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  • Chemistry  (11,072)
  • Polymer and Materials Science  (4,280)
  • Life and Medical Sciences
  • 1970-1974  (12,556)
  • 1945-1949
  • 1973  (6,336)
  • 1971  (6,220)
  • 1970-1974  (12,556)
  • 1945-1949
  • 1
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Calcified tissue international 12 (1973), S. 125-136 
    ISSN: 1432-0827
    Keywords: Mineralization ; Molt ; Isopod ; Chemistry ; Light microscopy
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine , Physics
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Au cours de la phase inhabituelle de mue d'un isopode d'eau courante,Lirceuts brachyrus, la moitié postérieure de l'exosquelette est éliminée 24 heures avant la moitié antérieure. A ce stade, une reminéralisation se développe dans la partie postérieure alors que la partie antérieure est dans un stade de pré-mue. Le pourcentage de différence en calcium dans les deux moitiés à mi-mue et mue complète est respectivement de 22% (p〈0.01) et 33% (p〈0.01), indiquant une complexation du calcium pendant la mue. La rapidité de la reminéralisation est illustrée par le fait que le contenu minéral total double dans la partie postérieure entre la mi-mue et la mue totale et dans la partie antérieure entre la fin de la mue et un jour après. Le carbonate de calcium, sous forme de calcite, a pu être identifié par diffraction électronique de coupes fines des téguments.
    Abstract: Zusammenfassung Während der ungewöhnlichen Häutungssequenz des Frischwasser-IsopodenLirceus brachyurus (Harger) wird die hintere Hälfte des äußeren Skeletts 24 Std vor der vorderen Hälfte abgestoßen. In der halbgehäuteten Phase erfolgt Remineralisation im hinteren Teil, während der vordere Teil in einem Vorhäutungszustand ist. Der prozentuale Unterschied des Calciums in den zwei Hälften bei Halb- und Vollhäutungszustand ist 22% (p〈0,01) bzw. 33% (p〈0,01), was andeutet, daß Calcium während der Häutung abgesondert wird. Die Geschwindigkeit der Remineralisation erhellt aus der Tatsache, daß sich der Gesamtmineralgehalt im hinteren Teil zwischen Halt- und Vollhäutung, in der vorderen Hälfte jedoch zwischen Endhäutung und einem Tag nach der Häutung verdoppelt. Calciumcarbonat in kristalliner Calcitform wurde mittels Elektronendiffraktion von dünnen Hautschnitten nachgewiesen.
    Notes: Abstract During the unusual molt sequence of the fresh-water isopod,Lirceus brachyrus (Harger), the posterior half of the exoskeleton is shed 24 hours before the anterior half. At the half-molt stage, occurs in the posterior part while the anterior portion is in a pre-molt condition. The percentage difference in calcium in the two halves at half-molt and full-molt is22 (p〈0.01) and33 (p〈0.01) respectively, an indication that calcium is sequestered during The rapidity of remineralization is illustrated by the fact that the total mineral content doubles in the posterior part between half and full molt and in the anterior half between the end of molt and one day after ecdysis. Calcium carbonate in the calcite cystalline form was demonstrated by electron diffraction of thin sections of the integument.
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  • 2
    Electronic Resource
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    Calcified tissue international 13 (1973), S. 259-270 
    ISSN: 1432-0827
    Keywords: Fluorapatite ; Exchange ; Chemistry ; Crystallography
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine , Physics
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Un échantillon minéral provenant de Burgess, Canada s'est révélé être un speciment exceptionnellement pur de fluoroapatite après analyse chimique et cristallographique. La composition globale de cet échantillon est la suivante: $$(Ca^2 )9.98(Sr^{2 + } ,Na^ + ,K^ + ,Mg^{2 + } )0.02(PO_4^{3 - } )5.98(HCO_3^ - ,CO_3^{2 - } )0.02(F^ - )2$$ . L'axe cristallographique C est de 6.865 A et l'axe a de 9.374 A. Des expériences d'échanges réalisés à l'aide de45Ca,32P et18F indiquent la présence de gros cristallites de surface spécifique de l'ordre de 1 m2/g. Il apparait que l'interprétation physique des processus d'échange ne nécessite pas l'existence de compartiments séparés, avec chacun son propre facteur cinétique, les échanges semblent être simplement liés à un changement exponentiel dans l'énergie libre de la réaction. Pour la réaction suivante: $$(Ca)_5 (PO_4 )_3 OH solide + (F^ - ) \rightleftarrows (Ca)_5 (PO_4 )_3 F solide + (OH^ - )$$ , la constante thermodynamique de 101.26 a été calculée, suggérant que le fluorapatite se forme toujours aux dépens de l'hydroxyapatite dans des conditions physiologiques. Cette transformation se continue en abaissant le pH.
