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  • 1
    Call number: MR 25.95969
    In: Lecture notes in computer science
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XIII, 417 Seiten , Diagramme, Karten , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9783540445265 , 978-3-540-44526-5 , 3540445269 , 3-540-44526-9
    ISSN: 0302-9743
    Series Statement: Lecture notes in computer science 4197
    Language: English
    Note: A Social and Spatial Network Approach to the Investigation of Research Communities over the World Wide Web, Pragya Agarwal, Roderic Bera, Christophe Claramunt ; Projective Relations in a 3D Environment, Roland Billen, Eliseo Clementini ; A Multi-resolution Representation for Terrain Morphology, Emanuele Danovaro, Leila De Floriani, Laura Papaleo, Maria Vitali ; A Spatiotemporal Model of Strategies and Counter Strategies for Location Privacy Protection, Matt Duckham, Lars Kulik, Athol Birtley ; Incorporating Landmarks with Quality Measures in Routing Procedures, Birgit Elias, Monika Sester ; What Is the Region Occupied by a Set of Points?, Antony Galton, Matt Duckham ; Voronoi Hierarchies, Christopher Gold, Paul Angel ; Characterising Meanders Qualitatively, Bjorn Gottfried ; Landmarks in OpenLS - A Data Structure for Cognitive Ergonomic Route Directions, Stefan Hansen, Kai-Florian Richter, Alexander Klippel ; Status Functions, Collective Intentionality: Matters of Trust for Geospatial Information Sharing, Francis Harvey ; Pattern Recognition in Road Networks on the Example of Circular Road Detection, Prauke Heinzle, Karl-Heinrich Anders, Monika Sester ; Implementing Anchoring, James Hood, Antony Calton ; Generating Raster DEM from Mass Points Via TIN Streaming, Martin Isenburg, Yuanxin Liu, Jonathan Shewchuk, Jack Snoeyink, Tim Thirion ; Towards a Similarity-Based Identity Assumption Service for Historical Places, Krzysztof Janowicz ; Coupling Bayesian etworks with GIS-Based Cellular Automata for Modeling Land Use Change, Verda Kocabas, Suzana Dragicevic ; Orientation Calculi and Route Graphs: Towards Semantic Representations for Route Descriptions, Bernd Krieg-Bruckner, Hui Shi ; Incremental Rank Updates for Moving Query Points, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin ; The Head-Body-Tail Intersection for Spatial Relations Between Directed Line Segments, Yohei Kurata, Max J. Egenhofer ; A GIS-Based Approach for Urban Multi-criteria Quasi Optimized Route Guidance by Considering Unspecified Site Satisfaction, Parham Pahlavani, Farhad Samadzadegan, Mahmood Reza Delavar ; Ontological Analysis of Observations and Measurements, Florian Probst ; Splitting the Linear Least Squares Problem for Precise Localization in Geosensor Networks, Frank Reichenbach, Alexander Born, Dirk Timmermann, Ralf Bill ; The Spatial Dimensions of Multi-Criteria Evaluation - Case Study of a Home Buyer's Spatial Decision Support System, Claus Rinner, Aaron Heppleston ; Graph-Based Navigation Strategies for Heterogeneous Spatial Data Sets, Andrea Rodriguez, Francisco Godoy ; Correlation Analysis of Discrete Motions, Takeshi Shirabe ; Representing Topological Relationships for Moving Objects, Erlend Tissebro, Mads Nygard ; UMN-MapServer: A High-Performance, Interoperable, and Open Source Web Mapping and Geo-spatial Analysis System, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Shashi Shekhar, Thomas E. Burk, Stephen Lime ; Author Index
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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