5°C, Ende April-Anfang Mai), dann günstige Entwiclungsbedingungen Delta Nied- (relative Feuchte schwankt zwischen 50-100%), dann Absterben großer Zahl futtersuchender Raupen
    Keywords: Deutschland, teilw. einzelne Regionen ; 1850-1940 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenschädling ; Temperatur
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Beobachtungen zur Massenvermehrung des Kiefernspanners in gleichaltrigem, umgleichaltrigem und Kiefern-Eichenbestand und der Bezug zu abiotischen Faktoren KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Beziehung zwischen Kiefernspanner und belebter Umwelt, im Mischwaldbeständen ist Dynamik höher, Anteil des Wetters an der Mortalität liegt bei ca. 12% (mit sehr starken Schwankungen), stark abhängig von der Lebensbedingungen für die natürlichen Feinde des Spinners KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Sachsen-Anhalt ; 1936-1937 ; Insekten ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 17
    In:  Ann. Ent. fenn., Helsinki, 8: 143-163
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Vertrockungnung der Eberesche, der Salweide durch den Befall mit Kleinschmetterlingen, bzw. Käfern und sekundär Pilzen, Bescchreibung der Prozesse und Auswirkungen KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Finnland ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Forst ; Pflanzenkrankheit ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 18
    In:  Mitt. Forstwirtsch. u. -wissensch. 12: 25-68
    Publication Date: 1941
    Description: Auswertung verschiedener Parameter (Nonnenraupen, Falterflug) in unterschiedlichen Überwachungsbereichen der Forstentomologischen Dienststellen, Befallsermittlungsverfahren nach der Wellensteinschen Methode KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Rhytmische Schwankungen der plötzlichen Übervermehrung, 10 oder 12 jährige Perioden, Bezug zu Schwankungen der Umweltbedingungen KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Nord- und Mitteldeutschland ; 1939-40 ; Insekten ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 1942
    Description: Zusammenhang zwischen dem Abgang von Puppen der Kieferneule und abiotischen Faktoren KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Zusammenhang zwischen der Überlebensrate der Puppen der Kieferneule und der Feuchtikeit in einzelnen Monaten, Optimum der relativen Feuchte für die Entwicklung bei 91% Luftfeuchte, günstigste Puppenlager sind trockene Standorte KATASTER-DETAIL: Nied+ (Mittelfeuchte und feuchte Lagen sowie in Mischlagen im Frühjahr), dann höherer Abgang von Puppen
    Keywords: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; 1939-1941 ; Insekten ; Luftfeuchte ; Kiefer ; Pflanzenschädling
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 1958
    Description: Auswertung aus 25jährigen Stammscheiben ermöglichen lagebedingte Darstellung von Ertragsunterschieden bei Fichte, Kiefer, weniger bei Buchen, Einfluss der Temperatur, des Niederschlages und der Höhe auf den Zuwachs KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: Der Zusammenhang von Niederschlag (Mai-August) und Temperatur (Mai-August) zum jährlichen Durchmesserwachstum ermöglich die Berechnung von Korrelations- und Regressionskoeffizienten, echte Beziehung in den unteren (〈400m) Höhenlagen, teilweise gesicherte Beziehungen in den mittleren (400-700m) Höhenlagen KATASTER-DETAIL: Delta Nied+ (Fichten in Eisenach): x=261+77.5(y-2.7) mit x=jährlicher Durchmesserzuwachs in mm, y=Niederschlagssumme Mai-August;
    Keywords: Thüringen ; letzten100 Jahre ; Buche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Niederschlag ; Temperatur ; Vegetationsperiode ; Waldwachstum
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: Nadelschäden, Überlebensrate, Höhenwachstum 1-jähriger Kiefern im Laborexperiment unter verschiedenen Frösten. Bei genereller Zunahme der mittleren Jahrestemperatur nimmt die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Frösten zu KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Kiefer ; Klima ; Temperatur ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 22
    In:  Archiv für Forstwesen und Landschaftsökologie 42(1): 8-15
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: siehe Kätzel 2008 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Stressindikator ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Trockenheit ; Wassermangel ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 23
    In:  In U. S. Department of Agriculture, (ed.) A Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Washington.
    Publication Date: 1931
    Description: Kompendium zum Zusammenhang Wetter und Pflanzen, landwirtschaftlich, gärtnerische und forstwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Schädlinge und Gesundheit, 2324 Literaturstellen mit kurzer Zusammenfassung KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: weltweit ; 1650-1930 ; Insekten ; Umweltmedizin ; Zuckerrüben ; Kartoffeln ; Anbautermine ; Infektionskrankheiten ; Boden ; Botanik ; Buche ; Eiche ; Ertrag ; Fichte ; Forst ; Getreide ; Hafer ; Kiefer ; Klima ; Korrelationsmethode ; Landwirtschaft ; Mais ; Niederschlag ; Pflanzenkrankheit ; Pflanzenschädling ; Phänologie ; Rangordnungsmethode ; Roggen ; Roterle ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Vegetationsperiode ; Verdunstung ; Wachstum ; Waldbrand ; Waldwachstum ; Wassermangel ; Weizen ; Wetterbeobachtung ; Wind ; Witterung ; Witterungsextreme ; Düngung ; Globalstrahlung ; Hackfrüchte ; Erbsen ; Wein
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  • 24
    In:  Gatower Gespräche 2007: Waldbau und Forstökonomie im Zeichen des Klimawandels
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: hauptsächlich Stress und Schäden durch zukünftigen Klimawandel KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Stressindikator ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Temperatur ; Trockenheit ; Wassermangel ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 25
    In:  Archiv für Forstwesen und Landschaftsökologie 42(3)
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: Bewertung von 47 Waldbaumarten hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung unter Bedingungen des Klimawandels; Bewertung der Toleranz gegenüber Trockenheit und Frost auf 4 Standorten unterschiedlicher Wasserversorgung KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Buche ; Eiche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Klima
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2009
    Description: Einschätzungen der Reaktion der Wälder auf Klimawandel aus 11 Bundesländern mittels Fragebogen; biotische Schäden, abiotische Faktoren, Anfälligkeit von Baumarten gegenüber Einflüssen des Klimawandels KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Buche ; Eiche ; Fichte ; Forst ; Kiefer ; Klima ; Phänologie ; Temperatur ; Vegetationsperiode ; Waldwachstum ; Wassermangel ; Witterungsextreme
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2008
    Description: siehe Möller 2007 KATASTER-BESCHREIBUNG: KATASTER-DETAIL:
    Keywords: Insekten ; Forst ; Kiefer
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2004-12-03
    Description: One of the major requirements associated with operating the International Space Station is the transportation -- space shuttle and Russian Progress spacecraft launches - necessary to re-supply station crews with food and water. The Vapor Compression Distillation (VCD) Flight Experiment, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., is a full-scale demonstration of technology being developed to recycle crewmember urine and wastewater aboard the International Space Station and thereby reduce the amount of water that must be re-supplied. Based on results of the VCD Flight Experiment, an operational urine processor will be installed in Node 3 of the space station in 2005.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: STS 107 Shuttle Press Kit: Providing 24/7 Space Science Research; 97-99
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  • 29
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A miniature electronic nose (ENose) has been designed and built at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, CA, and was designed to detect, identify, and quantify ten common contaminants and relative humidity changes. The sensing array includes 32 sensing films made from polymer carbon-black composites. Event identification and quantification were done using the Levenberg-Marquart nonlinear least squares method. After successful ground training, this ENose was used in a demonstration experiment aboard STS-95 (October-November, 1998), in which the ENose was operated continuously for six days and recorded the sensors' response to the air in the mid-deck. Air samples were collected daily and analyzed independently after the flight. Changes in shuttle-cabin humidity were detected and quantified by the JPL ENose; neither the ENose nor the air samples detected any of the contaminants on the target list. The device is microgravity insensitive.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: IEEE Sens J (ISSN 1530-437X); Volume 4; 3; 337-47
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Multilayer neural networks were successfully trained to classify segments of 12-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) data into one of five classes corresponding to five cognitive tasks performed by a subject. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to segregate obvious artifact EEG components from other sources, and a frequency-band representation was used to represent the sources computed by ICA. Examples of results include an 85% accuracy rate on differentiation between two tasks, using a segment of EEG only 0.05 s long and a 95% accuracy rate using a 0.5-s-long segment.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (ISSN 1534-4320); Volume 11; 4; 354-60
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  • 31
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: An electronic nose that uses an array of 32 polymer-carbon black composite sensors has been developed, trained, and tested. By selecting a variety of chemical functionalities in the polymers used to make sensors, it is possible to construct an array capable of identifying and quantifying a broad range of target compounds, such as alcohols and aromatics, and distinguishing isomers and enantiomers (mirror-image isomers). A model of the interaction between target molecules and the polymer-carbon black composite sensors is under development to aid in selecting the array members and to enable identification of compounds with responses not stored in the analysis library.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: MRS bulletin / Materials Research Society (ISSN 0883-7694); Volume 29; 10; 714-9
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A model based on an input process and outcome conceptualisation is suggested to address safety-relevant factors in emergency medicine. As shown in other dynamic and demanding environments, human factors play a decisive role in attaining high quality service. Attitudes held by health-care providers, organisational shells and work-cultural parameters determine communication, conflict resolution and workload distribution within and between teams. These factors should be taken into account to improve outcomes such as operational integrity, job satisfaction and morale.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Resuscitation (ISSN 0300-9572); Volume 28; 3; 221-5
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: To study the potential aftereffects of virtual environments (VE), tests of visually guided behavior and felt limb position (pointing with eyes open and closed) along with self-reports of motion sickness-like discomfort were administered before and after 30 min exposure of 34 subjects. When post- discomfort was compared to a pre-baseline, the participants reported more sickness afterward (p 〈 0.03). The change in felt limb position resulted in subjects pointing higher (p 〈 0.038) and slightly to the left, although the latter difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.08). When findings from a second study using a different VE system were compared, they essentially replicated the results of the first study with higher sickness afterward (p 〈 0.001) and post- pointing errors were also up (p 〈 0.001) and to the left (p 〈 0.001). While alternative explanations (e.g. learning, fatigue, boredom, habituation, etc.) of these outcomes cannot be ruled out, the consistency of the post- effects on felt limb position changes in the two VE implies that these recalibrations may linger once interaction with the VE has concluded, rendering users potentially physiologically maladapted for the real world when they return. This suggests there may be safety concerns following VE exposures until pre-exposure functioning has been regained. The results of this study emphasize the need for developing and using objective measures of post-VE exposure aftereffects in order to systematically determine under what conditions these effects may occur.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Applied ergonomics (ISSN 0003-6870); Volume 30; 1; 27-38
