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  • 1
    Call number: AWI P9-24-95719
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 137 Seiten , überwiegend Illustrationen , 28 cm
    Language: Russian
    Note: In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 2
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Moskva : Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"
    Call number: AWI G2-24-95716
    Description / Table of Contents: Сборник включает материалы симпозиума "Поздиечетвертичная история и седиментогенез окраинных и внутренних морей", проведенного Океанографической комиссией АН СССР в 1977 г. На симпозиуме были рассмотрены результаты исследований последних лет в области стратиграфии и литологии четвертичных осадков морей СССР и шельфовой зоны Мирового океана, поздиечетвертичная история южных и дальневосточных морей СССР и некоторых морей европейского Севера. Сборник представляет интерес для геологов-четвертичников, географов, литологов, океанологов, морских геоморфологов и геологов.
    Description / Table of Contents: Translation of abstract: The collection includes materials from the symposium “Late Quaternary history and sedimentogenesis of marginal and inland seas”, held by the Oceanographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1977. The symposium examined the results of recent research in the field of stratigraphy and lithology of Quaternary sediments of the seas of the USSR and the shelf zone of the World Ocean, the late Quaternary history of the southern and the Far Eastern seas of the USSR and some seas of the European North. The collection is of interest to Quaternary geologists, geographers, lithologists, oceanologists, marine geomorphologists and geologists.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 211 Seiten , Illustrationen , 2 Kartenbeilagen
    Language: Russian
    Note: СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Особенности седиментогенеза на континентальных окраинах океанов и во внутренних морях / Ф. А. Щербаков Строение плиоцен-четвертичной толщи дна Баренцева моря на разрезе полуостров Рыбачий - острова Земля Франца-Иосифа / А. И. Блажчишин, Т. И. Линькова, О. В. Кириллов, Е. П. Шкатов К палеогеографии Баренцева моря в позднеледниковье и голоцене / Б. Н. Котенев Эволюция осадконакопления в прибрежных районах Баренцева и Белого морей в поздне- и послеледниковое время / В. Я. Евзеров Стратиграфия верхнечетвертичных отложений северной части Белого моря / Р. Н. Джиноридзе, Е. А. Кириенко, Л. В. Калугина, А. Е. Рыбалко, М. А. Спиридонов, Е. А. Спиридонова Палинологический и диатомовый анализ донных отложений Балтийского моря / Г. И. Клейменова, В. И. Хомутова, Е. М. Вишневская Стратиграфия позднечетвертичных отложений Черного моря / Ф. А. Щербаков, Е. В. Коренева, Э. К. Забелина Палеогеография Черноморского бассейна в позднечетвертичное время по данным палинологического анализа глубоководных отложений / А. В. Комаров Особенности седиментогенеза в морских подводных каньонах кавказского шельфа Черного моря / К. И. Джанджгава Об изменении биопродуктивности вод Черного моря в голоцене / Н. М. Андреева, Б. Н. Котенев, Л. Н. Розов Закономерности формирования и распределения водно-физических свойств глубоководных осадков Черного моря / В. А. Емельянов, А. Ю. Митропольский Геологическая история Керченского пролива в позднечетвертичное время / Е. Ф. Шнюков, В. М. Аленкин, А. В. Григорьев, А. Л. Путь, Н. А. Ломаев Отражение глубинных структур в морских четвертичных отложениях центральной части Азовского моря / В. Н. Семененко, О. Г. Сиденко Марганцеворудный процесс в позднем антропогене Азово-Черноморского бассейна / Г. Н. Орловский Палеоклиматы, водный баланс и уровни Черного и Каспийского морей в позднем плейстоцене-голоцене / И. Г. Авенариус Гипотетическая климатическая кривая основных этапов осадконакопления Каспийского моря в позднем плейстоцене / В.К Шкатова Процессы седиментогенеза в море Леванта / А. А. Мусса, А. Ю. Митропольский Петрографо-минералогическая характеристика современных отложений Бенгальского залива и Андаманского моря / Д. Е. Гершанович, А. И. Конюхов, И. А.