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  • Czech  (205)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: The aim of the methodology is to give an understanding of elder abuse, typologies, manifestations, risks of occurrence and procedures for detection and solution. The methodology helps those who regularly come into contact with older people to put knowledge about elder abuse into practice. This can be anyone who is not, or should not be, indifferent to seeing an older person treated inappropriately. The methodology is primarily intended for people working in support services, with recommendations for other relevant actors such as general practitioners and specialists, the police, the social services of local authorities, etc. However, it can also be used by interested members of the public and by non-profit organisations, which also have an essential role to play in dealing with this phenomenon. The procedures and recommendations presented here are based on the research activities of the RESTABUS project, which draw on the findings of other research teams from all over the world and from a wide range of scientific disciplines, as well as on many years of experience in working with older people.
    Keywords: older people ; elder abuse ; detection ; prevention ; prevalence ; EAN ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology
    Language: Czech
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  • 2
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Title in English: Motivation Support in Teaching German as a Foreign Language (and Beyond) With regard to the proven significant impact of motivation on learning processes and their success, promoting learner’s motivation can be described as an important part of pedagogical activity. The current book presents research investigations into learners’ motivation in learning German as a foreign language. A qualitative research design conducted as a multi-case study was chosen in order to gain a deeper insight into the issue of motivation. The results obtained showed the wide scope of teachers’ motivating influence on their learners. Many of the existing findings on motivation could be verified. Moreover, the specifics of motivation towards German as a second foreign language as well as the culturally conditioned specifics concerning Czech learners’ attitudes towards the German language have been highlighted.
    Keywords: German as a foreign language ; motivation to learn foreign languages ; motivating students to learn foreign languages ; teacher ; student ; teaching German ; attitudes towards foreign language ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACG German
    Language: Czech
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Interprofessional collaboration in school: a collection of case studies The book provides an introduction in the field of (inter)professional collaboration in school. It offers theoretical background for interprofessional collaboration and on the basis of case studies it illustrates its' various forms within school education. The book could serve as source in preparation and development in helping professions.
    Keywords: interprofessional collaboration ; pedagogical professions ; helping professions ; school ; school education ; thema EDItEUR::U Computing and Information Technology::UG Graphical and digital media applications::UGK 3D graphics and modelling
    Language: Czech
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: Title in English: The future of metropolitan cooperation in the czech republic: development, governance, management Metropolitan regions are engines of economic growth, where research, innovation, technology and creative human potential are concentrated. The cooperation of municipalities in metropolitan regions in economically developed Europe dates back to the mid-1990s, while in the Czech Republic this new form of cooperation has been discussed more intensively since 2014, when three metropolitan areas and ten urban agglomerations were defined. However, there is still no systemic coordination of the problems and needs of metropolitan areas. The first activities aimed at real strengthening of metropolitan cooperation and development took place in the Brno Metropolitan Area within the framework of the TAČR ÉTA project “Institutionalization of metropolitan cooperation as a factor to increase the motivation of municipalities to cooperate in metropolitan areas”. The aim of the publication is to present the results of the project, experiences from abroad and their possible application in the Czech environment, as well as real steps to set up metropolitan inter-municipal cooperation.
    Keywords: metropolitan cooperation ; metropolitan areas ; municipalities and cities ; governance ; management ; Czech Republic ; bic Book Industry Communication::K Economics, finance, business & management::KC Economics::KCP Political economy
    Language: Czech
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: The aim of the research report is to present the results of the representative survey carried out in the RESTABUS project. This survey is the first of its kind and scope in the Czech Republic in its focus on mapping the prevalence of elder abuse, exploitation, neglect, other violence and undermining of dignity of older people (EAN). The survey was carried out among 2687 respondents aged 65 to 99 years living at home (outside residential care) and is representative of the older population in the Czech Republic. The topic of EAN is complemented by issues of the perceived prevalence of EAN in the public space, capturing attitudes towards restorative justice, and early trauma incidents (experience of violence in childhood and middle age). Thus, the research not only describes the level of prevalence of violence and ill-treatment of older people in the Czech Republic, but also maps the impact of experienced incidents on the quality of life of persons at risk, ascertains the attitudes of the older people towards the functionality of available forms of help and support, and suggests the direction of their possible further development. The report includes a methodological section, a results section and a tabular annex.
    Keywords: senior abuse ; EAN ; discrimination ; restorative justice ; research ; gender ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology
    Language: Czech
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Didactic inspirations for activation teaching in secondary school history The publication serves as a support for secondary school teachers for the development of activation teaching in history.
    Keywords: Promoting activating learning ; secondary school history ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPJ Educational: Humanities and social sciences, general::YPJH Educational: History
    Language: Czech
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: Title in English: "Contemporary Czech Family" – data documentation This is the source work of the “GGP – The Contemporary Czech Family” research project. The publication contains all the basic research data and basic analytical insights into the data. It summarizes the methodology of the research (the questionnaire, selection of respondents, and course of the field investigation, including methodological innovations). It empirically describes the basic distribution of variables and compares them with older data (and comparable data from other countries). It will be the essential reference guide for data users.
    Keywords: family ; Generations and Gender Survey ; demography ; methodology ; mixed mode ; survey ; data documentation ; covid-19 ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBD Population & demography
    Language: Czech
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-04-02
    Description: Published
    Description: Kniha Mezi Markem Marci a Löwem z Erlsfeldu je prvním monografickým pojednáním o obsahu výuky na pražské lékařské fakultě v době barokní; titul odkazuje ke dvěma významným českým profesorům medicíny té doby. Výklad je chronologicky rámován obnovením lékařské fakulty po bitvě na Bílé hoře a počátkem vlády císařovny Marie Terezie (1740). Čtenář se nejprve dozví, co a z jakých učebnic se v pobělohorské době v Praze studovalo, včetně širšího kontextu dobové medicíny ve srovnání s fakultami v cizině. Dále se studie detailněji zaměřila na některé aspekty lékařských teorií v díle Jana Marka Marci z Kronlandu, např. na historii počátků středoevropského očkování proti neštovicím. Součástí pojednání je i podrobný rozbor prolínání lékařských teorií s dobovou filozofií. Nechybí ani popis postupného šíření objevu krevního oběhu ve středoevropské lékařské literatuře, na němž lze dobře pozorovat, jak se v baroku medicína postupně modernizovala. Práce rehabilituje baroko tradičně vykládané jako doba „temna“, neboť ukazuje, jak se lékařská učenost onoho období v Praze originálně rozvíjela a jak vzkvétala.
