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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-04-24
    Description: In a regional study based upon a large set of sea-level data and meteorological data, the long-period variations in sea-level and the fluctuations of meteorological parameters have been investigated for the Norwegian coast. In the period range between 1 and 20 years, the sea-level is found to be dominated by a few distinct signals. The interaction between meteorological parameters and sea-level is discussed. The sea-level is found to respond to long-period air pressure variations as an inverse barometer. Most of the sea-level signals with periods between 1 and 5 years are at least partly due to similar signals in air pressure and/or wind stress. In the Chandler band, the meteorological parameters contain at least two distinct signals. The oceanic pole tide signal is masked by the atmospheric forcing of the sea-level. This leads to temporal variations in the apparent pole tide, which are uncorrelated with the temporal variations of the Chandler wobble. The air pressure corrected pole tide is still not an equilibrium tide, but the large deviations in phase from equilibrium may well be due to unaccounted effects of wind stress and temperature. The Chandler wobble in polar motion is important as the driving force of the pole tide. In an extensive numerical investigation, the simple and physically reasonable model of a single frequency, damped, harmonic oscillation, which is frequently excited at random times and with random amplitude is found to explain all features of the observed Chandler and annual wobbles. Comparing the results from the numerical investigations to the results from analyses of the polar motion gives strong evidence for the Chandler wobble period to be either 428.5± 1.0 days or 437.2±0.8 days and not the usually assumed period of ≈434 days. No final decision can be made which of the two periods is the true Chandler period, though the shorter one is favoured by several facts. The signals in meteorological parameters can all be related to the variations in sunspot numbers. A non-linear response of the atmosphere to the annual solar forcing, which is modulated by the sunspot cycles explains the observed frequency patterns. The excess of the observed sunspot effects in surface air temperature over those predicted from simple climate models by a factor of 10 indicates the existence of strong positive feedback mechanisms, which are responsible for the signals in air pressure and wind stress, too. The 18.6-year nodal tide lags the equilibrium tide by 0.8 radian, while the amplitudes exceed the equilibrium amplitudes by a factor of 3 to 5. At most parts of the coast, the nodal modulation of the amplitude of the fortnightly lunar tide Mf also lags the equilibrium modulation by 0.5 to 0.7 radian. The amplitude of the nodal modulation is close to equilibrium, except for Oslo and Bergen. At the latter stations, resonance effects may modify the modulation. Mf itself is found to have an amplitude of two to three times the equilibrium amplitude and a phase lag of slightly more than π. Determining the land uplift at the Norwegian coast from the trend in sea-level leads to a varying pattern of isolines, with the land uplift gradient being perpendicular to the general direction of the coast line, and being rather large at parts of the coast. At most parts of the coast, the zero line is further out in the sea than given on other published charts.