Назаревич Терригенно-минералогические провинции прибрежно-шельфовой зоны Западного Индостана / О. К. Тареева Морфотектоника материкового побережья юга Дальнего Востока и морские трансгрессии позднего плейстоцена-голоцена / А. П. Кулаков Последние этапы голоценовой трансгрессии в бассейнах Японского и Охотского морей / А. М. Короткий, П. Ф. Бровко, И. И. Задкова, В. С. Пушкарь, И. Г. Шахгельдян Основные черты геологического строения шельфа и материкового склона Японского моря у побережья СССР / И. И. Берсенев, И. К. Пущин Четвертичные отложения шельфа Южного приморья на примере залива Петра Великого (Японское море) / Ю. Д. Марков Позднеnлейстоценовые бассейны Юго-Западной Камчатки и их связь с неотектоническими движениями / Р. Б. Крапивнер Криолитозона арктического шельфа Азии / З. Н. Антипина, Ф. Э. Арэ, В. В. Войченко, E. H. Молочушкин Опыт количественной оценки голоценовых тектонических движений в области шельфа / Н. Н. Дунаев Об использовании метода измерения магнитной восприимчивости морских осадков для восстановления условий их формирования на шельфе / Ю. В. Кочемасов , Translation of Table of Contents Features of sedimentogenesis on the continental margins of the oceans and in inland seas / F. A. Shcherbakov Structure of the Pliocene-Quaternary strata of the Barents Sea bottom in the section of the Rybachy Peninsula - Franz Josef Land Islands / A. I. Blazhchishin, T. I. Linkova, O. V. Kirillov, E. P. Shkatov On the paleogeography of the Barents Sea in the Late Glacial and Holocene / B. N. Kotenev Evolution of sedimentation in the coastal areas of the Barents and White Seas in late and post-glacial times / V. Ya. Evzerov Stratigraphy of Upper Quaternary sediments of the northern part of the White Sea / R. N. Dzhinoridze, E. A. Kiriyenko, L. V. Kalugina, A. E. Rybalko, M. A. Spiridonov, E. A. Spiridonova Palynological and diatom analysis of bottom sediments of the Baltic Sea / G. I. Kleimenova, V. I. Khomutova, E. M. Vishnevskaya Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary sediments of the Black Sea / F. A. Shcherbakov, E. V. Koreneva, E. K. Zabelina Paleogeography of the Black Sea basin in the late Quaternary according to palynological analysis of deep-sea sediments / A. V. Komarov Features of sedimentogenesis in marine underwater canyons of the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea / K. I. Dzhandzhgava On changes in the bioproductivity of the Black Sea waters in the Holocene / N. M. Andreeva, B. N. Kotenev, L. N. Rozov Regularities of formation and distribution of water-physical properties of deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea / V. A. Emelyanov, A. Yu. Mitropolsky Geological history of the Kerch Strait in the late Quaternary / E. F. Shnyukov, V. M. Alenkin, A. V. Grigoriev, A. L. Put, N. A. Lomaev Reflection of deep structures in marine Quaternary sediments of the central part of the Azov Sea / V. N. Semenenko, O. G. Sidenko Manganese ore process in the late Anthropogene of the Azov-Black Sea basin / G. N. Orlovsky Paleoclimates, water balance and levels of the Black and Caspian Seas in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene / I. G. Avenarius Hypothetical climate curve of the main stages of sedimentation of the Caspian Sea in the Late Pleistocene / V.K Shkatova Processes of sedimentogenesis in the Levant Sea / A. A. Mussa, A. Yu. Mitropolsky Petrographic-mineralogical characteristics of modern sediments of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea / D. E. Gershanovich, A. I. Konyukhov, I. A. Nazarevich Terrigenous-mineralogical provinces of the coastal-shelf zone of Western Hindustan / O. K. Tareeva Morphotectonics of the continental coast of the south of the Far East and marine transgressions of the late Pleistocene-Holocene / A. P. Kulakov The last stages of the Holocene transgression in the basins of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk / A. M. Korotkiy, P. F. Brovko, I. I. Zadkova, V. S. Pushkar, I. G. Shakhgeldyan Main features of the geological structure of the shelf and continental slope of the Sea of Japan off the coast of the USSR / I. I. Bersenev, I. K. Pushchin Quaternary sediments of the Southern Primorye shelf using the example of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) / Yu. D. Markov Late Leistocene basins of Southwestern Kamchatka and their connection with neotectonic movements / R. B. Krapivner Cryolithozone of the Arctic shelf of Asia / Z. N. Antipina, F. E. Are, V. V. Voichenko, E. H. Molochushkin Experience in quantitative assessment of Holocene tectonic movements in the shelf area / N. N. Dunaev On the use of the method of measuring the magnetic susceptibility of marine sediments to restore the conditions of their formation on the shelf / Yu. V. Kochemasov , In kyrillischer Schrift
    Location: AWI Reading room
    Branch Library: AWI Library
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  • 3
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Oxford : Oxford University Press
    Call number: PIK 24-95701