    Keywords: lékařství ; baroko ; výuka ; středověk ; Praha ; filozofie ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHD European history
    Language: Czech
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  • 9
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Get Ready and Survive! Part 3: Methodology for teaching human protection in emergency situations for lower secondary schools – psychosocial aspects in OČMU The methodology is a resource that complements the methodologies Get Ready and Survive! Part 1 (Slaná Reissmannová, Mertová, 2021) and Get Ready and Survive! Part 2 (Slaná Reissmannová, Lízalová, 2022), provides a theoretical and didactic framework for the topic (first aid in human protection in emergency situations) and serves for the training of students of the study programme Health Education as well as teachers in elementary and secondary schools and universities in teaching this complex and highly topical issue. The methodology contains 10 lessons with a proven structure: theoretical presentation of the topic, detailed lesson plan, worksheets including the key for the teacher and additional activities. In the text, students/teachers will also find numerous online links to the latest professional information.
    Keywords: psychosocial aspects of health ; human protection ; emergency situations ; health education ; health literacy ; safety literacy ; school ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPJ Educational: Humanities and social sciences, general::YPJJ Educational: Social sciences, social studies::YPJJ6 Educational: Personal and health education
    Language: Czech
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  • 10
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: Title in English: My adventurous journey through sociology: 100 years of sociology in Brno from my point of view The book maps the century-long existence of sociology at Brno’s university. At the same time the author, professor emeritus of the MU Faculty of Social Studies, reflects on his personal; "adventurous journey through sociology" and presents the reader with some intellectual and ethical questions that he encountered along the way. The text is also a generational statement illustrating the inseparable connection between the field of sociology and society. The publication will interest students and graduates in sociology, as well as all those interested in the position of the social sciences in contemporary societies.
    Keywords: sociology ; history of sociology ; Masaryk University ; history of the Department of Sociology ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JH Sociology & anthropology
    Language: Czech
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  • 11
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Published
    Description: V západní Evropě sice volební volatilita za posledních třicet až čtyřicet let významně narostla, skutečnou explozi voličské nestability ovšem spojujeme se zeměmi bývalého komunistického bloku ve východní Evropě. Tato publikace se proto zaměřuje na výzkum volební volatility v 11 postkomunistických státech střední a východní Evropy od roku 1990 do roku 2020. Volební volatilitu studie chápe jako změnu voličské preference ve volbách jdoucích po sobě. Jelikož přechody voličů mezi stranami se odehrávají všemi různými směry, rozhodli se autoři zaměřit svou výzkumnou pozornost na ty, které považují v postkomunistickém kontextu za nejdůležitější v celkové sumě všech voličských přechodů. Zaprvé se jedná o hlasování pro nové strany a tedy přechody voličů k novým stranám. Zadruhé jsou vyčleněny přechody voličů od vládních stran. Oba procesy (ztráty vládních stran a zisky nových stran) podstatným způsobem přispívají k výši volební volatility. Celková úroveň agregované volební volatility dosahovala v postkomunistických státech průměrné hodnoty 31 procent. Agregovaná volatilita je měřena na základě změny v podpoře jednotlivých stran v po sobě jdoucích volbách a představuje nejnižší nutný podíl přechodů mezi stranami, který je nutný, aby mohly nastat reálné volební výsledky ve volbách jdoucích po sobě. Na individuální úrovni jsou přechody ještě četnější. Na základě analýzy individuálních dat z dotazníkových šetření autoři zjistili, že průměrná voličská volatilita dosahovala dokonce 44 procent. Téměř každý druhý volič změnil svou preferenci. Volatilita na individuální úrovni je tak mnohem vyšší, než potvrzují analýzy volebních výsledků. Jak měřit a zkoumat volební volatilitu? Proč vznikají nové strany? A co ovlivňuje jejich volební úspěšnost? Získávaly nové strany větší podporu v době po přechodu k demokracii nebo spíše v poslední době? Přispívají k volatilitě spíše vládní nebo opoziční strany? A nakolik je volební volatilita způsobena ztrátami vládních stran?
    Keywords: volby ; volební volatilita ; sociologie ; politologie ; Evropa ; postkomunismus ; volič ; politická strana ; komunismus ; demokracie ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JP Politics & government ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government
    Language: Czech
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  • 12
    Publication Date: 2024-03-26
    Description: Title in English: The XVth Student Academic Conference of the Department of Czech Language and Literature: 23th March 2023 These collection of the XV. student scientific conference of the Department of Czech Language and literature from March 23, 2023, contains 15 articles by 15 researchers on linguistic and literary topics. It contains studies by Kristýna Zuzaňáková (The metaphors of everyday life), Iveta Dokoupilová (Carrying children in linguistics), Tereza Švandová (Czech Language as the basis of success or the Role of Czech for foreign language speakers), Radim Ošmera (Interlanguage theory in second language acquisition), Zuzana Procházková (Textbooks for pupils with different mother tongue at the second level of primary school), Aneta Čermáková (Strengths and limitations of corpus analysis of bilingual material), Petra Fojtíková (Literacy and literacy in literary education classes), Miroslav Jindra (Conclusion to the research on children’s identification with literary works and theatre performances), Marie Pavelková (The figure of the child-stranger in Alena Ježková’s Dragon soup), Magdalena Lípová (The dog hero as a guide on the way to identity formation and interpersonal relationships in selected stories for children and youth), Klára Březinová (Marian mirroring), Dominika Papíková (Internal subjects in Petra Soukupová’s books To the sea and The best for all), Ondřej Zabloudil Pechník (The thematization of natural nations in Czech literature after 2000 in retrospect), Tereza Homolová (The theme of music in the poetry of Vít Slíva) and Tereza Pořízková (Above aspects of the novel by E. M. Forster).
    Keywords: Department of Czech Language and Literature ; students’ scientific conference ; collection of contributions ; Czech literature ; Czech language ; didactics ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism
    Language: Czech
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  • 13
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: Title in English: Modelling Mechanical Phenomena in School Physics The book offers a view of physical modelling in primary school education, especially in mechanics. It has several aims, namely: a description of models in their historical development up to the present day (the emphasis is on applicability to primary school practice); a comparison of selected development environments suitable for the creation of computer models by teachers and pupils; a description of teachers and pupils using and creating models for their own teaching or preparation. Finally, several piloted models that can be applied in school physics are presented. The publication contains three parts: Pedagogical (focusing on the goals in Czech curriculum documents); Theoretical (devoted to digital education and its impact on people and the perception of models by students and teachers); Practical (devoted to the actual creation of models for school practice).
