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  • Wiley-Blackwell  (472,027)
  • 1
    In:  EPIC3Reviews in Aquaculture, Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN: 1753-5123
    Publication Date: 2024-05-06
    Description: Mass mortality events (MMEs) are defined as the death of large numbers of fish over a short period of time. These events can result in catastrophic losses to the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry and the local economy. However, they are challenging to understand because of their relative infrequency and the high number of potential factors involved. As a result, the causes and consequences of MMEs in Atlantic salmon aquaculture are not well understood. In this study, we developed a structural network of causal risk factors for MMEs for aquaculture and the communities that depend on Atlantic salmon aquaculture. Using the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) technique, we analysed the causes of Atlantic salmon mass mortalities due to environmental (abiotic), biological (biotic) and nutritional risk factors. The consequences of MMEs were also assessed for the occupational health and safety of aquaculture workers and their implications for the livelihoods of local communities. This structural network deepens our understanding of MMEs and points to management actions and interventions that can help mitigate mass mortalities. MMEs are typically not the result of a single risk factor but are caused by the systematic interaction of risk factors related to the environment, fish diseases, feeding/nutrition and cage-site management. Results also indicate that considerations of health and safety risk, through pre- and post-event risk assessments, may help to minimize workplace injuries and eliminate potential risks of human fatalities. Company and government assisted socio-economic measures could help mitigate post-mass mortality impacts. Appropriate and timely management actions may help reduce MMEs at Atlantic salmon cage sites and minimize the physical and social vulnerabilities of workers and local communities.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-08-24
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-08-24
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 4
    In:  EPIC3Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Wiley-Blackwell, 16(5), ISSN: 1942-2466
    Publication Date: 2024-08-16
    Description: Scale analysis based on coarse-graining has been proposed recently as an alternative to Fourier analysis. It requires interpolation to a regular mesh for data from unstructured-mesh models. We propose an alternative coarse-graining method which relies on implicit filters using powers of discrete Laplacians. This method can work on arbitrary (structured or unstructured) meshes and is applicable to the direct output of unstructured-mesh models. Illustrations and detailed discussions are provided for discrete fields placed at vertices of triangular meshes. The case with placement on triangles is also briefly discussed.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 5
    In:  EPIC3Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Wiley-Blackwell, 16(5), ISSN: 1942-2466
    Publication Date: 2024-08-16
    Description: Scale analysis based on coarse-graining has been proposed recently as an alternative to Fourier analysis. It requires interpolation to a regular mesh for data from unstructured-mesh models. We propose an alternative coarse-graining method which relies on implicit filters using powers of discrete Laplacians. This method can work on arbitrary (structured or unstructured) meshes and is applicable to the direct output of unstructured-mesh models. Illustrations and detailed discussions are provided for discrete fields placed at vertices of triangular meshes. The case with placement on triangles is also briefly discussed.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-12-16
    Description: Reef restoration efforts aim to enhance resilience by safeguarding the genetic diversity of coral populations. This could be facilitated by genotyping methods that are relatively inexpensive, and field-based. A potential method for assessing coral genotypic diversity arises from self-recognition phenomena. Past studies have shown that contact between tissues from the same genet (isogeneic) will fuse whereas tissue from different genets (allogeneic) will result in rejection. However, the accuracy of this method has been questioned. Here, we revisit the grafting method as a tool to estimate genotypic diversity in a Caribbean coral restoration target, Acropora cervicornis. Ten ramets of unknown genetic relation were arranged in 82 grafting tests consisting of 5-fragment bundles that replicated all possible combinations between ramets. After 10 weeks, we found that outcomes of acceptance and rejection were highly consistent (96.7% across all combinations and replicates). The proposed existence of 4 genets across the 10 ramets based on response outcomes was confirmed by two SNP-based genotyping methods. Both genet pairing (isogeneic or allogeneic pairs) and genetic distance significantly affected the odds of acceptance or rejection responses. Moreover, a significant correlation was found between the degree of fusion between fragments and their genetic distance, supporting that the most related ramets are accepted more strongly compared to those that are more unrelated. This field-based contact method can be a powerful tool to estimate genotypic diversity in coral nurseries, facilitating the management of genetic diversity within the nursery and genotype-level tracking of key traits like disease and bleaching resistance.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 7
    In:  EPIC3Geophysical Research Letters, Wiley-Blackwell, Volume, ISSN: 0094-8276
    Publication Date: 2025-01-17
    Description: In recent decades, the ocean CO2 uptake has increased in response to rising atmospheric CO2. Yet, physical climate change also affects the ocean CO2 uptake, but magnitude and driving processes are poorly understood. Using a global ocean biogeochemistry model, we find that without climate change, the mean carbon uptake 2000–2019 would have been 13% higher and the trend 1958–2019 would have been 27% higher. Changes in wind are the dominant driver of the climate effect on CO2 uptake as they affect advective carbon transport and mixing, but the effect of warming increases over time. Roughly half of the globally integrated wind-driven trend stems from the subpolar Southern Ocean and polar oceans in both hemispheres. Warming reduces the solubility of CO2 and acts rather homogeneously over the world oceans. However, the warming effect on pCO2 is dampened by limited exchange of surface and deep waters.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    In:  EPIC3Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Wiley-Blackwell, 16(5), ISSN: 1942-2466
    Publication Date: 2025-01-16
    Description: Scale analysis based on coarse-graining has been proposed recently as an alternative to Fourier analysis. It requires interpolation to a regular mesh for data from unstructured-mesh models. We propose an alternative coarse-graining method which relies on implicit filters using powers of discrete Laplacians. This method can work on arbitrary (structured or unstructured) meshes and is applicable to the direct output of unstructured-mesh models. Illustrations and detailed discussions are provided for discrete fields placed at vertices of triangular meshes. The case with placement on triangles is also briefly discussed.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: PI3K biology; lymphoma; cancer
    Keywords: PI3K biology; lymphoma; cancer ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PS Biology, life sciences
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: oncogenic drivers; signaling; pathways; hematologic malignancies; cancer
    Keywords: oncogenic drivers; signaling; pathways; hematologic malignancies; cancer ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing
    Language: English
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  • 11
    In:  EPIC3Journal of Phycology, Wiley-Blackwell, 59(3), pp. 518-537, ISSN: 0022-3646
    Publication Date: 2024-08-28
    Description: Coastal kelp forests produce substantial marine carbon due to high annual net primary production (NPP) rates, but upscaling of NPP estimates over time and space remains difficult. We investigated the impact of variable underwater photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and photosynthetic parameters on photosynthetic oxygen production of Laminaria hyperborea, the dominant NE-Atlantic kelp species, throughout summer 2014. Collection depth of kelp had no effect on chlorophyll a content, pointing to a high photoacclimation potential of L. hyperborea towards incident light. However, chlorophyll a and photosynthesis versus irradiance parameters differed significantly along the blade gradient when normalized to fresh mass, potentially introducing large uncertainties in NPP upscaling to whole thalli. Therefore, we recommend a normalization to kelp tissue area, which is stable over the blade gradient. Continuous PAR measurements revealed a highly variable underwater light climate at our study site (Helgoland, North Sea) in summer 2014, reflected by PAR attenuation coefficients (Kd) between 0.28 and 0.87 m−1. Our data highlight the importance of continuous underwater light measurements or representative average values using a weighted Kd to account for large PAR variability in NPP calculations. Strong winds in August increased turbidity, resulting in a negative carbon balance at depths 〉3–4 m over several weeks, considerably impacting kelp productivity. Estimated daily summer NPP over all four depths was 1.48 ± 0.97 g C · m−2 seafloor · d−1 for the Helgolandic kelp forest, which is in the range of other kelp forests along European coastlines.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 12
    Publication Date: 2024-03-21
    Description: Cold‐water coral (CWC) reefs and mounds are and have been biodiversity hotspots of the deep sea. As their occurrence depends on specific environmental parameters, gaining hindsight on changing ocean conditions under on‐going climate change is the key to a better understanding of CWC mound development through time. A convenient technique for reconstructing the palaeoenvironment during periods of CWC mound growth is by extracting geochemical proxies from biologically mediated carbonates. Here, the focus is on probably the two most abundant calcareous archives, that are, cold‐water Scleractinia and Foraminifera, with an overview of the geochemical proxies (selection) used in these aragonitic and calcitic skeletons from CWC mounds. A particular emphasis is set on constraining proxies for temperature, salinity, seawater density, seawater carbonate systems parameters (pH, CO 3 2− ), nutrients, oxygen and water mass tracers.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 13
    Publication Date: 2025-01-18
