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EGU24 – by the numbers
  • 29 April 2024

Thanks to the enthusiastic efforts of our members and volunteers, EGU24 broke all our previous record with an astounding 20,931 people participating in the General Assembly, both in Vienna and online!

Latest posts from EGU blogs

FEMR: An emerging “game changer” in predicting earthquakes and impending geohazards.

In this week’s blog, Shreeja Das, a Post Doctoral researcher at the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Ashdod, Israel working with Dr. Vladimir Frid, discusses her research involving the use of FEMR waves and its use as a tool in predicting impending geohazards , some of her results obtained using said technique to study transform fault activity along the Dead Sea Transform fault. Earthquakes have long been a source of fascination, dread, and curiosity. One of the longest-standing questions in …

GeoTalk: meet Alessandro Silvano, winner of the 2024 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding ECS Award!

Hello Alessandro. Thank you for joining me for this edition GeoTalk! Could you tell our readers about your background before we dive in? I am an oceanographer based at the University of Southampton (UK). I am interested in polar oceanography and ice-ocean interactions. The focus of my work is to understand the processes that control ocean heat transport toward rapidly-melting Antarctic glaciers. This heat flux is the main driver of melt in Antarctica and therefore understanding and predicting its changes …

Interview with Peter van der Beek, President of EGU

Hello Peter, thank you for taking the time to speak with us and welcome to your new role as President of EGU! Can you tell us a little about yourself and what led you to this role? I am a professor of General Geology at the University of Potsdam in Germany. Originally from the Netherlands, I consider myself European. After completing my PhD at the Free University in Amsterdam, I did a postdoc in Australia and then accepted a position …