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: BACKGROUND: Nonuniform heating and cooling of the body, a possibility during extended duration extravehicular activities (EVA), was studied by means of a specially designed water circulating garment that independently heated or cooled the right and left sides of the body. The purpose was to assess whether there was a generalized reaction on the finger in extreme contradictory temperatures on the body surface, as a potential heat status controller. METHOD: Eight subjects, six men and two women, were studied while wearing a sagittally divided experimental garment with hands exposed in the following conditions: Stage 1 baseline--total body garment inlet water temperature at 33 degrees C; Stage 2--left side inlet water temperature heated to 45 degrees C; right side cooled to 8 degrees C; Stage 3--left side inlet water temperature cooled to 8 degrees C, right side heated to 45 degrees C. RESULTS: Temperatures on each side of the body surface as well as ear canal temperature (Tec) showed statistically significant Stage x Side interactions, demonstrating responsiveness to the thermal manipulations. Right and left finger temperatures (Tfing) were not significantly different across stages; their dynamic across time was similar. Rectal temperature (Tre) was not reactive to prevailing cold on the body surface, and therefore not informative. Subjective perception of heat and cold on the left and right sides of the body was consistent with actual temperature manipulations. CONCLUSIONS: Tec and Tre estimates of internal temperature do not provide accurate data for evaluating overall thermal status in nonuniform thermal conditions on the body surface. The use of Tfing has significant potential in providing more accurate information on thermal status and as a feedback method for more precise thermal regulation of the astronaut within the EVA space suit.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Aviation, space, and environmental medicine (ISSN 0095-6562); Volume 71; 6; 579-85
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The prospect of noninvasive brain-actuated control of computerized screen displays or locomotive devices is of interest to many and of crucial importance to a few 'locked-in' subjects who experience near total motor paralysis while retaining sensory and mental faculties. Currently several groups are attempting to achieve brain-actuated control of screen displays using operant conditioning of particular features of the spontaneous scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) including central mu-rhythms (9-12 Hz). A new EEG decomposition technique, independent component analysis (ICA), appears to be a foundation for new research in the design of systems for detection and operant control of endogenous EEG rhythms to achieve flexible EEG-based communication. ICA separates multichannel EEG data into spatially static and temporally independent components including separate components accounting for posterior alpha rhythms and central mu activities. We demonstrate using data from a visual selective attention task that ICA-derived mu-components can show much stronger spectral reactivity to motor events than activity measures for single scalp channels. ICA decompositions of spontaneous EEG would thus appear to form a natural basis for operant conditioning to achieve efficient and multidimensional brain-actuated control in motor-limited and locked-in subjects.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (ISSN 1063-6528); Volume 8; 2; 208-11
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  • 36
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Presented are results of testing the method of adaptive biocontrol during preflight training of cosmonauts. Within the MIR-25 crew, a high level of controllability of the autonomous reactions was characteristic of Flight Commanders MIR-23 and MIR-25 and flight Engineer MIR-23, while Flight Engineer MIR-25 displayed a weak intricate dependence of these reactions on the depth of relaxation or strain.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine (ISSN 0233-528X); Volume 34; 3; 66-9
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  • 37
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: In high-performance aircraft, the need for total environmental awareness coupled with high-g loading (often with abrupt onset) creates a predilection for cervical spine injury while the pilot is performing routine movements within the cockpit. In this study, the prevalence and severity of cervical spine injury are assessed via a modified cross-sectional survey of pilots of multiple aircraft types (T-38 and F-14, F-16, and F/A-18 fighters). Ninety-five surveys were administered, with 58 full responses. Fifty percent of all pilots reported in-flight or immediate post-flight spine-based pain, and 90% of fighter pilots reported at least one event, most commonly (〉 90%) occurring during high-g (〉 5 g) turns of the aircraft with the head deviated from the anatomical neutral position. Pre-flight stretching was not associated with a statistically significant reduction in neck pain episodes in this evaluation, whereas a regular weight training program in the F/A-18 group approached a significant reduction (mean = 2.492; p 〈 0.064). Different cockpit ergonomics may vary the predisposition to cervical injury from airframe to airframe. Several strategies for prevention are possible from both an aircraft design and a preventive medicine standpoint. Countermeasure strategies against spine injury in pilots of high-performance aircraft require additional research, so that future aircraft will not be limited by the human in control.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Military medicine (ISSN 0026-4075); Volume 165; 1; 6-12
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  • 38
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The uses of virtual environment technology in the space program are examined with emphasis on training for the Hubble Space Telescope Repair and Maintenance Mission in 1993. Project ScienceSpace at the Virtual Environment Technology Lab is discussed.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Computer graphics (ISSN 0097-8930); Volume 30; 4; 33-5
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  • 39
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Permanent human presence in space beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) is now technically feasible. To achieve this goal several requirements must be met, which can be summarized as: technologies, facilities, organization, vision, and will. This paper describes a recently published NASA Reference Publication, "Designing for Human Presence in Space: An Introduction to Environmental Control and Life Support Systems" that addresses how to achieve the goal of permanent human presence in space, specifically, how to design and develop environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) for space habitats. This includes the technologies that perform the required functions, the facilities where the systems will be developed, and the organization necessary to perform the numerous tasks efficiently.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 1; 1; 49-51
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  • 40
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    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: What needs to be done to establish food irradiation on a truly commercial basis so that those living on planet Earth can fully realize the benefits of this versatile process? This question is answered in the first part of this paper. The second part covers the potential contributions of irradiated foods to feed humans in space.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Food technology (ISSN 0015-6639); Volume 43; 7; 95-7
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  • 41
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Potato plants, cvs Denali and Norland, were grown in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) trays using a continuous flowing nutrient film technique (NFT) to study tuber yield for NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) program. Nutrient solution pH was controlled automatically using 0.39M (2.5% (v/v) nitric acid (HNO3), while water and nutrients were replenished manually each day and twice each week, respectively. Plants were spaced either one or two per tray, allotting 0.2 or 0.4 m2 per plant. All plants were harvested after 112 days. Denali plants yielded 2850 and 2800 g tuber fresh weight from the one- and two-plant trays, respectively, while Norland plants yielded 1800 and 2400 g tuber fresh weight from the one- and two-plant trays. Many tubers of both cultivars showed injury to the periderm tissue, possibly caused by salt accumulation from the nutrient solution on the surface. Total system water usage throughout the study for all the plants equaled 709 liters (L), or approximately 2 L m-2 d-1. Total system acid usage throughout the study (for nutrient solution pH control) equaled 6.60 L, or 18.4 ml m-2 d-1 (7.2 mmol m-2 d-1). The results demonstrate that continuous flowing nutrient film technique can be used for tuber production with acceptable yields for the CELSS program.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: American potato journal (ISSN 0003-0589); Volume 67; 177-87
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 27; 7; 764-7
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  • 43
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The physical state of food components affects their properties during processing, storage, and consumption. Removal of water by evaporation or by freezing often results in formation of an amorphous state (Parks et al., 1928; Troy and Sharp, 1930; Kauzmann, 1948; Bushill et al., 1965; White and Cakebread, 1966; Slade and Levine, 1991). Amorphous foods are also produced from carbohydrate melts by rapid cooling after extrusion or in the manufacturing of hard sugar candies and coatings (Herrington and Branfield, 1984). Formation of the amorphous state and its relation to equilibrium conditions are shown in Fig. 1 [see text]. The most important change, characteristic of the amorphous state, is noticed at the glass transition temperature (Tg), which involves transition from a solid "glassy" to a liquid-like "rubbery" state. The main consequence of glass transition is an increase of molecular mobility and free volume above Tg, which may result in physical and physico-chemical deteriorative changes (White and Cakebread, 1966; Slade and Levine, 1991). We have conducted studies on phase transitions of amorphous food materials and related Tg to composition, viscosity, stickiness, collapse, recrystallization, and ice formation. We have also proposed that some diffusion-limited deteriorative reactions are controlled by the physical state in the vicinity of Tg (Roos and Karel, 1990, 1991a, b, c). The results are summarized in this article, with state diagrams based on experimental and calculated data to characterize the relevant water content, temperature, and time-dependent phenomena of amorphous food components.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Food technology (ISSN 0015-6639); Volume 45; 12; 66, 68-71, 107
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  • 44
