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Curiosity's Investigation at Vera Rubin RidgeThe Curiosity rover is exploring Vera Rubin Ridge (VRR), a ~6.5 km long and ~200 m wide topographic feature trending northeast-southwest across Aeolis Mons (informally known as Mt. Sharp) (Fig 1). In orbital data, VRR is distinct from the underlying Murray formation due to its relative erosional resistance and greater exposure of bedrock. Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) orbital data show a hematite spectral signature over much of the ridge (Fig. 2). On the ground, Curiosity also observed hematite associated with the sedimentary rocks of the underlying Murray formation, although these detections are difficult to see with CRISM due to mixing with sand and dust.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Fraeman, A. A.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Edgar, L. A.
(Geological Survey Flagstaff, AZ, United States)
Grotzinger, J. P.
(California Inst. of Technology Pasadena, CA, United States)
Vasavada, A. R.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Johnson, J. R.
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Wellington, D. F.
(Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ, United States)
Fox, V. K.
(California Inst. of Technology Pasadena, CA, United States)
Sun, V. Z.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Hardgrove, C. J.
(Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ, United States)
Horgan, B. N.
(Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN, United States)
House, C. H.
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA, United States)
Johnson, S. S.
(Georgetown Univ. Washington, DC, United States)
Stack Morgan, K. M.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Rampe, E. B.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Thompson, L. M.
(New Brunswick Univ. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada)
Wiens, R. C.
(Los Alamos National Lab. NM, United States)
Williams, A. J.
(Towson Univ. Towson, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
August 8, 2018
Publication Date
March 19, 2018
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Report/Patent Number
LPI Contrib. No. 2083-1557
Meeting Information
Meeting: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC)
Location: Woodlands, TX
Country: United States
Start Date: March 19, 2018
End Date: March 23, 2018
Sponsors: Universities Space Research Association (USRA), Lunar and Planetary Inst.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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