Current Issue

Volume 28, Issue 4 , Year 2022
Published: 2022-12-31


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CABI Databases

CAB Abstracts, CAB Direct, Global Health, Weed Absts., Field Crop Absts., Crop Si. Databse, Forest Sci. database, Forest Products Absts.,Crop Physiol. Absts., Forestry Absts., Environ. Sci. Database, Hort. Sci. Absts., Grasslands and Forage Absts., Maize Absts., Hort. Sci., Ornamental Hort. Absts., Hort. Sci. Absts., Plant Breed., Absts., Plant Genetics and Breed. database, Plant Genetic Resources Absts., Potato Absts., Rice Absts., Seed Absts., Sugar Industry Absts., Agrofrestory Absts., Agric. Engg. Absts., Sugar Industry Absts., Irrigation and Drainage Absts., AgroBioteh News & Info, AgBiotechNet, Agric. Econ.Database, Animal Sci.Database, Animal Prod.Database, Nutrition Absts. and Rev.Series B, Soybean Absts., Wheat, Barley and Triticale Absts., World Agric & Rural Sociology Absts., Plant Growth Regulator Absts. ,Plant Prot.Database, Postharvest News and Info., Rev. Aromatic and Med. Plants, Rev. Agric. Ento., Rev. Med.& Vet.Mycol., Rev. Plant Path., Rev.Med.Vet.Ento., Rural Dev. Absts., Soil Sci.Database Soils and Fert., Potato Absts. Sugar Industry Absts. Tropical Diseases Bull., Vet.Sci. Database, VetMed Resource, Wheat, Barley and Triticale Absts., World Agric.Econ. Rural Soc.Absts., Environ. Impact, Crop Prot., Aquaculture, Animal Health and Prod. Invasive Species Compendia and Info Tree.


EBSCO's Databases

Agric. Plus, Environ. Complete, Environ. Index, Food Sci. Source, The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source.


Other Databases

AGRIS/FAO, Rome Italy, Pak. Sci. Absts., Electronic Journal Library, SearchWorks (Stanford Cataog OskiCat (Berkeley catalog), OCLC WorldCat, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), Crossref,, ROAD: The Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, GoogleScholar, ResearchGate, Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib, Japan) Scientific Indexing Services(SIS) and J-Gate