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  • Swedish  (160)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-03-30
    Description: Social reportages are written by reporters who fight for the weak and expose injustices. So it is said in the profession, in handbooks and among the genre’s supporters. But what is hidden behind the ideal? And what does the commitment look like when it is converted into text? This book highlights reportages by some of the 20th century’s most celebrated Swedish reporters and examines the ways in which their texts convey a commitment to the reader. The narratologically based analyses are performed against a background of changing ideas about a reporter’s role in society. It turns out that the commitment is often time-related and can be counteracted by generalizing values about the depicted people. Here, the difference between empathy and compassion becomes crucial. The selected reporters represent Swedish social reportage at central turning points within the tradition. Ester Blenda Nordström and Gustaf Hellström have been chosen for the 1910s, Ivar Lo-Johansson for the years around 1930, Barbro Alving for the 1950s, Jan Guillou for the 1970s and Maciej Zaremba and Karen Söderberg for the 1990s and 2000s.
    Keywords: Karen Söderberg; Maciej Zaremba; Jan Guillou; Barbro Alving; Ivar Lo-Johansson; Gustaf Hellström; Ester Blenda Nordström; Svenska 1900-talsreportrar; Sociala reportage ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KN Industry and industrial studies::KNT Media, entertainment, information and communication industries::KNTP Publishing industry and journalism::KNTP2 News media and journalism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DN Biography and non-fiction prose::DNP Reportage, journalism or collected columns ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences
    Language: Swedish
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: This book highlights the diverse roles of the humanities in the history of the Swedish welfare society. This society has often been seen as dominated by an instrumental view of knowledge that rewarded the social sciences, natural sciences and technology, but the contributions in this book show the significant role that the humanities played in the Swedish welfare state. Various forms of humanistic knowledge and knowledge actors were part of large networks and left a clear mark on the public sphere and society at large. A narrative of the marginalization and crisis of the humanities in the postwar period must therefore be problematized. This edited volume brings together some twenty scholars from a number of humanities disciplines (history, history of ideas, media history, literary studies, archaeology, education, etc.). Much of the current research on the history of the humanities conducted in Sweden today is brought together here and put in relation to international discussions in fields such as history of humanities, history of knowledge, etc. The book is a sibling to the monograph Humanister i offentligheten, which was published in 2022.
    Keywords: The humanities; Public sphere; History of knowledge; Knowledge; History ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AK Design, Industrial and commercial arts, illustration::AKH Book design and Bookbinding ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHB General and world history ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMX History of architecture ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDX History of science ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHA History: theory and methods ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500
    Language: Swedish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-04-11
    Description: In the book Anti-Racisms and Anti-Racists. Realistic utopias, tensions and everyday experiences, 24 researchers explore how resistance to various forms of racism is pursued and embodied among groups of people who dream beyond racism in a variety of ways, often contradictory, rarely successful, but always stubborn and forward-looking. The anthology illustrates the breadth of anti-racism, but also analyses its problems and weaknesses. Inspired by anti-, post- and decolonial traditions, among others, together with social movement perspectives, the anthology challenges a static and essentialising approach found in research and policy that tends to emphasise the stability and immutability of inequality, even in the case of racism. In addition to a variety of concrete analyses and descriptions of historical and contemporary activism, the various authors also show the possibilities of anti-racism and can thus provide some hope, in these dark times, for those who want a society without racism. Academic co-ordinator is Mattias Gardell, Uppsala universitet.
    Keywords: Social justice; Ethnicity & Indigeneity; Migrants & refugees; Racism; Antiracist; Antiracism ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSL Ethnic studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social and cultural anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology
    Language: Swedish
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: Avaldsnes on Karmøy in Rogaland, which according to Snorre was King Harald Fairhair's royal estate, has been the center of a major research effort since 2007. Extensive excavations have, among other things, uncovered the remains of a lordly settlement from the AD 200s–400s and the ruins of a royal masonry complex from around AD 1300. Important insights have been gained about the place, the region, and the history of the Norwegian kingdom, and the results are also of significance for international scholarly debates. The papers in this book are based on lectures from the Karmøy Seminar 2022, and have a joint spotlight on the nature of lordship and kingship. The themes range from tribal societies in Roman times via the first kings of the Viking Age to the Norwegian kingdom's collapse at Håkon 6. Magnusson's death in 1380. Prominent professionals from Norway, Sweden and England discuss, among other things, the migrations of Ryger, Goths, and other tribes in the continent in the first centuries AD, the queens and queen mothers of the Viking Age, Harald Fairhair's overseas contacts, and the Norwegian kingship's roots in Nordvegen, the sailing route along the western coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The papers are written to be readable by scholars as well as the interested public.
    Description: Avaldsnes på Karmøy i Rogaland, som ifølge Snorre var Harald Hårfagres kongsgård, har siden 2007 vært sentrum for en stor forskningsinnsats. Omfattende utgravninger har blant annet avdekket restene av en høvdinggård fra 200–400-tallet og ruinen av en kongsgård i stein fra omkring 1300. Viktige innsikter er vunnet om stedets, regionens, og det norske kongerikets historie, og resultatene har stor betydning også for internasjonale forskningsspørsmål. Artiklene i denne boken baserer seg på foredrag fra Karmøyseminaret 2022, og har et felles søkelys på høvding- og kongemaktens vesen. Temaene spenner fra romertidens stammesamfunn via vikingtidens første rikskonger til det norske kongedømmets fall ved Håkon 6. Magnussons død i 1380. Fremstående fagfolk fra Norge, Sverige og England diskuterer blant annet rygers, goteres, og andre stammers vandringer på kontinentet i de første århundrer e.Kr., vikingtidens dronninger og kongsmødre, Harald Hårfagres oversjøiske kontakter og det norske kongedømmets utgangspunkt i Nordvegen, seilingsleden langs kysten fra Rogaland til Hålogaland. Artiklene er skrevet for å kunne leses av både leg og lærd. Dagfinn Skre (f. 1954) er professor i arkeologi ved Kulturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo, og leder Kongsgårdprosjektet Avaldsnes. Han har tidligere blant annet ledet utgravninger av vikingbyen Kaupang i Vestfold. Frans-Arne Stylegar (f. 1969) er arkeolog, tidligere fylkeskonservator i Vest-Agder og direktør for Varanger museum IKS, og arbeider nå som kulturminneekspert i Multiconsult.
    Keywords: Viking Age Scandinavia, tribal Europe, medieval kingship, medieval Scandinavia, medieval architecture, maritime history, vikingtiden, stammer og folkevandringer, konger i jern- og middelalder, skandinavia i middelalderen, middelalderens arkitektur, sjøfartshistorie ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology::NKD Archaeology by period / region ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3B Prehistory ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHD European history ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500::3KH c 500 to c 1000 CE ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DN Northern Europe, Scandinavia::1DNN Norway ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1Q Other geographical groupings: Oceans and seas, historical, political etc::1QB Historical states, empires, territories and regions::1QBD Historical states, empires, territories and regions: Europe::1QBDA Austro-Hungarian Empire
    Language: English , Swedish , Norwegian (Nynorsk)
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  • 5
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: In this book, five experienced Nordic L1-didactitians and teacher educators search for their professional roots as pupils, students, teachers, teacher educators, managers and researchers over a period of fifty years. In the form of the scientific essay, various historical professional struggles and processes that may lie behind this professionalisation are examined, partly from a critical perspective: Academisation, theorising, didacticisation, textualisation, and internationalisation, especially within first language (L1), L1 didactics and L1 didactic research. Documentation and discussion of the complex relationship between institutionalised academic operations and personal and collective knowledge development nevertheless constitute a main line in the presentation. The L1 subjects in which the descriptions are anchored are Danish, Finnish Swedish, Norwegian and Swedish. The contributions provide personal, experience-based, historical representations of the development contextualized with the narrators' own research in the field as well as descriptions of general development trends within schools, education, and society. A framing chapter provides methodological and theoretical premises for the texts and a concluding chapter analyses the content of and discusses the outcome of the essays. The book is aimed at anyone who is interested in the development of professional teacher training on a Nordic basis, especially native language and subject didactics. Although Per-Olof Erixon and Sigmund Ongstad are editors, the book has been created in close collaboration with the other contributors, Sven-Erik Hansén, Ellen Krogh, and Jon Smidt.
    Description: I denne boka søker fem erfarne, nordiske morsmålsdidaktikere og lærerutdannere sine faglige røtter som elever, studenter, lærere, lærerutdannere, ledere og forskere over en femtiårsperiode. I det vitenskapelige essayets form undersøkes ulike historiske fagkamper og prosesser som kan ligge bak denne profesjonaliseringen, dels i et kritisk perspektiv: Akademisering, teoretisering, didaktisering, tekstualisering og internasjonalisering, spesielt innen morsmål (L1), morsmålsdidaktikk og morsmålsdidaktisk forskning, men også fagdidaktisk forskning. Dokumentasjon og diskusjon av det komplekse forholdet mellom institusjonalisert akademisk drift og personlig og kollektiv kunnskapsutvikling utgjør likevel en hovedlinje i fremstillingen. De L1-fagene som beskrivelsene forankres i, er dansk, finlandssvensk, norsk og svensk. Bidragene gir personlige, erfaringsbaserte, historiske fremstillinger av utviklingen kontekstualisert med beretternes egen forskning på feltet samt beskrivelser av generelle utviklingstendenser innen skole, utdanning og samfunn. Et innrammingskapittel gir metodologiske og teoretiske premisser for tekstene og et avslutningskapittel analyserer innhold i og diskuterer utkommet av essayene. Boka henvender seg til alle som er interessert i fremveksten av en profesjonalisert lærerutdanning på nordisk grunn, særlig morsmåls- og fagdidaktikere.
    Keywords: didactics, mother tongue, the Nordic countries, teacher training, didaktikk, morsmål, norden, lærerutdanning ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPA Educational: Arts, general::YPAF Educational: Drama and performance arts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJA Language teaching theory and methods ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English ; thema EDItEUR::4 Educational purpose qualifiers::4L For language learning courses and examinations::4LE For ELT / ESL learning, courses, examinations and certificates ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPA Educational: Arts, general::YPAF Educational: Drama and performance arts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJA Language teaching theory and methods ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English ; thema EDItEUR::4 Educational purpose qualifiers::4L For language learning courses and examinations::4LE For ELT / ESL learning, courses, examinations and certificates
    Language: Swedish , Danish
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: During the 1920s and 1930s the wordless novel – stories told in black-and-white wordless woodcuts – was established as a narrative genre. The genre was most popular in Germany, but was as well known in other parts of Europé and in the US. The wordless novel was characterized by the absence of words, the use of woodcut and other relief printing techniques, as well as themes of social critique and serious existential issues. The purpose of the book is to - through the wordless novels of the 1920s and 30s - explain the uniqueness of the wordless narrative and thus the autonomous narrative possibilities of the image. The method of the examination is a close reading of the German artist Otto Nückel's wordless novel Schicksal (Destiny 1926). A comparative material consists of the Czech artist Helena Bochořáková-Dittrichova's wordless novel Z Mého Dětství (From My Childhood, 1929). Wordlessness is studied through the image's characteristics as an intermediary of messages and narratives and through comparisons with other expressions - the silent film, cirkus, expressionist dance and visual art, as well as medieval woodcuts. Narratives – which are usually put together by verbal communication – are in this project a tool for seeing: the image sequences or the image groups that ""replace"" the words - not as a lack or implied meaning of words, but as a personal visual story.
