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  • 1
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Boca Raton : CRC Press
    Call number: 6/M 25.95970
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: xxxv, 849 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    ISBN: 9781482217957 , 978-1-4822-1795-7
    Series Statement: Remote sensing handbook / edited by Prasad Srinivasa Thenkabail volume 2
    Language: English
    Note: Foreword ; Preface ; Acknowledgments ; Editor ; Contributors ; SECTION I Vegetation and Biomass : 1 Monitoring Photosynthesis from Space, Alfredo Huete, Guillermo Ponce-Campos, Yongguang Zhang, Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Xuanlong Ma, and Mary Susan Moran ; 2 Canopy Biophysical Variables Retrieval from the Inversion of Reflectance Models, Frederic Baret ; 3 Aboveground Terrestrial Biomass and Carbon Stock Estimations from Multisensor Remote Sensing, Wenge Ni-Meister ; SECTION II Agricultural Croplands : 4 Agriculture, Clement Atzberger, Francesco Vuolo, Anja Klisch, Felix Rembold, Michele Meroni, Marcia Pupin Mello, and Antonio Formaggio ; 5 Agricultural Systems Studies Using Remote Sensing, Agnes Begue, Damien Arvor, Camille Lelong, Elodie Vintrou, and Margareth Simoes ; 6 Global Food Security Support Analysis Data at Nominal 1 km (GFSADlkm) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities, Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla, Prasad S. Thenkabail, Jun Xiong, Murali Krishna Gumma, Chandra Giri, Cristina Milesi, Mutlu Ozdogan, Russell G. Congatton, James Tilton, Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey, Richard Massey, Aparna Phalke, and Kamini Yadav ; 7 Precision Farming, David J. Mulla and Yuxin Miao ; 8 Remote Sensing of Tillage Status, Baojuan Zheng, James B. Campbell, Guy Serbin, Craig S.T. Daughtry, Heather McNairn, and Anna Pacheco ; 9 Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications, Prasad S. Thenkabail, Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla, Murali Krishna Gumma, and Venkateswarlu Dheeravath ; SECTION III Rangelands : 10 Global View of Remote Sensing of Rangelands: Evolution, Applications, Future Pathways, Matthew c. Reeves, Robert A. Washington-Allen, Jay Angerer, E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., Ranjani Wasantha Kulawardhana, Lalit Kumar, Tatiana Loboda, Thomas Loveland, Graciela Metternicht, and R. Douglas Ramsey ; 11 Remote Sensing of Rangeland Biodiversity, E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., Cuizhen Wang, D. Terrance Booth, Samuel E. Cox, La/it Kumar, and Matthew C. Reeves ; 12 Characterization, Mapping, and Monitoring of Rangelands: Methods and Approaches, La/it Kumar, Priyakant Sinha, Jesslyn F. Brown, R. Douglas Ramsey, Matthew Rigge, Carson A. Stam, Alexander J. Hernandez, E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., and Matthew C. Reeves ; SECTION IV Phenology and Food Security : 13 Global Land Surface Phenology and Implications for Food Security, Molly E. Brown, Kirsten M. de Beurs, and Kathryn Grace ; SECTION V Forests : 14 Characterizing Tropical Forests with Multispectral Imagery, E.H. Helmer, Nicholas R. Goodwin, Valery Gond, Carlos M. Souza, Jr., and Gregory P. Asner ; 15 Remote Sensing of Forests from Lidar and Radar, Juha Hyyppii, Mika Karjalainen, Xinlian Liang, Anttoni Jaakkola, Xiaowei Yu, Michael Wulder, Markus Hollaus, Joanne C. White, Mikko Vastaranta, Kirsi Kari/a, Harri Kaartinen, Matti Vaaja, Ville Kankare, Antero Kukko, Markus Holopainen, Hannu Hyyppii, and Masato Katoh ; 16 Forest Biophysical and Biochemical Properties from Hyperspectral and LiDAR Remote Sensing, Gregory P. Asner, Susan L. Ustin, Philip A. Townsend, Roberta E. Martin, and K. Dana