    Description: Permafrost thaw leads to thermokarst lake formation and talik growth tens of meters deep, enabling microbial decomposition of formerly frozen organic matter (OM). We analyzed two 17-m-long thermokarst lake sediment cores taken in Central Yakutia, Russia. One core was from an Alas lake in a Holocene thermokarst basin that underwent multiple lake generations, and the second core from a young Yedoma upland lake (formed ca. 70 years ago) whose sediments have thawed for the first time since deposition. This comparison provides a glance into OM fate in thawing Yedoma deposits. We analyzed total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, n-alkanes concentrations, and bacterial and archaeal membrane markers. Furthermore, we conducted one-year-long incubations (4 °C, dark) and measured anaerobic carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) production. The sediments from both cores contained little TOC (0.7±0.4 wt%), but DOC values were relatively high, with highest values in the frozen Yedoma lake sediments (1620 mg L-1). Cumulative GHG production after one year was highest in the Yedoma lake sediments (226±212 μg CO2-C gdw-1, 28±36 μg CH4-C gdw-1) and 3 and 1.5 times lower in the Alas lake sediments, respectively (75±76 μg CO2-C gdw-1, 19±29 μg CH4-C gdw-1). The highest CO2 production in the frozen Yedoma lake sediments likely results from decomposition of readily bioavailable OM, while highest CH4 production in the non-frozen top sediments of this core suggests that methanogenic communities established upon thaw. The lower GHG production in the non-frozen Alas lake sediments resulted from advanced OM decomposition during Holocene talik development. Furthermore, we found that drivers of CO2 and CH4 production differ following thaw. Our results suggest that GHG production from TOC-poor mineral deposits, which are widespread throughout the Arctic, can be substantial. Therefore, our novel data are relevant for vast ice-rich permafrost deposits vulnerable to thermokarst formation.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 14
    In:  EPIC3Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, Wiley-Blackwell, 32(1), pp. 59-75, ISSN: 1045-6740
    Publication Date: 2025-01-18
    Description: Thermal erosion is a major mechanism of permafrost degradation, resulting in characteristic landforms. We inventory thermo-erosional valleys in ice-rich coastal lowlands adjacent to the Siberian Laptev Sea based on remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS), and field investigations for a first regional assessment of their spatial distribution and characteristics. Three study areas with similar geological (Yedoma Ice Complex) but diverse geomorphological conditions vary in valley areal extent, incision depth, and branching geometry. The most extensive valley networks are incised deeply (up to 35 m) into the broad inclined lowland around Mamontov Klyk. The flat, low-lying plain forming the Buor Khaya Peninsula is more degraded by thermokarst and characterized by long valleys of lower depth with short tributaries. Small, isolated Yedoma Ice Complex remnants in the Lena River Delta predominantly exhibit shorter but deep valleys. Based on these hydrographical network and topography assessments, we discuss geomorphological and hydrological connections to erosion processes. Relative catchment size along with regional slope interact with other Holocene relief-forming processes such as thermokarst and neotectonics. Our findings suggest that thermo-erosional valleys are prominent, hitherto overlooked permafrost degradation landforms that add to impacts on biogeochemical cycling, sediment transport, and hydrology in the degrading Siberian Yedoma Ice Complex.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 15
    Publication Date: 2025-01-18
    Description: The response of permafrost to submergence can vary between ice-rich late Pleistocene deposits and the thermokarst basins that thawed out during the Holocene. We hypothesize that inundated Alases offshore thaw faster than submerged Yedoma. To test this hypothesis, we estimated depths to the top of ice-bearing permafrost offshore of the Bykovsky Peninsula in northeast Siberia using electrical resistivity surveys. The surveys traversed submerged lagoon deposits, drained and refrozen Alas deposits, and undisturbed Yedoma from the coastline to 373 m offshore. While the permafrost degradation rates of the submerged Yedoma were in the range of similar sites, the submerged Alas permafrost degradation rates were up to 170% faster. Given the abundance of thermokarst basins and lakes along parts of the Arctic coastline, its effect on subsea permafrost degradation must be similarly prevalent. Remote sensing analyses suggest that 54% of lagoons wider than 500 m originated in thermokarst basins.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 2024-03-21
    Description: Precipitation extremes with devastating socioeconomic consequences within the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) are expected to become more frequent in the near future. The complexity in SAMS behavior, however, poses severe challenges for reliable future projections. Thus, robust paleomonsoon records are needed to constrain the high spatiotemporal variability in the response of SAMS rainfall to different climatic drivers. This study uses Ti/Ca ratios from X‐ray fluorescence scanning of a sediment core retrieved off eastern Brazilian to trace precipitation changes over the past 322 Kyr. The results indicate that despite the spatiotemporal complexity of the SAMS, insolation forcing is the primary pacemaker of variations in the monsoonal system. Additional modulation by atmospheric p CO 2 suggests that SAMS intensity over eastern Brazil will be suppressed by rising CO 2 emissions in the future. Lastly, our record reveals an unprecedented strong and persistent wet period during Marine Isotope Stage 6 driven by anomalously strong trade winds.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 17
    Publication Date: 2020-09-21
    Description: Streams and rivers are important components of the carbon cycle as they transport and transform dissolved organic matter (DOM). Using high‐resolution Fourier‐transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, we studied the spatial distribution of DOM at the molecular level at more than 100 sites across a stream network during summer and winter baseflow. We developed a model approximating the time DOM spent in the fluvial network, a key constraint on the biogeochemical processing of DOM. Discharge‐weighted travel time explained the compositional changes of DOM, which differed markedly in summer and winter. We attribute these seasonal differences to variation in source material, putatively reflecting the dynamics of freshly produced DOM in summer and DOM with an imprint of leaf litter in winter. Hydrological mixing was an important driver of the spatial dynamics of DOM. From the convergence rate of DOM compound intensities to the network‐wide average, we inferred the spatial distribution of sources within the catchment. Finally, we estimated network‐wide apparent mass transfer coefficients (vf app) of individual DOM compounds, which describe the vertical velocity at which DOM compounds are removed by biotic and abiotic processes. We identified the oxidative state of carbon as an important factor explaining vf app, which we consequently attribute to biological uptake of thermodynamically favorable DOM compounds. This work contributes to our understanding of the spatial processes, temporal constraints, and chemical properties of DOM that regulate the transformation and diagenesis of DOM at the fluvial network scale.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 18
    Publication Date: 2022-01-31
    Description: A new olivine reference material – MongOL Sh11‐2 – for in situ analysis has been prepared from a central portion of a large (20 cm × 20 cm × 10 cm) mantle peridotite xenolith from a ~ 0.5 Ma old basaltic breccia at Shavaryn‐Tsaram, Tariat region, central Mongolia. The xenolith is a fertile mantle lherzolite with minimal signs of alteration. Approximately 10 g of 0.5 to 2 mm gem quality olivine fragments were separated under binocular microscope and analysed by EPMA, LA‐ICP‐MS, SIMS and bulk analytical methods (ID ICP‐MS for Mg and Fe, XRF, ICP‐MS) for major, minor and trace elements at six institutions worldwide. The results show that the olivine fragments are sufficiently homogeneous with respect to major (Mg, Fe, Si) and minor and trace elements. Significant inhomogeneity was revealed only for phosphorus (homogeneity index of 12.4), whereas Li, Na, Al, Sc, Ti and Cr show minor inhomogeneity (homogeneity index of 1–2). The presence of some mineral and fluid‐melt micro‐inclusions may be responsible for the inconsistency in mass fractions obtained by in situ and bulk analytical methods for Al, Cu, Sr, Zr, Ga, Dy and Ho. Here we report reference and information values for twenty‐seven major, minor and trace elements.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 2022-01-31
    Description: Aim: The interdependencies between trophic interactions, environmental factors and anthropogenic forcing determine how species distributions change over time. Large changes in species distributions have occurred as a result of climate change. The objective of this study was to analyse how the spatial distribution of cod and flounder has changed in the Baltic Sea during the past four decades characterized by large hydrological changes. Location: Baltic Sea. Taxon: Cod (Gadus morhua) and flounder (Platichthys flesus). Methods: Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) data for adult and juvenile cod and for adult flounder were modelled using Delta-Generalized additive models including environmental and geographical variables between 1979 and 2016. From the annual CPUE predictions for each species, yearly distribution maps and depth distribution curves were obtained. Mean depth and the depth range were estimated to provide an indication on preferred depth and habitat occupancy. Results: Adult and juvenile cod showed a contraction in their distribution in the southern areas of the Baltic Sea. Flounder, instead, showed an expansion in its distribution with an increase in abundance in the northern areas. The depth distributions showed a progressive shift of the mean depth of occurrence towards shallower waters for adult cod and flounder and towards deeper waters for juvenile cod, as well as a contraction of the species depth ranges, evident mainly from the late 1980s. Main conclusions: Our study illustrates large changes in the spatial distribution of cod and flounder in the Baltic Sea. The changes in depth distribution occurred from the late 1980s are probably due to a combination of expanded areas of hypoxia in deep waters and an increase in predation risk in shallow waters. The net effect of these changes is an increased spatial overlap between life stages and species, which may amplify cod cannibalism and the interaction strength between cod and flounder
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2024-03-21
