Dynamical equations for a Regge theory with crossing symmetry and unitarity. II. The case of strong coupling, and elimination of ghost poles

Porter W. Johnson and Robert L. Warnock
Phys. Rev. D 15, 2366 – Published 15 April 1977
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Equations for the construction of a crossing-symmetric unitary Regge theory of meson-meson scattering are described. In the case of strong coupling, Regge trajectories are to be generated dynamically as zeros of the D function in a nonlinear ND system. This paper is concerned mainly with writing the inputs to the ND system in such a way that a convergent theory with exact crossing symmetry is defined. The scheme demands elimination of ghosts, i.e., bound-state poles at energies below threshold where trajectories pass through zero. A method for ghost elimination is proposed which entails an s-wave subtraction constant, and allows the physical s wave to be different from the l-analytic amplitude evaluated at l = 0. A dynamical model is suggested in which the subtraction constant alone generates the meson-meson interaction. An alternative ghost-elimination scheme proposed by Gell-Mann, in which only l-analytic amplitudes are involved, can be discussed in a formalism including channels with spin.

  • Received 16 August 1976


©1977 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Porter W. Johnson and Robert L. Warnock

  • Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616

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Vol. 15, Iss. 8 — 15 April 1977

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