    Description / Table of Contents: Climate change raises new, foundational challenges in science. It requires us to question what we know and how we know it. The subject is important for society but the science is young and history tells us that scientists can get things wrong before they get them right. How, then, can we judge what information is reliable and what is open to question? Stainforth goes to the heart of the climate change problem to answer this question. He describes the fundamental characteristics of climate change and shows how they undermine the application of traditional research methods, demanding new approaches to both scientific and societal questions. He argues for a rethinking of how we go about the study of climate change in the physical sciences, the social sciences, economics, and policy. The subject requires nothing less than a restructuring of academic research to enable integration of expertise across diverse disciplines and perspectives.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: vi, 356 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    ISBN: 9780198812937
    Language: English
    Location: A 18 - must be ordered
    Branch Library: PIK Library
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  • 4
    Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press
    Call number: 9781420073072 (e-book)
    Description / Table of Contents: As we discover more about the role of the ocean in global changes and identify the effects of global change on the ocean, understanding its chemical composition and processes becomes increasingly paramount. However, understanding these processes requires a wide range of measurements in the vast ocean, from the sea surface to deep-ocean trenches, from the tropics to the poles. Practical Guidelines for the Analysis of Seawater provides a common analytical basis for generating quality-assured and reliable data on chemical parameters in the ocean. A source of practical know-how, the book covers sampling and storage, analytical methodology, and guidelines and procedures for quality assurance. It presents analytical methods with the step-by-step procedures that help practitioners implement these methods successfully into the laboratory, making them instantly applicable without consulting further literature. The book also contains essential information for developing or improving quality control and quality assurance programs in the laboratory. It includes the availability and measurement of standard reference materials, blank estimation and correction, control of recoveries, and statistical evaluation of quality assurance data. Analytical chemistry is a very active and fast moving area. Despite the development of innovative new analytical techniques for chemical trace element research, obtaining reliable data at ultra-trace levels remains a formidable challenge. A complete and practical guide, this book delineates proven methods that consistently yield reproducible data in routine work.
    Type of Medium: 12
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xii, 401 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    ISBN: 978-1-4200-7307-2 , 9781420073072
    Series Statement: Environmental science and technology
    Language: English
    Note: Contents Preface Editor Contributors Chapter 1 Sampling and Sample Treatments / Oliver Wurl Chapter 2 Analysis of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon with the HTCO Technique / Oliver Wurl and Tsai Min Sin Chapter 3 Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic Analysis of Carbohydrates in Marine Samples / Christos Panagiotopoulos and Oliver Wurl Chapter 4 The Analysis of Amino Acids in Seawater / Thorsten Dittmar, Jennifer Cherrier, and Kai-Uwe Ludwichowski Chapter 5 Optical Analysis of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter / Norman B. Nelson and Paula G. Coble Chapter 6 Isotope Composition of Organic Matter in Seawater / Laodong Guo and Ming-Yi Sun Chapter 7 Determination of Marine Gel Particles / Anja Engel Chapter 8 Nutrients in Seawater Using Segmented Flow Analysis / Alain Aminot, Roger Kérouel, and Stephen C. Coverly Chapter 9 Dissolved Organic and Particulate Nitrogen and Phosphorous / Gerhard Kattner Chapter 10 Pigment Applications in Aquatic Systems / Karen Helen Wiltshire Chapter 11 Determination of DMS, DMSP, and DMSO in Seawater / Jacqueline Stefels Chapter 12 Determination of Iron in Seawater / Andrew R. Bowie and Maeve C. Lohan Chapter 13 Radionuclide Analysis in Seawater / Mark Baskaran, Gi-Hoon Hong, and Peter H. Santschi Chapter 14 Sampling and Measurements of Trace Metals in Seawater / Sylvia G. Sander, Keith Hunter, and Russell Frew Chapter 15 Trace Analysis of Selected Persistent Organic Pollutants in Seawater / Oliver Wurl Chapter 16 Pharmaceutical Compounds in Estuarine and Coastal Waters / John L. Zhou and Zulin Zhang Appendix A: First Aid for Common Problems with Typical Analytical Instruments Appendix B: Chemical Compatibilities and Physical Properties of Various Materials Appendix C: Water Purification Technologies
