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  • 2015-2019  (4,201,831)
  • 1
    Call number: PIK N 453-17-91096
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 50 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    Language: German
    Location: A 18 - must be ordered
    Branch Library: PIK Library
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  • 2
    Call number: S 90.0066(162,1)
    In: Geologisches Jahrbuch / A
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 261 Seiten , Ill., 1 DVD-ROM (12 cm) und 1 Tafel-Beil. ([2] S.)
    ISBN: 9783510968534
    Series Statement: Geologisches Jahrbuch 162
    Engineering Geophysics
    Language: German
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 3
    Call number: AWI G6-19-92375
    In: Berichte / Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Nr. 9
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 278 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISSN: 0175-9302
    Series Statement: Berichte / Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Geowissenschaften 9
    Language: English
    Note: Zugleich: Dissertation, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 1999 , INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1. Einleitung 1.1 Kenntnisstand und offene Fragen 1.2 Fragestellung und Ziele dieser Arbeit 2. Umweltbedingungen in den Arbeitsgebieten 2.1 Hydrographie, Eisverhältnisse und NAO 2.2 Zur Variation von Wassertiefe und Breite der Dänemarkstraße und zur Vereisung Islands während des letzten Glazials 3. Methoden 3.1 Auswahl der Kernstationen 3.2 Probennahme und Analysen (Übersicht) 3.3 Zur Rekonstruktion von Paläobedingungen im Oberflächenwasser Zur Aussage stabiler Isotopenverhältnisse in planktischen Foraminiferen Zur Messung stabiler Isotopenverhältnisse Zur Massenspektrometrie Zur Rekonstruktion von Oberflächentemperaturen Alkane und Alkohole als Maß für Staubeintrag Eistranspmtiertes Material und vulkanische Aschen 3.4 Zur Rekonstruktion von Paläobedingungen im Zwischen-/ Tiefenwasser Häufigkeit von Cibicides- und anderen benthischen Arten (inkl. Taxonomie) Stabile Isotopenverhältnisse in benthischen Foraminiferen 3.5 AMS 14C-Datierungen Probenreinigung 3. 6 Hauptelementanalysen von vulkanischen Asche-Leithorizonten 3. 7 Geomagnetische Meßgrößen und magnetische Suszeptibiltät 3.8 Techniken zur Spektralanalyse 4. Methodische Ergebnisse 4.1 Zum Einfluß der Probenreinigung auf δ18O-/ δ13C-Werte 4.2 Probleme bei der langfristigen Reproduzierbarkeit von δ18O-Zeitreihen 4.3 Einfluß der Korngröße und Artendefinition planktischer Foraminiferen auf SST-Rekonstruktionen in hohen Breiten 4.4 Vergleich der stabilen Isotopenwerte von Cibicides lobatulus und Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi 5. Stratigraphische Grundlagen und Tiefenprofile der Klimasignale 5.1 Stratigraphische Korrelation zwischen parallel-gekernten GKG- und SL-/KL-Profilen 5.2 Flanktische δ18O-/ δ13C-Kurven, 14C-Alter und biostratigraphische Fixpunkte Westliches Islandbecken Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 Kern PS2647 Kern 23351 Vøring-Plateau Kern 23071 Kern 23074 5.3 Benthische δ18O-/ δ13C-Werte in Kern PS2644 5.4 Siliziklastische Sedimentkomponenten: Eistransportiertes Material Westliches Islandbecken Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 Kern PS2647 Vøring-Plateau Kern 23071 Kern 23074 5.5 Vulkanische Glasscherben in Kern PS2644: Wind- und Eiseintrag 5.6 Geochemie und Alter einzelner Tephralagen als Leithorizonte Westliches Islandbecken Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 Kern PS2647 Vøring-Plateau Kern 23071 Kern 23074 5.7 Magnetische Suszeptibilität in den Kernen PS2644, PS2646 und PS2647 Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 und PS2647 5.8 Geomagnetische Feldintensität und Richtungsänderungen in Kern PS2644 5.9 Variation von Planktonfauna und -flora Westliches Islandbecken: Kern PS2644 Kern PS2646 und PS2647 Vøring-Plateau: Kern 23071 und 23074 5.10 Benthische Foraminiferen in Kern PS2644 6. Entwicklung von Temperatur und Salzgehalt nördlich der Dänemark-Straße 6.1 Variation der Oberflächentemperatur nach Planktonforaminiferen 6.2 Variation der Oberflächentemperatur nach Uk37 6.3 Variation der Oberflächensalinität 7. Die Feinstratigraphie von Kern PS2644 als Basis für eine Eichung der 14C-Altersskala 22 - 55 ka 7.1 Korrelation zwischen den Klimasignalen in Kern PS2644 und der GISP2-Klimakurve zum Kalibrieren der 14C-Alter und Erstellen eines Altersmodells Tephrachronologische Marker Korrelationsparameter und -regeln Sonderfälle/ Probleme bei der Korrelation 7.2 Alters-stratigraphische Korrelation der Klimakurven von Kern 23071 und 23074 7.3 Variation der Altersanomalien zwischen 20 und 55 14C-ka 7.4 Variabilität des planktischen 14C-Reservoiralters in Schmelzwasserbeeinflußten Seegebieten Variation der planktischen 14C-Alter unmittelbar an der Basis von Heinrich-Ereignis 4 Unterschiede zwischen planktischen und benthischen 14C-Altern in der westlichen Islandsee. Zur Erklärung der inversen Altersdifferenzen 7.5 Differenz zwischen 14C- und Kalenderalter: Zeitliche Variation unter Einfluß des Erdmagnetfeldes - Modell und Befund 7.6 Sedimentationsraten der Kerne 23071, 23074 und PS2644 nach dem GISP2-Altersmodell Vøring-Plateau: Kerne 23071 und 23074 Südwest-Islandsee: Kern PS2644 8. Klimaoszillationen im Europäischen Nordmeer in der Zeit und Frequenzdomäne 8.1 "Der Einzelzyklus" in den Klimakurven von Kern PS2644 8.2 Zur Veränderlichkeit der Warm- und Kaltextreme sowie Zyklenlänge Besonderheiten in der Zyklenlänge Variation der Kalt-(Stadiale) Variation der Interstadiale 8.3 Periodizitäten der Klimasignale im Frequenzband der D.-Oe.-Zyklen. Der D.-Oe.-Zyklus von 1470 J., seine Multiplen und harmonischen Schwingungen Weitere Frequenzen: 1000-1150 Jahre- und 490- 510 Jahre-Zyklizitäten Höhere Frequenzen im Bereich von Jahrhunderten und Dekaden 8.4 Phasenbeziehungen und (örtliche) Steuemngsmechanismen der Dansgaard-Oeschger-Zyklen 9. Schlußfolgerungen Danksagung Literaturverzeichnis Anhang
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 4
    Call number: AWI A3-20-93434
    In: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin, Band XXXII, Heft 1
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 121 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin 32,1
    Language: German
    Note: Zugleich: Dissertation, Freie Unversität Berlin, [ca. 1963] , INHALTSVERZEICHNIS PROBLEMSTELLUNG UND ZIELSETZUNG 1. BEMERKUNGEN ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSGELÄNDE UND ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSMATERIAL 1.1 Das Beobachtungsgelände 1.2 Das Beobachtungsmaterial 2. HOMOGENITÄTSBETRACHTUNGEN 2.1 Temperatur 2.2 Niederschlag 2.3 Wind 2.4 Sonnenschein und Bewölkung 3. TEMPERATURVERHÄLTNISSE 3.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 3.2 Tageswerte 3.3 Pentadenwerte 3.4 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 3.5 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 3.6 Der tägliche Gang 3.7 Vorkommen bestimmter Schwellenwerte 3.71 Frost- und Eistage 3.72 Sommer- und Tropentage 4. DER WASSERGEHALT DER LUFT 4.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 4.2 Tageswerte 4.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 4.4 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 4.5 Der tägliche Gang 5. BEWÖLKUNGSVERHÄLTNISSE 5.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 5.2 Tageswerte 5.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 5.4 Der tägliche Gang 5.5 Heitere und trübe Tage 5.6 Nebel 6. SONNENSCHEIN 6.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 6.2 Tageswerte 6.3 Der tägliche Gang 7. NIEDERSCHLAGSVERHÄLTNISSE 7.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 7.2 Niederschlagsbereitschaft 7.3 Tageswerte 7.4 Der tägliche Gang 7.5 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 7.6 Niederschlags- und Trockenperioden 7.7 Niederschlag und Wind· 7.8 Schneeverhältnisse 7.81 Schneefall und Schneedecke 7.82 Schneehöhe 7.9 Gewitter 8. WINDVERHÄLTNISSE 8.1 Windrichtung 8.2 Windgeschwindigkeit 8.21 Der jährliche Gang 8.22 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 8.23 Sturmtage und Windstillen 8.24 Der tägliche Gang 9.ZUSAMMENFASSUNG VERZEICHNIS DER TEXTTABELLEN VERZEICHNIS DER ABBILDUNGEN LITERATURVERZEICHNIS TABELLENANHANG
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 5
    Call number: AWI A3-20-93434-2
    In: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin, Band XXXII, Heft 2
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 218 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Meteorologische Abhandlungen / Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Freien Universität Berlin 32,2
    Language: German