    Description: The continental expression of global cooling during the Miocene Climate Transition in Central Asia is poorly documented, as the tectonically active setting complicates the correlation of Neogene regional and global climatic developments. This study presents new geochemical data (CaSO 4 content, carbonate δ 13 C and δ 18 O) from the endorheic alluvial‐lacustrine Aktau succession (Ili Basin, south‐east Kazakhstan) combined with findings from the previously published facies evolution. Time series analysis revealed long‐eccentricity forcing of the paleohydrology throughout the entire succession, split into several facies‐dependent segments. Orbital tuning, constrained by new laser ablation U‐Pb dates and a preexisting magnetostratigraphy, places the succession in a 5.0 Ma long interval in the middle to late Miocene (15.6 to 10.6 Ma). The long‐term water accumulation in the Ili Basin followed the timing of the Miocene Climate Transition, suggesting increased precipitation in the catchment area in response to climate cooling and stronger westerly winds. This was paced by minima of the 2.4 Ma eccentricity cycle, which favored the establishment of a discharge playa (~14.3 Ma) and a perennial lake (12.6 to 11.8 Ma). Furthermore, low obliquity amplitudes (nodes) caused a transient weakening of the westerlies at ~13.7 to 13.5 Ma and at ~12.7 Ma, resulting in negative hydrological budgets and salinization. Flooding of the windward Ili Basin coeval with aridification in the leeward basins suggests that the Tian Shan was a climate boundary already in the middle Miocene. Our results emphasize the impact of climate fluctuations on the westerlies' strength and thus on Central Asian hydrology.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2021-02-08
    Description: To enable quality control of measurement procedures for determinations of Mg isotope amount ratios, expressed as δ26Mg and δ25Mg values, in Earth-surface studies, the δ26Mg and δ25Mg values of eight reference materials (RMs) were determined by inter-laboratory comparison between five laboratories and considering published data, if available. These matrix RMs, including river water SLRS-5, spring water NIST SRM 1640a, Dead Sea brine DSW-1, dolomites JDo-1 and CRM 512, limestone CRM 513, soil NIST SRM 2709a and vegetation NIST SRM 1515 apple leaves, are representative for a wide range of Earth-surface materials from low-temperature environments. The inter-laboratory variability, 2s (twice the standard deviation), of all eight RMs ranges from 0.05 to 0.17‰ in δ26Mg. Thus, it is suggested that all these materials are suitable for validation of δ26Mg and δ25Mg determinations of Earth-surface geochemical studies.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 22
    Publication Date: 2021-02-08
    Description: Populations of fishes provide valuable services for billions of people, but face diverse and interacting threats that jeopardize their sustainability. Human population growth and intensifying resource use for food, water, energy and goods are compromising fish populations through a variety of mechanisms, including overfishing, habitat degradation and declines in water quality. The important challenges raised by these issues have been recognized and have led to considerable advances over past decades in managing and mitigating threats to fishes worldwide. In this review, we identify the major threats faced by fish populations alongside recent advances that are helping to address these issues. There are very significant efforts worldwide directed towards ensuring a sustainable future for the world's fishes and fisheries and those who rely on them. Although considerable challenges remain, by drawing attention to successful mitigation of threats to fish and fisheries we hope to provide the encouragement and direction that will allow these challenges to be overcome in the future.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 23
    Publication Date: 2021-02-08
    Description: Mass fractions of Sn and In were determined in sixteen geological reference materials including basaltic/mafic (BCR‐2, BE‐N, BHVO‐1, BHVO‐2, BIR‐1, OKUM, W‐2, WS‐E), ultramafic (DTS‐2b, MUH‐1, PCC‐1, UB‐N) and felsic/sedimentary reference materials (AGV‐2, JA‐1, SdAR‐M2, SdAR‐H1). Extensive digestion and ion exchange separation tests were carried out in order to provide high yields (〉 90% for Sn, 〉 85% for In), low total procedural blanks (~ 1 ng for Sn, 〈 3 pg for In) and low analytical uncertainties for the elements of interest in a variety of silicate sample matrices. Replicate analyses (n = 2–13) of Sn‐In mass fractions give a combined measurement uncertainty of 2u that are generally 〈 3% and in agreement with literature data, where available. We present the first high precision In data for reference materials OKUM (32.1 ± 1.5 ng g−1), DTS‐2b (2.03 ± 0.25 ng g−1), MUH‐1 (6.44 ± 0.30 ng g−1), and PCC‐1 (3.55 ± 0.35 ng g−1) as well as the first Sn data for MUH‐1 (0.057 ± 0.010 μg g−1) and DTS‐2b (0.623 ± 0.018 μg g−1).
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 24
    Publication Date: 2021-02-08
    Description: Sediment core PS1904 reveals continuous records of planktic and benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes (δ18O/δ13C) from the north-eastern Greenland continental margin. The data show good comparability with other records from the Nordic Seas, allowing the stratigraphic range of PS1904 to be dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. Focusing on MIS 5 reveals light δ18O values during MIS 5a compared to the last interglacial peak (MIS 5e) which indicates that surface and bottom water layers were strongly affected by freshwater during the former event. We present two possible scenarios explaining the origin and routing of the freshwater: (i) drainage of a Eurasian proglacial lake coupled with the collapse of the Kara Sea Ice Sheet at the MIS 5b/a boundary, and (ii) destabilization and melting of the nearby Greenland Ice Sheet. Although both scenarios could have acted simultaneously, sediment records from the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean hint at the proglacial lake system in north-western Siberia as the largest freshwater source. Regardless of the actual source, the freshwater lowered the surface ocean salinity causing water column stratification and sea ice expansion. Increased sea-ice abundance led to a higher albedo and probably contributed to the cooling and global ice sheet growth that occurred subsequently during MIS 4.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 25
    In:  EPIC3Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference, Wiley-Blackwell, 12 p., pp. 563-574, ISBN: 978-1-118-99465-8
    Publication Date: 2018-06-28
    Description: The genus Alexandrium (Halim) is perhaps the most intensively studied among toxic marine dinoflagellates. This is largely attributable to the devastating consequences of toxigenic blooms of this genus, with human poisonings from contaminated seafood, primarily from shellfish and more rarely from finfish; socio–economic losses to the aquaculture and fisheries industries; marine faunal mortalities; and food web disruptions common in coastal waters throughout the world. Members of this genus are globally distributed from the Arctic to the tropics, and in both hemispheres from sub–polar through temperate to sub–tropical to tropicalwaters. At least four distinct groups of marine phycotoxins are associated with various Alexandrium species, along with poorly characterized bioactive compounds (allelochemicals) that may affect species interactions among the plankton. According to the most recent iteration of the IOC–UNESCO reference list of toxic microalgae, there are now more than 30 recognized morphological species of Alexandrium, posing a daunting challenge for risk assessment and accurate identification in toxic phytoplankton monitoring programs.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Inbook , peerRev
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  • 26
    In:  EPIC3Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference, Wiley-Blackwell, 8 p., pp. 605-612, ISBN: 978-1-118-99465-8
    Publication Date: 2018-06-28
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Inbook , peerRev
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2018-03-20
    Description: Our study area is a ~50 km long section of the central-southern Apennines tectonic belt that includes the Pergola-Melandro basin and the Agri valley. This region is located between the areas interested by the 1980 Ms=6.9 Irpinia and the 1857 M=7.0 Val d’Agri earthquakes and is characterized by rare historical events and very low and sparse background seismicity. In this study we provide new seismological and geophysical information to identify the characteristics of the seismotectonics in the area, as the prevailing faulting mechanism and the fit of local to regional stress field. These data concern focal mechanisms from waveform modeling and P-wave polarities, analyses of borehole breakouts and detailed investigation of two seismic sequences. All the data cover a significantly broad range of magnitudes and depths and suggest that no important local variation in stress orientation seems to affect this area, which shows a NE-SW direction of extension consistent with that regionally observed in Southern Italy. Such local homogeneity in the stress field pattern is peculiar of the study area; the variations of orientation and/or type of stress observed in the northern Apennines or only less than 100 km toward the northwest within the same tectonic belt are absent here. Furthermore, there is a suggestion for a northeastward sense of dip of the seismogenic faults in the region, an interesting constraint to the characterization of seismic sources
    Description: Published
    Description: 575-583
    Description: 2T. Sorgente Sismica
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: faulting ; seismicity ; 04. Solid Earth::04.07. Tectonophysics::04.07.05. Stress
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2024-10-15
    Description: Our study area is a ~50 km long section of the central-southern Apennines tectonic belt that includes the Pergola-Melandro basin and the Agri valley. This region is located between the areas interested by the 1980 Ms=6.9 Irpinia and the 1857 M=7.0 Val d’Agri earthquakes and is characterized by rare historical events and very low and sparse background seismicity. In this study we provide new seismological and geophysical information to identify the characteristics of the seismotectonics in the area, as the prevailing faulting mechanism and the fit of local to regional stress field. These data concern focal mechanisms from waveform modeling and P-wave polarities, analyses of borehole breakouts and detailed investigation of two seismic sequences. All the data cover a significantly broad range of magnitudes and depths and suggest that no important local variation in stress orientation seems to affect this area, which shows a NE-SW direction of extension consistent with that regionally observed in Southern Italy. Such local homogeneity in the stress field pattern is peculiar of the study area; the variations of orientation and/or type of stress observed in the northern Apennines or only less than 100 km toward the northwest within the same tectonic belt are absent here. Furthermore, there is a suggestion for a northeastward sense of dip of the seismogenic faults in the region, an interesting constraint to the characterization of seismic sources
    Description: Published
    Description: 575-583
    Description: 2T. Sorgente Sismica
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: faulting ; seismicity ; 04. Solid Earth::04.07. Tectonophysics::04.07.05. Stress
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 29
    In:  Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 48 (2). pp. 353-359.
