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Flöthe, Carla Rebecca; Molis, Markus (2013): Feeding assays, direct grazing, reconstituted food [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Flöthe, CR; Molis, M (2013): Temporal dynamics of inducible anti-herbivory defenses in the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 49(3), 468-474,

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Control: ungrazed piece of Ascophyllum nodosum; Treatment: previously grazed piece of Ascophyllum nodosum
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelMolis, Markus
2ReplicateReplMolis, Markus
3MassMassgMolis, MarkusStart, Control assay
4MassMassgMolis, MarkusStopp, Control assay
5MassMassgMolis, MarkusStart, Control autogenic control
6MassMassgMolis, MarkusStopp, Control autogenic control
7CorrectioncorrMolis, MarkusControl
8ConsumptionConsmptgMolis, MarkusControl
9MassMassgMolis, MarkusStart, Treatment assay
10MassMassgMolis, MarkusStopp, Treatment assay
11MassMassgMolis, MarkusStart, Treatment autogenic control
12MassMassgMolis, MarkusStopp, Treatment autogenic control
13CorrectioncorrMolis, MarkusTreatment
14ConsumptionConsmptgMolis, MarkusTreatment
1400 data points

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