    Description: Die vorliegende Arbeit über langperiodische Variationen des Meeresspiegels entlang der norwegischen Küste basiert auf umfangreichen Datensätzen von Meeresgezeiten und Meteorologie. Alle verwendeten Meeresgezeitendaten lagen als Stundenstützstellen vor, die nach sorgfältiger Fehlersuche auf monatliche Mittelwerte reduziert wurden. Die längsten Meeresgezeiten-Registrierungen an der norwegischen Küste sind für Oslo und Bergen verfügbar, wo die Zeitreihen das Intervall von 1914 bis 1985 umfassen. Für sieben Stationen lagen Registrierungen von 1952 bis 1985 vor, und für jeweils weitere 2 Stationen waren Registrierung für die Zeiträume von 1961 bis 1985 bzw. von 1970 bis 1985 verfügbar. Die meteorologischen Daten standen an drei Station für die längeren Zeiträume von 1952 bis 1983 (Oslo und Bergen) bzw. von 1957 bis 1975 (Narvik ) zur Verfügung, und für 15 Stationen waren die Daten für den kürzeren Zeitraum von 1970 bis 1984 vorhanden. Dabei ist der Luftdruck mit einem Stützstellenabstand von drei Stunden registriert worden, während die übrigen Parameter (Windgeschwindigkeit und -richtung, Lufttemperatur) mit einem Stützstellenabstand von 6 Stunden vorliegen. Auch hier wurden aus den Daten monatliche Mittelwerte berechnet. Da die Wirkung des Windes auf die Meeresoberfläche als dem tangentialen Windstress proportional angenommen wird, wurden aus den Winddaten monatliche Mittelwerte für die beiden tangentialen Windstress-Komponenten berechnet. In dem Periodenbereich von einem bis etwa zwanzig Jahren sind die Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels von einigen wenigen, fast-periodischen Variationen bestimmt. Die Perioden, die in den Meeresspiegelschwankungen gefunden wurden, sind überwiegend auch in den untersuchten meteorologischen Parametern zu finden. Dabei sind diese Signale in Periode, Amplitude und Phase räumlich sehr homogen. Bei der Untersuchung der Signale in den meteorologischen Parametern Luftdruck, Ost-West- und Nord-Süd- Komponente des Windstress und Lufttemperatur zeigte sich, daß der überwiegende Teil der Perioden in ein Muster paßt, daß sich aus der Modulation der jährlichen solaren Anregung der Atmosphäre durch den Sonnenfleckenzyklus ergibt. Aus der Literatur ist bekannt, daß die Variationen in den Sonnenflecken mit Schwankungen in der Solarkonstanten und damit mit Variationen im Wärme-Input in das System Atmosphäre-Ozean verbunden sind. Die in der Lufttemperatur gefundenen Schwankungen mit Perioden zwischen einem und zwanzig Jahren haben Amplituden von ≈0.5°C und liegen damit um eine Größenordnung höhere als die aus einfachen Klima-Modellen abgeschätzten Effekte des Sonnenfleckenzyklus. Nur wenn man die Existenz positiver Rückkopplungs- Mechanismen annimmt, können die in den Beobachtungen gefundenen Variationen erklärt werden. Diese Rückkopplungen sind in beobachteten Veränderungen der vorherrschenden Wetterbedingungen mit dem Sonnenfleckenzyklus zu suchen. Änderun- gen der vorherrschenden Wetterbedingungen erklären dann auch das Vorhandensein dieser Perioden in Luftdruck und Windstress. Benutzt man die monatlichen Mittelwerte um die Antwort des Meeresspiegels auf Luftdruckschwankungen zu ermitteln, so ergibt sich für den größten Teil der Küste eine isostatische Antwort, vergleichbar einem inversen Barometer. Abweichungen finden sich insbesondere an Stationen am Ende von Fjorden (Oslofjord, Ofotfjord). Dort ist dann aber die Korrelation zwischen Windstress und Meeresspiegel höher als an Stationen an der offenen Küste, so daß diese Abweichungen von der isostatischen Antwort in wesentlichen durch Windeffekte bewirkt werden. Im Bereich der Chandler Periode sind im Luftdruck mindestens zwei Signale vorhanden, die mit Perioden von ≈1.14 Jahren und ≈1.22 Jahren die vom Chandler Wobble bewirkte Poltide verdecken. Die Signale im Luftdruck haben Amplituden (bis zu 200 Pa), die bei einer isostatischen Antwort des Meeresspiegels (etwa -1 cm/HPa) zu Signalen im Meeresspiegel führen, deren Amplituden deutlich über der Amplitude einer Gleichgewichts-Poltide (etwa 0.5 cm an der norwegischen Küste) liegen. Zu diesen Signalen im Luftdruck kommen noch Signale im Windstress und in der Lufttemperatur hinzu. Die Veränderungen in der Lufttemperatur können mit einiger Phasenverschiebung zu Signalen in der Wassertemperatur und über den Dichteeffekt zu entsprechenden Signalen im Meeresspiegel führen. Signale in der Temperatur des Meerwassers im Chandler-Band sind aus der Literatur bekannt. Diese komplizierte Wechselwirkung zwischen Atmosphäre