    Publication Date: 2020-07-16
    Description: Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, is an economically important marine fish species in Asia. A suite of 18 microsatellite markers chosen from published genetic linkage maps was used to carry out parentage assignments of 188 hatchery-reared juveniles from a small number of breeders. The probabilities of exclusion for the 18 microsatellite markers were 0.604–0.913, and the effectiveness of combined probability of exclusion reached 100% when using the eight microsatellite markers with higher Excl 1 probabilities. The cultured and wild stocks (WSs) were differentiated in a release-recapture population based on these markers. Of the 321 recaptured offspring, 28.34% were assigned to their parental pairs in our broodstock, whereas the remaining offspring could not be traced back to a possible sire or dam. Significant reduction in genetic diversity of the cultured stock (CS) had not been found compared with that of the WS. The results suggest that CSs released into the wild will not adversely affect the genetic structure of natural populations. Our results demonstrate that these markers provide an efficient tool for parentage assignments and genetic analysis of Japanese flounder.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2020-02-06
    Description: The spatial structure of species is important for their dynamics and evolution, but also for management and conservation. There are numerous ways of inferring spatial structures, and information from multiple methods is becoming more common to examine how different processes shape the spatial structures of species to improve fish management. Here, we investigate the spatial structure of a suite of Baltic Sea fish species based on the following: (i) spatial (presumably neutral) genetic differentiation, reviewed from the literature, and (ii) spatial synchrony in abundance changes from time series of fishery-independent surveys, which we currently find to be underused given the amount of data available. For each of these two methods, species were classified as having a distinct, continuous or no/weak spatial structure. In addition, based on each source of information, we estimated the spatial scale of management units for species. The results show that only among species confined to the coastal zone the two sources of information yielded a congruence of the spatial structure (displaying a continuous spatial structure). In contrast, offshore species show weak spatial genetic structure but stronger spatial structure of synchrony in abundance. Based on this, we suggest that population genetic structure and synchrony in abundance should be used as complementary information as they reflect different spatial processes and suggest that management actions should differ with respect to scale depending on the management targets applied. We propose similar analysis should be applied to areas outside the Baltic Sea, and other stock identification methods, to improve management of fish resources.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 31
    Publication Date: 2020-10-26
    Description: Climatic warming is a primary driver of change in ecosystems worldwide. Here, we synthesize responses of species richness and evenness from 187 experimental warming studies in a quantitative meta-analysis. We asked 1) whether effects of warming on diversity were detectable and consistent across terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, 2) if effects on diversity correlated with intensity, duration, and experimental unit size of temperature change manipulations, and 3) whether these experimental effects on diversity interacted with ecosystem types. Using multilevel mixed linear models and model averaging, we also tested the relative importance of variables that described uncontrolled environmental variation and attributes of experimental units. Overall, experimental warming reduced richness across ecosystems (mean log-response ratio = –0.091, 95% bootstrapped CI: –0.13, –0.05) representing an 8.9% decline relative to ambient temperature treatments. Richness did not change in response to warming in freshwater systems, but was more strongly negative in terrestrial (–11.8%) and marine (–10.5%) experiments. In contrast, warming impacts on evenness were neutral overall and in aquatic systems, but weakly negative on land (7.6%). Intensity and duration of experimental warming did not explain variation in diversity responses, but negative effects on richness were stronger in smaller experimental units, particularly in marine systems. Model-averaged parameter estimation confirmed these main effects while accounting for variation in latitude, ambient temperature at the sites of manipulations, venue (field versus lab), community trophic type, and whether experiments were open or closed to colonization. These analyses synthesize extensive experimental evidence showing declines in local richness with increased temperature, particularly in terrestrial and marine communities. However, the more variable effects of warming on evenness were better explained by the random effect of site identity, suggesting that effects on species’ relative abundances were contingent on local species composition.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 32
    In:  EPIC3Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis, Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 663-701, ISBN: 978-1-119-15404-4
    Publication Date: 2017-10-09
    Description: Exploitation of Southern Ocean marine resources began more than 200 years ago with the massive hunt for seals and whales. In the 1960s/70s, fisheries for finfish and krill entered Southern Ocean waters. Within a few years many fish populations were heavily overfished and dramatically depleted, and some of these stocks still did not recover. Today, fish stocks and fisheries activities are managed and monitored by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) which was established in 1982 to ensure sustainable exploitation and protection of the delicate marine ecosystem. Current target species include Mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari), Patagonian as well as Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni) and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Most of these species are vulnerable to overfishing due to slow growth, late age at maturity, and rather low fecundity. This vulnerability might increase, as Southern Ocean living communities are currently also faced with alterations of their environment due to climate change, such as increasing water temperatures and decreasing sea ice. Species, including the ones targetted by fisheries, are well-adapted to their particular environmental conditions and are believed to be highly sensitive to changes because of their cold-adapted physiology, their life history traits, and their direct or indirect dependence on sea ice. The species will be exposed to several stressors at the same time, and fishing pressure, direct abiotic forcing and changes mediated via the food web might act synergistically and result in significant population declines. In particular the strongly sea ice-dependent Antarctic krill, a key species in the food web, might be adversely affected. Fish species seems to have low tolerance towards higher water temperatures and may thus, in the long run, be replaced by lower latitude species.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Inbook , peerRev
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2017-12-11
    Description: In this study we applied a multidisciplinary approach, coupling geophysical and geochemical measurements, to unveil the provenance of 170 obsidian flakes, collected on the volcanic island of Ustica (Sicily). On this island there are some prehistoric settlements dated from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. Despite not having geological outcrops of obsidian rocks, the countryside of Ustica is rich in fragments of this volcanic glass, imported from other source areas. The study of obsidian findings was carried out first through visual observations and density measurements. At least two different obsidian families have been distinguished, probably imported from Lipari and Pantelleria islands. Analysing the magnetic properties of the samples, these two main sources were confirmed, but the possibility of other provenances was inferred. Finally, we characterized the geochemical signature of the Ustica obsidians by performing microchemical analyses through electron microprobe (EMPA) and laser ablation (LA–ICP–MS). The results were compared with literature data, confirming the presence of the Lipari and Pantelleria sources (Sicily) and indicating for the first time in this part of Italy a third provenance from Palmarola island (Latium). Our results shed new light on the commercial exchanges in the peri-Tyrrhenian area during the prehistoric age.
    Description: Published
    Description: 435–454
    Description: 1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la Società
    Description: 2SR. VULCANI - Servizi e ricerca per la Società
    Description: 3SR. AMBIENTE - Servizi e ricerca per la Società
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: obsdian provenance ; LA-ICPMS ; 05. General::05.04. Instrumentation and techniques of general interest::05.04.99. General or miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2022-05-24
    Description: Continuous GPS (CGPS) data, collected at Mt. Etna between April 2012 and October 2013, clearly define inflation/deflation processes typically observed before/after an eruption onset. During the inflationary process from May to October 2013, a particular deformation pattern localised in the upper North Eastern sector of the volcano suggests that a magma intrusion had occurred a few km away from the axis of the summit craters, beneath the NE Rift system. This is the first time that this pattern has been recorded by CGPS data at Mt. Etna. We believe that this inflation process might have taken place periodically at Mt. Etna and might be associated with the intrusion of batches of magma that are separate from the main feeding system. We provide a model to explain this unusual behaviour and the eruptive regime of this rift zone, which is characterised by long periods of quiescence followed by often dangerous eruptions in which vents can open at low elevation and thus threaten the villages in this sector of the volcano.
    Description: Published
    Description: 356-363
    Description: 2V. Dinamiche di unrest e scenari pre-eruttivi
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Shallow intrusion beneath NE Rift system ; Mt. Etna volcano ; CGPS data ; 04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.06. Volcano monitoring
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2025-01-02
    Description: Continuous GPS (CGPS) data, collected at Mt. Etna between April 2012 and October 2013, clearly define inflation/deflation processes typically observed before/after an eruption onset. During the inflationary process from May to October 2013, a particular deformation pattern localised in the upper North Eastern sector of the volcano suggests that a magma intrusion had occurred a few km away from the axis of the summit craters, beneath the NE Rift system. This is the first time that this pattern has been recorded by CGPS data at Mt. Etna. We believe that this inflation process might have taken place periodically at Mt. Etna and might be associated with the intrusion of batches of magma that are separate from the main feeding system. We provide a model to explain this unusual behaviour and the eruptive regime of this rift zone, which is characterised by long periods of quiescence followed by often dangerous eruptions in which vents can open at low elevation and thus threaten the villages in this sector of the volcano.
    Description: Published
    Description: 356-363
    Description: 2V. Dinamiche di unrest e scenari pre-eruttivi
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Shallow intrusion beneath NE Rift system ; Mt. Etna volcano ; CGPS data ; 04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.06. Volcano monitoring
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 36
    Publication Date: 2024-12-17
    Description: In this study we applied a multidisciplinary approach, coupling geophysical and geochemical measurements, to unveil the provenance of 170 obsidian flakes, collected on the volcanic island of Ustica (Sicily). On this island there are some prehistoric settlements dated from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. Despite not having geological outcrops of obsidian rocks, the countryside of Ustica is rich in fragments of this volcanic glass, imported from other source areas. The study of obsidian findings was carried out first through visual observations and density measurements. At least two different obsidian families have been distinguished, probably imported from Lipari and Pantelleria islands. Analysing the magnetic properties of the samples, these two main sources were confirmed, but the possibility of other provenances was inferred. Finally, we characterized the geochemical signature of the Ustica obsidians by performing microchemical analyses through electron microprobe (EMPA) and laser ablation (LA–ICP–MS). The results were compared with literature data, confirming the presence of the Lipari and Pantelleria sources (Sicily) and indicating for the first time in this part of Italy a third provenance from Palmarola island (Latium). Our results shed new light on the commercial exchanges in the peri-Tyrrhenian area during the prehistoric age.