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This study was designed to characterize the growth responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to diurnal temperature fluctuations. Potato plants of two cultivars, Norland and Denali, were grown for 90 days under 12 hr photoperiod in walk-in growth rooms at the University of Wisconsin Biotron. The alternating temperature was 22 C light/14 C dark and compared to a constant 18 C as control. At all temperature regimes vapor pressure deficit was maintained at 0.62 kPa (70% relative humidity [correction of humdidity] at 18 C). Plant height, plant dry weight, tuber dry weight, and harvest index were overall greater under the warm light/cool dark alternating temperatures than under the constant temperature. The differences between temperature treatments were greater for Denali than for Norland. Alternating temperatures increased Denali tuber weights by 25%, but no significant increase was found with Norland. Also the total plant weight was increased over 20% with Denali, but increased with Norland in only one of the two replications of the experiment. This study documents that alternating temperatures are a benefit to some cultivars but may not be of benefit to all cultivars.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: American potato journal (ISSN 0003-0589); Volume 68; 2; 81-6
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with high-intensity output are being studied as a photosynthetic light source for plants. High-output LEDs have peak emission at approximately 660 nm concentrated in a waveband of +/- 30 nm. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa Grand Rapids') seedlings developed extended hypocotyls and elongated cotyledons when grown under these LEDs as a sole source of irradiance. This extension and elongation was prevented when the red LED radiation was supplemented with more than 15 micromoles m-2 s-1 of 400- to 500-nm photons from blue fluorescent lamps. Blue radiation effects were independent of the photon level of the red radiation.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 27; 5; 427-30
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A system was developed in which nutrient flow to plant roots is controlled by a thin (0.98 or 1.18 mm) porous (0.2 or 0.5 microns) stainless steel sheet membrane. The flow of nutrient solution through the membrane is controlled by adjusting the relative negative pressure on the nutrient solution side of the membrane. Thus, the nutrient solution is contained by the membrane and cannot escape from the compartment even under microgravity conditions if the appropriate pressure gradient across the membrane is maintained. Plant roots grow directly on the top surface of the membrane and pull the nutrient solution through this membrane interface. The volume of nutrient solution required by this system for plant growth is relatively small, since the plenum, which contains the nutrient solution in contact with the membrane, needs only to be of sufficient size to provide for uniform flow to all parts of the membrane. Solution not passing through the membrane to the root zone is recirculated through a reservoir where pH and nutrient levels are controlled. The size of the solution reservoir depends on the sophistication of the replenishment system. The roots on the surface of the membrane are covered with a polyethylene film (white on top, black on bottom) to maintain a high relative humidity and also limit light to prevent algal growth. Seeds are sown directly on the stainless steel membrane under the holes in the polyethylene film that allow a pathway for the shoots.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 25; 6; 707
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  • 47
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Anti-nitrate-reductase (NR) immunoglobulin-G (IgG) fragments inhibited nitrate uptake into Chlorella cells but had no affect on nitrate uptake. Intact anti-NR serum and preimmune IgG fragments had no affect on nitrate uptake. Membrane-associated NR was detected in plasma-membrane (PM) fractions isolated by aqueous two-phase partitioning. The PM-associated NR was not removed by sonicating PM vesicles in 500 mM NaCl and 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and represented up to 0.8% of the total Chlorella NR activity. The PM NR was solubilized by Triton X-100 and inactivated by Chlorella NR antiserum. Plasma-membrane NR was present in ammonium-grown Chlorella cells that completely lacked soluble NR activity. The subunit sizes of the PM and soluble NRs were 60 and 95 kDa, respectively, as determined by sodium-dodecyl-sulfate electrophoresis and western blotting.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Planta (ISSN 0032-0935); Volume 178; 19-24
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This report includes procedures for ensuring the quality of the environment provided for plant growth in controlled environment facilities. Biologists and engineers may use these procedures for ensuring quality control during experiments or for ensuring quality control in the design of plant growth facilities. Environmental monitoring prior to and during experiments is included in these procedures. Specific recommendations cover control, acquisition, and calibration for sensor types for the separate parameters of radiation (light), temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, and air movement.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Biotronics (ISSN 0289-0011); Volume 15; 81-4
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  • 49
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR); Volume 14; 11; 1-466
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  • 50
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A Workshop on "Nitrogen Dynamics in Controlled Systems" was held September 26-28, 1995 at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The meetings were sponsored by the NASA Advanced Life Support program and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and hosted by Prof. Lester Packer of the University of California at Berkeley, and of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Workshop participants were asked to: 1. summarize current knowledge on the cycling of nitrogen in closed systems; 2. identify the needs that closed systems may have for specific forms of nitrogen; 3. identify possible ways of generating and maintaining (or avoiding) specific forms and concentrations of nitrogen; 4. compare biological and physical/chemical methods of transforming nitrogen.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 3; 1-2; 11-5
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Without some form of regenerative life support system, long duration space habitation or travel will be limited severely by the prohibitive costs of resupplying air, water, and food from Earth. Components under consideration for inclusion in a regenerative life support system are based on either physicochemical or biological processes. Physicochemical systems would use filtration and elemental phase changes to convert waste materials into usable products, while biological systems would use higher plants and bioreactors to supply crew needs. Neither a purely biological nor strictly a physicochemical approach can supply all crew needs, thus, the best each approach can offer will be combined into a hybrid regenerative life support system. Researchers at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Advanced Life Support Breadboard Project have taken the lead on bioregenerative aspects of space life support. The major focus has been on utilization of higher plants for production of food, oxygen, and clean water. However, a key to any regenerative life support system is recycling and recovery of resources (wastes). In keeping with the emphasis at KSC on bioregenerative systems and with the focus on plants, this paper focuses on research with biologically-based options for resource recovery from inedible crop residues.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Compost science & utilization (ISSN 1065-657X); Volume 5; 3; 25-31
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: We investigated the effects of vegetation on the fate of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in soil using a novel high-flow sealed test system. Pentachlorophenol has been widely used as a wood preservative, and this highly toxic biocide contaminates soil and ground water at many sites. Although plants are known to accelerate the rates of degradation of certain soil contaminants, this approach has not been thoroughly investigated for PCP. The fate of [14C]PCP, added to soil at a concentration of 100 mg/kg, was compared in three unplanted and three planted systems. The plant used was Hycrest, a perennial, drought-tolerant cultivar of crested wheatgrass [Agropyron desertorum (Fischer ex Link) Schultes]. The flow-through test system allowed us to maintain a budget for 14C-label as well as monitor mineralization (breakdown to 14CO2) and volatilization of the test compound in a 155-d trial. In the unplanted systems, an average of 88% of the total radiolabel remained in the soil and leachate and only 6% was mineralized. In the planted system, 33% of the radiolabel remained in the soil plus leachate, 22% was mineralized, and 36% was associated with plant tissue (21% with the root fraction and 15% with shoots). Mineralization rates were 23.1 mg PCP mineralized kg-1 soil in 20 wk in the planted system, and for the unplanted system 6.6 mg PCP kg-1 soil for the same time period. Similar amounts of volatile organic material were generated in the two systems (1.5%). Results indicated that establishing crested wheatgrass on PCP-contaminated surface soils may accelerate the removal of the contaminant.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Journal of environmental quality (ISSN 0047-2425); Volume 23; 2; 272-9
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: As part of bioregenerative life support feasibility testing by NASA, crop residues are being used to resupply elemental nutrients to recirculating hydroponic crop production systems. Methods for recovering nutrients from crop residues have evolved from water soaking (leaching) to rapid aerobic bioreactor processing. Leaching residues recovered the majority of elements but it also recovered significant amounts of soluble organics. The high organic content of leachates was detrimental to plant growth. Aerobic bioreactor processing reduced the organic content ten-fold, which reduced or eliminated phytotoxic effects. Wheat and potato production studies were successful using effluents from reactors having with 8- to 1-day retention times. Aerobic bioreactor effluents supplied at least half of the crops elemental mass needs in these studies. Descriptions of leachate and effluent mineral content, biomass productivity, microbial activity, and nutrient budgets for potato and wheat are presented.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Acta horticulturae (ISSN 0567-7572); Volume 440; 19-24
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Closed and semi-closed plant growth chambers have long been used in studies of plant and crop physiology. These studies include the measurement of photosynthesis and transpiration via photosynthetic gas exchange. Unfortunately, other gaseous products of plant metabolism can accumulate in these chambers and cause artifacts in the measurements. The most important of these gaseous byproducts is the plant hormone ethylene (C2H4). In spite of hundreds of manuscripts on ethylene, we still have a limited understanding of the synthesis rates throughout the plant life cycle. We also have a poor understanding of the sensitivity of intact, rapidly growing plants to ethylene. We know ethylene synthesis and sensitivity are influenced by both biotic and abiotic stresses, but such whole plant responses have not been accurately quantified. Here we present an overview of basic studies on ethylene synthesis and sensitivity.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 39; 7; 1546-52
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Space exploration missions will require combining human and technical subsystems into overall "crew systems" capable of performing under the rigorous conditions of outer space. This report describes substantive and conceptual relationships among humans, intelligent machines, and communication systems, and explores how these components may be combined to complement and strengthen one another. We identify key research issues in the combination of humans and technology and examine the role of individual differences, group processes, and environmental conditions. We conclude that a crew system is, in effect, a social cyborg, a living system consisting of multiple individuals whose capabilities are extended by advanced technology.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Behavioral science (ISSN 0005-7940); Volume 39; 3; 183-212