    Abstract: Zusammenfassung Eine Mineralprobe aus Burgess, Kanada, erwies sich nach chemischer und kristallographischer Analyse als außergewöhnlich reines Fluorapatit. Die Gesamtzusammensetzung entspricht: $$(Ca^{2 + } )_{9,98} (Sr^{2 + } ,Na^ + ,K^ + ,Mg^{2 + } )_{0,02} (PO_4^{3 - } )_{5,98} (HCO_3^ - ,CO_3^{2 - } )_{0,02} (F^ - )_2 $$ . Die kristallographische c-Achse wurde bestimmt und ergab 6,865 Å, und die a-Achse ergab 9,374 Å. Austauschwerte, welche durch Anwendung von45Ca,32P und18F erhalten wurden, deuteten auf große Kristalliten mit einer spezifischen Oberfläche von ca. 1 m2/g. Die Befunde deuten darauf hin, daß für die physikalische Erklärung des Austauschvorganges keine separaten Kompartimente mit eigenen kinetischen Faktoren nötig sind, sondern daß der Austausch mit dem exponentiellen Wechsel in der freien Energie der Reaktion in einfacher Beziehung steht. Für die Reaktion $$(Ca)_5 (PO_4 )_3 OH_{in fester Form} + (F^ - ) \rightleftarrows (Ca)_5 (PO_4 )_3 F_{in fester Form} + (OH^ - )$$ wurde als thermodynamische Konstante 101,26 errechnet, was darauf deutet, daß unter physiologischen Bedingungen immer Fluorapatit auf Kosten von Hydroxyapatit entsteht. Diese Umwandlung wird erhöht, wenn das pH erniedrigt wird.
    Notes: Abstract A mineral specimen from Burgess, Canada, proved upon chemical and crystallographic analyses to be an exceptionally pure sample of fluorapatite. The over-all composition corresponds to $$(Ca^{2 + } )_{9.98} (Sr^{2 + } ,Na^ + ,K^ + ,Mg^{2 + } )_{0.02} (PO_4^{3 - } )_{5.98} (HCO_3^ - ,CO_3^{2 - } )_{0.02} (F^ - )_2 $$ . The crystallographic c-axis was determined to be 6.865 Å, and the a-axis 9.374 A. Exchange data obtained by employing45Ca,32P, and18F indicate the presence of large crystallites with a specific surface of the order of 1 m2/g. It is indicated that the physical interpretation of the exchange process does not require the existence of separate departments, each with its own kinetic factor, but that the exchange may be simply related to the exponential change in the free energy of the reaction. For the reaction $$(Ca)_5 (PO_4 )_3 OH_{solid} + (F^ - ) \rightleftarrows (Ca)_5 (PO_4 )_3 F_{solid} + (OH^ - )$$ the thermodynamic constant has been calculated to be 101.26, implying that fluorapatite always will form at the expense of hydroxyapatite under physiologic conditions. This transformation will be furthered by lowering the pH.
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  • 3
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 151-158 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: An approximate analysis is given for miscible displacement in vertical tubes when density differences between the displaced and displacing fluids give rise to buoyancy forces which affect the velocity distribution significantly. The results of this analysis agree with the available experimental data fairly uniformly over the range of parameters studied experimentally.By analogy with studies of heat transfer in vertcal tubes it is concluded that both cases studied, when a lighter fluid displaces a heavier fluid in upflow, or when the heavier fluid is below the lighter fluid, are potentially unstable flows because buoyancy forces can create points of inflection in the velocity profile; stagnation at the wall also is predicted for upflow when the lighter fluid is on the bottom initially, and this has been observed to induce a sudden transition to turbulence in heat transfer systems.Buoyancy forces reduce the extent of dispersion by flattening the velocity profile when the heavier fluid is on the bottom in upflow. The velocity profile is elongated and the dispersion coefficient is increased when the bottom fluid is lighter than the one it displaces in upflow.
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  • 4
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 159-166 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Adsorption from liquid mixtures can be predicted from the adsorption isotherm of the pure unsaturated vapor, measured for each component of the liquid mixture. The theory gives analytical expressions for adsorption from liquids corresponding to Type I (finite capacity) and Type II (multilayer adsorption) vapor isotherms. The free energy of immersion of the adsorbent in the pure liquid adsorbate is the essential parameter for either type of adsorption. Predictions based upon the assumption of an ideal adsorbed solution are compared with experimental data on adsorption from liquid mixtures.