    Description: Published
    Description: 435–454
    Description: 1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la Società
    Description: 2SR. VULCANI - Servizi e ricerca per la Società
    Description: 3SR. AMBIENTE - Servizi e ricerca per la Società
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: obsdian provenance ; LA-ICPMS ; 05. General::05.04. Instrumentation and techniques of general interest::05.04.99. General or miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 37
    In:  Fish and Fisheries, 18 (4). pp. 656-667.
    Publication Date: 2019-02-01
    Description: Fisheries advice is based on demographic calculations, which assume that density-dependent processes regulating recruitment occur only in early life. This assumption is challenged by laboratory and lake studies and some recent indications from marine systems that demonstrate density-dependent regulation late in life. By accounting for spatial dynamics of a population, something that has previously been ignored in models of fish, we show that density-dependent regulation is determined by the size of the habitat: in small habitats, for example small lakes, regulation occurs late in life, while it can occur early in large habitats. When regulation happens late in life, fisheries yield is maximized by exploitation of mainly juvenile fish, while exploiting mature fish maximizes yield if regulation happens early. We review and interpret observations of density dependence in the light of the theory. Our results challenge the current assumption that density dependence always occurs early in life and highlights the need for an increased understanding of density-dependent processes. This can only come about by a change of focus from determining stock-recruitment relationships towards understanding when and how density-dependent regulation occurs in nature.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2019-02-01
    Description: The spatial structure of species is important for their dynamics and evolution, but also for management and conservation. There are numerous ways of inferring spatial structures, and information from multiple methods is becoming more common to examine how different processes shape the spatial structures of species to improve fish management. Here, we investigate the spatial structure of a suite of Baltic Sea fish species based on the following: (i) spatial (presumably neutral) genetic differentiation, reviewed from the literature, and (ii) spatial synchrony in abundance changes from time series of fishery‐independent surveys, which we currently find to be underused given the amount of data available. For each of these two methods, species were classified as having a distinct, continuous or no/weak spatial structure. In addition, based on each source of information, we estimated the spatial scale of management units for species. The results show that only among species confined to the coastal zone the two sources of information yielded a congruence of the spatial structure (displaying a continuous spatial structure). In contrast, offshore species show weak spatial genetic structure but stronger spatial structure of synchrony in abundance. Based on this, we suggest that population genetic structure and synchrony in abundance should be used as complementary information as they reflect different spatial processes and suggest that management actions should differ with respect to scale depending on the management targets applied. We propose similar analysis should be applied to areas outside the Baltic Sea, and other stock identification methods, to improve management of fish resources.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 39
    In:  Journal of Metamorphic Geology .
    Publication Date: 2020-07-23
    Description: We report U–Pb zircon ages of c. 700–550 Ma, 262–220 Ma, 47–38 Ma and 15–14 Ma from amphibolites on Naxos Island in the Aegean extensional province of Greece. The zircon has complex internal structures. Based on cathodoluminescence response, zoning and crosscutting relationships a minimum of four zircon growth stages are identified: inherited core, magmatic core, inner metamorphic (?) rim and an outer metamorphic rim. Trace element compositions of the amphibolites suggest igneous differentiation and crustal assimilation. Zircon solubility as a function of saturation temperatures, Zr content and melt composition indicates that the zircon did not originally crystallize in the mafic bodies but was inherited from felsic precursor rocks, and subsequently assimilated into the mafic intrusives during emplacement. Zircon inheritance is corroborated by the complex, xenocrystic nature of the zircon in one sample. Ages of c. 700–550 Ma and 262–220 Ma are assigned to inherited zircon. Available geochemical data suggest that the 15–14 Ma metamorphic rims grew in situ in the amphibolites, corresponding to a high-grade metamorphic event at this time. However, the geochemical data cannot conclusively establish if the c. 40 Ma zircon rims also grew in situ, or whether they were inherited along with the xenocrystic cores. Two scenarios for emplacement of the mafic intrusives are discussed: (i) Intrusion during late-Triassic to Jurassic ocean basin development of the Aegean realm, in which case the 40 Ma zircon rims would have grown in situ, and (ii) emplacement in the Miocene as a result mafic underplating during large-scale extension. In this case, only the 15–14 Ma metamorphic outer rims would have formed in situ in the amphibolitic host rocks.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 40
    In:  Fish and Fisheries, 18 (2). pp. 199-211.
    Publication Date: 2019-02-01
    Description: Managing fisheries presents trade-offs between objectives, for example yields, profits, minimizing ecosystem impact, that have to be weighed against one another. These trade-offs are compounded by interacting species and fisheries at the ecosystem level. Weighing objectives becomes increasingly challenging when managers have to consider opposing objectives from different stakeholders. An alternative to weighing incomparable and conflicting objectives is to focus on win–wins until Pareto efficiency is achieved: a state from which it is impossible to improve with respect to any objective without regressing at least one other. We investigate the ecosystem-level efficiency of fisheries in five large marine ecosystems (LMEs) with respect to yield and an aggregate measure of ecosystem impact using a novel calibration of size-based ecosystem models. We estimate that fishing patterns in three LMEs (North Sea, Barents Sea and Benguela Current) are nearly efficient with respect to long-term yield and ecosystem impact and that efficiency has improved over the last 30 years. In two LMEs (Baltic Sea and North East US Continental Shelf), fishing is inefficient and win–wins remain available. We additionally examine the efficiency of North Sea and Baltic Sea fisheries with respect to economic rent and ecosystem impact, finding both to be inefficient but steadily improving. Our results suggest the following: (i) a broad and encouraging trend towards ecosystem-level efficiency of fisheries; (ii) that ecosystem-scale win–wins, especially with respect to conservation and profits, may still be common; and (iii) single-species assessment approaches may overestimate the availability of win–wins by failing to account for trade-offs across interacting species.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 41
    Publication Date: 2020-10-26
    Description: Ecological studies based on time-series often investigate community changes centered on species abundance or biomass but rarely expose the consequential functional aspects underlying such changes. Functional diversity measures have proven to be more accurate predictors for ecosystem functioning than traditional taxonomic approaches and hence gained much attention. There are only limited studies available that analyse the functional implications behind decadal changes of entire communities. We studied zoobenthic communities of two habitats, sheltered and exposed, of a coastal system subject to contrasting changes in community composition over the past four decades. Besides eutrophication and climate-related impacts, the system has been invaded by a non-native polycheate Marenzelleria spp., adding altered functional properties to the communities. The functional dispersion (FDis) metric was used as a measure for comparing the functional diversity of the contrasting habitats, with special focus on the role of Marenzelleria for the entire communities. We highlight changes in the functional identity of the communities, expressed as community-weighted means of trait expression (CWM), using multivariate techniques, and investigate the relationship between taxonomic and functional changes. Despite contrasting community developments in the two habitats, with characteristics traditionally suggesting different environmental quality, we found that the FDis in both habitats remained similar and increased with the introduction of Marenzelleria. Although showing maintained functional diversity across time and space, the functional identity (CWM) of communities changed irrespective of taxonomical differences. Examples include inter alia alterations in palatability proxies, feeding position and sediment transportation types, indicating changed functionality of zoobenthos in coastal systems. We show, when focussing on qualitative functional changes of communities, it is important to evaluate the underlying functional identity, and not only rely on measures of the diversity of functions per se, as the quality indication of expressed functional traits can be concealed when using multi-functionality approaches.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2020-07-30
    Description: The advent of genomic-, transcriptomic- and proteomic-based approaches has revolutionized our ability to describe marine microbial communities, including biogeography, metabolic potential and diversity, mechanisms of adaptation, and phylogeny and evolutionary history. New interdisciplinary approaches are needed to move from this descriptive level to improved quantitative, process-level understanding of the roles of marine microbes in biogeochemical cycles and of the impact of environmental change on the marine microbial ecosystem. Linking studies at levels from the genome to the organism, to ecological strategies and organism and ecosystem response, requires new modelling approaches. Key to this will be a fundamental shift in modelling scale that represents micro-organisms from the level of their macromolecular components. This will enable contact with omics data sets and allow acclimation and adaptive response at the phenotype level (i.e. traits) to be simulated as a combination of fitness maximization and evolutionary constraints. This way forward will build on ecological approaches that identify key organism traits and systems biology approaches that integrate traditional physiological measurements with new insights from omics. It will rely on developing an improved understanding of ecophysiology to understand quantitatively environmental controls on microbial growth strategies. It will also incorporate results from experimental evolution studies in the representation of adaptation. The resulting ecosystem-level models can then evaluate our level of understanding of controls on ecosystem structure and function, highlight major gaps in understanding and help prioritize areas for future research programs. Ultimately, this grand synthesis should improve predictive capability of the ecosystem response to multiple environmental drivers.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 43
    Publication Date: 2019-02-01
    Description: Despite considerable progress in the production of alternative diets, small concentrations of antinutrients remain common in aquaculture nutrition, resulting in a perpetual limitation with regard to the inclusion of plant ingredients in aquafeeds. These compounds are known to impair the general performance of fish when fed for a prolonged period of time, potentially affecting the animal's susceptibility to stress, too. Therefore, a 12-week feeding trial was conducted to examine the chronic effects of purified rapeseed protein concentrate (RPC), containing low concentrations of glucosinolates and phytic acid, on the relative expression of multiple target genes in the liver of juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima, L.). Our results revealed divergent patterns of gene expression, suggesting different coping strategies dependent on the grade of RPC substitution. Data implies increased metabolic rate of turbot fed a 33% RPC-substituted diet due to an upregulation of cytochrome c oxidase mRNA, accompanied by minor adjustments in metabolic pathways. While no signs of reduced welfare were found, data adumbrate a beneficial hormetic reaction. In the highest treatment level (66% RPC), diminished fish condition and reduced growth performance coincided with a downregulation of insulin-like growth factor I, further indicating a potential impaired resistance to stress. An additional downregulation of transferrin hints towards an increased liability to bacterial infections.