    Keywords: Expressionism in black and white; Visual Story; German interwar graphic art; Otto Nückel; Wordless Books; Graphic novels ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art ; thema EDItEUR::W Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure::WF Handicrafts, decorative arts and crafts::WFT Book and paper crafts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCT Media studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general
    Language: Swedish
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-03-30
    Description: Servants were for a long time the dominant form of labour in Sweden. To serve, at a farm or at a manor, was ever since the thirteenth century the most common way to make a living, since poor people could by law be forced to accept work for a master. Service hence replaced thraldom in Sweden.In From slaves to servants, historian Martin Andersson explains how the regulations of the servants’ lives were gradually sharpened. Labourers had to become servants under the threats of punishment and forced conscription into the army. Wages were legally reduced, while other forms of making a living were blocked. The master’s right to use physical violence was increased, while the servant’s duty to obey was expanded.By the end of the sixteenth century, most farmhands and maids worked at manors or for the richest of the peasantry. They had consequently minimal chances of themselves becoming masters. Through studies of a rich material of regional law codes, court records, fine registers, royal letters and manuals for manor owners, the historian paints a rich picture of the daily lives of servants – a life formed by legal uncertainty, coercion, and poverty.
    Keywords: Economics ; History ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Swedish
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  • 8
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Among the literature aimed at students of art science and other image-interpreting sciences are a number of texts that deal with theories and theoretical concepts. However, what is largely missing, and which students often call for, are texts in Swedish that show how theories and concepts can be applied in concrete interpretation situations. The series Theoretical applications in art science aims to fill that gap, with the book Materiality being the fourth in the series. The book introduces and activates a concept that in recent decades has come to take an increasingly important place in humanistic research. Art scholars - but also archaeologists, anthropologists, literary scholars, ethnologists and other humanistic researchers - are increasingly interested in the material conditions for, and the manifestations of, people's social and cultural life and exchange. But despite its topicality in today's scientific conversation, the concept of materiality can seem elusive and elusive. It moves all the way from the most tangible analyzes of the material components of a cultural artefact, to the somewhat impenetrable theorizations of objectivity, agents and networks that are usually sorted under the label ""new materialism"". However, the book Materialitet gives concrete examples of how the concept of materiality can open up interpretations of important layers of meaning in works of art and other cultural artifacts. After the initial introduction where different perspectives and conceptualisations of materiality are discussed, six researchers each do their own analysis based on their subject area. The chapters are based on new research and are written specifically for this book. The different chapters together show the multifaceted nature of the concept of materiality, but do not lock it down to a definition, but open the eyes to a number of different interpretive paths.
    Keywords: estetik; materialitet; objektanalys; bildanalys ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMC Architectural structure and design ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social and cultural anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics
    Language: Swedish
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-03-30
    Description: Servants were for a long time the dominant form of labour in Sweden. To serve, at a farm or at a manor, was ever since the thirteenth century the most common way to make a living, since poor people could by law be forced to accept work for a master. Service hence replaced thraldom in Sweden. In From slaves to servants, historian Martin Andersson explains how the regulations of the servants’ lives were gradually sharpened. Labourers had to become servants under the threats of punishment and forced conscription into the army. Wages were legally reduced, while other forms of making a living were blocked. The master’s right to use physical violence was increased, while the servant’s duty to obey was expanded. By the end of the sixteenth century, most farmhands and maids worked at manors or for the richest of the peasantry. They had consequently minimal chances of themselves becoming masters. Through studies of a rich material of regional law codes, court records, fine registers, royal letters and manuals for manor owners, the historian paints a rich picture of the daily lives of servants – a life formed by legal uncertainty, coercion, and poverty.
    Keywords: Sverige; 1500-talet; Medeltiden; Träldom; Legofolksinstitutionen; Tjänstefolk; Sixteenth century; Middle ages; Thraldom; Institution of service; Servants; Sweden ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Swedish
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: Cultural heritage is not just something from the past, but always also reflects contemporary needs and desires. In the Traces of the Cold War describes the making of a diverse and innovative Swedish military heritage. The book shows how memories and material remains from a period characterized by fear and geopolitical tensions are infused with new meanings when bunkers, decommissioned military facilities and technology are transformed into luxury housing, attractive tourist destinations and museum exhibitions. Through field-visits to military heritage sites across Sweden, the authors examine what material objects, narratives and emotions that today represent the Cold War. These examinations show how military structures and equipment from a time associated with threat and danger become captivating elements of the cultural heritage, while also communicating specific ideas regarding security and protection. In the Traces of the Cold War takes a novel approach to cultural heritage by relating collective memory-making to security policy. Based on theoretical perspectives from critical heritage studies (CHS) and feminist international relations (IR), the analysis focuses on constructions of national belonging and underlines the role of gender and sexuality in narrations of security and protection. In a democracy, the subject of military violence must always be a matter of ethical and political conversations. Setting out from this assumption, the authors critically discuss how Cold War heritagisation produces militarization as “natural” and necessary. The book invites reflection on how history is written as well as on what the requirements are for a safe and secure society. In the Traces of the Cold War presents the results from an interdisciplinary research project. The authors are all researchers at Stockholm University and have written the book together.
    Keywords: Bunkers; Bunkrar; Security politics; Säkerhetspolitik; Gender; Genus; Military threat; Militärt hot; Military Heritage; Militära kulturarv; Cold War; Kalla kriget ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social and cultural anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::G Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects::GL Library and information sciences / Museology::GLZ Museology and heritage studies ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMX History of architecture ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPS International relations ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPA Political science and theory ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups
    Language: Swedish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 11
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: When Anna Johanna Grill travelled from Sweden to England in 1788, she was impressed by the vast array of consumer goods in shops. In her travel diary, she writes how the shopkeepers displayed goods in myriad of ways that fooled people into shopping. How did shops look like in Anna Johanna Grill’s hometown Stockholm in the eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century? Were there distinctive shopping streets? Who sold goods, who shopped them and what goods were available? How were goods displayed in shops and marketed? How households act in organising their purchases and consumption? From a microhistorical case studies, this richly illustrated anthology widens the perspective to social, economic and cultural practices in everyday urban life. The chapters demonstrate how shopping streets and shops with their range of silk fabrics, accessories, fashion plates, blacksmithing, wigs and hair pomades not only met the desires of consumers, but also enabled dreams of novel identities and social accession for themselves and their families.
    Keywords: Nineteenth century; Eighteenth century; Material culture; Consumption; Retailing; Shopping ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFC Cultural studies::JFCD Material culture ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFS Social groups::JFSG Urban communities ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social and cultural anthropology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies::JBCC2 Material culture ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSD Urban communities ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Swedish
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  • 12
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Cultural heritage is not just something from the past, but always also reflects contemporary needs and desires. In the Traces of the Cold War describes the making of a diverse and innovative Swedish military heritage. The book shows how memories and material remains from a period characterized by fear and geopolitical tensions are infused with new meanings when bunkers, decommissioned military facilities and technology are transformed into luxury housing, attractive tourist destinations and museum exhibitions.Through field-visits to military heritage sites across Sweden, the authors examine what material objects, narratives and emotions that today represent the Cold War. These examinations show how military structures and equipment from a time associated with threat and danger become captivating elements of the cultural heritage, while also communicating specific ideas regarding security and protection.In the Traces of the Cold War takes a novel approach to cultural heritage by relating collective memory-making to security policy. Based on theoretical perspectives from critical heritage studies (CHS) and feminist international relations (IR), the analysis focuses on constructions of national belonging and underlines the role of gender and sexuality in narrations of security and protection.In a democracy, the subject of military violence must always be a matter of ethical and political conversations. Setting out from this assumption, the authors critically discuss how Cold War heritagisation produces militarization as “natural" and necessary. The book invites reflection on how history is written as well as on what the requirements are for a safe and secure society.In the Traces of the Cold War presents the results from an interdisciplinary research project. The authors are all researchers at Stockholm University and have written the book together.
    Keywords: Architecture & Architectural History ; International Relations ; Security Studies ; Political Science ; Gender Studies ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMX History of architecture ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPS International relations ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups
    Language: Swedish
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  • 13
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: It is well known that Sweden once had a state institute for racial biology, as well as that extensive racial research was conducted in Sweden during the first decades of the 20th century. But what actually happened to Swedish race research after the 1930s - did it just disappear? In The science that disappeared? historian Martin Ericsson conducts the first systematic survey of Swedish race research from the mid-1930s to the early 1970s. It is a story of a racial science that survived the horrors of World War II and endured longer than we might like to believe as criticism grew in the post-war period. And about the Norwegian Institute for Racial Biology, which was never shut down, but lived on in a different form and under a different name. Ericsson shows that there was not a single Swedish racial research tradition, but two. One was based on the first director of the Institute of Racial Biology, Herman Lundborg, and had clear connections to Nazism and other extreme right-wing movements. The second can be said to be based on Lundborg's successor Gunnar Dahlberg and was instead anti-Nazi and in some cases even anti-racist. But both traditions agreed that there were different human races and that it made sense to try to measure differences between them. By following the Swedish race research until the end of the 20th century, the book also raises important questions about our own time and its interest in ""origin"" and ""descent"". How fundamentally different are today's dna analyzes from the old racial research traditions? What if we risk asking the same questions as 1930s racial biology stuck with new techniques?
    Keywords: Gunnar Dahlberg; Herman Lundborg; genetics; physical anthropology; anti-racism; scientific racism ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KJ Business and Management::KJM Management and management techniques::KJMK Knowledge management ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDX History of science
    Language: Swedish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 14
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Narratives about northern Sweden are often narratives about nature. This has been true throughout history and is still true today. Different ways of understanding nature have become intertwined with the place and the people who live there. The nature in northern Sweden can be magnificent and impressive, but it can also be desolate, threatening and dangerous. A dominant image of nature in northern Sweden - then as now - is the image of resources, assets. The overall aim of the study is to shed light on the role of nature in linguistic place-making in northern Sweden with a particular focus on the settler colonization during the 18th and 19th centuries. Through a selection of text sources, nature’s central place in the story of the colonization, of the place, its history, change and future is highlighted. The texts that are analyzed are the two journals in which Petrus Læstadius described his work as a missionary in Lapland, as well as Olov Petter Pettersson's detailed description of the settler colonization in the work Gamla byar i Vilhelmina. The settler colonization took place in areas with Sami presence and history and this study connects to the research field of Settler Colonial Studies in a critical discussion of the linguistic place-making in the texts. One of the aims of the study is to also shed light on the connections that exist between the settler colonization depicted in the texts, and the linguistic place-making with nature at the center that is ongoing in northern Sweden today.