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  • 5
    Chichester, [England] : Wiley
    Call number: 9781444328479 (e-book)
    Type of Medium: 12
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (XIII, 768 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    Edition: Second edition
    ISBN: 9781444328479 (e-book) , 978-1-4443-2847-9
    Language: English
    Note: Contents Contents Preface Acknowledgements Part 1: Making Sediment Introduction Clastic sediment as a chemical and physical breakdown product 1.1 Introduction: clastic sediments—'accidents' of weathering 1.2 Silicate minerals and chemical weathering 1.3 Solute flux: rates and mechanisms of silicate chemical weathering 1.4 Physical weathering 1.5 Soils as valves and filters for the natural landscape 1.6 Links between soil age, chemical weathering and weathered-rock removal 1.7 Provenance: siliciclastic sediment-sourcing Further reading 2 Carbonate, siliceous, iron-rich and evaporite sediments 2.1 Marine vs. freshwater chemical composition and fluxes 2.2 The calcium carbonate system in the oceans 2.3 Ooid carbonate grains 2.4 Carbonate grains from marine plants and animals 2.5 Carbonate muds, oozes and chalks 2.6 Other carbonate grains of biological origins 2.7 Organic productivity, sea-level and atmospheric controls of biogenic CaCO3 deposition rates 2.8 CaCO3 dissolution in the deep ocean and the oceanic CaCO3 compensation mechanism 2.9 The carbonate system on land 2.10 Evaporite salts and their inorganic precipitation as sediment 2.11 Silica and pelagic plankton 2.12 Iron minerals and biomineralizers 2.13 Desert varnish 2.14 Phosphates 2.15 Primary microbial-induced sediments: algal mats and stromatolites Further reading 3 Sediment grain properties 3.1 General 3.2 Grain size 3.3 Grain-size distributions 3.4 Grain shape and form 3.5 Bulk properties of grain aggregates Further reading Part 2: Moving Fluid Introduction 4 Fluid basics 4.1 Material properties of fluids 4.2 Fluid kinematics 4.3 Fluid continuity with constant density 4.4 Fluid dynamics 4.5 Energy, mechanical work and power Further reading 5 Types of fluid motion 5.1 Osborne Reynolds and flow types 5.2 The distribution of velocity in viscous flows: the boundary layer 5.3 Turbulent flows 5.4 The structure of turbulent shear flows 5.5 Shear flow instabilities, flow separation and secondary currents 5.6 Subcritical and supercritical flows: the Froude number and hydraulic jumps 5.7 Stratified flow generally 5.8 Water waves 5.9 Tidal flow—long-period waves Further reading Part 3: Transporting Sediment Introduction 6 Sediment in fluid and fluid flow—general 6.1 Fall of grains through stationary fluids 6.2 Natural flows carrying particulate material are complex 6.3 Fluids as transporting machines 6.4 Initiation of grain motion 6.5 Paths of grain motion 6.6 Categories of transported sediment 6.7 Some contrasts between wind and water flows 6.8 Cohesive sediment transport and erosion 6.9 A warning: nonequilibrium effects dominate natural sediment transport systems 6.10 Steady state, deposition or erosion: the sediment continuity equation and competence vs. capacity Further reading 7 Bedforms and sedimentary structures in flows and under waves 7.1 Trinity of interaction: turbulent flow, sediment transport and bedform development 7.2 Water-flow bedforms 7.3 Bedform phase diagrams for water flows 7.4 Water flow erosional bedforms on cohesive beds 7.5 Water wave bedforms 7.6 Combined flows: wave-current ripples and hummocky cross-stratification 7.7 Bedforms and structures formed by atmospheric flows Further reading 8 Sediment gravity flows and their deposits 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Granular flows 8.3 Debris flows 8.4 Turbidity flows 8.5 Turbidite evidence for downslope transformation from turbidity to debris flows Further reading 9 Liquefaction, fluidization and sliding sediment deformation 9.1 Liquefaction 9.2 Sedimentary structures formed by and during liquefaction 9.3 Submarine landslides, growth faults and slumps 9.4 Desiccation and synaeresis shrinkage structures Further reading Part 4: Major External Controls on Sedimentation and Sedimentary Environments Introduction 10 Major external controls on sedimentation 10.1 Climate 10.2 Global climates: a summary 10.3 Sea-level changes 10.4 Tectonics 10.5 Sediment yield, denudation