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Staphylococcus aureus was isolated over 2 years from Space Shuttle mission crewmembers to determine dissemination and retention of bacteria. Samples before and after each mission were from nasal, throat, urine, and feces and from air and surface sampling of the Space Shuttle. DNA fingerprinting of samples by digestion of DNA with SmaI restriction endonuclease followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed S. aureus from each crewmember had a unique fingerprint and usually only one strain was carried by an individual. There was only one instance of transfer between crewmembers. Strains from interior surfaces after flight matched those of crewmembers, suggesting microbial fingerprinting may have forensic application.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: FEMS immunology and medical microbiology (ISSN 0928-8244); Volume 16; 3-4; 273-81
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  • 57
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A large amount of inedible plant material, generated as a result of plant growth in a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS), should be pretreated and converted into forms that can be recycled on earth as well as in space. The main portion of the inedible biomass is lignocellulosic material. Enzymatic hydrolysis of this cellulose would provide sugars for many other uses by recycling carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen through formation of carbon dioxide, heat, and sugars, which are potential foodstuffs. To obtain monosaccharides from cellulose, the protective effect of lignin should be removed. White-rot fungi degrade lignin more extensively and rapidly than other microorganisms. Pleurotus ostreatus degrades lignin effectively, and produces edible and flavorful mushrooms that increase the quality and nutritional value of the diet. This mushroom is also capable of metabolizing hemicellulose, thereby providing a food use of this pentose containing polysaccharide. This study presents the current knowledge of physiology and biochemistry of primary and secondary metabolisms of basidiomycetes, and degradation mechanism of lignin. A better understanding of the ligninolytic activity of white-rot fungi will impact the CELSS Program by providing insights on how edible fungi might be used to recycle the inedible portions of the crops.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Applied biochemistry and biotechnology (ISSN 0273-2289); Volume 62; 2-3; 131-49
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  • 58
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The search for clinically-effective neuroprotective agents has received enormous support in recent years--an estimated $200 million by pharmaceutical companies on clinical trials for traumatic brain injury alone. At the same time, the pathophysiology of brain injury has proved increasingly complex, rendering the likelihood of a single agent "magic bullet" even more remote. On the other hand, great progress continues with technology that makes surgery less invasive and less risky. One example is the application of endovascular techniques to treat coronary artery stenosis, where both the invasiveness of sternotomy and the significant neurological complication rate (due to microemboli showering the cerebral vasculature) can be eliminated. In this paper we review aspects of intraoperative neuroprotection both present and future. Explanations for the slow progress on pharmacologic neuroprotection during surgery are presented. Examples of technical advances that have had great impact on neuroprotection during surgery are given both from coronary artery stenosis surgery and from surgery for Parkinson's disease. To date, the progress in neuroprotection resulting from such technical advances is an order of magnitude greater than that resulting from pharmacologic agents used during surgery. The progress over the last 20 years in guidance during surgery (CT and MRI image-guidance) and in surgical access (endoscopic and endovascular techniques) will soon be complemented by advances in our ability to evaluate biological tissue intraoperatively in real-time. As an example of such technology, the NASA Smart Probe project is considered. In the long run (i.e., in 10 years or more), pharmacologic "agents" aimed at the complex pathophysiology of nervous system injury in man will be the key to true intraoperative neuroprotection. In the near term, however, it is more likely that mundane "agents" based on computers, microsensors, and microeffectors will be the major impetus to improved intraoperative neuroprotection.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (ISSN 0077-8923); Volume 890; 59-72
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  • 59
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR); Volume 12; 5; 1-268
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  • 60
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The effect of SeO3= and SeO4= on NO3- assimilation in 8-d-old barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings was studied over a 24-h period. Selenite at 0.1 mol m-3 in the uptake solutions severely inhibited the induction of NO3- uptake and active nitrate reductases. Selenate, at 1.0 mol m-3 in the nutrient solution, had little effect on induction of activities of these systems until after 12 h; however, when the seedlings were pretreated with 1.0 mol m-3 SeO4= for 24 h, subsequent NO3- uptake from SeO4(=) -free solutions was inhibited about 60%. Sulphate partially alleviated the inhibitory effect of SeO3= when supplied together in the ambient solutions, but had no effect in seedlings pretreated with SeO3=. By contrast, SO4= partially alleviated the inhibitory effect of SeO4= even in seedlings pretreated with SeO4=. Since uptake of NO3- by intact seedlings was also inhibited by SO3=, the percentage of the absorbed NO3- that was reduced was not affected. By contrast, SeO4=, which affected NO3- uptake much less, inhibited the percentage reduced of that absorbed. However, when supplied to detached leaves, both SeO3= and SeO4= inhibited the in vivo reduction of NO3- as well as induction of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activities. Selenite was more inhibitory than SeO4= ; approximately a five to 10 times higher concentration of SeO4= than SeO3= was required to achieve similar inhibition. In detached leaves, the inhibitory effect of both SeO3= and SeO4= on in vivo NO3- reduction as well as on the induction of nitrate reductase activity was partially alleviated by SO4=. The inhibitory effects of Se salts on the induction of the nitrite reductase were, however, completely alleviated by SO4=. The results show that in barley seedlings SeO3= is more toxic than SeO4=. The reduction of SeO4= to SeO3= may be a rate limiting step in causing Se toxicity.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Plant, cell & environment (ISSN 0140-7791); Volume 13; 773-82
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  • 61
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Plants of Norland potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were maintained for 42 days at Mg concentrations of 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 1, 2, and 4 mM in a nonrecirculating nutrient film system under controlled environment. With the increased Mg supply from 0.05 to 4 mM, Mg concentrations in the leaves of the 42-day old plants increased significantly from 1.1 to 11.2 mg g-1 dry weight. Plant leaf area and plant and tuber dry weights increased with increased Mg concentrations up to 1 mM in solution or 6.7 mg g-1 in leaves, and then decreased with further increases in Mg concentrations. Rates of CO2 assimilation measured on leaflets in situ at ambient and various intercellular CO2 concentrations were consistently lower at 0.05 and 4 mM Mg than at other Mg treatments, which may indicate decreased photosynthetic activity in mesophyll tissues at the lowest and highest Mg concentrations. Dark respiration rates in leaves were highest at 0.05 and 4 mM Mg, lowest at 0.25 and 1 mM Mg, and intermediate at 0.125 and 2 mM Mg. The different Mg treatments also influenced accumulation of other minerals in leaves. Leaf concentrations of Ca and Mn decreased with increased Mg supply except that Ca and Mn were lower at 0.05 mM than at 0.125 mM Mg. Leaf K concentrations were lower at 1, 2 and 4 mM Mg than at other Mg treatments. Foliar concentrations of P, Fe, Zn, and Cu had small but inconsistent variation with different Mg concentrations. Leaf concentrations of N, S, and B were similar at different Mg concentrations. This study demonstrates that various Mg nutrition, along with altered accumulation of other nutrients, could regulate dry matter production in potatoes by affecting not only leaf area but also leaf carbon dioxide assimilation and respiration.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Journal of plant nutrition (ISSN 0190-4167); Volume 15; 9; 1359-71
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  • 62
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The circumstances and criteria for space-based waste treatment bioregenerative life-support systems differ in many ways from those needed in terrestrial applications. In fact, the term "waste" may not even be appropriate in the context of nearly closed, cycling, ecosystems such as those under consideration. Because of these constraints there is a need for innovative approaches to the problem of "materials recycling". Hybrid physico-chemico-biological systems offer advantages over both strictly physico-chemico or biological approaches that would be beneficial to material recycling. To effectively emulate terrestrial cycling, the use of various microbial consortia ("assemblies of interdependent microbes") should be seriously considered for the biological components of such systems. This paper will examine the use of consortia in the context of a hybrid-system for materials recycling in space.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA (ISSN 0734-242X); Volume 9; 5; 485-90
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  • 63
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The nature of the injury and recovery of nitrate uptake (net uptake) from NaCl stress in young barley (Hordeum vulgare L, var CM 72) seedlings was investigated. Nitrate uptake was inhibited rapidly by NaCl, within 1 minute after exposure to 200 millimolar NaCl. The duration of exposure to saline conditions determined the time of recovery of NO3- uptake from NaCl stress. Recovery was dependent on the presence of NO3- and was inhibited by cycloheximide, 6-methylpurine, and cerulenin, respective inhibitors of protein, RNA, and sterol/fatty acid synthesis. These inhibitors also prevented the induction of the NO3- uptake system in uninduced seedlings. Uninduced seedlings exhibited endogenous NO3- transport activity that appeared to be constitutive. This constitutive activity was also inhibited by NaCl. Recovery of constitutive NO3- uptake did not require the presence of NO3-.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Plant physiology (ISSN 0032-0889); Volume 87; 878-82
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  • 64
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This special issue contains papers from the NASA Symposium on Waste Processing for Advanced Life Support, which was held at NASA Ames Research Center on September 11-13, 1990. Specialists in waste management from academia, government, and industry convened to exchange ideas and advise NASA in developing effective methods for waste management in a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). Innovative and well-established methods were presented to assist in developing and managing wastes in closed systems for future long-duration space missions, especially missions to Mars.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA (ISSN 0734-242X); Volume 9; 5; 323-490
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  • 65
