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  • 1
    Call number: AWI G3-08-0050
    Description / Table of Contents: В сборнике опубликованы расширенные тезисы докладов российских, немецких, японских, китайских, монгольских, шведских и американских ученых на Международной конференции «Современные проблемы и будущее геокриологии», посвященной 100-летmо со дня ро)lщения одного из основоположников геокриологической науки, организатора и первого директора Института мерзлотоведения СО РАН, первого президента Международной ассоциации по мерзлотоведенmо, Героя Социалистического Труда, заслуженного деятеля науки Российской Федерации и Республики Саха (Якутия), действительного члена Академии наук СССР и РАН Павла Ивановича Мельникова (1908-1994 гг.). Материалы конференции посвящены вопросам региональной и исторической геокриологии, криогенным процессам и явлениям, гидрологии и гидрогеологии криолитозоны, динамике криогенных ландшафтов и эволюции криолитозоны под влиянием климата и антропогенных воздействий, устойчивости инженерных сооружений на мерзлых основаниях. Сборник предназначен для ученых, студентов и аспирантов в целях эффективного решения современных вопросов геокриологии и разработки программ развития научных исследований на перспективу.
    Description / Table of Contents: This volume contains the extended abstracts submitted to the International Geocryological Conference "The Present and Future of Geocryology" from Russia, Germany, Japan, China, Mongolia, Sweden and the USA. This Conference is organized to commemorate the 100th birthday of Pavel I. Melnikov (1908-1994), Full Member of the USSR and Russian Academy of Sciences, who was one of the pioneers of geocryological science, founder and first director of the Permafrost Institute at Yakutsk and first president of the International Permafrost Association. The conference papers discuss the issues related to regional and historical geocryology; periglacial processes and forms; hydrology and hydrogeology in cold regions; landscape dynamics and permafrost evolution under the effects of climate change and human activities; and stability of engineering structures built on frozen ground. This volume is intended for researchers, students and post-graduates to help them efficiently solve the current geocryological problems and devise future research lines.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 98 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9785932540893 , 978-5-93254-089-3
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Пленарные доклады О роли академика П.И. Мельникова в становлении сибирской геокриологической научной школы / В.В. Шепелев Глобальные изменения климата и криолитозона (ретроспективный анализ и прогноз) / В. Т. Балобаев, Ю.Б. Скачков Перспектива создания молодежных международных проектов геокриологических исследований юга Сибирской платформы / М.Н. Железняк 15 лет российско-германского сотрудничества в области геокриологии / Х-В. Хуббертен, М.Н. Григорьев, Н.Н. Романовский, Д.Ю. Большиянов Региональная и историческая геокриология Рельеф и возраст аллювиального покрова долины р. Лены на «Якутском разбое» / В.В. Спектор Предварительная схема мерзлотноландшафтной дифференциации Монголии / А.А. Шестакова Начало геокриологических исследований на Северо-Востоке России / Ю.Г. Слепцова, Ф.В. Митин Характеристика повторно-жильных льдов на территорииЛредверхоянскоrо прогиба (Северо-Восток Сибири) / Штеффен Попп Позднеплейстоценовые оледенения на Верхоянском хребте (Северо-Восток Сибири) / Г. Штаух, Ш. Попп, В. Спектор, И. Белолюбский, Ф. Лемкул PYRN-TSP Scandinavia: Вклад в проект МПГ «Тепловое состояние криолитозоны» / А.В. Прокопьев,К. Зигерт, Б. Дикман, Х. Лантуит, М. Йоханссон, О.У. Фраунфельд Криогенные процессы и явления Разработка легенды опасности термокарста / Ю.В. Станшzовская, Д.О. Сергеев Изучение формирования многолетних бугров пучения на низких террасах р . Лены в Центральной Якутии / Я.В. Стамбовская Палеокриогенные явления в верхнеплейстоценовых отложениях Пур-Надымского междуречья / О.Л. Опокина Процессы морозного пучения грунтов Южной Якутии / А.А. Урбан Использование данных дистанционного зондирования для оценки опасных гравитационных геокриологических процессов в горах / С.А. Гавршzова Картирование горной криолитозоны на основе результатов моделирования / А. Саруулзая, Я. Джаббалджав, А. Даштсэрэн , Д. Солонго, Д. Доржготов, Ю. Йиджима, М. Ишикава, Й. Чжаи, Т. Кадота, Т. Охата Гидрология и гидрогеология мерзлой зоны Районирование территории Центральной Якутии по эффективности пользования метода искусственного восполнения запасов подземных вод / А.В. Сычевский Параметризация гидрологических процессов в зоне многолетней мерзлоты на основе данных экспериментальных наблюдений / И.Н. Бельдиман Бугорообразование в зоне выхода межмерзлотных подземных вод источника Юрюю (Центральная Якутия) / В.С. Ефремов Моделирование условий теплообмена на участке разгрузки подземных вод в Центральной Якутии (на примере источника Улахан-Тарын) / Л.А. Гаzарин Изменение тепло- и температуропроводности сред, имитирующих гидратоносные донные осадки / М.Е. Пермякова, Д.Е. Аюнов Влияние колебаний климата на многолетнюю изменчивость параметров надмерзлотно-межмерзлотных водоносных горизонтов Бестяхской террасы р. Лены / А.Б. Колесников Моделирование процессов формирования стоков в бассейне р. Лены / О.М. Семенова Гидролого-гидрохимические особенности рек Арктической зоны Западной Сибири. Характеристика стока растворенных веществ / А.А. Четверова, И.В. Федорова, Т.М. Потапова Биологически активные вещества в озерах г. Якутска / А.Л. Чижук Водные свойства четвертичных отложений долины Туймаада / А.А. Фалини Особенности химического состава озерных вод восточного склона Полярного Урала / Н.В. Гусева, К.А. Климов Дистанционное зондирование пространственно-временных изменений термокарстовых озер в Северной Якутии / Гвидо Гроссе, Владимир Романовский, Кейти Уолтер Оценка реакции криолитозоны и криогенных ландшафтов на изменения климата и техногенные воздействия Сравнение фактических и модельных данных о реакции многолетней мерзлоты на изменение внешних условий теплообмена (на примере Надым-Пур-Тазовского региона) / Ю.А. Ухова, Д.О. Сергеев, Ю.В. Станиловская, А.Б. Осокин Растительный покров как индикатор пространственно-временной дифференциации Монголии / А.В. Хомутов О захоронении твердых бытовых отходов в г. Якутске / Д.Ю. Покрышка О принципиальной возможности захоронения СО2 в криолитозоне Западной Сибири / Д.Е. Аюнов, М.Е. Пермяков Изменение ландшафтных условий под воздействием техногенных нагрузок на участке террасы газопровода Надым - Пунга / Е.В. Еланцев Разработка и применение противопучинных мероприятий для опор контактной сети на Забайкальской железной дороге / З.Б. Дашинимаев, В.Г. Кондратьев Инженерно-геокриологический мониторинг на трассе строящейся железной дороги Томмот - Якутск / А.В. Литовко Прогноз теплового взаимодействия насьши с грунтами основания проектируемого участка «станция Олень - разъезд Боттома» железнодорожной трассы Томмот - Якутск / А.В. Сандаков Роль криогенных процессов в формировании рельефа и заболачивании урбанизированной территории криолитозоны (на примере г. Якутска) / Н.А. Сычевская Влияние процесса сезонного промерзанияпротаивания на гранулометрический состав грунтов сезонного слоя / И.В. Лукашин Экспериментальное определение температуры начала кристаллизации порового раствора в зависимости от его минерализации / А.А. Семерня Изменчивость вегетационного периода во второй половине ХХ в. на Северо-Востоке Сибири / Марко Лангер, Йорг-Фридхельм Фенцке Деградация ММП на Цинхай-Тибетском нагорье и обеспечение устойчивости грунтов в основании железной дороги / Ню Фуцзюнь, Линь Чжаньцзюй, Сюй Цзянь. Анализ результатов экспериментальных исследований на участке вентилируемой насыпи Цинхай-Тибетской железнодорожной магистрали / Юй Цихао, Цянь Цзинь, Пань Сицаи Список участников , TABLE OF CONTENTS Plenary Papers The contribution of Academician P.I. Melnikov to the Siberian geocryological school / V. V. Shepelev Global climatic change and permafrost (Retrospective analysis and prediction) / V. T. Balobaev, Y.B. Skachkov The prospects for establishing youth projects in geocryology in the southern siberian platform / M. N. Zheleznyak 15 Years of Russian-German Cooperation in Geocryology / H.-W. Hubberten, M.N. Grigoriev, N.N. Romanovski and D. Yu.Bolshiyanov Regional and Historical Geocryology Relief and age of the alluvial cover in the Lena valley at Yakutsky Razboy / V. V. Spektor Permafrost-Landscape Differentiation of Mongolia: A Preliminary Scheme / A.A. Shestakova First geocryological observations in northeastern Russia / Y. G. Sleptsova, F. V. Mitin Ice-wedge occurrence in the Verkhoyansk Foreland, Yakutia, north-eastern Siberia / Steffen Popp Late Pleistocene glaciations in the Verkhoyansk Mountains, North-Eastern Siberia / G. Stauch, S. Popp, V. Spektor, L. Belolyubsky, A. V. Prokopiev, C. Siegert, B. Diekmann, F. Lehmkuhl PYRN-TSP Scandinavia: Contribution to IPY's "Thermal State of Permafrost" / H. Lantuit, M. Johansson, O. W.Frauenfeld Periglacial Processes and Forms Developing the thermokarst hazard legend / Y. V. Stanilovskaya, D.O. Sergueev Formation of perennial frost mounds on the Lena River low terraces, Central Yakutia / Y. V. Stambovskaya Paleocryogenic features in Upper Pleistocene sediments between the Pur and Nadym Rivers / O.L. Opokina Frost heaving in southern Yakutia / A.A. Urban The use of remote sensing data for evaluating frost-related mountain slope hazards / S.A. Gavrilova Mapping the mountain permafrost based on the modeling results / A. Saruulzaya, Ya. Jambaljav, A. Dashtseren, D. Solongo, D. Dorjgotov, Y. Iijima, M. Ishikawa, Y. Zhang, T. Kadota, T. Ohata Hydrology and Hydrogeology in Cold Regions . Zonation of Central Yakutia Based on Artificial Groundwater Recharge Method Efficiency / A. V. Sychevsky Parameterization of hydro logic processes in the permafrost zone based on experimental observation data / LN. Beldiman Formation of seasonal frost mounds in talik groundwater discharge areas - an example of Eruu spring, Central Yakutia / V.S. Efremov Modeling the heat exchange conditions for a groundwater discharge site in Central Yakutia - an example of Ulakhan-Taryn spring / L.A. Gagarin Changes in thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of media simulating hydrate-bearing bottom deposits / M.E. Permyakov, D.E. Ayunov The effect of climatic variations on supra- and intrapermafrost aquifers in the Bestyach terrace of the Lena river / A.B. Kolesnikov Modeling of runoff processes in the Lena basin / O.M. Semenova Hydrology and chemistry of the Arctic rivers in West Siberia: Dissolved solid yield / A.A. Chetverova, L V. Fedorova, T.M. Potapova Biologically active substances in the city of Yakutsk lakes / A.L. Chizhuk Hydraulic properties of Quaternary deposits in the Tuymaada valley / A.A. Falina Lake water chemistry on the Polar Urals eastern slope / N. V. Guseva, K.A. Klimov Remote sensing of spatio-temporal changes of thermokarst lakes and ponds in north yakutia / Guido Grosse, Vladimir Romanovsky, Katey Walter Response of Permafrost Terrain to Climate Change and Human Activities Comparison of observation and modeling data on permafrost response to changes in the surface energy regime: Nadyr-Pur-Tazovsky case study / Y.A. Ukhova, D.O. Sergueev, Y. V. Stanislavskaya, A.B. Osokin Vegetation as an indicator for spatio-temporal differentiation of Mongolia / A. V. Khomutov Solid waste disposal at Yakutsk / D. Y. Pokryshka The feasibility of CO2 storage in permafrost in West Siberia / D.E. Ayunov, M.E. Permyakov. Man-induced changes in landscape conditions along the terrace section of the Nadym-Punga gas pipeline / E. V. Elantsev Development and use of heave control measures for the Trans-Baikal Railroad contact line supports / Z.B. Dashinimaev, V.G. Kondratyev Geocryological monitoring of the Tommot-Yakutsk railroad embankment / A. V. Litovko Predicting the thermal interaction between the embankment and the subgrade for the Olen to Bottorna section of the Tommot-Yakutsk Railroad / A. V. Sandakov The effects of frost action on topography and pa!udification of urban areas in the permafrost zone: an example of Yakutsk / N.A. Sychevskaya The effect of seasonal thawing-freezing cycles on grain-size distribution in the active-layer soils / L V. Lukashin Experimental determination of the freezing temperature of soil pore solution in relation to its mineralization / A.A. Semernya The Development of Growing Season during the Second Half of the 20th Century in Northeast Siberia / Marco Langer, Jorg-Fridchel'm Fencke Permafrsot degradation in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and thermal stability of the railway / Niu Fujun, Lin Zhanju, Xu Jian Experiment results analysis about the temperature controlled ventilated embankment of Qinghai-Tibet railway / Yu Qihao, Qian Jin, Pan Xicai List of Participants , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 2
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Minsk : Izdat. Universitetskoe
    Call number: MOP 47293 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 286 S. : graph. Darst.
    Language: Russian
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 3
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Sovetskaja Rossija
    Call number: MOP B 18909
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 221 S. : Ill.
    Language: Russian
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 4
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : "Nauka"
    Call number: MOP B 19484
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 262 S.
    ISBN: 5020137839
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr., russ.
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 5
    Call number: AWI G2-87-0348
    Description / Table of Contents: The book by E. I. Saruhanian, N. P. Smirnov "Water masses and circulation of the South Ocean" deals with the formation, localization and spreading of the South Ocean water masses, the methods of marking them out by an indication complex. The main features of the South Ocean circulation determined on the basis of geostrophic calculations and those based on the diagnostic model, and also characteristics derived from the data of drifting buoys are described. The analysis of spatial structure and changeability of the Antarctic circumpolar current and connected frontal polar zone is given on the basis of the data obtained in different South Ocean regions during conduction of the multiscale scientific experiments according to the programmes "Polar experiment - South" and "International South Ocean Research" in 1975-1982.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 287 S.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 6
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeoizdat
    Call number: AWI A9-87-0348
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 255 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 7
    Call number: AWI A4-90-0154 ; AWI A4-17-20945
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 295 S. , Ill , 23 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 8
    Call number: AWI G3-10-0041
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 223 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5020324698 , 978-5-02-032469-5
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 9
    Call number: MOP 47329 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 221 S.
