This paper deals with the ferns collected by G. Stahel during his expedition to the Wilhelmina-range in the interior of Surinam. The material was partly collected in the hills at low altitudes, on the Gran Rio during the voyage and near the camp at the starting point for the mountains, mostly, however, on or near Summit 910, at about 800 m alt. (May 14, 1926), on or near Summit 1200, about 920 m h. (June 9, 1926), near Camp 40½ (June 12, 1926) at the same altitude, and on or near Summit 1280, about 1200 m above sea-level. Some plants again were collected at lower altitudes on the Coppename creek (June 11, 1926) and in the south-western part of Surinam on the Koetari river (October 16, 1926). The exact altitude at which the specimens were collected is mostly not indicated on the labels. For particulars on the localities mentioned cf. Bull. Nos. 82—87 of the Maatschappij ter bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën; maps in Bull. No. 4, pp 119 and 120 and in Bull. No. 5, p. 203. The material is in the Herbarium of the University of Utrecht; most of it was already determined by Dr. P. J. Eyma. Moreover I could study specimens of Surinam ferns in the Leyden herbarium, and had the opportunity to see the Richards collection of British Guiana ferns in the Kew herbarium, meanwhile published by Alston (in Kew Bulletin, 1932, pp 305—317). A discussion of this is added to the present paper, which can thus be considered as a supplement to my book on the Ferns of Surinam and of French and British Guiana.