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  • 44
    In:  Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 8 (1). e441.
    Publication Date: 2019-02-01
    Description: To estimate the anthropogenic contribution to climate signals in the recent past and future decades implies a certain degree of confidence in both understanding and simulating natural internal variability at interdecadal time scales. If we are to embark on the challenge of decadal prediction, we must be able to mechanistically attribute events to known processes and phenomena, and reproduce their features and statistics within our models. To date, models have succeeded in reproducing only partially spatial patterns, statistics and climatic impacts of interdecadal modes of variability. Reasons for the partial success and agreement among models are to be attributed to the short observational record, the different and complex flavours of coupling between the many subcomponents of the climate system, and the present inability to resolve all climate processes. At an even more fundamental level, this difficulty is aggravated by the limited understanding of the physical mechanisms involved. Here, we review the proposed mechanisms giving rise to interdecadal climate variability, we discuss the hypotheses explaining the main interdecadal modes of variability, and present an overview on the ability and level of agreement in their simulation by the latest generation of coupled climate models. To achieve any progress, the modeling community should focus on both improving the representation and parameterization of key ocean physical processes and obtaining a firmer grasp on the physical mechanisms generating the variability. Both goals can benefit from process studies, intercomparisons with perturbation experiments to study model's sensitivities, and the use of a hierarchy of climate models.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2021-06-14
    Description: This study is focused on the (micro)biogeochemical features of two close geothermal sites (FAV1 and FAV2), both selected at the main exhalative area of Pantelleria Island, Italy. A previous biogeochemical survey revealed high CH4 consumption and the presence of a diverse community of methanotrophs at FAV2 site, whereas the close site FAV1 was apparently devoid of methanotrophs and recorded no CH4 consumption. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques were applied to describe the bacterial and archaeal communities which have been linked to the physicochemical conditions and the geothermal sources of energy available at the two sites. Both sites are dominated by Bacteria and host a negligible component of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (phylum Thaumarchaeota). The FAV2 bacterial community is characterized by an extraordinary diversity of methanotrophs, with 40% of the sequences assigned to Methylocaldum, Methylobacter (Gammaproteobacteria) and Bejerickia (Alphaproteobacteria); conversely, a community of thermo-acidophilic chemolithotrophs (Acidithiobacillus, Nitrosococcus) or putative chemolithotrophs (Ktedonobacter) dominates the FAV1 community, in the absence of methanotrophs. Since physical andchemical factors of FAV1, such as temperature and pH, cannot be considered limiting for methanotrophy, it is hypothesized that the main limiting factor for methanotrophs could be high NH4+ concentration. At the same time, abundant availability of NH4+ and other high energy electron donors and acceptors determined by the hydrothermal flux in this site create more energetically favourable conditions for chemolithotrophs that outcompete methanotrophs in non-nitrogen-limited soils.
    Description: Published
    Description: 150–162
    Description: 4V. Vulcani e ambiente
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: geothermal soils ; geomicrobiology ; chemolithotrophs ; methanotrophs ; Pantelleria ; 04. Solid Earth::04.04. Geology::04.04.12. Fluid Geochemistry
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2021-04-07
    Description: Stable isotopes were measured in the carbonate and organic matter of palaeosols in the Somma–Vesuvius area, southern Italy in order to test whether they are suitable proxy records for climatic and ecological changes in this area during the past 18000 yr. The ages of the soils span from ca. 18 to ca. 3 kyr BP. Surprisingly, the Last Glacial to Holocene climate transition was not accompanied by significant change in d18O of pedogenic carbonate. This could be explained by changes in evaporation rate and in isotope fractionation between water and precipitated carbonate with temperature, which counterbalanced the expected change in isotope composition of meteoric water. Because of the rise in temperature and humidity and the progressive increase in tree cover during the Holocene, the Holocene soil carbonates closely reflect the isotopic composition of meteoric water. A cooling of about 2°C after the Avellino eruption (3.8 ka) accounts for a sudden decrease of about 1‰ in d18O of pedogenic carbonate recorded after this eruption. The d13C values of organic matter and pedogenic carbonate covary, indicating an effective isotope equilibrium between the organic matter, as the source of CO2, and the pedogenic carbonate. Carbon isotopes suggest prevailing C3 vegetation and negligible mixing with volcanogenic or atmospheric CO2.
    Description: Published
    Description: 813-824
    Description: 1V. Storia e struttura dei sistemi vulcanici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: stable isotope ; palaeosols ; Somma–Vesuvius ; palaeoclimate ; 04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.99. General or miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 47
    Publication Date: 2017-04-04
    Description: We present a strategy to thoroughly investigate the effects of prominent topography on the surface tilt due to a spherical pressure source. We use Etna's topography as a case of study and, for different source positions, we compare the tilt fields calculated through (i) a 3-D boundary element method and (ii) analytical half-space solutions. We systematically determine (i) the source positions leading to the strongest tilt misfits when numerical and analytical results are compared and (ii) the surface areas where the strongest distortions in the tilt field are most likely to be observed. We also demonstrate that, under critical circumstances, in terms of respective positions of pressure source and observation points, results of inversion procedures aimed at retrieving the source parameters can be misleading, if tilt data are analysed using models that do not account for topography.
    Description: Published
    Description: 1471–1481
    Description: 2V. Dinamiche di unrest e scenari pre-eruttivi
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Numerical approximations and analysis ; Transient deformation ; Volcano monitoring ; 04. Solid Earth::04.03. Geodesy::04.03.01. Crustal deformations
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2020-02-05
    Description: In this paper, we present a method for handling uncertainties in the determination of the source parameters of earthquakes from spectral data. We propose a robust framework for estimating earthquake source parameters and relative uncertainties, which are propagated down to the estimation of basic seismic parameters of interest such as the seismic moment, the moment magnitude, the source size and the static stress drop. In practice, we put together a Bayesian approach for model parameter estimation and a weighted statistical mixing of multiple solutions obtained from a network of instruments, providing a useful framework for extracting meaningful data from intrinsically uncertain data sets. The Bayesian approach used to estimate the source spectra parameters is a simple but powerful mechanism for non-linear model fitting, providing also the opportunity to naturally propagate uncertainties and to assess the quality and uniqueness of the solution. Another important added value of such an approach is the possibility of integrating information from the expertise of seismologists. Such data can be encoded in a prior state of information that is then updated with the information provided by seismological data. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated analysing data from the 1909 April 23 earthquake occurred near Benavente (Portugal).
    Description: Published
    Description: 691-701
    Description: 2T. Tettonica attiva
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: open
    Keywords: Fourier analysis ; Probability distributions ; Earthquake source observations ; Seismicity and tectonics ; 04. Solid Earth::04.02. Exploration geophysics::04.02.06. Seismic methods
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 49
    Publication Date: 2022-05-24
    Description: Pico, the youngest island of the Azores Archipelago (Portugal), is characterized by a central volcano and a 30-km-long fissure zone. Its eruption rate is the highest of the Azores islands, with more than 35 eruptions in the last 2000 years. Here, we estimate the lava-flow hazard for Pico Island by combining the vent opening probability derived from the spatial distribution of eruptive fissures, the classes of expected eruptions inferred from the physical and chemical characteristics of historical eruptions, and the lava-flow paths simulated by the MAGFLOW model. The most likely area to host new eruptions is along a WNW–ESE trend centred on the central volcano, with the highest hazard affecting the two main residential zones of Lajes do Pico and Madalena. Our analysis is the first attempt to assess the lava-flow hazard for Pico Island, and may have important implications for decision-making in territorial management and future land-use planning.
    Description: Published
    Description: 156-161
    Description: 3V. Dinamiche e scenari eruttivi
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: lava flow hazard ; 05. General::05.02. Data dissemination::05.02.03. Volcanic eruptions
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 50
    Publication Date: 2022-05-24
    Description: This study investigates in detail the deformation events that have affected the sedimentary successions forming the substrate of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy). Based on the geometric reconstruction of a buried sedimentary marker, we have been able to identify and quantify the effects of three different mechanisms of deformation that have affected the area in the last 600 ka. Numerical results from Finite Element Method (FEM) applied to model viscoelastic deformation suggest the occurrence of a crustal doming process originating at the mantle-crust transition (~16 km). We propose that the source of deformation is related to the diapiric uprise of hydrothermal material originating in altered ocean-like crust and its emplacement at a shallower level in the crust. This process has great relevance in the volcanic system and should be considered for the full assessment of its origin and evolution.
