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  • Latin  (50)
  • 1
    Radboud University Press
    Publication Date: 2023-12-19
    Description: On October 17, 2023, during the 100th Dies Natalis of Radboud University, Geert Corstens received an honorary doctorate from Radboud University. This honorary doctorate was awarded to him because of his tireless efforts for a strong, fair and equal constitutional state. This edition includes the laudation of honorary supervisor Roel Schutgens, the acceptance speech of Geert Corstens and the Van der Grint lecture given by Geert Corstens during the week of the Dies Natalis. Geert Corstens was president of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands from 2008 to 2014. Immediately after his appointment, he was known for his assertive attitude towards the political apparatus. The independence of the constitutional state should not be threatened by the wishes and needs of politicians and other outsiders, Corstens believed. He has also made a formidable contribution to public-oriented communication and explanation of the rule of law. Corstens also wrote, among other things, the books Our constitutional state and The judge seizes power: And other misconceptions about the democratic constitutional state to promote general communication about rights and democracy in the Netherlands. Corstens is also the author of the standard work Dutch criminal procedural law and was professor of criminal law at Radboud University from 1982 to 1995.
    Keywords: Supreme court; Criminal law; Dutch legal system; Honorary doctor ; bic Book Industry Communication::L Law::LN Laws of Specific jurisdictions::LNF Criminal law & procedure ; bic Book Industry Communication::L Law
    Language: Dutch , Latin
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  • 2
    Radboud University Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: The Low Countries in the early Middle Ages. Christianity is on the rise, partly due to the efforts of missionaries such as Willibrord and Boniface. Yet the process of Christianisation is laborious. This is well illustrated in Vita Radbodi, a tenth-century Latin biography of bishop Radboud of Utrecht (c. 850-917). In it, Radboud is depicted as a pious, serious and studious young man, who is called to the episcopate after many years of study. As bishop, he encounters problems with unbelieving Frisians and ferocious Normans. Thus, he is forced to move his seat from Utrecht to the safer Deventer. The text offers a positive portrait of Radboud as a holy role model figure. He acts energetically, performs miracles and, of course, also possesses prophetic gifts. For instance, he predicts his own end well in time. The text ends with a vision of the Mother of God and Radboud's death and burial. Some twenty years after the first edition by Peter Nissen and Vincent Hunink, the text is now being reissued on the occasion of Radboud University's centenary.
    Keywords: Christianity; Latin; Medieval Literature; Hagiography; Medieval Latin ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology::NKD Archaeology by period / region ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500::3KL c 1000 CE to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500
    Language: Dutch , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 3
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: This volume provides a new critical edition of Galen’s On Avoiding Distress and On My Own Opinions, which represents an improvement on earlier editions by offering more accurate readings of the main witness Vlatadon 14, supplementation of previously unrestored lacunae, and many sound emendations to thorny passages. The authoritative critical texts are accompanied by English translations, making the works accessible for further consultation.
    Keywords: Galen medicine ; ethics ; Roman Imperial Period ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DB Ancient, classical and medieval texts ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general::DSBB Literary studies: ancient, classical and medieval
    Language: English , Greek, Ancient (to 1453) , Latin
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  • 4
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Čebelarski terminološki slovar je razlagalni, prevajalni, informativno-normativni slovar, ki vsebuje 3087 strokovno pojasnjenih čebelarskih izrazov. Pisan je po sodobnih slovaropisnih načelih. K slovaropisnim razlagam so dodani angleški in nemški ustrezniki in za nekatera področja tudi latinski, ki so zbrani v obrnjenem angleško-, nemško- in latinsko-slovenskem delu. Dodan je leksikon znanih slovenskih in tujih čebelarskih strokovnjakov. Nekatere slovarske sestavke ponazarjajo ilustracije in fotografije. Leta 2008 objavljena spletna izdaja (ISBN 978-961-254-126-2) sledi knjižni. Podpira jo zmogljiv iskalnik Neva.
    Description: Čebelarski terminološki slovar je razlagalni, prevajalni, informativno-normativni slovar, ki vsebuje 3087 strokovno pojasnjenih čebelarskih izrazov. Pisan je po sodobnih slovaropisnih načelih. K slovaropisnim razlagam so dodani angleški in nemški ustrezniki in za nekatera področja tudi latinski, ki so zbrani v obrnjenem angleško-, nemško- in latinsko-slovenskem delu. Dodan je leksikon znanih slovenskih in tujih čebelarskih strokovnjakov. Nekatere slovarske sestavke ponazarjajo ilustracije in fotografije. Leta 2008 objavljena spletna izdaja (ISBN 978-961-254-126-2) sledi knjižni. Podpira jo zmogljiv iskalnik Neva.
    Keywords: beekeeping ; dictionaries ; English language ; German language ; multilingual dictionaries ; Slovene language ; terminological dictionaries ; terminology ; angleščina ; čebelarstvo ; nemščina ; poliglotski slovarji ; slovarji ; slovenščina ; terminologija ; terminološki slovarji ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AG Slavic (Slavonic) languages::2AGV Slovenian ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CB Language: reference and general::CBD Dictionaries ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PS Biology, life sciences::PSV Zoology and animal sciences::PSVA Zoology: invertebrates::PSVA2 Insects (entomology)
    Language: English , German , Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 5
    El Colegio de México
    Publication Date: 2024-03-27
    Description: La figura del Anticristo es muy importante en las Sagradas Escrituras, pero su importancia crece con los escoliastas y tratadistas de la edad media. Entre los principales libros sobre el asunto se cuenta el "Drama del Anticristo", escrito en el siglo XII, entre 1160 y 1186, en la abadía benedictina de Tegernsee en los Alpes de Baviera, por un monje cuyo nombre se desconoce. Luis Astey, especialista en textos medievales, y de quien El Colegio de México ha publicado anteriormente "Dramas litúrgicos del Occidente medieval", una de las investigaciones más importantes sobre el tema realizadas hasta ahora, se encontraba trabajando en diferentes versiones de textos de la época a su muerte. Como una manera de rendirle homenaje y poner al alcance del lector estos textos, se publicó en 1999 "Las ocho leyendas de Hrotsvitha de Gandersheim" y se publica ahora este libro en versión bilingüe. Astey consideraba este texto en proceso, pero aún así la calidad de la versión hace pertinente su publicación, a la cual acompañan un prólogo de otro importante especialista en el tema, Mauricio Beuchot, y un apéndice que incluye un texto del propio Astey situando el camino que va de "Las ocho leyendas" al "Drama del Anticristo".
    Keywords: Literary studies: ancient, classical & medieval ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general::DSBB Literary studies: ancient, classical and medieval
    Language: Latin
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  • 6
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The third volume of The Notary Book from Piran is a scientific issue of the source – the book of the notary Sclavion with imbreviations of 589 documents of various contents, which is kept at the Piran Archives. It contains the transcription of the original Latin text, notes, an index of personal and place names, a factual register, and a list of summaries of entries.
    Description: Tretji zvezek Piranske notarske knjige (prvi dve knjigi sta izšli pri SAZU, 1984 in 1986) je znanstvena izdaja vira – knjige notarja Sclaviona z imbreviaturami 589 listin najrazličnejših vsebin. Vsebuje prepis izvirnega latinskega besedila, opombe, seznam osebnih in krajevnih imen, stvarni seznam in seznam povzetkov vpisov.
    Keywords: 13th century ; documents ; economic history ; legal history ; notary books ; Pirano ; 13. st. ; dokumenti ; ekonomska zgodovina ; gospodarska zgodovina ; notarske knjige ; Piran ; pravna zgodovina ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: English , Latin , Slovenian
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  • 7
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: With notary books we are not dealing with literary readings, but with abstracts of a mass of business manuscript agreements of various contents. The subject of this publication is the preserved parts of the third, ninth, and tenth notary fascicles from the Piran Branch Office of the Regional Archives of Koper. The fragments contain the models of documents created in the period 1284–1296. The authors of summaries in the preserved fragments of notary fascicles are Facina Grimaldi, Facina (Vitali?) and Francisscus de Malonbris.
    Description: Šesti zvezek piranskih notarskih knjig prinaša znanstveno-kritično objavo ohranjenih fragmentov treh notarskih knjig iz edinstvenega gradiva piranske izpostave Pokrajinskega arhiva Koper. Gre za dele tretje, devete in desete knjige. Prvi vsebuje 255, drugi 22 in tretji 422 skrčenih latinskih predlog notarskih listin iz razdobja 1284 do 1296. Vpisi v notarskih knjigah so pestrih vsebin in slikajo gospodarsko, družbeno in vsakdanje življenje v Piranu in okolici, nudijo podatke o prebivalstvu, njegovi etnični pripadnosti, o historični topografiji, pravni praksi itd. Kulturna dediščina notarskih knjig vpenja slovensko primorje v širši mediteranski prostor, ki ga je odlikovala praksa vodenja notarskih kodeksov. Objava vsebuje uvodno študijo, prepise izvirnikov, ki so opremljeni z datacijami, oznakami vsebin in opombami, ter imenski, pojmovni seznam in seznam vsebin vpisov. Ta pomagala olajšujejo uporabniku razumevanje in orientacijo v latinskem delu besedila. Uvodna študija, pojasnila k prepisom ter seznama pojmov in vsebin so – v želji spodbuditi širši krog uporabnikov k raziskavam preteklosti severozahodne Istre – prevedeni tudi v angleščino.
