Absolute Intensities of L X-Rays and Gamma Ray in RaD Decay

Richard W. Fink
Phys. Rev. 106, 266 – Published 15 April 1957
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The absolute intensity of L x-rays/RaD disintegration (F) has been measured to be 0.238±0.02 by argon-filled proportional counter spectrometry on carrier-free RaDEF equilibrium sources, and the relative intensities were found to be Lα:Lβ:Lγ1.0:1.1:0.19. The intensity of L x-rays relative to that (R) of the single, 46.5-kev, pure M1 gamma ray is FR=5.1±0.7. Care was taken to avoid error due to wall-effects and the counting techniques were varied and cross-checked so as to eliminate possible systematic errors. The absolute intensity of the gamma ray is R=0.045±0.004 from data taken on a 3×3 inch NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer. Assuming the number of L-shell ionizations/RaD disintegration (I) to be 0.62, the mean L-fluorescence yield (FI) of bismuth is 0.38±0.02, which when combined with the ratio FR, leads to an experimental value of the total L-shell conversion coefficient (IR), which thus is 13.3±2.0, the major error arising from the correction of R for the contribution due to Compton backscattering, which amounts to some 10 to 20% depending on exact conditions of geometry and collimation. The value of the L-conversion coefficient interpolated from Rose's tables is 17.85, based on a point-charge nucleus. Better agreement is obtained with a value of about 12.7 from theoretical calculations of Sliv and Listengarten, who included a correction for the finite size of the nucleus.

A new summary of mean L-fluorescence yields from nuclear excitation is presented which shows that the mean yields depend strongly upon the relative number of vacancies in the respective L subshells.

  • Received 26 December 1956


©1957 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Richard W. Fink

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas

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Vol. 106, Iss. 2 — April 1957

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