und Ozean führt zu einer Verdeckung der vom Chandler Wobble bewirkten Poltide. Die Frequenz-Unterschiede zwischen den Signalen im Chandler-Band in der Atmosphäre und der Chandler Periode selbst (die auch der Periode der Poltide entspricht), führen zu langperiodischen Modulationen einer scheinbaren Poltide. Dadurch sind die beobachteten zeitlichen Variationen der Poltide nicht korreliert mit den zeitlichen Variation des Chandler Wobbles. Wird der isostatische Effekt des Luftdrucks auf den Meeresspiegel eliminiert, so ergibt sich eine Poltide, deren Amplitude nahe der Gleichgewichtsamplitude liegt. Der wesentliche Teil der Amplituden-Überhöhung der beobachteten Poltide gegenüber der Gleichgewichtsamplitude ist damit auf Luftdruckeffekte zurückzuführen. Die Phasenbeziehung zwischen beobachteter Poltide und der Gleichgewichtstide zeigt allerdings starke zeitliche Variationen. So ist im Interval von 1970 bis 1979 die Phase der beobachtete Poltide nahe der Gleichgewichtstide, während sich für das Interval von 1957 bis 1979 deutliche Abweichungen ergeben. Diese zeitliche Variabilität ist durch das Zusammenwirken verschiedener Signale im Chandler Band zu erklären. Insbesondere die in der Temperatur und im Wind gefundenen Signale mit Perioden nahe bei 14 Monaten können diese Variationen bewirken. Insgesamt wurden keine Hinweise gefunden auf eine von der Gleichgewichtstide abweichende Poltide. Der Chandler Wobble in der Polbewegung ist als Ursache für die Poltide wichtig für die vorliegende Arbeit. Da die in der Literatur publizierten Resultate bezüglich des Chandler Wobbles sehr widersprüchlich sind, wurden die Polbewegungsdaten des ILS/IPMS und vom BIH im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erneut analysiert. Mit Hilfe umfangreicher numerischer Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, daß das einfache und physikalisch sinnvolle Modell eines mono-frequenten Chandler Wobbles, der häufig an zufälligen Zeitpunkten mit zufälliger Amplitude angeregt wird, ausreicht, um alle Eigenschaften des beobachteten Chandler Wobbles zu erklären. Durch Vergleich der Modellrechungen mit den Ergebnissen aus der beobachteten Polbewegung ergab sich, daß die tatsächliche Chandler Periode entweder bei 428.5± 1.0 Tagen oder bei 437.2±0.8 Tagen liegt, und nicht bei den üblicherweise angenommenen ≈434 Tagen. Dieses überraschende Ergebnis ist von großer Bedeutung für alle Arbeiten zur rheologischen Struktur der Erde. Dabei ist anzumerken, daß noch keine endgültige Aussage möglich ist, welche der beiden Perioden der tatsächlichen Chandler Periode entspricht. Allerdings wird die Periode von 428.5 Tagen durch einige Ergebnisse bevorzugt. Die in der Literatur üblicherweise genannte Periode von 434 Tagen ergibt sich gewöhnlich aus stark geglätteten Spektren. Diese Glättung führt bei einer Anregung nach dem oben beschriebenen Modell zu fehlerhaften Perioden. Die Untersuchung der aus den Polbewegungen ermittelten Gleichgewichtsbewegungen des Meeresspiegels erbrachte eine weitere interessante Korrelation: Eliminiert man aus diesen Gleichgewichtsbewegungen Poltide und jährliche Variation, so findet sich in den Residuen eine quasi-periodische Schwankung mit einer Periode von grob 30 Jahren. Diese Variation in den Gleichgewichtsbewegungen ist auf die als Markowitz Wobble bezeichnete Polbewegung zurückzuführen. Eine entsprechende, phasengleiche Variation findet sich auch in den Residuen der Meeresspiegelschwankungen, wenn man alle wichtigen Signale mit Perioden von einschließlich einem Jahr bis hin zu etwa 10 Jahren eliminiert. Falls diese Korrelation nicht zufällig ist, so müßte sie auch global zu finden sein. In der globalen Oberflächentemperatur und in der Änderung der Tageslänge finden sich ebenfalls Variationen, die mit den im residualen Meeresspiegel und in den Gleichgewichtsbewegungen gefundenen Signalen korrelieren, wobei die Variationen in der globalen Temperatur gegenüber den andern Parametern phasenverschoben sind. Die nodale Tide mit einer Periode von 18.6 Jahren zeigt entlang