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  • Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
  • Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Fisheries
  • 2020-2024  (7)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-08-10
    Description: Octopus vulgaris is fished by both small-scale and industrial fleets and has great social and economic value. Octopuses are fished in intertidal and subtidal areas using various fishing gear, with trawling used by industrial fleets and hand jigs, pots, traps, and trammel nets used by small-scale fleets. Over the years, the octopus has consistently been one of the most important commercial cephalopod resources in Senegal. Given the high economic value of octopus in Senegal, this paper discusses octopus management, as well as the industry's direct impacts on the biological traits of octopus. Survey data reveals that there are some differences in the octopus management preferences within Mbour; however, in general, fishers support biological rest and the use of oc- topus spawning pots. This study examines the socioeconomic importance of octopus and their management by scientifically analyzing the octopus fishery in Senegal. Octopuses have a short life span (12–14 months), grow rapidly, and have high natural mortality due to its sensitivity to environmental conditions. Therefore, the abundance index decreased from 13.7 kg per days at sea in 1999 to 3.3 kg per days at sea in 2016 due to seasonal fluctuations. Meanwhile, landing volumes notably increased from 2980 t in 1997 to 5932 t in 2016. Octopuses are typically destined for the European and Asian markets, with an export volume of 4886 t and gross revenue of US$26 million in 2016. However, this species is fully exploited, demonstrating the need for increased in- volvement of fishers in the management decision-making process.
    Description: Published
    Description: Refereed
    Keywords: Capture ; Socio-economics ; Fishery management ; Export ; Fisheries ; Octopus vulgaris
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Journal Contribution
    Format: 12pp.
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-06-13
    Description: In a marine environment that is rapidly changing due to anthropogenic activities and climate change, area-based management tools are often used to mitigate threats and conserve biodiversity. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are amongst the most widespread and recognized marine conservation tools worldwide, however, MPAs alone are inadequate to address the environmental crisis. The promotion of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) under draft Target 3 of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, i.e., conserving 30% of marine areas by 2030, holds promise to acknowledge sites and practices occurring beyond MPAs that contribute to conservation. Here, we evaluate the potential recognition of OECMs into Indonesia's national policy framework on marine resource management and provide the first-ever overview of distribution and types of potential marine OECMs in Indonesia, including a review of the existing evidence on conservation effectiveness. We identified 〉 390 potential marine OECMs, led by government, customary and local communities, or the private sector, towards diverse management objectives, including habitat protection, traditional/customary management, fisheries, tourism, or other purposes. While some evidence exists regarding the conservation effectiveness of these practices, the long-term impacts on biodiversity of all potential marine OECMs in Indonesia are unknown. Many OECM elements have been included in several national policies, yet there are no established mechanisms to identify, recognize and report sites as OECMs in Indonesia. We propose four transformational strategies for future OECM recognition in Indonesia, namely: (i) safeguard customary and traditional communities, (ii) leverage cross-sector and cross-scale collaboration, (iii) focus on delivering outcomes, and (iv) streamline legal frameworks. Our study shows that OECMs have the potential to play a significant role in underpinning marine area-based conservation in Indonesia, including supporting the Government of Indonesia in reaching national and international conservation targets and goals.
    Keywords: Area-based management ; Biodiversity conservation ; Customary management ; Fisheries ; Co-management ; Sustainable marine management
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-06-10
    Description: This draft White Paper has been prepared as part of the Vision 2030 process of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (hereafter, Ocean Decade). The Vision 2030 process aims to identify tangible measures of success for each of the ten Ocean Decade Challenges by 2030. From a starting point of existing initiatives underway in the Ocean Decade and beyond, and through a lens of priority user needs, the process determines critical gaps in science and knowledge, needs for capacity development, priority datasets, infrastructure, and technology for each Challenge. Focusing investments in science and knowledge to address these needs will help ensure progress towards meeting each critical Challenge by the end of the Ocean Decade in 2030. The results of the process will contribute to the scoping of future Decade Actions, identification of resource mobilisation priorities, and ensure relevance of the Challenges over time. This draft White Paper is one of a series of ten White Papers, all of which have been authored by an expert Working Group and discussed at the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference. A synthesis report, authored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO/IOC), will accompany the White Papers. With a substantial portion of people depending on the ocean as a primary source of nutrition and livelihood, a significant challenge comes into focus: How can we ensure that the ocean's resources continue to effectively nourish an expanding global population? The Ocean Decade responds to this critical concern through its Challenge 3: “Sustainably nourish the global population”.