    ISBN: 5020007293
    Series Statement: Akademičeskie čtenija
    Language: Russian
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 10
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Mysl'
    Call number: AWI P6-10-0075
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 221, [16] Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 11
    Call number: AWI G2-11-0022
    Description / Table of Contents: The book contains study results of sedimentation history, palaeoclimatology and paleoceanography of the Arctic and Subarctic for the last 130 ky. Marine basins of the Western Subarctic (the Island, Norwegian, and Greenland Seas), the Arctic Ocean (the Barents, Pechora, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi Seas and deep-sea regions of the Arctic Ocean), the Eastern Subarctic (the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk) are considered in the monograph. For every region we analysed recent environment, and geological history of water- (ice) sheds and marine basins. There have been revealed a number of climate changes including glacial and nonglacial ones based on proposed proxies. Mainly we represented results of our own studies. The book is intended for lithologists, Quaternary and marine geologists, palaeoclimatologists, paeoceanographers, and for students and Ph.D. students of same specialities.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 404 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART I. GEOLOGICAL AND P ALEOECOLOGICAL EVENTS OF THE LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE IN THE NORTHERN EURASIA Chapter 1. Geological and paleoecological events of the late Pleistocene along Eurasian coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean Chapter 2. Late Pleistocene geologic-paleoecological events on the North of European part of Russia Chapter 3. Main geologic-paleoecological events of the late Pleistocene on the North of Western Siberia Chapter 4. Geologic-paleoecological events of the late Pleistocene on the territory of Northern-Siberian lowland and Taimyr Peninsula Chapter 5. Late glacial time and Holocene of the Northern Eurasia Chapter 6. Base of the late Pleistocene and Holocene history of the East Arctic Seas Chapter 7. Deglaciation and Holocene of the Northern Eurasia PART II. MARINE SEDIMENTATION IN THE SUBARCTIC BASINS AND THE ARCTIC OCEAN Chapter 1. Western Subarctic Seas 1.1. Recent environment 1.2. Sedimentation history 1.2.1. History of sedimentation rates 1.2.2. Sedimentation history on the Vering Plateau for the last 25 ky 1.2.3. Sedimentation history on the continental margin of the Eastern and South-Eastern Greenland for the last 130 ky Chapter 2. The Arctic Ocean 2.1. Recent environment 2.1.1. Morphostructure, physical oceanography and ice conditions, Recent sediments and their mineral composition 2.1.2. Facies variability of the Yermak Plateau Holocene sediments (on data of fraction 〉63 mkm study) 2.2. Sedimentation history 2.2.1. History of sedimentation rates during the last 130 ky 2.2.2. Sedimentation history of the Yermak Plateau during the last 190 ky 2.2.3. Organic geochemical studies of the eastern central Arctic sediments Chapter 3. Western Arctic Seas 3.1. Recent environment 3.1.1. Surface-layer sediments of the Pechora Sea 3.1.2. Surface-layer sediments of the St. Anna Trough 3.1.3. Facies zonality of the Recent sedimentation in the eastern Kara Sea 3.2. Sedimentation history 3.2.1. Late- and postglacial sedimentation history in the eastern Barents Sea 3.2.2. Holocene sedimentation history in the South Novaya Zemlya Trough 3.2.3. Sedimentation history in the Pechora Sea in the late Pleistocene and Holocene 3.2.4. Mineral composition of the light fraction of Upper Quaternary sediments of the St. Anna Trough and its paleoceanographic interpretation 3.2.5. Holocene history of the Yenisey riverine discharge 3.2.6. Holocene history of the Ob riverine discharge Chapter 4. Eastern Arctic Seas 4.1. Recent environment 4.2. Sedimentation history 4.2.1. Sedimentation history in the Laptev Sea during the late Valdai-Holocene (on geophysical-geochemical data) 4.2.2. Holocene history of the Lena and other rivers riverine discharge in the Laptev Sea 4.2.3. Organic geochemical data about sedimentation history along continental slope of the East Siberian Sea during the last climatic cycle 4.2.4. Preliminary data about accumulation of diatom muds on the Chuckchi Sea shelf Chapter 5. Eastern Subarctic Seas 5.1. Recent environment 5.2. Sedimentation history 5.2.1. Sedimentation history of the deep-sea part of Shirshov Ridge during the last three marine isotope stages 5.2.2. Sedimentation history of the center of the northern Okhotsk Sea during the last 1,1 my PART III. CORRELATION OF GEOLOGIC-PALEOECOLOGICAL EVENTS OF THE LATE PLEISTOCENE-HOLOCENE OF THE NORTHERN HALF OF EURASIA AND SEDIMENTATION HISTORY IN THE SUBARCTIC SEAS AND THE ARCTIC OCEAN IN CONNECTION WITH GLACIATION HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE DURING THE LAST CLIMATIC CYCLE Chapter 1. Characteristic features of Mikulino paleolandscapes Chapter 2. Results ofpaleoclimate studies Chapter 3. Specifics of sedimentation processes within continental blocks and marine sedimentation basins REFERENCIES , In kyrillischer Schrift , Inhaltsverzeichis in russischer Sprache S. 398-400 sowie in englischer Sprache S.401- 403
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 12
    Call number: MOP 47545 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 165 S.
    ISBN: 5286005195
    Language: Russian
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 13
    Call number: MOP 47041 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 28 Seiten
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 14
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Nauka
    Call number: AWI G6-13-0058
    Description / Table of Contents: This monograph is devoted to modern considerations on geochemistry of rare earth elements (REE) in the ocean. Chemical properties of REE which determine their migration ability in natural processes and REE sources are presented. The REE behavior in the river water-seawater mixing zone is analyzed, as well as fractionation of dissolved and particulate REE in the oceanic water in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It is shown that the variability of REE composition in pelagic sediments reflects their fractionation in oceanic water, as a consequence of material differentiation in the ocean. REE distribution in terrigenous, authigenic, hydrothermal and biogenic constituents of sediments is considered, including clay minerals, bone debris, barite, phillipsite, iron and manganese oxyhydroxides (ferromanganese nodules and micronodules), iron-calcium hydroxophosphate, diatoms and foraminifers. For geologists, geochemists and oceanologists.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 360 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
    ISBN: 5020337455
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr. - Mit engl. Zsfassung
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 15
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeoizdat
    Associated volumes
    Call number: AWI A4-87-0846
    In: Developments in atmospheric science
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 261 S. : graph. Darst
    Series Statement: Developments in atmospheric science 15
    Uniform Title: Weather and climate of the Antarctic
    Language: Russian
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 16
    Call number: AWI G2-13-0057
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 527 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
    ISBN: 5020337463
    Language: Russian
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 17
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeoizdat
    Associated volumes
    Call number: MOP 46948 / Mitte
    In: Sovremennye problemy atmosfernoj optiki, Tom 2
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 255 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Sovremennye problemy atmosfernoj optiki 2
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 18
    Call number: AWI G3-10-0029
    Description / Table of Contents: The handbook provides coverage of terms and concepts which are related to the permafrost conditions and processes in Polar regions and mountain areas. It includes over 700 clear and concise definitions. Definitions are referenced to the first authors. Different points of view on each definition are given. For every Russian definition the English equivalent and the synonyms are given. The handbook is well illustrated by pictures, photos and schemes. At the end of the handbook subject's and author's indexes (both in English and in Russian) together with the reference are sited. This handbook intends to the wide circle of geological and geographical specialists and engineers, universities faculties and students of the related fields.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 312 Seiten , Illustrationen , 25 cm
    Edition: Naučnoe izdanie
    ISBN: 9785891764019
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 19
    Call number: MOP 47078 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 295 S.
    Language: Russian
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 20
    Call number: AWI G7-11-0028 ; AWI G7-88-0245 ; MOP 47452 / Mitte ; MOP 46967 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 246 Seiten , Illustrationen , 1 Karte , 23 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: AWI Library
    Branch Library: AWI Library
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 21
    Call number: AWI G2-12-0010
    Description / Table of Contents: The book contains the proceeding of the international scientific conference "Geology, Geography and Ecology of the Ocean" dedicated to 100th birthday of famous geomorphologist and marine geologist D. G. Panov that were carried out by the Institute of the Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre RAS in June of 2009. The collected proceedings contain reports of researchers in the field of geology, geomorphology, oceanology, ecology. hydrobiology and GIS-technology from Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Germany, Namibia, and other countries. In the book the new achievments on theoretical and practical problems of geology, geomorphology, paleogeography, oceanology, ecology, processes of sedimentogenesis and lithodynamics of seas are considered. The attention is drawn to bioproductivity of seas, sea coastal zones, and modern methods of marine researches. The conference is carried out the the financial support of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches of program of fundamental researches CSE RAS No. 14 "The state of environment and prognosis of its dynamics under influence of the prompt global and regional natural and socio-economic changes" Course 9 "Modern Transformation of Environment and Biota of Arid and Semiarid areas of the South of Russia under the circumstances of climate change". The collected proceedings are of interest of the wide circle of researches: geologists, geomorphologists, hydrobiologists, oceanologists, experts on monitoring of environment as well as for students, PhDs and the Higher School teachers.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 389 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
    ISBN: 9785902982449
    Language: Russian
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 22
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Rostov-na-Donu : Izdat. JuNC RAN
    Associated volumes
    Call number: AWI G2-12-0008
    In: Trudy Južnogo Naučnogo Centra Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk
    Description / Table of Contents: Issue IV of the Studies of the Southern Scientific Centre RAS focuses on mathematical modelling and analysis of hydrological processes in the Sea of Azov. The paper is a result of collective activity of the specialist of the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre RAS and Azov Branch of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS mainly. The monograph introduces to the practice (experience) of development of oceanographic observations' databases and climatic atlases, as well as application of modern information technologies and mathematical models (simulations) for studying hydro-physical fields, hydrodynamics, sedimentation, and water pollution of the Sea of Azov. The book might be of interest to the specialists in oceanography, applied mathematics, and nature management.
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Methodology and practice (experience) of climatic atlases' development. - Characteristics of hydrological fields on the basis of GIS technologies. - Model researches of hydrological processes and water pollution.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 223 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
    ISBN: 9785902982579
    Series Statement: Trudy Južnogo Naučnogo Centra Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk 4
    Language: Russian
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 23
    Call number: AWI A3-90-0313 ; AWI A3-90-0313(2. Ex.)
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 97 S. : graph. Darst.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 24
    Call number: AWI A9-89-0434
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 231 S.
    ISBN: 5-02-000727-7
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 25
    Call number: AWI Bio-10-0050
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 259 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5020320730 , 5-02-032073-0
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 26
    Call number: AWI P5-12-0009
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 327 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
    Language: Russian
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 27
    Call number: AWI A13-87-0849 ; MOP 46754 / Mitte
    Description / Table of Contents: Modelling of the Glaciers-Ocean-Atmosphere system by M. Ya. Verbitsky and D. V. Chalikov presents an earth's climate model based on one-dimensional non-steady thermohydrodynamical equations for the atmosphere, ocean, glaciers, and the asthenosphere. The model takes into account the main mechanisms responsible for the formation of global climate, but it is simple enough to allow simulation of climate evolution for a period up to one million years. The present climate is reconstructed, sensitivity of the system to changes in the initial conditions is investigated and evidence for non-uniqueness of climate for the present distribution of the continents is obtained. Climate sensitivity to changes in the isolation is calculated. Oscillations of climate similar to the Pleistocene ice ages are modelled. Climatic conditions for the Late Mesozoic and Late Pleistozoic are estimated. The book is intended for specialists on climate, oceanologists, meteorologists, glaciologists and also for students of appropriate specialities.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 130 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: Contents: Preface. - Introduction Global climate modeling. - Chapter 1. An ice sheet model. - 1.1. Present glaciation. - 1.2. Motion equation for viscous ice in a thin boundary layer approximation. - 1.3. An ice sheet steady model. - 1.4. Numerical simulation of the evolution of the ice cover. - Chapter 2. A model of the world ocean. - 2.1. Zonal structure of the ocean. - 2.2. A one-dimensional ocean climate model. - 2.3. A simulation of the present ocean climate for assigned atmospheric climate. - Chapter 3. A model of the atmosphere. - 3.1. Zonal structure of the atmosphere. - 3.2. A one-dimensional atmospheric climate model. - 3.3. A simulation of the present atmospheric climate for assigned ocean climate. - 3.4. Estimates of climate variations in the Cenozoic. - Chapter 4. Numerical experiments with a model of the glaciers-ocean-atmosphere system. - 4.1. Glaciers, ocean and atmosphere interaction. - 4.2. A simulation of the present climate. - 4.3. On clarification of the "White Earth" concept. - 4.4. Nonuniqueness of climate. - 4.5. Sensitivity of the system to changes in the solar heat influx. - 4.6. Ice Ages. - 4.7. Influence of continent distribution on climate. - 4.8. On the change in the level of the World Ocean for possible climate warming. - 4.9. Estimates of the influence of the ocean oil pollution on climate. - Conclusion. - Abstract. - References. , In kyrillischer Schrift , Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: AWI Library
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 28
    Call number: AWI A12-89-0486
    In: Itogi nauki i techniki : Serija geomagnetizm i vysokie sloi atmosfery, 11
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 208 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
    ISSN: 0202-7275
    Series Statement: Itogi nauki i techniki : Serija geomagnetizm i vysokie sloi atmosfery 11
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 29
    Monograph non-lending collection
    Monograph non-lending collection
    Moskva : Akademija Nauk SSSR
    Call number: AWI PY-16-89714
    Type of Medium: Monograph non-lending collection
    Pages: 125 S
    Language: Russian
    Note: Contents: Introduction. - Historiographic survey: traditions, sources, methods. - Catalogue. - Reliability of interpretations of the original descriptions. - The mid-latitude aurorae occurrence frequency and the Maunder minimum. - Summary. - Abstract. - Abbreviations. - Geographic index. - Appendix: Catalogue in international system of indexes. , Überwiegend in kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Archive
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 30
    Call number: AWI G3-16-90212
    Description / Table of Contents: В сборнике обобщены результаты исследований по палеогеографии криолитозоны Арктики и Субарктики, взаимодействию компонентов криогенных геосистем на суше и шельфе Северного Ледовитого океана, эмиссии газов в криолитозоне и газовых гидратов. Особое внимание уделено прогнозу эволюции криолитозоны в связи с хозяйственным освоением, геокриологическому мониторингу, созданию баз геокриологических и электронных карт. Книга адресована геокриологам, геоэкологам, географам и другим специалистам, работающим в криолитозоне.