    Keywords: Sami Studies; Travel Narrative; Oral History; Social Constructions of Nature; Linguistic Placemaking; Settler Colonization of Northern Scandinavia ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CB Language: reference and general ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics::CFB Sociolinguistics ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTD Oral history ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2F Ural-Altaic and Hyperborean languages::2FC Finno-Ugric languages::2FCL Sami ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art ; thema EDItEUR::6 Style qualifiers::6C Styles (C)::6CP Colonial style
    Language: Swedish
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  • 15
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Accessibility to art and cultural activities is a topic with increasing attention. Most municipalities in the Scandinavian countries have kulturskoler (extra curricular schools of music and performing arts) that offer training and experiences in – and through – art and culture subjects for children and young people. But the users of these institutions are not representative for the society around them. The majority of the children and young people who actually use the kulturskole come from middle-class homes and have well-educated parents. There is therefore an increasing and absolutely necessary attention in the municipalities on how kulturskoler can reach new target groups, ensure more fair representation and develop as institutions being inclusive forces in the local community. The development project ""Kulturskolen as an inclusive force in the local community (KIL)"" had this focus. In this anthology, there are nine independent peer-reviewed research articles with topics that are relevant for those municipalities wanting to develop their potential as inclusive forces further. The book is suitable for both researchers, students or teachers associated with the didactic field of art, but also kulturskole leaders, elementary school teachers and others who are interested in how the kulturskole can function as an inclusive force in the local community
    Description: Tilgjengelighet til kunst og kulturaktivitet er et tema med økende oppmerksomhet. De fleste kommuner i de skandinaviske landene har musikk- og kulturskoler som tilbyr opplæring og opplevelser i og gjennom kunst- og kulturfag for barn og unge. Men kulturskoleelevene avspeiler ikke samfunnet rundt, for størstedelen av de barn og unge som faktisk bruker kulturskolene kommer fra middelklassehjem og har godt utdannede foreldre. Det er derfor et økende og helt nødvendig søkelys på hvordan kulturskolene kan nå nye målgrupper og sikre en bedre representasjon. Utviklingsprosjektet Kulturskolen som inkluderende kraft i lokalsamfunnet (KIL) hadde dette søkelyset. I denne antologien finnes ni selvstendige fagfellevurderte forskningsartikler med tematikk som er relevant for å kunne utvikle dette potensialet videre. Boken passer for både forskere, studenter eller lærere tilknyttet det kunstfagdidaktiske utdanningsfeltet, men også kulturskoleledere, lærere og andre som interesserer seg for hvordan kulturskolen kan bli en inkluderende kraft.
    Keywords: school of music and performing arts, music school, arts education, inclusion, cultural diversity, action learning, skole for musikk og scenekunst, musikkskole, kunstutdanning, inkludering, kulturelt mangfold, aksjonslæring ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATQ Dance ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATX Other performing arts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools and pre-schools
    Language: Norwegian , Swedish , Danish
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 2024-04-07
    Description: How are school meals organized in the Scandinavian countries? And in what ways can new pedagogical practice lead to better school meal programs for students and a better understanding of the importance, for health and sustainable development, of the food offered through schools? Learning Through Food and Meals in Primary School takes a look at school meal programs in Denmark, Sweden and Norway with the objective of providing educators and teacher-education students an understanding of school meals from public health and nutritional perspectives, as well as a sense of the potential for teaching through school meals. The book is written in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian, and is structured in three parts, presenting new research from each of the three countries. Thematically, the chapters range from studies of different school meal initiatives to analyses of the social, democratic, and pedagogical significance of school meals. Through the different contributions, the book presents both experiences of how teaching through food can be done in a practical sense and an argument for its importance in an overall pedagogical and didactic perspective. The book will be relevant for anyone who is interested in food and meals served in primary schools, such as teachers, researchers, politicians and school administrators. The authors include researchers, educators and primary school administrators. Learning Through Food and Meals in Primary School has been edited by Dorte Ruge (UCL University College, Denmark), Frøydis Nordgård Vik (University of Agder, Norway), and Johanna Björklund and Sara Frödén (Örebro University, Sweden). The anthology has been made possible with the support of Nordplus Horisontal, project LEARNFOOD. The illustrations on the cover of the book are by Elisabeth Werngren (Sweden) and Marie Madsen (Denmark).
    Description: Hvordan er skolemåltiderne organiseret i de skandinaviske lande? Og på hvilken måde kan ny pædagogisk praksis give eleverne et bedre skolemadstilbud og en bedre forståelse af skolemadens betydning for sundhed og bæredygtig udvikling? Læring gennem mad og måltider i grundskolen præsenterer viden om skolemad fra Danmark, Sverige og Norge. Formålet med antologien er at give pædagoger, lærere og studerende indenfor læreruddannelse, folkesundhed og ernæring viden om skolemad, og om hvad læring gennem måltider kan være. Bogen er skrevet på dansk, svensk og norsk. Den er inddelt i tre dele, som præsenterer ny forskning fra hvert enkelt land. Tematisk spænder indholdet fra studier af forskellige skolemadsordninger til forskning i skolemåltidernes sociale, demokratiske og pædagogiske betydning. Gennem de forskellige bidrag præsenterer bogen både erfaringer med, hvordan læring gennem skolemåltider kan foregå i praksis, og en begrundelse for, hvorfor dette er vigtigt i et helhedsorienteret pædagogisk og didaktisk perspektiv. Bogen er relevant for alle, som er optaget af mad og skolemåltider i grundskolen, herunder lærere, forskere, politikere, skoleledere og rektorer. Forfatterne omfatter både forskere og lærere, pædagoger og skoleledere i grundskolen. Læring gennem mad og måltider i grundskolen er redigeret af Dorte Ruge (UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, Danmark), Frøydis Nordgård Vik (Universitetet i Agder, Norge) samt Johanna Björklund og Sara Frödén (Örebro Universitet, Sverige). Antologien er støttet af Nordplus Horisontal, projekt LEARNFOOD. Illustrationer på omslag er udarbejdet af Elisabeth Werngren (Sverige) og Marie Madsen (Danmark).
    Keywords: food education ; social learning ; social equality ; school meals ; free school meals ; whole school approach ; health promotion ; sustainability ; pedagogy ; maddannelse ; social læring ; social lighed ; skolemad ; gratis skolemad ; helhedsorienteret tilgang ; sundhedsfremme ; bæredygtighed ; pædagogik ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies::JBCC4 Cultural studies: food and society ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools and pre-schools::JNLB Primary and middle schools
    Language: Danish , Swedish , Norwegian
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  • 17
    Publication Date: 2024-03-28
    Description: Vanliga uppfattningar i diskussioner om kvinnornas roll under medeltiden är att de utgjorde "brickor i männens politiska spel" eller att de i första hand verkade som förmedlare av makt. I denna antologi studeras dock maktens olika uttrycksformer genom att fokus förflyttas från politisk och ekonomisk maktutövning kontrollerad av män till ett interaktionistiskt synsätt baserat på samspelet och kommunikationen mellan könen. Genom att se på genus som ett totalt socialt fenomen omfattande det medeltida samhällets alla sfärer öppnas möjligheter att undersöka hur makten verkade på olika nivåer inom samhällsstrukturen. Makten betraktas därmed varken som utgående från ett centrum eller helt dominerad av ett kön. I boken diskuterar forskare tillhörande olika discipliner såsom historia, konstvetenskap och litteraturvetenskap hur samverkan mellan könen tog sig uttryck inom kulturen, rättssamhället och den sociala organisationen. Bidragen behandlar inte bara Norden utan även hur könskonstruktioner påverkades och förändrades genom inflytande från samtida kulturella, juridiska och ideologiska strömningar i Europa. *** In discussions relating to their role during the Middle Ages, women are typically assumed to only have been “pawns in a political game dominated by men", or to have primarily acted as intermediaries of power. In this book, however, the varying expressions of power are studied by changing the focus from a political and economic exercise of power controlled by men, to an approach based on interaction and communication between the sexes. In this volume, gender is instead interpreted as a total social phenomenon comprising all spheres of medieval society. This approach provides new opportunities to investigate how power operated on different levels within a societal structure. Thus, power is neither seen as emanating from a centre nor as dominated by only one sex. Instead, it is regarded as an all-embracing societal web, woven through threads of mutual dependence between men and women. In this book, scholars belonging to various disciplines, such as history, history of arts and literary history, discuss how cooperation between the sexes found expression in culture, judicial spheres and social organisation. The contributions do not only consider the Nordic countries, but also how gender constructions were affected by, and transformed through, the influence of contemporary cultural, juridical and ideological currents in Europe.
    Keywords: Gender Studies ; Architecture & Architectural History ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMX History of architecture
    Language: Swedish
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  • 18
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-03
    Description: Today's mathematics education has an impact even outside the confines of the classroom, not least through the relevance of mathematics in culture, economics, politics and in relation to power. Sociopolitical perspectives in mathematics didactic research provide insights into how education in mathematics is social and political. Research based on these perspectives suggests both critical questioning and not-yet-imagined possibilities for content, teaching, policy and further research. This book introduces, for a larger Swedish audience, the research orientations and strategies that sociopolitical perspectives have to offer. In the book, this is illustrated in several ways. The chapters describe current research on the socio-political challenges of mathematics education in several different contexts, e.g. classrooms, after-school programs, curricula, mathematics teacher education and even mathematics education research. In this way, perspectives are broadened to groups of people, institutions and forces, which constitute a network of mathematics education practice. The chapters present different philosophical and empirical studies, based on theoretical tools from philosophy, social science and cultural studies, critical studies of education and socio-cultural-political studies of mathematics education. Methodological and analytical strategies such as text and discourse analysis and case studies of practice are used. In this way, opportunities to research mathematics education based on socio-political perspectives are illustrated. The chapters use various writing styles which invite the reader into the world of research. Thus, the reader will encounter different ways of thinking about the role of mathematics education in the creation of modern Swedish society.
    Keywords: Mathematics education; Critical mathematics education; Inclusion and exclusion in education; Power and politics; School mathematics ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies and policy ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNB History of education ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PB Mathematics
    Language: Swedish
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 2024-05-12
    Description: Music plays an important role in many religions and in a variety of religious contexts. Music and Religion: Texts on Music in Religion and Religion in Music takes a look at the intersections between music and religion. We experience religion in music, and in religion we encounter musical expression. Although music and religion are unquestionably mutually pervasive, we can also come across gaps between them: Is it possible to move beyond a musical experience toward a religious one without having to hop over this gap? And is there any direct route from religion into music as an acoustic phenomenon? Without a religious interpretation of the music remaining? There is a wealth of research about music and religion, but little on how they meet. That is what this anthology seeks to remedy. Music and Religion will be relevant for anyone with an interest in encounters between these two phenomena. It will be especially relevant for students in performing, composing and scientific music education, as well as theology and religious studies. The anthology has been edited by Henrik Holm (associate professor in education at Oslo Metropolitan University and professor in philosophy at Rudolf Steiner University College) and Øivind Varkøy (professor in music education and music sciences at the Norwegian Academy of Music and professor II in music at Oslo Metropolitan University).