    Description: Published
    Description: Refereed
    Keywords: Food ; Agriculture ; Sustainable economy ; Fisheries ; World population ; Ocean economy ; Nutrition ; Aquatic foods ; Aquaculture ; Sustainable production ; Forward look ; Vision paper
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Report
    Format: 33pp.
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-05-20
    Description: To ensure the long-term sustainable use of African Great Lakes (AGL), and to better understand the functioning of these ecosystems, authorities, managers and scientists need regularly collected scientific data and information of key environmental indicators over multi-years to make informed decisions. Monitoring is regularly conducted at some sites across AGL; while at others sites, it is rare or conducted irregularly in response to sporadic funding or short-term projects/studies. Managers and scientists working on the AGL thus often lack critical long-term data to evaluate and gauge ongoing changes. Hence, we propose a multi-lake approach to harmonize data collection modalities for better understanding of regional and global environmental impacts on AGL. Climate variability has had strong impacts on all AGL in the recent past. Although these lakes have specific characteristics, their limnological cycles show many similarities. Because different anthropogenic pressures take place at the different AGL, harmonized multilake monitoring will provide comparable data to address the main drivers of concern (climate versus regional anthropogenic impact). To realize harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring, the approach will need: (1) support of a wide community of researchers and managers; (2) political goodwill towards a common goal for such monitoring; and (3) sufficient capacity (e.g., institutional, financial, human and logistic resources) for its implementation. This paper presents an assessment of the state of monitoring the AGL and possible approaches to realize a long-term, multi-lake harmonized monitoring strategy. Key parameters are proposed. The support of national and regional authorities is necessary as each AGL crosses international boundaries.
    Description: Published
    Description: 101988
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Limnology ; Pollution ; Biodiversity ; Climate change ; Erosion
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-03-05
    Description: Con sus 220 km2 la región geográfica de Bahía de Nipe es el mayor acuatorio en su tipo en Cuba, donde se encuentran representaciones de diversos ecosistemas a lo largo de sus costas. Los asentamientos humanos y sus múltiples actividades productivas de importancia y magnitud, le dan a esta bahía relevancia como recurso natural que sustenta usos estratégicos para el país.
    Description: Other
    Keywords: Contaminación ; Metales pesados ; Fuentes contaminantes ; Pesquerías ; Pollution ; Heavy metals ; Plaguicides ; Fisheries ; Plaguicidas ; Sources pollution
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Thesis/Dissertation
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-01-25
    Description: La producción de ostión en Cuba aumenta hacia el este, y los máximos de abundancia y captura se presentan en la zona costera cercana a la cuenca del río Cauto, en la región correspondiente al municipio Manzanillo, provincia de Granma. En esta región habitan el ostión de mangle antillano (Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding, 1828), y el ostión americano (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, 1791). Aunque la tendencia histórica ha sido al incremento, posterior a 2013 (853 t) la producción promedio anual disminuye a 307 t. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el estado actual del recurso ostión y su aprovechamiento industrial en la región del golfo de Guacanayabo, en relación a la situación ambiental de sus hábitats. Se realizó un diagnóstico de la pesquería de ostión y de la gestión ambiental de la pesca extractiva para determinar impactos ecosistémicos. Se identificaron como principales factores de impacto negativo, que inciden sobre las poblaciones de ostión y sus hábitats, el incumplimiento del periodo de veda, el manejo inadecuado de la pesca extractiva, y eventos de contaminación, que afectan los bienes y servicios ecosistémicos del manglar y reducen las poblaciones de ostión. Se propone la ostricultura artesanal como alternativa pesquera sostenible y se proyectó un plan de producción de ostión para 2023-2030. Se estimó que a calidad ambiental de la región donde se desarrollan las especies de interés es adecuada para su desarrollo.
    Description: Oyster production in Cuba increases to the east, and the maximum abundance and catch occur in the coastal zone near the Cauto river basin, in the region corresponding to the Manzanillo municipality, Granma province. The West Indian mangrove oyster (Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding, 1828), and the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, 1791) inhabit this region. Although the historical trend has been to increase, after 2013 (853 t) the average annual production decreases to 307 t. The objective of this research was to evaluate the current state of the oyster resource and its industrial use in the region of the Guacanayabo Gulf, in relation to the environmental situation of its habitats. A diagnosis of the oyster fishery and the environmental management of extractive fishing was carried out to determine ecosystem impacts. The main factors of negative impact, which affect oyster populations and their habitats, were identified as non-compliance with the closed season, inadequate management of extractive fishing, and pollution events, which affect the goods and ecosystem services of the mangrove and reduce oyster populations. Artisanal oyster farming is proposed as a sustainable fishing alternative and an oyster production plan was projected for 2023-2030. It is estimated that the environmental quality of the region where the species of interest develop is adequate for their development.