der norwegischen Küste gegenüber der Gleichgewichtstide eine Phasenverschiebung von etwa 0.8 Radian, und die Amplituden liegen um einen Faktor von 3 bis 5 über der entsprechenden Gleichgewichtsamplitude. Die Untersuchung der Variationen der Amplitude der vierzehntägigen Tide Mf zeigt eine ähnlich große Phasenverschiebung zwischen der beobachteten und der erwarteten nodalen Modulation, wobei hier die relativen Amplituden für alle Stationen mit Ausnahme von Oslo und Bergen nahe den Erwartungen liegen. Allerdings ist hier zu bemerken, daß die Amplituden der Mf um den Faktor 2 bis 3 über der Gleichgewichtstide liegen, und somit auch die Modulationen entsprechend erhöht sind. Die Unterschiede in Oslo und Bergen deuten auf Resonanz-Effekte hin. Der Trend im Meeresspiegel relativ zum Land ist an der norwegischen Küste im wesentlichen auf die Landhebung infolge der post-glazialen Entlastungsbewegungen zurückzuführen. Bestimmt man die Isolinien der Landhebungen aus den in dieser Arbeit ermittelten Trends, so ergeben sich Linien, die zu dem generellen Verlauf der Küste parallel sind. Bei Ålesund ergibt sich eine deutliche Verzerrung dieser Linien. In Ålesund finden sich starke zeitliche Variationen im Trend, die mit kleinräumigen Prozessen in Verbindung stehen müssen. Generell ist der Gradient der Landhebung senkrecht zum großräumigen Verlauf der Küste. Der hier ermittelte Gradient ist aber höher als in bisher publizierten Arbeiten, und die Lage der Nullinie ist weiter zur See hin verschoben.
    Description: thesis
    Description: DFG, SUB Göttingen
    Keywords: ddc:551.4 ; Geophysik ; Sea level ; Meeresspiegel
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:book
    Format: 184
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-04-22
    Description: The question of how science can become a lever in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals permeates most recent sustainability research. Wide-ranging literature calling for a transformative approach has emerged in recent years. This ‘transformative turn’ is fueled by publications from fields such as sustainability science, social-ecological research, conservation science, sustainability transitions, or sustainability governance studies. However, there is a lack of a shared understanding specifically of what is meant for research to be transformative in this developing discourse around doing science differently to tackle sustainability problems. We aim to advance transformative research for sustainability. We define transformative research and outline six of its characteristics: (1) interventional nature and a theory of change focus; (2) collaborative modes of knowledge production, experimentation and learning; (3) systems thinking literacy and contextualization; (4) reflexivity, normative and inner dimensions; (5) local agency, decolonization, and reshaping power; (6) new quality criteria and rethinking impact. We highlight three tensions between transformative research and traditional paradigms of academic research: (1) process- and output-orientation; (2) accountability toward society and toward science; (3) methodologies rooted in scientific traditions and post-normal methodologies. We conclude with future directions on how academia could reconcile these tensions to support and promote transformative research.
    Description: Dominant ways of doing research are not enough to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The typical response of science to dealing with the current local and global sustainability crises is to produce and accumulate more knowledge. Transformative research seeks to couple knowledge production with co-creating change. This paper defines the transformative way of doing research to pro-actively support society's fight against pressing societal and environmental problems. We present six characteristics of transformative research. We reflect on the challenges related to implementing these characteristics in scientific practice and on how academia can play its part.