    Note: Zugleich: Dissertation, Freie Unversität Berlin, [ca. 1963] , INHALTSVERZEICHNIS PROBLEMSTELLUNG UND ZIELSETZUNG 1. BEMERKUNGEN ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSGELÄNDE UND ZUM BEOBACHTUNGSMATERIAL 1.1 Das Beobachtungsgelände 1.2 Das Beobachtungsmaterial 2. HOMOGENITÄTSBETRACHTUNGEN 2.1 Temperatur 2.2 Niederschlag 2.3 Wind 2.4 Sonnenschein und Bewölkung 3. TEMPERATURVERHÄLTNISSE 3.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 3.2 Tageswerte 3.3 Pentadenwerte 3.4 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 3.5 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 3.6 Der tägliche Gang 3.7 Vorkommen bestimmter Schwellenwerte 3.71 Frost- und Eistage 3.72 Sommer- und Tropentage 4. DER WASSERGEHALT DER LUFT 4.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 4.2 Tageswerte 4.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 4.4 Interdiurne Veränderlichkeit 4.5 Der tägliche Gang 5. BEWÖLKUNGSVERHÄLTNISSE 5.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 5.2 Tageswerte 5.3 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 5.4 Der tägliche Gang 5.5 Heitere und trübe Tage 5.6 Nebel 6. SONNENSCHEIN 6.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 6.2 Tageswerte 6.3 Der tägliche Gang 7. NIEDERSCHLAGSVERHÄLTNISSE 7.1 Monats- und Jahreswerte 7.2 Niederschlagsbereitschaft 7.3 Tageswerte 7.4 Der tägliche Gang 7.5 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 7.6 Niederschlags- und Trockenperioden 7.7 Niederschlag und Wind· 7.8 Schneeverhältnisse 7.81 Schneefall und Schneedecke 7.82 Schneehöhe 7.9 Gewitter 8. WINDVERHÄLTNISSE 8.1 Windrichtung 8.2 Windgeschwindigkeit 8.21 Der jährliche Gang 8.22 Häufigkeitsbetrachtungen 8.23 Sturmtage und Windstillen 8.24 Der tägliche Gang 9.ZUSAMMENFASSUNG VERZEICHNIS DER TEXTTABELLEN VERZEICHNIS DER ABBILDUNGEN LITERATURVERZEICHNIS TABELLENANHANG
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 6
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Garmisch-Partenkirchen : Institut für atmosphärische Umweltforschung der Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft
    Call number: MOP 44829 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 25 S. , graph. Darst.
    Language: English
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 7
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    [Edgecumbe, N.Z.] : A. Muller
    Call number: M 15.89146
    Description / Table of Contents: An account of the results of the 2 March 1987 earthquake in the eastern Bay of Plenty and the aftermath's effects on the people and places on the Rangitaiki Plains
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 223 S., , Ill.
    Language: English
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 8
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeorolog. Izd.
    Call number: MOP 33767
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 663 S.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr., russ.
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 9
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Stuttgart : Schweizerbart Science Publishers ; Volume 1, number 1 (1978)-
    Call number: M 18.91571
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 134 Seiten
    ISSN: 2363-7196
    Series Statement: Global tectonics and metallogeny : special issue Vol. 10/2-4
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Global tectonics and metallogeny
    Language: English
    Location: Upper compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 10
    Call number: MOP 19538/1d-6d
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 111 S.
    ISSN: 0486-2287
    Language: Undetermined
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 11
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Madrid : Secc
    Call number: PIK N 456-17-90913
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 536 Seiten
    Series Statement: Ministerio de Transportes Turismo Y Comunicaciones : Publicación Serie A 114
    Parallel Title: 1,1=6; 2,1=13 von Publicaciones / D / Ministerio del Aire, Subsecretaria de Aviación Civil, Servicio Meteorológico Nacional
    Language: Spanish
    Location: A 18 - must be ordered
    Branch Library: PIK Library
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  • 12
    Call number: 3/S 07.0034(2016)
    In: Annual report
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 51 Seiten
    ISSN: 1865-6439 , 1865-6447
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Annual report ... / Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
    Language: English
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  • 13
    Journal available for loan
    Journal available for loan
    München : Altop Verlag ; 2007 -
    Call number: Z 19.92410
    Type of Medium: Journal available for loan
    Pages: 30 cm
    ISSN: 1865-4266
    Former Title: Vorg. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in Deutschland
    Language: German
    Note: Ungezählte Beil. ab 2010: Special , Ersch. jährl. 4x
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
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  • 14
    Call number: IASS 22.95033
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 378 S , 225 mm x 135 mm
    ISBN: 3899421876 , 978-3-89942-187-3
    Series Statement: Edition panta rei
    Language: German
    Note: Zugl.: Marburg (Lahn), Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2004 u.d.T.: Gutmann, Mathias: Die Medialität des Erfahrens
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 15
    Journal available for loan
    Journal available for loan
    Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck ; 1.1884 - 48.1931; N.F. 1.1932/33 - 10.1943/44(1945),3; 11.1948/49(1949) -
    Call number: ZS 22.95039
    Type of Medium: Journal available for loan
    Pages: Online-Ressource
    ISSN: 1614-0974 , 0015-2218 , 0015-2218
    Language: German
    Note: N.F. entfällt ab 57.2000. - Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar , Ersch. ab 2000 in engl. Sprache mit dt. Hauptsacht.
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 16
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    London : Penguin Books
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    ISBN: 9780141985206
    Language: English
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 17
    Call number: (DE-599)GBV03709842X
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Language: German
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 18
    Monograph non-lending collection
    Monograph non-lending collection
    Leiden : Nijhoff ; 1.2009 -
    Call number: IASS 17.92082
    Type of Medium: Monograph non-lending collection
    ISSN: 1876-8814
    Language: English
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
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  • 19
    Call number: Z 06.0500
    Type of Medium: Journal available for loan
    Pages: 30 cm
    ISSN: 1824-7741
    Former Title: Vorgänger Geologisch-paläontologische Mitteilungen, Innsbruck
    Language: German
    Note: Ersch. unregelmäßig , Beiträge teilweise in Englisch
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 20
  • 21
    Call number: IASS 15.89494
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: Losebl.-Ausg.
    Edition: Stand: Oktober 2010
    ISBN: 9783768501828
    Language: German
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
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  • 22
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Physics Letters B 294 (1992), S. 466-478 
    ISSN: 0370-2693
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Physics
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
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  • 23
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Physics Letters B 317 (1993), S. 474-484 
    ISSN: 0370-2693
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Physics
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 24
    Wien : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] ; 22.1910/25(1925),3; 23.1914/31(1929/31),2-3; 24.1927,1-2; 25.1939,1; 26.1948,1; 27.1971-Band 76 (2022)
    Call number: S 91.1179
    ISSN: 0375-5797 , 0378-0864
    Parallel Title: 35=2 von European Conodont Symposium (ZDB) Guidebook, abstracts / European Conodont Symposium
    Parallel Title: 41=2 von Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera (ZDB) Proceedings / Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera. Geologische Bundesanstalt
    Parallel Title: 39=3 von International Nannoplankton Association Proceedings of the ... International Nannoplankton Association conference
    Parallel Title: 60=11 von Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften. Fachsektion GeoTop Internationale Jahrestagung der Fachsektion GeoTop der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften
    Former Title: Vorg. Geologische Reichsanstalt Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien
    Subsequent Title: Fortgesetzt durch Abhandlungen
    Language: German
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 25
    Amsterdam University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-08
    Description: The impact of French film critic André Bazin (1918-1958) on the development of film studies, though generally acknowledged, remains contested. A passionate initiator of film culture during his lifetime, his ideas have been challenged, defended and revived throughout his afterlife. Studying Film with André Bazin offers an entirely original interpretation of major concepts from Bazin’s legacy, such as auteur theory, realism, film language and the influence of film on other arts (poetry and painting in particular). By examining mostly unknown and uncollected texts, Blandine Joret explains Bazin’s methodology and adopts it in a contemporary reading, linking his ideas to major philosophical and scientific frameworks as well as more recent media practices such as advertising, CGI, 3D cinema and Virtual Reality. In tune with 21st-century concerns in media culture and film studies, this book addresses a wide readership of film scholars, students and cinephiles.