    Description: Published
    Description: 338 – 345
    Description: 4V. Vulcani e ambiente
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: volcanic doming ; viscoelastic modeling ; 04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.99. General or miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2024-09-19
    Description: Stable isotopes were measured in the carbonate and organic matter of palaeosols in the Somma–Vesuvius area, southern Italy in order to test whether they are suitable proxy records for climatic and ecological changes in this area during the past 18000 yr. The ages of the soils span from ca. 18 to ca. 3 kyr BP. Surprisingly, the Last Glacial to Holocene climate transition was not accompanied by significant change in d18O of pedogenic carbonate. This could be explained by changes in evaporation rate and in isotope fractionation between water and precipitated carbonate with temperature, which counterbalanced the expected change in isotope composition of meteoric water. Because of the rise in temperature and humidity and the progressive increase in tree cover during the Holocene, the Holocene soil carbonates closely reflect the isotopic composition of meteoric water. A cooling of about 2°C after the Avellino eruption (3.8 ka) accounts for a sudden decrease of about 1‰ in d18O of pedogenic carbonate recorded after this eruption. The d13C values of organic matter and pedogenic carbonate covary, indicating an effective isotope equilibrium between the organic matter, as the source of CO2, and the pedogenic carbonate. Carbon isotopes suggest prevailing C3 vegetation and negligible mixing with volcanogenic or atmospheric CO2.
    Description: Published
    Description: 813-824
    Description: 1V. Storia e struttura dei sistemi vulcanici
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: stable isotope ; palaeosols ; Somma–Vesuvius ; palaeoclimate ; 04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.99. General or miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2024-10-23
    Description: Pico, the youngest island of the Azores Archipelago (Portugal), is characterized by a central volcano and a 30-km-long fissure zone. Its eruption rate is the highest of the Azores islands, with more than 35 eruptions in the last 2000 years. Here, we estimate the lava-flow hazard for Pico Island by combining the vent opening probability derived from the spatial distribution of eruptive fissures, the classes of expected eruptions inferred from the physical and chemical characteristics of historical eruptions, and the lava-flow paths simulated by the MAGFLOW model. The most likely area to host new eruptions is along a WNW–ESE trend centred on the central volcano, with the highest hazard affecting the two main residential zones of Lajes do Pico and Madalena. Our analysis is the first attempt to assess the lava-flow hazard for Pico Island, and may have important implications for decision-making in territorial management and future land-use planning.
    Description: Published
    Description: 156-161
    Description: 3V. Dinamiche e scenari eruttivi
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: lava flow hazard ; 05. General::05.02. Data dissemination::05.02.03. Volcanic eruptions
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2024-09-29
    Description: This study investigates in detail the deformation events that have affected the sedimentary successions forming the substrate of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy). Based on the geometric reconstruction of a buried sedimentary marker, we have been able to identify and quantify the effects of three different mechanisms of deformation that have affected the area in the last 600 ka. Numerical results from Finite Element Method (FEM) applied to model viscoelastic deformation suggest the occurrence of a crustal doming process originating at the mantle-crust transition (~16 km). We propose that the source of deformation is related to the diapiric uprise of hydrothermal material originating in altered ocean-like crust and its emplacement at a shallower level in the crust. This process has great relevance in the volcanic system and should be considered for the full assessment of its origin and evolution.
    Description: Published
    Description: 338 – 345
    Description: 4V. Vulcani e ambiente
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: volcanic doming ; viscoelastic modeling ; 04. Solid Earth::04.08. Volcanology::04.08.99. General or miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2025-01-02
    Description: In this paper, we present a method for handling uncertainties in the determination of the source parameters of earthquakes from spectral data. We propose a robust framework for estimating earthquake source parameters and relative uncertainties, which are propagated down to the estimation of basic seismic parameters of interest such as the seismic moment, the moment magnitude, the source size and the static stress drop. In practice, we put together a Bayesian approach for model parameter estimation and a weighted statistical mixing of multiple solutions obtained from a network of instruments, providing a useful framework for extracting meaningful data from intrinsically uncertain data sets. The Bayesian approach used to estimate the source spectra parameters is a simple but powerful mechanism for non-linear model fitting, providing also the opportunity to naturally propagate uncertainties and to assess the quality and uniqueness of the solution. Another important added value of such an approach is the possibility of integrating information from the expertise of seismologists. Such data can be encoded in a prior state of information that is then updated with the information provided by seismological data. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated analysing data from the 1909 April 23 earthquake occurred near Benavente (Portugal).
    Description: Published
    Description: 691-701
    Description: 2T. Tettonica attiva
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: open
    Keywords: Fourier analysis ; Probability distributions ; Earthquake source observations ; Seismicity and tectonics ; 04. Solid Earth::04.02. Exploration geophysics::04.02.06. Seismic methods
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2025-01-02
    Description: This study is focused on the (micro)biogeochemical features of two close geothermal sites (FAV1 and FAV2), both selected at the main exhalative area of Pantelleria Island, Italy. A previous biogeochemical survey revealed high CH4 consumption and the presence of a diverse community of methanotrophs at FAV2 site, whereas the close site FAV1 was apparently devoid of methanotrophs and recorded no CH4 consumption. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques were applied to describe the bacterial and archaeal communities which have been linked to the physicochemical conditions and the geothermal sources of energy available at the two sites. Both sites are dominated by Bacteria and host a negligible component of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (phylum Thaumarchaeota). The FAV2 bacterial community is characterized by an extraordinary diversity of methanotrophs, with 40% of the sequences assigned to Methylocaldum, Methylobacter (Gammaproteobacteria) and Bejerickia (Alphaproteobacteria); conversely, a community of thermo-acidophilic chemolithotrophs (Acidithiobacillus, Nitrosococcus) or putative chemolithotrophs (Ktedonobacter) dominates the FAV1 community, in the absence of methanotrophs. Since physical andchemical factors of FAV1, such as temperature and pH, cannot be considered limiting for methanotrophy, it is hypothesized that the main limiting factor for methanotrophs could be high NH4+ concentration. At the same time, abundant availability of NH4+ and other high energy electron donors and acceptors determined by the hydrothermal flux in this site create more energetically favourable conditions for chemolithotrophs that outcompete methanotrophs in non-nitrogen-limited soils.
    Description: Published
    Description: 150–162
    Description: 4V. Vulcani e ambiente
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: geothermal soils ; geomicrobiology ; chemolithotrophs ; methanotrophs ; Pantelleria ; 04. Solid Earth::04.04. Geology::04.04.12. Fluid Geochemistry
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2025-01-02
    Description: We present a strategy to thoroughly investigate the effects of prominent topography on the surface tilt due to a spherical pressure source. We use Etna's topography as a case of study and, for different source positions, we compare the tilt fields calculated through (i) a 3-D boundary element method and (ii) analytical half-space solutions. We systematically determine (i) the source positions leading to the strongest tilt misfits when numerical and analytical results are compared and (ii) the surface areas where the strongest distortions in the tilt field are most likely to be observed. We also demonstrate that, under critical circumstances, in terms of respective positions of pressure source and observation points, results of inversion procedures aimed at retrieving the source parameters can be misleading, if tilt data are analysed using models that do not account for topography.
    Description: Published
    Description: 1471–1481
    Description: 2V. Dinamiche di unrest e scenari pre-eruttivi
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Numerical approximations and analysis ; Transient deformation ; Volcano monitoring ; 04. Solid Earth::04.03. Geodesy::04.03.01. Crustal deformations
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article , Peer-reviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 57
    In:  (In Press / Accepted) Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society .
    Publication Date: 2020-04-21
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 58
    In:  Geology Today, 31 (4). pp. 153-159.
