Original Research Papers

Changes in extreme sea-levels in the Baltic Sea



In a climate change context, changes in extreme sea-levels rather than changes in the mean are of particular interest from the coastal protection point of view. In this work, extreme sea-levels in the Baltic Sea are investigated based on daily tide gauge records for the period 1916–2005 using the annual block maxima approach. Extreme events are analysed based on the generalised extreme value distribution considering both stationary and time-varying models. The likelihood ratio test is applied to select between stationary and non-stationary models for the maxima and return values are estimated from the final model. As an independent and complementary approach, quantile regression is applied for comparison with the results from the extreme value approach. The rates of change in the uppermost quantiles are in general consistent and most pronounced for the northernmost stations.


Baltic Seasea-levelextremestide gaugesquantile regression
  • Year: 2014
  • Volume: 66 Issue: 1
  • Page/Article: 20921
  • DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v66.20921
  • Submitted on 22 Mar 2013
  • Accepted on 18 Mar 2014
  • Published on 1 Dec 2014
  • Peer Reviewed