    Description: Musikk spiller en stor rolle i ulike religioner og ulike religiøse sammenhenger. Musikk og religion: Tekster om musikk i religion og religion i musikk setter søkelyset på møtepunkter mellom musikk og religion. Mennesker erfarer religion i musikken, og i religionen møter mennesket i musikalske uttrykk. Selv om musikk og religion utvilsomt gjennomtrenger hverandre, kan vi også støte på gap mellom dem: Er det mulig å overskride en musikalsk erfaring henimot det religiøse uten å måtte hoppe over dette gapet? Og finnes det en vei fra religionen direkte inn i musikken som klangfenomen? Forblir det ikke bare en religiøs fortolkning av musikk? Det finnes mye forskning på musikk og religion, men lite om hvordan de møtes. Denne antologien forsøker å gjøre noe med dette. Musikk og religion retter seg mot alle med interesse for møter mellom disse to livsfenomener. Den vil være særlig aktuell for studenter innenfor utøvende, skapende og vitenskapelige musikkutdanninger, teologi og religionsvitenskap. Boken er redigert av Henrik Holm (førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk, OsloMet, og professor i filosofi, Steinerhøyskolen), og Øivind Varkøy (professor i musikkpedagogikk og musikkvitenskap, Norges musikkhøgskole, og professor II i musikk, OsloMet).
    Keywords: music, aesthetic experiences of religious music, religious expressions of music in the presence and the past, theology, musikk, religion, estetiske erfaringer av religiøs musikk, religiøse musikkuttrykk i nåtid og fortid, teologi ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVA Theory of music and musicology ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVL Music: styles and genres::AVLK Sacred and religious music ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRM Christianity ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRV Aspects of religion::QRVK Spirituality and religious experience ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRJ Judaism ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRV Aspects of religion::QRVJ Prayers and liturgical material::QRVJ1 Worship, rites, ceremonies and rituals ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRA Religion: general::QRAB Philosophy of religion
    Language: English , Norwegian , Swedish
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender and queer have long been a sensitive topic in Christian churches. As society has changed, some denominations have become increasingly affirming, while others see the changes as incompatible with Christian values. A Conditional Community is based on in-depth interviews with 29 lgbtq Christians and is the first Swedish scientific study on the subject. Using a phenomenological approach, the author investigate how sexuality, intimacy and faith are experienced by the interviewees and how their Christian identity interacts with their identity as lgbtq people. A Conditional Community is aimed at teachers, researchers and students in fields such as religious studies, sexology, gender studies and psychology. The book is also of interest to professionals who require knowledge on the subject, such as pastors and therapists. Furthermore, it can serve as a basis for discussions and reflection on faith, sexuality and lgbtq in the Free Church contexts.
    Keywords: queer; genus; fenomenologi; Frikyrklig kristendom; Hbtq; sexualitet ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JM Psychology ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPJ Educational: Humanities and social sciences, general::YPJN Educational: Religious studies ; thema EDItEUR::V Health, Relationships and Personal development::VF Family and health::VFV Relationships and families: advice and issues::VFVC Sex and sexuality: advice and issues ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRV Aspects of religion::QRVG Theology
    Language: Swedish
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  • 21
    Kriterium | Kriterium
    Publication Date: 2024-03-30
    Description: During the first half of the twentieth century, the industrialization of Sweden was completed. A substantial proportion of the population resided in cities. What did the life courses of these people actually look like? In this book, four researchers have studied a random sample of men and women in Gothenburg, tracing their movements through the various phases of life, and between residences, working places and occupations. It is an account of important events in the lives of ordinary people during a period when much of the modern society was formed.
    Keywords: Twentieth century ; Labour market ; Housing market ; Life courses ; Careers ; Labour mobility ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTP Historical geography ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBL Sociology: work and labour ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTB Social and cultural history
    Language: Swedish
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  • 22
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: The anthology Theoretical applications in art science demonstrates, presents and problematizes the application of semiotic theory to art science study objects. The central ambition is to discuss and exemplify the specific questions and problems that semiotics' encounter with objects of study in art studies gives rise to. These include questions about visual communication and visual codes, materiality and mediality as well as in other contexts overlooked aspects of the sign, as well as the historicity of the sign and thus the interpretation. The anthology's six chapters include studies of contemporary fashion photography and sculpture, pre- and post-industrial furniture, 17th- and 19th-century oil painting, and 19th-century press images.
    Keywords: Konstvetenskap; Visuell semiotik; Bildsemiotik ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YB Children’s: picture books, activity books, early learning concepts::YBC Children’s picture books ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics ; thema EDItEUR::U Computing and Information Technology::UY Computer science::UYZ Human–computer interaction::UYZF Information visualization
    Language: Swedish
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  • 23
    Kriterium | Kriterium
    Publication Date: 2022-01-21
    Description: In this book, researchers from different disciplines take the reader on a stroll among forgotten, hidden and exposed rooms in 19th and 20th century’s Stockholm. Confectioneries and kitchen entrances, brothels, shop windows and urinal tell of a lost city where boundaries between male and female, public and private, dirty and clean are both sharpened and challenged.
    Keywords: Borders of the city ; Collaboration between cultural institutions and researchers ; Gendered spaces ; Modernity ; Urban cultural heritage ; History of Stockholm ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFC Cultural studies ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History::HBT History: specific events & topics::HBTB Social & cultural history ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHM Anthropology::JHMC Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ; bic Book Industry Communication::G Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects::GM Museology & heritage studies ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFS Social groups::JFSG Urban communities
    Language: Swedish
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  • 24
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: This anthology is a conclusion of the research results from a four-year VR project called Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland - a holistic study of a World Heritage (2014–2017). Decorative painted interiors and furniture as well as patterned interior textiles during 1700–1870 have been investigated with a combination of methods from both the humanities and the natural sciences. The purpose has been to obtain new and in-depth knowledge of paint, dyes and other raw materials and techniques used in the manufacture of artefacts and interiors in the farmhouses in this region. Through the study, an increased understanding of the local availability of paint material and the trade at that time has been obtained. In addition, detailed knowledge of the originators of the interiors has been generated. The project thus adds new knowledge for further investigation of cultural, social and economic contexts and conditions for the interior design culture that emerged and was formed in Hälsingland farms during the 18th and 19th centuries.
    Keywords: hälsingegård; inredningstextil; möbelmåleri; väggmåleri; inredningskultur; folkkonst ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics::ABC Conservation, restoration and care of artworks ; thema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning::RN The environment::RNK Conservation of the environment ; thema EDItEUR::6 Style qualifiers::6A Styles (A)::6AF Arts and Crafts ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies::JBCC2 Material culture
    Language: Swedish
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  • 25
    Universitetskanslersämbetets publikationer | Universitetskanslersämbetets publikationer
    Publication Date: 2022-12-06
    Description: In the past eighty years, the Swedish university and higher education sector has undergone major changes. The conditions for conducting higher education and research have fundamentally changed. Universities and colleges have evolved from narrow elite institutions to educating large sections of the population and have increasingly attracted the interest of politics. They are located throughout the country and have gradually been assigned greater and greater resources and responsibilities. The majority of publicly funded research is currently conducted at the country's universities. At the same time, the sector's development has been characterized by considerable continuity. It is impossible to understand the structure of today's Swedish higher education landscape without taking into account the background and historical development of the universities and colleges. This report deals with developments in the period 1940–2020. The starting point is the state's reforms in higher education and research. It is both about broad, overarching reforms that affected large parts of the activities at universities and colleges in one context and about the continuous adaptation of regulations and systems. The purpose is to draw an overview of the development of the modern Swedish university. The report is primarily aimed at people working at universities and authorities, but also at politicians and people from the interested public who want to know more about the background to today's university and college system and why it looks the way it does. The report has been prepared by the University Chancellor's Office, as part of the mission to follow developments in Swedish higher education and research. The University Chancellor's Office also annually publishes up-to-date statistics on the Swedish university and a large number of reports on various themes.
    Keywords: Historia ; Högskoleväsendet ; Högskolan ; Universitet ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies & policy ; bic Book Industry Communication::G Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects::GP Research & information: general ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher & further education, tertiary education::JNMH Colleges of higher education ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History
    Language: Swedish
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: This book investigates a unique collection of letters: the many thousands of letters to Selma Lagerlöf from the public. During 1891 to 1940 people from all layers of society wrote to the famous author about their lives, and about their reading of her narratives. How did these people use literature, and how did they view the author, Selma Lagerlöf, in a time of change?
    Keywords: Celebrity; Selma Lagerlöf; 20th Century; Letters; Reading ; thema EDItEUR::W Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure::WF Handicrafts, decorative arts and crafts::WFT Book and paper crafts ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJC Language learning: specific skills::CJCR Language learning: reading skills ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English ; thema EDItEUR::4 Educational purpose qualifiers::4L For language learning courses and examinations::4LE For ELT / ESL learning, courses, examinations and certificates ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general
    Language: Swedish
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  • 27
    Kriterium | Kriterium
    Publication Date: 2022-05-12
    Description: How is class depicted in Swedish contemporary literature, and what can it teach us about contemporary society? In Doing Class, literary scholar Åsa Arping tries new pathways into the broad, mainly realistic Swedish novels of recent decades. She finds class-coded actions, thoughts and emotions even outside the traditional working-class literature, and explores how the story of class deepens when it is put into dialogue with other categories, such as gender, age and ethnicity/racialization. Through reflections on the last twenty years of prose publishing, from Torbjörn Flygt's Underdog (2001) to Donia Saleh's Ya Leila (2020), the study shows how literature shapes and discusses the increasingly obscure class concept, where perceptions of work, identity, lifestyle and welfare state are rapidly changing.