    Description / Table of Contents: Übersetzung des Abstracts: Die Sammlung fasst die Ergebnisse von Studien zur Paläogeographie der Permafrostzone der Arktis und Subarktis, der Wechselwirkung der Komponenten kryogener Geosysteme an Land und dem Schelf des Arktischen Ozeans, der Emission von Gasen in der Permafrostzone und Gashydraten zusammen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Vorhersage der Entwicklung des Permafrosts im Zusammenhang mit der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, dem geokryologischen Monitoring und der Erstellung von Datenbanken für geokryologische und elektronische Karten gelegt. Das Buch richtet sich an Geokryologen, Geoökologen, Geographen und andere Spezialisten, die in der Permafrostzone arbeiten.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 347 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5-02-031305-X
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Раздел 1 - ПАЛЕОГЕОГРАФИЯ КРИОЛИТОЗОНЫ К созданию палеотемпературного сценария развития криосферы Северного полушария в позднечетвертичное время: сравнение изотопно-кислородных данных в ледяных жилах и ледниках / Васильчук Ю.К., Васильчук А.К. Почвенные образования заключительного этапа формирования лессово-ледовых отложений / Губин С.В. Эволюция криолитозоны западного сектора Арктики России в плейстоцене / Конищев В.И. Палеомерзлотные карты России эпох пос-ледних климатических экстремумов / Романовский И.И., Лисицына О.М. Уровни и возраст казанцевской морской трансгрессии на Восточном Таймыре (верхний плейстоцен) / Сулержицкий Л.Д., Арсланов Х.А., Герасимова С.А., Чернов С.Б., Фишер Э.Л. Развитие криолитозоны Российской Арктики-как основа для создания циркумарктической модели динамики криолитозо-ны в системе "шельф - континент" / Шполянская И.А., Розенбаум Г.Э. Изучение динамики криолитозоны по палинологическим данным / Шешина О.И. Раздел 2 - ПРОГНОЗ ЭВОЛЮЦИИ КРИОЛИТОЗОНЫ, МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ, МОНИТОРИНГ Теrшовое состояние криолитозоны Западной Сибири при воздействии климатических, геодинамических и техногенных факторов / Ан В.В., Девяткин В.И. Моделирование устойчивости криогенных ландшафтов севера Западной Сибири / Мельцер Л.И., Московченксi Д.В. Изменение геокриологических условий при случайных колебаниях климатических параметров / Минкин М.А., Дмитриева С.П., Кругикова В.А. Прогноз динамики криогенных геосистем северотаежной зоны Западной Сибири / Москаленко Н.Г. Прогноз эволюции криолитозоны на севере Западной Сибири (по данным мониторинга) / Павлов А.В. Комплексная диэлектрическая проницаемость мерзлых грунтов / Фролов А.Д. О перспективах использования комплексных площадных геофизических исследований криолитозоны / Хачай О.А., Бодин В.В., Новrородова Е.Н. Раздел 3 - ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ КОМПОНЕНТОВ КРИОГЕННЫХ ГЕОСИСТЕМ НА СУШЕ И ШЕЛЬФЕ СЕВЕРНОГО ЛЕДОВИТОГО ОКЕАНА Особенности инженерно-геокриологических условий северного отрезка проектируемой трассы железной дороги Обская - Бованенково / Ананьева Г.В. Криогенные процессы динамики береговой зоны арктических морей / Арэ Ф.Э. Теоретические основы конжеляционного льдообразования в криосфере Земли / Голубев В.И. Льдистость покровных отложений в бассейнах нижнего Вилюя и средней Лены / Конченко Л.А. Криогенные геосистемы Карского побережья и тенденции их развития / Корейша М.М., Леванrовская Н.П., Брушков А.В. Изменения состава и строения пород в зоне гипергенеза при термоденудации / Остроумов В.Е. Условия формирования засоленных покровных отложений Центральной Якутии / Пономарева О.Е. Результаты исследований эмиссии метана вдоль газопровода Надым - Пунга (северная часть Западной Сибири) / Ривкин Ф.М. О распределении метана в мерзлых породах на территории Бованенковского газоконденсатного месторождения на полуострове Ямал / Ривкин Ф.М. Криолитогенез и стратиграфия мерзлой толщи Центрального Ямала / Соломатин В.И., Коняхин М.А. Ивняковые тундры Ямала как индикатор засоленности поверх-ностных отложений / Украmщева Н.Г. Проблема создания и размещения криобанка семян редких и исчезающих видов растений в условиях вечной мерзлоты / Яшина С.Г., Шабаева Э.В., Розанов С.И. Раздел 4 - КРИОГЕННЫЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ Связь очагов активности нефтегазонакопления и глубинных криогенных источников / Бембель Р.М., Бембель С.Р., Кашин А.Е., Ласковец Е.Б. О прогнозе оползневой опасности в районах вечной мерзлоты при потеплении климата / Бондаренко Г.И. Сравнительный анализ математических моделей образования криотекстур / Горелик Я.Б., Колунин В.С., Пичугин О.И. Особенности механизма формирования переходного слоя и устойчивость насыпей в криолитозоне / Гречищев С.Е., Гречищева О.В. Реконструкция условий активизации криогенных оползней скольжения на полуострове Ямал / Егоров И.П., Лейбман М.О. Параметры фазового равновесия грунтовой влаги и динамика криолитосферы / Коновалов А.А. Количественное описание массопереноса в мерзлых породах на основе использования модели неоднородной среды / Комаров И.А. Особенности криолитогенеза в зоне абляции позднеплейстоценовых ледников / Котов, А. Н. О струйной дегазации углеводородов как источнике новообразований льда на шельфе Печорского моря / Мельников В.П., Спесивцев В.И., Куликов В.И. Метаногидраты в вечной мерзлоте: доказательства существования при низком геостатическом давлении / Ривкина Е.М., Гиличинский Д.А., Макк:ей К., Даллимор С., Остроумов В.Е. Раздел 5 - БАЗЫ ГЕОКРИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ДАННЫХ И ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КАРТЫ Мощность многолетнемерзлых пород России и Монголии (база данных) / Конченко Л.А., Мельников Е.С. Карта криогенных геологических процессов криолитозоны России (м-б 1 : 7 500 ООО) / Мельников Е.С., Гравис Г.Ф., Конченко Л.А., Молчанова Л.С. Раздел 6 - КРИОГЕНЕЗ И ПРОЦЕССЫ ПОЧВООБРАЗОВАНИЯ Гелисоли: новый порядок, предлагаемый для почвенной таксономии США / Бокхейм Дж., Кимбл Дж.М., Тарнокай Ч., Чен-Лу-Пинr. Почвенный покров равнин и гор Новой Земли: состояние и динамика / Горячкин С.В. О классификации почв мерзлотных регионов / Макеев О.В. Почвы области вечной мерзлоты: обсуждение классификационной иерархии / Слеттен Р. Место криосолей в системе международной справочной базы по почвенным ресурсам / Соколов И.А., Наумов Е.М., Коmошков Д.Е. Педон - основная единица почвенных тел / Тарнокай Ч., Кимбл Дж.М., Бокхейм Дж., Чен-Лу-Пинr. Предложения по классификации мерзлотных почв для мировой справочной базы данных по почвенным ресурсам ФАО-ЮНЕСКО / Мажитова Г.Г., Забоева И.В., Втюрин Г.М. , In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 31
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Novosibirsk : Nauka
    Call number: AWI G3-16-90234
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 171 S.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 32
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Xining : Qinghai People's Publishing House
    Associated volumes
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91553-3
    In: Flora Qinghaiica, Vol. 3
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 547 S , Ill., graph. Darst
    ISBN: 722501255X
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Pyrolaceae, Ericaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Oleaceae, Loganiaceae, Gentianaceae, Convolvulaceae, Verbenaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae, Capdfoliaceae, Dipsacaceae, Cucurbitaceae / Ho Ting-nung. - Primulaceae / Ho Ting-nung, Xue Chun-ying. - Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Polemoniaceae, Plantaginaceae, Rubiaceae, Adoxaceae, Valerianaceae / Xue Chun-ying. - Boraginaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Bignoniaceae, Orobanchaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Gesneriaceae / Lu Xue-feng. - Campanulaceae, Compositae / Liu Shang-wu. - Delineatores / Wang Ying, Yan Cui-lan, Liu, Jin-jun. , Sprache In chines. Schr. - Nomenklatur in lat. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 33
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Xining : Qinghai People's Publ. House
    Associated volumes
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91553-4
    In: Flora Qinghaiica, Vol. 4
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 353 Seiten , Illustrationen , 26 cm
    ISBN: 722501255X , 722501448X , 7225017543 , 7225017551 , 9787225012551 , 9787225014487 , 9787225017549 , 9787225017556
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Typhaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Juncaginaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Alismataceae, Araceae, Lemnaceae, Juncaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae / DengDe-shan. - Gramineae / Lu Sheng-lian. - Gramineae (Triticeae Dumort) / Cai Lian-bing. - Cyperaceae / Liang Song-jun, Dai Lun-kai, Zhang Shu-ren. - Liliaceae / Liu Shang-wu. - Orchidaceae / Lang, Kai-yong. - Delineatores / Yan Cui-lan, Wang Ying, Liu Jin-jun, Wang Jin-feng, Ji Chao-zhen, Wu Zhang-hua, Zhang Tai-li. , In chines. Schr. - Nomenklatur in lat. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 34
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Izdat. Feorija
    Call number: AWI Atl-18-91583
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 869 S. , zahlr. Ill., Kt. , 25,0 x 34,0
    ISBN: 5287005318 , 9785287005313
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 35
    Call number: AWI 17-90507
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 270 S. , graph. Darst.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 36
    Call number: M 17.90783
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 358 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    ISBN: 9785020384132
    Language: Russian
    Note: Zusammenfassung, Einführung und Inhaltsverzeichnis auch in engl. Sprache
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  • 37
    Call number: MOP 46359 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 85, [19] Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 38
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Alma-Ata : Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" Kazachskoj SSR
    Call number: MOP 46281 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 157 Seiten , Illustrationen , 20 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 39
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Xining : Qinghai People's Publ. House
    Associated volumes
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91553-2
    In: Flora Qinghaiica, Vol. 2
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 463 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 7225017543
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Crassulaceae / Pan Jin-tang, Chen Shi-long (Sedum). - Saxifragaceae / Pan Jin-tang. - Rosaceae / Wu Zhen-Ian. - Leguminosae / Wu Yu-hu, Xia Zhen-dai (Vicieae). - Geraniaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Linaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Rutaceae, Simaroubaceae, Meliaceae, Polygalaceae / Wu Zhen-Ian. - Euphorbiaceae / Pan Jin-tang. - Callitrichaceae, Anacardiaceae, Celastraceae, Aceraceae, Sapindaceae, Balsaminaceae, ·Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, Tiliaceae, Malvaceae, Actinidiaceae, Cuttiferae / Wu Zhen-Ian. - Tamaricaceae / Zhang-Zhi-he. - Violaceae / Pan Jin-tang. - Thymelaeaceae, Elaeagnaceae / Zhang Zhi-he. - Onagraceae, Haloragidiceae, Hippuridaceae, Cynomoriaceae / Pan Jin-tang. - Araliaceae / Wu Zhen-Ian. - Umbelliferae, Cornaceae / Pan Jin-tang. - Delineatores / Wang Ying, Yan Cui-lan, Liu Jin-jun, Pan Jin-tang. , In chines. Schr. - Nomenklatur in lat. Schr.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 40
    Call number: MOP 46464 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 301 Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 41
    Call number: AWI G1-20-93407
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 195 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 42
    Call number: AWI G5-20-93624
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 76 Seiten , Illustrationen , 25 cm
    ISBN: 5896580088
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 43
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeoizdat
    Call number: MOP 47694 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 286 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 44
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    [s.l.] : [s.n.]
    Call number: AWI S6-18-91804
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 29 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian , English
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift , In russischer und englischer Sprache
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 45
    Call number: MOP 47588 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Language: Russian
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 46
    Call number: MOP 46677 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 47
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeoizdat
    Associated volumes
    Call number: MOP 46897 / Mitte
    In: Sovremennye problemy atmosfernoj optiki, Tom 4
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 253 Seiten
    Series Statement: Sovremennye problemy atmosfernoj optiki 4
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 48
    Call number: MOP 46831 / Mitte ; MOP 46831/A / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 198, [1] Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 49
    Call number: MOP 46552 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 217 Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 50
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeoizdat
    Call number: MOP 46773 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 249 Seiten , Illustrationen , 21 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: Mit englischen Zusammenfassungen , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 51
    Call number: AWI Bio-22-94774
    Description / Table of Contents: The collection of articles contains the latest materials on the state of study of biological resources of the State Nature Reserve Ust-Lensky and adjacent territories. Information on the distribution of fungi of resource value is given. An overview of the state of study of the algae of the Lena Delta and adjacent areas, an annotated list of algae, indicating the authors of the study and the collection points of the actual material. The distribution of tree and shrub vegetation (larch and alder) on the border of the tundra zone, within the protected area «Sokol» (right Bank of the Lena river) is considered. Data on the structure and distribution of the f ish and birds of the Lena Delta are presented. The information about the current state and features of the ecology of a large ungulates mammal introduced in the territory of the reserve — muskox is given.
    Description / Table of Contents: Сборник содержит новейшие материалы о состоянии изученности биологических ресурсов Усть-Ленского государственного природного заповедника и прилежащих к нему территорий. Представлены сведения о распространении грибов, имеющих ресурсное значение. Приведены обзор состояния изученности альгофлоры дельты р. Лена и прилежащих к ней территорий, а также аннотированный список водорослей с указанием авторов исследования и пунктов сбора фактического материала.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 111 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 978-5-02-038848-2
    Series Statement: Serija "Ust'-Lenskij Gosudarstvennyj prirodnyj zapovednik: biologičeskoe raznoobrazie" = Series "State nature reserve Ust-Lensky: biological diversity" Vyp. 2
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МИКОБИОТА УСТЬ-ЛЕНСКОГО ЗАПОВЕДНИКА / Михалева, Л.Г. ВОДОРОСЛИ УСТЬЕВОЙ ОБЛАСТИ РЕКИ ЛЕНА / Габышев, В.А., Царенко, П.М., Иванова, А.П. РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ ЛИСТВЕННИЦЫ КАЯНДЕРА (LARIX CAJANDERI) И ОЛЬХОВНИКА (DUSCHEКIA FRUТICOSA) В ПРАВОБЕРЕЖЬЕ РЕКИ ЛЕНА, НА УЧАСТКЕ «СОКОЛ» УСТЬ-ЛЕНСКОГО ЗАПОВЕДНИКА / Николин, Е.Г., Якшина, И.А. РЫБЫ ДЕЛЬТЫ РЕКИ ЛЕНА НА ТЕРРИТОРИИ ЗАПОВЕДНИКА «УСТЬ-ЛЕНСКИЙ» / Корякин, П.Д. ПТИЦЫ ДЕЛЬТЫ РЕКИ ЛЕНА / Поздняков, В.И. ОВЦЕБЫК (OV/805 MOSCHATUS) В НИЖНЕЙ ЧАСТИ РЕКИ ЛЕНА / Кириллин, Е.В., Ануфриев, А.И., Охлопков, И.М. , CONTENT Mycobiota of the Ust-Lena reserve / Mikhaleva, L.G. Algae of the Lena river mouth area / Gabyshev, V.A., Tsarenko, P.M., Ivanova, A.P. Distribution of Cajander larch (Larix cajander) and alder (Duschekia Fruticosa) in the right bank of the Lena river in the Sokol site of the Ust-Lena reserve / Nikolin, E.G., Yakshina, I.A. Fishes of the Lena river delta in the territory of the Ust-Lensky reserve / Koryakin, P.D. Birds of the Lena delta / Pozdnyakov, V.I. Musk Ox (OV/805 MOSCHATUS) in the lower part of the Lena river / Kirillin, E.V., Anufriev, A.I., Okhlopkov, I.M.
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 52
    Call number: MOP 43509 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 171 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5020066141
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 53
    Call number: AWI G3-22-94860
    Description / Table of Contents: В сборнике приведены новые данные по морфологии криолитозоны Тянъ-Шаня и гор Восточной Сибири, рассмотрены особенности криогенного рельефообраэования в горах 3абайкалья, Казахстана, Средней Азии и Урала, предложены материалы, касающиеся геокриологических условий в местах строительства и разработки полезных ископаемых. В сборнике дана первая оценка запасов льда в ледниках всего Тянь-Шаня, включая и его восточную часть, расположенную на территории КНР, помещены оригинальные данные о химизме глетчерных льдов и рассмотрено распределение снега в зависимости от экспозиций склонов, что весьма существенно влияет на режим сезонного промерзаmт почв.
    Description / Table of Contents: Translation of the abstract: The collection presents new data on the morphology of the Tien Shan permafrost zone and the mountains of Eastern Siberia, discusses the features of cryogenic relief formation in the mountains of the Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Urals, and offers materials related to geocryological conditions in construction sites and mining. The collection gives the first assessment of ice reserves in the glaciers of the entire Tien Shan, including its eastern part, located on the territory of the People's Republic of China, original data on the chemistry of glacier ice are placed and the distribution of snow depending on the exposure of slopes is considered, which has a very significant effect on the mode of seasonal soil freezing.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 167 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Подземные льды в склоновш отложениях тянь-Шаня и Памира / Ермолин Е. Д. Состав и криогенное строение склонов в долине Адычи / Любомиров А.С. Инженерно-геокриологическое районирование зоны AЯM в пределах Алданского плоскогорья / Дорофеев И.В., Шац М.М., Сериков С.И. Мерзлотно-геотермическая характеристика месторождения Кумтор / Ермолин Е.Д., Немов А.Е., Попов М.В. Перелетки Казахского мелкосопочника / Горбунов А.П. Криоструктурный рельеф перигляциальной зоны Заилийского Алатау / Ухналев В.А. Туфуры как индикатор инженерно-геокриологических условий высокогорья Тянь-Шаня / Чаус А.С. Процессы и явления, сопутствующие наледообразованию на Северном Урале / Оберман Н.Г. Криофациальные особенности курумов Северного Забайкалья / Романовский Н.Н., Тюрин А.И., Сергеев Д.О. Фации каменных глетчеров / Титков С.Н. Ландшафты каменных глетчеров Северного Тянь-Шаня / Северски Э.В. Запасы льда и основные черты современного оледенения Тянь-Шаня / Вилесов Е.Н., Белова И.В. Геохимия ледников массива Ак-Шыйрак / Макаров В.Н., Федосеев Н.Ф. Динамика склоновых образований и криогенное строение сезонно-талого слоя в горах Восточной Якутии / Васильев И.С. Влияние экспозиции склонов на распределение снежного покрова в горах / Северский С.И. , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 54
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Novosibirsk : Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Sibirskoe otdelenie
    Associated volumes
    Call number: ZSP-805-636
    In: Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Vypusk 636
    Description / Table of Contents: Статьи сборника вносят определенный вклад в развитие системного подхода к познанию морфологических особенностей нашей планеты. Их авторы пришли к выводу, что в основу классификации рельефа должен быть положен балансовый принцип, поскольку перемешение минеральных масс как на поверхности Земли, так и в горизонтах лито- и астеносферы составляет сушность морфогенеза - ведушей фopмы движения материи, определяюшей динамическое состояние любой геоморфологической системы и позволяюшей прогнозировать ее устойчивость под влиянием различных антропогенных воздействий. Книга рассчитана на специалистов, работаюших в области геологии, геоморфологии и географии.