rate and the sedimentary record Further reading Part 5: Continental Sedimentary Environments Introduction 11 Rivers 11.1 Introduction 11.2 River networks, hydrographs,patterns and long profiles 11.3 Channel form 11.4 Channel sediment transport processes, bedforms and internal structures 11.5 The floodplain 11.6 Channel belts, alluvial ridges and avulsion 11.7 River channel changes, adjustable variables and equilibrium 11.8 Alluvial architecture: product of complex responses 11.9 Alluvial architecture: scale, controls and time Further reading 12 Subaerial Fans: Alluvial and Colluvial 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Controls on the size (area) and gradient of fans 12.3 Physical processes on alluvial fans 12.4 Debris-flow-dominated alluvial fans 12.5 Stream-flow-dominated alluvial fans 12.6 Recognition of ancient alluvial fans and talus cones Further reading 13 Aeolian Sediments in Low-Latitude Deserts 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Aeolian system state 13.3 Physical processes and erg formation 13.4 Erg margins and interbedform areas 13.5 Erg and draa evolution and sedimentary architecture 13.6 Erg construction, stasis and destruction: climate and sea-level controls 13.7 Ancient desert facies Further reading 14 Lakes 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Lake stratification 14.3 Clastic input by rivers and the effect of turbidity currents 14.4 Wind-forced physical processes 14.5 Temperate lake chemical processes and cycles 14.6 Saline lake chemical processes and cycles 14.7 Biological processes and cycles 14.8 Modern temperate lakes and their sedimentary facies 14.9 Lakes in the East African rifts 14.10 Lake Baikal 14.11 The succession of facies as lakes evolve 14.12 Ancient lake facies Further reading 15 Ice 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Physical processes of ice flow 15.3 Glacier flow, basal lubrication and surges 15.4 Sediment transport, erosion and deposition by flowing ice 15.5 Glacigenic sediment: nomenclature and classification 15.6 Quaternary and modern glacial environments and facies 15.7 Ice-produced glacigenic erosion and depositional facies on land and in the periglacial realm 15.8 Glaciofluvial processes on land at and within the ice-front 15.9 Glacimarine environments 15.10 Glacilacustrine environments 15.11 Glacial facies in the pre-Quaternary geological record: case of Cenozoic Antarctica Further reading Part 6: Marine Sedimentary Environments Introduction 16. Estuaries 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Estuarine dynamics 16.3 Modern estuarine morphology and sedimentary environments 16.4 Estuaries and sequence stratigraphy Further reading 17. River and Fan Deltas 17.1 Introduction to river deltas 17.2 Basic physical processes and sedimentation at the river delta front 17.3 Mass movements and slope failure on the subaqueous delta 17.4 Organic deposition in river deltas 17.5 River delta case histories 17.6 River deltas and sea-level change 17.7 Ancient river delta deposits 17.8 Fan deltas Further reading 18. Linear Siliciclastic Shorelines 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Beach processes and sedimentation 18.3 Barrier-inlet-spit systems and their deposits 18.4 Tidal flats, salt marsh and chenier ridges 18.5 Ancient clastic shoreline facies Further reading 19 Siliciclastic Shelves 19.1 Introduction: shelf sinks and lowstand bypass 19.2 Shelf water dynamics 19.3 Holocene highstand shelf sediments: general 19.4 Tide-dominated, low river input, highstand shelves 19.5 Tide-dominated, high river input, highstand shelves 19.6 Weather-dominated highstand shelves Further reading 20 Calcium-carbonate-evaporite Shorelines, Shelves and Basins 20.1 Introduction: calcium carbonate 'nurseries' and their consequences 20.2 Arid carbonate tidal flats, lagoons and evaporite sabkhas 20.3 Humid carbonate tidal flats and marshes 20.4 Lagoons and bays 20.5 Tidal delta and margin-spillover carbonate tidal sands 20.6 Open-shelf carbonate ramps 20.7 Platform margin reefs and carbonate build-ups 20.8 Platform margin slopes and basins 20.9 Carbonate sediments, cycles and sea-level change 20.10 Displacement and destruction of carbonate environments: silicicl
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  • 6
    Call number: M 24.95704
    Description / Table of Contents: 32 Modellbaubögen ermöglichen, Kristalle sämtlicher Klassen selbst zusammenzubauen. Eine kurze Einführung, eine übersichtliche Tabelle der 32 Kristallklassen sowie ein Lernkartensystem komplettieren das Heft. ""Kristallmodelle"" ist im Set mit weiteren Titeln zum Sonderpreis erhältlich (s. S. 28f.)