    Keywords: documents ; economic history ; historical sources ; notary books ; Pirano ; Slovenia ; dokumenti ; ekonomska zgodovina ; gospodarska zgodovina ; notarske knjige ; Piran ; Slovenija ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: English , Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 8
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The Auerspergs [Turjaški] are among the rare noble families in the Slovenian territory with systematically preserved archives that date back to the Middle Ages. Most archival materials of the family, which was largely embedded in the framework of the Province of Carniola until the end of the 15th century, are presently kept in two private family archives: the Turjak Comital Fideicomiss Archives (Gräflich Auersperg'sches Fideikommisarchiv), first kept in the Turjak Castle until 1942 and now in the Carinthian Provincial Archives in Klagenfurt, and the Turjak Ducal Archives (Fürstlich Auersperg'sches Archiv), which were first moved to the Turjak Palace in Ljubljana and the Lower Austrian Lösensteinleiten Castle and finally ended up in the Viennese Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv.Turjaška knjiga listin 1 (1218–1400) [Turjak Book of Charters I (1218–1400)] contains 277 charters from the private archives of the Carniolan comital and ducal lines of the Auerspergs [Turjaški]. Published in their entirety, the charters are equipped with Slovenian regests and followed in the end by a comprehensive index of names and pictures of seals from the charters. With the publication of the Turjak charters, Slovenian historiography has gained an indispensable aid for the research of Slovenian medieval and modern history.
    Description: V Turjaški knjigi listin I (1218–1400) je objavljeno 277 listin iz zasebnih arhivov kranjske grofovske in knežje linije Turjaških (Auerspergov), ki so jih v sklopu grajskega arhiva do leta 1942 hranili na gradu Turjak, danes pa so shranjene izven slovenskega ozemlja. Listine so objavljene v celoti, opremljene so s slovenskimi regesti, ob koncu pa sledijo še obsežno imensko kazalo in slike pečatov z listin. Pripravljena izdaja turjaških listin sega do leta 1400 in je prvi del serije, v kateri bodo v končni fazi objavljene vse, tudi novoveške turjaške listine. Slovensko zgodovinopisje bo z objavo turjaških listin pridobilo nepogrešljiv pripomoček za raziskovanje slovenske srednjeveške in novoveške zgodovine.
    Keywords: archives ; Auersperg (family) ; documents ; historical sources ; Middle Ages ; nobles ; Slovenia ; arhivsko gradivo ; Auersperg (rodbina) ; listine ; plemiške rodbine ; Slovenija ; srednji vek ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: Latin , German , Slovenian , Hebrew
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 9
    De Gruyter | De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: The Herculaneum Papyri comprise the only surviving library of antiquity. In recent years, innovative technologies and new philological methods have effectively revolutionized research. Characters that were previously invisible are now emerging, and it will soon be possible to unroll complete rolls virtually. This book provides the first German introduction to the Herculaneum papyri and the potential of new imaging methods.
    Keywords: Plato ; papyrus ; Officina dei Papiri Ercolanesi ; Pompeii ; Herculaneum ; virtual unrolling ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DB Ancient, classical and medieval texts ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general::DSBB Literary studies: ancient, classical and medieval ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology::NKD Archaeology by period / region ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1Q Other geographical groupings: Oceans and seas, historical, political etc::1QB Historical states, empires, territories and regions::1QBA Ancient World ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRA Religion: general::QRAX History of religion ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs::QRM Christianity
    Language: German , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 10
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The text-critical edition Turjaška knjiga listin II [Turjak Book of Charters II], containing 436 published documents from the 15th century, completes the medieval corpus of charters from the private archives of the Carniolan comital and ducal lines of the Auerspergs. Published in their entirety, the charters are equipped with Slovenian regests and followed in the end by a comprehensive index of names and pictures of seals from the charters.The Auerspergs [Turjaški] are among the rare noble families in the Slovenian territory with systematically preserved archives that date back to the Middle Ages. Most archival materials of the family, which was largely embedded in the framework of the Province of Carniola until the end of the 15th century, are presently kept in two private family archives: the Turjak Comital Fideicomiss Archives (Gräflich Auersperg'sches Fideikommisarchiv), first kept in the Turjak Castle until 1942 and now in the Carinthian Provincial Archives in Klagenfurt, and the Turjak Ducal Archives (Fürstlich Auersperg'sches Archiv), which were first moved to the Turjak Palace in Ljubljana and the Lower Austrian Lösensteinleiten Castle and finally ended up in the Viennese Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv.
    Description: Tekstno-kritična edicija s 436 objavljenimi dokumenti iz 15. stoletja zaključuje srednjeveški korpus listin iz zasebnih arhivov kranjske grofovske in knežje linije Turjaških (Auerspergov), ki so jih v sklopu grajskega arhiva do leta 1942 hranili na gradu Turjak, danes pa so shranjene izven slovenskega ozemlja. Listine so objavljene v celoti, opremljene so s slovenskimi regesti, ob koncu pa sledijo še obsežno imensko kazalo in slike pečatov z listin.
    Keywords: 15th century ; archives ; Auersperg (family) ; documents ; historical sources ; Middle Ages ; nobles ; Slovenia ; 15. st. ; arhivsko gradivo ; Auersperg (rodbina) ; listine ; plemiške rodbine ; Slovenija ; srednji vek ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: Slovenian , German , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 11
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The work is a critical edition of the preserved fragments of five notary codices from Piran (1289–1305) with notes made by the notary Dominicus Petenarius. Notaries entered into notary codices the essential features of business transactions in stenographic form, specific writing and simple Latin. This is a valuable type of sources for the study of medieval and later history. The entries portray the economic and social life of cities and their surroundings, their administration, judicial system, everyday life, population development, urban image, as well as culture and arts, all of which serve the purposes of research conducted by experts in various fields. The edition is equipped with a standard critical apparatus and an accompanying study which is also translated into English. The main part of the text encompasses the transliteration of the manuscript comprising 518 agreements with different contents. Each is marked with a successive number, defined with regard to its content and dated. The specific features of the original and inconsistencies in writing are described in notes. The work comes with an index of names, a subject index and a list of entries in which each entry is marked with the original annotation of the page in the original, date, type of contents, short summary of the contents and the page in the publication.
    Description: Piranska izpostava Pokrajinskega arhiva Koper hrani med svojim srednjeveškim gradivom 17 notarskih sešitkov in njih fragmentov. Fragmenti petih notarskih sešitkov, ki so predmet znanstvenokritične objave, vsebujejo kratke povzetke poslovnih dogovorov Pirančanov v poldrugem desetletju pred sedmimi stoletji. Zapisi so objektivni in zanesljivi, razkrivajo pa nekdanjo poslovno prakso od trgovskih družb, prek trgovanja na kredit, posojanja denarja, udinjanja pri delodajalcu, prodaje ali oddaje nepremičnin v zakup ipd.
    Keywords: documents ; economic history ; historical sources ; notary books ; Pirano ; Slovenia ; dokumenti ; ekonomska zgodovina ; gospodarska zgodovina ; notarske knjige ; Piran ; Slovenija ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: English , Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 12
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Kompendij o glasbi (Compendium musicae), napisan leta 1618, je prvenec največjega francoskega filozofa Renéja Descartesa, ki je svojo filozofsko pot začel prav z razpravo o glasbi. Izhajajoč iz splošnih ugotovitev, nekakšnih aksiomov o zaznavanju in dojemanju, se Descartes loteva osnovnih glasbenih prvin, ritma in intervalov, pri čemer utemeljuje njihove značajske lastnosti v lastnostih njim ustreznih matematično izrazljivih razmerij. Na tej osnovi Descartes razloži oz. utemelji kompozicijsko strukturo glasbe. Descartesovo delo je predvsem glasbenoteoretsko, vendar se v njegovem pogledu na glasbo teoretično razpravljanje o njej po eni strani navezuje na akustična preračunavanja, po drugi pa vodi h glasbenoestetskim in glasbenopsihološkim sodbam. Descartesovo besedilo je strogo znanstveno – v smislu 17. stoletja –, hkrati pa bogato psiholoških ocen in opazk, ki pričajo o njegovi osebni izkušnji z glasbo.
    Keywords: 17th century ; composition technique ; Descartes, René ; music ; musical aesthetics ; musical theory ; studies ; theory ; 17. st. ; glasba ; glasbena estetika ; glasbena teorija ; kompozicijska tehnika ; študije ; teorija ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVA Theory of music and musicology ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDH Philosophical traditions and schools of thought::QDHF Medieval Western philosophy
    Language: Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 13
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Around A. D. 500, a young Roman intellectual A. M. S. Boethius collected all the existing knowledge on music and presented it in form of an extensive Latin treatise. He was convinced that a deep comprehension of music (as well as any other discipline of the quadrivium) was an indispensable basis of any scholarship and philosophical inquiry. Boethius' text that was discovered only in the Carolingian times, became the starting point of European music theory, and on Boethius' theorems many excellent scholars and thinkers of the past centuries (not just musicians) trained their intellects. The edition includes Boethius' Latin text, the synoptically running translation into Slovenian with annotations, the Slovenian-Latin glossary of Boethius' terms, and the bibliography.
    Description: Kmalu po letu 500 je mladi rimski intelektualec A. M. S. Boetij zbral vse dostopno antično vedenje o glasbi in ga ubesedil v latinsko pisanem traktatu. Prepričan je bil, da je vedenje o glasbi (kot tudi o ostalih predmetih kvadrivialnih disciplin) nujna in neobhodna osnova vsakega spoznavanja in vse filozofije. Boetijevo zahtevno besedilo, ki ga je odkril šele karolinški čas, je postalo izhodišče evropske glasbene teorije in ob njegovih teoremih se je ostril razum intelektualcev, ne samo glasbenih, skozi stoletja. Izdaja prinaša urejeno latinsko besedilo, vzporedno z njim slovenski prevod, opremljen z opombami, slovensko-latinski pojmovnik Boetijeve glasbene teorije ter bibliografijo.
    Keywords: theory of music ; teorija glasbe ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVA Theory of music and musicology ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDH Philosophical traditions and schools of thought::QDHF Medieval Western philosophy
    Language: Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 14
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The subject of this publication is a critical edition of the preserved parts of the eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth, and sixteenth notary books from the Piran Branch Office of the Regional Archives of Koper. With notary books we are not dealing with literary readings, but with abstracts of a mass of business manuscript agreements of various contents. The fragments contain the models of documents created in the period 1301–1320 (1321). The writer of summaries in the preserved fragments of notary fascicle No. 11 was Almericus, while the notary Perinus Appolonii kept records of business transactions in codex No. 15. The writers of other fragments are not known.
