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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Dietrich, Peter G; Werner, K D; Klemm, W; Schren, W (1987): Chemical composition of pumices from the Great Meteor Seamount [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Dietrich, PG et al. (1987): Discoveries of pumice on Great Meteor Seamount (Central Atlantic region). Oceanology, 27(1), 69-71

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Two samples of pumice, obtained by trawling from depths of 3100 and 4300 m on the eastern slope of the Great Meteor Seamount in the Atlantic Ocean, have been examined. Their petrochemical composition has been studied. The pumice is probably a product of youthful explosive volcanism on the Azores, displaced southward by surface currents.
Median Latitude: 29.822500 * Median Longitude: -28.022500 * South-bound Latitude: 29.812000 * West-bound Longitude: -28.143000 * North-bound Latitude: 29.833000 * East-bound Longitude: -27.902000
Vy-162 * Latitude: 29.833000 * Longitude: -28.143000 * Elevation: -3080.0 m * Location: Great Meteor Seamount * Method/Device: Sigsby trawl (SIGSBY)
Vy-164 * Latitude: 29.812000 * Longitude: -27.902000 * Elevation Start: -4300.0 m * Elevation End: -4280.0 m * Location: Great Meteor Seamount * Method/Device: Sigsby trawl (SIGSBY)
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