    Keywords: computer modelling ; physics modelling ; simulation ; physics education goals ; creation of physics models and simulations ; bic Book Industry Communication::P Mathematics & science::PH Physics ; thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PH Physics
    Language: Czech
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  • 14
    Karolinum Press
    Publication Date: 2024-03-11
    Description: Published
    Description: Diskurz o údajné „dekadenci“ evropské kultury na konci 19. století se často spojoval s představou, že příčinou tohoto úpadku je narůstající vliv Židů a že „obrození“ se tudíž neobejde bez jejich vyloučení. Na příkladech vybraných středoevropských intelektuálů židovského původu a německého jazyka podává kniha přehled náhradních kolektivů a projektů, k nimž se Židé vyhánění z německého národa a německé měšťanské kultury uchylovali. Tyto židovské odpovědi na nástup antisemitismu a (jím ohlašovanou) krizi liberalismu nechává kniha komunikovat s analýzami toho, jak se diskurz „dekadence a obrození“ propojoval s „židovskou otázkou“ v prozaickém i esejistickém díle Thomase Manna.
    Keywords: filozofie ; historie ; politologie ; liberalismus ; Židé ; židovství ; judaismus ; národ ; antisemitismus ; kultura ; náboženství ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JP Politics & government::JPF Political ideologies
    Language: Czech
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  • 15
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: Title in English: How do I cope?: Influence of school and family stressors on students aged 14–19 The publication deals with the influence of risk factors of the school and family environment on the ability of adolescent aged 14–19 to cope with stressful situations. After theoretical introductory part the main part of the publication presents the conclusions of a quantitative research survey monitoring the influence of selected stress factors (i.e. factors of the school and family environment) on the occurrence of psychosomatic difficulties, the character of coping strategies and the psychohygienic habits of the monitored group of adolescent pupils. These parameters are compared between groups with regard to their age, place of residence, type of school and the presence of specific learning disabilities. Presented outcomes can serve both pedagogical and counselling staff in school practice, as well as parents and the wider public.
    Keywords: stress ; pubescence ; adolescence ; stressors of the school environment ; stressors of the family environment ; pupils with specific learning disabilities ; coping strategies ; psychohygienic habits ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNC Educational psychology
    Language: Czech
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  • 16
    Publication Date: 2024-03-23
    Description: Title in English: Research in foreign language didactics V This publication presents an empirical research of pronunciation mistakes of Czech students learning German as a second foreign language at elementary school. The aim of the research was to verify the extent of the students’ pronunciation difficulties with German pronunciation phenomena error-prone for Czech native speakers. The research determined in what way these errors manifest themselves in the transfer from the students’ previously acquired languages, i.e. their mother tongue (Czech) and the first foreign language learnt (English). Within the theoretical foundation, the focus is put on different concepts of pronunciation in terms of foreign language teaching objectives, definitions of language errors and their causes, the development of the German pronunciation standard and methodological approaches to error analysis.
    Keywords: pronunciation ; error ; transfer ; teaching of German as a second foreign language ; empirical research ; thema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AC Germanic and Scandinavian languages::2ACG German
    Language: Czech
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  • 17
    Karolinum Press
    Publication Date: 2024-09-06
    Description: Published
    Description: Arktida – daleká, nepřístupná, sevřená krutým mrazem – měla po celá staletí pro světový řád jen okrajový význam. Dnes je v popředí rozhodujících globálních trendů. Je epicentrem světové klimatické krize, která se dotýká nás všech. Stává se frontovou linií mezi ekonomickými, politickými a vojenskými ambicemi na jedné straně a degradací životního prostředí na straně druhé. Právní režim Arktidy sehrává průkopnickou roli při zavádění inovativních forem správy. Arktida už není posledním bílým místem na mapě, je naší první hranicí. V této kolektivní monografii se teoretici i praktici – od Anchorage po Moskvu, od Nuuku po Hongkong – zabývají politickými, právními, sociálními, ekonomickými, geostrategickými a environmentálními výzvami, s nimiž se Arktida musí vyrovnávat v situaci globálního oteplování a měnícího se světového řádu, a uvažují o tom, co tyto výzvy mohou přinést v horizontu příštích desetiletí.
    Keywords: přírodní vědy ; environmentalistika ; politologie ; mezinárodní vztahy ; světový řád ; geografie ; globální oteplování ; Grónsko ; Arktida ; Rusko ; Spojené státy americké ; geopolitika ; bezpečnost ; právo ; thema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning
    Language: Czech
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  • 18
    Publication Date: 2024-09-06
    Description: Published
    Description: Kapitola zkoumá vliv podzimních senátních voleb v roce 2020 na vývoj epidemie covid-19.
    Keywords: covid-19 ; volby ; pandemie ; analýza ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JH Sociology and anthropology::JHB Sociology::JHBC Social research and statistics
    Language: Czech
    Format: application/octet-stream
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  • 19
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Interviews in the Comenius Journal: A Dozen Reflections on Education The book includes twelve interviews about pedagogical, curricular and didactic topics conducted with leading experts and important personalities in contemporary Czech pedagogy. It captures the ways of thinking about these issues in the second decade of the 21st century. It is intended for the wide professional public – academics, teachers and students.
    Keywords: pedagogy ; education ; philosophy of education ; interview ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNK Organization & management of education::JNKC Curriculum planning & development
    Language: Czech
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  • 20
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: Title in English: Prediction of potential locations for water-retention dams in landscape based on re-utilisation of defunct relics of water-management buildings: Certified methodology This certified methodology shows the steps to be taken by contractors and builders of small water reservoirs with a special focus on preserving and archiving cultural value of historic landscape and its evolution. The methodology describes how to find and use defunct relics of historical waterdams in modern constructions (water retention dams), from identification in the landscape, through incorporation into the project documentation of the dam construction, to basic protection during the building process itself. State legislature on historic landscape is also mentioned. Re-utilisation of historic waterdams allows for their conservation for future generations and points at features of the historic dams at risk of destruction, and which need archaeological attention during the construction works (especially the historical drainage outlet). This methodology is praxis driven, as it is actively using knowledge gained through close co-operation with contractors and builders, and reflects their needs during construction.
    Keywords: methodology ; water reservoirs ; historic landscape ; landscape evolution ; water-management buildings ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology
    Language: Czech
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  • 21
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Title in English: Summary of Best Practice : Experiences in Inclusive Education An inclusive school strives to involve all actors in the life of the school. Management, faculty, assistants and counselors, pupils, parents and carers are all seen as important partners in education and upbringing. The basis of this partnership is mutual trust and belief in a common goal – the development of the educational potential and personality of each student. The school, which manages to build a positive climate, thus provides a pleasant environment in which all actors feel good and are themselves interested in participating in the life of the school. The publication is based on the best practice of schools in the Czech Republic. We convey their experiences, the challenges they faced and the ways in which they dealt with them. The Summary contains interesting ideas, tips for specific activities and proven measures.