    Description: Znanstveno-kritična objava fragmentov notarskih knjig enote Piran Pokrajinskega arhiva Koper iz let 1301–1320 /1321/ kot sedmi, zadnji zvezek zaključuje enega od segmentov programa edicij virov za slovensko zgodovino, sprejetega leta 1972. Zajema pet rokopisov: enajstega, dvanajstega, štirinajstega, petnajstega in šestnajstega ter dodatnega neoštevilčenega, ki skupaj beležijo 287 latinskih predlog notarskih listin. Gre za dogovore v zvezi z zadolževanjem, poslovanjem z nepremičninami, za reševanje sporov, sklepanje dogovorov o delu, za ženitne dogovore, številne oporoke itd. Iz zapisov je razvidno gospodarsko, družbeno in vsakdanje življenje v nekdanjem Piranu in njegovi okolici. Objava vsebuje uvodno študijo, prepise izvirnikov s pojasnili, imenski in pojmovni seznam ter seznam vsebin vpisov. Znanstveno-kritični aparat je slovensko-angleški, seznam pojmov pa je zasnovan kot trojezični latinsko-slovensko-angleški slovar. Delo nudi podatkovno osnovo za interdisciplinarne (zgodovinske, umetnostnozgodovinske, jezikoslovne, pravnozgodovinske, urbanistične, historično-geografske) in primerjalne raziskave mediteranskih mest srednjega veka.
    Keywords: documents ; economic history ; historical sources ; notary books ; Pirano ; Slovenia ; dokumenti ; ekonomska zgodovina ; gospodarska zgodovina ; notarske knjige ; Piran ; Slovenija ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: Slovenian , English , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 15
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The book is a text-critical edition of Brixen urbaria for the diocesan estates in Upper Carniola (Bled seigniory) with a comprehensive scholarly commentary and concise presentation of the historical development of the Bled seigniory throughout the Middle Ages. The published sources, offering a rich insight into the property, economic and social conditions of the Middle Ages, belong to the earliest accounts relating to agrarian economy and land property in the Slovenian territory and have, as such, long attracted the interest of the historian profession. This publication, having already been planned decades ago by renown Slovenian historians such as Milko Kos and Pavle Blaznik, naturally completes a series of publications of urbaria for the complexes of ecclesiastical (diocesan) land estates in the territory of Slovenia.
    Description: Delo prinaša tekstnokritično izdajo briksenskih urbarjev za škofijsko posest na Gorenjskem (gospostvo Bled) z obsežnim strokovnim komentarjem in s strnjenim prikazom zgodovinskega razvoja blejskega gospostva v srednjem veku. Objavljeni viri se uvrščajo med najzgodnejša pričevanja agrarno-gospodarskega in zemljiško-posestnega značaja v slovenskem prostoru in kot taki že dolgo zbujajo zanimanje zgodovinske stroke. Pričujoča objava, ki je bila načrtovana že pred desetletji, z njo pa so bili povezani priznani slovenski zgodovinarji, kot sta Milko Kos in Pavle Blaznik, organsko zaključuje serijo objav urbarjev za obsežne komplekse cerkvene (škofijske) posesti na ozemlju Slovenije.
    Keywords: Bled ; Brixen diocese ; economic history ; legal history ; Middle Ages ; Slovenia ; sources ; urbaria ; briksenska škofija ; ekonomska zgodovina ; gospodarska zgodovina ; pravna zgodovina ; Slovenija ; srednji vek ; urbarji ; viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: Slovenian , German , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 16
    El Colegio de México
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: La publicación de este texto es un homenaje que el Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios rinde a Luis Astey, quien tradujo del latín medieval Las ocho leyendas de Gendersheim, un estudioso de esta autora, reconocido por su conocimiento del idioma, así como del contexto histórico-cultural que corresponde a estas obras. Éste es un libro complementario, sin dejar de ser independiente, de Los seis dramas (FCE-ITAM, 1990). "La traducción de Luis Astey conjunta dos raras virtudes: está muy apegada al texto original, y al mismo tiempo tiene un buen estilo castellano."
    Keywords: Language teaching & learning ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning
    Language: Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 17
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-04-08
    Description: Knjiga prinaša poglobljeno študijo o prvi Galileovi »kopernikanski bitki«, ki je potekala v letih 1609–1611, ko je Galileo s pomočjo nedavno odkritega daljnogleda prišel do novih spoznanj, ki so govorila v prid kopernikanskemu »sistemu sveta« ali vsaj proti tedaj splošno sprejeti aristotelovski kozmologiji: od gor in dolin na Luni preko štirih Jupitrovih spremljevalcev do Venerinih faz. Študijo dopolnjuje dvojezična (latinsko-slovenska) izdaja Zvezdnega glasnika (Sidereus nuncius), ki je izšel leta 1609, v katerem je Galileo javnosti prvič poročal o svojih odkritjih, prevod Keplerjevega spisa Razgovor z Zvezdnim glasnikom (Disertatio cum cum nuncio sidereo) iz leta 1610 in izbrana pisma, napisana v obdobju med letoma 1597–1611, povezana z osupljivimi Galileovimi nebesnimi odkritji, spremljajočimi okoliščinami in polemikami, ki so jih spodbudila.
    Keywords: astronomy ; correspondence ; Galileo, Galileo ; history ; Kepler, Johannes ; letters ; philosophy of science ; science ; scientific revolution ; astronomija ; filozofija znanosti ; Galilei, Galileo ; korespondenca ; pisma ; zgodovina ; znanost ; znanstvena revolucija ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HP Philosophy::HPC History of Western philosophy::HPCB Western philosophy: Medieval & Renaissance, c 500 to c 1600 ; bic Book Industry Communication::P Mathematics & science::PD Science: general issues::PDA Philosophy of science ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QD Philosophy::QDH Philosophical traditions and schools of thought::QDHF Medieval Western philosophy ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PD Science: general issues::PDA Philosophy of science
    Language: Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 18
    Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
    Publication Date: 2024-01-30
    Description: The fifteenth volume of the critical edition of pope Innocent III’s chancery-registers is containing 242 letters addressed to recipients all over Europe and in the Middle East. In this year of the pontificate, the organization of the Church in The Latin Empire, the war against muslims in Spain and in the East and against heretics in Southern France are main topics constantly recurring in the Pope’s letters. The register of Innocent’s fifteenth year of pontificate is one of the four volumes transmitted not as original but as a copy written at the Curia in mid-14th century and as print published in the 17th century.
    Description: Das Register des 15. Pontifikatsjahrs Innocenz’ III. enthält die kritische Edition von 242 Briefen aus der päpstlichen Kanzlei, die sich an unterschiedliche Empfänger in ganz Europa wie im Nahen Osten richten. Leitthemen des Jahrgangs sind die Kirchenorganisation im Lateinischen Kaiserreich, der Sarazenenkrieg in Spanien, die Bemühungen um einen neuen Kreuzzug ins Heilige Land und die Bekämpfung der Häresie in Südfrankreich. Auch der 15. Jahrgang gehört zu den vier Bänden der Register Innocenz’ III., die nicht als Originalregister, sondern in einer an der Kurie gefertigten Abschrift aus der Mitte des 14. und in einem gelehrten Druck aus dem 17. Jahrhundert überliefert sind.
    Keywords: Edition, diplomatics, ecclesiastical history, legal history, theology, papacy ; ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- History, Archaeology (601) -- History, Archaeology (6010) -- Source studies (601019) ; ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- History, Archaeology (601) -- History, Archaeology (6010) -- Medieval history (601012) ; ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Philosophy, Ethics, Religion (603) -- Theology (6032) -- Church history (603211) ; ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- History, Archaeology (601) -- History, Archaeology (6010) -- Historical auxiliary sciences (601009) ; Edition, Diplomatik, Kirchengeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Theologie, Papsttum ; ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (601) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (6010) -- Quellenkunde (601019) ; ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (601) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (6010) -- Mittelalterliche Geschichte (601012) ; ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Philosophie, Ethik, Religion (603) -- Theologie (6032) -- Kirchengeschichte (603211) ; ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (601) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (6010) -- Historische Hilfswissenschaften (601009)
    Language: German , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 19
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Farmacevtski terminološki slovar vsebuje okoli 5500 strokovnih izrazov, ki se uporabljajo na različnih področjih farmacije (farmacevtska tehnologija, farmacevtska informatika, farmacevtska biotehnologija, farmacevtska kemija, farmacevtska zakonodaja, farmakoepidemiologija, farmakognozija, toksikologija, lekarniška farmacija, klinična farmacija, socialna farmacija ipd.). Slovar ne vsebuje zaščitenih imen zdravil. Vsak strokovni izraz je prikazan v samostojnem slovarskem članku. Slovar je normativen, razlagalen in prevoden. Vsebuje izrazje, ki mu stroka daje prednost, in z jezikovnega in/ali strokovnega stališča manj ustrezno izrazje, ki je prikazano v obliki kazalk k ustreznejšim poimenovanjem. Prednostno izrazje ima pomenski opis, navadno tudi angleški in latinski ustreznik, če se uporabljata. Slovar ima tri dele: slovensko-angleško-latinski, angleško-slovenski in latinsko-slovenski del. Pri izdelavi farmacevtskega terminološkega slovarja so sodelovali farmacevti, terminografi in jezikoslovci (slovenisti, latinisti in anglisti).