    Keywords: Film ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATF Films, cinema::ATFA Film history, theory or criticism ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATF Films, cinema::ATFB Individual film directors, film-makers
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 26
    punctum books | CTM Documents Initiative
    Publication Date: 2024-04-08
    Description: If we lived in a liquid world, the concept of a "machine" would make no sense. Liquid life is metaphor and apparatus that discusses the consequences of thinking, working, and living through liquids. It is an irreducible, paradoxical, parallel, planetary-scale material condition, unevenly distributed spatially, but temporally continuous. It is what remains when logical explanations can no longer account for the experiences that we recognize as part of "being alive."Liquid Life references a third-millennial understanding of matter that seeks to restore the agency of the liquid soul for an ecological era, which has been banished by reductionist, "brute" materialist discourses and mechanical models of life. Offering an alternative worldview of the living realm through a "new materialist" and "liquid" study of matter, Armstrong conjures forth examples of creatures that do not obey mechanistic concepts like predictability, efficiency, and rationality. With the advent of molecular science, an increasingly persuasive ontology of liquid technologies can be identified. Through the lens of lifelike dynamic droplets, the agency for these systems exists at the interfaces between different fields of matter/energy that respond to highly local effects, with no need for a central organizing system.Liquid Life seeks an alternative partnership between humanity and the natural world. It provokes a re-invention of the languages of the living realm to open up alternative spaces for exploration, including contributor Rolf Hughes’ "angelology" of language, which explores the transformative invocations of prose poetry, and Simone Ferracina’s graphical notations that help shape our concepts of metabolism, upcycling, and designing with fluids. A conceptual and practical toolset for thinking and designing, liquid life reunites us with the irreducible "soul substance" of living things, which will neither be simply "solved," nor go away.
    Keywords: design theory ; soft architecture ; angelology ; materialis ; ecology ; molecular science ; biology ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDT Topics in philosophy::QDTJ Philosophy: metaphysics and ontology ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PS Biology, life sciences::PSD Molecular biology ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDT Topics in philosophy::QDTJ Philosophy: metaphysics and ontology ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PS Biology, life sciences::PSD Molecular biology
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: "This paper considers the social value of anonymity in online university student communities, through the presentation of research which tracked the final year of life of the social media application Yik Yak. Yik Yak was an anonymous, geosocial mobile application launched in 2013 which, at its peak in 2014, was used by around two million students in the US and UK. The research we report here is significant as a mixed method study tracing the final year of the life of this app in a large UK university between 2016 and 2017. The paper uses computational and ethnographic methods to understand what might be at stake in the loss of anonymity within university student communities in a datafied society. Countering the most common argument made against online anonymity – its association with hate speech and victimisation – the paper draws on recent conceptual work on the social value of anonymity to argue that anonymity online in this context had significant value for the communities that use it. This study of a now-lost social network constitutes a valuable portrait by which we might better understand our current predicament in relation to anonymity, its perceived value and its growing impossibility."
    Keywords: Anonymity ; ephemerality ; social media ; Yik Yak ; community ; campus ; datafication ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 28
    Schwabe Verlag
    Publication Date: 2024-04-08
    Description: For the first time, this volume gathers all of Jasper’s texts concerning university that had been published by himself. The annotations of the edition provide valuable insights into the meaning of specific passages, the historical and intellectual context of Jasper's ideas, and the genesis of his manuscripts.
    Keywords: History of philosophy ; 20th Century ; Karl Jaspers ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HP Philosophy::HPC History of Western philosophy::HPCF Western philosophy, from c 1900 - ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HP Philosophy::HPS Social & political philosophy ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDH Philosophical traditions and schools of thought::QDHR Western philosophy from c 1800 ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDT Topics in philosophy::QDTS Social and political philosophy
    Language: German
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 29
    Taylor & Francis | Unintended Consequences of EU External Action | Routledge
    Publication Date: 2023-09-12
    Description: "The European Union’s (EU) impact on the political governance of the European neighbourhood is varied and sometimes opposite to the declared objectives of its democracy support policies. The democracy promotion literature has to a large extent neglected the unintended consequences of EU democracy support in Eastern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. The EU has left multiple imprints on the political trajectories of the countries in the neighbourhood and yet the dominant explanation, highlighting the EU’s security and economic interests in the two regions, cannot fully account for the unintended consequences of its policies. The literature on the ‘pathologies’ of international organisations offers an explanation, emphasizing the failures of the EU bureaucracy to anticipate, prevent or reverse the undesired effects of its democracy support in the neighbourhood."
    Keywords: Democracy promotion ; ENP ; unintended consequence ; bureaucracy ; Eastern Europe ; MENA ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JP Politics & government
    Language: English
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    Publication Date: 2024-04-11
    Description: "Over the past twenty years, the knowledge and understanding of wastewater treatment have advanced extensively and moved away from empirically-based approaches to a first principles approach embracing chemistry, microbiology, physical and bioprocess engineering, and mathematics. Many of these advances have matured to the degree that they have been codified into mathematical models for simulation with computers. For a new generation of young scientists and engineers entering the wastewater treatment profession, the quantity, complexity and diversity of these new developments can be overwhelming, particularly in developing countries where access is not readily available to advanced level tertiary education courses in wastewater treatment. Biological Wastewater Treatment addresses this deficiency. It assembles and integrates the postgraduate course material of a dozen or so professors from research groups around the world that have made significant contributions to the advances in wastewater treatment. The book forms part of an internet-based curriculum in biological wastewater treatment which also includes o summarized lecture handouts of the topics covered in book o filmed lectures by the author professors o tutorial exercises for students self-learning Upon completion of this curriculum the modern approach of modelling and simulation to wastewater treatment plant design and operation, be it activated sludge, biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal, secondary settling tanks or biofilm systems, can be embraced with deeper insight, advanced knowledge and greater confidence."