    Description / Table of Contents: Translation of the abstract: The articles in the collection make a certain contribution to the development of a systematic approach to understanding the morphological features of our planet. Their authors came to the conclusion that the classification of relief should be based on the balance principle, since the movement of mineral masses both on the surface of the Earth and in the horizons of the litho- and asthenosphere constitutes the dryness of morphogenesis - the leading form of movement of matter that determines the dynamic state of any geomorphological system and allowing one to predict its stability under the influence of various anthropogenic influences. The book is intended for specialists working in the field of geology, geomorphology and geography.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 148 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki 636
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисnовие Новые пути в геоморфологии ее роль в развитии производительных сил Сибири / В. А. Николаев Рельеф и системный подход / О. В. Кашменская Новизна и перспективы системного подхода в геоморфологии (в связи с вопросами rеоморфолоrического картирования) / З. М. Хворостова Геоморфологическая формация и природно-территориалъный комплекс / Л. С. Миляева Корреляция вершинной и базисной поверхностей / Э. Л. Якименко, Н. С. Маковская, В. С. Порядин Особенности геолого-геоморфологическоrо изучения сейсмичности Алтае-Саянской горной области / Г. А. Чернов Рельеф и перспективы сельскохозяйственного использования земельных ресурсов Западно-Сибирской равнины / В. А. Николаев , Д. В. Пучкова , Translation of Table of Contents Preface New paths in geomorphology and its role in the development of the productive forces of Siberia / V. A. Nikolaev Relief and systematic approach / O. V. Kashmenskaya Novelty and prospects of a systematic approach in geomorphology (in connection with issues of geomorphological mapping) / Z. M. Khvorostova Geomorphological formation and natural-territorial complex / L. S. Milyaeva Correlation of vertex and base surfaces / E. L. Yakimenko, N. S. Makovskaya, V. S. Poryadin Features of geological and geomorphological study of seismicity in the Altai-Sayan mountain region / G. A. Chernov Relief and prospects for agricultural use of land resources of the West Siberian Plain / V. A. Nikolaev, D. V. Puchkova , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Archive
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 55
    Call number: IASS 16.89776
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 530 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9787010149363
    Language: English , Chinese
    Branch Library: RIFS Library
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  • 56
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Jakutsk : Institut merzlotovedenija SSSR
    Call number: AWI G3-16-90249
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 153 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Ландщафтно-криолитолоrическая характеристика Тюкян-Мархинскоrо междуречья / Ивановб, м.с., Федоров А.Н. Петрографические особенности современных отложений береговой зоны моря Лаптевых / Cлaгодa, Е.А. Роль криоморфогенеза в эволюции рельефа устьевой области р.Лена в голоцене / Григорьев М.Н. Мерзлотно-ландшафтные условия осваиваемых участков в 6ассейне р.Хурмули / Поздняков, И. В. Особенности формирования и распространения многолетнемерзлых пород в нижнем течении р.Курейка / Казансккй, О.А. Барановский Е.А. Солифлюкционные Сплывы на п-ове Ямал / Григорьев, Н. Ф. Некоторые итоги изучения каменных глетчеров Тянь-Шаня / Титков, С.Н. Роль морозно-мерзлотных процессов в динамике малых эрозионных форм рельефа Юго-Восточного Забайкалья / Любцова, Е.М. Радиационные свойства некоторых естественных и нарушенных напочвенных покровов n-ова Ямал / Сергеев Б.П. Некоторые результаты снегомерных исследований в среднетаежной зоне 3ападной Якутии / Константинов, П.Я. Особенности проявления и экспериментальная оценка криогенного пучения грунтов на Ча6ыдинском стационаре / Катков, А.В., Варламов, С.П. Особенности развития стебелькового льда в условиях высокогорья / Ухналев, В.А. Новые данные по минеральному источнику Сытыган-Сылба (Якутская АССР) / Черепанова, А.П. Некоторые особенности строения отложений едомного комплекса Колымской низменности / Торговкин, Я.И. Экспериментальные исследования замораживающей системы / Алексеева, О. И. Разрушение К-шпатовых минералов при криолитогенезе в зависимости от рН среды / Поклонный, С.А. Иссдедования поверхностных вентилируемых фундаментов на вечномерзлых грунтах / Бердичевсккй, Ю. В., Попович, А.П. Электрические свойства горных пород по данным дистанционного зондирования / Батуев, Б.-Ш. Ч., Башкуев, Ю,Б. К вопросу о размываемости мерзлых дисперсных грунтов / Яковлев, А.В. Разрушение фундаментов зданий r.Дудинка под влиянием мерзлотных факторов / Нуриев, Ф.3. Изучение динамики процесса сезонного оттаивания геофизическими методами с целью прогнозирования криогенных явлений / Васильев, П.С. , In kyrillischer Schrift
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  • 57
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91599-26
    In: Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, Tomus 26
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 506 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 7030048873
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Table of Contents: NYCTAGINACEAE. - 1. Pisonia L. - 1. P. aculeata L.. - 2. Ceodes J. et G. Forst. - 1. C. grandis (R. Br.) D. Q. Lu. - 2. C. umbellifera J. et G. Forst. - 3. Bougainvillea Comm. ex Juss. - 1. B. glabra Choisy. - 2. spectabilis Willd. - 4. Mirabilis L. - 1. M. jalapa L. - 5. Oxybaphus L' Her. ex Willd. - 1. O. himalaicus Edgew. - 6. Boerhavia L. - 1. B. diffusa L. - 2. B. erecta L.. - 3. B. crispa Heyne. - 7. Commicarpus Standl. - 1. C. chinensis (L. ) Heim. - 2. C. lantsangensis D. Q. Lu. - PHYTOLACCACEAE. - 1. Phytolacca L. - 1. Ph. acinosa Roxb. - 2. Ph. polyandra Batalin. - 3. Ph. japonica Makino. - 4. Ph. americana L. - 2. Rivina L. - 1. R. humilis L. - AIZOACEAE. - 1. Gisekia L. - 1. G. pharnaceoides L. - 2. Glinus L. - 1. Gl. lotoides L. - 2. Gl. oppositifolius (L.) A. DC. - 3. Mollugo L. - 1. M. nudicaulis Lam. - 2. M. cerviana (L.) Ser. - 3. M. stricta L. - 4. M. verticillata L. - 4. Sesuvium L. - 1. S. portulacastrum (L.) L. - 5. Trianthema L. - 1. Tr. portulacastrum L. - 6. Mesembryanthemum L. - 1. M. cordifolium L. f. - 2. M. crystallinum L. - 3. M. uncatum Salm-Dyck. - 4. M. edule L.. - 5. M. spectabile Haw. - 7. Tetragonia L. - 1. T . tetragonioides (Pall. ) Kuntze. - PORTULACACEAE. - 1. Portulaca L. - 1. P. oleracea L. - 2. P. pilosa L. - 3. P. grandiflora Hook - 4. P. quadrifida L. - 5. P. psammotropha Hance. - 6. P. insularis Hosokawa. - 2. Talinum Adans. - 1. T. paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. - BASELLACEAE. - 1. Basella L. - 1. B. alba L. - 2. Anredera Juss. - 1. A. scandens (L.) Moq. - 2. A. cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis. - CARYOPHYLLACEAE. - I. Subfam. PARONYCHIOIDEAE Vierh. - 1. Trib. PARONYCHIEAE Pax. - 1. Gymnocarpos Forssk. - 1. G. przewalskii Maxim. - 2. Herniaria L. - 1. H. glabra L. - 2. H. polygama J. Gay. - 3. H. caucasica Rupr. - 2. Trib. SPERGULEAE Vierh. - 3. Spergula L. - 1. Sp. arvensis L. - 4. Spergularia (Pers.) J. et C. Presl. - 1. Sp. rubra (L.) J. et C. Presl. - 2. Sp. diandra (Guss.) Heldr. et Sart. - 3. Sp. media (L.) C. Presl. - 4. Sp. salina J. et C. Presl. - 3. Trib. POLYCARPEAE Pax. - 5. Drymaria Willd. ex Roem. et Schult. - 1. Dr. villosa Cham. et Schlecht. - 2. Dr. diandra Bl. - 6. Polycarpon Loefl. ex L. - 1. P. prostratum (Forssk.) Aschers. et Schweinw. - 7. Polycarpaea Lam. - 1. P. corymbosa (L.) Lam. - 2. P. gaudichaudii Gagnep. - ll. Subfam. ALSINOIDEAE Vierh. - 1. Subtrib. STELLARIINAE Aschers. et Graebn. - 8. Pseudostellaria Pax. - 1. Ps. sylvatica (Maxim.) Pax. - 2. Ps. heterophylla (Miq.) Pax. - 3. Ps. japonica (Korsh.) Pax. - 4. Ps. davidii (Franch.) Pax. - 5. Ps. rupestris (Turcz.) Pax. - 6. Ps. heterantha (Maxim.) Pax. - 7. Ps. himalaica (Franch.) Pax. - 8. Ps. maximowicziana (Franch. et Sav.) Pax. - 9. Myosoton Moench. - 1. M. aquaticum (L.) Moench. - 10. Cerastium L. - 1. C. cerastoides (L.) Britt. - 2. C. pauciflorum Stev. ex Ser. - 3. C. falcatum Bge. - 4. C. maximum L. - 5. C. lithospermifolium Fisch. - 6. C. dahuricum Fisch. - 7. C. perfoliaturn L. - 8. C. glomeratum Thuill. - 9. C. furcatum Cham. et Schlecht. - 10. C. fontanum Baumg. - 11. C. tianschanicum Schischk. - 12. C. limprichtii Pax et Hoffm. - 13. C. szechuense Williams. - 14. C. wilsonii Takeda. - 15. C. pusillum Ser. - 16. C. baischanense Y. C. Chu. - 17. C. arvense L. - 18. C. subpilosum Hayata. - 11. Stellaria L. - 1. Sect. Stellaria. - 1. Subsect. Stellaria. - 1. Ser. Petiolares Fenzl. - 1. St. bungeana Fenzl. - 2. St. nemorum L. - 3. St. nepalensis Majumdar et Vartak. - 4. St. arisanensis (Hayata) Hayata. - 5. St. wushanensis Williams. - 6. St. neglecta Weihe ex Bluff et Fingerh. - 7. St. media (L.) Cyr. - 8. St. apetala Ucria ex Roem. - 9. St. vestita Kurz. - 10. St. chinensis Regel. - 11. St. pilosa Franch. - 12. St. petiolaris Hand. -Mazz. - 13. St. lanipes C. Y. Wu et H. Chuang. - 2. Ser. Sessilifoliae Y. W. Tsui ex P. Ke. - 14. St. omeiensis C. Y. Wu et Y. W. Tsui ex P. Ke. - 15. St. reticulivena Hayata. - 16. St. infracta Maxim. - 17. St. gyirongensis L. H. Zhou. - 18. St. zangnanensis L. H. Zhou. - 19. St. tibetica Kurz. - 20. St. lanata Hook. f. ex Edgew. et Hook. f. - 21. St. patens D. Don. - 3. Ser. Dichotomae Roshev. - 22. St. dichotoma L. - 23. St. amblyosepala Schrenk. - 4. Ser. Holosteae Fenzl. - 24. St. henryi Williams. - 2. Subsect. Larbraea (St. Hil.) Fenzl. - 1. Ser. Foliaceo-bracteatae Schischk. - 25. St. ebracteata Korn. - 26. St. winkleri (Briq.) Schischk. - 27. St. crassifolia Ehrh. - 2. Ser. Discolares Schischk. - 28. St. discolor Turcz. - 29. St. gyangtseensis Williams. - 3. Ser. Uliginosae Schischk. - 30. St. pusilla E. Schmid. - 31. St. mainlingensis L. H. Zhou. - 32. St. depressa E. Schmid. - 33. St. uliginosa Murr. - 4. Ser. Gramineae Roshev. - 34. St. graminea L. - 35. St. brachypetala Bge. - 36. St. yunnanensis Franch. - 37. St. palustris Ehrh. ex Retz. - 38. St. salicifolia Y. W. Tsui ex P. Ke. - 39. St. dianthifolia Williams. - 40. St. longifolia Muehl. ex Willd. - 41. St. imbricata Bge. - 42. St. nipponica Ohwi. - 43. St. filicaulis Makino. - 5. Ser. Parviflorae Schischk. - 44. St. alaschanica Y. Z. Zhao. - 45. St. oxycoccoides Korn. - 46. St. uda Williams. - 47. St. souliei Williams. - 6. Ser. Pedunculares Schischk. - 48. St. soongorica Roshev. - 7. Ser. Umbellatae Schischk. - 49. St. irrigua Bge. - 50. St. parvi-umbellata Y. Z. Zhao. - 51. St. umbellata Turcz. - 52. St. suburnbellata Edgew.. - 2. Sect. Adenonerna (Bge.) Pax. - 53. St. arenaria Maxim.. - 54. St. cherleriae (Fisch. ex Ser.) Williams. - 55. St. petraea Bge. - 56. St. decumbens Edgew. - 57. St. congestiflora Hara. - 3. Sect. Fimbripetalurn Turcz. - 58. St. radians L. - 4. Sect. Leucostemma (Benth. ex G. Don f.) Pax. - 59. St. rnartjanovii Krylov. - 5. Sect. Schizothecium Fenzl. - 60. St. monosperma Buch. -Ham. ex D. Don. - 61. St. ovatifolia (Mizushima) Mizushima. - 62. St. delavayi Franch. - 6. Sect. Oligosperma Boiss. - 63. St. bistyla Y. Z. Zhao. - 64. St. strongylosepala Hand.-Mazz. - 12. Holosteum L. - 1. H. umbellatum L. - 13. Arenaria L. - 1. Subgen. Arenaria. - 1. Sect. Arenaria. - 1. A. serpyllifolia L. - 2. Sect. Rotundifoliae McNeill. - 2. A. orbiculata Royle ex. Edgew. et Hook f. - 3. A. neelgerrensis Wight et Arn. - 3. Sect. Rariflorae Williams. - 4. A. monosperma Williams. - 5. A. puranensis L. H. Zhou. - 4. Sect. Compressae McNeill. - 6. A. compressa McNeill. - 2. Subgen. Eremogone (Fenzl) Fenzl. - 1. Sect. Monogone Maxim. - 7. A. potaninii Schischk. - 2. Sect. Capillares McNeill. - 8. A. juncea M. Bieb. - 9. A. capillaris Poir. - 10. A. acicularis Williams ex Keissler. - 11. A. grüningiana Pax et Hoffm. - 12. A. formosa Fisch. ex Ser. - 13. A. haitzeshanensis Y. W. Tsui. - 3. Sect. Sclerophyllae (Boiss.) McNeill. - 14. A. griffithii Boiss. - 15. A. androsacea Grub. - 3. Subgen. Eremogoneastrum Williams. - 16. A. brevipetala Y. W. Tsui et L. H. Zhou. - 17. A. baxoiensis L. H. Zhou. - 18. A. kumaonensis Maxim. - 19. A. kansuensis Maxim. - 20. A. ischnophylla Williams. - 21. A. roborowskii Maxim. - 22. A. lancangensis L. H. Zhou. - 23. A. gerzeensis L. H. Zhou. - 24. A. qinghaiensis Y. W. Tsui et L. H. Zhou. - 25. A. aksayqingensis L. H. Zhou. - 26. A. pulvinata Edgew. - 27. A. shannanensis L. H. Zhou. - 28. A. edgeworthiana Majumdar. - 29. A. bryophylla Fernald. - 30. A. zadoiensis L. H. Zhou. - 31. A. taibaishanensis L. H. Zhou. - 32. A. festucoides Benth. - 4. Subgen. Dolophragma (Fenzl) McNeill. - 33. A. przewalskii Maxim. - 34. A. smithiana Mattf. - 35. A. oreophila Hook. f. ex Edgew. et Hook. f. - 36. A. densissima Wall. ex Edgew. et Hook. f. - 37. A. polytrichoides Edgew. ex. Edgew. et Hook f. - 5. Subgen. Solitaria McNeill. - 38. A. ciliolata Edgew. - 39. A. ramellata Williams. - 40. A. stracheyi Edgew. - 41. A. rhodantha Pax et Ho , Text in chinesischer Schrift , Überschriften in lateinischer Sprache
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  • 58
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Sankt-Peterburg : Gosudarstvennoe Federal'noe Unitarnoe Predprijatie "Peterburgskaja Kompleksnaja Geologičeskaja Ėkspedicija" MPR PF
    Call number: AWI G3-19-92193
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 238 Seiten , Illustrationen , 1 Kartenbeilage
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 59
    Call number: AWI G1-19-92229
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 61 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISSN: 0868-4502
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 60
    Call number: AWI G1-19-92230
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 373 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5288003068
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
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  • 61
    Call number: ZSP-312-1997,1
    In: Geografija i prirodnye resursy, 1/1997
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 203 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISSN: 0206-1619
    Series Statement: Geografija i prirodnye resursy 1/1997
    Language: Russian
    Note: Contents: Natural-resource regionalization of Russia / I. L. Savelyeva. - Ecological substantiation of land improvement in Russia / V. M. Ivonin. - Soil and geochemical mapping for purposes of environment conservation / A. D. Abalakov, E. G. Nechaeva, A. I. Schetnikov. - Equiplains and equiplainazation in the mountains of South Siberia / L. N. Ivanovsky. - Environmental control. - Changes of natural conditions under the influence of reservoirs / Yu. B. Trzhtsinsky, E. A. Kozyreva, O. A. Mazayeva. - Consequences of Severomuisky tunnel construction / L. L. Shabynin. - On heavy metals content in glaciers of Katunsky Ridge / A. A. Bondarovich. - Changes of mercury concentration in natural objects of the ecosystem of Kureiskoye Reservoir / L. M. Sorokovikova, L. D. Andrulaitis, V. M. Domysheva. - Nature management in the Baikal Basin. - Dam lakes of the East Siberia rifts' floor: the evidence from the past and likelyhood in the future / A. A. Kulchitsky, T. M. Skovitina, G. F. Ufimtsev. - Changes of state of the South Baikal Shelf under the influence of drainage waters from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM) / E. I. Grosheva, R. P. Loseva, N. I. Kchotilovitch, G. N. Voronskaya, G. V. Belyavtseva, N. P. Melchakova, E. V. Shisiareva. - Patterns of structure and development of mountain landscapes of Pribaikalye (on the example of Baikal Ridge) / V. M. Plyusnin. - Geomorfological processes of the Priolkhonye in Holocene / S. A. Makarov. - Regional problems of nature studying and using the natural resources. - Special features of river bends in variuos natural environments (on the example of rivers Vychegda, Tchulym, Viluyi) / A. S. Zavadsky, L. N. Nikitina, R. S. Chalov. - The relief of and contemporary exogenic processes in the basins of Tsipa Branch (North-West of Zabaikalye) / V. B. Vyrkin. - Loose deposits and exogenic processes on the watershed of rivers Kaya and Irkut / D. D. Perevoznikov. - Quaternary volcanic ash in landscapes of Northern Priochotye / A. A. Galanin, O. P. Galanina. - Dynamics of landscape-climatic turns in the PriYenisei part of Kasskaya Plain in Holocene / A. D. Koshkarov, V. L. Koshkarova. - Consentration of microelements, and its season changes in conditions of PriokskoTerrasny biosphere nature reserve / S. V. Litkens. - Development and allocation of productive forces. - Restoration of sea bottom ecosystems (ecologic-economical aspect) / V. V. Zharikov, B. V. Preobrazhensky. - An assessment of territorial ecological balance in the Krasnoyarsk industrial-urban agglomeration / A. E. Miroshnikov, T. P. Strimzha, O. V. Antsiferova, N. A. Kochneva, S. V. Maksimova. - Traditional culture as base of sustainable development of indigenous people of the North / D. D. Mangataeva, G. Fondale. - Techniques of scientific studies. - Principles and methods of desighning ecologic-geographical maps using satellite imagery / B. L. Kochurov, N. N. Malakhova. - Nature-ecological assessment of urban environmental quality / T. I. Konovalova, I. E. Trofimova. - Some approaches to assessment of climate resources / L. B. Bashalkhanova. - An appraisement of thunderstorms and fire danger in forests of the left bank of River Yenisei / V. A. Ivanov, G. A. Ivanova. - Experimental creation of an artificial dune on the sandy shore of the Black Sea / Yu. D. Shuisky, G. V. Vykhovanets. - Geography abroad. - Heavy metals in bio-objects of fresh water ecosystems of Japan / P. V. Ivashov, S. E. Sirotsky. - Maunder minimum of solar activity in the evolution of natural environment of Eastern Mongolia / V. P. Chichagov. - Reviews. - Conception of sustainable development in the Irkutsk Region / Yu. P. Michailov. - Integrational potential of Geography / A. P. Chechel. - State of landscapes: the book on detailed researches in Priladozhie / V. A. Snytko. - Chronicles. - Geoinformation technologies in the environmental mapping: the International Conference in Irkutsk / A. R. Batuev, V. A. Chervyakov. - The simposium in Poland: eolian processes and shapes of the relief / T. Schipek, G. N. Martyanova, V. A. Snytko. - Geographical scientific conferences in Smolensk / V. B. Pozdeev. - Anniversaries. - On the 75-th anniversary of Aleksey Alexandrovitch Nedeshev. , In kyrillischer Schrift