    Keywords: dictionaries ; pharmaceutical terminology ; pharmacy ; Slovene language ; terminological dictionaries ; terminology ; farmacevtsko izrazje ; farmacija ; slovarji ; slovenščina ; terminologija ; terminološki slovarji ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AG Slavic (Slavonic) languages::2AGV Slovenian ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CB Language: reference and general::CBD Dictionaries ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MK Medical specialties, branches of medicine::MKG Pharmacology
    Language: English , Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 20
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The present edition denotes a continuation of the collection of documents, which the historians Franc Kos and later Milko Kos began publishing in 1902 within the frame of the Leonova družba (Leon’s Society) in Ljubljana. Five books were issued under the title “Gradivo za zgodovino Slovencev v srednjem veku” (Materials for the history of Slovenes in the Middle Ages) (1902, 1906, 1911, 1915, 1928). The present edition is based on different starting-points, as modern researches into history can no longer refer to regestum (abstracts of documents) only but they must derive from sources themselves, published on the basis of entire originals, and equipped with appropriate critical apparatus. The book was written on the grounds of the material the historian Božo Otorepec of the Historical Institute collected. Included in the edition are documents of a ten-year period – that is from 1246 (with that year the fifth volume of Kos’s publishing of the Gradivo za zgodovino Slovencev v srednjem veku concludes) to 1255. The first volume (6/1) does not include a name index and a table of contents, which will be published in the second volume (6/2).
    Description: Izdaja je nadaljevanje zbirke dokumentov, ki jo je 1902 začel izdajati Franc Kos in nadaljeval Milko Kos. Vanjo so vključene listine obdobja desetih let, in sicer od leta 1246 (s katerim se končuje peti zvezek Kosove objave Gradiva za zgodovino Slovencev v srednjem veku) do leta 1955.
    Keywords: archives ; diplomatics ; documents ; historical sources ; history ; Middle Ages ; Slovenes ; sources ; arhivsko gradivo ; diplomatika ; listine ; Slovenci ; srednji vek ; viri ; zgodovina ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 21
    ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: The work is a critical edition of the notary codex from Piran (1298–1317). Notaries entered into notary codices the essential features of business transactions in stenographic form, specific writing and simple Latin. This is a valuable type of sources for the study of medieval and later history. The entries portray the economic and social life of cities and their surroundings, their administration, judicial system, everyday life, population development, urban image, as well as culture and arts, all of which serve the purposes of research conducted by experts in various fields. The edition is equipped with a standard critical apparatus and an accompanying study which is also translated into English. The main part of the text encompasses the transliteration of the manuscript comprising 420 agreements with different contents. Each is marked with a successive number, defined with regard to its content and dated. The specific features of the original and inconsistencies in writing are described in notes. The work comes with an index of names, a subject index and a list of entries in which each entry is marked with the original annotation of the page in the original, date, type of contents, short summary of the contents and the page in the publication.
    Description: Delo je znanstveno–kritična objava trinajste piranske notarske knjige iz let 1298–1317. V tovrstne knjige so notarji mediteranskega prostora pred stoletji v stenografski obliki, posebnem črkopisu in preprosti latinščini vpisovali bistvo dogovorov o trgovskem in kreditnem poslovanju, o družabniških razmerjih na različnih gospodarskih področjih, o poslih z nepremičninami, plačilu storitev, pa tudi o ženitnih dogovorih in zapuščinah. Zapisi slikajo gospodarsko in družbeno življenje mest in njihove okolice, njihovo upravo, sodstvo, vsakdanje življenje, populacijski razvoj, urbanistično podobo, kulturo in umetnost, s čimer nudijo podatke raziskovalcem različnih strok.
    Keywords: 13/14th century ; documents ; economic history ; historical sources ; legal history ; notary books ; Pirano ; Slovenia ; 13.-14. st. ; dokumenti ; ekonomska zgodovina ; gospodarska zgodovina ; notarske knjige ; Piran ; pravna zgodovina ; Slovenija ; zgodovinski viri ; thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Slovenia ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3K CE period up to c 1500 ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCZ Economic history
    Language: English , Latin , Slovenian
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 22
    Publication Date: 2023-02-28
    Description: Bergrecht von Iglau, bestätigt von König Wenzel II. von Böhmen und Markgraf von Mähren im letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Niedergeschrieben im Anhang des Iglauer Stadtrechtes. Erweiterung und Präzisierung der im Iglauer Bergrecht A niedergeschriebenen rechtlichen Regelungen für den Bergbau im Königreich Böhmen und der Markgrafschaft Mähren.
    Description: source
    Keywords: ddc:522 ; ddc:343.077 ; König Wenzel II. von Böhmen ; Thomas Altemberger ; Böhmen ; Mähren ; Iglau/Jihlava ; Hermannstadt/Sibiu ; Silberbergbau ; Bergrecht
    Language: German , Latin
    Type: doc-type:book , updatedVersion
    Format: 14
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  • 23
    Publication Date: 2022-06-09
    Description: Bergrecht von Iglau, bestätigt von König Wenzel I. von Böhmen und seinem Sohn Ottokar II. Přemysl, Markgraf von Mähren 1248/49. Niedergeschrieben im Anhang des Iglauer Stadtrechtes. Erstes umfassendes Bergrecht im damaligen deutschsprachigen Raum für das Königreich Böhmen. Festgelegt wurden hier die Grundsätze des Bergbaus. Spätere Bergordnungen berufen sich in der Ausgestaltung weiterer Regelungen auf das Iglauer Bergrecht.
    Description: source
    Keywords: ddc:343.077 ; ddc:622
    Language: German , Latin
    Type: doc-type:book , updatedVersion
    Format: 10
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  • 24
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: This volume is dedicated to the Church Slavonic version of the Dioptra of Philippos Monotropos. It focuses on the transmission of the Slavonic text. Furthermore, a critical edition of the prefaces and the first book of the poem, together with a Greek parallel text, is given.
    Description: Der Band behandelt die kirchenslavische Übersetzung der Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Im Zentrum steht die Überlieferungsgeschichte des slavischen Textes. Weiters wird eine kritische Edition der Vorworte und des ersten Buches, jeweils mit griechischem Paralleltext, geboten.Диоптра объемная дидактическая поэма, написана византийским монахом Филиппом (позже известен под именем Monotropоs − «Пустынник») в 1095 г. и состоящая из пяти книг, которые представляют настоящий справочник теологическиx и философских знаний того времени. Церковнославянский перевод был создан около середины ХIV в. в одном из центров среднеболгарской письменности и пользовался большой популярностью по всей «Slavia orthodoxa», о которой свидетельствуют более 200 рукописей. Большая часть настоящего тома посвещена истории славянского перевода и его рукописной истории. Потом следует критическое издание предисловий и первой книги с греческим параллельным текстом и немецким переводом.
    Keywords: Dioptra ; Slavonic translation ; critical edition ; transmission ; Dioptra ; kirchenslavische Übersetzung ; kritische Edition ; Überlieferungsgeschichte ; Dioptra ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Language: Greek, Modern (1453- ) , Russian , Latin , German , English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 25
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: Petar Hektorović and his production, both material and Immaterial are here considered as a complex unity. His trilingual „Fishing and fishermen’s conversation and other things“ consists of sixteen differing texts. These are translated, annotated and put in context with each other.
    Description: Petar Hektorović wird hier mit allen seinen Werken als Ganzes betrachtet. Sein dreisprachiges „Fischen und Fischergespräch und Anderes“ besteht aus sechzehn sehr verschiedenen Texten. Diese werden übersetzt, kommentiert und zueinendar in Zusammenhang gestellt.
    Keywords: Humanismus, Literatur, Dalmatien, Reise, Zyklus ; ÖFOS 2012, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften ; ÖFOS 2012, Slawistik ; ÖFOS 2012, Kulturgeschichte ; Humanism, literature, Dalmatia, travel, cycle ; ÖFOS 2012, Linguistics and Literature ; ÖFOS 2012, Slavonic studies ; ÖFOS 2012, Cultural history ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DC Poetry::DCF Poetry by individual poets ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSC Literary studies: poetry and poets ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: general ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AG Slavic (Slavonic) languages::2AGS Serbo-Croatian::2AGSC Croatian ; thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day::3MD 16th century, c 1500 to c 1599
    Language: German , Croatian , Italian , Latin , English
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2023-07-19
    Description: The Archive of the City of Vienna keeps three folio-volumes of a manuscript in conservation of her archive, which in common was marked as “Wiener Testamentsbücher” (Viennese Last Wills-Register). The source, comprising the period of 1395 to 1430, at this time was named “Stadtbuch”, and this appoints the character of such registers, which served for registration of legal transactions in urban space. In total the “Stadtbuch” embodies more than 4.500 registrations, in most cases last wills (“Geschäfte”), but also a lot of registrations about transactions concerning private law as well as matters of pubic law.
    Description: Das Archiv der Stadt Wien verwahrt drei Foliobände einer spätmittelalterlichen Handschrift, die üblicherweise als „Wiener Testamentsbücher“ bezeichnet wird. Die Quelle umfasst den Zeitraum von 1395 bis 1430, nennt sich selbst „Stadtbuch“ und ist ihrem Charakter nach auch diesem Rechtsquellentypus zuzuordnen. Sie enthält auch keineswegs nur letztwillige Verfügungen („Testamente“), welche in der spätmittelalterlichen Rechtssprache „Geschäfte“ heißen, sondern weitere Eintragungen Eintragungen privatrechtlicher Natur sowie andere mit öffentlichrechtlichem Charakter.