    Description: "This is the Arabic translation of Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design. ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣدى اﻟﻌﺷرون ﻋﺎﻣًﺎ اﻟﻣﺎﺿﯾﺔ، ﺣﻘﻘت ﻛل ﻣن ﻣﻌرﻓﺔ وﺗﻔﮭم ﻋﻣﻠﯾﺎت ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ﻣﯾﺎه اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻰ ﺗﻘدﻣًﺎ ﻣﻛﺛﻔﺎً ، ﻣﻊ اﻟﺗﺣرك ﺑﻌﯾدًا ﻋن اﻟﻣﻧﺎھﺞ اﻟﻘﺎﺋﻣﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺗﺟرﯾب إﻟﻰ ﻣﻧﮭﺞ ﻗﺎﺋم ﻣﺑدﺋﯾﺎً ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻣﺑﺎدئ اﻷﺳﺎﺳﯾﺔ اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﺿم ﻋﻠوم اﻟﻛﯾﻣﯾﺎء واﻟﺑﯾوﻟوﺟﯾﺎ واﻟﻔﯾزﯾﺎء وھﻧدﺳﺔ اﻟﻌﻣﻠﯾﺎت اﻟﺣﯾوﯾﺔ واﻟرﯾﺎﺿﯾﺔ. واﻟﻌدﯾد ﻣن ھذه اﻟﺗطورات ﻧﺿﺟت إﻟﻰ درﺟﺔ أﻧﮭﺎ أﺻﺑﺣت ﻣﻘﻧﻧﺔ ﺿﻣن اﻟﻧﻣﺎذج اﻟﺣﺳﺎﺑﯾﺔ اﻟﻣﺳﺗﺧدﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﻧﻣذﺟﺔ ﺑﺎﺳﺗﺧدام اﻟﺣﺎﺳب اﻵﻟﻰ. وﺑﺎﻟﻧﺳﺑﺔ ﻟﻠﺟﯾل اﻟﺟدﯾد ﻣن ﺷﺑﺎب اﻟﻌﻠﻣﯾﯾن واﻟﻣﮭﻧدﺳﯾن اﻟذﯾن ﯾطرﻗون ﻣﮭﻧﺔ ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ﻣﯾﺎه اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻲ، ﯾﻣﻛن أن ﯾﻛون ھذا اﻟﻛم واﻟﺗﺷﺎﺑك واﻟﺗﻧوع ﻓﻲ ھذه اﻟﺗطورات اﻟﺟدﯾدة ﻣرﺑﻛًﺎ أو ﻣﺑﮭرًا، ﺧﺎﺻﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟدول اﻟﻧﺎﻣﯾﺔ ﺣﯾث أن اﻟوﺻول ﻟﮭذا ﻓﻌﻠﯾﺎً ﻏﯾر ﻣﺗﺎح ﺑﺳﮭوﻟﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ اﻟدراﺳﺔ اﻟﻣﺗﻘدﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ﻣﯾﺎه اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻲ. وھذا اﻟﻛﺗﺎب ﯾﺳﻌﻰ ﻟﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ذﻟك اﻟﻧﻘص. ﻓﮭو ﯾﻘدم ﺑﺻورة ﻣﺗﻛﺎﻣﻠﺔ اﻟﻣﺎدة اﻟﻌﻠﻣﯾﺔ ﻟﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ دراﺳﺎت ﻋﻠﯾﺎ ﻷﻛﺛر ﻣن اﺛﻧﻰ ﻋﺷر أﺳﺗﺎذاً ﺟﺎﻣﻌﯾﺎً ﻣن ﻣﺟﻣوﻋﺎت اﻟﺑﺎﺣﺛﯾن ﺣول اﻟﻌﺎﻟم، ﻣن اﻟذﯾن ﻗدﻣوا إﺳﮭﺎﻣﺎت ﺑﺎرزة ﻓﻲ ﺗطوﯾر أﻋﻣﺎل ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ﻣﯾﺎه اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻲ. وﯾﺷﻛل اﻟﻛﺗﺎب ﺟزء ﻣن ﻣﻧﮭﺞ ﻋن ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ﻣﯾﺎه اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻲ ﻣﺗﺎح ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺷﺑك اﻟﻌﻧﻛﺑوﺗﯾﺔ )اﻹﻧﺗرﻧت(، وﺑﮭذا ﻓﮭو ﯾﻣﻛن أﯾﺿًﺎ أن ﯾﺳﺗﺧدم ﻣﻊ اﻟﻣطﺑوﻋﺎت اﻟﻣﻧﺷورة ﻟﻠﻣﺣﺎﺿرات أو اﻟﻣﺣﺎﺿرات اﻟﻣﺻورة ﻓﻲ أﻓﻼم ﺑواﺳطﺔ اﻷﺳﺎﺗذة واﺿﻌﻰ اﻟﻛﺗﺎب وﺗﻣﺎرﯾن اﻟﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ اﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾﻣﻲ اﻟﻣﺗﺎﺣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟذاﺗﻲ ﻟﻠدارﺳﯾن. وﺑﺈﺗﻣﺎم ھذا اﻟﻣﻧﮭﺞ اﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾﻣﻲ، ﻓﺈﻧﮫ ﯾﻣﻛن إدﺧﺎل اﻟﻣﮭﺞ اﻟﺣدﯾث ﻟﻠﻧﻣذﺟﺔ واﻟﻣﺣﺎﻛﺎة ﻓﻲ ﺗﺻﻣﯾم ﻣﺣطﺎت ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺟﺔ ﻣﯾﺎه اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻲ وﺗﺷﻐﯾﻠﮭﺎ – ﺳواء ﻛﺎﻧت ﺑﻧظﺎم اﻟﺣﻣﺄة اﻟﻣﻧﺷطﺔ أو ﺑﺎﻹزاﻟﺔ اﻟﺑﯾوﻟوﺟﯾﺔ ﻟﻠﻧﯾﺗروﺟﯾن واﻟﻔوﺳﻔور أو أﺣواض اﻟﺗرﺳﯾب اﻟﺛﺎﻧوي أو اﻷﻏﻠﻔﺔ اﻟﺣﯾوﯾﺔ، ﺿﻣن ﻣﺎ ﯾﺗﺣﻘﻖ ﻣن اﻛﺗﺳﺎب ﻟﻧظرة أﻋﻣﻖ وﻣﻌرﻓﺔ أﻛﺛر ﺗﻘدﻣًﺎ وﺛﻘﺔ أﻛﺑر ﻓﻲ اﻟﻘدرات."
    Keywords: Wasewater ; Reuse & Sludge ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TQ Environmental science, engineering and technology::TQS Sanitary and municipal engineering::TQSW Water supply and treatment
    Language: Arabic
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    University of Westminster Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: "This new book analyses the strategies, usages and wider implications of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms in the culture and communication industries that are reshaping economic, organizational and social logics. Platforms are the object of considerable hype with a growing global presence. Relying on individual contributions coordinated by social media to finance cultural production (and carry out promotional tasks) is a significant shift, especially when supported by morphing public policies, supposedly enhancing cultural diversity and accessibility. The aim of this book is to propose a critical analysis of these phenomena by questioning what follows from decisions to outsource modes of creation and funding to consumers. Drawing on research carried out within the ‘Collab’ programme backed by the French National Research Agency, the book considers how platforms are used to organize cultural labour and/or to control usages, following a logic of suggestion rather than overt injunction. Four key areas are considered: the history of crowdfunding as a system; whose interests crowdfunding may serve; the implications for digital labour and lastly crowdfunding’s interface with globalization and contemporary capitalism. The book concludes with an assessment of claims that crowdfunding can democratize culture."
    Keywords: crowdsourcing ; culture ; crowdfunding ; participation ; platforms ; arts ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics::ABQ Art: financial aspects ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies::JBCC1 Popular culture ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCT Media studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBL Sociology: work and labour
    Language: English
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    Schwabe Verlag
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: In this volume, Robert Walser’s contributions printed in the journal “Neue Rundschau” are edited. Each of Walser’s texts is accompanied by a context documentation, which gives an insight into the contents of the whole journal issue. In the editors’ afterword, Walser’s relations with the journal and with the publisher S. Fischer are described. A documentary appendix with letters and further material illustrates the relations between Walser and the editors.
    Keywords: Robert Walser ; Essays ; Edition ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DN Biography and non-fiction prose::DNL Literary essays ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSK Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers
    Language: German
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    Lund University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: This transdisciplinary volume investigates the ways in which people and organisations deal with the overflow of information, goods or choices. It explores two main themes: the emergence of overflows and the management of overflows, in the sense of either controlling or coping with them. Individual chapters show the management of overflows taking place in various social settings, periods and political contexts. This includes attempts by states to manage future consumption overflow in post-war Easter European, contemporary economies of sharing, managing overflow in health care administration, overflow problems in mass travel and migration, overflow in digital services and the overflow that scholars face in dealing with an abundance of publications.
    Keywords: overflow ; framing ; abundance ; excess ; management ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBL Sociology: work and labour ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KJ Business and Management::KJM Management and management techniques::KJMD Management decision making
    Language: English
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    transcript Verlag
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today, and to embrace the notion that we as humans can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online. We invite you to participate in setting an agenda for how we can work together to create an internet that truly puts people first. This book is neither a country-level index nor a doomsday clock. Our intention is to show that while the worldwide consequences of getting things wrong with the internet could be huge – for peace and security, for political and individual freedoms, for human equality – the problems are never so great that nothing can be done. More people than you imagine are working to make the internet healthier by applying their skills, creativity, and personal bravery to business, technology, activism, policy and regulation, education, and community development. This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today, and to embrace the notion that we as humans can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online. We invite you to participate in setting an agenda for how we can work together to create an internet that truly puts people first. This book is neither a country-level index nor a doomsday clock. Our intention is to show that while the worldwide consequences of getting things wrong with the internet could be huge – for peace and security, for political and individual freedoms, for human equality – the problems are never so great that nothing can be done. More people than you imagine are working to make the internet healthier by applying their skills, creativity, and personal bravery to business, technology, activism, policy and regulation, education, and community development.