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  • 62
    Call number: MOP 46543 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 208 Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift , Mit englischer Zusammenfassung
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 63
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
    Call number: MOP 46755 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 286, [2] Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 64
    Call number: MOP 46987 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 278 Seiten
    Language: Russian
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  • 65
    Call number: AWI S6-18-91800
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 176 S. , zahlr. Ill.
    ISBN: 5-7696-2541-4
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr.
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  • 66
    Call number: AWI G3-19-92314
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 151 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5786200248
    Language: Russian
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  • 67
    Call number: MOP 46955 / Mitte
    In: Sovremennye problemy atmosfernoj optiki, Tom 3
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 244 Seiten
    Series Statement: Sovremennye problemy atmosfernoj optiki 3
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
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  • 68
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Moskovskoe Otdelenie Gidrometeoizdata
    Call number: MOP 47302 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 119, [2] Seiten , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
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    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 69
    Call number: MOP 47487 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 348 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 528600069X
    Language: Russian
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  • 70
    Call number: MOP 47587 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 178 Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
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  • 71
    Call number: MOP 47044 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Language: Russian
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  • 72
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Moskovskoe Otdelenie Gidrometeoizdata
    Call number: MOP 46676 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Language: Russian
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  • 73
    Call number: MOP 46760 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 36,[1] Seiten , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
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  • 74
    Call number: MOP 46825 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 158,[2] Seiten , Illustrationen , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
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  • 75
    Call number: MOP 46500 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 318 Seiten , Illustrationen , Beilage , 22 cm
    Language: Russian
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    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 76
    Call number: MOP 46361 / Mitte
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 101 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 77
    Call number: AWI G3-22-94742
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 323, [10] Seiten , Illustrationen , 25 cm
    ISBN: 978-5-02-023245-7
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 78
    Call number: AWI G3-23-95236
    Description / Table of Contents: Отражены результаты методических разработок использования аэрокосмической информации при исследовании природных комплексов и поисках полезных ископаемых, а также при региональных геологических, гидрологических, инженерно-геологических работах. Приведены дистанционные методы изучения особенностей геодинамических процессов, явлений, формирующих структурный рельеф Сибири. Для исследователей, применяющих аэрокосмическую информацию при решении проблем рационального природопользования.
    Description / Table of Contents: Es werden die Ergebnisse methodischer Weiterentwicklungen der Nutzung von Luft- und Raumfahrtinformationen bei der Erforschung natürlicher Komplexe und der Suche nach Mineralien sowie bei regionalen geologischen, hydrologischen und ingenieurgeologischen Arbeiten reflektiert. Es werden Fernmethoden zur Untersuchung der Merkmale geodynamischer Prozesse und Phänomene vorgestellt, die das strukturelle Relief Sibiriens bilden. Für Forscher, die Luft- und Raumfahrtinformationen zur Lösung von Umweltmanagementproblemen nutzen.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 164 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 5-02-923461-6
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 79
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Sankt.Peterburg : Izdatel'stvo "Mir i Sem'ja 95", Glavnoe Agentstvo Vozdušnych Soobščenij Rossijskoj Federacii
    Call number: AWI Bio-23-95317
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 119 Seiten , Illustrationen , 1 Beilage
    ISBN: 5-90016-27-1
    Language: Russian , English , French
    Note: Zum Teil in kyrillischer Schrift. , Text in russischer, englischer und französischer Sprache
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 80
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press
    Call number: AWI G3-23-95320
    Description / Table of Contents: This collection of papers by internationally known scientists in the field of geocryology was originally presented as a series of lectures at the University of British Columbia in 1980-81 in honour of J. Ross MacKay. Together they illustrate the central dilemma in a science where fieldwork must be undertaken in the harsh periglacial environment and where, consequently, it is difficult to test theory rigorously. The papers provide a valuable overview of the current status of international research in a wide area of the field - permafrost, patterned ground, and cold climate phenomena and processes. The treatment varies from anecdotal, historical, and descriptive to mathematical. The studies on soil freezing, ice formation and thaw are relatively sophisticated treatments that are physically sound, theoretically based, and quantitatively precise, as are the computational methods and the extension of results to engineering site evaluations given in other contributions. The regional accounts of geocryological and nival phenomena, on the other hand, remain entirely empirical and, for the most part, qualitative. This critical mismatch of understanding between microscale and regional scale is emphasized in the review of the status of periglacial studies. Ross MacKay's most valuable contribution to science has been his consistent demonstration of how to occupy the middle ground by applying simple physical concepts to explain variations in the landscape.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XVI, 213 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    ISBN: 0774802049 , 0-7748-0204-9
    Language: English , French , Russian
    Note: CONTENTS List of Figures and Illustrations List of Tables Preface Acknowledgements Notation 1. On the Scientific Method of J. Ross Mackay / W.H. MATHEWS 2. Experimental Observations of Periglacial Processes in the Arctic / ALFRED JAHN 3. Extreme Rainfall and Rapid Snowmelt as Causes of Mass Movements in High Latitude Mountains / ANDERS RAPP 4. Estimation of Avalanche Runout Distances in New Zealand/ B.B. FITZHARRIS 5. The Ice Factor in Frozen Ground / L.W. GOLD 6. Models of Soil Freezing / M.W. SMITH 7. A Step Function Model of Ice Segregation / S.I. OUTCALT 8. Recent Observations on the Deformation of Ice and Ice-Rich Permafrost / N.R. MORGENSTERN 9. Distribution of Recently Active Ice and Soil Wedges in the U.S.S.R. / N.N. ROMANOVSKIJ 10.Periglacial Problems / A.L. WASHBURN Notes on Contributors Author Citation Index Index , Abstracts in englischer, französischer und russischer Sprache
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 81
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Novosibirsk : Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Sibirskoe otdelenie
    Call number: AWI G8-23-95569
    Description / Table of Contents: В сборнине изложены новые методические разработки по проблеме «Аэроносмические исследования природных ресурсов» и результаты региональных исследований, полученных при аппаратурно-автоматизированном дешифрировании аэроносмичесних фотоматериалов. Для специалистов, использующих в своих исследованиях аэроносмические материалы.
    Description / Table of Contents: Translation of abstract: The collection outlines new methodological developments on the problem of “Aerospace research of natural resources” and the results of regional studies obtained through hardware-automated interpretation of aerospace photographic materials. For specialists using aerospace materials in their research.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 89 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие Раздел I Комплексные методы аэрокосмических исследований для решения геологических задач Проблемы и принципы геологической интерпретации результатов дешифрирования дистанционных материалов / Д. М. Трофимов Комплексные структурно-геоморфологические методы обработки аэрокосмической фотоинформации для решения геологических задач / Л. К. 3ятькова Исследования Земли из космоса - новый вклад в развитие структурной геоморфологии / А. П. Кулаков Метод количественной оценки сходимости в картографических построениях при дешифрировании космоснимков нефтегазоносных районов Сибири / А. М. Боровиков, Л. М. Шемякин Количественная оценка информативности разномасштабных телеснимков на примере дизъюнктивов Сибири / В. И. Витязь, В. Я. Ероменко Методы дистанционных исследований переходных зон сочленения платформ и орогенов Сибири / Л. К. Зятькова Опыт применения космической информации для прогновирования региональных и локальных нефтегазоносных структур в пределах Днепровско-Донецкого палеорифта / В. К. Гавриш, А. И. Недошовенко, Е. С. Петрова, В. Н. Дементьев Комплексирование аэро-космогеологических и геолого геофизических методов при нефтегазопоисковых работах на юге Пермской области / Ю. А. Дулепов, В. В. Макаловский, В. С. Курочnик, В. Г. Гацков Некоторые вопросы геологической интерпретации геофизических полей и результатов аэрокосмических наблюдений нефтегазоносных территорий / В. В. Панасенко, В. Н. Панасенко Раздел II Методы автоматизированной обработки изображений Техническое и программное обеспечение центра обработки аэрокосмической информации / А. С. Алексеев, С. Т. Васьков, В. Н. Дементьев, В. К. Кожевников, Э. Г. Михальцов, В. П. Пяткин, Р. М. Салаватов Использование статистических подходов к обработке аэрокосмических изображений при построении процедур выделения пространственно-протяженных объектов / Т. Б. Борукаев, В. Г. Гомелаури, В. И. Горбунов Возможности применения разнородного программного обеспечения анализа изображений для задач охраны окружающей среды / А. Д. Китов Томографический подход к задаче сейсмопросвечивания / И. Г. Казанцев Выбор зон спектра при космической съемке / Н. А. Тепляков, В. М. Чернин Статистический подход к классификации объектов на аэрокосмических изображениях / Б. А. Горбуnов Теория светорассеяния неоднородными гидро- и аэрозольными частицами / В. Н. Лопатин, Л. Е. Парамонов, Ф. Я. Сидько Некоторые преобразования в количественном подходе при обработке изображений / В. А. Забелин, В. П. Пяткин Обработка спектросовмещенной информации на ЭВМ / В. А. Забелин , Translation of Table of Contents Preface Section I Integrated methods of aerospace research for solving geological problems Problems and principles of geological interpretation of the results of interpretation of remote sensing materials / D. M. Trofimov Complex structural and geomorphological methods for processing aerospace photographic information for solving geological problems / L. K. Zyatkova Exploration of the Earth from space - a new contribution to the development of structural geomorphology / A. P. Kulakov Method for quantitative assessment of convergence in cartographic constructions when interpreting satellite images of oil and gas-bearing regions of Siberia / A. M. Borovikov, L. M. Shemyakin Quantitative assessment of the information content of multi-scale television films using the example of disjunctives of Siberia / V. I. Vityaz, V. Ya. Eromenko Methods of remote sensing of transition zones of junction of platforms and orogens of Siberia / L. K. Zyatkova Experience in using space information for forecasting regional and local oil and gas bearing structures within the Dnieper-Donetsk paleorift / V.K. Gavrish, A.I. Nedoshovenko, E.S. Petrova, V.N. Dementiev Integration of aero-cosmogeological and geological-geophysical methods during oil and gas prospecting in the south of the Perm region / Yu. A. Dulepov, V. V. Makalovsky, V. S. Kurochnik, V. G. Gatskov Some issues of geological interpretation of geophysical fields and results of aerospace observations of oil and gas-bearing territories / V. V. Panasenko, V. N. Panasenko Section II Automated image processing methods Technical and software of the aerospace information processing center / A. S. Alekseev, S. T. Vaskov, V. N. Dementyev, V. K. Kozhevnikov, E. G. Mikhaltsov, V. P. Pyatkin, R. M. Salavatov The use of statistical approaches to processing aerospace images when constructing procedures for identifying spatially extended objects / T. B. Borukaev, V. G. Gomelauri, V. I. Gorbunov Possibilities of using heterogeneous image analysis software for environmental protection tasks / A. D. Kitov Tomographic approach to the problem of seismic imaging / I. G. Kazantsev Selection of spectrum zones during space photography / N. A. Teplyakov, V. M. Chernin Statistical approach to classification of objects in aerospace images / B. A. Gorbunov Theory of light scattering by inhomogeneous hydro- and aerosol particles / V. N. Lopatin, L. E. Paramonov, F. Ya. Sidko Some transformations in the quantitative approach to image processing / V. A. Zabelin, V. P. Pyatkin Processing of spectrum-combined information on a computer / V. A. Zabelin , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 82
    Series available for loan
    Series available for loan
    Budapest :Kiadja a Magyar Földtani és Geofizikai Intézet,
    Call number: M 17.90900
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 314 Seiten : , Illustrationen ; , 1 Karte (gefaltet 29.5 x 17 cm) , 31 cm +
    ISBN: 9789636713041 , 9636713049
    Regional Geology
    Language: Hungarian , English
    Location: Upper compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 83
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Leningrad : Gidrometeorolog. Izd.