    Keywords: Donia Saleh ; Wanda Bendjelloul ; Evin Ahmad ; Negar Naseh ; Isabelle Ståhl ; Sara Kadefors ; Måns Wadensjö ; Jack Hildén ; Sara Beischer ; Kristina Sandberg ; Åsa Linderborg ; Torbjörn Flygt ; Susanna Alakoski ; Respectability ; Class ; Swedish contemporary fiction (2001–2020) ; Intersectionality ; Affect ; bic Book Industry Communication::K Economics, finance, business & management::KC Economics::KCP Political economy ; bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies::DS Literature: history & criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHB Sociology
    Language: Swedish
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  • 28
    Kriterium | Kriterium
    Publication Date: 2022-06-22
    Description: Military preparedness and war have so far been regarded as the domain of male authors in Swedish literature, especially at the time of the Second World War. But what happens if we turn our attention to the female authors of the 1940s? Kristin Järvstad’s study shows how their texts as well focus to a large extent on subjects related to military preparedness and war. A variety of topics can be found in the novels by the female writers, ranging from stories about female air guards who protect the Swedish border to female pacifists who find it necessary to kill for the sake of peace. The soldier figure in these texts also takes a radical stand when he as a deserter lays down his arms to protest against the war. In addition, one of the most charged subjects of the time linked to gender is treated from a unique perspective: the women who consort with the occupying enemy are pictured without the condemning attitude that characterizes the period in general. The most urgent question, however, concerns alienation, linked to race: who is actually included in the Swedish nation? Here, the texts display a scathing critique of the narrow-minded Swedes and the anti-Semitism that flourishes at that time. By analysing female authors’ depictions of the 1940s, During Military Preparedness and War deepens the previous picture of this period in Swedish literature. The writers explored in this investigation express a profound and often critical commitment to the issue of war and violence, linked to gender and alienation. The most radical literary message of the period can also be found among their novels: the demand for the dissolution of the militaristic and patriarchal nation which strives to expand its territory without regard for human life.
    Keywords: Elsa af Trolle ; Kerstin Tibell ; Margit Söderholm ; Margareta Suber ; Marika Stiernstedt ; Greta von Schoultz ; Gunnel Nyblom ; Gertrud Lilja ; Märta Leijon ; Linda Larsson ; Birgit Key-Åberg ; Karin Juel ; Gurli Hertzman-Ericson ; Carin Fischer-Hugne ; Dagmar Edqvist ; Irja Browallius ; Cajs Alstermark ; Intersectionality ; (Anti)violence ; (Trans)nationalism ; Female authors ; Second World War fiction ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFS Social groups::JFSJ Gender studies, gender groups ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History ; bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies
    Language: Swedish
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  • 29
    Stockholm University Press | Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: The flow of literature from Sweden to France is unlike anything else. Canonized authors such as August Strindberg and Selma Lagerlöf have been surprisingly successful in translating into French. The same applies to later high-prestige literature by Torgny Lindgren and P O Enquist. French publishers were also among the first to discover the Swedish detective story writers. The rights to Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy were bought by a French publisher before the novels began to be published in Swedish. Children's literature, on the other hand, perhaps Sweden's foremost contribution to world literature, had a late breakthrough in the French book market. This also applies to Astrid Lindgren, the incomparably most successful of all authors translated from Swedish. Why did Swedish fiction receive this particular reception in France? This book describes how Swedish literature has been translated into French, with a special focus on the period after 1945. During this period, the number of editions of Swedish fiction in French has increased tenfold. Which translators, publishers and other actors have contributed to this development? How have they reasoned and acted to promote the interests of Swedish literature? What types of literature and authorship have been particularly successful? These questions are answered on the basis of comprehensive statistics based on the latest bibliographic lists. The book also discusses the theoretical conditions for this type of study. The leading researchers in world literature research - Pascale Casanova, David Damrosch and Franco Moretti - are related to a literary sociological study of the book's communities.
    Keywords: Literature on export ; Litteraturexport ; Översättning ; French book market ; Fransk bokmarknad ; Swedish fiction ; Svensk skönlitteratur ; Translation ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDK Science funding and policy ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDM Scientific research ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics::CFP Translation and interpretation ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPC Educational: Language, literature and literacy::YPCK Educational: Modern (non-native or second) languages::YPCK9 Educational: Modern (non-native or second) languages: Literature studies
    Language: Swedish
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: This study investigates the pictorial world of the medieval Vadstena Abbey church. The interior of the church was filled with altars and images that had the three separated groups of viewers in mind: the 60 nuns, the 25 conventual brothers and the numerous pilgrims coming to visit the shrine of Saint Birgitta. The pilgrims faced a pictorial message where the role of saint Birgitta was emphasized, but still one among all the other saints. The images directed to the nuns and the brothers accentuated the role of the Virgin Mary as the exemplarily follower of Christ. Furthermore, all the church interior was furnished to enhance the position of the nuns, i.e. that this monastic foundation was made primarily for women.
    Keywords: Book illumination; Textile history; Medieval monasticism; Saint Birgitta; Medieval art; Vadstena Abbey ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::W Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure::WC Antiques, vintage and collectables::WCS Antiques, vintage and collectables: books, manuscripts, ephemera and printed matter ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRV Aspects of religion::QRVK Spirituality and religious experience ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AK Design, Industrial and commercial arts, illustration::AKT Fashion and textile design ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art
    Language: Swedish
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  • 31
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: This book is about the historical sciences' way of producing knowledge by contextualizing. It is aimed primarily at students and researchers in the humanities disciplines who work with historical perspectives. The book's ambition is to bring the reader into the actual making and show how contextualisation is an important element in historical studies at all levels. The book thus hopes to stimulate increased reflection and discussion about how we proceed when we interpret, create or reinterpret historical, cultural and social contexts. The book firstly provides an introduction to what contextualization can be and do when we encounter the past in the form of texts, images or artifacts. From the very first day at the university, students in historical disciplines end up in such meetings. Therefore, the first four chapters of the book are primarily aimed at students in the introductory semesters. What does it really mean to analyze, synthesize, contextualize or criticize - and how do the ways of working with the past relate to each other? And further, what historical times are we working with: do we read source material from our own horizons or from those of the historical actors? Is the source material part of a long story or a short one? And who decides the answer to such questions? Secondly, the book provides an in-depth discussion of the role of contextualisation when we create new historical knowledge. The book's later chapters ask questions about how contextualisation relates to historical theory and method, and sheds light on the activity of creating, arguing for, and reconsidering the contexts that give meaning and significance to historical source material. The most central lesson the book wants to convey is that contextualization is an ongoing activity. Human horizons of understanding are constantly moving in step with contemporary knowledge interests. There will always be new ways of understanding historical expressions, and that is one reason why historical studies form an important part of society's common knowledge base.
    Keywords: Pedagogy; Historical writing; Historical theory and method; Contextualization ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDX History of science
    Language: Swedish
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: There is a strong narrative on how the humanities were marginalized in postwar Sweden: in the land of engineers, technocrats and social scientists, there was no room for erudition, philosophy and history. This book challenges such a notion and shows how clearly the humanities were present in the public sphere of the time. By applying perspectives from the history of knowledge, the authors illustrate how humanists were key figures in the welfare society’s culture and politics, media and book market, education and intellectual debate. At the heart of the book is the public sphere of the 1960s and 1970s. In a first part, the authors highlight how humanists played a decisive role in the young television’s educational program as well as in the popular science paperback publishing of the time and on the essay pages in the newspapers. In a second part, attention is drawn to the humanities’ place in the Christian cultural sphere, the labour movement’s education work and the New Left’s book cafés. We meet people like Per I. Gedin, Gunnel Vallquist and Jan-Öjvind Swahn, but also TV producers, study circle organizers, translators of radical non-fiction and many others. They all helped to set humanistic knowledge in motion during the postwar decades. Against an international background, the image of a humanistic knowledge system with deep roots and wide connections in Swedish society emerges. It is about these actors and arenas of knowledge that this book is about.
    Keywords: The humanities; Public sphere; History of knowledge; Knowledge; History ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPJ Educational: Humanities and social sciences, general::YPJH Educational: History ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KJ Business and Management::KJM Management and management techniques::KJMK Knowledge management ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDX History of science ; thema EDItEUR::L Law::LN Laws of specific jurisdictions and specific areas of law::LNR Intellectual property law ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KN Industry and industrial studies::KNT Media, entertainment, information and communication industries
    Language: Swedish
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  • 33
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: This book deals with two research fields and brings them together: contrastive linguistics and third language acquisition. The book describes the following linguistic structures in Dutch and Swedish from a contrastive perspective: spatial adverbs, copula, impersonal passives, impersonal constructions and finally the posture verbs stand, zit and lie. Dutch and Swedish are usually acquired as a third language and not as a second language, which implies that learners already comprehend various other languages. When learning a language these multilingual learners have developed certain strategies which draw on their competence in earlier studied languages. In the process of learning a third language, metalinguistic and cross-linguistic awareness play an important role. Comparing linguistic structures in two closely related languages as Dutch and Swedish can enhance cross-linguistic awareness and therefore be used as a didactic tool.
    Keywords: Dutch ; Swedish ; Contrastive linguistics ; Third language acquisition ; Cross-linguistic awareness ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics::CFF Historical and comparative linguistics ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Swedish
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    Kriterium | Kriterium
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: In recent years, ideas of conscience and the liberty of conscience have become ever more salient in public discourse. Historically, these concepts have been used to mark out a certain scope of freedom and protection in moral, political and legal conflicts. In our time, individual conscience is frequently used to legitimate objections to, for instance, military service and medical interventions like abortion and vaccination. So too in Sweden – a country widely described as one of the most modern and secularized societies in the world. In this volume, a group of researchers in history, human rights, law, ethics and sociology of religion address some of the most central issues around conscience and the liberty of conscience in Sweden from the middle ages to the present. By situating conscience and liberty in wider intellectual, social and political settings, the essays provide alternative ways of thinking about the most intractable problems surrounding these concepts – the relationship between law and morality, the tension between individual and collective freedom, as well as the role of religion in public affairs. This volume will create new avenues of research for scholars and students interested in challenges related to conscience and liberty: both those in ethics, politics and law seeking a historical perspective, and those in history who want to tie their studies to the present.
    Keywords: Scandinavian History ; Freedom of Conscience ; Conscience ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTB Social and cultural history ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDT Topics in philosophy::QDTQ Ethics and moral philosophy ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies::JBCC9 History of ideas ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPV Political control and freedoms::JPVH Human rights, civil rights ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACS Scandinavian languages
    Language: Swedish
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  • 35
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing) | Trender for idrettspsykologisk forskning i Skandinavia
    Publication Date: 2022-05-02
    Description: Sporting and sport psychological accomplishments are an important part of Scandinavian culture. Psychological factors have been demonstrated to have a major impact on both participation and achievements in sport. Sport psychology is about precisely these factors. The diversity of sport psychology research in Scandinavia is presented for the first time in this scholarly volume. Contributors from key sport psychology research teams in Sweden, Denmark and Norway present resarch covering a wide range of issues in the book’s twelve chapters. By publishing the contributions collectively as an Open Access anthology, the authors wish to reach researchers in the field of sport psychology, sport psychology advisers and professionals throughout Scandinavia. The volume will also be relevant to anyone with any interest in sport. The editors of the book are Tommy Haugen and Rune Høigaard, who are both affiliated with the Department of Public Health, Sport and Nutrition in the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Agder.
