Levels in I133 from the Decay of Te133m and Te133g

L. D. McIsaac
Phys. Rev. 172, 1253 – Published 20 August 1968
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The level structure of I133 excited in the β decay of 54-min Te133m and 12-min Te133g has been studied using Ge(Li) γ-ray spectrometers in conjunction with a 4096-channel pulse-height analyzer. Coincidence measurements were carried out using two NaI(Tl) spectrometers and a 256×256-channel coincidence analyzer. Sources of Te133g were made, free of Te133m, by an isomeric separation method. All 14 transitions associated with the decay of Te133g have been placed in a consistent decay scheme on the basis of the coincidence measurements, relative intensities, and energy combinations. Levels in I133 populated from Te133g occur at 311.99, 719.65, 786.77, 1312.8, 1333.23, 1564.1, 1717.65, and 2193.5 keV. From a β endpoint measurement using an anthracene detector, a total disintegration energy for Te133g of 2.96 MeV was obtained. Logft values and β branching ratios have been calculated from the γ-ray intensities. The decay scheme of Te133m is quite complex, with 63 additional γ rays having been identified with this activity. Of these, only three have been unambiguously placed in the decay scheme. They require the existence of additional levels in I133 at 912.58, 1560.0, and 1776.5 keV.

  • Received 21 March 1968


©1968 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

L. D. McIsaac

  • National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho Nuclear Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401

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Vol. 172, Iss. 4 — August 1968

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