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Thus far in the manned space program, human life support has depended on storage of air, water, food, and energy. There are no refrigerators on Shuttle, and fresh foods are limited to what can be stowed in lockers for the first 3 days of a mission, when spoilage becomes a factor. Oxygen is stored, CO2 is scrubbed, and water is stored and treated. As we approach the Space Station era, life support will be a combination of storage and resupply. Duty cycles will be 90 days, and physico-chemical (P/C) systems will be important for recycling oxygen and water. Nutritionists seek a capability for refrigerated storage of fresh food on Station. However, most food still will be thermostabilized, rehydratables that can be stored at room temperature. Present Shuttle food is not much more sophisticated than repackaged camp food, and tends to be high in salt content. Hopefully, menus will be healthier on Station, where dietary countermeasures against biomedical responses to chronic microgravity might be implemented, and certainly need to be studied.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (ISSN 0022-8443); Volume 96; 1-2; 87-92
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  • 66
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of various NH4(+)-N/NO3(-)-N percentages on growth and mineral concentrations in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants using a non-recirculating nutrient film system in a controlled environment. The first experiment included six NH4(+)-N/NO3(-)-N percentages at 0/100, 20/80, 40/60, 60/40, 80/20, and 100/0 with the same total N concentration of 4 mM. The second experiment included six NH4(+)-N/NO3(-)-N percentages at 0/100, 4/96, 8/92, 12/88, 16/84, and 20/80 again with the same total N of 4 mM. In each experiment, plants were harvested 35 days after transplanting when tubers had been initiated and started to enlarge. Dry weights of shoots, tubers, and whole plant at the harvest were increased significantly with all mixed nitrogen treatments as compared with single NH4+ or NO3- form. The enhanced growth with mixed nitrogen was greatest at 8% to 20% NH4(+)-N. Also, the concentrations and accumulation of total N in the shoots and roots were greater with mixed nitrogen than with separate NH4+ or NO3- nutrition. With NH4+ present in the solutions, the concentrations of P and Cl in the shoots were increased compared to NO3- alone, whereas the tissue concentrations of Ca and Mg were decreased. It was concluded that nitrogen fertilization provided with combined NH4+ and NO3- forms, even at small proportions of NH4+, can enhance nitrogen uptake and productivity in potato plants.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Journal of plant nutrition (ISSN 0190-4167); Volume 16; 9; 1691-704
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  • 67
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Development of a more effective radiation source for use in plant-growing facilities would be of significant benefit for both research and commercial crop production applications. An array of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that produce red radiation, supplemented with a photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of 30 micromoles s-1 m-2 in the 400- to 500-nm spectral range from blue fluorescent lamps, was used effectively as a radiation source for growing plants. Growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. Grand Rapids') plants maintained under the LED irradiation system at a total PPF of 325 micromoles s-1 m-2 for 21 days was equivalent to that reported in the literature for plants grown for the same time under cool-white fluorescent and incandescent radiation sources. Characteristics of the plants, such as leaf shape, color, and texture, were not different from those found with plants grown under cool-white fluorescent lamps. Estimations of the electrical energy conversion efficiency of a LED system for plant irradiation suggest that it may be as much as twice that published for fluorescent systems.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 26; 2; 203-5
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  • 68
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A 50% increase in total radiation by extending the photoperiod from 16 to 24 hr doubled the weight of all cultivars of loose-leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) 'Grand Rapids Forcing', 'Waldmanns Green', 'Salad Bowl', and 'RubyConn', but not a Butterhead cultivar, 'Salina'. When total daily radiation (moles of photons) was the same, plants under continuous radiation weighed 30% to 50% more than plants under a 16 hr photoperiod. By using continuous radiation on loose-leaf lettuce, fewer lamp fixtures were required and yield was increased.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 21; 1; 123-4
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  • 69
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The effect of root-zone temperature on young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Heinz 1350) was evaluated in controlled environments using a recirculating solution culture system. Growth rates were measured at root-zone temperatures of 15 degrees, 20 degrees, 25 degrees, and 30 degrees C in a near optimum foliar environment. Optimum growth occurred at 25 degrees to 30 degrees during the first 4 weeks of growth and 20 degrees to 25 degrees during the 5th and 6th weeks. Growth was severely restricted at 15 degrees. Four concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) and kinetin were added to the nutrient solution in a separate trial; root-zone temperature was maintained at 15 degrees and 25 degrees. Addition of 15 micromoles GA3 to solutions increased specific leaf area, total leaf area, and dry weight production of plants in both temperature treatments. GA3-induced growth stimulation was greater at 15 degrees than at 25 degrees. GA3 may promote growth by increasing leaf area, enhancing photosynthesis per unit leaf area, or both. Kinetic was not useful in promoting growth at either temperature.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0003-1062); Volume 109; 1; 121-5
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  • 70
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Two approaches for biomass processing in Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems are compared in a literature survey. The approaches are based on (1) total oxidation of plant matter and (2) the potential of bioregenerative recovery.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Enzyme and microbial technology (ISSN 0141-0229); Volume 14; 76-9
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  • 71
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Recycling waste products during orbital (e.g., International Space Station) and planetary missions (e.g., lunar base, Mars transit mission, Martian base) will reduce storage and resupply costs. Wastes streams on the space station will include human hygiene water, urine, faeces, and trash. Longer term missions will contain human waste and inedible plant material from plant growth systems used for atmospheric regeneration, food production, and water recycling. The feasibility of biological and physical-chemical waste recycling is being investigated as part of National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Advanced Life Support (ALS) Program. In-vessel composting has lower manpower requirements, lower water and volume requirements, and greater potential for sanitization of human waste compared to alternative bioreactor designs such as continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR). Residual solids from the process (i.e. compost) could be used a biological air filter, a plant nutrient source, and a carbon sink. Potential in-vessel composting designs for both near- and long-term space missions are presented and discussed with respect to the unique aspects of space-based systems.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Acta horticulturae (ISSN 0567-7572); Volume 469; 71-8
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  • 72
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Although terrestrial CO2 concentrations, [CO2] are not expected to reach 1000 micromoles mol-1 for many decades, CO2 levels in closed systems such as growth chambers and glasshouses, can easily exceed this concentration. CO2 levels in life support systems in space can exceed 10000 micromoles mol-1 (1%). Here we studied the effect of six CO2 concentrations, from ambient up to 10000 micromoles mol-1, on seed yield, growth and gas exchange of two wheat cultivars (USU-Apogee and Veery-l0). Elevating [CO2] from 350 to 1000 micromoles mol-1 increased seed yield (by 33%), vegetative biomass (by 25%) and number of heads m-2 (by 34%) of wheat plants. Elevation of [CO2] from 1000 to 10000 micromoles mol-1 decreased seed yield (by 37%), harvest index (by 14%), mass per seed (by 9%) and number of seeds per head (by 29%). This very high [CO2] had a negligible, non-significant effect on vegetative biomass, number of heads m-2 and seed mass per head. A sharp decrease in seed yield, harvest index and seeds per head occurred by elevating [CO2] from 1000 to 2600 micromoles mol-1. Further elevation of [CO2] from 2600 to 10000 micromoles mol-1 caused a further but smaller decrease. The effect of CO2 on both wheat cultivars was similar for all growth parameters. Similarly there were no differences in the response to high [CO2] between wheat grown hydroponically in growth chambers under fluorescent lights and those grown in soilless media in a glasshouse under sunlight and high pressure sodium lamps. There was no correlation between high [CO2] and ethylene production by flag leaves or by wheat heads. Therefore, the reduction in seed set in wheat plants is not mediated by ethylene. The photosynthetic rate of whole wheat plants was 8% lower and dark respiration of the wheat heads 25% lower when exposed to 2600 micromoles mol-1 CO2 compared to ambient [CO2]. It is concluded that the reduction in the seed set can be mainly explained by the reduction in the dark respiration in wheat heads, when most of the respiration is functional and is needed for seed development.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Annals of botany (ISSN 0305-7364); Volume 80; 4; 539-46
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  • 73
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plants were grown hydroponically, using continuously recirculating nutrient solution. Two culture tray designs were tested; one tray design used only nutrient solution, while the other used a sphagnum-filled pod development compartment just beneath the cover and above the nutrient solution. Both trays were fitted with slotted covers to allow developing gynophores to reach the root zone. Peanut seed yields averaged 350 gm-2 dry mass, regardless of tray design, suggesting that substrate is not required for hydroponic peanut production.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN 0018-5345); Volume 33; 4; 650-1
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  • 74
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: In a study of lunar and Mars settlement concepts, an analysis was made of fundamental design assumptions in five technical areas against a model list of occupational and environmental health concerns. The technical areas included the proposed science projects to be supported, habitat and construction issues, closed ecosystem issues, the "MMM" issues (mining, material processing, and manufacturing), and the human elements of physiology, behavior, and mission approach. Four major lessons were learned. First it is possible to relate public health concerns to complex technological development in a proactive design mode, which has the potential for long-term cost savings. Second, it became very apparent that prior to committing any nation or international group to spending the billions to start and complete a lunar settlement, over the next century, that a significantly different approach must be taken from those previously proposed, to solve the closed ecosystem and "MMM" problems. Third, it also appears that the health concerns and technology issues to be addressed for human exploration into space are fundamentally those to be solved for human habitation of the Earth (as a closed ecosystem) in the 21st century. Finally, it is proposed that ecosystem design modeling must develop new tools, based on probabilistic models as a step up from closed circuit models.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 4; 3-4; 127-44
