Elastic Reflection of Atoms from Crystals

Clarence Zener
Phys. Rev. 40, 178 – Published 15 April 1932
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The reflection of atoms by a crystal surface is examined by a modification of the Born collision method. The fraction of reflections in which all the normal coordinates of the crystal remain unaltered is found to be approximately U=e3π2(mAmB)(tAΘ)2(tBΘ)(1+4πdλ). mA, mB are the masses of the reflected atom A and of the lattice atoms, respectively. The energy of atom A is ktA. The temperature of the lattice is tB. Θ is the characteristic temperature of the lattice. d is the distance in which the mutual repulsion between atom A and lattice atoms falls to one e'th its value. λ is the de Broglie wave-length of atom A. For reflection of H atoms on LiF at room temperature, U is estimated to be 0.9. When Θ and tA are comparable, those normal coordinates are found to be most readily excited which have the lowest frequency.

  • Received 8 February 1932


©1932 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Clarence Zener*

  • Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University

  • *National Research Fellow.

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Vol. 40, Iss. 2 — April 1932

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