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  • 5
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 177-178 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 2 Tab.
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  • 6
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 7
    Electronic Resource
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 206-207 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 8
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 207-207 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 9
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 238-244 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Correlations of the excess Gibbs function and the activity coefficients of a binary, liquid-phase system at constant temperature depend on reduction of P-x-y data taken for the system in vapor-liquid equilibrium. It is shown that use of a full P-x-y data set is for all practical purposes based on just the P-y values. Alternative procedures require only P-x or P-y data. In any case, effective use of a full P-x-y data set can be made only if redundent experimental values of Px,y or P are compared for consistency with calculated values. This cannot be accomplished by means of the popular area test for thermodynamic consistency.
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  • 10
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 292-297 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A simplified method for predicting the washout of gaseous constituents from industrial plumes has been developed. This method is a linearized version of a more general treatment given previously. It is based upon an application of conventional mass-transfer theory in conjunction with existing plume dispersion models and accounts for reversibility of the adsorption process and liquid-phase mass-transfer resistance. The method presented in this paper is sufficiently simple to permit hand calculation, if necessary.This model is recommended for calculation of washout of gases from plumes under conditions where the gas exhibits physical or pseudophysical adsorption behavior. It is expected to apply with reasonable accuracy for gases with linear solubility relationships; accuracy for situations involving other gases is expected to be less satisfactory, depending upon the degree of deviation from this idealized behavior.
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  • 11
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 365-367 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 2 Ill.
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  • 12
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 368-369 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 1 Ill.
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  • 13
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 3 Ill.
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  • 14
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 395-398 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 15
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 398-400 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 16
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 403-407 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 3 Ill.
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  • 17
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 409-411 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 4 Ill.
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  • 18
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 412-412 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 19
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 412-412 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 20
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 414-414 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 21
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 416-416 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 22
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 414-416 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 23
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    Electronic Resource
    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973) 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 24
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 522-527 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: An extensive critical evaluation of available correlations for predicting critical properties of binary defined hydrocarbon as well as some multicomponent hydrocarbon and hydrocarbon-nonhydrocarbon mixtures is presented using all available literature data. The Li method is recommended for critical temperature prediction based upon its accuracy and simplicity, although the Chueh-Prausnitz method is equivalent in accuracy. The Kreglewski method is most accurate for critical pressure prediction. All methods evaluated yielded high errors for the critical properties of methane-containing mixtures. Current correlations on critical volume are discussed, and correlational work on prediction using an excess volume approach is described.
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  • 25
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 540-546 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The isothermal compressibility (at constant composition x) kT,x, was calculated in the neighborhood of the critical locus for seven mixtures containing 3.5 to 19.6 mole % heptane and analyzed in terms of the reduced pressure variable σ = (P - P̂)/P̂ where P̂ is the pressure at which kT,x becomes very large. The data can be represented by the equation kT,x = const. σ-λ along the critical isotherm and one near it and by the locus P̂(T). λ was found to be a strong function of x. The divergence of the isothermal compressibility of the mixtures near the critical locus is in conflict with predictions from classical equations of state but in accordance with modern concepts of the critical region.
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  • 26
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 552-558 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: An experimental investigation of the penetration distance required for complete condensation of a submerged turbulent vapor jet injected into a quiescent liquid bath of the same material was made. The bath was maintained in a subcooled condition at a temperature below the boiling temperature of the liquid at the bath pressure. The experiments were limited to choked injector Hows with the penetration regime such that buoyancy effects are negligible. Tests were run for water, ethylene glycol, and iso-octane over a range of flow rates and bath pressures. A theoretical expression for the vapor penetration distance was developed utilizing a variable density single fluid model for the two-phase flow, with the turbulent mixing process treated by an entrainment law. Corrections for the external expansion of the choked flow beyond the injector exit were also determined. This model was found to correlate the results of both the present experiments and those of earlier investigators over a wide range of operating conditions and injector geometries.
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  • 27
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 589-595 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A semicontinuous parametric pump with batch operation during one half-cycle and continuous operation in the other half-cycle was experimentally investigated using the model system toluene-n-heptane on silica gel adsorbent. A mathematical model based on an equilibrium theory is presented and is found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. Furthermore, it is shown that when the penetration distance for the cold cycle is less than or equal to that of the hot cycle and the height of the column, the rate of production of pure solvent by this pump may become quite large compared to the rate of production by a pump in which operation is continuous during both half-cycles.