    Description: Published
    Description: Refereed
    Keywords: Golfo de Guacanayabo ; Gestión ambiental ; Pesquería ; Ostricultura ; Gulf of Guacanayabo ; Environmental management ; Fisheries ; Ostrich farming
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Journal Contribution
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-01-11
    Description: The 60–80s of the last century were the period of the most rapid development of commercial oceanology in the Azov and Black Sea Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (AzCherNIRO, further renamed YugNIRO). In addition to the monitoring of oceanographic processes, it was involved in the areas of general marine ecology, monitoring of marine pollution, and space oceanology. Oceanographic information is used in forecasting the state of aquatic ecosystems at various timescales and is crucial for fishing forecasts. In 1981, a satellite data reception center was established in AzCherNIRO. In the 80–90s, in YugNIRO, an optimal procedure was created for multidimensional predictive monitoring of the state of the Black Sea ecosystem. In September 1986, within the Laboratory of Commercial Oceanology of the Black Sea, a group for the conservation of marine ecosystems was created, which turned into a sector in January 1989, and into a separate laboratory in December 1996. Its reasearchers carried out multidisciplinary environmental studies, investigating the ecological status of the aquatic areas affected by the facilities of the marine industry during their operation, monitoring the level of soil contamination, and excercising the toxicological control of fish and fish products. YugNIRO oceanological studies conducted in the World Ocean from the early 1970s to the early 1990s made it possible to link the productivity and catches of exploitable species to the atmospheric circulation, changes in the climatic fields of currents, as well as to the geo- and heliophysical factors, which enabled the fishing predictions with a one-year lead time or more for the fishing areas of the Central, Southeastern and Southwestern Indian Ocean, the Patagonian Shelf, and the Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica. In the 70–90s and early 2000s, YugNIRO conducted marine geological studies facilitating fishing operations and environmental protection in the Gulf of Aden, on the bottom elevations of the tropical and subtropical parts of the Indian Ocean, in the Antarctic Shelf area, and in the Black and Azov Seas. This article lays down the current major goals and prospects of commercial oceanology.
    Description: 60–80-е годы прошедшего столетия были в АзЧерНИРО (ЮгНИРО) периодом наиболее активного развития промысловой океанологии. Кроме мониторинга океанографических процессов она начала внедряться в сферы общей экологии моря, мониторинга загрязнения моря, космической океанологии. Океанографическая информация используется при разработке прогнозов состояния водных экосистем различной заблаговременности и является неотъемлемой составляющей рыбопромысловых прогнозов. В 1981 г. в АзЧерНИРО был создан центр приема спутниковой информации. В 1980–1990-х гг. в ЮгНИРО была создана оптимальная для Черного моря схема комплексного прогностического мониторинга состояния его экосистемы. В сентябре 1986 г. в составе лаборатории промысловой океанологии Черного моря была создана группа, в январе 1989 г. — сектор, в декабре 1996 г. — лаборатория охраны морских экосистем. Сотрудниками лаборатории проводились комплексные экологические исследования состояния акваторий предприятий морехозяйственого комплекса в условиях их производственной деятельности, контроль уровня загрязненности почв, токсикологический контроль рыбы и рыбопродукции. Океанологические исследования ЮгНИРО, проводимые в Мировом океане с начала 1970-х до начала 1990-х гг., позволили получить систему связей урожайности и вылова промысловых объектов с особенностями атмосферной циркуляции, изменениями макромасштабных полей течений, гео- и гелиофизическими факторам для прогноза промысловых характеристик с заблаговременностью год и более в промысловых районах центральной, юго-восточной и юго-западной частей Индийского океана, в районе Патагонского шельфа, в индоокеанском секторе Антарктики. Выполнение морских геологических работ в рыбопромысловых и природоохранных целях проводилось ЮгНИРО в 1970–1990-х и в начале 2000-х гг. в Аденском заливе, на поднятиях тропической и субтропической частей Индийского океана, на шельфе Антарктиды, в Черном и Азовском морях. В статье формулируются основные современные цели и пути развития промысловой океанологии.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Commercial oceanography ; Marine geology ; Ecosystems ; Fisheries ; Промысловая океанография ; Морская геология ; Экосистемы ; АзЧерНИРО ; ЮгНИРО ; Промысловые прогнозы ; Океанографическая информация ; Океанологические исследования ; YugNIRO ; AzCherNIRO ; ASFA_2015::F::Fishery oceanography ; ASFA_2015::F::Forecasting ; ASFA_2015::F::Fishery institutions ; ASFA_2015::M::Monitoring
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Journal Contribution
    Format: pp.159-169
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