Single-frequency tunable laser for pumping cesium frequency standards

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©, 2006 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd
, , Citation O V Zhuravleva et al 2006 Quantum Electron. 36 741 DOI 10.1070/QE2006v036n08ABEH013277



A single-frequency tunable laser for pumping the cesium frequency standard is studied. It is shown experimentally that the laser emits at a single frequency despite the fact that a few longitudinal modes of the external cavity fall within the reflection band of a fibre Bragg grating (FBG) written in the optical fibre. The laser wavelength can be tuned by varying the pump current of the laser, its temperature, and the FBG temperature. The laser linewidth does not exceed 2 MHz for 10 mW of output power.

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