    Keywords: Inclusive education ; elementary school ; school climate ; best practice cooperation ; well-being ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Czech
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  • 22
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Practice of the Study Program Teacher Training for Kindergartens: Methodical Handbook for Students The methodological manual was created with the aim of helping students of the bachelor's study program Teacher Training for Kindergartens to better understand the system of pedagogical and didactic practices so that they have a comprehensive idea of their organization and relationship to some theoretical subjects. At the same time, it should provide a deeper insight into the relationship between theory and practice through the portfolio and approach its function at the very end of the study, ie during the final state examination.
    Keywords: Practice ; students of Preschool Teacher Training ; reflection ; portfolio ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools::JNLA Pre-school & kindergarten
    Language: Czech
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  • 23
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Title in English: Graphomotor skills: New approaches to the diagnosis This book focuses on graphomotor skills, their disorders and brings new possibilities to their diagnosis. The introduction discusses various theories of writing and the development of graphomotor skills and writing. It also defines graphomotor disorders and developmental dysgraphia and offers an overview of diagnostic methods for assessing handwriting disabilities. In the final chapter, the authors present an original approach to diagnosing graphomotor disabilities based on an objective analysis of online handwriting. The resulting “Graphomotor and Handwriting Disabilities Rating Scale” (GHDRS) allows for a detailed assessment of the sources of a child’s difficulties. The book is intended primarily for workers in the school guidance system, especially special educators and psychologists, but also for others interested in graphomotor skills.
    Keywords: graphomotor skills ; writing ; graphomotor disabilities ; assessment ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology::JMB Psychological methodology::JMBT Psychological testing & measurement ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JM Psychology::JMB Psychological methodology::JMBT Psychological testing and measurement
    Language: Czech
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  • 24
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Title in English: A Set of Tools for (self) Assessment of Students during Teacher Training An integral component of the preparation of teacher students is a well-thought-out system of reflected teacher training. Long-term experience shows that it is not enough just to increase the amount of practice, but also to reflect the gained experience well in practice. The aim of this publication (respectively, a set of tools for student (self) assessment on teacher training) is to contribute to the improvement of the practical professional training of future teachers at the 1st grade of elementary school.
    Keywords: teacher training ; reflection ; teacher education ; professional preparation ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNT Teaching skills & techniques ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNT Teaching skills and techniques
    Language: Czech
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  • 25
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: The concept of developing geoinformatics skills in teaching at primary and secondary schools This conceptual monograph responds to insufficient support for developing geoinformation skills in Czech lower and upper secondary schools. It aims to create an interconnected system for developing geoinformation skills in teaching in lower and upper secondary schools, emphasizing the implementation of GIS tools and proposing principles for the development of geoinformation skills in teaching. For this purpose, a matrix of learning tasks is created, arranged according to individual geoinformation skills – reading, selection, use, creation, and sharing. The monograph is intended mainly for pre-service and in-service geography teachers at lower and upper secondary schools, the leaders of school educational programmes, and teachers in non-formal education. The monograph, including learning tasks and other materials, is available online at
    Keywords: geoinformation technology ; geoinformation skills ; geographic information system ; digital competences ; bic Book Industry Communication::R Earth sciences, geography, environment, planning::RB Earth sciences::RBG Geology & the lithosphere
    Language: Czech
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  • 26
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Methodological publication of work with inclusive classroom with the focus on pupils with physical disability: Methodical Manual Publication is one of the outputs of the project Quality Inclusive Education of Pupils with Special Education Needs at elementary and secondary school. This text focuses on teaching pupils with physical disabilities in an inclusive classroom. The text is divided into three chapters, the first one defines theoretical background. Described is physical disability with an emphasis on cerebral palsy together with the specifics of the target group of pupils. Part of the chapter also defines special pedagogical diagnostics. The second chapter focuses on the education of pupil with cerebral palsy in inclusive school. In the third chapter are presented results of the research part of the project with special education needs – with physical disabilities with the focus on cerebral palsy.
    Keywords: inclusion ; education ; physical disability ; cerebral palsy ; teaching ; diagnostics ; support measures ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNS Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
    Language: Czech
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  • 27
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: A student teacher professional competence standard The purpose of the Standard is to describe the expert knowledge of primary and secondary school teachers, and the academic staff of the Faculty of Education about what is well-prepared implemented and assessed teaching. The Standard is primarily used by student teachers for orientation in the demands of of the quality of teaching at primary and secondary schools, for assessing and monitoring the progress of their professional competencies. Last but not least, the Standard helps to create a shared understanding of the teaching quality in the community of prospective and current teachers, thus bringing together actors involved in undergraduate training of pre-service teachers.
    Keywords: professional standard ; student teachers ; cooperating teachers ; quality of teaching ; professional learning ; professional development ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNM Higher & further education, tertiary education::JNMT Teacher training
    Language: Czech
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  • 28
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Proceedings of the Conference on the Didactics of the Sciences DidSci+ 2021 The goal of the DidSci+ conference on the didactics of natural sciences is to enable international exchange of experience in theory and practice of teaching natural sciences. The conference is organized yearly since 2018.
    Keywords: natural sciences ; didactics ; education ; teachers' education and training ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPM Educational: Mathematics, science and technology, general::YPMP Educational: Sciences, general science
    Language: Czech
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  • 29
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Title in English: Integration of 3D printing technology into teaching in primary and secondary schools: Verified Methodology With the development of 3D printing technology in recent years, there has been a significant decrease in the price of printers and thus an increase in the availability of this technology. This technological area opens up new possibilities in a wide range of fields from industry, medicine, construction and architecture to the level of everyday home use. We also see a huge didactic potential in 3D technology, which is currently not being used. The implementation of 3D technologies in teaching at primary and secondary schools enables the creation of completely new types of teaching aids and increases the availability of teaching models for pupils and students. Students can work with teaching models in class and, with methodological supports, they also actively participate in their creation.