    Keywords: Internet ; Privacy ; Security ; Openness ; Digital Inclusion ; Artificial Intelligence ; Media ; Digital Media ; Social Media ; Sociology of Media ; Media Studies ; Internet ; Privacy ; Security ; Openness ; Digital Inclusion ; Artificial Intelligence ; Media ; Digital Media ; Social Media ; Sociology of Media ; Media Studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCT Media studies
    Language: English
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    Taylor & Francis | Routledge
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: Over recent decades, historians have become increasingly interested in early modern Catholic missions in Asia as laboratories of cultural contact. This book builds on recent ground-breaking research on early modern Catholic missions, which has shown that missionaries in Asia cooperated with and accommodated the needs of local agents rather than being uncompromising promoters of post-Tridentine doctrine and devotion.  Bringing together some of the most renowned and innovative researchers from Anglophone countries and continental Europe, this volume investigates how missionaries’ entanglements with local societies across Asia contributed to processes of localization within the early modern Catholic church. The focus of the volume is on missionaries’ adaptation to four ideal-typical social settings that played an eminent role in early modern Asian missions: (1) the symbolically loaded princely court; (2) the city as a space of especially dense communication; (3) the countryside, where missionary presence was only rarely permanent; (4) and the household – a central arena of conversion in early modern Asian societies. Shining a fresh light onto the history of early modern Catholic missions and the early modern Eurasian cultural exchange, this will be an important book for any scholar of religious history, history of cultural contact/global history and early modern history in Asia.
    Keywords: history ; religion ; christianity ; Asia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRM Christianity
    Language: English
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    Taylor & Francis | Routledge
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: "Exploring faith-based organizations (FBOs) in current developmental discourses and practice, this book presents a selection of empirical in-depth case-studies of Christian FBOs and assesses the vital role credited to FBOs in current discourses on development. Examining the engagement of FBOs with contemporary politics of development, the contributions stress the agency of FBOs in diverse contexts of development policy, both local and global. It is emphasised that FBOs constitute boundary agents and developmental entrepreneurs: they move between different discursive fields such as national and international development discourses, theological discourses, and their specific religious constituencies. By combining influxes from these different contexts, FBOs generate unique perspectives on development: they express alternative views on development and stress particular approaches anchored in their theological social ethics. This book should be of interest to those researching FBOs and their interaction with international organizations, and to scholars working in the broader areas of religion and politics and politics and development."
    Keywords: Development policy ; Faith-based organizations ; global development ; RNGOs ; religion ; politics ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPS International relations::JPSN International institutions ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPW Political activism / Political engagement::JPWH Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
    Language: English
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    ANU Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Pacific populations are becoming younger and this ‘youth bulge’ is often perceived as a dangerous precursor to civil unrest. Yet young people are also a valuable resource holding exciting potential for the future of island nations. Addressing these conflicting views of youth, this volume presents ethnographic case studies of young people from across the Pacific and the diaspora. Moving beyond the typical focus on ‘youth problems’ in reports by Pacific governments and development agencies, the authors examine the highly diverse lives and perspectives of young people in urban and rural locations. They celebrate the contributions of youth to their communities while examining the challenges they face. The case studies explore the impacts of profound local and global changes and cover a wide sweep of youth experiences across themes of education, employment and economic inequalities, political and civil engagement, and migration and the diaspora. Contributors to this volume bring many decades of experience of research with Pacific people as well as fresh perspectives from early career and graduate researchers. Most are anthropologists and their chapters contribute to the interdisciplinary fields of youth studies and Pacific studies, offering thought-provoking insights into the possibilities for Pacific youth as they face uncertain futures.
    Keywords: Pacific ; youth ; anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1M Australasia, Oceania, Pacific Islands, Atlantic Islands ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSP Age groups and generations::JBSP2 Age groups: adolescents
    Language: English
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    Taylor & Francis | Routledge
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: "This paper considers the social value of anonymity in online university student communities, through the presentation of research which tracked the final year of life of the social media application Yik Yak. Yik Yak was an anonymous, geosocial mobile application launched in 2013 which, at its peak in 2014, was used by around two million students in the US and UK. The research we report here is significant as a mixed method study tracing the final year of the life of this app in a large UK university between 2016 and 2017. The paper uses computational and ethnographic methods to understand what might be at stake in the loss of anonymity within university student communities in a datafied society. Countering the most common argument made against online anonymity – its association with hate speech and victimisation – the paper draws on recent conceptual work on the social value of anonymity to argue that anonymity online in this context had significant value for the communities that use it. This study of a now-lost social network constitutes a valuable portrait by which we might better understand our current predicament in relation to anonymity, its perceived value and its growing impossibility."
    Keywords: Education ; datafication ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: English
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2024-04-11
    Description: "Also available in Portuguese (Manual Sobre os Direitos Humanos à Água Potável e Saneamento para Profissionais), French (Manuel des Droits de l'Homme à l'Eau Potable et à l'Assainissement à l’intention des Praticiens) and Spanish (Manual Sobre los Derechos Humanos al Agua Potable y Saneamiento para Profesionales). The Manual highlights the human rights principles and criteria in relation to drinking water and sanitation. It explains the international legal obligations in terms of operational policies and practice that will support the progressive realisation of universal access. The Manual introduces a human rights perspective that will add value to informed decision making in the daily routine of operators, managers and regulators. It also encourages its readership to engage actively in national dialogues where the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation are translated into national and local policies, laws and regulations. Creating such an enabling environment is, in fact, only the first step in the process towards progressive realisation. Allocation of roles and responsibilities is the next step, in an updated institutional and operational set up that helps apply a human rights lens to the process of reviewing and revising the essential functions of operators, service providers and regulators. Contents Introduction; Main operational principles; Setting the scene – context and contents of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation; Translating the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation into operational terms; Creating the enabling environment; . Incorporating HRWS into the essential functions of service providers; Addressing sensitive practices, dealing with challenges and avoiding pitfalls."
    Description: "El Manual Sobre los Derechos Humanos al Agua Potable y Saneamiento para Profesionales tiene como objetivos: Presentar los principios y conceptos contenidos en las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas que reconocen el derecho humano al agua potable y el saneamiento (DHAS). Aclarar el lenguaje y la terminología utilizados en la promoción de los derechos humanos, y Proporcionar asesoramiento sobre las funciones y responsabilidades de todos aquellos que contribuyen a la realización progresiva de los DHAS, y sobre cómo los principios y acciones de derechos humanos pueden incorporarse en sus funciones principales. El Manual destaca los principios y criterios relacionados con los derechos humanos en el campo del agua potable y del saneamiento. Explica las obligaciones legales internacionales en términos de políticas y prácticas operativas que respaldarán la realización progresiva del acceso universal. El Manual presenta una perspectiva de derechos humanos que agregará valor a la toma de decisiones informadas en las operaciones diarias de los operadores, gerentes y reguladores. También alienta a sus lectores a participar activamente en los diálogos nacionales para traducir los derechos humanos al agua potable y el saneamiento en políticas, leyes y regulaciones nacionales y locales. La creación de un entorno institucional favorable es, de hecho, sólo el primer paso en el proceso de realización progresiva. La división de roles y responsabilidades es el siguiente paso, en un marco institucional y operativo actualizado que permite aplicar una perspectiva de derechos humanos al proceso de revisión de las funciones esenciales de los operadores, proveedores de servicios y entidades reguladoras."
    Keywords: water ; policy ; governance ; health ; developing countries ; clean water ; drinking water ; manual ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TQ Environmental science, engineering and technology::TQS Sanitary and municipal engineering::TQSW Water supply and treatment
    Language: Spanish
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  • 40
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: The emergence of Zika virus challenged conventional ideas of mosquito-borne diseases, tested the resilience of health systems and embedded itself within local sociocultural worlds, with major implications for environmental, sexual, reproductive and paediatric health. This book explores this complex viral epidemic and situates it within its broader social, epidemiological and historical context in Latin America and the Caribbean. The chapters include a diverse set of case studies from scholars and health practitioners working across the region, from Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, the United States and Haiti. The book explores how mosquito-borne disease epidemics (not only Zika but also chikungunya, dengue and malaria) intersect with social change and health governance. By doing so, the authors reflect on the ways in which situated knowledge and social science approaches can contribute to more effective health.