Chadwick ; 17 Optical Remote Sensing of Tree and Stand Heights, Sylvie Durrieu, Cedric Vega, Marc Bouvier, Frederic Gosselin, Jean-Pierre Renaud, and Laurent Saint-Andre ; SECTION VI Biodiversity : 18 Biodiversity of the World: A Study from Space, Thomas W Gillespie, Andrew Fricker, Chelsea Robinson, and Duccio Rocchini ; 19 Multiscale Habitat Mapping and Monitoring Using Satellite Data and Advanced Image Analysis Techniques, Stefan Lang, Christina Corbane, Palma Bionda, Kyle Pipkins, and Michael Forster ; SECTION VII Ecology : 20 Ecological Characterization of Vegetation Using Multisensor Remote Sensing in the Solar Reflective Spectrum, Conghe Song, Jing Ming Chen, Taehee Hwang, A/emu Gonsamo, Holly Croft, Quanfa Zhang,Matthew Dannenberg, Yulong Zhang, Christopher Hakkenberg, and Juxiang Li ; SECTION VIII Land Use/Land Cover : 21 Land Cover Change Detection, John Rogan and Nathan Mietkiewicz ; 22 Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection and Monitoring Using Radar Remote Sensing, Zhixin Qi, Anthony Gar-On Yeh, and Xia Li ; SECTION IX Carbon : 23 Global Carbon Budgets and the Role of Remote Sensing, Richard A. Houghton ; SECTION X Soils : 24 Spectral Sensing from Ground to Space in Soil Science: State of the Art, Applications, Potential, and Perspectives, Jose A. M. Dematte, Cristine L. S. Morgan, Sabine Chabrillat, Rodnei Rizzo, Marston H. D. Franceschini, Fabrfcio da S. Terra, Gustavo M. Vasques, and Johanna Wetterlind ; 25 Remote Sensing of Soil in the Optical Domains, E. Ben-Dor amd José A.M. Demattê ; SECTION XI Summary : 26 Remote Sensing of Land Resources: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping Advances over the Last 50 Years and a Vision for the Future, Prasad S. Thenkabail ; Index
    Location: Reading room
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 2
    Series available for loan
    Series available for loan
    Kjeller : NOSAR ; 1. January/31. December 2015-
    Associated volumes
    Call number: S 99.0085(1-2015) ; S 99.0085(1-2016) ; S 99.0085(1-2018)
    In: NORSAR Scientific Report
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: Bände
    ISSN: 0800-2207
    Series Statement: NORSAR scientific report
    Former Title: Fortsetzung von Norwegian Seismic Array Semiannual technical summary
    Language: English
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 3
    Call number: 1.4/M 25.95953
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 119 Seiten , Illustrationen, Faksimiles , 24 cm x 17 cm
    ISBN: 9783534400942 , 978-3-534-40094-2 , 9783534400959 , 978-3-534-40095-9 , 3534400941
    Language: English
    Note: Einleitung / lntroduction ; Das wissenschaftliche Umfeld in Berlin / The Scientific Community in Berlin ; Die Ergebnisse der Doktorarbeit / The Results of His Thesis ; Neulatein und die dissertatio inauguralis im 19. Jahrhundert / Neo-Latin and 19th-Century dissertatio inauguralis ; Helmholtz' Lateinkenntnisse und seine Doktorarbeit / Helmholtz' Latin Education and His Doctoral Thesis ; Helmholtz' weitere wissenschaftliche Karriere / Helmholtz Subsequent Scientific Career ; Autoren / Authors ; Dissertatio / Doktorarbeit/ Thesis ; De partibus elementaribus / Über die Grundlegenden Teile / On the Fundamental Parts ; De nervorum et gangliorum fabrica / Über den Aufbau der Nerven und Ganglien / On the Structure of the Nerves and Ganglia ; De totius systematis nervosi structura / Über den Aufbau des Gesamten Nervensystems / On the Organisation of the Entire Nervous System ; Kommentare / Comments ; Das Abiturzeugnis von H. Helmholtz / The Matura Exam Certificate of H. Helmholtz ; , Text in deutsch und englisch, Faksimiles in lateinischer Sprache
    Location: Reading room