    Keywords: methodology ; 3D printing ; teaching ; primary schools ; secondary schools ; teaching aids ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy & theory of education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of education
    Language: Czech
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  • 30
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Published
    Description: Monografie se zabývá sociolingvistickou analýzou současné situace ve Španělsku. Vychází z detailního popisu jazyků a dialektů současného Španělska a snaží se načrtnout jazykovou dimenzi konfliktů, ke kterým dochází v tomto mnohojazyčném státě. Popisuje historii a současnost složitého vztahu mezi jazykem oficiálním (španělština) a jazyky kooficiálními (katalánština, baskičtina, galicijština). Ukazuje, že jazykový rozměr je jen jedním z aspektů, byť důležitým, daleko složitějšího konfliktu a že vztah mezi tímto jazykovým rozměrem a dimenzí politickou, kulturní a sociální je daleko komplikovanější, než jak se obvykle prezentuje. Vychází z analýzy aktuálních statistických dat a kromě detailního popisu stavu na jednotlivých dvojjazyčných územích (Baskicko, Galicie, Katalánsko, Valencie, Baleáry) obsahuje též zobecňující komentář, z kterého vyplývá, jak rozdílná je povaha jazykových konfliktů na jednotlivých územích a jak obtížné je hledat řešení na centrální, celošpanělské úrovni.
    Keywords: lingvistika ; jazyk ; Španělsko ; analýza ; dialekt ; sociolingvistika ; španělština ; baskičtina ; galicijština ; katalánština ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics
    Language: Czech
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  • 31
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Test versions equivalence of the Slovak upper-secondary school leaving examination The research presented in this book strives to answer how test versions equivalence – a necessary condition for meaningful and fair interpretation and comparison of students’ results – could be achieved in the context of high-stakes examination. The research was carried on the Slovak upper-secondary school leaving examination in English at B1 level, namely on the tests of receptive skills operationalized between 2012 and 2015. Theoretical research on the methods and procedures and the application of some of them on the Slovak examinations in the empirical part provided deep insight into the degree of comparability of the test versions used between 2012 and 2015 and made it possible to identify problem areas in terms of test versions comparability. The research helped to identify suitable methods and approaches that might enable to develop equivalent test versions and subsequently, to interpret meaningfully the test results and the measured construct, i.e. students’ language proficiency.
    Keywords: test versions equivalence ; validity ; fairness ; upper-secondary school leaving exam ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNK Organization & management of education::JNKD Examinations & assessment
    Language: Czech
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  • 32
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Productive culture of teaching and learning in didactic case studies The book introduces the issue of productive culture of teaching and learning in broader didactical context. In the first part of the book, three areas of productive culture of teaching and learning are as theoretical framework presented: 1. clarity, structure, coherence, 2. cognitive activation, instrumentalization, semantization, 3. Supportive learning environment. The second part of the book presents 17 didactic case studies that have been developed by teams that consisted of researchers and teachers from schools. The aim of didactic case studies is to highlight key areas of productive culture of teaching and learning.
    Keywords: didactic case study ; productive culture of teaching ; didactics ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNU Teaching of a specific subject
    Language: Czech
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  • 33
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Effective Teaching in Heterogeneous Classroom with a Focus on Methods and Teaching Strategie The aim of the book is to define the inclusive school together with the specific approaches in primary education. It is focused on the supported planning during common education of pupils with special needs and the intact, on managing the individual support and enhancing learning environment. The book provides an analysis of the team work of a teacher, special needs teacher and a support teacher. It depicts the development of the learning competences, the teaching strategies and learning skills.
    Keywords: pupils with special needs ; primary school ; efficient teaching ; heterogeneous classroom ; common education ; methods ; teaching strategies ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNS Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
    Language: Czech
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  • 34
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Foglar in us: the mystery of heads and quarries The presentation of the personality, work and influence of Jaroslav Foglar is not limited to a historical biographical sketch, but seeks, among other things, on the basis of an empirical survey (n = 1174), to provide a comprehensive professional treatment of a relatively complex social phenomenon. The evidence of the influence of the reading experience usually acquired in childhood on the whole future life, as well as the interest of several scientific disciplines (comic studies, literary science, religious studies, pedagogy) in the specific methods of the scout educator, writer of boys’ literature and editor of several children’s magazines is thus the first book venture going beyond theoretical considerations and hypotheses towards evidence based on surveys of readers and fans of Foglar’s texts.
    Keywords: Jaroslav Foglar ; leisure education ; camping ; outdoor education ; thema EDItEUR::W Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure
    Language: Czech
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  • 35
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Po O. The Possibilities and Inspiration for Art Creation of Children in Preschool Education This publication is aimed at improving the pedagogical practices of teachers in pre-school education. It offers information about fine art activities for pre-school aged children and explains the current objectives of pre-school education, which are implemented through integrative fine art activities. It defines the requirements for kindergarten teachers to create opportunities for teaching. The publication offers inspiring examples of creativity that can expand ideas about the creative possibilities of pre-school age children.
    Keywords: spontaneous expression of a child ; pre-school education ; kindergartens ; teacher in pre-school education ; integration of art activities ; self-expression in fine art ; pedagogical experience ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools::JNLA Pre-school & kindergarten
    Language: Czech
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  • 36
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Title in English: Design-based Research of an ESP Coursebook This book deals with the concept of design-based research which presents a challenge for English for specific purposes (ESP) teachers to deal with complex curriculum issues in dynamic contexts of teaching practice. The development of learning materials seems to be a fact of life for many ESP teachers. Even though there are many empirically grounded studies for the development of English language learning materials, only a few studies deal with ESP materials development that would provide potential authors with instructions on how to proceed with their design. Design-Based Research of an ESP Coursebook offers a solution to this problem since it describes the systematic implementation, evaluation, and development of an ESP coursebook with the aim of producing design principles and empirically grounded theories. It is believed that the design principles presented in this book should provide a basis for adaptation to other situations, that is, they can help teachers to develop ESP coursebooks tailored for their own courses.
    Keywords: design-based research ; ESP coursebook ; checklist questionnaire ; survey ; test ; iteration ; design principles ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNS Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs::JNSV Teaching of students with English as a second language (TESOL) ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNU Teaching of a specific subject
    Language: Czech
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  • 37
    Karolinum Press
    Publication Date: 2024-04-01
    Description: Traditional cultures have exercises which teach people discipline. Even modern philosophers, Hegel, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard paid special attention to striving for spirituality, although outside religious frameworks. However, if we are to grow, we should relax the relationship to ourselves. Hence the notion of resignation. A resigned will is not weak, it is able to resist itself and others. Such resignation is a man’s defense against becoming a mere element in a sequence of events. Art, philosophy, and mainly freedom all lie in the ability to create distance. In her most recent book, Tereza Matějčková offers more than a history of a notion or a thematic reading of the legacy of respected thinkers – a fresh view of a newly asked question of self-acceptance and growth.
