Correction to: Microbial Ecology (2018)

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes in the author affiliation, the references given in two tables and in a figure legend. They are enumerated below:

The affiliation of the authors Isabell Kirchner and Maria Grimm (“Department of Molecular Ecology, University of Technology Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany”) should have been “Department of Ecology, University of Technology Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany”.

In Table 1, “[20]” should have been “[35]”, “[20–22]” should have been “[22, 24, 35]”, “[23]” should have been “[20]”, “[24]” should have been “[25]”, “[25, 26]” should have been “[26, 27]”, “[27]” should have been “[28]”, “[27–33]” should have been “[28–34]”, “[27]” should have been “[20]”, “[22]” should have been “[24]” and “[34]” should have been “[38]”.

In Table 2, “[38]” should have been “[39]” and “[39]” should have been “[40]”.

Moreover, the word “magnetic” in the legend of Fig. 3 should have been deleted.

The original article has been corrected.