    Call number: MOP 33767
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 663 S.
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrill. Schr., russ.
    Location: MOP - must be ordered
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 84
    Call number: AWI G3-18-91864(ger) ; AWI G3-18-91864(eng) ; AWI G3-18-91864(rus)
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 3 Bände in einem Schuber (204 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    ISBN: 978-3-88808-716-5 (ger) , 978-3-88808-714-1 (eng) , 978-3-88808-715-8 (rus)
    Language: German , English , Russian
    Note: Inhalt: Einführung und Hintergrund der terrestrischen Expeditionen in Sibirien / Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Volker Rachold, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - 1. Auf dem Weg zu den Lena-Expeditionen 1993-1997. - Seesedimente auf Taimyr und Sewernaja Semlja als Klima-Archiv / Pier Paul Overduin, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Martin Melles. - Erste Studien zu Energie-, Wasser- und Spurengasflüssen in Tundraböden: Labas-See und Lewinson-Lessing-See, Taimyr-Halbinsel / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Julia Boike, Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Untersuchungen von Permafrost-Sequenzen in der Taimyr-Tiefebene (1994-1996) / Christine Siegert, Alexander Yu. Dereviagin. - Kohlenstoff in den arktischen Wüstenböden von Sewernaja Semlja / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Dimitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Hydrologie, Geochemie und Sedimenttransport in den Flüssen Sibiriens - Das SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA Projekt 1994-1997 / Volker Rachold. - 2. Der Beginn der Lena-Expeditionen 1998-2002. - lnitiierung des Forschungsprojekts Lenadelta: Wissenschaftliche Strategie, Kooperation und Logistik / Volker Rachold, Martin Antonow, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - Die ersten Jahre der boden- und klimabezogenen Permafrostforschung auf Samoilow und Umgebung (Untersuchungen 1998-2001) / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Julia Boike, Günter Stoof, Lars Kutzbach, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, lrina A. Yakshina, Anno N. Kurchatova, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Bykowski-Halbinsel: Die erste Landexpedition mit Fokus auf das Paläoklima / Lutz Schirrmeister, Guido Grosse, Viktor V. Kunitsky, Christine Siegert, Hanno Meyer. - Schiffsexpeditionen von 1998 bis 2002 zur Untersuchung von Erosion und Geomorphologie der Küste mit Dunai, Neptun, Sofron Danilov und Pavel Bashmakov / Volker Rachold, Waldemar Schneider, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Hans-Wolfgong Hubberten, Felix E. Are, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Untersuchung von Seen auf Arga: Geschichte und Entstehung des Lenadeltas / Georg Schwamborn, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Volker Rachold, Vladimir E. Tumskoy, Lutz Schirrmeister, Guido Grosse. - Mikrobieller Kohlenstoffumsatz in der Auftauschicht und im Permafrost / Susanne Liebner, Christian Knoblauch, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Svetlana Yu. Evgrafova, Dirk Wagner. - Feldarbeit für die Rekonstruktion der Paläoumwelt / Lutz Schirrmeister, Tatyana V. Kuznetsova, Andrei A. Andreev, Frank Kienast, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - 3. Prozessstudien zur Permafrostdynamik 2002-2005. - Submarine Permafrostbohrungen während der COAST 2005 Expedition / Volker Rachold, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Waldemar Schneider. - Die frühe Forschungsstation Insel Samoilow und ihre Erweiterung 2005 / Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Julia Boike, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Günter Stoof, Alexander Yu. Gukav. - Installation des Samoilow Observatoriums - wissenschaftliches Monitoring von Klimadaten, Permafrostböden und Treibhausgasen (Untersuchungen 2002-2006) / Lars Kutzbach, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs, David Holl, Günter Stoof Julia Boike, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - Mikrobieller Stickstoffumsatz in der Auftauschicht und den tieferen Permafrostsedimenten des Lenadeltas / Claudia Fiencke, Tina Sanders, Fabian Beermann, Elena E. Lebedeva, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - Geokryologische und paläoökologische Studien an den Küsten der Laptewsee / Lutz Schirrmeister, Christine Siegert, Guido Grosse, Hanno Meyer, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Viktor V. Kunitsky. - Langzeitbeobachtungen der pelagischen Fauna in Seen und Tümpeln des Lenadeltas / Ekaterina N. Abramova, lrina I. Vishnyakova, Grigory A. Soloviev, Anna A. Abramova. - 4. Umsetzung neuer Forschungsthemen 2007-2012. - Die Dynamik der arktischen Küsten / Frank Günther, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, P. Paul Overduin, Hugues Lantuit, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten. - Feldarbeit und Erstellung numerischer Modelle von submarinem Permafrost und Gashydraten / Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Pier Paul Overduin, Sebastian Wetterich, Mikhail N. Grigoriev. - Permafrostdegradation, Thermokarst und Thermoerosion - Feldforschung auf der Insel Kurungnach / Anne Morgenstern, lrina V Fedorova, Antonina A. Chetverova, Frank Günther, Mathias Ulrich, Fabian Beermann, Sebastian Zubrzycki, Sofia A. Antonova, Samuel Stettner, Julia Boike. - Mit Kettensäge zum Klimamodell - Eiskeile als Winterklima-Archive / Hanno Meyer, Thomas Opel, Alexander Yu. Dereviagin. - Veränderungen nordsibirischer Seen und Baumgrenzen in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart als Reaktion auf Erwärmung / Ulrike Herzschuh, Luidmila A. Pestryakova, Laura S. Epp, Larisa A. Frolova, Ruslan M. Gorodnichev, Birgit Heim, Florion Jeltsch, Juliane Klemm, Stefan Kruse, Larisa B. Nazarova, Bastian Niemeyer, Anatolii N. Nikolaev, Kathleen R. Stoof-Leichsenring, Ralph Tiedemann, Mareike Wieczoreck, Evgenij S. Zakharov, Heike H. Zimmermann. - Kohlenstoff in Permafrost - Quantifizierung der Menge an organischem Material in Sibirien / Jens Strauss, Lutz Schirrmeister, Sebastian Zubrzycki, Alexander L. Kholodov, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Viktor V. Kunitsky, Matthias Fuchs, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Guido Grosse. - Expeditionen mit Gummibooten und kleinen Flussbooten - Hydrologie und Geomorphologie des Lenadeltas / Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, lrina V Fedorova, Julia Boike. - Mobilisierung und Ablagerung von Kohlenstoff im Lena-Flusssystem / Gesine Mollenhauer, Maria Winterfeld, Boris P. Koch, lrina V. Fedorova. - Holozäne Seen rund um das Lenadelta / Bernhard Diekmann, Boris Biskaborn, Luidmila A. Pestryakova, Dmitry A. Subetto, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Ulrike Herzschuh, Georg Schwamborn, Volker Rachold. - Logistisch komplexe Einsätze - Beobachtungen von Energie und Treibhausgasflüssen aus der Luft mittels Helipod / Torsten Sachs, Eric Larmanau, Katrin Kohnert, Andrei Serafimavich. - Lena Expeditionen: Einbindung neuer deutscher Forschungsgruppen / Birgit Heim, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Pier Paul Overduin, lrina V. Fedorova. - Ein Jahrzehnt der Küstenforschung im Lenadelta / lngeborg Bussmann, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, lrina V Fedorova, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Alexander Yu. Gukov, Gerhard Kattner, Alexandra Kraberg, Denis V. Moiseev, Pier Paul Overduin, Lasse Sander, Karen H. Wiltshire. - 5. Neue Horizonte für Lena-Expeditionen - Die neue Forschungsstation Insel Samoilow. - Ministerpräsident W. W. Putin besucht die Insel Samoilow (P-Day) / Hanno Meyer, Thomas Opel, Alexander Yu. Dereviagin, Svetlana Yu. Evgrafava, Waldemar Schneider, Alexander S. Makarov, Mikhail N. Grigoriev. - Die neue Forschungsstation Insel Samoilow: Bau, Eröffnungsfeier, Anlage und Betrieb / Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Igor N. Yeltsov, Anne Morgenstern. - Samoilow in internationalen Programmen und Netzwerken - FLUXNET, GTN-P, INTERACT / Anne Morgenstern, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Julia Boike, Lars Kutzbach. - Kurzer Überblick über die russisch-deutschen Permafrost-Projekte CARBOPERM und KoPf / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Sebastian Zubrzycki, Ulrike Herzschuh, Guido Grosse. - Einsatz von Fernerkundung im Gebiet der Laptewsee / Guido Grosse, Birgit Heim, Sofia Antonova, Julia Boike, Astrid Bracher, Alexey N. Fague, Frank Günther, Thomas Krumpen, Moritz Langer, Anne Morgenstern, Sina Muster, lngmar Nitze, Torsten Sachs. - Multidisziplinäre Studien auf Samoilow und Kurungnach: Geophysik, Fernerkundung, Geologie sowie botanische und Bodenstudien / Igor N. Yeltsov, Alexey N. Faguet, Leonid V. Tsibizov, Vladimir A. Kashirtsev, Vladimir V. Olenchenko, Andrey A. Kartozia, Nikolay N. Lashchinskiy. - Terrestrische Permafrost-Bohrkampagnen: Tiefe Einblicke in die Vergangenheit / Jens Strauss, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Paul Overduin, Georgii Maximov, Guido Grosse, Alexey N. Fague, Leonid Tsibizov, Lutz Schirrmeister. - Langzeitmessungen der Energie-, Wasser-, und Treibhausgasflüsse zwischen Land und Atmosphäre von 2002 bis heute und darüber hinaus / David Holl, Ju , Contents: Introduction and Background to Terrestrial Expeditions in Siberia / Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Volker Rachold, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - 1. On the Way to the Lena Expeditions 1993-1997. - Lake Sediments on Taymyr and Severnaya Zemlya as a Climate Archive / Pier Paul Overduin, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Martin Melles. - First Energy, Water, and Flux Studies of Tundra Soils - Labaz and Levinson-Lessing Lake, Taymyr Peninsula / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Julia Boike, Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Exploring Permafrost Sequences in the Taymyr Lowland (1994-1996) / Christine Siegert, Alexander Yu. Dereviagin. - Carbon in Arctic Desert Soils of Severnaya Zemlya / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Dimitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Hydrology, Geochemistry, and Sediment Transport of the Siberian Rivers - The SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA Project 1994-1997 / Volker Rachold. - 2. The Beginning of the Lena Expeditions 1998-2002. - Initiation of the Research Project Lena Delta: Science Strategy, Cooperation, and Logistics / Volker Rachold, Martin Antonow, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - The First Years of Soil and Climate-Related Permafrost Research on Samoylov Island and Surroundings (Investigations 1998- 2001) / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Julia Boike, Günter Stoof, Lars Kutzbach, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, lrina A. Yakshina, Anno N. Kurchatova, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Bykovsky Peninsula: The First Land Expedition with a Focus on Paleoclimate / Lutz Schirrmeister, Guido Grosse, Viktor V. Kunitsky, Christine Siegert, Hanno Meyer. - The 1998-2002 Ship-Based Expeditions for Coastal Erosion and Geomorphological Studies with Dunay, Neptun, Sofron Danilov, and Pavel Bashmakov / Volker Rachold, Waldemar Schneider, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Felix E. Are, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - Lake Studies on Arga: History and Formation of the Lena Delta / Georg Schwamborn, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Volker Rachold, Vladimir E. Tumskoy, Lutz Schirrmeister, Guido Grosse. - Microbial Carbon Turnover in the Active Layer and in Permafrost / Susanne Liebner, Christian Knoblauch, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Svetlana Yu. Evgrajova, Dirk Wagner. - Fieldwork for Reconstructing the Paleo-Environment / Lutz Schirrmeister, Tatyana V. Kuznetsova, Andrei A. Andreev, Frank Kienast, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov. - 3. Process Studies of Permafrost Dynamics 2002-2006. - Subsea Permafrost Drilling During the COAST 2005 Expedition / Volker Rachold, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Waldemar Schneider. - The Early Samoylov Station and Its Extension in 2005 / Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Julia Boike, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Günter Stoof, Alexander Yu. Gukov. - Installation of the Samoylov Observatory - Permafrost-Affected Soils and Greenhouse Gases (Investigations 2002-2006) / Lars Kutzbach, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs, David Holl, Günter Stoof, Julia Boike, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - Microbial Nitrogen Turnover in the Active Layer and Deeper Permafrost Sediments of the Lena River Delta / Claudia Fiencke, Tina Sanders, Fabian Beermann, Elena E. Lebedeva, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer. - Geocryological and Paleoenvironmental Studies on the Coasts of the Laptev Sea / Lutz Schirrmeister, Christine Siegert, Guido Grosse, Hanno Meyer, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Viktor V. Kunitsky. - Long-Term Observations of the Pelagic Fauna in Lakes and Ponds in the Lena Delta / Ekaterina N. Abramova, lrina I. Vishnyakova, Grigory A. Soloviev, Anna A. Abramova. - 4. Implementation of New Research Topics 2007-2012. - Arctic Coastal Dynamics / Frank Günther, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Pier Paul Overduin, Hugues Lantuit, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten. - Field Work and Numerical Modelling for Subsea Permafrost and Gas Hydrates / Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Pier Paul Overduin, Sebastian Wetterich, Mikhail N. Grigoriev. - Permafrost Degradation, Thermokarst and Thermal Erosion Fieldwork on Kurungnakh Island / Anne Morgenstern, Irina V. Fedorova, Antonina A. Chetverova, Frank