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  • 28
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 618-624 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Equations are derived and solved numerically for the intrapellet pressure and composition profiles in porous catalysts. The extended dusty-gas model is used to describe the transport for a zero-order, irreversible reaction with mole changes. Results agree with other models in the purely Knudsen and molecular regimes. In the transition region, however, the effectiveness factor is a function of five dimensionless parameters. The calculations predict a significant pressure gradient in the Knudsen regime and transition region but an insignificant gradient in the molecular regime for reactions with mole changes. Since many industrial catalysts operate in the transition region of transport, these calculations are highly desirable in reactor design.
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  • 29
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 625-628 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: An experimental investigation has been conducted on the direct establishment of mass transfer driving forces for the vaporization of n-decane from Celite particles fluidized by air. Ranges of particle sizes and reactor diameters were employed.Concentration profiles of n-decane were determined and were integrated to obtain the actual average concentration difference for the entire bed. The ratio of the actual driving force to the corresponding log-mean value has been correlated with the average particle size, the fluidized bed height, and the modified Reynolds number to produce two relationships capable of predicting these ratios to within 2.5% (83 runs). The results for these mass transfer studies should also be applicable to comparable studies on heat transfer in fluidized beds.
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  • 30
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 628-635 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The effect on the liquid-phase effective diffusivity in fine pores of the ratio of solute molecular diameter to pore diameter and of preferential solute adsorption was studied by measurements on homogeneous silicaalumina bead catalyst (pore diameter = 3.2 nm). A proposed empirical correlation is based on the investigation of a variety of binary systems of paraffins and aromatic hydrocarbons and of aqueous solutions of sugars.
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  • 31
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 636-637 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 5 Ill.
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  • 32
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 638-639 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 1 Ill.
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  • 33
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 640-640 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 34
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 640-644 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Additional Material: 4 Ill.
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  • 35
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 652-655 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 36
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 658-659 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 37
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 655-657 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 38
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 659-661 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 39
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 662-664 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 40
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 667-669 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 41
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 684-698 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Perturbation methods relate thermodynamic and transport properties of the system of interest (gas or liquid) to the known properties of some reference system; commonly used reference substances are hard sphere fluids and argon. Developments since 1967 are reviewed for both types of approach, with emphasis on applications to liquid mixtures of practical interest. Calculations for liquid mixtures of simple and complex molecules, gas solubility in liquids, fused salts, electrolytes, solvent extraction systems, and liquid metals are reviewed.
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  • 42
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Gas-liquid chromatography is used to measure polymer-solvent interactions in polymer solutions where the solvent is at infinite dilution. Experimental data are presented for 24 binary polymer-solvent systems in the temperature range 50° to 150°C. A simple relation exists between the experimental retention volume data and the infinite dilution volatility; this volatility can be used to calculate the solvent vapor pressure over the polymer solution up to about 0.1 weight fraction solvent. Using concepts from the Prigogine-Flory theory of polymer solutions, Flory-Huggins X parameters for some polymer-hydrocarbon systems were correlated with the hydrocarbon's normal boiling temperature.
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  • 43
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 720-728 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Measurements of the size and rate of shedding of wakes of drops, average drop holdup and velocity of the continuous phase as functions of drop size for kerosene, hexane, and benzene dispersed in water in a liquid-liquid fluidized bed are reported. The average drop size ranged between 3.3 and 4.8 mm. The water velocity was 5.0 to 12.05 cm/s. The average drop hold up was 0.065 to 0.560.The ratio of wake to drop volume was 0.2 to 2.4, and the rate of wake shedding, reported as time of wake transfer units, was 0.7 to 2.4. At low drop holdups, the effect of single drops and groups of drops is dominant. At high drop holdups, the effect of neighboring drops and wakes is dominant. The wake size is correlated with slip velocity and can be calculated from empirical holdup measurements.
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  • 44
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 664-665 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 45
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 760-766 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A direct search procedure utilizing pseudo random numbers over a region is presented to solve nonlinear programming problems. After each iteration the size of the region is reduced so that the optimum can be found as accurately as desired. The ease of programming, the speed of convergence, and the reliability of results make the procedure very attractive for solving nonlinear programming problems.
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  • 46
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 753-759 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Multicomponent vapor condensation in the presence of noncondensing gas has been analyzed using numerical solutions to a set of linearized rate equations that describe the simultaneous heat and mass transfer to the condensate film. For specific examples of methanol and water and ethanol and toluene condensing from turbulent air streams in vertical tube and on horizontal tube condensers, it is shown that the alcohol concentrations in both the liquid and gas phases increase as condensation from initially superheated, alcohol-rich gas phases progresses; the liquid phases also become richer in alcohol. The mass fluxes of the vapors vary with their respective mass transfer coefficients and local concentration driving forces. In the vertical tube condensers, the flux of the alcohols go through maximums. Gas phase saturation is approached as the mixtures cool and the final traces of vapor become more difficult to condense. Interface properties are computed from limited VL equilibrium data, heat of solution data, and a predictive equation. The techniques of solution and analysis have general application to the design of cooler-condensers in either vertical or horizontal configurations.