    Keywords: Legal History ; Medieval History ; Social & Cultural History (municipality governance ; material culture ; urban communities ; economic constitution) ; Mediävistik ; Rechtsgeschichte ; Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte (Alltagskultur ; Bürgergemeinde ; Stadtverfassung ; Wirtschaftsordnung) ; Sigel ; Stadtbuch ; Wien
    Language: Latin , German
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: 〈P〉NST: Abkürzungen von Wörten, wie sie vorzüglich in lateinischen Handschriften des Mittelalters vorkommen / Jan M. Hulákovský, Text teilw. lat., teilw. tschech., teilw. dt. Durchsuchbare elektronische Faksimileausgabe als PDF. Digitalisiert im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes Digi20 in Kooperation mit der BSB München. OCR-Bearbeitung durch den Verlag Otto Sagner.〈/P〉
    Keywords: 1852 ; Abbreviaturae ; aevi ; Ausgabe ; etiam ; Germanicis ; Handschriften ; Hulákovský ; Latinis ; medii ; Mittelalter ; Nachdruck ; praecipue ; Pragae ; scripturis ; Slavicis ; Slavische Sprachwissenschaft ; Sprachwissenschaft ; Tschechische Republik ; usitatae ; vocabulorum ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics
    Language: Latin , German
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: The volume is containing the critical edition of 207 letters of pope Innocent III’ addressed to recipients all over Europe and in the Middle East which were entered into the chancery registers of the 13th year of pontificate (1210/1211). It is the first of four volumes transmitted not as original but as a copy written at the Curia in mid-14th century and as print published in the 17th century.
    Description: Der Band beinhaltet die kritische Edition von 207 Schreiben Papst Innocenz’ III. an unterschiedliche Empfänger in Europa und im Nahen Osten aus dem 13. Pontifikatsjahr (1210/1211), die in das Kanzleiregister aufgenommen wurden. Er ist der erste von vier Bänden, die nicht als Originalregister, sondern in einer an der Kurie gefertigten Abschrift aus der Mitte des 14. und als Druck aus dem 17. Jahrhundert überliefert sind.
    Keywords: Edition ; diplomatics ; ecclesiastical history ; legal history ; theology ; papacy ; Edition ; Diplomatik ; Kirchengeschichte ; Rechtsgeschichte ; Theologie ; Papsttum ; Jacques-Paul Migne ; Pierre Bosquet ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 29
    De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-04-08
    Keywords: BL1-50 ; bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HR Religion & beliefs ; thema EDItEUR::Q Philosophy and Religion::QR Religion and beliefs
    Language: Latin
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: The journals of the Lübeck cathedral chapter are handed down for the years 1523-1530, 1537-1540, and 1544-1549. They were kept in Latin and overwritten with "actus capitulares". The journals of the following decades have been lost. From 1583 on, the journals are preserved, but only fragmetnary. The latter were subsequently conducted in High German until the abolition of the chapter in 1804.This publication makestavailable the journal written in the years 1544-1549 by Johannes Tideman as Vizedekan and later as Dean. It is the 17th volume of the "Schleswig-Holsteinische Regesten und Urkunden" (SHRU), published by the Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte. it also is Vol. 107 of the series of the Publications of the Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein.From volume 11 on the SHRU devote themselves to the protocols of the Lübeck cathedral chapter.
    Keywords: source ; history ; Lübeck ; Diocese ; Chapter ; journals ; Johannes Tideman ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 31
    Publication Date: 2022-09-01
    Description: The fourteenth volume of the critical edition of pope Innocent III’s chancery-registers is containing 161 letters addressed to recipients all over Europe and in the Middle East. In this year of the pontificate, no geographical focus is discernible. However, christianitas as threatened at three frontiers (in Spain and the East by Muslims, in Southern France by heretics) is a topic constantly recurring in the Pope’s letters. The register of Innocent’s fourteenth year of pontificate is one of the four volumes transmitted not as original but as a copy written at the Curia in mid-14th century and as print published in the 17th century.
    Description: Das Register des 14. Pontifikatsjahrs Innocenz’ III. enthält die kritische Edition von 161 Briefen aus der päpstlichen Kanzlei, die sich an unterschiedliche Empfänger in ganz Europa wie im Nahen Osten richten. Zum Leitthema avanciert in diesem Jahr die an drei Grenzen bedrohte christianitas (der Sarazenenkrieg in Spanien, die Bemühungen um einen neuen Kreuzzug ins Heilige Land, die Bekämpfung der Häresie in Südfrankreich). Auch der 14. Jahrgang gehört zu den vier Bänden der Register Innocenz’ III., die nicht als Originalregister, sondern in einer an der Kurie gefertigten Abschrift aus der Mitte des 14. und in einem gelehrten Druck aus dem 17. Jahrhundert überliefert sind
    Keywords: Edition, diplomatics, ecclesiastical history, legal history, theology, papacy ; Edition, Diplomatik, Kirchengeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Theologie, Papsttum
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 32
    The University of North Carolina Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: This first complete modern edition of Peter Schott's "Lucubraciunculae" opened a treasure-trove of information to students of German literature, historians of Humanism, folklorists, and theologians on its publication in 1963. Also included in this volume are the "De mensirus syllabarum epithoma" and a letter in German to Schott's sister Anna. Schott's works shed light on social, historical and religious questions of the time and are valuable documents of the Northern Renaissance.
    Keywords: German Studies ; Literature ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DN Biography and non-fiction prose::DNT Anthologies: general
    Language: English , German , Latin
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  • 33
    De Gruyter
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Keywords: D51-90 ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHC Ancient history
    Language: Latin
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  • 34
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: The oldest medieval beast epic was translated literally into English prose for the first time in this volume, with Latin on facing pages. The introduction and commentary by Zeydel familiarize the reader with the history and value of the text and constituted a new approach, arguing for the inclusion of Latin literature composed in what is now Germany in the history of German literature.
    Keywords: Poetry ; German Studies ; Literature ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DC Poetry
    Language: English , Latin
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2023-12-20
    Keywords: PN1-6790 ; bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 36
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: Register (matriculation book) of the University of Vienna, 1746/47-1777/78 with university records, chronicles and enrollments.
    Description: Matrikelbuch der Universität Wien für den Zeitraum 1746/47-1777/78 mit Universitäts Akten, Chronikeintragungen und Immatrikulationen.
    Keywords: Vienna, University of Vienna, register, matriculation book, history of science, edition ; Wien, Universität Wien, Matrikel, Universitätsgeschichte, Edition ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 37
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: This volume presents a critical edition of the register of the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna between 1442 and 1557. This edition is made accessible with the aid of both a register of persons and a location register. The introduction contains amongst others a paleographic analysis of the various scribes of the registers, a statistical analysis and a prosopographical overview of the law students, a description of the conditions of studying and a short history of the Faculty of Law.
    Description: Im Zentrum des Bandes steht eine kritische Textedition, die die Fakultätsmatrikel der Juristen an der Wiener Universität der Jahre 1442 bis 1557 umfasst. Die kritische Edition des Matrikeltextes ist sowohl durch ein ausführliches Personen- als auch ein Ortsregister erschlossen. In der Einleitung finden sich unter anderem eine statistische Analyse, ein prosopographischer Überblick, eine Beschreibung des Studienverlaufs und des Alltags an der Wiener Fakultät sowie eine paläographische Analyse der unterschiedlichen Schreiber.
    Keywords: University of Vienna ; Faculty of Law ; Humanism ; critical edition ; Univeristät Wien ; Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät ; Humanismus ; Kritische Textdition ; Bachelor ; Doktor der Rechte ; Griechische Sprache ; Köln ; Magister ; Simon Petrus ; Weimar ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: The first coherent and handy edition with commentaries of one oft he most important sources for history, administration and religious mentalities of the city of Rome in the 4th century A.D.The collection of pictures, lists and short notes, known as the "Chronography of 354" or the "Calendar of Filocalus" is a calendar handbook for the year 354 C.E. Of the thirteen texts, four are Christian documents; the remaining are witnesses of Roman administration and provide no clue for Christianity, or at times even attestations to the Roman religiosity of the Republic and the Imperial Time. The handbook contents can be distinguished by whether it has pictures or just text. Given the complexity of the present form of its constituents, the calendar handbook is an important source for the politic administrative history of the late-Constantine time, for the history of the transformation of religious mentalities, and for the success of the story of Christianity in the city of Rome. The following texts are especially noteworthy: (1)The consular fasti from the beginning of the consulate up to the year 354 CE, for the Roman History and the families that dominated it; (2)the yearly calendar for those festivals celebrated in late-Constantine time with their political and religio-historical dimension, which influenced the history of everyday life of the city; (3)the Catalogus Liberianus, the oldest Roman book of the popes, which together with the lists of the Deposito episcoporum and the Deposito martyrum, the oldest feriale of any Christian Church, is important for the Church of Rome and its conception of history. Notwithstanding a century-long history of editions and commentaries of the calendar handbook, there is up to the present no connected edition and commentary of the pertinent texts, only critical editions of individual parts. This is related to the complex tradition process and the preserved late manuscripts of the 16th and the 17th Century. This poses a range of problems, which this edition and its commentaries tackle: (a)what all was part of the original calendar (b)when did the different texts and their redactions, which lead to the expansions, come into being (c)the perennial research problem of the relationship between the traditional Roman religion and Christianity, for which the texts of the chronographs provide crucial evidence (d)the position of the calendar handbook in the history of book illustration in Late Antiquity. Furthermore, since Mommsen's classical edition, a host of individual problems have been identified, which affect very different scientific endeavours, ranging from the studies of classical antiquities to theology and from cultural sciences to astronomy. Vol. I.: lntroduction with the history of research and the manuscript tradition, Frontispice, Dedicatio, Imagines imperatorum, Natales Caesarum, the week of the planets, the months.
    Description: Es handelt sich um die erste zusammenhängende Ausgabe mit Kommentar des Kalenderhandbuches, das mit seinen Texten eine wichtige Quelle zur Geschichte, Verwaltung und zu den religiösen Mentalitäten in der Stadt Rom im 4. Jahrhundert n.Chr. darstellt.
