Original paper

Micro-Raman analysis of synthetic air clathrates

Chazallon, Bertrand; Champagnon, Bernard; Panczer, Gerard; Pauer, Frank; Klapproth, Alice; Kuhs, Werner F.

European Journal of Mineralogy Volume 10 Number 6 (1998), p. 1125 - 1134

42 references

published: Dec 1, 1998
manuscript accepted: May 29, 1998
manuscript received: Mar 23, 1998

DOI: 10.1127/ejm/10/6/1125

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Abstract Raman spectroscopic measurements on synthetic air clathrates, prepared at different pressures and temperatures, are presented. The gas fractionation for clathrates formed at -2 and -20°C is determined from the integrated vibron mode intensities of nitrogen and oxygen molecules. An increasing fractionation in favour of oxygen with increasing pressure is found. An asymmetric peak shape for the O2 vibron mode was observed in air clathrates prepared at 300 bar and -2°C. The asymmetry of the N2 vibron mode in the same sample is much less pronounced


air clathrate hydrateclathrate synthesismicro-Raman spectroscopyfractionation