    Description: Idrett og idrettspsykologiske prestasjoner er en viktig del av den skandinaviske kulturen. Psykologiske faktorer har vist seg å ha stor betydning for både deltagelse og prestasjoner i idrett. Idrettspsykologi handler om nettopp disse faktorene. I denne vitenskapelige antologien presenteres for første gang mangfoldet i den idrettspsykologiske forskningen i Skandinavia. Gjennom tolv kapitler illustrerer bidragsytere fra sentrale idrettspsykologiske forskningsmiljøer i Sverige, Danmark og Norge forskning på et vidt spekter av problemstillinger. Ved å publisere bidragene samlet som en Open Access-antologi ønsker forfatterne å nå forskere innenfor idrettspsykologi-feltet, idrettspsykologiske rådgivere og fagpersoner i alle de skandinaviske landene. Antologien vil også være interessant for alle som er interessert i idrett. Redaktører for boka er Tommy Haugen og Rune Høigaard, begge fra Institutt for folkehelse, idrett og ernæring, Fakultet for helse- og idrettsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder.
    Keywords: injury ; sport ; communication ; stress symptoms ; academy player ; soccer ; psychology ; skada ; kommunikation ; stressymptom ; akademifotbollsspelare ; fotboll ; psykologi. ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology
    Language: Swedish
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  • 36
    Ubiquity Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: What should a university be? How can universities make a sounder and more lasting contribution to better lives and better societies in a globalised world? From a Swedish perspective, this new book challenges current ideas about what higher education is for. It presents fifteen principles for future development that range from a discussion of the nature of knowledge to the responsibility of the university in the development of society. Universities must become better at allowing and encouraging students to develop independence of thought and action through self-formation, bildung, and personal growth rather than merely preparing them for a specific job, the books says, using a historical perspective to consider these issues.
    Keywords: philosophy of education ; academic teaching and learning ; higher education policy development ; higher education design and administration ; higher education and society ; higher education ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy & theory of education ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher & further education, tertiary education::JNMN Universities ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher education, tertiary education
    Language: Swedish
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  • 37
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: "Same-sex love was forbidden by law until 1944, and in culture it continued to be taboo, but it has always existed there. The prohibition created tensions which art and literature could play with. Narratives about forbidden love show this through well-known authors such as Agnes von Krusenstjerna, Maria Sandel, Karin Boye and Frida Stéenhoff, and less well-known ones like Gertrud Almqvist, Margareta Suber, Lydia Wahlström and the pseudonym Elsa Gille. The book investigates literary narratives about women’s love for women and the ideas about the forbidden contained in them. What strategies did the authors use to get round the ban on the mention of the topic? Are there any utopian visions of how everything could be arranged in a different and better way? And how does the literature relate to other theories about same-sex love? Berättelser om det förbjudna: Begär mellan kvinnor i svensk litteratur 1900–1935 (“Stories of the Forbidden: Desire between Women in Swedish Literature 1900–1935”) is a free-standing continuation of Kärlekshistoria: Begär mellan kvinnor i 1800-talets litteratur (“Love Story: Desire between Women in Nineteenth-century Literature”, 2008). Together the books span over 100 years of Swedish literary history, making them the most comprehensive study available in the field in Sweden and Scandinavia. Eva Borgström is associate professor of comparative literature and lecturer at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion at the University of Gothenburg. She has formerly worked at the National Secretariat for Gender Research and the Department of Gender Studies.
    Description: Samkönad kärlek var fram till 1944 förbjuden enligt lag och i kulturen var den tabuerad längre än så, men den har ändå alltid funnits där. Förbudet skapade spänningar som konsten och litteraturen kunde spela med. Berättelser om det förbjudna visar detta genom välkända författare som Agnes von Krusenstjerna, Maria Sandel, Karin Boye och Frida Stéenhoff, liksom mindre kända som Gertrud Almqvist, Margareta Suber, Lydia Wahlström och pseudonymen Elsa Gille. Boken undersöker skönlitterära berättelser om kvinnors kärlek till kvinnor och de föreställningar om det förbjudna som finns i dem. Vilka strategier använde författarna för att komma runt yttrandeförbudet? Finns det några utopier om hur allt skulle kunna ordnas på ett annat och bättre sätt? Och hur förhåller sig litteraturen till andra teorier i tiden om samkönad kärlek? Berättelser om det förbjudna. Begär mellan kvinnor i svensk litteratur 1900–1935 är en fristående fortsättning på Kärlekshistoria. Begär mellan kvinnor i 1800-talets litteratur (2008). Tillsammans spänner böckerna över 100 år av svensk litteraturhistoria och utgör därmed den hittills mest omfattande studie på området som finns i Sverige och Norden. Eva Borgström är docent i litteraturvetenskap och lektor vid Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion vid Göteborgs universitet. Tidigare har hon bland annat arbetat på Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning och Institutionen för genusvetenskap. "
    Keywords: women's rights ; karin boye ; swedish literature ; maria sandel ; frida stéenhof ; agnes von krusenstjerna ; sexology ; lesbian studies ; gertrud almqvist ; margareta suber ; lydia wahlström ; elsa gille ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups
    Language: Swedish
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: "Cleaning is central to all societies. It is an experience shared by almost everyone. A clean home is related to both respectability and status. The mere execution of the deed – whether it concerns taking care of other peoples’ dirt or ones’ own – ranks, however, strikingly low, contaminating everyone who has to perform it. Therefore, cleaning is permeated by hierarchies of for instance gender, class, sexuality and race. Even though cleaning activates several existential and politically burning questions, it is surprisingly non-existing in research. The point of departure for this study is anthropological, and the material is a number of interviews with Swedes of today about their habits and experiences of cleaning. In focus are questions of cleaning as a cultural symbol, a bodily practice, temporality, and as an expression of taking care of decay. By investigating the meaning of what cleaning means to people – how it is experienced, organized, and distributed in everyday life – I want to discuss how such a central part of our existence is regarded as something that lacks value."
    Keywords: Feminist ; politics ; Intersectionality ; Queer ; temporality ; Feminist ; theory ; Care ; work ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences
    Language: Swedish
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: "Scientists, engineers, and a free-choice society is a book about control, largely the governing of children and young people in Sweden and the efforts made to persuade them to choose careers—and identities—in science and technology in the period 1950–2000. It is very much part of an interdisciplinary research tradition in which perspectives taken from the history of science and education are combined with theories from the field of governmentality studies. The book begins by describing a new societal problem that confronted Sweden, like so many other Western countries, in the immediate post-war years, namely a lack of engineers and scientists. The period from the outbreak of the Second World War to the mid fifties saw a new appreciation for scientific research and its application in both the military and civilian sectors. With the reconstruction of Europe and the Marshall Plan at its height in the fifties, technology and science became gradually associated with rising industrial productivity and with economic growth in general. By the sixties this had left national employment policy with some markedly pronounced objectives. By the end of the decade, it was obvious that the determination to increase student numbers in science and engineering ran contrary to other political ambitions, and did not sit well with the right of the individual to freedom of choice in education. The attempt to respect people’s autonomy while at the same time enabling more of them study these particular disciplines shaped a distinct set of strategies that made up the ‘positive exercise of power’—what might also be called liberal governing—in which the main idea was to encourage students to come to science and engineering of their own free will. The book goes on to demonstrate how this strategy of governing through individual autonomy would result in a series of specific measures in the seventies and on, including changes to the curricula and teaching materials, which were matched by activities outside the traditional bounds of learning such as a travelling science shows, advertising campaigns, and the construction of science and technology centres. The book also spells out the sheer reach of this recruitment policy. Many leading figures in Sweden set out to encourage people to become scientists and engineers—these were voices heard not only from government quarters, but also from industry and special interest groups. Scientists, engineers and a free-choice society does not set out to answer the question of how best to set about attracting young people into science and technology; rather, it is concerned with how that question has been answered by others, and what impact their responses have had on power relations between society and the individual, and indeed on the place of science and engineering education in the present.
    Description: Naturvetarna, ingenjörerna och valfrihetens samhälle handlar om styrning av framförallt barn och ungdomar i Sverige till att välja naturvetenskap och teknik som utbildning, yrke och identitet mellan åren 1950–2000. Ämnesmässigt befinner sig texten i en tvärvetenskaplig forskningstradition där perspektiv från vetenskapshistoria och utbildningshistoria används tillsammans med teoretisk inspiration från fältet governmentality studies. I boken beskrivs inledningsvis framväxten av en ny samhällelig problembild i Sverige och övriga västvärlden under tidig efterkrigstid, nämligen bristen på ingenjörer och naturvetare. Den period som sträckte sig från andra världskriget krigets utbrott till 1950-­?talets mitt hade sett en ny värdering av vetenskaplig forskning och tillämpning, både från de militära och civila delarna av samhället. I samband med återuppbyggnaden av Europa och den pågående Marshallhjälpen sammankopplades teknik och naturvetenskap alltmer med ökad industriell produktivitet men också med ekonomisk tillväxt. Ovanstående utveckling ledde under 1960-­?talet till att rekryteringspolitiska målsättningar uttalades allt starkare. I slutet av decenniet blev det uppenbart att viljan att höja antalet studerande i teknik och naturvetenskap kom att kollidera med andra utbildningspolitiska ambitioner, framförallt den om individens rätt till ett fritt val av utbildning. I försöken att på samma gång respektera detta självbestämmande och samtidigt skapa fler studerande inom de ovan nämnda disciplinerna växte strategier fram i formen av ett slags ”positiv maktutövning” – vad som också kallas liberalt styre – där den bärande idén var att förmå elever att söka sig till naturvetenskap och teknik av sin egen fria vilja. Boken ger fortsättningsvis prov på hur denna strategi att styra genom individens autonomi frambringade en rad olika specifika påverkanssåtgärder från 1970-­?talet och framåt. Bland dessa återfinns förändrade kursplaner och läromedel, men också insatser utanför den traditionella läromiljön, såsom kringresande vetenskapsshower, reklamkampanjer och uppförandet av teknik-­? och vetenskapscentra. Vad som också framträder i boken är rekryteringspolitikens bredd. Många aktörer i samhället verkade för fler naturvetare och ingenjörer – inte endast på myndighetsnivå utan även inom näringsliv och bland enskilda intresseorganisationer. Naturvetarna, ingenjörerna och valfrihetens samhälle ger inga svar inte på hur fler ungdomar skall förmås bli intresserade av naturvetenskap och teknik. Snarare handlar boken om hur den frågan besvarats av andra och vilka konsekvenser detta har fått för uppkomsten av nya maktrelationer mellan samhälle och individ, men också för de naturvetenskapliga och tekniska utbildningarnas positioner i samtiden."
    Keywords: freedom of choice ; recruitment ; vocational guidance ; education policies ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNU Teaching of a specific subject ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPH Political structure and processes ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDX History of science ; thema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes
    Language: Swedish
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  • 40
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-31
    Description: The book deals with the rise of the professional medical field in Sweden during Middle Ages to 1990s with special focus on the professions which have been active in the field, doctors, nurses and biomedical analysts (previous laboratory assistants). Often books about professions focus on one profession or one important institution but there are none covering the wider professional medical field over time.;The analysis of the professional field departs from acknowledging the social processes which are profound in the development of professional knowledge, power and social order. Why has the medical profession such high status? How come that certain professions have powers over others? What kind of professional knowledge does the medical science contribute with? These are some of the questions this book is aiming to answer, using theory from the tradition of sociology of professions. ;The book gives an overview of the development of the Swedish state and the healthcare system in particular. In addition, it analyses how early organizational traditions, social mobilization and the creation of a common cognitive base both stimulate and limit opportunities for occupations and their professionalization within the field. It contributes to a deepened knowledge about professions which extends the everyday meaning of an occupation. Potential readers are researchers within sociology of professions, university students and professionals within the medical field who have interest in professions and power structures.