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 4
    Call number: MR 25.95926
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 260 Seiten, 1 gefaltetes Blatt , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 0473090740 , 0-473-09074-0
    Series Statement: Earthwise 4
    Language: English
    Note: Chapter 1. THE PERMIAN OF WAIRAKI DOWNS : Introduction ; History of geological interpretation ; Procedures ; Nature of outcrop ; The changing logistic regime ; Fossil localities ; Chapter 2. ROCK UNITS AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHY IN WAIRAKI DOWNS : Groups and formations ; Maps and stratigraphy for Wairaki Downs ; Geological setting ; Permian Period ; Brook Street Volcanic Arc ; Brook Street Supergroup ; Takitimu Group ; McLean Peaks Formation ; Elbow Formation (abandoned) ; Elbow Creek Formation ; Wairaki Downs Group ; Caravan Formation ; Leth am Formation ; Wyndhamia typica Zone, Spiriferella supplanta faunule, unit 1 ; Echinalosia discinia Zone, unit 2 ; Lethamia ligurritus Subzone, unit 3 ; Summary ; Mangarewa Formation ; Leth am Burn Member ; Echinalosia maxwelli Zone, unit 4 ; Pseudostrophalosia? cf. blakei lens, unit 5 ; Echinalosia ovalis Zone, units 6, 7 ; Pseudostrophalosia clarkei Zone, unit 8 ; Beds above Mangarewa unit 8 ; Summary ; Maitai Supergroup ; Windtrap Group ; Glendale Formation ; Paucispinauria verecunda - Maitaia trechmanni Zone ; Brook Street Volcanic Arc ; Coral Bluff Tectonic Assemblage ; Hilton Limestone Formation ; Spinomartinia spinosa Zone ; Marginalosia planata Zone ; Wairaki Breccia - Conglomerate Formation ; Wairakiella rostrata Zone ; Triassic Period ; Malakoff Hill Group ; Old Wairaki Hut Formation ; MacKinnon Peak Intrusives ; Jurassic Period ; Hawtel Formation ; Jurassic - Cretaceous ; Weetwood Formation ; SUMMARY OF STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE ; Sedimentation and erosion intervals ; Low angle thrusts ; Synthesis of thrusts, rocks and major erosion intervals ; Aspects of structure ; Chapter 3. COMPARISON WITH OTHER AREAS OF PERMIAN - TRIASSIC IN NEW ZEALAND : A. Mataura Island ; Permian Kuriwao Group ; Triassic ; B. North limb of Southland Synclinorium ; Waipahi Group ; Arthurton Group ; Black Rock Formation ; Riseland Formation ; Bagrie Formation ; Earnvale Member ; Kildonan Member ; Trig DD Formation ; Otaria Formation ; Popotunoa Group ; Leicester Fields Formation ; The Ongley - Cawood model ; Triassic at Kaka Point ; C. Hollyford - Eglinton valleys ; Patuki and Dun Mountain rocks ; Upukerora Formation ; Gyzeh ; Windtrap Group ; Wooded Peak Subgroup ; An near Subgroup ; Barrington Peak Sandstone ; Tramway Formation ; An near Creek Member ; Little Ben Sandstone ; Bull Creek Beds ; Misconceptions about Trabeculatia ; Port Hardy Group ; Greville Subgroup ; Waiua Formation ; Te Mokai Group ; Barrier Formation ; D. East Nelson ; Owhai Group ; Dun Mountain - Patuki Ophiolite belt ; Patuki and Croisilles ophiolite complexes ; Age of Croisilles band ; Rai - Pelorus Supergroups ; Upukerora Formation? ; Maitai Supergroup ; Windtrap Group ; Wooded Peak Subgroup ; An near Subgroup ; Barrington Peak Sandstone ; Tramway Formation ; Little Ben Sandstone ; Bull Creek Beds ; Greville Subgroup ; Wells Arm Formation ; Deserter Bay Member ; Washley Sandstone ; East Arm Conglomerate Member ; South Arm Formation ; Manuhakapakapa Member ; Durvilleoceras woodmani Zone ; Waiua Formation ; Te Mokai Group ; Goat Hill Subgroup ; Holland Farm Formation ; Waiiti Formation ; Pig Valley Member ; Shaggery Member ; Stephens Subgroup ; Cape Stephens Conglomerate Member ; Mead Bridge Formation ; Big Creek Formation ; Relationships between regions ; Overall nomenclature ; Overall age & relationships ; Te Mokai fossils ; Marginalosia