Correction to Nature Cell Biology, published 9 April 2021.

In the version of this Letter originally published online, Supplementary Table 1 included 9 of the 32 patients in this study who received chromosomally ‘abnormal’ embryos. The originally published table included only those 9 patients who achieved pregnancy. We here provide an updated and corrected version of the table including all 32 patients. In addition, during the manuscript preparation process, a transcription error regarding patient 7 occurred, listing one of the transferred embryos as 47,XX,+21 (Down syndrome), which we would not recommend for transfer and did not transfer. The actual transferred embryo was a mosaic trisomy-9 embryo with karyotype 47,XX,+9 [mos], which has now been corrected in the revised Supplementary Table 1. We furthermore received clinically relevant updates on patients 1 and 5. Patient 5 upon amniocentesis was initially reported as having a normal 46,XY pregnancy. Only after the foetus was diagnosed in utero by ultrasound with a coarctation of the aorta were further chromosomal studies done, which identified the deletion originally reported in a transferred embryo. The chromosomal status of the newborn was therefore corrected in the revised Supplementary Table 1, with the newborn deemed healthy after neonatal correction of the coarctation. Finally, based on oral reports from the patient, the information for patient 1 was amended to indicate embryos with karyotypes of 45,XY,–22 and 47,XY,+12. When a subsequent written report was received, the embryos were listed as 45,XX,–22 and 47,XY,+12 [mos], now reflected in a further correction made in the revised Supplementary Table 1. None of these changes affect the conclusions reached in the manuscript.

The original Letter has been corrected in the online version of the paper.