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  • 75
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Yecora Rojo) was grown in the intensive agricultural biome (IAB) of Biosphere 2 during the l995-l996 winter/spring season. Environmental conditions were characterized by a day/night temperature regime of 27/17 degrees C, relative humidity (RH) levels around 45%, mean atmospheric CO2 concentration of 450 ppmv, and natural light conditions with mean intensities about half of outside levels. Weekly samples of above-ground plant matter were collected throughout the growing season and phenological events recorded. A computer model, CERES-Wheat, previously tested under both field and controlled conditions, was used to simulate the observed crop growth and to help in data analysis. We found that CERES-Wheat simulated the data collected at Biosphere 2 to within 10% of observed, thus suggesting that wheat growth inside the IAB was comparable to that documented in other environments. The model predicts phenological stages and final dry matter (DM) production within l0% of the observed data. Measured DM production rates, normalized for light absorbed by the crop. suggested photosynthetic efficiencies intermediate between those observed under optimal field conditions and those recorded in NASA-Controlled Ecological Life-Support Systems (CELSS). We suggest that such a difference can be explained primarily in terms of low light levels inside the IAB, with additional effects due to elevated CO2 concentrations and diffuse light fractions.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Ecological engineering (ISSN 0925-8574); Volume 13; 273-86
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  • 76
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR); Volume 24; 3; 263-413
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  • 77
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR); Volume 20; 10; 1799-2054
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  • 78
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Sodium (Na) movement between plants and humans is one of the more critical aspects of bioregenerative systems of life support, which NASA is studying for the establishment of long-term bases on the Lunar or Martian surface. This study was conducted to determine the extent to which Na can replace potassium (K) in red beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp vulgaris) without adversely affecting metabolic functions such as water relations, photosynthetic rates, and thus growth. Two cultivars, Ruby Queen and Klein Bol, were grown for 42 days at 1200 micromoles mol-1 CO2 in a growth chamber using a re-circulating nutrient film technique with 0%, 75%, 95%, and 98% Na substitution for K in a modified half-strength Hoagland solution. Total biomass of Ruby Queen was greatest at 95% Na substitution and equal at 0% and 98% Na substitution. For Klein Bol, there was a 75% reduction in total biomass at 98% Na substitution. Nearly 95% of the total plant K was replaced with Na at 98% Na substitution in both cultivars. Potassium concentrations in leaves decreased from 120 g kg-1 dwt in 0% Na substitution to 3.5 g kg-1 dwt at 98% Na substitution. Leaf chlorophyll concentration, photosynthetic rate, and osmotic potential were not affected in either cultivar by Na substitution for K. Leaf glycinebetaine levels were doubled at 75% Na substitution in Klein Bol, but decreased at higher levels of Na substitution. For Ruby Queen, glycinebetaine levels in leaf increased with the first increase of Na levels and were maintained at the higher Na levels. These results indicate that in some cultivars of red beet, 95% of the normal tissue K can be replaced by Na without a reduction in growth.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Journal of plant nutrition (ISSN 0190-4167); Volume 22; 11; 1745-61
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  • 79
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR); Volume 26; 2; 243-377
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  • 80
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Insects have a number of potential roles in closed-loop life support systems. In this study we examined the tolerance of a range of insect orders and life stages to drops in atmospheric pressure using a terrestrial atmosphere. We found that all insects studied could tolerate pressures down to 100 mb. No effects on insect respiration were noted down to 500 mb. Pressure toleration was not dependent on body volume. Our studies demonstrate that insects are compatible with plants in low-pressure artificial and closed-loop ecosystems. The results also have implications for arthropod colonization and global distribution on Earth.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 6; 3; 161-7
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  • 81
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Incorporation of Mg, S, and plant-essential micronutrients into the structure of synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) may be advantageous for closed-loop systems, such as will be required on Lunar and Martian outposts, because these apatites can be used as slow-release fertilizers. Our objective was to synthesize HA with Ca, P, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, B, and Cl incorporated into the structure, i.e., nutrient-substituted apatites. Hydroxyapatite, carbonate hydroxyapatite (CHA), nutrient-substituted hydroxyapatite (NHA), and nutrient-substituted carbonate hydroxyapatite (NCHA) were synthesized by precipitating from solution. Chemical and mineralogical analysis of precipitated samples indicated a considerable fraction of the added cations were incorporated into HA, without mineral impurities. Particle size of the HA was in the 1 to 40 nm range, and decreased with increased substitution of nutrient elements. The particle shape of HA was elongated in the c-direction in unsubstituted HA and NHA but more spherical in CHA and NCHA. The substitution of cations and anions in the HA structure was confirmed by the decrease of the d[002] spacing of HA with substitution of ions with an ionic radius less than that of Ca or P. The DTPA-extractable Cu ranged from 8 to 8429 mg kg-1, Zn ranged from 57 to 1279 mg kg-1, Fe from 211 to 2573 mg kg-1, and Mn from 190 to 1719 mg kg-1, depending on the substitution level of each element in HA. Nutrient-substituted HA has the potential to be used as a slow-release fertilizer to supply micronutrients, S, and Mg in addition to Ca and P.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Soil Science Society of America journal. Soil Science Society of America (ISSN 0361-5995); Volume 63; 3; 657-64
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  • 82
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Arrays of broadly responsive vapor detectors can be used to detect, identify, and quantify vapors and vapor mixtures. One implementation of this strategy involves the use of arrays of chemically-sensitive resistors made from conducting polymer composites. Sorption of an analyte into the polymer composite detector leads to swelling of the film material. The swelling is in turn transduced into a change in electrical resistance because the detector films consist of polymers filled with conducting particles such as carbon black. The differential sorption, and thus differential swelling, of an analyte into each polymer composite in the array produces a unique pattern for each different analyte of interest, Pattern recognition algorithms are then used to analyze the multivariate data arising from the responses of such a detector array. Chiral detector films can provide differential detection of the presence of certain chiral organic vapor analytes. Aspects of the spaceflight qualification and deployment of such a detector array, along with its performance for certain analytes of interest in manned life support applications, are reviewed and summarized in this article.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Enantiomer (ISSN 1024-2430); Volume 6; 2-3; 159-70
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  • 83
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Due to the discrepancy in metabolic sodium (Na) requirements between plants and animals, cycling of Na between humans and plants is limited and critical to the proper functioning of bio-regenerative life support systems, being considered for long-term human habitats in space (e.g., Martian bases). This study was conducted to determine the effects of limited potassium (K) on growth, Na uptake, photosynthesis, ionic partitioning, and water relations of red-beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) under moderate Na-saline conditions. Two cultivars, Klein Bol, and Ruby Queen were grown for 42 days in a growth chamber using a re-circulating nutrient film technique where the supplied K levels were 5.0, 1.25, 0.25, and 0.10 mM in a modified half-strength Hoagland solution salinized with 50 mM NaCl. Reducing K levels from 5.0 to 0.10 mM quadrupled the Na uptake, and lamina Na levels reached -20 g kg-1 dwt. Lamina K levels decreased from -60 g kg-1 dwt at 5.0 mM K to -4.0 g kg-1 dwt at 0.10 mM K. Ruby Queen and Klein Bol responded differently to these changes in Na and K status. Klein Bol showed a linear decline in dry matter production with a decrease in available K, whereas for cv. Ruby Queen, growth was stimulated at 1.25 mM K and relatively insensitive to a further decreases of K down to 0.10 mM. Leaf glycinebetaine levels showed no significant response to the changing K treatments. Leaf relative water content and osmotic potential were significantly higher for both cultivars at low-K treatments. Leaf chlorophyll levels were significantly decreased at low-K treatments, but leaf photosynthetic rates showed no significant difference. No substantial changes were observed in the total cation concentration of plant tissues despite major shifts in the relative Na and K uptake at various K levels. Sodium accounted for 90% of the total cation uptake at the low K levels, and thus Na was likely replacing K in osmotic functions without negatively affecting the plant water status, or growth. Our results also suggest that cv. Ruby Queen can tolerate a much higher Na tissue concentration than cv. Klein Bol before there is any growth reduction. Grant numbers: 12180.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Journal of plant nutrition (ISSN 0190-4167); Volume 23; 10; 1449-70
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  • 84
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Bioreactor retention time is a key process variable that will influence costs that are relevant to long distance space travel or long duration space habitation. However. little is known about the effects of this parameter on the microbiological treatment options that are being proposed for Advanced Life Support (ALS) systems. Two bioreactor studies were designed to examine this variable. In the first one, six retention times ranging from 1.3 to 21.3 days--were run in duplicate, 81 working-volume continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR) that were fed ALS wheat residues. Ash-free dry weight loss, carbon mineralization, soluble TOC reduction, changes in fiber content (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), bacterial numbers, and mineral recoveries were monitored. At short retention times--1.33 days--biodegradation was poor (total: 16-20%, cellulose - 12%, hemicellulose - 28%) but soluble TOC was decreased by 75-80% and recovery of major crop inorganic nutrients was adequate, except for phosphorus. A high proportion of the total bacteria (ca. 83%) was actively respiring. At the longest retention time tested, 21.3 days, biodegradation was good (total: 55-60%, cellulose ca. 70%, hemicellulose - ca. 55%) and soluble TOC was decreased by 80%. Recovery of major nutrients, except phosphorus, remained adequate. A very low proportion of total bacteria was actively respiring (ca. 16%). The second bioreactor study used potato residue to determine if even shorter retention times could be used (range 0.25-2.0 days). Although overall biodegradation deteriorated, the degradation of soluble TOC continued to be ca. 75%. We conclude that if the goal of ALS bioprocessing is maximal degradation of crop residues, including cellulose, then retention times of 10 days or longer will be needed. If the goal is to provide inorganic nutrients with the smallest volume/weight bioreactor possible, then a retention time of 1 day (or less) is sufficient.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Bioresource technology (ISSN 0960-8524); Volume 84; 2; 119-27
