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Single stage experimental evaluation of tandem-airfoil rotor and stator blading for compressors. Part 4: Data and performance for stage BStage B, composed of tandem-airfoil rotor B and stator B, was tested with uniform inlet flow and with hub radial, tip radial and 90 degree one-per-revolution circumferential distortion of the inlet flow as part of an overall program to evaluate the effectiveness of tandem airfoils for increasing the design point loading capability and stable operating range of rotor and stator blading. The results of this series of tests provide overall performance and blade element data for evaluating: (1) the potential of tandem blading for extending the loading limit and stable operating range of a stage representative of a middle stage of an advanced high pressure compressor, (2) the effect of loading split between the two airfoils in tandem on the performance of tandem blading, and (3) the effects of inlet flow distortion on the stage performance. The rotor had an inlet hub/tip ratio of 0.8 and a design tip velocity of 757 ft/sec. With uniform inlet flow, rotor B achieved a maximum adiabatic efficiency of 88.4% at design equivalent rotor speed and a pressure ratio of 1.31. The stage maximum adiabatic efficiency at design equivalent rotor speed with uniform inlet flow was 82.5% at a pressure ratio of 1.28. Tip radial and circumferential distortion of the inlet flow caused substantial reductions in surge margin.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Brent, J. A.
(Pratt and Whitney Aircraft West Palm Beach, FL, United States)
Cheatham, J. G.
(Pratt and Whitney Aircraft West Palm Beach, FL, United States)
Date Acquired
August 7, 2013
Publication Date
June 15, 1973
Subject Category
Propulsion Systems
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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