    Language: English
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 3
    Universität Göttingen,Abteilung Bodenphysik
    In:  Universität Göttingen
    Publication Date: 2024-04-20
    Description: research
    Keywords: Vergleich ; Messung ; Saugverhalten ; Hydrodynamik ; Permeabilität ; Bodenwasserhaushalt Ungesättigte Zone ; Ungesättigte Zone
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:book
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  • 4
    Universität Göttingen,Abteilung Bodenphysik
    In:  Universität Göttingen
    Publication Date: 2024-04-20
    Description: research
    Keywords: Aluminium Species ; Soil Solutions
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:book
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-04-19
    Description: Purpose: The surface store governs the rainwater partition, e.g., water storage and evaporation on paved surfaces, especially for low-intensity and low-sum rain events, which account for the greatest part of the total rainfall in a temperate climate city like Berlin, Germany. The surface store S is a fixed value, dependent on surface relief and pore system characteristics. Contrary, in this study, the surface storage was assumed to depend also on the rain intensity, thus being variable from event to event. Materials and methods: The surface store filling dynamics for dense (DP), porous (PP), and highly infiltrative (IP) paving materials were studied in a rainfall simulator. Irrigation intensities p ranged from 0.016 to 0.1 mm min〈sup〉−1〈/sup〉 which represent the 25 to 88% quantiles of the rain event distribution in Berlin, Germany (1961 to 1990). Results and discussion: Three surface stores can be separated: storage until initial runoff, S〈sub〉f〈/sub〉, at maximum filling, S〈sub〉m〈/sub〉, and for steady-state runoff, S〈sub〉eq〈/sub〉—all of them can be regarded as effective stores depending on the aim of its use. The equilibrium store varies from 0.2 to 3 mm for DP, PP, and IP for the investigated rainfall intensities. Conclusions: For all pavers, the surface store depends on rainfall intensity, which was shown experimentally and confirmed by numerical simulation of the infiltration. We introduce a simple and robust method to describe S〈sub〉f〈/sub〉, S〈sub〉m〈/sub〉 = f(p) for different pavers. Pavers can evaporate a multiple of their surface store per day, depending on the rainfall distribution, which implicates the need for high temporal resolutions in urban hydrology modeling. Pavers can evaporate a multiple of their surface store per day, depending on the rainfall distribution. That implicates the need for high temporal resolutions in urban hydrology modeling.
    Description: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Description: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Keywords: ddc:551.48 ; Evaporation ; Paved soils ; Paving material ; Precipitation intensity ; Surface store ; Water storage
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:article
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-04-19
    Description: 〈title xmlns:mml=""〉Abstract〈/title〉〈p xmlns:mml="" xml:lang="en"〉Horizontal wavenumber spectra across the middle atmosphere are investigated based on density measurements with the Airborne Lidar for Middle Atmosphere research (ALIMA) in the vicinity of the Southern Andes, the Drake passage and the Antarctic peninsula in September 2019. The probed horizontal scales range from 2000 to 25 km. Spectral slopes are close to 〈italic〉k〈/italic〉〈sup〉−5/3〈/sup〉 in the stratosphere and get shallower for horizontal wavelengths 〈200 km in the mesosphere. The spectral slopes are shown to be statistically robust with the presented number of flight legs despite the unknown orientation of true wave vectors relative to the flight track using synthetic data and a Monte Carlo approach. The largest spectral amplitudes are found over the ocean rather than over topography. The 2019 sudden stratospheric warming caused a critical level for MWs and a reduction of spectral amplitudes at horizontal wavelengths of about 200 km in the mesosphere.〈/p〉
    Description: Plain Language Summary: The spectral analysis of observations along extended flight tracks helps to determine the contribution of different length scales to atmospheric processes. In this study we calculate horizontal wavenumber spectra in the altitude range between 20 and 80 km, the middle atmosphere, based on observations from the Airborne Lidar for Middle Atmosphere research onboard the HALO aircraft. The observations were performed in the vicinity of the Southern Andes, the Drake passage and the Antarctic peninsula during September 2019. The observed horizontal scales range from 2000 km to about 25 km and cover almost the entire mesoscale range of atmospheric dynamics in the middle atmosphere. This study finds that vertical oscillations in the atmosphere, called gravity waves, cause the slopes and power of the spectra at the observed horizontal scales in the middle atmosphere. The slopes and power of the horizontal spectra vary with varying gravity wave activity during the period of observations.〈/p〉