    Keywords: Ancient Rome ; Fasti ; Early Christianity ; Late Antiquity ; Calendar ; Constantinian Age ; Antikes Rom ; Fasti ; frühes Christentum ; Spätantike ; Kalender ; Konstantinisches Zeitalter ; Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ; Polemius Silvius ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Latin , Greek, Modern (1453- ) , German
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: The first coherent and handy edition with commentaries of one oft he most important sources for history, administration and religious mentalities of the city of Rome in the 4th century A.D.The collection of pictures, lists and short notes, known as the "Chronography of 354" or the "Calendar of Filocalus" is a calendar handbook for the year 354 C.E. Of the thirteen texts, four are Christian documents; the remaining are witnesses of Roman administration and provide no clue for Christianity, or at times even attestations to the Roman religiosity of the Republic and the Imperial Time. The handbook contents can be distinguished by whether it has pictures or just text. Given the complexity of the present form of its constituents, the calendar handbook is an important source for the politic administrative history of the late-Constantine time, for the history of the transformation of religious mentalities, and for the success of the story of Christianity in the city of Rome. The following texts are especially noteworthy: (1) The consular fasti from the beginning of the consulate up to the year 354 CE, for the Roman History and the families that dominated it; (2) the yearly calendar for those festivals celebrated in late-Constantine time with their political and religio-historical dimension, which influenced the history of everyday life of the city; (3) the Catalogus Liberianus, the oldest Roman book of the popes, which together with the lists of the Deposito episcoporum and the Deposito martyrum, the oldest feriale of any Christian Church, is important for the Church of Rome and its conception of history. Notwithstanding a century-long history of editions and commentaries of the calendar handbook, there is up to the present no connected edition and commentary of the pertinent texts, only critical editions of individual parts. This is related to the complex tradition process and the preserved late manuscripts of the 16th and the 17th century. This poses a range of problems, which this edition and its commentaries tackle: (a) what all was part of the original calendar (b) when did the different texts and their redactions, which lead to the expansions, come into being (c) the perennial research problem of the relationship between the traditional Roman religion and Christianity, for which the texts of the chronographs provide crucial evidence (d) the position of the calendar handbook in the history of book illustration in LateAntiquity. Furthermore, since Mommsen's classical edition, a host of individual problems have been identified, which affect very different scientific endeavours, ranging from the studies of classical antiquities to theology and from cultural sciences to astronomy. Vol. 2: Fasti Consulares, Praefecti urbis Romae 254 - 354 A.D., Cpomputus Paschalis, Depositio martyrum, Depositio Episcoporum, Catalogus Liberianus
    Description: Es handelt sich um die erste zusammenhängende Ausgabe mit Kommentar des Kalenderhandbuches, das mit seinen Texten eine wichtige Quelle zur Geschichte, Verwaltung und zu den religiösen Mentalitäten in der Stadt Rom im 4. Jahrhundert n.Chr. darstellt.
    Keywords: Ancient Rome ; Fasti ; Early Christianity ; Late Antiquity ; Calendar ; Constantinian Age ; Antikes Rom ; Fasti ; frühes Christentum ; Spätantike ; Kalender ; Konstantinisches Zeitalter ; Friesische Freiheit ; Gaius Iulius Caesar ; Peneus ; Praefectus urbi ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Latin , Greek, Modern (1453- ) , German
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  • 40
    Publication Date: 2024-03-25
    Description: Aus dem Inhalt: Manlio Bellomo, Factum proponitur certum, sed dubium est de iure Kenneth Pennington, Allegationes, Solutiones, and Dubitationes: Baldus de Ubaldis` Revisions of his Consilia Peter Landau, Kanonistische Quaestionenforschung Martin Bertram, Der Liber quaestionum des Johannes de Deo (1248) Alessandro Giuliani, L` Ordo Iudiciarius medievale tra retorica e logica Federico Martino, Argumenta ex legibus Emma Montanos Ferrín, Las Quaestiones Disputatae en los estatutos universitarios medievales Piergiorgio Peruzzi, Da un manoscritto miscellaneo ad una raccolta di quaestiones Lucia Sorrenti, Quaestiones di scuole giuridiche vercellesi in un trattato di Giuliano da Sesso Antonio Pérez Martín, El arte de la disputatio en Vicente Arias de Balboa (ca. 1368-1414)
    Keywords: D1-2009 ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DN Biography and non-fiction prose
    Language: English , Latin , German
    Format: image/jpeg
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  • 41
    The University of North Carolina Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: Considered the earliest courtly romance in Germany, "Ruodlieb" is an invaluable document of eleventh century European society and a fascinating link in the development of the novel of chivalry. This edition by Edwin H. Zeydel (first published in 1959) with Latin text and the first English translation on facing pages is based upon painstaking study of the manuscripts, with many fragmentary lines completed and 450 corrections of Langosch's text. Zeydel's introduction to the history of the text and appendices with literary commentary and textual notes make this the first critical edition of "Ruodlieb" utilizing the manuscript to appear since Seiler's work in 1882.
    Keywords: Poetry ; German Studies ; Literature ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism
    Language: English , Latin
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  • 42
    Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
    Publication Date: 2022-09-01
    Description: The edition of the documentary sources comprises the list of donations which contains reports from (allegedly) 1060 to 1341, also charters from 1135 to 1249 and supplementary sources especially from the later Middle Ages, however with lots of references to the early days of the history of the monastery. This is followed by the necrology written shortly before 1300 which has unusually close ties to the list of donations, and the calendar. Additionally there are extensive discussions concerning the history of research, the manuscripts, to certain sources up to controversival questions of localization.
    Description: Die Edition der dokumentarischen Quellen: umfasst das Schenkungen-Verzeichnis mit Nachrichten von (angeblich) 1060 bis 1341, die Urkunden von 1135 bis 1249 und ergänzende Quellen vor allem aus dem Spätmittelalter, jedoch mit vielen Bezügen auf die Frühzeit der Klostergeschichte. Im Anschluss folgen das kurz vor 1300 angelegte Necrologiumn, welches ungewöhnlich enge Beziehungen mit dem Schenkungen-Verzeichnis aufweist, sowie das Kalendar. Dazu kommen ausführliche Erörterungen zur Forschungsgeschichte, zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung, zu einzelnen Quellen bis hin zu umstrittenen Lokalisierungsfragen.
    Keywords: Edition ; Charters ; Necrology ; Calendar ; Middle Ages ; Friuli ; Rosazzo ; Edition ; Urkunden ; Necrologium ; Kalendar ; Mittelalter. Friaul ; Rosazzo ; Abt ; Aquileia ; Cividale del Friuli ; Laie (Religion)
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 43
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: Alongside analysing the oldest records of Roman inscriptions of Austria, this work particularly emphasizes the antiquarian-epigraphic collecting activity which can be noted in the area of Austria as a consequence of the spreading humanistic attitude. It focuses on the question, whether Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus is actually to be identified as the so-called „Antiquus Austriacus” as has been pleaded repeatedly. The examination of a number of relevant known and hitherto extensively unknown copies shows that the “Antiquus-Austriacus-Collection“ is not a homogeneous compilation by a single “auctor antiquissimus” but rather an anthology derived from different copies of varying quality, collected by Johannes Fuchsmagen.
    Description: Neben den ältesten Abschriften norischer Inschriften richtet sich der Blick vor allem auf die antiquarisch-epigraphische Sammeltätigkeit, die mit der Verbreitung humanistischen Gedankengutes auch im österreichischen Raum einsetzt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Frage, ob der sogenannte „Antiquus Austriacus“ tatsächlich mit Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus zu identifizieren ist, wofür bisher mehrfach plädiert worden ist. Durch die detaillierte Untersuchung und Gegenüberstellung bereits bekannter Sammlungen sowie bisher kaum beachteter Handschriften zeigt sich schließlich, dass es sich bei der „Antiquus-Austriacus-Sammlung“ nicht um eine homogene Zusammenstellung eines einzigen „auctor antiquissimus“ handelt, sondern um ein Produkt aus unterschiedlichen Abschriften, hinter dem sich die Sammeltätigkeit von Johannes Fuchsmagen verbirgt.