    Description: Published
    Description: Tradiční kultury znají cvičení, která člověku vštěpují kázeň. Rovněž moderní autoři, Hegel, Nietzsche nebo Kierkegaard, ještě věnovali zvláštní péči vlastnímu úsilí o duchovnost, byť mimo náboženské rámce. Máme-li ale skutečně růst, je naopak třeba rozvolnit vztah k sobě samému. Sem vstupuje pojem rezignace. Rezignovaná vůle není slabá, umí sama sobě – a potažmo i druhým – odolávat. Taková rezignace je obranou před tím, že se člověk stane pouhým článkem v řadě událostí či dějů. Umění, filosofie, ale především svoboda tkví ve schopnosti vytvářet distanci. Tereza Matějčková ve své nejnovější knize nabízí víc než dějiny pojmu nebo tematické čtení odkazu známých myslitelů – svěží pohled na nově položenou otázku po sebepřijetí a růstu.
    Keywords: philosophy ; resignation ; freedom ; humanities ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History
    Language: Czech
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  • 38
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Title in English: Research in foreign language didactics IV This volume of proceedings is a result of a Specific Research project conducted in 2021 with the registration number MUNI/A/1239/2020 – Research on Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages. The contributions present the research studies of those doctoral students in the field of Foreign Language Didactics at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. The studies are written in Czech.
    Keywords: Foreign lanuguage didactics ; Professional Development of Teachers of English Self-assessment ; Authentic Literary Text ; Mediation ; Vocabulary Knowledge in Coursebooks ; Empirical research ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CJ Language teaching and learning::CJB Language teaching and learning material and coursework
    Language: Czech
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  • 39
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Improving Public Sector Efficiency in Times of Public Finance Crisis This publication is the summary of results of free selected PhD theses prepared by students from ESF MU, dealing with two very actual topics: – the analysis of impact from introducing heath care fees in the Czech Republic (Krutilova), – efficiency of taxation – administrative and compliance costs (Pompura, Cizmarik).
    Keywords: Public Sector ; efficiency ; tools ; financial crisis ; bic Book Industry Communication::K Economics, finance, business & management::KC Economics
    Language: Czech
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  • 40
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Student geological conference 2022: Conference proceedings Student geological conference proceedings. Conference was held at Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno on June 3rd 2022. Department of Geological Sciences was organizer in cooperation with the Czech Geological Society.
    Keywords: conference ; proceedings ; geology ; bic Book Industry Communication::R Earth sciences, geography, environment, planning::RB Earth sciences::RBG Geology & the lithosphere
    Language: Czech
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  • 41
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Title in English: 3A Procedure: Instrument for Reflection and Evaluation of Instruction 3A procedure – designation for the methodological procedure of reflection and qualitative analysis of teaching, which is associated with the evaluation of the quality of teaching and the proposal of improving changes. The concept of 3A methodology follows the tradition of didactic analysis focused on the content of education as developed in the didactic approach of W. Klafki (1967). The idea here is that the teacher first reflects on the question “what will I teach / what will the pupils learn” and derives the choice of teaching practices, i.e. “how will I teach / how will the pupils go about learning”, from the answer to this question. The method of research on teaching presented here is intended to meet the needs of teachers first and foremost by addressing the questions that teachers actually have to address when they prepare lessons, when they work with pupils in them, and when they reflect on ways to improve them. The book will offer teachers the opportunity to engage with research findings and to put them into practice.
    Keywords: 3A procedure ; reflection ; research on teaching ; content-based approach ; preparation for teaching ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education ; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education
    Language: Czech
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  • 42
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Title in English: Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck…: Students’ analytical papers on intermediality The volume consists of two parts, one of which comprises analyses of filmic transmediations of Shakespeare’s sonnets (The Sonnetproject, New York Shakespeare Exchange 2013), the other analyses of literary ekphrases (by W. Szymborska, U. Fanthorpe, J. Stone etc.). It results from an Intermedial studies seminar held in 2021 within the program Literature and Intercultural Communication at Masaryk University, Brno. The contributions display various approaches that fall under two main intermedial methods, literature-centered (introduced by Werner Wolf), which focuses primarily on a semantic analysis of the original text, and literature-oriented (as suggested by Irina Rajewsky), which respects the transmediation as an autonomous representation and observes its relations to the pretext mainly retrospectively; and even a comparative one, which involves a translinguistic analysis of translations as intercultural and historical transfers.
    Keywords: intermediality ; transmediation ; ekphrasis ; thema EDItEUR::C Language and Linguistics::CF Linguistics::CFG Semantics, discourse analysis, stylistics
    Language: Czech
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  • 43
    Publication Date: 2024-03-30
    Description: Title in English: Online marketing communication targeting school-age children The online environment contains many forms of marketing messages, many of which cannot be easily distinguished from regular content. Due to their lack of experience, children are more susceptible to marketing messages that influence their buying habits. The respondents in our research were children between the ages of 10 and 13, who are both consumers and customers and who play an important role in the purchasing decisions of their families. Investigating the types of online marketing communications children consume, their attitudes towards them and whether and how this influences their purchasing is therefore of paramount importance. We conclude with practical recommendations for schools and parents on how to educate children about online marketing.
    Keywords: digital technologies ; online marketing communication ; influencer ; merch ; product placement ; social networks ; media education ; media literacy ; e-shop ; price comparison ; video games ; brand ; discounts ; shopping behaviour ; virtual ethnographic walk ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KJ Business and Management::KJS Sales and marketing::KJSM Market research
    Language: Czech
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  • 44
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Publication summarizes the main results of the research project. The theoretical findings are verified empirically on a sample of companies included in its own database created in the research project. Economic data from the financial statements of companies in the Czech Republic, which merged in the past 10 years, are statistically evaluated and subjected to debate. The first part is devoted to the historical development of mergers and their importance in the global and national economy. The following chapters present the results of the survey of motivation of mergers in the Czech region, discussion of the issues arising from the legislation at transformation of companies and comparison of accounting methods Czech accounting rules, international rules (IFRS) and the accounting principles (U.S. GAAP). The final chapter on tax aspects of mergers provides recommendations for reducing administrative burden and tax problems with the mergers. The book is suitable for scientists, specialized companies and professionals who work in the transformation of companies.
    Keywords: mergers and acquisitions ; accounting ; tax ; legal regulations ; bic Book Industry Communication::L Law::LN Laws of Specific jurisdictions::LNU Taxation & duties law::LNUC Corporate tax
    Language: Czech
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  • 45
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Diversification of Preschool Education in the Czech Republic The book summarizes the results of the project “Diversification of Preschool Education in the Czech Republic: Inclusion, Exclusion and Social Inequalities”. The research is based on group and individual interviews, mapping the context of preschool education and direct observations in preschools. It explores the links between social inequalities and the diversifying supply of preschool education, especially in connection to parental choices and strategies related to preschool selection. The book focuses on microprocesses of (re)constructing social differences that are grounded in the ethos of the facility, as well as in parents' perceptions of their children's temperaments and their understanding of childhood and children's needs in preschool age.