    Description / Table of Contents: 32 Modellbaubögen ermöglichen, Kristalle sämtlicher Klassen selbst zusammenzubauen. Eine kurze Einführung, eine übersichtliche Tabelle der 32 Kristallklassen sowie ein Lernkartensystem komplettieren das Heft. "Kristallmodelle" ist im Set mit weiteren Titeln zum Sonderpreis erhältlich (s. S. 28f.)
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: 12 Seiten, 32 [Blatt] , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 978-3-486-58449-3
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
    Language: German
    Location: Upper compact magazine
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
    Location Call Number Expected Availability
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  • 7
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Heidelberg : dpunkt.verlag
    Call number: 18/M 24.95712
    Description / Table of Contents: Intro -- Der Autor -- Der Fachgutachter -- Danksagung -- Vorwort zur dritten Auflage -- Einleitung -- Zielgruppe -- Lernstoff -- Onlinematerial -- Warum Python? -- Grundlagen -- Erste Schritte -- Die Programmierumgebung einrichten -- Python-Versionen -- Python-Codeausschnitte ausführen -- Der Editor VS Code -- Python auf verschiedenen Betriebssystemen -- Python unter Windows -- Python unter macOS -- Python unter Linux -- Das Hello-World-Programm ausführen -- Die Python-Erweiterung für VS Code installieren -- ausführen -- Fehlersuche -- Python-Programme im Terminal ausführen -- Unter Windows -- Unter Linux und macOS -- Zusammenfassung -- Variablen und einfache Datentypen -- Was bei der Ausführung von wirklich geschieht -- Variablen -- Variablen benennen und verwenden -- Fehler bei Variablennamen vermeiden -- Variablen sind Etiketten -- Strings -- Groß- und Kleinschreibung mithilfe von Methoden ändern -- Variablen in Strings verwenden -- Weißraum hinzufügen -- Weißraum entfernen -- Entfernen von Präfixen -- Syntaxfehler bei der Stringverarbeitung vermeiden -- Zahlen -- Integer -- Fließkommazahlen -- Integer und Fließkommazahlen -- Unterstriche in Zahlen -- Mehrfachzuweisung -- Konstanten -- Kommentare -- Wie werden Kommentare geschrieben? -- Was für Kommentare sind sinnvoll? -- The Zen of Python -- Zusammenfassung -- Eine Einführung in Listen -- Was sind Listen? -- Elemente in einer Liste ansprechen -- Indizes beginnen bei 0, nicht bei 1 -- Einzelne Werte aus einer Liste verwenden -- Elemente verändern, hinzufügen und entfernen -- Elemente in einer Liste ändern -- Elemente zu einer Liste hinzufügen -- Elemente aus einer Liste entfernen -- Listen ordnen -- Listen mit sort() dauerhaft sortieren -- Listen mit der Funktion sorted() vorübergehend sortieren -- Listen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ausgeben.
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: xxxv, 610 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    Edition: 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage
    ISBN: 978-3-86490-989-4
    Language: German
    Location: Reading room
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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