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Loads Due to Controls at Transonic and Low Supersonic SpeedsSome results of recent experimental investigations at supersonic and transonic speeds are presented to show the present status in the estimation of load distributions on controls and adjacent wing surfaces resulting from the deflection of flap controls and spoiler controls. The results indicate that the development of methods for predicting loads associated with controls has not kept pace with the acquisition of experimental data. At low supersonic speeds sweeping the hinge line induces strong three-dimensional-flow characteristics which cannot be treated by the simplified methods previously developed for controls without sweep. At transonic speeds the estimation of loads associated with controls must usually be dependent upon experimental information inasmuch as the latest attempts to predict chordwise and spanwise loadings have met with only limited success.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Other - NACA Research Memorandum
West, F. E, Jr
(National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Langley Aeronautical Lab. Langley Field, VA, United States)
Czarnecki, K R
(National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Langley Aeronautical Lab. Langley Field, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 15, 2013
Publication Date
June 7, 1957
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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