
Gerd Lüttig, Founder and Longstanding Chief Editor of NoS, is Retiring

[Gerd Lüttig, Gründer und langjähriger Chief Editor von NoS geht in den Ruhestand]

Kosinowski, Michael


Gerd Lüttig has decided to retire, having been Chief Editor of the journal “Newsletters on Stratigraphy” for more than thirty years. Forty volumes of this distinguished scientific journal are the fruits of his efforts. He has co-operated with his colleagues from all over the world to provide a forum for dissemination of stratigraphic data, discussion of stratigraphic problems, improvement of the understanding of stratigraphy amongst geologists, and enhancement of the role played by applied stratigraphy in commercial and academic geology. Lüttig’s father was Technical Director with Brockhaus, a famous German publishing house for encyclopaedias and other works of reference. We may suggest that his early experience at home and perhaps also in his father’ s office gave him an ideal background and eventually led him to found NoS, not to mention the projects, maps, books and other publications which he has initiated. There is no doubt that Gerd Lüttig loves printed matter of any kind.


Gerd Lüttig