On the relevance of molecular lines for the measurement of the high-frequency Stark effect in helium

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, , Citation N J Wiegart et al 1979 J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Phys. 12 3495 DOI 10.1088/0022-3700/12/21/007



Two experiments have been carried out to show that the appearance of molecular lines need not lead to wrong interpretations of measured profiles. In a low-pressure plasma He2 molecules are found to be practically absent, while at high pressure molecular lines occur but are identified easily. Thus they can hardly be confused with satellites of the Baranger-Mozer type (1961). Fast vibrational relaxation is supposed to be responsible for the strong population of the v=0 levels. Finally a quenching effect caused by an admixture of nitrogen is reported.

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