    Keywords: Zika virus ; infection ; epidemiology ; Latin America ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHM Anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropology
    Language: English
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  • 41
    Amsterdam University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The multi-volume work Syntax of Dutch presents a synthesis of current thinking on Dutch syntax. The text of the seven already available volumes was written between 1995 and 2015 and issued in print between 2012 and 2016. The various volumes are primarily concerned with the description of the Dutch language and, only where this is relevant, with linguistic theory. They will be an indispensable resource for researchers and advanced students of languages and linguistics interested in the Dutch language. This volume is the final one of the series and addresses issues relating to coordination. It contains three chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the syntactic and semantic properties of coordinate structures and their constituting elements, that is, the coordinators and the coordinands they link. Chapter 2 discusses the types of ellipsis known as conjunction reduction and gapping found in coordinate structures. Chapter 3 discusses elements seemingly exhibiting coordination-like properties, such as 'dan' (than) in comparative constructions like 'Jan is groter dan zij' ( Jan is taller than she).
    Keywords: Dutch ; syntax ; coordination ; ellipsis ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACD Dutch
    Language: English
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  • 42
    transcript Verlag - Bielefeld University Press
    Publication Date: 2021-12-16
    Description: Has the quality of life of indigenous peoples in Latin America improved after three decades in which legislation has been built that recognizes them? Statistical information and the increase in social conflict in indigenous territories leads to a negative answer to this question. This essay is a critical reflection on the exhaustion of the multicultural moment in Latin America from the dialogue with the critical thinking that has emerged from the movements themselves, especially from activists and intellectuals who denounce the relationship between recognition policies and extractivist capitalism, resisting the colonialist images that these policies reproduce because they deny the historicity and political potential of their peoples.
    Description: ¿Ha mejorado la calidad de vida de los pueblos indígenas en América Latina luego de tres décadas en las que se ha construido una legislación que los reconoce? La información estadística y el aumento de la conflictividad social en los territorios indígenas conduce a responder negativamente esa interrogante. Este ensayo es una reflexión crítica sobre el agotamiento del momento multicultural en América Latina a partir del diálogo con el pensamiento crítico que ha surgido de los propios movimientos, especialmente de activistas e intelectuales que denuncian la relación que existe entre políticas de reconocimiento y capitalismo extractivista, resistiéndose a las imágenes colonialistas que esas políticas reproducen por cuanto niegan la historicidad y el potencial político de sus pueblos.
    Keywords: Society ; Politics ; Postcolonialism ; Sociology of Culture ; Latin America ; Multiculturalism ; Anticolonialismo ; Intelectuales Indígenas ; América Latina ; Bielefeld University Press ; Gesellschaft ; Politik ; Postkolonialismus ; Kultursoziologie ; Lateinamerika ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFC Cultural studies
    Language: Spanish
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  • 43
    Open Book Publishers
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: "This concise and highly accessible textbook outlines the principles and techniques of storytelling. It is intended as a high-school and college-level introduction to the central concepts of narrative theory – concepts that will aid students in developing their competence not only in analysing and interpreting short stories and novels, but also in writing them. This textbook prioritises clarity over intricacy of theory, equipping its readers with the necessary tools to embark on further study of literature, literary theory and creative writing. Building on a ‘semiotic model of narrative,’ it is structured around the key elements of narratological theory, with chapters on plot, setting, characterisation, and narration, as well as on language and theme – elements which are underrepresented in existing textbooks on narrative theory. The chapter on language constitutes essential reading for those students unfamiliar with rhetoric, while the chapter on theme draws together significant perspectives from contemporary critical theory (including feminism and postcolonialism). This textbook is engaging and easily navigable, with key concepts highlighted and clearly explained, both in the text and in a full glossary located at the end of the book. Throughout the textbook the reader is aided by diagrams, images, quotes from prominent theorists, and instructive examples from classical and popular short stories and novels (such as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Franz Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis,’ J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, or Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, amongst many others). Prose Fiction: An Introduction to the Semiotics of Narrative can either be incorporated as the main textbook into a wider syllabus on narrative theory and creative writing, or it can be used as a supplementary reference book for readers interested in narrative fiction. The textbook is a must-read for beginning students of narratology, especially those with no or limited prior experience in this area. It is of especial relevance to English and Humanities major students in Asia, for whom it was conceived and written. "
    Keywords: textbook ; storytelling ; narrative theory ; high-school ; college ; literature ; literary theory ; creative writing ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::F Fiction and Related items::FY Fiction: special features::FYB Short stories ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary education ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPC Educational: Language, literature and literacy::YPCA Educational: First / native language::YPCA9 Educational: First / native language: Literature studies ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English
    Language: English
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  • 44
    Verlag Barbara Budrich | Budrich UniPress
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Against the background of analyzes on transformation, reflexive modernization and fleeting modernity, adult education is required to confront social processes of change, the dissolution of boundaries and structural upheavals. Adult education and learning are part of these changes, each specific, but also contributing to change. The volume gathers selected and reviewed conference papers by the scientists who presented their work at the annual conference.
    Description: Ausgehend von Gesellschaftsanalysen zu Transformation, reflexiver Modernisierung und flüchtiger Moderne ist die Erwachsenenbildung gefordert, sich den gesellschaftlichen Veränderungs- und Wandlungsprozessen, Entgrenzungen und strukturellen Umbrüchen zu stellen. In welchem Verhältnis wird Erwachsenenbildung zu diesen Bedingungen gesehen? Inwieweit sind welche Veränderungen in Struktur und Praxis der Bildung und des Lernens von Erwachsenen zu beobachten? Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich Phänomenen von Globalisierung, Transformation und Entgrenzung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Erwachsenenbildung und insbesondere auf das Lernen von Erwachsenen widmen.
    Keywords: Education ; adult education ; changes ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNP Adult education, continuous learning ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNP Adult education, continuous learning
    Language: German
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  • 45
    Publication Date: 2021-12-16
    Description: The book offers a glimpse back in time to a Middle Sepik society, the Iatmul, first investigated by the anthropologist Gregory Bateson in the late 1920s while the feminist anthropologist Margaret Mead worked on sex roles among the neighbouring Tchambuli (Chambri) people. The author lived in the Iatmul village of Kararau in 1972/3 where she studied women’s lives, works, and knowledge in detail. She revisited the Sepik in 2015 and 2017. The book, the translation of a 1977 publication in German, is complemented by two chapters dealing with the life of the Iatmul in the 2010s. It presents rich quantitative and qualitative data on subsistence economy, marriage, and women’s knowledge concerning myths and rituals. Besides, life histories and in-depth interviews convey deep insights into women’s experiences and feelings, especially regarding their varied relationships with men in the early 1970s. Since then, Iatmul culture has changed in many respects, especially as far as the economy, religion, knowledge, and the relationship between men and women are concerned. In her afterword, the anthropologist Christiane Falck highlights some of the major topics raised in the book from a 2018 perspective, based on her own fieldwork which she commenced in 2012. Thus, the book provides the reader with detailed information about gendered lives in this riverine village of the 1970s and an understanding of the cultural processes and dynamics that have taken place since.
    Description: The book offers a glimpse back in time to a Middle Sepik society, the Iatmul, first investigated by the anthropologist Gregory Bateson in the late 1920s while the feminist anthropologist Margaret Mead worked on sex roles among the neighbouring Tchambuli (Chambri) people. The author lived in the Iatmul village of Kararau in 1972/3 where she studied women’s lives, works, and knowledge in detail. She revisited the Sepik in 2015 and 2017. The book, the translation of a 1977 publication in German, is complemented by two chapters dealing with the life of the Iatmul in the 2010s. It presents rich quantitative and qualitative data on subsistence economy, marriage, and women’s knowledge concerning myths and rituals. Besides, life histories and in-depth interviews convey deep insights into women’s experiences and feelings, especially regarding their varied relationships with men in the early 1970s. Since then, Iatmul culture has changed in many respects, especially as far as the economy, religion, knowledge, and the relationship between men and women are concerned. In her afterword, the anthropologist Christiane Falck highlights some of the major topics raised in the book from a 2018 perspective, based on her own fieldwork which she commenced in 2012. Thus, the book provides the reader with detailed information about gendered lives in this riverine village of the 1970s and an understanding of the cultural processes and dynamics that have taken place since.
