Copper and Nickel X-Ray Kβ2- and Kβ5-Emission Lines and K-Absorption Limits in Cu-Ni Alloys

H. Friedman and W. W. Beeman
Phys. Rev. 58, 400 – Published 1 September 1940
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The shapes of the Cu Kβ2,5 lines and Ni Kβ5 lines from Cu-Ni alloys vary smoothly with composition. The trend with increasing percentage of the emitting atoms is always toward a flattening out of the peaks of the lines. To explain the observed shapes it has been proposed that the major effect of alloying is a loss of 3d band dipole radiation with increasing dilution of the emitting atom. The absorption limits, in contrast to the emission lines, show no influence of alloying. The Cu K limit continues to look like that of pure Cu even when the emitting atom is almost completely surrounded by nickel nearest neighbors, and similarly no changes are observed in the nickel edges even down to 21 percent nickel.

  • Received 17 June 1940


©1940 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

H. Friedman and W. W. Beeman

  • Rowland Physical Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

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Vol. 58, Iss. 5 — September 1940

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