Impact parameter dependence of the specific entropy and the light particle yield in relativistic heavy ion collision

H. Schulz, G. Röpke, K. K. Gudima, and V. D. Toneev
Phys. Rev. C 34, 1294 – Published 1 October 1986
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The connection between the fragment yield and the associated specific entropy of participant matter produced in the course of a relativistic heavy ion collision is studied within the cascade approach. The essential impact parameter dependence of the fragment yield indicates that the specific entropy increases with impact parameter and that the breakup density is the larger the more central the collision process is. The results show that the bulk equilibrium limit for the entropy production is not reached for such heavy systems as Nb+Nb at 400 MeV/nucleon and that the finite size effects and the dynamical freeze-out process are dominant factors in determining the cluster abundances.

  • Received 7 May 1986


©1986 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

H. Schulz, G. Röpke, K. K. Gudima, and V. D. Toneev

  • Central Institute for Nuclear Research, Rossendorf, German Democratic Republic

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Vol. 34, Iss. 4 — October 1986

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