    Keywords: Papua New Guinea ; women ; society ; Middle Sepik ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences
    Language: English
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  • 46
    Manchester University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: This book charts and analyses the work of Oliver Stone – arguably one of the foremost political filmmakers in Hollywood during the last thirty years. Drawing on previously unseen production files from Oliver Stone’s personal archives and hours of interviews both with Stone and a range of present and former associates within the industry, the book employs a thematic structure to explore Stone’s life and work in terms of war, politics, money, love and corporations. This allows the authors both to provide a synthesis of earlier and later film work as well as locate that work within Stone’s developing critique of government. The book explores the development of aesthetic changes in Stone’s filmmaking and locates those changes within ongoing academic debates about the relationship between film and history as well as wider debates about Hollywood and the film industry. All of this is explored with detailed reference to the films themselves and related to a set of wider concerns that Stone has sought to grapple with -the American Century, exceptionalism and the American Dream, global empire, government surveillance and corporate accountability. The book concludes with a perspective on Stone’s ‘brand’ as not just an auteur and commercially viable independent filmmaker but as an activist arguing for a very distinct kind of American exceptionalism that seeks a positive role for the US globally whilst eschewing military adventurism.
    Keywords: Oliver Stone ; Hollywood ; Auteurism ; Vietnam ; Politics ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATF Films, cinema::ATFA Film history, theory or criticism ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATF Films, cinema::ATFB Individual film directors, film-makers
    Language: English
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  • 47
    Verlag Barbara Budrich
    Publication Date: 2024-04-06
    Description: Basierend auf einer mehrmonatigen Feldforschung beschreiben die AutorInnen das Leben junger Kinder in Unterkünften für geflüchtete Menschen. Insbesondere die räumlich-materielle Ausstattung der Unterkünfte wird in ihrer sozialen und emotionalen Bedeutung für die Kinder und ihre Eltern präsentiert und vor dem Hintergrund universeller Kinderrechte diskutiert. Die AutorInnen kommen zu einer kritischen Einschätzung der Lage und richten Empfehlungen an Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft.
    Keywords: Migration ; immigration & emigration ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBF Social and ethical issues::JBFG Refugees and political asylum
    Language: German
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  • 48
    Manchester University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: The book knits together two of the most significant themes in the social and cultural history of modern Ireland - mass emigration and religious change - and aims to provide fresh insight into both. It addresses the churches' responses to emigration, both in theory and in practice. The book also assesses how emigration impacted on the churches both in relation to their status in Ireland, and in terms of their ability to spread their influence abroad. It first deals with the theoretical positions of the clergy of each denomination in relation to emigration and how they changed over the course of the nineteenth century, as the character of emigration itself altered. It then explores the extent of practical clerical involvement in the temporal aspects of emigration. This includes attempts to prevent or limit it, a variety of facilitation services informally offered by parish clergymen, church-backed moves to safeguard emigrant welfare, clerical advice-giving and clerically planned schemes of migration. Irish monks between the fifth and eighth centuries had spread Christianity all over Europe, and should act as an inspiration to the modern cleric. Tied in with this reading of the past, of course, was a very particular view of the present: the perception that emigration represented the enactment of a providential mission to spread the faith.
    Keywords: Christianity ; churches ; clergy ; clerical advice-giving ; emigrant welfare ; faith ; Irish monks ; mass emigration ; nineteenth-century Ireland ; parish clergymen ; religious change ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBF Social and ethical issues::JBFH Migration, immigration and emigration ; thema EDItEUR::5 Interest qualifiers::5P Relating to specific groups and cultures or social and cultural interests::5PB Relating to peoples: ethnic groups, indigenous peoples, cultures and other groupings of people::5PBC Relating to migrant groups / diaspora communities or peoples
    Language: English
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  • 49
    Taylor & Francis | Unintended Consequences of EU External Action | Routledge
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: "There is a gap in IR and EU scholarship concerning unintended consequences in an international context, leaving this important phenomenon understudied. To fill this gap, a conceptualisation of unintended consequences is offered, and a set of common research questions are presented, highlighting the nature (what), the causes (why) and the modes of management (how) of unintended consequences of EU external action. The Special Issue contributes to the study of the EU as an international actor by broadening the notion of the EU’s impact abroad to include the unintended consequences of EU (in)actions and by shedding new light on the conceptual paradigms that explain EU external action."
    Keywords: Unintended consequences ; international relations ; EU external action ; foreign policy ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JP Politics & government ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government
    Language: English
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  • 50
    Universitätsverlag Göttingen
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: Two different sanctioning systems are applicable to young adult offenders in Germany: juvenile criminal law and adult criminal law. The present study provides an overview of the various sanctions applied to these adolescents aged between 18 and 20 and of their reconvictions during an observation period. Based on data from the German Federal Central Criminal Register (Bundeszentral- und Erziehungsregister), the study covers all convictions and juvenile diversional measures in a specific reference year. This data set allows a detailed examination of the applied sanctions and measures, the proportion of juvenile and adult criminal law, and the reconviction rate differentiated by gender, age, offence and other variables. The empirical analysis also addresses regional differences in sanctioning and examines, if juvenile criminal law is “milder” and/or more effective than adult criminal law – questions that play an essential role in the debate on suitable sanctions for young adults.
    Description: Die Untersuchung nimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme der strafrechtlichen Behandlung von Heranwachsenden vor und analysiert die Rückfälligkeit dieser Altersgruppe nach jugend- und nach erwachsenenstrafrechtlichen Reaktionen. Dabei werden zentrale Fragestellungen empirisch überprüft, die im Rahmen der Reformdiskussion um die Heranwachsendenregelung des § 105 I JGG eine Rolle spielen: Inwiefern fällt die strafrechtliche Behandlung von Heranwachsenden regional unterschiedlich aus? Ist das Jugendstrafrecht für Heranwachsende „milder“ als das Erwachsenenstrafrecht? Gibt es Hinweise auf eine bessere Wirksamkeit jugend- oder erwachsenenstrafrechtlicher Reaktionen bei Heranwachsenden? Ausgewertet werden Daten des Bundeszentral- und des Erziehungsregisters, die nicht nur alle im Bezugsjahr gegenüber Heranwachsenden ergangenen Verurteilungen abbilden, sondern auch den bedeutsamen Bereich der jugendstrafrechtlichen Diversion (§§ 45 I, II, III und 47 JGG) abdecken. Abgerundet wird die Analyse durch eine ergänzende Untersuchung von nicht im Bundeszentral- und Erziehungsregister enthaltenen Entscheidungsarten (insbesondere Einstellungen nach der StPO) anhand von anderen Datenquellen.
    Keywords: juvenile law ; reoffending ; educative measures register ; thema EDItEUR::L Law
    Language: German
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The armed conflict in Syria which began in 2011, caused one of the largest refugee movements in the context of collective violence and war since World War II. Those who fled during the complex, increasingly violent and militarized Syrian civil war – in total about half of the pre-conflict population – have predominantly looked for a place of refuge, security and participation chances in other regions within Syria or in neighboring countries. Relatively few people had the resources to migrate to comparatively distant countries (such as countries in the “European Union”). This sociological study focuses on the processes of “refuge migration” and the experiences of refugees who migrated in the context of the armed conflict in Syria via the Spanish-Moroccan border zone surrounding the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Based on a combination of biographical and figurational approaches and the concept of belonging, I empirically reconstruct the migration, social situations and self-presentations of Syrian refugees in the Spanish-Moroccan border zone. My ethnographic research in the Spanish enclaves shows differences and similarities in the way Syrian refugees experience, deal with and present their social situation in these transit spaces of migration. A central finding of my study highlights that the refugees’ presentation of their life stories and their escape from violence are heavily overlaid by their present preoccupations in the refugee camp and the presentation of shared – or supposedly shared – experiences of fleeing from war. The focus of their biographical self-presentations lay on their precarious and heteronomous current situation and the presentation of a homogenizing we-image as “Syrian refugees”. These patterns of self-presentation obstructed speaking about their “individual” courses of flight from a war. This tended to cover up differences and social conflicts that existed in Syria before the war as well as diverging “individual” experiences of the war. Drawing on biographical case reconstructions, I contrast these findings by showing how war and armed conflict are processes of social transformation that have different meanings and different consequences for individuals and social collectives. The cases of a Syrian-Kurdish refugee, a Syrian-Algerian-Palestinian family and a Syrian-Turkmen married couple show how processes of “refugee migration” are interrelated with diverging life and collective histories. The interviewees’ experiences during the armed conflict, as well as the courses of “forced migration” are inherently related to changing positions within networks of interdependency. This explains why the conflict has very different consequences for the refugees’ present perspectives and constructions of belonging. My empirical results are discussed in the light of the state of the art in the field of refugee-studies and forced migration research. Drawing on perspectives from sociology and anthropology of violence and armed conflict, I conceptualize “refugee migration” as a certain type of migration: “Refugee migration” is a type of migration that is constituted in the context of social transformations and changes in the social order caused by, and causing, collective violence. Violence-based transformations are an integral part of the genesis and the overall trajectories of these processes of migration. These transformations affect social boundaries and figurations between individuals and groupings, constructions of belonging and patterns of biographical (re-)orientation. “Refugee migration” is not only a reaction to collective violence, but must be seen in its ongoing embeddedness in the dynamics of violence which structure the whole migration process.