    Description: Key Points: 〈list list-type="bullet"〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉Horizontal wavenumber spectra across the middle atmosphere are computed using airborne lidar observations during the 2019 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW)〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉Horizontal wavenumber spectra are close to 〈italic〉k〈/italic〉〈sup〉−5/3〈/sup〉 in the stratosphere, and become shallower in the mesosphere during the SSW〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉Observational evidence is provided that the mesoscale spectral slope in the middle atmosphere is caused by the occurrence of gravity waves〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈/list〉 〈/p〉
    Description: German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
    Description: Internal Funds of the German Aerospace Center
    Description: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Description: Forschungszentrum Jülich
    Description: German Science Foundation
    Keywords: ddc:551.5 ; gravity waves ; middle atmosphere ; airborne lidar ; horizontal wavenumber spectrum ; SSW
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:article
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-04-19
    Description: The stable water isotopic composition in firn and ice cores provides valuable information on past climatic conditions. Because of uneven accumulation and post‐depositional modifications on local spatial scales up to hundreds of meters, time series derived from adjacent cores differ significantly and do not directly reflect the temporal evolution of the precipitated snow isotopic signal. Hence, a characterization of how the isotopic profile in the snow develops is needed to reliably interpret the isotopic variability in firn and ice cores. By combining digital elevation models of the snow surface and repeated high‐resolution snow sampling for stable water isotope measurements of a transect at the East Greenland Ice‐core Project campsite on the Greenland Ice Sheet, we are able to visualize the buildup and post‐depositional changes of the upper snowpack across one summer season. To this end, 30 cm deep snow profiles were sampled on six dates at 20 adjacent locations along a 40 m transect. Near‐daily photogrammetry provided snow height information for the same transect. Our data shows that erosion and redeposition of the original snowfall lead to a complex stratification in the δ〈sup〉18〈/sup〉O signature. Post‐depositional processes through vapor‐snow exchange affect the near surface snow with d‐excess showing a decrease in surface and near‐surface layers. Our data suggests that the interplay of stratigraphic noise, accumulation intermittency, and local post‐depositional processes form the proxy signal in the upper snowpack.
    Description: Plain Language Summary: We study the process of the formation of the stable water isotope signal in surface snow on the Greenland Ice Sheet to better understand temperature information which is stored as a climate proxy in snow and ice. Our data consist of high‐resolution surface topography information illustrating the timing and location of snowfall, erosion, and redeposition along a transect of 40 m, as well as stable water isotope records of the upper 30 cm of the snowpack sampled biweekly on 20 positions at the same 40 m long transect. The data cover a 2‐month period during the summer of 2019. We find that the isotopic composition shows spatial variability of layers with low and high values, presumably winter and summer layers. We further observe that prevailing surface structures, such as dunes, influence the snow deposition and contribute to the found variable structure of the climatic information. Eventually, snow accumulation alone cannot explain all of the observed patterns in the isotopic data which is likely related to exchange processes between the snow and the atmosphere which modify the signal in the snow column after deposition.
    Description: Key Points: Combining digital elevation models and repeated snow sampling reveals the heterogeneous buildup of δ〈sup〉18〈/sup〉O signal in the snow column. Surface structures (stratigraphic noise) substantially contribute to internal heterogeneity in δ〈sup〉18〈/sup〉O signature in the upper snowpack. Proxy signals are formed in the surface layer by local processes, advected downwards with limited post‐depositional influences below 10 cm.
