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Measurements made by small-angle X-ray scattering on Al–Ag alloys aged at various temperatures have shown that the asymptotic Porod's law was obeyed except for a constant term. This additional term represents a Laue monotonic intensity, due mainly to atomic concentration fluctuations inside G.P. zones. The integrated intensity Q0 of the G.P. zones themselves can then be calculated, and the boundaries of the metastable miscibility gap estimated with more precision than previously. Furthermore, the integrated intensities in the first reciprocal-space shell make it possible to discuss the crystallographic structure of the G.P. zones. After quenching from 550 to −80°C, the measured intensities agree with the theoretical values, which implies that small G.P. zones [epsilon]′ are disordered. However, for aging above room temperature, there is no agreement between measured and theoretical values. When the aging temperature is increased from 140 to 190°C, an evolution towards a complex structure of G.P. zones is shown.
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