    Description: Der bewaffnete Konflikt in Syrien seit dem Frühjahr 2011 hat in quantitativer Hinsicht eine der größten gewalt- und konfliktbedingten Fluchtbewegungen seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hervorgebracht. Die im Kontext des vielschichtigen, in seinem Verlauf zunehmend extrem gewalttätigen syrischen Bürgerkrieges flüchtenden Menschen, insgesamt etwa die Hälfte der syrischen Gesamtbevölkerung, suchten und suchen überwiegend innerhalb anderer Regionen Syriens oder in den unmittelbar angrenzenden Ländern Schutz, Sicherheit und soziale Teilhabe. Nur verhältnismäßig wenige von ihnen flüchteten in geographisch relativ weit entfernte Staaten (zum Beispiel in die „Europäische Union“) beziehungsweise hatten die Möglichkeit und die Ressourcen, sich auf diesen Weg zu machen. Die vorliegende soziologische Studie behandelt mit den Fluchtmigrationen und Fluchterfahrungen von Menschen aus Syrien, die vor dem Hintergrund des gewaltsamen Konfliktes zwischen 2014 und 2017 über den spanisch-marokkanischen Grenzraum um die Enklaven Ceuta und Melilla migriert waren, einen Ausschnitt dieses Migrationsgeschehens. Anhand einer Kombination von biographietheoretischen, figurationssoziologischen und zugehörigkeitstheoretischen Perspektiven erfolgt eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Fluchtverläufen, Lebenssituationen und Selbstpräsentationen von Geflüchteten aus Syrien im spanisch-marokkanischen Grenzraum um die Enklaven Ceuta und Melilla. Auf dieser empirischen Basis wird der Vorschlag diskutiert, Fluchtmigrationen soziologisch als Migrationsverläufe zu fassen, die sich im Kontext von gewaltverursachten und -verursachenden Prozessen gesellschaftlicher Ordnungsbildung und Transformation herausbilden und deren Gesamtverläufe integral mit diesen Prozessen verwoben sind.
    Keywords: forced migration ; refugees ; biographical research ; sociology of violence ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences
    Language: German
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: This catalogue describes en detail content, material character, genesis, and history of 115 medieval manuscripts from the fields of theology, liturgy, canon law, church history, history, literature, rhetoric, medicine, and law.
    Keywords: Medieval manuscripts ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GB Encyclopaedias and reference works::GBC Reference works::GBCR Bibliographies, catalogues ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GB Encyclopaedias and reference works::GBC Reference works::GBCR Bibliographies, catalogues
    Language: German
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  • 53
    punctum books
    Publication Date: 2022-08-03
    Description: "A Nuclear Refrain is a spatial fiction that critiques the policy of nuclear deterrence, the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, and the UK’s decision to replace its Vanguard submarines, so-called Trident replacement. We challenge that decision via extending our geographical imaginations into the past, present, and future. Noting the more usual economic, moral, and strategic objections to Trident and its replacement, A Nuclear Refrain considers the issues from less familiar perspectives: the emotional and embodied, empire and the establishment, and the impact on democratic potentialities. Set against the authors’ ongoing participation in extensive public protests against the UK’s decision to replace Trident in 2016, A Nuclear Refrain disrupts familiar academic and policy forms of writing. It is “an uncomfortable hybrid between academia and fiction,” intent on discomfiting the reader to spur the radical reimagining of a world profoundly shaped by the threat of nuclear weapons. Inspired by author and social critic Charles Dickens, this book draws on the form of A Christmas Carol. Transported by “ghosts” of the nuclear past, present and future, a pro-Trident British policy maker, the Right Honourable Roger C. Bezeeneos, has his perceptions sorely challenged. But will Roger allow his feelings to influence his decision-making? Will he recognize the yearning for empire-lost that mobilizes the British establishment? And will he admit the limiting of political participation that a commitment to nuclear deterrence determines? It’s your call, Roger."
    Keywords: nuclear deterrence ; emotion ; empire ; democracy ; spatial fiction ; nuclear weapons ; disarmament ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JW Warfare & defence::JWM Weapons & equipment::JWMN Nuclear weapons
    Language: English
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  • 54
    De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: This volume presents the 14 female winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, e.g. Lagerlöf, Sachs, Jelinek, Müller, Munro. Contributions offers exemplary readings of chosen works, while outlining the intellectual profile of each author. They also tackle the questions of female writing and canon formation, and interrogate the conditions and contradictions of artistic creativity.
    Keywords: Nobel Prize ; Literary History ; Canon Formation ; Women Writers ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general::DSBH Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000 ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general::DSBH Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000
    Language: German
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  • 55
    Carl Grossmann Verlag
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: Since 2017, the United States has blocked all appointments to the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO), thereby threatening to destroy the WTO's dispute settlement system, one of the most active dispute settlement systems in international law and a central pillar of the multilateral trading system. The United States justifies its blockage with allegations of judicial overreach, claiming that the Appellate Body in its jurisprudence has not complied with the WTO treaties.
    Keywords: Law ; International Law ; WTO Law ; Recht ; Völkerrecht ; WTO-Recht ; thema EDItEUR::L Law ; thema EDItEUR::L Law::LB International law ; thema EDItEUR::L Law::LB International law::LBB Public international law::LBBU Public international law: international organizations and institutions
    Language: English
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  • 56
    University of Huddersfield Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: This collection of essays has been assembled and developed from papers given at the Ambient@40 International Conference held in February 2018 at the University of Huddersfield. The original premise of the conference was not merely to celebrate Eno’s work and the landmark release of Music for Airports in 1978, but to consider the development of the genre, how it has permeated our wider musical culture, and what the role of such music is today given the societal changes that have occurred since the release of that album. In the context of the conference, ambient was considered from the perspectives of aesthetic, influence, appropriation, process, strategy and activity. A detailed consideration of each of these topics could fill many volumes. With that in mind, this book does not seek to provide an in-depth analysis of each of these topics or a comprehensive history of the last 40 years of ambient music. Rather it provides a series of provocations, observations and reflections that each open up seams for further discussion. As such, this book should be read as a starting point for future research, one that seeks to critically interrogate the very meaning of ‘ambient’, how it creates its effect, and how the genre can remain vital and relevant in twenty-first century music-making.
    Keywords: Music ; airports ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music
    Language: English
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  • 57
    Manchester University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: This chapter seeks to situate James Butler, duke of Ormond, at the centre of an important patronage network for medicine in Restoration Britain and Ireland. It explores the Irish dimension of the emergence of the Society of Chemical Physicians and situates it against the background provided by the momentous Cromwellian period in Ireland. Particular attention is paid to Pierre Belon, a Huguenot physician patronised by Ormond who was involved in efforts to promote a spa at Chapelizod near Dublin.
    Keywords: Ormond ; Pierre Belon ; Chemical medicine ; The Restoration ; Dublin ; Huguenot ; Chapelizod Spa ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHD European history ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBX History of medicine
    Language: English
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