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Long term measurement network for FIFEThe objectives were: to obtain selected instruments which were not standard equipment on the Portable Automated Mesometeorological (PAM) and Data Control Platform (DCP) stations; to assist in incorporation of these instruments onto the PAM and DCP stations; to help provide routine maintenance of the instruments; to conduct periodic instrument calibrations; and to repair or replace malfunctioning instruments when possible. All of the objectives were or will be met soon. All instruments and the necessary instrument stands were purchased or made and were available for inclusion on the PAM and DCP stations before the beginning of the IFC-1. Due to problems beyond control, the DCP stations experienced considerable difficulty in becoming operational. To fill some of the gaps caused by the DCP problems, Campbell CR21-X data loggers were installed and the data collected on cassette tapes. Periodic checks of all instruments were made, to maintain data quality, to make necessary adjustments in certain instruments, to replace malfunctioning instruments, and to provide instrument calibration. All instruments will be calibrated before the beginning of the 1988 growing season as soon as the weather permits access to all stations and provides conditions that are not too harsh to work in for extended periods of time.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Blad, Blaine L.
(Nebraska Univ. Lincoln, NE, United States)
Walter-Shea, Elizabeth A.
(Nebraska Univ. Lincoln, NE, United States)
Hays, Cynthia J.
(Nebraska Univ. Lincoln, NE, United States)
Date Acquired
September 5, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1988
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:182491
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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