    Description: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
    Description: A. P. Møller Foundation, University of Copenhagen
    Description: US National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs
    Description: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
    Description: National Institute of Polar Research and Arctic Challenge for Sustainability
    Description: University of Bergen
    Description: Trond Mohn Foundation
    Description: Swiss National Science Foundation
    Description: French Polar Institute Paul‐Emile Victor, Institute for Geosciences and Environmental Research
    Description: University of Manitoba
    Description: Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Description: Beijing Normal University
    Keywords: ddc:551 ; proxy ; Greenland ; isotopes ; structure‐from‐motion ; snow accumulation ; ice core
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:article
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-04-19
    Description: 〈title xmlns:mml=""〉Abstract〈/title〉〈p xmlns:mml="" xml:lang="en"〉Heavy‐mineral suites are used widely in sandstone provenance and are key when connecting source and sink. When characterizing provenance related signatures, it is essential to understand the different factors that may influence a particular heavy‐mineral assemblage for example, chemical weathering or diagenetic processes. Hydrodynamics, causing size‐density sorting, exert major control on the distribution of heavy minerals. Here, we highlight the effect of grain‐size inheritance, essentially the absence of certain grain sizes within a specific heavy‐mineral species, on two distinct types of sediments. Modern deposits from a high‐energy beach in NW Denmark give an analog for heavily reworked sediment, primarily controlled by hydrodynamic processes. In contrast, three Palaeogene turbidite successions in the Eastern Alps were sampled, presenting a more complex history that includes diagenesis. All samples were processed for their heavy‐mineral compositions using Raman spectroscopy, and several techniques applied to determine the effect of grain‐size inheritance. Results show that (a) even within the hydrodynamically well‐sorted beach and placer deposits, evidence of grain‐size inheritance is apparent, and (b) turbidites of variable heavy‐mineral composition show strong effects of grain‐size inheritance for several mineral species. Moreover, considerable intersample contrasts within single turbidite beds are observed. We enforce the importance of understanding grain‐size inheritance, as well as other processes effecting size‐density relations in clastic sediment that go well beyond purely hydrodynamic control of intrasample heavy‐mineral variability.〈/p〉
    Description: Plain Language Summary: Heavy minerals are commonly found within sediments and sedimentary rocks and can tell us from which source regions the sediment may have originated. However, it is important to understand that the type, size, and abundance of particular heavy minerals can change depending on factors such as environmental conditions. The size, shape, and density of the heavy minerals also limits when and where they will settle and/or stay. A lack of big or small grains of a particular heavy mineral in the source rocks dictates the size of the minerals deposited; this is known as grain‐size inheritance. Using both ancient and modern sediment, we are looking for traces of grain‐size inheritance. Surprisingly, in all samples investigated we noted effects of grain‐size inheritance, for different heavy‐mineral types. The modern beach sediments, as expected, show more impact of hydraulic processes, but inherited grain sizes are still apparent. Within the ancient examples, grain‐size inheritance is more obvious, with further variations even observed between samples collected from the same area. Having identified this control on grain size, we can highlight the importance of understanding this effect when analyzing clastic sediments.〈/p〉
    Description: Key Points: 〈list list-type="bullet"〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉Understanding factors that can modify a heavy‐mineral assemblage is fundamental in provenance analysis〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉Heavy minerals of two distinct sedimentary environments were analyzed and compared to their “ideal” hydrodynamically sorted compositions〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉Several heavy‐mineral species of modern and ancient settings were identified to be influenced by grain‐size inheritance from the source〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈/list〉 〈/p〉
    Keywords: ddc:552.5 ; heavy minerals ; provenance ; grain‐size inheritance ; hydrodynamics ; diagenesis
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:article
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    Publication Date: 2024-04-19