    Keywords: preschool education and care ; parenting styles ; class ; ethnicity ; diversification of education ; Czech Republic ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNK Organization & management of education
    Language: Czech
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  • 46
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Career adaptability: Its forms, changes, contexts, and roles in the lives of young adults undergoing upper-secondary vocational education Living in today’s rushed time full of various changes increases the demands on the individual’s ability to adapt to these changes. Career adaptability plays an important role in coping with changing demands in the field of work. What is career adaptability? Why is it important, and what does it affect? The answers to these questions and many others are provided in the monograph, entitled “Career adaptability: Its Forms, Changes, Contexts, and Roles in the Lives of Young Adults Undergoing Upper-Secondary Vocational Education,” which is the first publication written on this topic in the Czech language. In the book, a team of authors presents the construct of career adaptability and the results of unique research carried out in the Czech Republic. In the first part, the reader may find an analytical overview of various concepts of career adaptability and related concepts. The central part of the publication is devoted to the results of quantitatively conducted longitudinal research, which aimed to identify career adaptability and its relationships to several demographic, school, relational, and personality variables in the case of students and later graduates of upper-secondary vocational education—those who are in the crucial stages of their career construction. Many empirical findings concentrated in this book are beneficial not only for the career counseling theories and research on career adaptability but also for vocational education or career counseling practitioners.
    Keywords: career adaptability ; career construction theory ; vocational upper-secondary education ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JF Society & culture: general::JFF Social issues & processes
    Language: Czech
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  • 47
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Developing mathematical literacy using an innovative module for the systematic development of accelerated pupils in grades 1 to 3: Methodical text for teachers The methodological text is an output of the three-year project “Research-validated innovative model of identification and development of mathematically gifted primary school pupils (VOIM)“. The modernly designed development materials are designate primarily for pupils of the first grade who like to think, explore, discover new knowledge (not only) in the field of mathematics. 60 worksheets in three levels of difficulty for 20 mathematical topics are accompanied by a set of videos. The worksheets enable differentiated individual work of pupils. The tasks lead to the development of their abstract and exact thinking, critical reasoning and argumentation. The tasks are based on current curriculum documents but go beyond the educational content in some places. The difficulty of the tasks on each worksheet grades from the least difficult to the most difficult, usually from the extension curriculum.
    Keywords: mathematical literacy ; mathematically gifted pupils ; video lessons ; worksheets ; graded problems ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPM Educational: Mathematics, science and technology, general::YPMF Educational: Mathematics and numeracy
    Language: Czech
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  • 48
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: MABC-2 for children with autism spectrum disorder. Manual for the MABC-2 motor skills test for children Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neuro-developmental pervasive multifactorial diseases of unknown aetiology that are often associated with a significant impairment of motor skills and a delay in motor development. With the rapidly increasing prevalence of these disorders in the Czech Republic and worldwide, the possibilities of diagnosing the motor skills of children with ASD are an increasingly important priority. The research modified the standard administration and implementation process of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children, 2nd edition (MABC-2) by designing modifications that utilize fundamental principles of structured learning and the TEACCH program. In particular, these elements: Individualization, Structuralization, Visualization and Motivation, were implicated in the entire process of testing children's motor skills with the MABC-2 Test.
    Keywords: autism spectrum disorder ; ASD ; MABC-2 ; Movement Assessment Battery for Children ; motor ; test ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JM Psychology
    Language: Czech
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  • 49
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Voleyball for coaches and teachers The text summarizes modern knowledge about educational methods in sports games with an emphasis on contactless sport volleyball. The text contains education program for the students of Volleyball Coaching and respects the structure of volleyball qualification classes of the Czech Volleyball Federation. Another benefit is the synthesis of the coaches education in the Czech Volleyball Federation and the academic environment represented by the Faculty of Sports Studies at MU.
    Keywords: volleyball ; education method ; games activities ; games combinations ; system of the game ; age periods ; bic Book Industry Communication::W Lifestyle, sport & leisure::WS Sports & outdoor recreation::WSJ Ball games::WSJV Volleyball
    Language: Czech
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  • 50
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Title in English: Space and its habitation: A view of space in the works of Marie Noël, Suzanne Renaud, Christiane Singer and Sylvie Germain The publication summarizes the research results of various types of space in the literary works of four Christian inspired French authors, M. Noël, S. Renaud, C. Singer and S. Germain. Their literary texts cover the whole of the 20th century and show diversity in approaches to space, but also a difference in the literature of 1st and 2nd halves of 20th century. Methodologically, it proceeds from the phenomenological view of G. Bachelard on the intimate space of the home, through the open and sacred space according to M. Eliade's study, towards the geocritical analysis of the space, based on the almost unused B. Westphal's theory of geocriticism. The study of space shows that literature can not be separated from the outside world, on the contrary, it contributes to its better understanding.
    Keywords: Space in Literature of the 20th Century ; Gaston Bachelard ; Mircea Eliade ; Bertrand Westphal ; Nature in Literature ; Intimate Home ; Sacred and Profan ; Transcendental space ; Geocriticism ; thema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Language: Czech
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  • 51
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-03-31
    Description: Title in English: CZECRIN Annual Symposium 2022: Abstract book Collected abstracts of lectures presented during the scientific conference of the national infrastructure CZECRIN which supports academic clinical trials in the Czech Republic.
    Keywords: CZECRIN ; clinical research ; academic clinical research ; pharmacoeconomics ; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MJ Clinical and internal medicine
    Language: Czech
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  • 52
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: One Hundred Faces, One Hundred Stories: Selected personalities in the history of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University The book commemorating the centenary of the establishment of the Faculty of Arts is also a contribution to the anniversary of the whole Masaryk University. Its aim is to walk through the history of the faculty by means of a biographical method, i.e., using short biographies that introduce representative, prominent or interesting personalities whose fates and work were connected with the faculty. There was certainly no lack of biographical views in the research of the faculty history, still, such a complex set of biograms has not been collected so far. And the publication offers much more: the authors use a large set of biographical data to interpret the history of the faculty from the perspective of alternating academic generations and contemplate the formative generation experience as well as the phenomena that affected the lives of academics and students over the past 100 years. These include, as a matter of fact, both positive and negative phenomena, therefore, the publication is not just an overview of deserving personalities, respected scientists and charismatic teachers, but it also openly discusses the lives of controversial scholars. Thus, the collection of biograms provides a credible testimony to the one-hundred-year work of the faculty, continually blending studies, science and politics.
