Annihilation Process of Neutrino Production in Stars

H. Y. Chiu
Phys. Rev. 123, 1040 – Published 1 August 1961
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The rate at which the energy of a blackbody radiation is converted into neutrinos by the pair annihilation process e+e+ν+ν¯ has been calculated. At T6×109°K the relaxation time for such conversion process is around 100 sec for pure radiation. Since neutrinos have a very long mean free path (≫stellar dimensions) they will escape, thus carrying away the energy. This process therefore will be of astrophysical importance. The rate of energy loss dUdt is tabulated, as a function of temperature and density, together with the chemical potential, the pressure, and the electron-positron energy. This table should be useful for numerical integrations of stellar structure equations in the temperature range (0.5-10)×109 °K, and the density range 0-109 g/cm3.

  • Received 31 March 1961


©1961 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

H. Y. Chiu

  • Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey

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Vol. 123, Iss. 3 — August 1961

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