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  • 85
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Human Performance Modeling (HPM) is a computer-aided job analysis software methodology used to generate predictions of complex human-automation integration and system flow patterns with the goal of improving operator and system safety. The use of HPM tools has recently been increasing due to reductions in computational cost, augmentations in the tools' fidelity, and usefulness in the generated output. An examination of an Air Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System (Air MIDAS) model evaluating complex human-automation integration currently underway at NASA Ames Research Center will highlight the importance to occupational safety of considering both cognitive and physical aspects of performance when researching human error.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE (ISSN 1080-3548); Volume 8; 3; 339-51
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  • 86
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: BACKGROUND: As human spaceflight missions extend in duration and distance from Earth, a self-sufficient crew will bear far greater onboard responsibility and authority for mission success. This will increase the need for automated fault management (FM). Human factors issues in the use of such systems include maintenance of cognitive skill, situational awareness (SA), trust in automation, and workload. This study examine the human performance consequences of operator use of intelligent FM support in interaction with an autonomous, space-related, atmospheric control system. METHODS: An expert system representing a model-base reasoning agent supported operators at a low level of automation (LOA) by a computerized fault finding guide, at a medium LOA by an automated diagnosis and recovery advisory, and at a high LOA by automate diagnosis and recovery implementation, subject to operator approval or veto. Ten percent of the experimental trials involved complete failure of FM support. RESULTS: Benefits of automation were reflected in more accurate diagnoses, shorter fault identification time, and reduced subjective operator workload. Unexpectedly, fault identification times deteriorated more at the medium than at the high LOA during automation failure. Analyses of information sampling behavior showed that offloading operators from recovery implementation during reliable automation enabled operators at high LOA to engage in fault assessment activities CONCLUSIONS: The potential threat to SA imposed by high-level automation, in which decision advisories are automatically generated, need not inevitably be counteracted by choosing a lower LOA. Instead, freeing operator cognitive resources by automatic implementation of recover plans at a higher LOA can promote better fault comprehension, so long as the automation interface is designed to support efficient information sampling.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Aviation, space, and environmental medicine (ISSN 0095-6562); Volume 73; 9; 886-97
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  • 87
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The transition in confined rotating flows is a topical problem with many industrial and fundamental applications. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Taylor-Couette flow in a finite-length cavity with counter-rotating walls, for two aspect ratios L=5 or L=6. Two complex regimes of wavy vortex and spirals are emphasized for the first time via direct numerical simulation, by using a three-dimensional spectral method. The spatio-temporal behavior of the solutions is analyzed and compared to the few data actually available. c2001 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Mecanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre (ISSN 0764-4450); Volume 329; 10; 727-33
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  • 88
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: INTRODUCTION: Current space suits are rigid, gas-pressurized shells that protect astronauts from the vacuum of space. A tight elastic garment or mechanical-counter-pressure (MCP) suit generates pressure by compression and may have several advantages over current space suit technology. In this study, we investigated local microcirculatory effects produced with and without a prototype MCP glove. METHODS: The right hand of eight normal volunteers was studied at normal ambient pressure and during exposure to -50, -100 and -150 mm Hg with and without the MCP glove. Measurements included the pressure against the hand, skin microvascular flow, temperature on the dorsum of the hand, and middle finger girth. RESULTS: Without the glove, skin microvascular flow and finger girth significantly increased with negative pressure, and the skin temperature decreased compared with the control condition. The MCP glove generated approximately 200 mm Hg at the skin surface; all measured values remained at control levels during exposure to negative pressure. DISCUSSION: Without the glove, skin microvascular flow and finger girth increased with negative pressure, probably due to a blood shift toward the hand. The elastic compression of the material of the MCP glove generated pressure on the hand similar to that in current gas-pressurized space suit gloves. The MCP glove prevented the apparent blood shift and thus maintained baseline values of the measured variables despite exposure of the hand to negative pressure.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Aviation, space, and environmental medicine (ISSN 0095-6562); Volume 73; 11; 1074-8
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  • 89
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: A decision model is presented that compares lighting systems for a plant growth scenario and chooses the most appropriate system from a given set of possible choices. The model utilizes a Multiple Attribute Utility Theory approach, and incorporates expert input and performance simulations to calculate a utility value for each lighting system being considered. The system with the highest utility is deemed the most appropriate system. The model was applied to a greenhouse scenario, and analyses were conducted to test the model's output for validity. Parameter variation indicates that the model performed as expected. Analysis of model output indicates that differences in utility among the candidate lighting systems were sufficiently large to give confidence that the model's order of selection was valid.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Transactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISSN 0001-2351); Volume 45; 1; 215-21
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  • 90
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: In bioregenerative life support systems that use plants to generate food and oxygen, the largest mass flux between the plants and their surrounding environment will be water. This water cycle is a consequence of the continuous change of state (evaporation-condensation) from liquid to gas through the process of transpiration and the need to transfer heat (cool) and dehumidify the plant growth chamber. Evapotranspiration rates for full plant canopies can range from ~1 to 10 L m-2 d-1 (~1 to 10 mm m-2 d-1), with the rates depending primarily on the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) between the leaves and the air inside the plant growth chamber. VPD in turn is dependent on the air temperature, leaf temperature, and current value of relative humidity (RH). Concepts for developing closed plant growth systems, such as greenhouses for Mars, have been discussed for many years and the feasibility of such systems will depend on the overall system costs and reliability. One approach for reducing system costs would be to reduce the operating pressure within the greenhouse to reduce structural mass and gas leakage. But managing plant growth environments at low pressures (e.g., controlling humidity and heat exchange) may be difficult, and the effects of low-pressure environments on plant growth and system water cycling need further study. We present experimental evidence to show that water saturation pressures in air under isothermal conditions are only slightly affected by total pressure, but the overall water flux from evaporating surfaces can increase as pressure decreases. Mathematical models describing these observations are presented, along with discussion of the importance for considering "water cycles" in closed bioregenerative life support systems.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 8; 3-4; 125-35
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  • 91
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Salad greens will be among the first crops grown on lunar or planetary space stations. Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) is an important candidate salad crop because it is high yielding and rich in vitamins and minerals. Five Swiss chard cultivars were grown in the greenhouse under two light levels for 13 weeks to compare cumulative yields from weekly harvests, mineral composition, and to evaluate sensory attributes as a salad green. The varieties Large White Ribbed (LWR) and Lucullus (LUC) were the highest yielding in both light regimes. LWR was the shortest of the cultivars requiring the least vertical space. LWR also received the highest sensory ratings of the five cultivars. LWR Swiss chard should be considered as an initial test variety in food production modules.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 8; 3-4; 173-9
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  • 92
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Regardless of how well other growing conditions are optimized, crop yields will be limited by the available light up to saturation irradiances. Considering the various factors of clouds on Earth, dust storms on Mars, thickness of atmosphere, and relative orbits, there is roughly 2/3 as much light averaged annually on Mars as on Earth. On Mars, however, crops must be grown under controlled conditions (greenhouse or growth rooms). Because there presently exists no material that can safely be pressurized, insulated, and resist hazards of puncture and deterioration to create life support systems on Mars while allowing for sufficient natural light penetration as well, artificial light will have to be supplied. If high irradiance is provided for long daily photoperiods, the growing area can be reduced by a factor of 3-4 relative to the most efficient irradiance for cereal crops such as wheat and rice, and perhaps for some other crops. Only a small penalty in required energy will be incurred by such optimization. To obtain maximum yields, crops must be chosen that can utilize high irradiances. Factors that increase ability to convert high light into increased productivity include canopy architecture, high-yield index (harvest index), and long-day or day-neutral flowering and tuberization responses. Prototype life support systems such as Bios-3 in Siberia or the Mars on Earth Project need to be undertaken to test and further refine systems and parameters.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 8; 3-4; 161-72
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  • 93
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Optimized menus for a bioregenerative life support system have been developed based on measures of crop productivity, food item acceptability, menu diversity, and nutritional requirements of crew. Crop-specific biomass requirements were calculated from menu recipe demands while accounting for food processing and preparation losses. Under the assumption of staggered planting, the optimized menu demanded a total crop production area of 453 m2 for six crew. Cost of the bioregenerative food system is estimated at 439 kg per menu cycle or 7.3 kg ESM crew-1 day-1, including agricultural waste processing costs. On average, about 60% (263.6 kg ESM) of the food system cost is tied up in equipment, 26% (114.2 kg ESM) in labor, and 14% (61.5 kg ESM) in power and cooling. This number is high compared to the STS and ISS (nonregenerative) systems but reductions in ESM may be achieved through intensive crop productivity improvements, reductions in equipment masses associated with crop production, and planning of production, processing, and preparation to minimize the requirement for crew labor.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 8; 3-4; 199-210