    Keywords: Antiquus Austriacus ; Austria ; Epigraphy ; Humanism ; Inscriptions ; Johannes Fuchsmag(en) ; Manuscript Tradition ; Roman Period ; Antiquus Austriacus ; Epigraphik ; Humanismus ; Inschriften ; Johannes Fuchsmag(en) ; Österreich ; Römerzeit ; Überlieferung ; Augustinus von Hippo ; Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ; Noricum ; Ptuj ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Latin , German
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  • 44
    Call number: AWI Bio-00-0281
    In: Flora of the Russian Arctic, Volume III
    Description / Table of Contents: This volume - the third of six - continues the first comprehensive English-language flora of the Russian Arctic. Flora of the Russian Arctic translates Arkticheskaya Flora SSSR, the authoritative work of botanists of the komarov Botanical Institute prepared under the editorship of A. I. Tolmachev and B. A. Yurtsev. This unexcerpted translation was prepared by distinguished systematist G. C. D. Griffiths under the editorship of J. G. Packer, Professor Emeritus of Botany at the University of Alberta. It represents the first time this work has been made available in a language other than Russian. This third volume of Flora of the Russian Arctic describes the nine families here listed. Together, the six volumes in the series will treat some 360 genera, 1650 species and 220 infraspecific taxa, including many new combinations and previously undescribed species and subspecies. The original distribution maps and detailed keys to genera and species complement the species discussions. The Russian Arctic spans 160 degrees of longitude, from the Norwegian frontier to the Bering Strait. The comprehensive content and accomplished scholarship of this work, along with the size of the area covered, make Flora of the Russian Arctic an essential part of any botanical library.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XXXV, 472 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Edition: First English edition
    ISBN: 3443500242
    Series Statement: Flora of the Russian Arctic : a critical review of the vascular plants occurring in the Arctic region of the former Soviet Union 3
    Uniform Title: Arktičeskaja flora SSSR
    Language: English , Latin
    Note: Contents Acknowledgements Editor's Preface Translator's Preface Preface to Volume V of the Russian Edition, Salicaceae-Portulacaceae Preface to Volume VI of the Russian Edition, Caryophyllaceae-Ranunculaceae Abbreviations Used in Citing Floristic and Systematic Literature FAMILY XX / Salicaceae — Willow Family GENUS 1 / Populus - Poplar GENUS 2 / Chosenia - Chosenia GENUS 3 / Salix - Willow FAMILY XXI / Betulaceae — Birch Family GENUS 1 / Betula - Birch GENUS 2 / Alnaster - Green Alder GENUS 3 / Alnus - Alder FAMILY XXII / Urticaceae — Nettle Family GENUS 1 / Urtica - Nettle FAMILY XXIII / Polygonaceae — Buckwheat Family GENUS 1 / Oxyria - Mountain Sorrel GENUS 2 / Rumex - Dock, Sorrel GENUS 3 / Rheum - Rhubarb GENUS 4 / Koenigia - Koenigia GENUS 5 / Polygonum - Knotweed, Smartweed FAMILY XXIV / Chenopodiaceae — Goosefoot Family GENUS 1 / Chenopodium - Goosefoot GENUS 2 / Monolepis - Monolepis GENUS 3 / Atriplex - Orache GENUS 4 / Corispermum - Bugseed FAMILY XXV / Portulacaceae — Purslane Family GENUS 1 / Claytonia - Spring Beauty GENUS 2 / Montia - Blinks FAMILY XXVI / Caryophyllaceae — Pink Family GENUS 1 / Stellaria - Chickweed, Stitchwort GENUS 2 / Cerastium - Mouse-ear Chickweed GENUS 3 / Sagina - Pearlwort GENUS 4 / Minuartia - Minuartia GENUS 5 / Honkenya - Sea Sandwort GENUS 6 / Arenaria - Sandwort GENUS 7 / Moehringia - Groue Sandwort GENUS 8 / Merckia - Mercfo'a GENUS 9 / Spergula - Corn Spurry GENUS 10 / Spergularia - Sand Spurry GENUS 11 / Agrostemma - Corn Cockle GENUS 12 / Viscaria - Catchfly GENUS 13 / Silene - Campion GENUS 14 / Lychnis - Lychnis GENUS 15 / Coronaria - Ragged Robin GENUS 16 / Gastrolychnis - Gastrolychnis GENUS 17 / Gypsophila - Baby's-breath GENUS 18 / Dianthus - Pink FAMILY XXVII / Faeoniaceae — Peony Family GENUS 1 /Paeonia - Peony FAMILY XXVIII / Ranunculaceae — Buttercup Family GENUS 1 / Caltha - Marsh Marigold GENUS 2 / Trollius - Globe Flower GENUS 2a / Coptis - Goldthread GENUS 3 / Aquilegia - Columbine GENUS 4 / Delphinium - Larkspur GENUS 5 / Aconitum - Monkshood GENUS 6 7 Anemone - Anemone GENUS 7 / Pulsatilla - Pasque Flower GENUS 8 / Atragene - Alpine Clematis GENUS 9 / Oxygraphis - Oxygraphis GENUS 10 / Beckwithia - Beckwithia GENUS 11 / Batrachium - White Water Crowfoot GENUS 12 / Ranunculus - Buttercup GENUS 13 / Thalictrum - Meadow Rue APPENDIX I / Summary of Data on the Geographical Distribution of Vascular Plants of the Soviet Arctic TABLE 5 / Distribution of Vascular Plants of the Soviet Arctic, Salicaceae-Ranunculaceae Index of Plant Names
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 45
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Heidelberg : Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
    Call number: AWI Bio-01-0152
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XII, 522 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 3827410010
    Series Statement: Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa 8/3
    Language: English , Latin
    Note: Contents: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. - GENERAL PART. - Introduction. - Area covered. - Abbreviations, scale bars and arrows. - Material examined. - General structure of the podocopid Ostracoda. - Carapace. - Appendages. - Exo- and endoskeleton. - Respiration and blood circulation. - Digestive and nervous systems, eyes and excretory glands. - Reproduction. - Reproductive organs. - Structure of the sperm. - Reproductive modes. - The biological species concept and clonal taxonomy. - Development. - Ecology. - Terminology. - Life histories. - Food and prédation. - Dispersal abilities. - Fossil record. - The utility of the Ostracoda in (palaeo)ecology and evolution. - Ostracon, IRGO, CYPRIS, ISO, and EOM. - The Index and Bibliography of Nonmarine Ostracoda. - NODE - Nonmarine Ostracod Distribution in Europe. - Practical methods. - Previous faunistic synopses and checklists. Numbers of species recorded. - Classification of the Ostracoda. - Diagnosis of the Podocopida. - Evolutionary origin of non-marine Ostracoda. - Classification of the Podocopida. - SYSTEMATIC RECORD OF SPECIES. - Superfamily DARWINULOIDEA Brady &Norman, 1889. - Family Darwinulidae Brady & Norman, 1889. - Genus Darwinula Brady & Robertson, 1885. - 1. Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson,1870). - Genus Penthesilenula Rossetti & Martens, 1998. - 1. Penthesilenula brasiliensls (Pinto & Kotzian, 1961). - Superfamily CYPRIDOIDEA s. str. Baird, 1845. - Family Candonidae Kaufmann, 1900. - Subfamily Candoninae Kaufmann, 1900. - Genus Paracandona Hartwig, 1899. - 1. Paracandona euplectella (Robertson, 1889). - Genus Nannocandona Ekman, 1914. - 1. Nannocandona faba Ekman, 1914. - Genus Candona s. str. Baird, 1845. - 1. Candona Candida (O.F. Müller, 1776). - 2. Candona weltneri Hartwig, 1899. - 3. Candona sanociensis Sywula, 1971. - 4. Candona improvisa Ostermeyer, 1937. - 5. Candona neglecta Sars, 1887. - 6. Candona lindneri Petkovski, 1969. - 7. Candona meerfeldiana Scharf, 1983. - 8. Candona muelleri Hartwig, 1899. - 9. Candona angulata Müller, 1900. - Genus Fabaeformiscandona Krstic, 1972. - 1. Fabaeformiscandona fabaeformis (Fischer, 1851). - 2. Fabaeformiscandona holzkampfi (Hartwig, 1900). - 3. Fabaeformiscandona alexandri (Sywula, 1981). - 4. Fabaeformiscandona fragilis (Hartwig, 1898). - 5. Fabaeformiscandona angusta (Ostermeyer, 1937). - 6. Fabaeformiscandona tyrolensis (Löffler, 1963) nov. comb. - 7. Fabaeformiscandona brisiaca (Klie, 1938). - 8. Fabaeformiscandona fabella (Nüchterlein, 1969). - 9. Fabaeformiscandona balatonica (Daday, 1894). - 10. Fabaeformiscandona acuminata (Fischer, 1851). - 11. Fabaeformiscandona caudata (Kaufmann, 1900). - 12. Fabaeformiscandona siliquosa (Brady, 1910). - 13. Fabaeformiscandona tricicatricosa(Diebel & Pietrzeniuk, 1969). - 14. Fabaeformiscandona loz.eki (Absolon, 1973) nov. comb. - 15. Fabaeformiscandona levanderi (Hirschmann, 1912). - 16. Fabaeformiscandona hyalina (Brady & Robertson, 1870). - 17. Fabaeformiscandona protzi (Hartwig, 1898). - 18. Fabaeformiscandona brevicornis (Klie, 1925). - 19. Fabaeformiscandona wegelini (Petkovski, 1962). - 20. Fabaeformiscandona latens (Klie, 1940). - 21. Fabaeformiscandona breuili (Paris, 1920) nov. comb. - 22. Fabaeformiscandona bilohata (Klie, 1938). - 23. Fabaeformiscandona bilobatoides (Löffler, 1961). - Genus Schellencandona Meisch, 1996. - 1. Schellencandona schellenhergi (Klie, 1934). - 2. Schellencandona insueta (Klie, 1938). - 3. Schellencandona belgica (Klie, 1937). - 4. Schellencandona triquetra (Klie, 1936). - Genus Pseudocandona Kaufmann, 1900. - 1. Pseudocandona zschokkei (Wolf, 1920). - 2. Pseudocandona marchica (Hartwig, 1899). - 3. Pseudocandona rostrata (Brady & Norman, 1889). - 4. Pseudocandona sarsi (Hartwig, 1899). - 5. Pseudocandona hartwigi (G.W. Müller, 1900). - 6. Pseudocandona lobipes (Hartwig, 1900). - 7. Pseudocandona stagnalis (Sars, 1890). - 8. Pseudocandona semicognita (Schäfer, 1934). - 9. Pseudocandona eremita (Vejdovsky, 1882). - 10. Pseudocandona szoecsi (Farkas, 1958). - 11. Pseudocandona insculpta (G.W. Müller, 1900). - 12. Pseudocandona compressa (Koch, 1838). - 13. Pseudocandona sucki (Hartwig, 1901). - 14. Pseudocandona pratensis (Hartwig, 1901). - 15. Pseudocandona albicans (Brady, 1864). - Genus Cryptocandona Kaufmann, 1900. - 1. Cryptocandona vavrai Kaufmann, 1900. - 2. Cryptocandona kieferi (Klie, 1938). - 3. Cryptocandona reducta (Alm, 1914). - 4. Cryptocandona phreaticola (Klie, 1927). - 5. Cryptocandona leruthi (Klie, 1936). - 6. Cryptocandona dudichi (Klie, 1930). - Genus Mixtacandona Klie, 1938. - 1. Mixtacandona laisi (Klie, 1938). - 2. Mixtacandona transleithanica (Löffler, 1960). - 3. Mixtacandona spandli Rogulj & Danielopol, 1993. - Genus Candonopsis Vavra, 1891. - 1. Candonopsis kingsleii (Brady & Robertson, 1870). - 2. Candonopsis scourfieldi Brady, 1910. - Subfamily Cyclocypridinae Kaufmann, 1900. - Genus Cypria Zenker, 1854. - 1. Cypria exsculpta (Fischer, 1855). - 2. Cypria ophtalmica (Jurine, 1820). - 3. Cypria subsalsa Redeke, 1936. - 4. Cypria sywulae nom. nov. - 5. Cypria reptans Bronshtein, 1928. - Genus Physocypria Vavra, 1897. - 1. Physocypria kraepelini G.W. Müller, 1903. - Genus Cyclocypris Brady & Norman, 1889. - 1. Cyclocypris globosa (Sars, 1863). - 2. Cyclocypris serena (Koch, 1838). - 3. Cyclocypris laevis (O.F. Müller, 1776). - 4. Cyclocypris ovum (Jurine, 1820). - 5. Cyclocypris helocrenica Fuhrmann & Pietrzeniuk, 1990. - Family Ilyocyprididae Kaufmann, 1900. - Subfamily Ilyocypridinae Kaufmann, 1900. - Genus Ilyocypris Brady & Norman, 1889. - 1. Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr, 1808). - 2. Ilyocypris monstrifica (Norman, 1862). - 3. Ilyocypris decipiens Masi, 1905. - 4. Ilyocypris bradyi Sars, 1890. - 5. Ilyocypris inermis Kaufmann, 1900. - 6. Ilyocypris lacustris Kaufmann, 1900. - 7. Ilyocypris getica Masi, 1906. - Family Notodromadidae Kaufmann, 1900. - Subfamily Notodromadinae Kaufmann, 1900. - Genus Notodromas Lilljeborg, 1853. - 1. Notodromas monacha (O.F. Müller, 1776). - 2. Notodromas persica Gurney, 1921. - Subfamily Cyproidinae Hartmann, 1963. - Genus Cyprois Zenker, 1854. - 1. Cyprois marginata (Straus, 1821). - Family Cyprididae Baird, 1845. - Subfamily Cypridinae Baird, 1845. - Genus Cypris O.F. Müller, 1776. - 1. Cypris pubera O.F. Müller, 1776. - 2. Cypris bispinosa Lucas, 1849. - 3. Cypris striata (Jurine, 1820). - Subfamily Eucypridinae Bronshtein, 1947. - Genus Eucypris Vâvra, 1891. - 1. Eucypris virens (Jurine, 1820). - 2. Eucypris kerkyrensis Stephanides, 1937. - 3. Eucypris moravica Jancaffk, 1947. - 4. Eucypris lilljeborgi (G.W. Müller, 1900). - 5. Eucypris elliptica (Baird, 1846). - 6. Eucypris crassa (O.F. Müller, 1785). - 7. Eucypris anglica Fox, 1967. - 8. Eucypris pigra (Fischer, 1851). - Genus Koencypris n. gen. - 1. Koencypris ornata (O.F. Müller, 1776). - Genus Prionocypris Brady & Norman, 1896. - 1. Prionocypris zenkeri (Chyzer & Toth, 1858). - Genus Tonnacypris Diebel & Pietrzeniuk, 1975. - 1. Tonnacypris lutaria (Koch, 1838). - Genus Trajancypris Martens, 1989. - 1. Trajancypris serrata (G.W. Müller, 1900). - 2. Trajancypris clavata (Baird, 1838). - 3. Trajancypris laevis (G.W. Müller, 1900). - Subfamily Cypricercinae McKenzie, 1971. - Genus Bradleycypris McKenzie,1982. - 1. Bradleycypris obliqua (Brady, 1868). - Genus Bradleystrandesia Broodbakker, 1983. - 1. Bradleystrandesia fuscata (Jurine, 1820). - 2. Bradleystrandesia reticulata (Zaddach, 1844). - 3. Bradleystrandesia hirsuta (Fischer, 1851). - Subfamily Herpetocypridinae Kaufmann, 1900. - Genus Herpetocypris Brady & Norman, 1889. - 1. Herpetocypris reptans (Baird, 1835). - 2. Herpetocypris brevicaudata Kaufmann, 1900. - 3. Herpetocypris chevreuxi (Sars, 1896) 4. Herpetocypris helenae G.W. Müller, 1908. - 5. Herpetocypris interm
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    Call number: AWI Bio-01-0065
    In: Iconographia diatomologica, Volume 9
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    ISBN: 3904144200
    Series Statement: Iconographia diatomologica 9
    Language: German , English , Latin
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    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
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    Language: Latin
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    Call number: AWI Bio-97-0308
    In: Flora of the Russian Arctic, Volume 1
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    Description / Table of Contents: This volume - the first of six - launches the first comprehensive English-language flora of the Russian Arctic. Flora of the Russian Arctic translates Arkticheskaya Flora SSSR, the authoritative work of botanists of the Komarov Botanical Institute prepared under the editorship of A. I. Trolmachev and B. A. Yurtsev. This unexcerpted translation was prepared by distinguished systematist G. C. D: Griffiths under the editorship of J. G. Packer, Professor Emeritus of Botany at the University of Alberta. It represents the first time this work has been made available in a language other than Russian. This first volue of Flora of the Russian Arctic describes the thirteen families here listed. Together, the six volumes will treat some 360 genera, 1650 species and 220 infraspecific taxa, including many new combinations and previously undescribed species and subspecies. Detailed keys to genera and species and the original distribution maps complement the species discussions. The Russian Arctic spans 145 degrees of longitude, from the Barents Sea to the Bering Strait. The comprehensive content and accomplished scholarship of this work, along with the size of the area covered, make Flora of the Russian Arctic an essential part of every botanical library.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XXXVIII, 330 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Edition: First English edition
    ISBN: 0888642695
    Series Statement: Flora of the Russian Arctic : a critical review of the vascular plants occurring in the Arctic region of the former Soviet Union 1
    Uniform Title: Arktičeskaja flora SSSR
    Language: English , Latin
    Note: Contents Acknowledgements Editor's Preface Translator's Preface Preface to Volume I of the Russian edition, Polypodiaceae-Butomaceae Preface to Volume II of the Russian edition, Gramineae Abbreviations Used in Citing Floristic and Systematic Literature FAMILY I / Polypodiaceae—True Ferns GENUS 1 / Woodsia—Woodsia GENUS 2 / Cystopteris—Bladder Fern GENUS 3 / Dryopteris—Shield Fern GENUS 4 / Thelypteris—Thelypteris GENUS 5 / Gymnocarpium—Oak Fern GENUS 6 / Polystichum—Holly Fern GENUS 7 / Athyrium—Lady Fern GENUS 8 / Asplenium—Spleenwort GENUS 9 / Cryptogramma—Rock Brake GENUS 10 / Polypodium—Polypody FAMILY II / Ophioglossaceae—Adder's Tongue Family GENUS L / Botrychium—Moonwort FAMILY III / Equisetaceae—Horsetails GENUS 1 / Equisetum—Horsetail FAMILY IV / Lycopodiaceae—Club-Mosses GENUS 1 / Lycopodium—Club-Moss FAMILY V / Selaginellaceae—Selaginella Family GENUS 1 / Selaginella—Selaginella, Little Club-Moss FAMILY VI / Pinaceae—Pine Family GENUS IA / Abies—Fir GENUS 1 / Picea—Spruce GENUS 2 / Larix—Larch GENUS 3 / Pinus—Pine FAMILY VII / Cupressaceae—Cypress Family GENUS 1 / Juniperus—Juniper FAMILY VIII / Sparganiaceae—Bur-Reed Family GENUS 1 / Sparganium—Bur-Reed FAMILY IX / Potamogetonaceae—Pondweed Family GENUS 1 / Potamogeton—Pondweed GENUS 2 / Zostera—Eel-Grass FAMILY X / Juncaginaceae—Arrow-Grass Family GENUS 1 / Triglochin—Arrow Grass GENUS 2 / Scheuchzeria—Scheuchzeria FAMILY XI / Alismataceae—Water-Plantain Family GENUS 1 / Alisma—Water-Plantain FAMILY XII / Butomaceae—Flowering Rush Family GENUS 1 / Butomus—Flowering Rush FAMILY XIII / Gramineae—Grasses GENUS 1 / Typhoides—Reed Canary Grass GENUS 2 / Anthoxanthum—Vernal-Grass GENUS 3 / Hierochloe—Sweet Grass GENUS 4 / Milium—Wood Millet GENUS 5 / Phleum—Timothy GENUS 6 / Alopecurus—Foxtail GENUS 7 / Arctagrostis—Arctagrostis GENUS 8 / Agrostis—Bent GENUS 9 / Calamagrostis—Reed Grass GENUS 10 / Apera—Silky Bent GENUS 11 / Vahlodea—Vahlodea GENUS 12 / Deschampsia—Hair Grass GENUS 13 / Trisetum—Trisetum GENUS 14 / Helictotrichon—Oat Grass GENUS 15 I Beckmannia—Slough Grass GENUS 16 / Phragmites—Reed GENUS 17 / Molinia—Moor Grass GENUS 18 / Koeleria—June Grass GENUS 19 / Melica—Melic GENUS 20 / Pleuropogon—Semaphore Grass GENUS 21 / Dactylis—Cocksfoot GENUS 22 / Poa—Bluegrass GENUS 23 / Dupontia—Dupontia GENUS 24 / Arctophila—Arctophila GENUS 25 / Colpodium—Colpodium GENUS 26 / Catabrosa—Brook Grass GENUS 27 / Phippsia—Phippsia GENUS 27A / Glyceria—Manna Grass GENUS 28 / Puccinellia—Alkali Grass GENUS 29 / Festuca—Fescue GENUS 30 / Zerna—Perennial Brome Grass GENUS 31 / Bromus—Brome Grass GENUS 32 / Nardus—Matgrass GENUS 33 / Roegneria—Rhizomeless WheatGrass GENUS 34 / Elytrigia—WheatGrass GENUS 35 / Leymus—Wild Rye GENUS 36 / Hordeum—Barley APPENDIX I I Summary of Data on the Geographical Distribution of Vascular Plants of the Soviet Arctic TABLE 1 / Distribution of Vascular Plants of the Soviet Arctic, Polypodiaceae-Butomaceae TABLE 2 / Distribution of Vascular Plants of the Soviet Arctic, Gramineae Index of Plant Names
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