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  • 47
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The three-parameter tabular correlation of Pitzer et al. for calculating the compressibility factor of pure components has been extended to lower temperatures in the region where Tr is from 0.5 to 0.80 and Pr is from 0 to 9. The compressibility-factor is expressed linearly in the acentric factor Z = Z(0) + ωZ(1) with values of Z(0) and Z(1) tabulated in terms of Tr and Pr. The generalized correlation has been tested for 21 compounds with a total number of 463 data points. The average deviations in the calculated compressibility factors are 1.63% for the compressed liquids and 0.67% for the gases.
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  • 48
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 775-783 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The flow of air through packed beds of solid and hollow particles of a wide range of geometries was studied, with particular reference to the effect of the particle shape on the pressure drop in the turvbulent range. A method of analysis based on the concept of stagnant void fraction and the principle of drag additivity has been developed. Equations for estimating the stagnant voidages for various particle shapes arranged in a random pattern in a packed bed were derived. A new type of friction factor based on this approach was correlated satisfactorily with a shape factor. The momentum transfer data were also correlated with the sphericity of the particles.
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  • 49
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 783-796 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Experimental and estimated PVT data for simple fluids at very high pressures have been correlated with corresponding states theory. Generalized tables and charts are given for density, enthalpy, fugacity, and internal energy for the reduced temperature range 1 to 50 and for reduced pressures to 2000. Consideration is given to possible solidification at very high pressures and to applicability of the reduced charts to quantum fluids, water and ammonia, through temperature-dependent effective critical constants. The van der Waals two-fluid model of binary mixtures is used to calculated properties of mixtures including the composition of coexisting phases. The correlations presented here are useful for estimating thermodynamic properties at very high pressures.
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  • 50
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 766-774 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Aqueous solutions 1.65 × 10-4 to 1.10 × 10-2 molar in the nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 are subjected to membrane ultrafiltration over the temperature range of 22 to 50°C in a continuous flow, thin channel cell, with channel Reynolds numbers from 50 to 1175. Data for the ultrafiltrate flux through the optimum polyelectrolyte complex membrane (of the three tested) are correlated by an equation involving the in-series resistances of the membrane and of the polarized boundary layer of the sufactant rejected by the membrane, with the latter resistance varied over a wide range. The correlations are used to estimate the required membrane area and resultant ultrafiltrate concentration of surfactant to achieve any specified water recovery using cells-in-series and cells-in-parallel operation. The gelation concentration and surfactant mass transfer coefficient are used to estimate water flux in the gel-polarization region.
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  • 51
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 797-801 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The restricted diffusion method is employed to measure the differential diffusion coefficients of nitric acid in water at 25°C for the concentration range 0.033 to 9.25 molar. The concentration gradients of diffusing solutions are observed by Rayleigh interference optics.Experimental transport data are analyzed within the framework of the concentrated solution theory of electrolytes in order to elucidate the macroscopic transport characteristics of nitric acid in terms of specific binary interactions in solution. The results indicate that the transport properties of nitric acid are largely determined, as in other strong acids, by the hydrogen ion-water molecule interaction.
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  • 52
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 802-806 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A six-parameter multiresponse model based on the catalyst aging theory of Wojciechowski (1968) is applied to experimental selectivity data in gas oil cracking. Within the range of conditions studied, the model gave an adequate fit to the data. It was found that the selectivity curves at various cat/oil ratios were contained within optimum and minimum performance envelopes but that the relationships between these envelopes and the selectivity curves were not quite as simple as had previously been reported for a theoretical example (Campbell and Wojciechowski, 1969). The optimum time-on-stream for each of the cat/oil ratios was about one minute. Maximum gasoline production was 59 weight % at 81 weight % total cumulative conversion, resulting in a gasoline efficiency of 72.8%.
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  • 53
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 806-809 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A method of predicting activity coefficients of polybasic acids and their salts in strong aqueous solutions is presented. Application of the calculation of decomposition pressures of SO2 over sodium sulfite-bisulfite systems and of CO2 over carbonate-bicarbonate systems is illustrated.