planata Zone ; Stephens Island ; Early and Middle Triassic fossils ; Murihiku Terrane ; E. West Nelson ; Parapara Group ; F. Torlesse collage, east Canterbury ; Upper Pareora Gorge ; Meyers Pass ; Hae Hae Te Moana ; Glenfalloch ; Rose Formation ; Glenfalloch Member ; G. North Auckland ; Orua Limestone ; Wherowhero Limestone ; Chapter 4. REGIONS BEYOND NEW ZEALAND WITH ALLIED ROCKS AND FAUNAS : A. New Caledonia ; Mara Formation ; Moindou Formation ; Terrane allegiances ; B. Southeast Queensland, Gympie District ; Highbury Volcanics, Ram mutt Formation ; South Curra Limestone ; Traveston & Kin Kin Formations ; Rocks west of Gympie Province ; Chapter 5. SUMMARY OF TERRANE RELATIONSHIPS : Terranes of Wairaki Downs ; Brook Street Volcanic Arc ; Maitai Basin ; Murihiku Basin ; Durvillia ; Chapter 6. PERMIAN CHRONOTYPES AND NEW ZEALAND CORRELATION : The New Zealand Perspective ; International Permian stages ; Sequences relevant to New Zealand Permian ; 1. Bowen Basin, Queensland ; 2. Middle Permian, Sydney Basin, New South Wales ; Contrasts with Bowen Basin and New Zealand ; 3. Late Permian, Salt Range, Pakistan ; 4. Late Permian, Nepal ; Chapter 7. NEW ZEALAND PERMIAN CORRELATIONS : Should New Zealand Permian be assigned local stages ; EARLY PERMIAN CISURALIAN SERIES ; Asselian Stage ; Local Apariman Series ; Local Telfordian Stage ; Paucispinauria geniculata Zone (lowerTelfordian Stage) ; Taeniothaerusfaunule (middle Telfordian Stage) ; Artinskian Stage ; Glass Mountains, Texas ; Terrakea dickinsi Zone (upperTelfordian Stage) ; Mantle Volcanics fauna ; Grampian Formation ; Local Mangapirian Stage ; Spinomartinia? adentata Zone (lower Mangapirian Stage) ; Echinalosia conata Zone (middle Mangapirian Stage) ; Kungurian Stage ; Attenuatelfa altilis faunule (topmost Mangapirian Stage) ; Upukerora Formation ; Local Braxtonian Series ; Local Barrettian Stage ; Anidanthin faunule (basal Barrettian Stage) ; Wyndhamia typica Zone (lower Barrettian Stage) ; Echinalosia discinia Zone (upper Barrettian Stage) ; Nokomai conodonts ; MIDDLE PERMIAN GUADALUPIAN SERIES ; Roadian Stage ; Local Flettian Stage ; Echinalosia maxwelliZone (lower Flettian Stage) ; Pseudostrophalosia? cf. blakeifaunule (middle Flettian Stage) ; Wordian Stage ; Echinalosia ovalis Zone (middle Flettian Stage) ; Capitanian Stage ; Pseudostrophalosia clarkeiZone (upper Flettian Stage) ; Wooded Peak Subgroup ; Fusulines of North Auckland ; LATE PERMIAN LOPINGIAN SERIES ; Wuchiapingian Stage ; Local Durvillean Series ; Local Puruhauan Stage ; Martiniopsis woodi Zone (lower Puruhauan Stage) ; North Auckland, Waimahaka & Barrington Peak Formations ; Changhsingian Stage ; Base of Triassic ; Paucispinauria verecunda - Maitaia trechmanni Zone (middle Puruhauan Stage) ; Spinomartinia spinosa - Trabeculatia trabecula Zone (upper Puruhauan Stage) ; Local Wairakian Stage ; Local Waiitian Substage ; Marginalosia planata Zone ; Local Makarewan Substage ; Wairakiefla rostrata Zone ; Sea-level changes ; Magnetostratigraphy ; Chapter 8. THE CONTRIBUTION FROM RADIOMETRY : Different correlation channels ; New Zealand radiometric values ; East Nelson ; Bluff Peninsula ; Arthurton Group ; Rakaia terrane ; East Australia ; Degrees of certainty ; The need for caution ; Chapter 9. NOTES ON FOSSILS : Regrantia linoproductiformis (Cooper & Grant) ; Saeptothaerus n. gen ; Simplicisulcus n. gen ; Spiriferalaria n. gen ; Mytilidesmatella sivellii n. sp ; Trabeculatia marwicki (Waterhouse)? ; Appendix : 1. Mapping ; 2. Priority ; 3. Elaine Bay Oppel Zone ; 4. Monklandia gympiensis Zone, Gympie ; 5. International correlations for Wairaki Downs biozones ; 6. International correlation through brachiopods ; 7. Dr J.M. Dickins ; 8. Australian attempts at N. Z. Permian correlations ; 9. The Buff el Group ; 10. Homevale ammonoid genera ; 11 . Top of the Tiverton Formation ; 12. Brae and Pindari Formations ; 13. Moonlight Sandstone Member ; 14. Age of the Rat Buri Limestone ; 15. Salt Range Permian nomenclature ; 16. Late Permian of Kashmir and Nepal ; 17. Lyonia Archbold ; 18. The generic identity of "Terrakea" capillata Waterhouse ; 19. Wesney Siltstone ; 20. The Midian Stage ; 21. Age for lngelara Formation ; 22. Specialists ; Acknowledgements ; References