    Keywords: Medicine ; Professions ; Health care systems ; Cultural legitimacy ; Medical science ; Professional knowledge ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBX History of medicine ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBS Medical sociology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBL Sociology: work and labour ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBD Medical profession
    Language: Swedish
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  • 41
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: This anthology presents perspectives on teaching and learning in the arts and is relevant for teachers and teacher students in the arts as well as researchers and PhD candidates. The analytical discussions about children, pupils, teachers and students in varying forms of creative education is treated from a variety of theoretical perspectives and offers new ways of thinking about the arts in all forms of education. In the anthology, researchers, senior lecturers and experienced educators discuss research questions about aesthetic expressions, communication, subjects, learning processes and reflections from a practice point of departure. The authors are all employed at or connected to the arts education at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education (HSD) at Stockholm University, Sweden. The book includes descriptions of different research practices such as research by professors and senior lecturers, post docs as well as the reflective writings of teaching personnel. The chapters have all gone through a double-blind peer-review process.
    Keywords: Arts teaching ; Drama teaching ; Music teaching ; Teachers’ training ; Dramaundervisning ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Swedish
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: "In inter-war Sweden, the psychiatric diagnosis of psychopathy served as a controversial but powerful tool for the management of people who failed to live up to contemporary civic ideals. The diagnosis was based on theories of a broad spectrum of biologically-based disorders in the borderland between normality and actual mental illness. The disturbances were assumed to manifest themselves as, for example, homosexuality, hysterical attacks, emotional coldness, mythomania, or restlessness. Another controversial diagnosis was paranoia querulans or querulous paranoia, a disease that was linked to the emergence of the modern state and its rule of law, and thought to manifest itself mainly in hyperbolic complaints against supposed wrongdoings. Thus, the disorder implicated an excessive use of one's civil rights. A particular dilemma related to this disease was that the kind of behaviour that had usually led to the diagnosis and subsequent psychiatric confinement, namely a ardent manner of writing letters to public authorities, was precisely what was required for discharge. In De samhällsbesvärliga (The Social Troublemakers), historian of science and ideas Annika Berg examines how patients described as psychopaths or querulants could negotiate for discharge with doctors and authorities in 1930s and 40s Sweden. This was a period in time when the system of psychiatric care in Sweden was greatly expanded in answer to a perceived shortage, but was also transformed into a somewhat more open apparatus with possibilities to apply for preliminary discharge and other forms of outpatient solutions. It was also a time when psychiatry was under attack from different quarters, and psychiatrists were accused of using flexible diagnoses such as psychopathy to confine people wrongly. Against this backdrop, how did the management of psychopaths and querulants fit with contemporary ideals of citizenship and democracy? How did the patients view themselves? And how were negotiations in individual cases affected by notions of, for example, class, gender and sexuality?"
    Keywords: Psychiatry ; Psychopathy ; Paranoia querulans ; Diagnoses ; confinement ; intersectionality ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTB Social and cultural history ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBQ Medicolegal issues ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBX History of medicine ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MK Medical specialties, branches of medicine::MKL Psychiatry
    Language: Swedish
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  • 43
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: This book is an introduction to postqualitative methodology. It situates postqualitative methodology in feminist and posthumanist theories, where research is a worlding practice. Through addressing the relationality of inquiry, the book considers knowledge production as both material and discursive and proposes experimenting with research practices. Rather than offering instructions on how to conduct research, the book invites the reader to explore questions on how to form research problems, address research ethics and construct and analyze empirical material. By focusing on methodological as well as theoretical elaborations it can be inspirational within a range of different research areas, and work as a companion both for students and researchers.
    Keywords: empirical material ; empriskt material ; analysis method ; Analysmetod ; research process ; Forskningsprocess ; research ethics ; Forskningsetik ; posthumanism ; Posthumanism ; postqualitative methodology ; postkvalitativ metodologi ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSY Children’s and teenage literature studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBA Social theory
    Language: Swedish
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  • 44
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2022-05-02
    Description: """Guiden till Spaniensverige"" (The Guide to Spanish-Sweden) is an ethnographic account on the mobilisation of a social community of Swedish migrants who otherwise belongs to the diverse networks of lifestyle migrants or resident tourists in Southern Spain. The book is based on interviews with people who are engaged in Scandinavian associations/clubs or in other ways involved in practices which are associated with a Swedish community in Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol, which are two main destinations for lifestyle migrants in Spain. In addition the analysis is based on the discursive material that the social clubs, and to some extent other organisations and networks, are using in the service to their members. The book demonstrates how the practices of the large Scandinavian social clubs, but also other organisations like the Swedish church and some of the business associations, are operating at the locus of an ethnic and transnationalised form of community-making. The offering of a home-like social arena with social and cultural activities are privileging the Swedish language and the Swedish origin. This study concludes that the social practices employed by the clubs are guiding potential members to a social space in which preferably ‘senior’ Swedish migrants meet, socialise, and, to some extent, also consume in ‘Swedish’. The book argues that the practices of the social clubs reveal the contours and infrastructure of a lifestyle diaspora in which a comfortable life in Spain – but in Swedish and with maintained relations with the Swedish society – is accentuated and given priority."
    Keywords: Diaspora ; Lifestyle migration ; Community-making ; Social practices ; Transnationality ; Older people ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHM Anthropology ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JK Social services & welfare, criminology::JKS Social welfare & social services
    Language: Swedish
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  • 45
    Kriterium | Kriterium
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: In this research anthology, inequality in Swedish working life in a Sweden marked by increased inequality, is studied. Racialised inequality, racism and discrimination in individual workplaces are focused, but inequalities based on class and gender are also studied. The concept of inequality regime is used by several of the authors to analyse work organizations. The workplaces studied are found in different sectors, not least in healthcare. The book also includes contributions that provide comparative international perspectives and studies of the development of inequality over time. The anthology contains 12 chapters based on empirical studies of working life, one chapter that analyses working life inequality from a political theory perspective, an introduction and a closing chapter that frames and draws conclusions from the different studies, as well as an afterword. The authors are 22 researchers from different social science disciplines.
    Keywords: Diskriminering ; Rasifiering ; Arbetsplatser ; Orättvisa ; Genus ; Ojämlikhet ; Rasism ; Klass ; thema EDItEUR::F Fiction and Related items::FL Science fiction ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KJ Business and Management ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSF Gender studies, gender groups ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTP Historical geography ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPA Political science and theory
    Language: Swedish
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: "The core of the book is a complete annotated translation of the collected ‘religious poetry’ (Tibetan: mgur) of the Tibetan yogin Tsangnyön Heruka (gTsang smyon Heruka, 1452–1507). The book also contains a translation of a short ‘catalogue’ (dkar chag) of Tsangnyön’s poetry/songs. These two texts were compiled and printed in 1508 by a group of disciples who wanted to express their devotion to their recently deceased master, and make his insights available for others. The Songs of Tsangnyön Heruka begins with an extensive scholarly introduction to Tsangnyön and his songs, providing the reader with a context to the translations. Following the two translated texts, is an appendix introducing Tibetan Buddhism to the general reader, then comes a glossary explaining some of the key terms used in the songs, and finally some back matters, i.e. end notes and bibliographies. Nowadays, Tsangnyön Heruka is mainly known for having written and printed the ‘life story’ (rnam thar) and ‘song collection’ (mgur ’bum) of the famous poet-saint Milarepa (1040–1123). However, Tsangnyön is not only one of Tibet’s foremost authors and poets, he is also one of the best known ‘holy madmen’ (smyon pa) of Tibet. These colourful figures challenged powerful leaders and monks with their peculiar and seemingly crazy ways. In sharp contrast to Milarepa’s life story and songs, Tsangnyön’s were gradually forgotten. Tsangnyön’s songs provide us with a fascinating and direct insight into the lifestyle, teachings, and message of the wandering yogins. Moreover, they give us an idea of how it was in Tibet before the Fifth Dalai Lama came to power in the mid-17th century. However, the songs have a direct, down-to-earth, and human message, making them timeless and relevant also for people living in another time and culture. These songs have never been translated to any language, and they have never been studied thoroughly before."
    Keywords: Tsangnyön Heruka ; Kagyu ; Milarepa ; Tibetan Buddhism ; Religious poetry ; Nature of the mind ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DC Poetry::DCF Poetry by individual poets ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHF Asian history ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRF Buddhism ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRF Buddhism::QRFB Buddhism: branches and groups::QRFB2 Mahayana Buddhism::QRFB21 Tibetan Buddhism
    Language: Swedish
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  • 47
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: "This book is about a concept which is constantly used in many different ways, but also one of the most common concepts in humanities: context. However, the significance and use of this concept shifts between disciplines, and sometimes within the same discipline. All chapters in this edited volume address a concrete situation where this concept is used. The authors demonstrate how it can be applied in interpretations of images, buildings and places from different historical periods, and how it affects the ability to create meaning and knowledge. The interpretative action thus entails different forms of contextualisation. The book is primarily addressed to students of art history and others who take an interest in questions of visuality and visual practices. Offering not only a theoretical understanding of the concept, it strives to point out ways and possibilities of the practical use of contextualisation. This book constitutes the second volume of Theoretical Applications in Art History, which forms part of the series Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics."