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  • 54
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 817-822 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A mathematical model simulating light transmission through liquid-liquid dispersions has been developed. Numerical solutions of the model for various drop size distributions show that the fraction of parallel light which passes through a dispersion is a unique function of a dimensionless group, here named the Transmission Number, regardless of the drop size distribution. The results, which were verified by actual light transmission experiments, show that the interfacial area of a liquid-liquid dispersion can be calculated from a light reading provided that the light detector receives only parallel light. Application of the results to other two-phase dispersions is indicated.
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  • 55
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 823-831 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A predictive model of hollow fiber reverse osmosis systems is developed using the equivalent annulus assumption. The fraction of feed recovered Φ depends on five parameters. Optimum values exist for the ratio of the inside to outside fiber radius ri/ro and for the outside fiber radius ro. For dilute systems, a simple closed form expression is obtained for Φ which enables one to determine optimum values easily.The effects of pressure, temperature, flow rate, concentration, viscosity of the feed, system length, membrane rejection parameter, and number of fibers are studied. Countercurrent is superior to concurrent operation.
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  • 56
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 832-839 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Asymptotic analytic expressions for the concentration and temperature profiles as well as effectiveness factor inside porous, thin-disk shaped catalyst particles have been developed for zeroth-order exothermic reaction with reactant-to-product volume change. The individual and combinative effects of volume-change, Thiele and thermal Thiele moduli, and of the dimensionless activation energy are discussed. As expected, the expressions revert to those for the corresponding isothermal and constant-volume cases. Errors arising from the approximation were calculated and found to be quite acceptable.
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  • 57
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 810-817 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The effect of applied force, drop volume, and physical properties on the rate of thinning of the draining films above and below a drop trapped between two horizontal surfaces has been examined theoretically and experimentally. The variation in film thickness with position and time has been obtained photographically and from capacitance measurements. The observed rate of film thinning may be predicted by the simple uniform film model with one immobile surface and, surprisingly, decreases when the applied force and drop volume increases.
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  • 58
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 846-848 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 59
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 849-850 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 839-845 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Dropwise condensation of water vapor on long vertical tubes was investigated as to in situ cleaning and promoting techniques for a variety of tube materials.Excess promoter on the tube surface significantly reduces heat transfer but appears to be slowly removed by draining.Measured steamside heat transfer coefficients for copper, gold, Admiralty, Cu-Ni 90-10, and Monel tubes are adequately correlated by the theory of Mikic (1969) modifide to include the effect of wall thickness.A photographic study revealed that falling drops are elongated into rivulets on long vertical surfaces. Short (〈 65 mm) rivulets and small, barely visible drops over most of the area are evidence of excellent dropwise condensation.
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  • 61
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 852-853 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 62
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 851-852 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 856-857 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 854-856 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 858-859 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 862-863 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 863-864 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 859-861 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 865-866 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 870-870 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 867-870 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 876-878 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 879-879 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 871-876 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 879-880 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973) 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 880-880 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 80
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 881-900 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: This review covers the field of liquid diffusion form the time of the publication of the review article by Johnson and Babb in 1957. In Part I a concise introduction is given to the phenomenological description of the diffusion process, followed by a review of the various theories of and model approaches to diffusion in binary mixtures. These are treated in the following categories: hydrodynamic theories, Eyring's theory and the friction coefficient theories. The predictions are compared with the experimental results throughout the review. Part I will be followed by Part II in November reviewing self-diffusion, empirical predictive equations, and experimental techniques. A supplement of critical tabulations of all experimental diffusion data since 1956 has been prepared.
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  • 81
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 82
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 901-909 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The effectiveness of the stationary form of the discrete Kalman filter for state estimation in noisy process systems was demonstrated by simulated and experimental tests on a pilot plant evaporator. The filter was incorporated into a multivariable, computer control system and resulted in good control despite process and/or measurement noise levels of 10%. The results were significantly better than those obtained when the Kalman filter was omitted or replaced by conventional exponential filters. In this application the standard Kalman filter was reasonably insensitive to incorrect estimates of initial conditions or noise statistics and to errors in model parameters. The filter estimates were sensitive to unmeasured process disturbances. However this sensitivity could be reduced by treating the noise covariance matrices R and Q as design parameters rather than noise statistics and selecting values which result in increased weighting of the process measurements relative to the calculated model states.
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  • 83
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 909-915 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Stability of interfaces moving as a result of phase transformation or mass transfer is considered. Effects of transport and of the density difference between phases known to significantly influence stability during solidification and combustion respectively are here studied theoretically in fluid systems. The analysis indicates that instability is possible during vaporization of liquids under vacuum and perhaps during growth of cavitation bubbles. But except when interfacial tension is very low, instability is unlikely during mass transfer in liquid-liquid systems because the density difference between phases is small. A density difference can also produce cellular convection at an unstable interface during solidification.