    Location: Upper compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 5
    Call number: MR 25.95969
    In: Lecture notes in computer science
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XIII, 417 Seiten , Diagramme, Karten , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9783540445265 , 978-3-540-44526-5 , 3540445269 , 3-540-44526-9
    ISSN: 0302-9743
    Series Statement: Lecture notes in computer science 4197
    Language: English
    Note: A Social and Spatial Network Approach to the Investigation of Research Communities over the World Wide Web, Pragya Agarwal, Roderic Bera, Christophe Claramunt ; Projective Relations in a 3D Environment, Roland Billen, Eliseo Clementini ; A Multi-resolution Representation for Terrain Morphology, Emanuele Danovaro, Leila De Floriani, Laura Papaleo, Maria Vitali ; A Spatiotemporal Model of Strategies and Counter Strategies for Location Privacy Protection, Matt Duckham, Lars Kulik, Athol Birtley ; Incorporating Landmarks with Quality Measures in Routing Procedures, Birgit Elias, Monika Sester ; What Is the Region Occupied by a Set of Points?, Antony Galton, Matt Duckham ; Voronoi Hierarchies, Christopher Gold, Paul Angel ; Characterising Meanders Qualitatively, Bjorn Gottfried ; Landmarks in OpenLS - A Data Structure for Cognitive Ergonomic Route Directions, Stefan Hansen, Kai-Florian Richter, Alexander Klippel ; Status Functions, Collective Intentionality: Matters of Trust for Geospatial Information Sharing, Francis Harvey ; Pattern Recognition in Road Networks on the Example of Circular Road Detection, Prauke Heinzle, Karl-Heinrich Anders, Monika Sester ; Implementing Anchoring, James Hood, Antony Calton ; Generating Raster DEM from Mass Points Via TIN Streaming, Martin Isenburg, Yuanxin Liu, Jonathan Shewchuk, Jack Snoeyink, Tim Thirion ; Towards a Similarity-Based Identity Assumption Service for Historical Places, Krzysztof Janowicz ; Coupling Bayesian etworks with GIS-Based Cellular Automata for Modeling Land Use Change, Verda Kocabas, Suzana Dragicevic ; Orientation Calculi and Route Graphs: Towards Semantic Representations for Route Descriptions, Bernd Krieg-Bruckner, Hui Shi ; Incremental Rank Updates for Moving Query Points, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin ; The Head-Body-Tail Intersection for Spatial Relations Between Directed Line Segments, Yohei Kurata, Max J. Egenhofer ; A GIS-Based Approach for Urban Multi-criteria Quasi Optimized Route Guidance by Considering Unspecified Site Satisfaction, Parham Pahlavani, Farhad Samadzadegan, Mahmood Reza Delavar ; Ontological Analysis of Observations and Measurements, Florian Probst ; Splitting the Linear Least Squares Problem for Precise Localization in Geosensor Networks, Frank Reichenbach, Alexander Born, Dirk Timmermann, Ralf Bill ; The Spatial Dimensions of Multi-Criteria Evaluation - Case Study of a Home Buyer's Spatial Decision Support System, Claus Rinner, Aaron Heppleston ; Graph-Based Navigation Strategies for Heterogeneous Spatial Data Sets, Andrea Rodriguez, Francisco Godoy ; Correlation Analysis of Discrete Motions, Takeshi Shirabe ; Representing Topological Relationships for Moving Objects, Erlend Tissebro, Mads Nygard ; UMN-MapServer: A High-Performance, Interoperable, and Open Source Web Mapping and Geo-spatial Analysis System, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Shashi Shekhar, Thomas E. Burk, Stephen Lime ; Author Index
