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The Development of a Data Archive and Analysis Tools for WIREAlthough a number of missions to perform asteroseismology from orbit are planned, such as the French COROT (currently scheduled for launch in 2004), the Canadian MOST (2002), and the Danish MONS (2003), none has yet been successfully flown. However, from May 1999 through September 2000, the PI of this proposal initiated a program using the star camera on board the WIRE spacecraft to perform high-precision photometry of solar-like and giant stars. This program relied on the on-board star camera, which consists of a 50mm f/1.75 telescope feeding a 512(sup 2) SITe CCD, which can be read out at rates as high as 10 Hz. The high cadence of observations available with this star camera is made possible by software that locates the 5 brightest stars in the field and reads only an 8x8 pixel box around one selected image. An additional mode of operation, available since November 1999, makes count rate data available on all five stellar images, with a consequent loss of read rate (to 2 Hz for 5 stars). Stellar images are defocused (to allow for more accurate image centroiding), but the entire stellar image lies within the 64-pixel box. we note that in many ways, this instrument is similar to the French instrument EVRIS, which was intended to perform asteroseismology with a 90 mm telescope, but which unfortunately flew as part of the failed Russian MARS 96 spacecraft.
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Buzasi, Derek L.
(Air Force Academy CO, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 2002
Subject Category
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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