Günther, Mathias Ulrich, Fabian Beermann, Sebastian Zubrzycki, Sofia A. Antonova, Samuel Stettner, Julia Boike. - With the Chainsaw to Climate Modelling - Ice Wedges as a Winter Climate Archive / Hanno Meyer, Thomas Opel, Alexander Yu. Dereviagin. - Past and Present Treeline and Lake Changes in Northern Siberia in Response to Warming / Ulrike Herzschuh, Luidmila A. Pestryakova, Laura S. Epp, Larisa A. Frolova, Ruslan M. Gorodnichev, Birgit Heim, Florion Jeltsch, Juliane Klemm, Stefan Kruse, Larisa B. Nazarova, Bastian Niemeyer, Anatolii N. Nikolaev, Kathleen R. Stoof-Leichsenring, Ralph Tiedemann, Mareike Wieczoreck, Evgenij S. Zakharov, Heike H. Zimmermann. - Organic Matter Matters- Quantifying the Amount of Carbon in Northern Siberia / Jens Strauss, Lutz Schirrmeister, Sebastian Zubrzycki, Alexander L. Kholodov, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Viktor V. Kunitsky, Matthias Fuchs, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Guido Grosse. - Expeditions with Rubber Boats and Small River Vessels - Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Lena Delta / Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, lrina V Fedorova, Julia Boike. - Mobilization and Deposition of Carbon in the Lena River System / Gesine Mollenhauer, Maria Winterfeld, Boris P. Koch, lrina V. Fedorova. - Holocene Lakes Around the Lena Delta / Bernhard Diekmann, Boris Biskaborn, Luidmila A. Pestryakova, Dmitry A. Subetto, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Ulrike Herzschuh, Georg Schwamborn, Volker Rachold. - Complex Logistical Operations - Airborne Energy and Greenhouse Gas Flux Observations by Helipod / Torsten Sachs, Eric Larmanau, Katrin Kohnert, Andrei Serafimavich. - Lena Expeditions: Integration of New German Research Groups / Birgit Heim, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Pier Paul Overduin, lrina V. Fedorova. - A Decade of Coastal Research in the Lena Delta / lngeborg Bussmann, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, lrina V Fedorova, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Alexander Yu. Gukov, Gerhard Kattner, Alexandra Kraberg, Denis V. Moiseev, Pier Paul Overduin, Lasse Sander, Karen H. Wiltshire. - 5. New Horizons for Lena Expeditions - The New Research Station Samoylov Island. - Prime Minister V. V. Putin Visits Samoylov Island (P-Day) / Hanno Meyer, Thomas Opel, Alexander Yu. Dereviagin, Svetlana Yu. Evgrafava, Waldemar Schneider, Alexander S. Makarov, Mikhail N. Grigoriev. - The New Research Station Samoylov Island: Construction, Opening Ceremony, Facilities, and Operation / Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Igor N. Yeltsov, Anne Morgenstern. - Samoylov in International Programs and Networks - FLUX NET, GTN-P, INTERACT / Anne Morgenstern, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Julia Boike, Lars Kutzbach. - Short Overview of the Russian-German Permafrost Projects CARBOPERM and KoPf / Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Dmitry Yu. Bolshiyanov, Sebastian Zubrzycki, Ulrike Herzschuh, Guido Grosse. - Application of Remote Sensing in the Laptev Sea Region / Guido Grosse, Birgit Heim, Sofia Antonova, Julia Boike, Astrid Bracher, Alexey N. Fague, Frank Günther, Thomas Krumpen, Moritz Langer, Anne Morgenstern, Sina Muster, lngmar Nitze, Torsten Sachs. - Multidisciplinary Studies on Samoylov and Kurungnakh: Geophysics, Remote Sensing, Geology, Botanical, and Soil Studies / Igor N. Yeltsov, Alexey N. Faguet, Leonid V. Tsibizov, Vladimir A. Kashirtsev, Vladimir V. Olenchenko, Andrey A. Kartozia, Nikolay N. Lashchinskiy. - Deep lnsights into the Past Terrestrial Permafrost Drilling Campaigns / Jens Strauss, Mikhail N. Grigoriev, Paul Overduin, Georgii Maximov, Guido Grosse, Alexey N. Fague, Leonid Tsibizov, Lutz Schirrmeister. - Long-Term Measurements of Land-Atmosphere Fluxes of Energy, Water, and Greenhouse Gases from 2002 until Today and Beyond / David Holl, Julia Boike, Torsten Sachs, Peter Schreiber, Niko Bornemann, Christian Wille, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Irina V. Fedorova, Lars Kutzbach. - Carbon Turnover of Thawing Permafrost in the Lena Delta / , Russische Ausgabe in kyrillischer Schrift
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  • 85
    Call number: AWI Bio-17-90819
    Description / Table of Contents: The authors completed collecting and arranging plates of photomicrographs for common pollen and spores in Quaternary strata. Given China's vast territory, complex vegetation types, a variety of plants, and polen grains with similar morphology probably produced by different plant species in different regions. We have organized this book's photomicrographs of pollen grains and spores in the division of China into five regions, i.e. northwest,northern, southeast, south and southwest China. Photomicrographs of pollen grains and spores in each region are arranged by plant classification system i.e. in order of algae, bryophyte, pteridophyte, gymnosperm, and angiosperm. All 409 plates of color photomicrographs for pollen grains and spores are finally illustrated and described.
    Description / Table of Contents: 本书整理编排了我国第四纪地层常见的孢粉类型显微照相图版,按照西北、北方、东南、华南和西南五个大区编排,并对这些区域的现代植被、第四纪植被史做了简要概述,还重点叙述了各地区第四纪主要孢粉类型、特点以及常见孢粉种类的鉴定形态特征。共分三章,第一章为我国各地区现代植被和第四纪植被概述,重点叙述了古植被与古气候的演变历史;第二章介绍本图鉴中所列出的各地区主要第四纪孢粉类型及其特点,并对不同地区常见孢粉种类
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 620 Seiten , zahlreiche Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9787030505682
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Preface. - Chapter 1: Overview of modern and Quaternary vegetation in China. - 1.1 Northwest region / Tang Lingyu and Shen Caiming. - 1.1.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Gobi desert and desert vegetation in eastern Xinjiang. - Extremely arid desert and shrubland vegetation in the Qaidam Basin. - Arid desert shrub and semi-shrub vegetation in the Hexi Corridor. - Sylvosteppe or pine-oak forest in the transitional region between semi-humid and semi-arid monsoonal climate of temperate zone in the Loess Plateau. - 1.1.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in Qinghai. - Holocene vegetation succession of steppe/meadow in north Xizang (Tibet). - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in the Loess Plateau. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in Xinjiang. - 1.2 Northern region / Tang Lingyu and Li Chunhai. - 1.2.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Coniferous and broadleaved forest and meadow of temperate zone in Northeast China. - Oak forest of river valley, Chinese pine forest, and shrub steppe in the lower valley of Liaohe River, North China plain, southern Shanxi, and central Shaanxi plain. - 1.2.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in North China. - Vegetation and environment since the early Pleistocene in Northeast China. - 1.3 Southeast region / Shu Junwu and Tang Lingyu. - 1.3.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - 1.3.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation succession since the mid-Pleistocene in Hubei. - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in the lower valley of the Yangtze River. - 1.3 .2.3 Forest succession since the last glaciation in southeast coast of Fujian. - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in the central Taiwan. - 1.4 South region / Mao Limi, Tang Lingyu and Shen Cairning. - 1.4.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Vegetation in the southern zone of middle subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. - Vegetation in the zone of south subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. - Tropical semi-evergreen monsoonal forest and tropical monsoonal forest. - 1.4.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Vegetation in the Zhujiang delta and Chaozhou plain since the Pleistocene recorded by pollen and spores. - Vegetation and climate since the late Pleistocene in Leizhou Peninsula and Holocene vegetation and climate in Hainan Island. - Late Quaternary pollen and spores, vegetation and climate records in the South. - Vegetation and climate since the late Pleistocene in Hong Kong. - 1.5 Southwest region / Shu Junwu, Tang Lingyu and Shen Caiming. - 1.5.1 Overview of modern vegetation. - Vegetation of evergreen broadleaved forest in the Yunnan , Guizhou and western Sichuan Plateau. - Vegetation of coniferous forest in southeast Xizang. - 1.5.2 Overview of Quaternary vegetation. - Holocene vegetation in northwest Yunnan. - Vegetation and monsoonal climate history since the late Pleistocene in western and south-central Yunnan. - Holocene vegetation in western Sichuan. - Vegetation and environment since the late Pleistocene in Guizhou. - Vegetation and monsoonal climate history since the late Pleistocene in southeastern Xizang. - Chapter 2 Main types of Quaternary pollen and spores and their characteristics in different regions of China. - 2.1 Northwest region / Tang Lingyu and Mao Limi. - 2.1.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Northwest China. - 2.1.2 Identifiable features of major Quaternary pollen and spores in Northwest China. - Identifiable features of main Compositae pollen types. - Identifiable features of Artemisia, Tamarix, and Zygophyllum pollen. - Identifiable features of Rhamnus, Hippophae, and Elaeagnus pollen. - 2.1.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary spores and pollen in Northwest China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen types in Northwest China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen types in Northwest China. - 2.2 Northern region / Tang Lingyu. - 2.2.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Northern China. - 2.2.2 Identifiable features of major Quaternary pollen and spores in Northern China. - Identification keys of pollen morphology for several saccate genera of Pinaceae. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for genera of Betulaceae. - Identifiable features of tricolpate pollen from Salix and Cruciferae. - Identifiable features of tricolpate pollen from Ranunculaceae and Labiatae. - 2.2.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary spores and pollen in Northern China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen types in Northern China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen types in Northern China. - 2.3 Southeast region / Tang Lingyu and Shu Junwu. - 2.3.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Southeast China. - 2.3.2 Identifiable features of major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southeast China. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for Fagaceae. - Identification keys of pollen morphology for several genera of Fagaceae. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for several genera of Fagaceae. - Identifiable features of pollen morphology for several genera of tropical and subtropical. - 2.3.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southeast China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen types in Southeast China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen types in Southeast China. - 2.4 South region / Mao Limi and Tang Lingyu. - 2.4.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - 2.4.2 Identifiable features of main Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - Modern distribution and paleophytogeography of Sonneratia and its identifiable features of pollen morphology. - Modern distribution and paleoecology significance of Rhizophoraceae and its identifiable features of pollen morphology. - 2.4.3 Photomicrographs and descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - Photomicrographs for major Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in South China. - 2.5 Southwest region / Tang Lingyu and Shu Junwu. - 2.5.1 Types of Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - 2.5.2 Identifiable feature of main Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - Plant distribution and pollen features of Pinaceae in Southwest China. - Identification keys of pollen morphology for Pinaceae. - 2.5.3 Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - Photomicrographs for common pollen in Southwest China. - Descriptions of morphological features for major Quaternary pollen and spores in Southwest China. - Chapter 3 Plates and descriptions of Quaternary pollen and spores in different region of China. - 3.1 Northwest region / Tang Lingyu and Mao Limi. - Spores of the pteridophyte Plates 1-3. - Gymnosperm pollen Plates 3-10. - Angiosperm pollen Plates 11-63. - 3.2 Northern region / Tang Lingyu and Li Chunhai. - Spores of the algae Plates 1-3. - Spores of the bryophyte Plate 4. - Spores of the pteridophyte Plates 5-9. - Gymnosperm pollen Plates 9-24. - Angiosperm pollen Plates 25-63. - 3.3 Southeast region / Tang Lingyu, Zhou Zhongze and
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  • 86
    Call number: AWI NBM-17-91184
    Description / Table of Contents: The Atlas content is presented by 8 large sections and 39 subsections which present characteristics of the key glaciological regions; there are also two auxiliary subsections: introductory one and the reference part that is indicator of geographical regions. The whole material is placed on the 590 pages of the Atlas. Themes and subjects of the maps are given in a system of three levels which one with corresponding number of base scales and, respectively, the territorial coverage. In addition to a possibility to look through all digital maps, any user can also see original vector layers in the format of shp. files which are saved in decimal degrees .This makes possible to project the data into any view, to design own project, to transform the data into other GIS-formats, to analyze the information together with own or other data with geographical conjunction .
    Type of Medium: Non-book medium
    Pages: 1 CD-ROM
    Language: Russian , English
    Note: In rus. und engl. Sprache , Teilw. in kyrill. Schr.