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 6
    Series available for loan
    Series available for loan
    Frankfurt am Main : Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie
    Associated volumes
    Call number: S 95.0116(40)
    In: IERS technical note, No. 40
    Type of Medium: Series available for loan
    Pages: 167 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9783864821370 , 978-3-86482-137-0
    ISSN: 1019-4568
    Series Statement: IERS technical note No. 40
    Language: English
    Note: Foreword, Zuheir Altamimi ; DTRF2014: DGFI-TUM realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), Mathis Bloßfeld, Manuela Seitz, Detlef Angermann, and Florian Seitz ; JTRF2014: Analysis, Results and Comparisons to ITRF2014 and DTRF2014, Claudio Abbondanza, Toshia Michael Chin, Richard S. Gross, Michael B. Heflin, Jay W Parker, Benedikt S. Soja, Tonie M. van Dam, and Xiaoping Wu ; ITRS Center evaluation of DTRF2014 and JTRF2014 with respect to ITRF2014, Zuheir Altamimi, Paul Rebischung, Xavier Collilieux, and Laurent Metivier ; Comparison of latest ITRS realizations: ITRF2014, JTRF2014 and DTRF2014, Detlef Angermann, Mathis Blof3feld, Manuela Seitz, and Sergei Rudenko ; A comparison of the DTRF2014, ITRF2014, and JTRF2014 solutions using DORIS, Guilhem Moreaux, Hugues Capdeville, Claudio Abbondanza, Mathis Bloßfeld, Jean-Michel Lemoine, and Pascale Ferrage ; Assessment of DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 by Satellite Laser Ranging, Jose Rodriguez ; ITRS realizations and their impact on VLBI combined EOP and Scale, Sabine Bachmann and Daniela Thaller ; Index of authors
    Location: Lower compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 7
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Cham : Springer International Publishing
    Call number: im Bestellvorgang
    Description / Table of Contents: The mass of the earth -- The structure of the earth: rotation, precession, cosmogony -- The forces that shape the earth: Neptunism vs. Plutonism -- The age of the earth -- The forces that shape the earth: shrinking, isostasy, drift -- The structure of the earth: seismology -- The forces that shape the earth: convection and plates -- Our concept of the earth -- Exercises: Further Food for Thought.
    Description / Table of Contents: With its new, unique look at the physics of the earth and at how this field got to where it is today, this is not a conventional textbook, but could easily be used as one. Designed to be understood by readers with no background in the earth sciences and only little previous knowledge of math and physics, Our Concept of the Earth differs from other geophysics books in that it places geo-scientific concepts in their historical context: ideas are presented in chronological order, according to the moment they emerged, one in response to the other, throughout the history of the discipline. In this way, the material covered in any given section of the book rests on simpler previously established concepts that are explained earlier in the book. The book is extremely self-contained and lends itself to being read from beginning to end, an experience that will captivate and even entertain a broad range of readers in academia and beyond.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XVI, 850 Seiten , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 978-3-031-71578-5
    Language: English
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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