Atomic relaxations near surface steps on Pt(977)

P. Steadman, K. F. Peters, H. Isern, and S. Ferrer
Phys. Rev. B 64, 125418 – Published 10 September 2001
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Surface x-ray diffraction measurements and simulations are used to study the structure of Pt(977), a vicinal surface of Pt(111). Measurements of the crystal truncation rods reveal the presence of sharp oscillations at widely spaced intervals of perpendicular momentum transfer. Simulations demonstrate that the main features in the data are due to relaxations near the surface steps that persist several layers into the bulk. It is also shown that the terrace width distribution contributes to the roughness of the system.

  • Received 9 March 2001


©2001 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

P. Steadman, K. F. Peters, H. Isern, and S. Ferrer

  • European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Boite Postale 220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex, France

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Vol. 64, Iss. 12 — 15 September 2001

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