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  • 84
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 916-922 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Measurements were made of mass transfer coefficients with gas and liquid phase controlling resistance using a concurrent flow packed column with a wide range of operating conditions and four types of packing.Mass transfer coefficients were much larger than those obtainable in countercurrent towers.The results were correlated with dissipated energy values. The correlations obtained can be used to determine absorption efficiency. Experimental results show that the use of a high velocity concurrent flow column is particularly suitable when mass transfer is controlled by the liquid phase resistance with chemical reaction in the liquid.
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  • 85
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 929-933 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The Lighthill transformation is used to determine the rate of mass transfer at high Schmidt numbers to a disk imbedded in a stationary plane below a rotating disk. This diffusion-layer solution breaks down near the center and leading edge of the mass-transfer disk. Solutions in these regions are reported, and a uniformly valid composite solution for the local Nusselt number is determined along with an expression for the average mass-transfer rate to the disk.
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  • 86
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 934-942 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: An algorithm that combines structural equation analysis with algebraic rearrangement and substitution has been developed to precedence-order algebraic chemical process equations. The SWS (Structural Analysis with Substitutions) algorithm selects an output variable for each equation, rearranges the equation to solve for that variable, and reduces the number of equations by substitution. The algorithm has been used for computer generation of Fortran programs to perform meterial and energy balances in the design of chemical processes.
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  • 87
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 923-928 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Temperature control of subcooled reflux in a distillation column was studied experimentally using coolant flow rate as the manipulative variable. Methanol vapor was condensed and subcooled at one atmosphere in a vertical heat exchanger with 210 copper tubes (0.77 cm I.D., 91.5 cm long). Cooling water flowed countercurrently through the shell side (20.6 cm I.D.).A proportional-integral feedback controller provided good temperature control at normal design throughputs. But dynamic control performance deteriorated at low throughputs (or large areas). Thus the normal conservative design practice of providing excess area in this type of condenser leads to poorer temperature control.
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  • 88
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 943-952 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The free-volume theory of polymer solutions initiated by Prigogine and developed by Flory and Patterson is reduced to practice. This theory, which represents a substantial improvement over the older theory of Flory and Huggins, facilitates calculation of solvent activities in polymer solutions from a minimum of experimental binary data. However, it is necessary to characterize each pure component with three molecular parameters which can be obtained from PVT data; such data, unfortunately, are often unavailable. Nevertheless, using reasonable approximations based on Bondi's correlations as needed, molecular parameters are given for 22 solvents and for 16 polymers. Binary parameters are given for 20 systems. Illustrative examples are presented.
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  • 89
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 952-956 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The System of isothermal, isobaric, perfect gas reactions with stoichiometric kinetics taking place in a tubular reactor is considered where A3 is desired and A5 undesired. A class of optimum selectivity problems is formulated, and distributed bypass of A1 is investigated. It is shown that there are cases where the performance of the best plug flow reactor can be improved substantially (sometimes by more than 100%) by the bypass of A1, but there are also cases where bypass is fruitless.
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  • 90
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 957-962 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The secondary nucleation of magnesium sulfate due to the action of fluid forces on a seed crystal was studied by introducing the hypothesized nuclei so generated into a region of high supersaturation. The number of nuclei observed is strongly dependent on the supersaturation at the seed and the severity of shear forces. Classical nucleation theory is used to interpret the results. These results are consistent with other experimental observations described in the recent literature on contact nucleation. The growth and nucleation process inferred is similar to that illustrated by Clontz and McCabe (1972) and suggested by Knight (1971).
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  • 91
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 969-975 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A study is made of computational methods for predicting the performance of cylindrical catalyst particles in reactions with nonlinear kinetics. Accurate two-dimensional collocation solutions are obtained and used to test simplified solution methods. A novel parametric integration method is used to traverse the region of multiple solutions. The local stability of several states is determined.
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  • 92
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 975-981 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Monte Carlo techniques have been used to simulate the stochastic responses of the nonisothermal packed bed reactor. Random variables with specified ensemble means, ensemble standard deviations, and probability distributions (normal, uniform, or autocorrelated) were introduced as inputs and parameters into the model equations, and the equations were solved repeatedly to provide a sample of the outputs. Sample means and sample standard deviations both in the steady and unsteady state were evaluated and the probability distributions of the output temperature and concentration characterized. Confidence limits for a specified confidence coefficient have been determined from which overdesign factors could be computed.