    Description: 〈title xmlns:mml=""〉Abstract〈/title〉〈p xmlns:mml="" xml:lang="en"〉The transboundary region of the Iishana system in the western Cuvelai Basin, between southern Angola and northern Namibia, is frequently affected by floods at irregular intervals. As a result, the predominantly rural, subsistence farming population has experienced crop failures, human, and economic losses. To date, very little is known about the generation of floods, flood concentration, and stormwater drainage dynamics in this region. In this study, 2D‐hydrodynamic modeling was applied to reconstruct one of the latest major flood events during the rainy season from November 2008 to March 2009 in order to study the runoff behavior and interconnectivity of the Iishana system. The model focused on the eastern part of the Iishana system, which was most affected by floods and flood damage due to the high population density in and around Oshakati, the regional capital. Two main streams were identified noteworthy because they merge and subsequently affect Oshakati. Regarding the simulated flood event water depths vary from 0.1 m to 14 m, with an average of 0.2 m, while water depths above 5 m were attributed to borrow pits. The inundation area ranged up to 1860 km〈sup〉2〈/sup〉 and the amount of water left after the rainy season on March 25th, 2009, was determined between 0.116 and 0.547 km〈sup〉3〈/sup〉, depending on the amount of evapotranspiration considered in the model. Thus, in the Angolan part of the Iishana system, significantly larger quantities of water are available for longer periods of time during the subsequent dry season, whereas the system in Namibia stores less water, resulting in a shorter water retention period.〈/p〉
    Description: Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
    Description: Freie Universität Berlin
    Keywords: ddc:551.48 ; flood ; FloodArea11 ; SCS‐CN ; TanDEM‐X ; TRMM
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:article
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-04-19
    Description: 〈title xmlns:mml=""〉Abstract〈/title〉〈p xmlns:mml="" xml:lang="en"〉The Ismenius Lacus region of Mars has a diverse geological history, and we present the first high‐resolution map of Deuteronilus Cavus (36.2°N; 14.0°E, ∼120 km diameter) in the fretted terrain south of the dichotomy boundary. Strong evidence suggests a volcanic origin of the regional plains, based on the ∼50 m thick volcanic bed underlying 180–300 m of sublimation residue associated with Amazonian plateau glaciation. Pervasive external volcanic flooding, internal erosional modification, and enlargement of a pre‐existing crater by up to 175%–200% resulted in the cavus' present shape. The phyllosilicates detected within Deuteronilus Cavus could be primary materials associated with the surficial aqueous activity, subsurface alteration products excavated by impacts, or a combination of both. We observe branching fluvial channels that are more recent than the traditional valley networks and may be related to fretted terrain resurfacing during the waning period of a high‐obliquity glaciation phase. This is consistent with our interpretation of the ∼600 m thick lobate and lineated deposits, which are remnants of receding glaciers. The glacial ice, protected by a 15–20 m insulating layer of debris cover, is of significant interest for future landing missions because of its potential to preserve biological and climatological signatures, to provide a critical test of Amazonian plateau glaciation, and to be used for in situ resource utilization. With our detailed geological mapping, we improved our understanding of the geological evolution and climatic conditions in the enigmatic fretted terrain near the dichotomy boundary.〈/p〉
    Description: Plain Language Summary: The ∼120 km long Deuteronilus Cavus was initiated by an impact event. The resulting impact crater was modified by glacial erosional and fluvial processes, leading to the enlargement of 175%–200% of the pre‐existing crater. In addition, we find strong evidence for recent glaciation (〈1 Ga) that left 180–300 m of sublimation residue on the plateau superimposed on a ∼50 m thick volcanic bed, suggesting a volcanic origin of the regional plains. During the waning period of a high‐glacial phase, the meltwater ponded on the surface of the cavus, altered surface rocks to produce phyllosilicates, formed channels (now observed as inverted sinuous ridges), and locally distributed branched fluvial channels that are more recent than the traditional valley networks. Glacial landforms still contain up to 600 m of remnant ice from the retreating glaciers at the end of the last glacial period. The relatively pure ice, protected by a 15–20 m insulating layer of debris cover, is critical for future landing missions because of its potential to preserve biological and climatological signatures and to be used for in situ resource utilization. Overall, this research enhances our understanding of the geological evolution and climatic history of Mars.〈/p〉
    Description: Key Points: 〈list list-type="bullet"〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉We have produced the first high‐resolution map of Deuteronilus Cavus in the fretted terrain south of the Martian dichotomy boundary〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉The region records a complex erosional and depositional history, including fluvial and glacial processes in the Amazonian period〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈list-item〉 〈p xml:lang="en"〉This study provides a framework for exploration of high‐obliquity mid‐latitude plateau glaciation〈/p〉〈/list-item〉 〈/list〉 〈/p〉
    Description: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft‐ und Raumfahrt
    Keywords: ddc:523 ; Mars ; Deuteronilus Cavus ; geological mapping ; glaciation
    Language: English
    Type: doc-type:article
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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