    Publication Date: 2020-07-30
    Description: The geological development of the Fogo island volcano commenced in the early Quaternary, and much later during the Last Glacial stage this involved a mega-scale lateral collapse of the former edifice. This later event created a large caldera-like landform open to the east, the floor of which is known as the Chã, and subsequently within this a strato-volcanic cone has grown. The last phase of volcanic activity started in late 2014 and persisted for 77 days. It had a devastating impact on the lives of the 1000 plus people who were living within the ‘caldera’, since two large villages and a smaller one were each totally destroyed in a matter of days by the advancing lavas. In addition, large areas of cultivated land, upon which the inhabitants were dependent for their livelihood, were enveloped by lava. The eruption proved to be of a greater magnitude than the immediately preceding one of 1995, when a mass evacuation was necessary but as only a few buildings were affected, resettlement followed. Unfortunately the much greater devastation to the human environment makes it doubtful whether any significant resettlement will be possible after the 2014–2015 event.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 59
    Publication Date: 2020-07-15
    Description: The herbal remedy, milk thistle (Silybum marianum), has been used in traditional medicine for various liver, kidney, and gall bladder ailments. For over a decade, our research group has been investigating the flavonolignans obtained from this medicinal herb for cancer chemoprevention and hepatoprotection.[1–6] Recently, we extended our studies toward examining the diversity as well as distribution patterns of fungal endophytes in leaves, stem, and roots of milk thistle.[7] These fungi inhabit the internal living tissues of the host plants asymptomatically, though they may also cause disease over time.[8] In addition to the phylogenetic profiling of these endophytes, a series of fungal extracts were also examined for chemical composition. Although the plant–endophyte relationship may ormay not be mutualistic, the compounds produced by some endophytes could play a role in the growth and survival of the host. In a previous study, Penicillium restrictum, isolated from milk thistle, yielded promising secondary metabolites.[9] Hence, in pursuit of interesting chemistry, a related monoverticillate endophytic Penicillium sp. was explored.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 60
    Publication Date: 2021-06-16
    Description: In this study, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios in a Lateglacial to Holocene stalagmite (CC26) from Corchia Cave (central Italy) are compared with stable isotope data to define palaeohydrological changes. For most of the record, the trace element ratios show small absolute variability but similar patterns, which are also consistent with stable isotope variations. Higher trace element-to-calcium values are interpreted as responses to decreasing moisture, inducing changes in the residence time of percolation, producing prior calcite precipitation and/or variations in the hydrological routing. Statistically meaningful levels of covariability were determined using anomalies of Mg/Ca, d18O and d13C. Combining these three time series into a single ‘palaeomoisture-trend’ parameter, we highlight several events of reduced moisture (ca. 8.9–8.4, 6.2, 4.2, 3.1 and 2.0 ka), a humid period between ca. 7.9 and 8.3 ka and other shorter-term wet events at ca. 5.8, 5.3 and 3.7 ka. Most of these events can be correlated with climate changes inferred from other regional studies. For both extremities of the record (i.e. before ca. 12.4 ka and after ca. 0.5 ka) Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca are anti-correlated and show the greatest amplitude of values, a likely explanation for which involves aragonite and/or gypsum precipitation (the latter derived from pyrite oxidation) above the CC26 drip point.
    Description: Published
    Description: 381–392
    Description: 4A. Clima e Oceani
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: central Italy; Corchia Cave; Holocene; speleothems; trace elements ; 01. Atmosphere::01.01. Atmosphere::01.01.02. Climate
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 61
    Publication Date: 2021-03-18
    Description: This article presents an integrated approach for the probabilistic systemic risk analysis of a road network considering spatial seismic hazard with correlation of ground motion intensities, vulnerability of the network components, and the effect of interactions within the network, as well as, between roadway components and built environment to the network functionality. The system performance is evaluated at the system level through a global connectivity performance indicator, which depends on both physical damages to its components and induced functionality losses due to interactions with other systems. An object-oriented modeling paradigm is used, where the complex problem of several interacting systems is decomposed in a number of interacting objects, accounting for intra- and interdependencies between and within systems. Each system is specified with its components, solving algorithms, performance indicators and interactions with other systems. The proposed approach is implemented for the analysis of the road network in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece) to demonstrate its applicability. In particular, the risk for the road network in the area is calculated, specifically focusing on the short-term impact of seismic events (just after the earthquake). The potential of road blockages due to collapses of adjacent buildings and overpass bridges is analyzed, trying to individuate possible criticalities related to specific components/subsystems. The application can be extended based on the proposed approach, to account for other interactions such as failure of pipelines beneath the road segments, collapse of adjacent electric poles, or malfunction of lighting and signaling systems due to damage in the electric power network.
    Description: Published
    Description: 524–540
    Description: 3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischio
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Systemic vulnerability ; 04. Solid Earth::04.06. Seismology::04.06.11. Seismic risk
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 62
    Publication Date: 2020-12-14
    Description: The knowledge of the local soil structure is important for the assessment of seismic hazards. A widespread, but time-consuming technique to retrieve the parameters of the local underground is the drilling of boreholes. Another way to obtain the shear wave velocity profile at a given location is the inversion of surface wave dispersion curves. To ensure a good resolution for both superficial and deeper layers, the used dispersion curves need to cover a wide frequency range. This wide frequency range can be obtained using several arrays of seismic sensors or a single array comprising a large number of sensors. Consequently, these measurements are time-consuming. A simpler alternative is provided by the use of the ellipticity of Rayleigh waves. The frequency dependence of the ellipticity is tightly linked to the shear wave velocity profile. Furthermore, it can be measured using a single seismic sensor. As soil structures obtained by scaling of a given model exhibit the same ellipticity curve, any inversion of the ellipticity curve alone will be ambiguous. Therefore, additional measurements which fix the absolute value of the shear wave velocity profile at some points have to be included in the inversion process. Small-scale spatial autocorrelation measurements or MASW measurements can provide the needed data. Using a theoretical soil structure, we show which parts of the ellipticity curve have to be included in the inversion process to get a reliable result and which parts can be omitted. Furthermore, the use of autocorrelation or high-frequency dispersion curves will be highlighted. The resulting guidelines for inversions including ellipticity data are then applied to real data measurements collected at 14 different sites during the European NERIES project. It is found that the results are in good agreement with dispersion curve measurements. Furthermore, the method can help in identifying the mode of Rayleigh waves in dispersion curve measurements.
    Description: Published
    Description: 207-229
    Description: 3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischio
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Inverse theory Surface waves and free oscillations Site effects Computational seismology Wave propagation ; 04. Solid Earth::04.02. Exploration geophysics::04.02.06. Seismic methods
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 63
    Publication Date: 2021-06-22
    Description: Operative seismic aftershock risk forecasting can be particularly useful for rapid decision-making in the presence of an ongoing sequence. In such a context, limit state first-excursion probabilities (risk) for the forecasting interval (a day) can represent the potential for progressive state of damage in a structure. This work lays out a performance-based framework for adaptive aftershock risk assessment in the immediate post-mainshock environment. A time-dependent structural performance variable is adopted in order to measure the cumulative damage in a structure. A set of event-dependent fragility curves as a function of the first-mode spectral acceleration for a prescribed limit state is calculated by employing back-to-back non- linear dynamic analyses. An epidemic-type aftershock sequence model is employed for estimating the spatio-temporal evolution of aftershocks. The event-dependent fragility curves for a given limit state are then integrated together with the probability distribution of aftershock spectral acceleration based on the epidemic-type aftershock sequence aftershock hazard. The daily probability of limit state first-excursion is finally calculated as a weighted combination of the sequence of limit state probabilities conditioned on the num- ber of aftershocks. As a numerical example, daily aftershock risk is calculated for the L’Aquila 2009 aftershock sequence (central Italy). A representative three-story reinforced concrete frame with infill panels, which has cyclic strength and stiffness degradation, is used in order to evaluate the progressive damage. It is observed that the proposed framework leads to a sound forecasting of limit state first-excursion in the structure for two limit states of significant damage and near collapse. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
    Description: Published
    Description: 2179–2197
    Description: 3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischio
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: reserved
    Keywords: aftershock ; time-dependent reliability ; seismic risk ; etas modeling ; 04. Solid Earth::04.06. Seismology::04.06.11. Seismic risk
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 64
    Publication Date: 2017-04-04
    Description: The Pernicana Fault (PF) is the main structural element of Mt Etna and the northern boundary of a section sliding to the southeast. Observed ground motion records in the damage zone of the PF show strong variations of directional resonance in the horizontal plane. The observed resonance directions exhibit an abrupt rotation of azimuth by about 30◦ across the fault, varying from N166◦ on the north side to N139◦ on the south. We interpret the directional resonance observations in terms of changes in the kinematics and deformation fields on the opposite sides of the fault. The northern side is affected primarily by the left-lateral strike-slip movement, whereas the southern side, that is subjected also to sliding, is under a dominant extensional stress regime. Brittle deformation models based on the observed kinematic field predict different sets of fractures on the opposite sides of the fault: synthetic cleavages and extensional fractures are expected to dominate in the northern and southern sides, respectively. These two fracture fields have different orientations (N74◦ and N42◦, respectively) and both show a near-orthogonal relation (∼88◦ in the northern sector and ∼83◦ to the south) with the azimuth of the observed directional resonance. We conclude that the direction of the largest resonance motions is sensitive to and has transversal relationship with the dominant fracture orientation. The directional amplification is inferred to be produced by stiffness anisotropy of the fault damage zone, with larger seismic motions normal to the fractures.
    Description: Published
    Description: 986–996
    Description: 3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischio
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: Earthquake ground motions; Site effects; Wave propagation ; 04. Solid Earth::04.06. Seismology::04.06.09. Waves and wave analysis
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 65
    Publication Date: 2017-04-04
    Description: We consider a seismicity forecast experiment conducted during the last 4 yr. At the beginning of each year, three models make a 1-yr forecast of the distribution of large earthquakes everywhere on the Earth. The forecasts are generated and the observations are collected in the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). We apply CSEP likelihood measures of consistency and comparison to see how well the forecasts match the observations, and we compare results from some intuitive reference models. These results illustrate some undesirable properties of the consistency tests: the tests can be extremely sensitive to only a few earthquakes, and yet insensitive to seemingly obvious flaws—a na ̈ıve hypothesis that large earthquakes are equally likely everywhere is not always rejected. The results also suggest that one should check the assumptions of the so-called T and W comparison tests, and we illustrate some methods to do so. As an extension of model assessment, we explore strategies to combine forecasts, and we discuss the implications for operational earthquake forecasting. Finally, we make suggestions for the next generation of global seismicity forecast experiments.
    Description: Published
    Description: 422-431
    Description: 3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischio
    Description: JCR Journal
    Description: restricted
    Keywords: probabilistic forecasting ;