    Keywords: Faculty of Arts ; University of Brno ; history ; biography ; generational approach ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNB History of education
    Language: Czech
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  • 53
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Educational assessment and diagnostic assessment: Textbook The textbook introduces students to diagnostic assessment and the theory of educational assessment. Students get acquainted with the basic methods and tools of educational assessment, learn about the process of diagnostic activities and the importance of cooperation with experts during diagnostic activities in practice. The study text is supplemented by practical examples and links to further resources that can help students understand teachers' diagnostic work.
    Keywords: Educational assessment ; diagnostic assessment ; diagnosis ; methods of educational assessment ; cooperation with experts ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNS Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
    Language: Czech
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  • 54
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: 14th International Scientific Conference Didactic Conference 2021: Proceedings Didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education represent developing areas and are a breeding ground for new ideas and approaches. In mathematics and physics, the proceedings provide an overview of the historical development of education process and the possibilities of activating students. From a practical point of view, physics and chemistry are interconnected by using simulations in teaching. Vocational education is represented from various perspectives, whether in technical education, by solving logistical problems, or educational activities in the teaching of economic subjects. Due to the current situation, there are abundant contributions on the effects of the ongoing pandemic on the educational process and distance learning.
    Keywords: didactics of mathematics ; didactics of natural sciences ; didactics of vocational education ; activating teaching methods ; distance learning ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNU Teaching of a specific subject
    Language: Czech
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  • 55
    Publication Date: 2024-03-29
    Description: Published
    Description: Čtenáři je předložena rozsáhlá a hluboká analýza významného národohospodářského sektoru, jež je výsledkem mnohaletého výzkumu a vyznačuje se kombinací využití makroekonomického pohledu, multidisciplinárního přístupu a fundovaného vhledu do konkrétních dopravních a ekonomických problematik. Monografie obsahuje značné množství informací a také dat shromážděných a analyticky utříděných do konzistentních, ucelených a dlouhodobých časových řad. Doporučit ji lze odborné i laické veřejnosti se zájmem o ekonomii, teoretickou i praktickou rozpočtovou a fiskální politiku i dopravní tematiku.
    Keywords: analýza ; doprava ; Česká republika ; národohospodářský sektor ; politika ; ekonomie ; thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management
    Language: Czech
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  • 56
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: Title in English: Musica viva in schola XXVII. The proceeding from the jubilee 30th international music-educational conference Musica viva in schola continues the tradition of publishing MVIS conference papers from previous years. The contributions respond to current issues in music education and the arts and culture, including modern approaches in education and research projects. In addition to the above, the current year also focuses on musical traditions in music education. Authors include academics and researchers, as well as music didactics, practitioners, and representatives of national and international music education societies.
    Keywords: Musica viva in schola ; music ; art and culture ; musical traditions ; education ; science and research ; thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AV Music::AVA Theory of music and musicology
    Language: Czech
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  • 57
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: Inclusive Didactics in Elementary School Practice: Theory, Research and Practice The aim of the methodological book is to depict the education of the children with partial function deficits in preschool age and to introduce the specifics of education of the pupils with specific learning difficulties and cognitive disability. The main focus is devoted to a role of the teachers in the inclusive education in terms of the concept of the intervention of the pupils with special needs. The research includes an analysis and an interpretation of the questionnaire SDQ Cze which was administered at the beginning and the end of the school year at the examined inclusive classrooms and the controlled classrooms of the participating schools.
    Keywords: kindergarten ; inclusive didactics ; primary school ; inclusive education ; partial function deficits ; pupils with specific learning difficulties ; pupils with cognitive disability ; pupils with special needs ; early intervention ; research ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNS Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
    Language: Czech
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  • 58
    Publication Date: 2024-04-04
    Description: Title in English: Sustainable development of historical landscape and heritage protection in forested areas The publication presents the basic characteristics of cultural and historical landscape, its values and its sustainable development. It attempts to explain how it has been created and how it is being transformed, and what factors significantly influence the degradation of historical monuments (anthropogenic relics) in the forest environment. This is a publication suitable for woodland owners, but also for members of the public, interested in archaeological monuments that stand out or, burrow down into the natural relief of the landscape.
    Keywords: archaeology ; landscape ; sustainable development ; TAČR ; thema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology
    Language: Czech
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  • 59
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2024-04-14
    Description: Title in English: Pro-naturally focused teacher and his approach to (environmental) education The publication aims to cover the key factors which influenced the teacher´s biophile/pro-environmental orientation, and his approach to the education, and subsequently provide his life picture for which the term bioprofile is used. In order to fulfill the goal of the publication a qualitative approach was chosen. The group of respondents consisted of four teachers whose profiles corresponded with the set beforehand criteria. For data collecting and their analysis and interpretation the method of life history in combination with the narrative, phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches was used. The final bioprofile, which is mainly the result of the respondents´spontaneous narration, interlinks three related areas. These were detected within the process of the obtained data analysis and comparison. The submitted monography offers a more complex view of pro-environmentally oriented teacher. Exploring the life history of each respondent, enabled us not only to identify the essential factors which influenced the teacher´s biophile orientation, but also to understand deeper his personality and the way of his pedagogical thinking.
    Keywords: biophile orientation of an individual ; education ; environmental education ; biophile education ; teacher´s approach to education ; bioprofile ; thema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPM Educational: Mathematics, science and technology, general::YPMP Educational: Sciences, general science
    Language: Czech
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  • 60
    Masaryk University Press | Masaryk University
    Publication Date: 2023-02-10
    Description: Title in English: A World for Children Under Three: Insights into the Current Form of Early Childhood Education and Care in the CR The book “A World for Children Under Three. Insights Into the Current Form of ECEC in the CR“ is the first pedagogical-sociological book in the CR dealing with current facilities for children under three years of age – children’s groups / micro-creches, kindergarten classes for two-year-olds, and children’s centres. It is addressed to professionals, students, parents and everyone else interested in bringing the worlds of parents, caregivers and children who meet in these facilities closer together. It presents key research findings of the project ECEC in Day Care Facilities in the CR, relating to children’s collective everyday life, the work of (head) teachers and nannies, and the experiences and expectations of parents, and relates them to the current system framework.
    Keywords: day care institutions for children under three ; children's groups ; micro-creches ; education and care for children under three in Czech Republic ; collective everyday life of children under three ; specifics of a children’s collective ; developmental specific ; bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JN Education::JNL Schools::JNLA Pre-school & kindergarten
    Language: Czech
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