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  • 94
    In:  Other Sources
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Most launch vehicles and satellites in the US inventory rely upon the use of hypergolic rocket propellants, many of which are toxic to humans. These fuels and oxidizers, such as hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide have threshold limit values as low as 0.01 PPM. It is essential to provide space workers handling these agents whole body protection as they are universally hazardous not only to the respiratory system, but the skin as well. This paper describes a new method for powering a whole body protective garment to assure the safety of ground servicing crews. A new technology has been developed through the small business innovative research program at the Kennedy Space Center. Currently, liquid air is used in the environmental control unit (ECU) that powers the propellant handlers suit (PHE). However, liquid air exhibits problems with attitude dependence, oxygen enrichment, and difficulty with reliable quantity measurement. The new technology employs the storage of the supply air as a supercritical gas. This method of air storage overcomes all of three problems above while maintaining high density storage at relatively low vessel pressures (〈7000 kPa or approximately 1000 psi). A one hour prototype ECU was developed and tested to prove the feasibility of this concept. This was upgraded by the design of a larger supercritical dewar capable of holding 7 Kg of air, a supply which provides a 2 hour duration to the PHE. A third version is being developed to test the feasibility of replacing existing air cooling methodology with a liquid cooled garment for relief of heat stress in this warm Florida environment. Testing of the first one hour prototype yielded data comparable to the liquid air powered predecessor, but enjoyed advantages of attitude independence and oxygen level stability. Thermal data revealed heat stress relief at least as good as liquid air supplied units. The application of supercritical air technology to this whole body protective ensemble marked an advancement in the state-of-the-art in personal protective equipment. Not only was long duration environmental control provided, but it was done without a high pressure vessel. The unit met human performance needs for attitude independence, oxygen stability and relief of heat stress. This supercritical air (and oxygen) technology is suggested for microgravity applications in life support such as the Extravehicular Mobility Unit. c 2001. Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Acta astronautica (ISSN 0094-5765); Volume 49; 3-10; 463-8
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  • 95
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: This paper discusses a formal and rigorous approach to the analysis of operator interaction with machines. It addresses the acute problem of detecting design errors in human-machine interaction and focuses on verifying the correctness of the interaction in complex and automated control systems. The paper describes a systematic methodology for evaluating whether the interface provides the necessary information about the machine to enable the operator to perform a specified task successfully and unambiguously. It also addresses the adequacy of information provided to the user via training material (e.g., user manual) about the machine's behavior. The essentials of the methodology, which can be automated and applied to the verification of large systems, are illustrated by several examples and through a case study of pilot interaction with an autopilot aboard a modern commercial aircraft. The expected application of this methodology is an augmentation and enhancement, by formal verification, of human-automation interfaces.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Human factors (ISSN 0018-7208); Volume 44; 1; 28-43
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  • 96
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: BACKGROUND: Many cardiovascular changes associated with spaceflight reduce the ability of the cardiovascular system to oppose gravity on return to Earth, leaving astronauts susceptible to orthostatic hypotension during re-entry and landing. Consequently, an anti-G suit was developed to protect arterial pressure during re-entry. A liquid cooling garment (LCG) was then needed to alleviate the thermal stress resulting from use of the launch and entry suit. METHODS: We studied 34 astronauts on 22 flights (4-16 d). Subjects were studied 10 d before launch and on landing day. Preflight, crewmembers were suited with their anti-G suits set to the intended inflation for re-entry. Three consecutive measurements of heart rate and arterial pressure were obtained while seated and then again while standing. Three subjects who inflated the anti-G suits also donned the LCG for landing. Arterial pressure and heart rate were measured every 5 min during the de-orbit maneuver, through maximum G-loading (max-G) and touch down (TD). After TD, crew-members again initiated three seated measurements followed by three standing measurements. RESULTS: Astronauts with inflated anti-G suits had higher arterial pressure than those who did not have inflated anti-G suits during re-entry and landing (133.1 +/- 2.5/76.1 +/- 2.1 vs. 128.3 +/- 4.2/79.3 +/- 2.9, de-orbit; 157.3 +/- 4.5/102.1 +/- 3.6 vs. 145.2 +/- 10.5/95.7 + 5.5, max-G; 159.6 +/- 3.9/103.7 +/- 3.3 vs. 134.1 +/- 5.1/85.7 +/- 3.1, TD). In the group with inflated anti-G suits, those who also wore the LCG exhibited significantly lower heart rates than those who did not (75.7 +/- 11.5 vs. 86.5 +/- 6.2, de-orbit; 79.5 +/- 24.8 vs. 112.1 +/- 8.7, max-G; 84.7 +/- 8.0 vs. 110.5 +/- 7.9, TD). CONCLUSIONS: The anti-G suit is effective in supporting arterial pressure. The addition of the LCG lowers heart rate during re-entry.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Aviation, space, and environmental medicine (ISSN 0095-6562); Volume 74; 7; 753-7
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  • 97
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: Bioregenerative life support systems may be necessary for long-term space missions due to the high cost of lifting supplies and equipment into orbit. In this study, we investigated two biological wastewater treatment reactors designed to recover potable water for a spacefaring crew being tested at Johnson Space Center. The experiment (Lunar-Mars Life Support Test Project-Phase III) consisted of four crew members confined in a test chamber for 91 days. In order to recycle all water during the experiment, an immobilized cell bioreactor (ICB) was employed for organic carbon removal and a trickling filter bioreactor (TFB) was utilized for ammonia removal, followed by physical-chemical treatment. In this study, the spatial distribution of various microorganisms within each bioreactor was analyzed by using biofilm samples taken from four locations in the ICB and three locations in the TFB. Three target genes were used for characterization of bacteria: the 16S rRNA gene for the total bacterial community, the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) gene for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, and the nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) gene for denitrifying bacteria. A combination of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), sequence, and phylogenetic analyses indicated that the microbial community composition in the ICB and the TFB consisted mainly of Proteobacteria, low-G+C gram-positive bacteria, and a Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group. Fifty-seven novel 16S rRNA genes, 8 novel amoA genes, and 12 new nosZ genes were identified in this study. Temporal shifts in the species composition of total bacteria in both the ICB and the TFB and ammonia-oxidizing and denitrifying bacteria in the TFB were also detected when the biofilms were compared with the inocula after 91 days. This result suggests that specific microbial populations were either brought in by the crew or enriched in the reactors during the course of operation.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Applied and environmental microbiology (ISSN 0099-2240); Volume 68; 5; 2285-93
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  • 98
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: There is an increasing realization that it may be impossible to attain Earth normal atmospheric pressures in orbital, lunar, or Martian greenhouses, simply because the construction materials do not exist to meet the extraordinary constraints imposed by balancing high engineering requirements against high lift costs. This equation essentially dictates that NASA have in place the capability to grow plants at reduced atmospheric pressure. Yet current understanding of plant growth at low pressures is limited to just a few experiments and relatively rudimentary assessments of plant vigor and growth. The tools now exist, however, to make rapid progress toward understanding the fundamental nature of plant responses and adaptations to low pressures, and to develop strategies for mitigating detrimental effects by engineering the growth conditions or by engineering the plants themselves. The genomes of rice and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have recently been sequenced in their entirety, and public sector and commercial DNA chips are becoming available such that thousands of genes can be assayed at once. A fundamental understanding of plant responses and adaptation to low pressures can now be approached and translated into procedures and engineering considerations to enhance plant growth at low atmospheric pressures. In anticipation of such studies, we present here the background arguments supporting these contentions, as well as informed speculation about the kinds of molecular physiological responses that might be expected of plants in low-pressure environments.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space (ISSN 1069-9422); Volume 8; 2; 93-101
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  • 99
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: No abstract available
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Uchu seibutsu kagaku (ISSN 0914-9201); Volume 15; 3; 232-3
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  • 100
    Publication Date: 2011-08-24
    Description: The use of the activated carbon produced from rice hulls to control NOx emissions for future deep space missions has been demonstrated. The optimal carbonization temperature range was found to be between 600 and 750 degrees C. A burnoff of 61.8% was found at 700 degrees C in pyrolysis and 750 degrees C in activation. The BET surface area of the activated carbon from rice hulls was determined to be 172 m2/g when prepared at 700 degrees C. The presence of oxygen in flue gas is essential for effective adsorption of NO by activated carbon. On the contrary, water vapor inhibits the adsorption efficiency of NO. Consequently, water vapor in flue gas should be removed by drying agents before adsorption to ensure high NO adsorption efficiency. All of the NO in the flue gas was removed for more than 1.5 h when 10% oxygen was present and the ratio of the carbon weight to the flue gas flow rate (W/F) was 15.4 g min/L. Reduction of the adsorbed NO to form N2 could be effectively accomplished under anaerobic conditions at 550 degrees C. The adsorption capacity of NO on the activated carbon was found to be 5.02 mg of NO/g of carbon. The loss of carbon mass was determined to be about 0.16% of the activated carbon per cycle of regeneration if the regeneration occurred when the NO in the flue gas after the carbon bed reached 4.8 ppm, the space maximum allowable concentration. The reduction of the adsorbed NO also regenerated the activated carbon, and the regenerated activated carbon exhibited an improved NO adsorption efficiency.
    Keywords: Man/System Technology and Life Support
    Type: Industrial & engineering chemistry research (ISSN 0888-5885); Volume 42; 8; 1813-20
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