    Keywords: Context ; Interpretation ; Methodology ; Art history ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics::ABA Theory of art ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art
    Language: Swedish
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  • 48
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: "The 20th century is sometimes said to be the century of the family farm. Although the countryside changed fundamentally, the farming family - consisting of husband, wife and children - is often seen as intact. However, all farms were not driven by families of the traditional type. One alternative was that two or more of the children took over the farm together, continued to live in the same household and remained unmarried. But how common were such sibling farms? How did they work and what were the motives behind the siblings' choice to live together? Based on household analyzes, government reports and interviews, historian Martin Dackling in Instead of marriage sketches the history of the sibling farms. He shows that they were neither unusual nor remains of an older peasant society. From the beginning of the 19th century, it became increasingly common for brothers and sisters to take over the farm together and in the 1930s and 1940s sibling farms were a common feature of Swedish countryside. However, after 1950 they became increasingly unusual. The book discusses why the sibling farms arose and Dackling points to cultural, social and economic explanations. An important circumstance was also that most of the siblings remained unmarried. Love relations were not missing, but marriage was difficult to combine with siblings living in the same household. Love relations and sibling relations were in a complicated correlation with each other, and on many farms, living with siblings became an alternative to marriage. "
    Keywords: Family and household ; Sibling relations ; Rural conditions ; Inheritance ; Marriage patterns ; Property relations ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day::3MP 20th century, c 1900 to c 1999 ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTB Social and cultural history ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBS Social groups, communities and identities::JBSC Rural communities
    Language: Swedish
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  • 49
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: In recent years, several investments have been made in graduate schools for teachers, with the aim of building up the school's knowledge base and increasing the number of teachers in the school with postgraduate education. The content of this book is based on the results from the national graduate school for language teachers The didactics of foreign languages ​​(FRAM) which was conducted with support from the Swedish Research Council during the period 2012-2015. The graduate school enabled a unique exchange of knowledge between active teachers who found interesting study objects in their current teaching context and the academy's researchers who saw the relevance of the project ideas in the background of the research field. This type of collaboration in research and education fulfilled the overall purpose of the graduate school. A synergy effect was that language didactic research in Sweden received an important addition of classroom-related research projects in a wide range of specializations. Based on the graduate school's three main areas, namely language learning, digital resources in language teaching and language assessment, projects were carved out on multilingualism, motivation, language and subject-integrated teaching, feedback, (co) assessment and much more. Participating authors are ten teachers who have researched the learning, teaching and assessment of English and modern languages. Their work is presented in separate chapters. In the introduction, the book's editors provide an insight into how a graduate school for teachers can be set up and how FRAM has contributed to the expanding and multifaceted research field Language Didactics.
    Keywords: Digital resources in language education ; Digitala resurser för språklärande ; Multilingualism ; Flerspråkighet ; Language assessment ; Bedömning av språk ; Language teaching ; Språkundervisning ; Language learning ; Språkinlärning ; Foreign languages ; Främmande språk ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJA Language teaching theory and methods ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACB English ; thema EDItEUR::4 Educational purpose qualifiers::4L For language learning courses and examinations::4LE For ELT / ESL learning, courses, examinations and certificates ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2B Indic, East Indo-European and Dravidian languages::2BM Modern Indic languages ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CB Language: reference and general ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGR Religious and ceremonial art
    Language: Swedish
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  • 50
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: "What does performativity signify? And what does it mean to speak of something as being performative? Aiming to clarify and critically highlight an important but sometimes elusive concept, this book consists of five chapters, each addressing a concrete situation of interpretation. By highlighting artworks and images from different historical periods and contexts, the authors show how performativity might be a versatile and useful concept for interpretations of images. The purpose is to convey the critical potential of the concept as it is activated in relation to different objects of study. The book is primarily addressed to students of art history and others who take an interest in questions of visuality and visual practices. Offering not only a theoretical understanding of the concept, it strives to point out ways and possibilities of the practical use of performativity. This book constitutes the first volume of Theoretical Applications in Art History, which forms part of the series Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics. Its editors, Malin Hedlin Hayden and Mårten Snickare, are professors of art history at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University. ***
    Description: Vad betyder performativitet? Och vad innebär det att tala om något som performativt? Den här läroboken vill klargöra och kritiskt belysa ett viktigt men ibland svårfångat begrepp. Bokens bidrag tar upp konkreta tolkningssituationer och visar på direkta tillämpningar av begreppet. Genom att lyfta fram konstverk och andra bilder från olika historiska perioder och sammanhang visar vi hur performativitet är ett mångsidigt och användbart begrepp vid bildtolkning. Syftet är att förmedla den kritiska potential ett begrepp har när det aktiveras i relation till olika studieobjekt. Boken riktar sig i första hand till studenter i konstvetenskap och andra ämnen där frågor om visualitet och visuella praktiker är centrala. Utgångspunkten är att boken inte bara ska ge en teoretisk förståelse av begreppet utan framförallt peka ut vägar och möjligheter till praktisk tillämpning. Det här är första volymen i Teoretiska tillämpningar i konstvetenskap, som ingår i serien Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics. Redaktörer för boken är Malin Hedlin Hayden och Mårten Snickare, professorer i konstvetenskap på Institutionen för kultur och estetik vid Stockholms universitet."
    Keywords: visual culture ; interpretation of art ; performativity ; art history ; aesthetics ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AB The arts: general topics::ABA Theory of art ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AG The Arts: treatments and subjects::AGA History of art
    Language: Swedish
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  • 51
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: Ce livre porte sur les relations culturelles entre la France et la Suède de 1945 à nos jours. Il réunit les articles présentés à l’occasion de la conférence internationale, « Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur », qui a eu lieu à Stockholm en janvier 2014, organisée par l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et l’Université de Stockholm. Ces vingt-deux articles tracent ensemble une histoire croisée des médiations matérielles et immatérielles, dynamiques et complexes, ayant permis la construction des identités culturelles dans trois domaines principaux : les représentations et l’imaginaire ; la médiation et les vecteurs de transmission ; la traduction, la réception et la circulation des oeuvres.
    Description: Denna bok behandlar kulturella relationer mellan Frankrike och Sverige från 1945 till våra dagar. De olika artiklarna bygger på den forskning som presenterades på den internationella konferensen ”Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur” i Stockholm i januari 2014. Konferensen organiserades av Sorbonne-universitetet i Paris och Stockholms universitet. De tjugotvå bidragen ger tillsammans en bild av de komplexa och rörliga samband och kontaktpunkter som genom historien uppstått mellan de båda länderna. Tre huvudsakliga fält har identifierats där kulturella identiteter skapats över nationsgränserna: representationer och föreställningsvärldar; mediering och förmedling; översättning, mottagande och cirkulering av verk.
    Keywords: imagology ; translations studies ; cultural transfers ; sociology of literature ; history of literature ; history of literary reception ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general::DSBH Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000 ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBC Cultural and media studies::JBCC Cultural studies
    Language: French , Swedish
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  • 52
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: "Riksäpplet deals with a shipwreck that has a neglected position in the grand narrative of the history of the Swedish navy. The story of its destiny and the missing accounts in scholarly and popular works in history says something about heritage processes within Swedish maritime archaeology. On 5 June 1676 Riksäpplet came loose and adrift from its moorings outside Dalarö Sea fortress. The hull struck a rock and sank. The loss was considered both ignominious and embarrassing and the ship’s fate has been overlooked in all major history books. The rock onto which Riksäpplet sank was named ‘Äpplet’ after the incident, and the wreck itself has become an integrated component of the underwater seascape. As a consequence the wreckage has never enjoyed a proper ‘discovery’ or undergone documentation under the sensational forms that many other famous shipwrecks have, even though they have sunk in more inconvenient places. In Eriksson’s study the official handling of Riksäpplet’s wrecked body is compared to the more wellknown ships Kronan and Svärdet, which both sank during battle only days before. Eriksson draws on different motifs and driving forces behind the study of naval wrecks from the period from his comparison, and the differences are discussed. Riksäpplet has never achieved a prominent position with the romanticising works of history that honour the national heroes and their deeds which are associated with this era of the Swedish Empire. The first half of the book thus sets out to unpack the ideas that have led to the relative disinterest in Riksäpplet in comparison to other shipwrecks. The second half of the book sets out to analyse Riksäpplet from a specific archaeological perspective, with focus on the ship as material culture. Eriksson’s departure is to explore the relatively low budget fieldwork that has been done at the wreck site. He the combines those facts with a survey of the artefacts recovered from the wreck, of which all are kept in museum archives and private collections. This, in addition to his studies of preserved written correspondence concerning the construction of the ship, has brought new insights into seventeenth-century shipbuilding and how the balance between the global political superpowers affected this trade. In this context Riksäpplet has great potential to show how military alliances are materialized through ships’ architecture.
    Description: Riksäpplet: Arkeologiska perspektiv på ett bortglömt regalskepp handlar om kulturarvsprocesser inom svensk marinarkeologi. Men boken handlar också om ett skeppsvrak som hamnat en hårsmån utanför den stora vedertagna sjökrigshistoriska berättelsen: regalskeppet Riksäpplet. Den 5 juni 1676 slet sig Riksäpplet från förtöjningarna vid Dalarö skans. Skrovet högg i en klippa och sjönk. Förlisningen kom att betraktas som både snöplig och pinsam och har i efterhand kommit att förtigas i historieböckerna. Klippan bär idag namnet Äpplet och vraket har kommit att bli en integrerad och självklar del av landskapet. Som en konsekvens av detta har vraket inte kunnat påträffas och dokumenteras under de sensationella former som gällt för andra välkända skeppsvrak trots att de förlist på mer otillgängliga platser. I boken jämförs hanteringen av Riksäpplets vrak med de mer välkända regalskeppen Kronan och Svärdet, vilka gick under i strid fem dagar före Riksäpplets förlisning. Utifrån jämförelsen diskuterar Eriksson motiv och drivkrafter som legat till grund för studiet av vrak efter svenska örlogsfartyg från stormaktstiden. Riksäpplet har inte kunnat erövra någon framträdande roll i den romantiserande historieskrivning som lyfter fram nationens hjältar och deras stordåd. Boken första hälft syftar till att synliggöra de mekanismer och drivkrafter som ligger bakom att Riksäpplet prioriterats bort till förmån för undersökningar av andra vrak. Bokens andra hälft ägnas åt att fokusera på ett nytt, mer renodlat arkeologiskt perspektiv på skeppet som materiell kultur. Erikssons utgångspunkt är ett till resurserna tämligen begränsat arkeologiskt fältarbete på vrakplatsen som ändå har genererat stora resultat. Han kombinerar detta med en genomgång av de föremål som genom åren har bärgats från vraket och som finns arkiverade i olika museimagasin och hos privata samlare. Tillsammans med bevarad skriftlig korrespondens kring skeppets byggande väcks nya insikter om 1600-talets skeppsbyggeri och hur detta kunde påverkas av den globala politiska maktbalansen över världshaven. Satt i en sådan kontext har Riksäpplet stor potential att visa hur stormaktens militärallianser materialiserades genom skeppens arkitektur. "
    Keywords: early modern period ; swedish empire ; shipbuilding ; salvage ; shipwreck ; baltic sea ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology::NKR Underwater archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology::NKX Archaeological science, methodology and techniques ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JW Warfare and defence::JWM Weapons and equipment::JWMV Military vehicles ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JW Warfare and defence::JWC Military forces and sectors::JWCK Naval forces and warfare
    Language: Swedish
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  • 53
    Stockholm University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: Today's society is often characterized as a knowledge society, in contrast to the earlier industrial society. Historians however know that all societies are and have been knowledge societies. Without the ability to create, transfer, and use knowledge, between individuals and groups, power areas would neither have been built nor maintained. This edited volume reflects how historical actors, both those in power as well as laymen and officials, have produced and utilised information and knowledge from the Middle Ages until today. It acommodates research into census, urbanisation, history of kings and queens, exercise of public authority, social and political movements, disciplining and formation of opinion. In Kunskapens tider. Historiska perspektiv på kunskapssamhället (”The knowledge society. A historical perspective”) nine researchers from the Department of History at Stockholm University contribute with examples of the need for and use of knowledge, in different historical situations and periods.