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  • 93
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 963-968 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Using the Extense Source Formulation (Irazoqui et al., 1973a), a radiation distribution model for the tubular lamp-elliptical reflector system was developed for predicting energy density profiles inside the elliptical cavity of the system.It introduces a significant improvement over the linear-lamp models since it avoids any form of singularities in the prediction of radiation energy density profiles at the focal points of the elliptical reflector. Also, all lamp and reflector dimensions are parameters of the model.Calculated results agree well with published experimental data for a similar lamp reflector set up.One of the most important conclusions is the absence of uniform irradiation from all radial directions at the reactor location.
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  • 94
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 991-998 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Surface sulfonated copolymer beads and glass beads of various size distributions were used to study the removal of liquid from a packed column of spherical beads under centrifugal force. At low forces, from 1 G to approximately 20 G, the volume of liquid retained corresponds to the free volume between the packed beads. The liquid level varies with force from about 20 to 400 G. It is shown that the liquid level is a function of the force applied and the size distribution of the beads in the column. At forces from approximately 400 to 1200 G the weight of the liquid on the sample remains constant.
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  • 95
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 982-990 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The motion of small particles (glass microspheres, 30 to 140 microns in diameter) entrained in a free argon plasma jet was studied by means of high-speed cine streak photography. Radial temperature and velocity profiles as well as axial profiles of temperature, velocity, and argon concentration in the jet were experimentally determined by means of a plasma calorimetric probe. The system was found to be characterized by low relative Reynolds numbers (0.2 to 20) and extremely high deceleration rates (about -2,000 g). Under these conditions, an increase of drag coefficient over that predicted by the standard curve was experimentally observed. This increase was attributed to the nonsteady flow field around the particle (the so-called “history term” in the equation of motion). A general computer program has been proposed which predicts the particle velocity, acceleration and temperature along its trajectory.
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  • 96
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 998-1008 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The problem of simultaneous forced and free convection flow of a Newtonian fluid past a hot or cold horizontal flat plate is investigated by means of numerical solutions of the full equations of motion and thermal energy subject only to the Boussinesq approximation. These solutions span the parameter ranges 10 ≤ Re ≤ 100, 0.1 ≤ Pr ≤ 10, and -2.215 ≤ Gr/Re5/2 ≤ 2.215 where Re, Pr, and Gr are based on the ambient free stream fluid properties and the overall plate length l. When Gr 〉 0, the boundary flow near the plate surface is accelerated relative to the corresponding forced convection flow, with a resulting increase in both the local skin friction and heat transfer coefficients. When Gr 〈 0, the boundary flow is decelerated, the local skin friction and heat transfer are decreased, and the flow actually separates for Gr/Re5/2 〈 -0.8 when Pr = 0.7. In the latter circumstance, an increasing degree of upstream influence is observed as Gr/Re5/2 is further decreased.
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  • 97
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 1016-1024 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: Conformational energy calculations based on describing the deformation of chemical bonds by energy functions allow the prediction of molecular geometries, heats of formation, vibrational frequencies, and gas-phase thermodynamic functions of compounds which contain bonds or groups of bonds whose properties are transferable from molecule to molecule.
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  • 98
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 1033-1035 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
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  • 99
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 1009-1016 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: The Deacon reaction (HCI + 1/4 O2 ⇋ 1/2 Cl2 + 1/2 H2O) was studied in a catalytic fluid bed reactor. Reaction rates found from measurements in differential and integral reactors were represented by the Langmuir-Hinshelwood type rate equation. Considering the effect of catalysts in the dilute phase, it was found that conversions in a fluid bed reactor can be calculated without any modifying parameters. It is pointed out that the wake fraction, which has been necessary to consider for fast reactions in a fluid bed reactor, is attributed to the dilute phase effect.
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  • 100
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    Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell
    AIChE Journal 19 (1973), S. 1025-1032 
    ISSN: 0001-1541
    Keywords: Chemistry ; Chemical Engineering
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Notes: A study of the kinetics for the liquid phase isomerization of ortho-xylene over H-mordenite has been made at 505°K, 2.76 × 105 N/m2, and 23 mole % toluene diluent. This is the first known study reporting kinetic data for the liquid phase isomerization of xylene over a zeolite catalyst. High activity is indicated by the 80% achievement of para-xylene equilibrium at 505°K, 2.76 × 105 N/m2, and 0.767 × 10-3 kg/s/kg. Although high selectivity has previously been reported for a specifically prepared zeolite catalyst, the 99+% selectivity of the isomerization reaction with H-mordenite as indicated by no C9+ aromatics and less than 0.5 mole % benzene in the product is most significant. Catalyst deactivation was also significant. Reaction rate constants are reported for a first-order reversible triangular model among the xylene isomers with catalyst deactivation incorporated into the model.
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