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  • 87
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91560-1
    In: Flora in desertis Reipublicae Populorum Sinarum, Tomus 1
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: IV, 546 S , Ill., Kt
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: GYMNOSPERMAE. - Pinaceae. - 1. Pinus L. - 2. Picea Dietr. - Cupressaceae. - 1. Platycladus Spach. - 2. Sabina Mill. - 3. Juniperus L. - Ephedraceae. - 1. Ephedra L. - ANGIOSPERMAE / MONOCOTYLEDONEAE. - Typhaceae. - 1. Typha L. - Sparganiaceae. - Sparganium L. - Potamogetonaceae. - 1. Potamogeton L. - 2. Zannichellia L. - Juncaginaceae (Scheuchzeriaceae). - 1. Triglochin L. - Alismataceae. - 1. Alisma L. - 2. Sagittaria L. - Butomaceae. - 1. Butomus L. - Gramineae. - I. Festuceae. - 1. Enneapogon Desv. ex Beauv. (Pappophorum Schreb.). - 2. Phragmites Trin. - 3. Cleistogenes Keng (Keniga Pack.). - 4. Diarrhena Beauv. - 5. Catabrosa Beauv. - 6. Eragrostis Beauv. - 7. Aeluropus Trin. - 8. Bromus L. - 9. Melica L. - 10. Poa L. - 11. Festuca L. - 12. Schismus Beauv. - 13. Puccinellia Parl. - II. Hordeeae. - 14. Psathyrostchys Nevski. - 15. Hordeum. - 16. Clinelymus Nevski (Elymus L.). - 17. Leymus Hoch. (Aneurolepidium Nevski). - 18. Lolium L. - 19. Roegneria C. Koch. - 20. Elytrigia Desv. - 21. Agropyron Gaertn. - 22. Eremopyrum Jaub. et Spach. - III. Chlorideae Kunth. - 23. Beckmannia Host. - 24. Chloris Swartz. - 25. Cynodon Rich. - IV. Avenae. - 26. Koeleria Pers. - 27. Avena L. - V. Agrostideae. - 28. Crypsis Ait. - 29. Alopecurus L. - 30. Polypogon Desf. - 31. Calamagrostis Adans. (Incl. Deyexia). - 32. Agrostis L. - 33. Psammochloa Hitchc. - 34. Timouria Roshev. - 35. Stephanachne Keng (Pappogrostis Roshev). - 36. Aristida L. - 37. Stipa L. - 38. Achnatherum Beauv. - 39. Ptilagrostis Griseb. - VI. Phalarideae. - 40. Hierochloë R. Br. - VII. Oryzeae. - 41. Zizania L. - VIII. Paniceae. - 42. Setaria Beauv. - 43. Pennisetum Rich. - 44. Digitaria Scop. - 45. Echinochloa Beauv. - IX. Arundinelleae. - 46. Arundinella Raddi. - X. Zoysieae. - 47. Tragus Hall. - XI. Andropogoneae. - 48. Miscanthus Anderss. - 49. Imperata Cyrillo. - 50. Spodiopogon Trin. - 51. Erianthus Michx. - 52. Hemarthria B. Br. - 53. Arthraxon Brauv. - 54. Bothriochloa O. Kuntze. - Cyperaceae. - 1. Bolboschoenus Palla. - 2. Scirpus L. - 3. Blysmus Panz. - 4. Eriophorum L. - 5. Heleocharis R. Br. - 6. Fimbristylis Vahl. - 7. Cyperus L. - 8. Juncellus (Griseb.) C. B. Clarke. - 9. Pycreus Beauv. - 10. Carex L. - 11. Kobresia Willd. - Araceae. - 1. Acorus L. - 2. Calla L. - 3. Arisaema Mart. - Lemnaceae. - 1. Lemna L. - 2. Spirodela Schleid. - Commelinaceae. - 1. Commelina L. - Pontederiaceae. - 1. Monochoria C. Presl. - Junaceae. - 1. Juncus L. - Liliaceae. - 1. Asparagus L. - 2. Allium L. - 3. Veratrum L. - 4. Lilium L. - 5. Gagea Salisb. - 6. Fritillaria L. - 7. Tulipa L. 8. Scilla L. - 9. Anemarrhena Bge. - 10. Eremurus M B. - 11. Hemerocallis L. - 12. Convallaria L. - 13. Disporum L. Salisb. ex D. Don. - 14. Polygonatum Mill. - Amaryillidaceae. - 1. Ixiolirion Fisch. - Iridaceae. - 1. Belamcanda Adams. - 2. Iris L. - Orchidaceae. - 1. Cypripedium L. - 2. Spiranthes Rich. - 3. Epipactis Zinn. - 4. Habenaria Willd. - 5. Coeloglossum C. Hartm. - 6. Orchis L. - DICTYLEDONAE. - Salicaceae. - 1. Populus L. - 2. Salix L. - Juglandaceae. - 1. Juglans L. - Ulmaceae. - 1. Ulmus L. - 2. Celtis L. - Moraceae. - 1. Ficus L. - 2. Morus L. - 3. Humulus L. - 4. Cannabis L. - Santalaceae. - 1. Thesium L. - Polygonaceae. - 1. Atraphaxis L. - 2. Calligonum L. - 3. Rumex L. - 4. Rheum L. - 5. Polygonum L. - Chenopodiaceae. - 1. Halocnemum M. B. - 2. Halostachys C. A. Mey. - 3. Anabasis L. - 4. Haloxylon Bge. - 5. Arthrophytum Schrenk. - 6. Ceratoides (Tourn.) Gagnebin; (Eurotia Adans.). - 7. Aellenia Ulbr. - 8. Salsola L. - 9. Kochia Roth. - 10. Camphorosma L. - 11. Sympegma Bge. - 12. Iljinia Korov. - 13. Kalidium Moq. - 14. Atriplex L. - 15. Nanophyton Less. - 16. Suaeda Forsk. ex Scop. - 17. Agriophyllum M. B. - 18. Corispermum L. - 19. Ceratocarpus L. - 20. Axyris L. - 21. Panderia Fisch. et Mey. - 22. Bassia All. (Echinopsilon Moq.). - 23. Londesia Fisch. et Mey. - 24. Kirilowia Bge. - 25. Chenopodium L. - 26. Salicornia L. - 27. Halopeplis Bge. ex Ung.-Sternb. - 28. Cornulaca Del. - 29. Halogeton C. A. Mey. - 30. Girgensohnia Bge. - 31. Haraninowia Fisch. et Mey. - 32. Borszczowia Bge. - 33. Halimocnemis C. A. Mey. - 34. Petrosimonia Bge. - Amaranthaceae. - 1. Amaranthus L. - Portulacaceae. - 1. Portulaca L. - Caryophyllaceae. - 1. Gymnocarpos Forsk. - 2. Spergularia (Pers.) J. et C. Presl. - 3. Lepyrodiclis Frenzl. - 4. Cerastium L. - 5. Stellaria L. - 6. Silene L. - 7. Melandrium Roehl. - 8. Lychnis L. - 9. Vaccaria Medic. - 10. Dianthus L. 11. Acanthophyllum C. A. Mey. - 12.Gypsophila L. - Nymphaeaceae. - 1. Nelumbo Adans. - 2. Nymphaea L. - Ceratophyllaceae. - 1. Ceratophyllum L. - Ranunculaceae. - 1. Clematis L. - 2. Adonis L. - 3. Ceratocephalus Moench. - 4. Halerpestes Greene. - 5. Ranunculus L. - 6. Batrachium (DC.) S. F. Gray. - 7. Thalictrum L. - 8. Anemone L. - 9. Pulsatilla Adans. - 10. Paeonia L. - 11. Caltha L. - 12. Leptopyrum Reichb. - 13. Aquilegia L. - 14. Delphinium L. - 15. Consolida (DC.) S. F. Gray. - Berberidaceae. - 1. Berberis L. - 2. Leontice L. - Menispermaceae. - 1. Menispermum L. - Addenda Diagnoses Taxorum Novarum. - Index. , Titel und Text in chines. Schr. , Nomenclature also in Latin.
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  • 88
    Call number: AWI Bio-18-91560-2
    In: Flora in desertis Reipublicae Populorum Sinarum, Tomus 2
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: III, 464 S. , Ill.
    Language: Chinese , Latin
    Note: Contents: Papaveraceae. - 1. Glaucium Mill. - 2. Papaver L. - 3. Hypecoum L. - 4. Corydalis Vent. - 5. Fumaria L. - Capparidaceae. - 1. Capparis L. - Cruciferae. - 1. Spirorrhynchus Kar. et Kir. - 2. Tauscheria Fisch. ex. DC. - 3. Isatis L. - 4. Pachypterygium Bge. - 5. Pugionium Gaertn. - 6. Cardaria Desv. - 7. Litwinowia Woron. - 8. Goldbachia DC. - 9. Hymenolobus Nutt. ex Torr. et Gray. - 10. Thlaspi L. - 11. Lepidium L. - 12. Berteroa DC. - 13. Microstigma Trautv. - 14. Lachnoloma Bge. - 15. Euclidium R. Br. - 16. Alyssum L. - 17. Ptilotrichum C. A. Mey. - 18. Camelina Crantz. - 19. Draba L. - 20. Megacarpaea DC. - 21. Capsella Medic. - 22. Rorippa Scop. - 23. Diptychocarpus Trautv. - 24. Chorispora R. Br. ex DC. - 25. Thellungiella O E. Schluz. - 26. Conringia Heist. ex Fabr. - 27. Turritis L. - 28. Synstemon Botsch. - 29. Dontostemon Andrz. ex C. A. Mey. - 30. Dimorphostemon Kitag. - 31. Clausia Korn.-Tr. - 32. Sterigmostemum M. B. - 33. Leptaleum DC. - 34. Tetracme Bge. - 35. Matthiola R. Br. - 36. Erysimum L. - 37. Syrenia Andrz. ex Bess. - 38. Torularia O. E. Schulz. - 39. Malcolmia R. Br. - 40. Arabidopsis (DC.) Heynh. - 41. Sisymbrium L. - 42. Eruca Mill. - 43. Descurainia Webb et Berth. - Crassulaceae. - 1. Orostachys Fisch. - 2. Sedum L. - Saxifragaceae. - 1. Parnassia L. - 2. Ribes L. - Rosaceae. - I. Spiraeoideae Agardh. - 1. Spiraea L. - II. Maloideae Weber. - 1. Cotoneaster B. Ehrhart. - 2. Crataegus L. - 3. Pyrus L. - 4. Malus Mill. - 5. Cydonia Mill. - III. Rosoideae Focke. - 1. Rosa L. - 2. Potaninia Maxim. - 3. Agrimonia L. - 4. Sanguisorba L. - 5. Rubus L. - 6. Geum L. - 7. Fragaria L. - 8. Potentilla L. - 9. Comarum L. - 10. Sibbalida L. - 11. Chamaerhodos Bge. - IV. Prunoideae Focke. - 1. Prinsepia Royle. - 2. Prunus L. - Leguminosae. - I. Mimosoideae Taub. - 1. Albizzia Durazz. - II. Caesalpinioideae Taub. - 1. Gleditsia L. - III. Papilionatae Taub. - 1. Eremosparton Fisch. et Mey. - 2. Sophora L. - 3. Ammodendron Fisch. - 4. Ammopiptanthus Cheng f. - 5. Thermopsis R. Br. - 6. Oronis L. - 7. Crotalaria L. - 8. Alhagi Gagneb. - 9. Lotus L. - 10. Kummerowia Schindl. - 11. Lespedeza Michx. - 12. Campylotropis Bge. - 13. Glycine Willd. - 14. Trifolium L. - 15. Melilotus Adans. - 16. Trigonella L. - 17. Melissitus Medic. - 18. Medicago L. - 19. Halimodendron Fisch. - 20. Vicia L. - 21. Lathyrus L. - 22. Amorpha L. - 23. Indigofera L. - 24. Robinia L. - 25. Swainsonia Salisb. (Sphaerophysa DC.). - 26. Caragana Fabr. - 27. Calophaca Fisch. - 28. Chesneya Lindl. - 29. Glycyrrhiza L. - 30. Hedysarum L. - 31. Oxytropis DC. - 32. Astragalus L. - 33. Gueldenstaedtia Fisch. (Amblytropis Kitag.). - Geraniaceae. - 1. Erodium L'Herit. - 2. Geranium L. - 3. Bieberstenia Steph. ex. Fisch. - Linaceae. - 1. Linum L. - Zygophyllaceae. - 1. Nitraria L. - 2. Peganum L. - 3. Zygophyllum L. - 4. Tribulus L. - 5. Tetraena Maxim. - Rutaceae. - 1. Phellodendron Rupr. - 2. Haplophyllum Adr. Juss. - Simaroubaceae. - 1. Ailanthus Desf. - Polygalaceae. - 1. Polygala L. - Euphorbiaceae. - 1. Chrozophora Adr. Juss. - 2. Speranskia Baill. - 3. Securinega Comm. ex Adr. Juss. - 4. Euphorbia L. - Callitrichaceae. - 1. Callitriche L. - Anacardiaceae. - 1. Pistacia L. - Celastraceae. - 1. Euonymus L. - 2. Celastrus L. - Aceraceae. - 1. Acer L. - Sapindaceae. - 1. Xanthoceras Bge. - 2. Koelreuteria Laxm. - Rhamnaceae. - 1. Rhamnus L. - 2. Ziziphus Mill. - Vitaceae. - 1. Vitis L. - 2. Ampelopsis Michx. - Tiliaceae. - 1. Tilia L. - Malvaceae. - 1. Malva L. - 2. Althaea L. - 3. Hibiscus L. - Guttiferae. - 1. Hypericum L. - Frankeniaceae. - 1. Frankenia L. - Tamaricadeae. - 1. Reamuria L. (Hololachne Ehrenb.). - 2. Tamarix L. - 3. Myricaria Desv. - Cistaceae. - 1. Helianthemum Mill. - Violaceae. - 1. Viola L. - Thymelaeacaae. - 1. Diarthron Turcz. - 2. Stellera L. - 3. Wikstroemia Endl. - Elaeagnaceae. - 1. Elaeagnus L. - 2. Hippophaë L. - Lythraceae. - Lythrum L. - Trapaceae. - 1. Trapa L. - Onagraceae. - 1. Epilobium L. - Haloragaceae. - 1. Myriophyllum L. - Hippuridaceae. - Hippuris L. - Cynomoriaceae. - 1. Cynomorium L. - Umbelliferae. - 1. Daucus L. - 2. Foeniculum Mill. - 3. Bupleurum L. - 4. Sium L. - 5. Aegopodium L. - 6. Sphallerocarpus Bess. ex. DC. - 7. Heracleum L. - 8. Ferula L. - 9. Seseli L. - 10. Schumannia Kuntze. - 11. Libanotis Hill. - 12. Saposhnikovia Schisck. - 13. Cicuta L. - 14. Oenanthe L. - 15. Cenolophium Koch. - 16. Carum L. - 17. Cnidium Cuss. - 18. Soranthus Ledeb. - 19. Archangelica N. M. Wolf. - Addenda Diagnoses Taxorum Novarum. , Titel und Text in chines. Schr. , Nomenclature also in Latin.
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    Note: CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter I. CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE INITIAL COLONIZATION OF THE EURASIAN ARCTIC Occupation of the North Polar Regions in the Palaeolithic The Climate of the Arctic during the Early and Middle Holocene On the concepts of «Mesolithic» and «Neolithic» Mesolithic Monuments in the European and West Siberian Arctic The Sites of the Mesolithic Period and of Mesolithic-Early Neolithic Appearance in the East.Siberian and Taimyr Trans-Polar Area The Correlation of the Mesolithic Sites of Taimyr with the Mesolithic Cultures of the Forest Zone of Siberia Chapter II. THE TAIMYR TRANSPOLAR ZONE IN THE NEOLITHIC The Early Neolithic of Taimyr (the IVth Millennium BC) The Neolithic Sites of the III-II Millennia BC Net ceramic sites (the Maimeche culture) Assemblages with the Baykit type ceramics Chapter Ill. THE EARLY BRONZE CASTERS OF THE TAIMYR PENINSULA Climatic Changes in the Late Holocene Ymyiakhtakh Sites in the Taimyr Subpolar Region Waffie Pottery in the Subpolar Region: Distribution and Subsequent Evolution Chapter IV. THE TAIMYR PENINSULA IN THE EARLY IRON EPOCH AND THE MIDDLE AGE The Ust-Polovinka settlement and the Pyasina culture Monuments of the Malokorenninsk culture Monuments of cultures with East Siberian traditions The Vozhpai culture Chapter V. EVOLUTION OF ANCIENT SOCIETIES OF THE TAIMYR SUBPOLAR REGION: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ASPECTS Settlements in the Taimyr Subpolar Region as a Source of Palaeosociological Information Bronze-casting on the Taimyr Peninsula The Appearance and Development of Reindeer Herding in the Tundra Zone of West Siberia and the Taimyr Subpolar Region CONCLUDING REMARKS APPENDIX REFERENCES PUBLICATIONS OF L. P. KHLOBYSTIN ILLUSTRATIONS ABBREVIATIONS SUMMARY , ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Предисловие. К портрету исследователя ВВЕДЕНИЕ Глаба I КЛИМАТИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В ЕВРАЗИЙСКОМ ЗАПОЛЯРЬЕ И ПЕР-ВЫЕ ЭТАПЫ ЕГО ЗАСЕЛЕНИЯ Заселение ЗаполярLя в эпоху палеолита Климат Заполярья в раннем и среднем голоцене О понятиях «мезолИD〉 и «неолит» Памятники эпохи мезолита Европейского н Западно-Сибирского ЗаполярLя Памятнщси эпохи мезолита и мезолитическо-раиненеолитического облика в Восточно-Сибирском и Таймырском Заполярье Соотношение мезолитических памятников Таймыра с культурами мезолита лесной зоны Сибири Глава II. ТАЙМЫРСКОЕ ЗАПОЛЯРЬЕ В ЭПОХУ НЕОЛИТА Ранний неолит Таймыра (IV тыс. до н. э.) Неолитические памятники III-II тыс. до и. э. Стоянки с сетчатой керамикой (памятники кулLтуры Маймече) Комплексы с керамикой байкитскоrо типа Глава III. РАННИЕ БРОНЗОЛИТЕЙЩИКИ ТАЙМЫРА Об изменении климата в позднем голоцене Ымыяхтахские памятники в Таймырском Заполярье РаспространеНИе вафельной керамики в Заполярье и ее последующее развитие Глава IV. ТАЙМЫР В ПЕРИОД РАННЕГО ЖЕЛЕЗА И СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЯ Поселение Усть-Половинка и пясинская культура Памятники малокореннинской культуры Памятники культур с восточносибирскими традициями Вожпайская культура Глава V. ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ И СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ДРЕВНИХ ОБЩЕСТВ ТАЙМЫРСКОГО ЗАПОЛЯРЬЯ Поселения Таймырского Заполярья как источник палеосоциолоrической информации Бронзоли-гейное производство на Таймыре Вопросы появления и разви-rия оленеводства в тундровой зоне Западной Сибири и Таймырского Заполярья ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ ЛИТЕРАТУРА БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ ТРУДОВ Л. П. ХЛОБЫСТИНА ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИИ СПИСОК СОКРАЩЕНИЙ SUMMARY , Sprache der Zusammenfassung: Englisch , In kyrillischer Schrift
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