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Todd, Claire E; Stone, John O; Conway, Howard; Hall, Brenda L; Bromley, Gordon RM (2010): Surface exposure ages of samples obtained from Reedy Glacier, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Todd, CE et al. (2010): Late Quaternary evolution of Reedy Glacier, Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(11-12), 1328-1341,

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Fresh deposits above the margins of Reedy Glacier show that maximum ice levels during the last glaciation were several hundred meters above present near the glacier mouth and converged to less than 60 m above the present-day surface at the head of the glacier. Exposure ages of samples from five sites along its margin show that Reedy Glacier and its tributaries thickened asynchronously between 17 and 7 kyr BP At the Quartz Hills, located midway along the glacier, maximum ice levels were reached during the period 17-14 kyr BP. Farther up-glacier the ice surface reached its maximum elevation more recently: 14.7-10.2 kyr BP at the Caloplaca Hills; 9.1-7.7 kyr BP at Mims Spur; and around 7 kyr BP at Hatcher Bluffs. We attribute this time-transgressive behavior to two different processes: At the glacier mouth, growth of grounded ice and subsequent deglaciation in the Ross Sea embayment caused a wave of thickening and then thinning to propagate up-glacier. During the Lateglacial and Holocene, increased snow accumulation on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet caused transient thickening at the head of the glacier. An important result of this work is that moraines deposited along Reedy Glacier during the last ice age cannot be correlated to reconstruct a single glacial maximum longitudinal profile. The profile steepened during deglaciation of the Ross Sea, thinning at the Quartz Hills after 13 kyr BP while thickening upstream. Near its confluence with Mercer Ice Stream, rapid thinning beginning prior to 7-8 kyr BP reduced the level of Reedy Glacier to close to its present level. Thinning over the past 1000 years has lowered the glacier by less than 20 m.
Median Latitude: -86.006117 * Median Longitude: -129.956280 * South-bound Latitude: -86.327980 * West-bound Longitude: -132.787080 * North-bound Latitude: -85.896270 * East-bound Longitude: -125.706600
Reedy_Glacier * Latitude: -86.000000 * Longitude: -131.000000 * Elevation Start: 1200.0 m * Elevation End: 2000.0 m * Location: Antarctica * Method/Device: Ice measurement (ICEM)
Data extracted in the frame of a joint ICSTI/PANGAEA IPY effort, see
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