Secondary-electron emission from thin carbon foils by H0 and H+ in frozen-charge states

H. Ogawa, H. Tsuchida, M. Haba, and N. Sakamoto
Phys. Rev. A 65, 052902 – Published 3 May 2002
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The statistical distributions of the number of simultaneously emitted secondary electrons (SE’s) from a thin carbon foil induced by the frozen-charged H0 and H+ projectiles of 2.5–3.5 MeV have been measured by using the coincidence technique with the foil-transmitted particles. The measurement was carried out at the forward and backward directions of the incident beam separately. For frozen-charged H0, the average SE yields per projectile at the forward direction, γF, and at the backward direction, γB, are significantly smaller than the corresponding ones for H+ due to the screening effect of its bound electron. In addition to the suppression of low-energy electron production for H0, the preferential forward emission of high-energy electrons makes the proton-hydrogen difference in the ratio of γB to the stopping power more striking. Although the probability of simultaneous n electron emission per unit projectile, Wn, for H0 is significantly smaller than that for H+ at small n, their difference decreases with increasing n both at the forward and backward directions. This behavior of Wn also suggests that there is not a large proton-hydrogen difference in the production of high-energy electrons. As a result of a simple model calculation, the difference between the emission statistics by H+ and H0 can be well reproduced by a Poisson distribution with a mean equal to the difference of their γF or γB values and the validity of the above-mentioned interpretation on the proton-hydrogen difference of the SE emission is quantitatively confirmed.

  • Received 17 January 2002


©2002 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

H. Ogawa*, H. Tsuchida, M. Haba, and N. Sakamoto

  • Department of Physics, Nara Women’s University, Nara 630-8506, Japan

  • *Corresponding author. FAX: +81 742 20 3380. Email address:

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Vol. 65, Iss. 5 — May 2002

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