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  • Berlin : Springer  (1)
  • Boca Raton : CRC Press  (1)
  • Montréal : McGill-Queen's University Press
  • Berlin : Beuth Verlag GmbH
  • Bonn : Lemmens
  • English  (2)
  • English  (2)
  • 1
    Call number: MR 25.95969
    In: Lecture notes in computer science
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: XIII, 417 Seiten , Diagramme, Karten , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9783540445265 , 978-3-540-44526-5 , 3540445269 , 3-540-44526-9
    ISSN: 0302-9743
    Series Statement: Lecture notes in computer science 4197
    Language: English
    Note: A Social and Spatial Network Approach to the Investigation of Research Communities over the World Wide Web, Pragya Agarwal, Roderic Bera, Christophe Claramunt ; Projective Relations in a 3D Environment, Roland Billen, Eliseo Clementini ; A Multi-resolution Representation for Terrain Morphology, Emanuele Danovaro, Leila De Floriani, Laura Papaleo, Maria Vitali ; A Spatiotemporal Model of Strategies and Counter Strategies for Location Privacy Protection, Matt Duckham, Lars Kulik, Athol Birtley ; Incorporating Landmarks with Quality Measures in Routing Procedures, Birgit Elias, Monika Sester ; What Is the Region Occupied by a Set of Points?, Antony Galton, Matt Duckham ; Voronoi Hierarchies, Christopher Gold, Paul Angel ; Characterising Meanders Qualitatively, Bjorn Gottfried ; Landmarks in OpenLS - A Data Structure for Cognitive Ergonomic Route Directions, Stefan Hansen, Kai-Florian Richter, Alexander Klippel ; Status Functions, Collective Intentionality: Matters of Trust for Geospatial Information Sharing, Francis Harvey ; Pattern Recognition in Road Networks on the Example of Circular Road Detection, Prauke Heinzle, Karl-Heinrich Anders, Monika Sester ; Implementing Anchoring, James Hood, Antony Calton ; Generating Raster DEM from Mass Points Via TIN Streaming, Martin Isenburg, Yuanxin Liu, Jonathan Shewchuk, Jack Snoeyink, Tim Thirion ; Towards a Similarity-Based Identity Assumption Service for Historical Places, Krzysztof Janowicz ; Coupling Bayesian etworks with GIS-Based Cellular Automata for Modeling Land Use Change, Verda Kocabas, Suzana Dragicevic ; Orientation Calculi and Route Graphs: Towards Semantic Representations for Route Descriptions, Bernd Krieg-Bruckner, Hui Shi ; Incremental Rank Updates for Moving Query Points, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin ; The Head-Body-Tail Intersection for Spatial Relations Between Directed Line Segments, Yohei Kurata, Max J. Egenhofer ; A GIS-Based Approach for Urban Multi-criteria Quasi Optimized Route Guidance by Considering Unspecified Site Satisfaction, Parham Pahlavani, Farhad Samadzadegan, Mahmood Reza Delavar ; Ontological Analysis of Observations and Measurements, Florian Probst ; Splitting the Linear Least Squares Problem for Precise Localization in Geosensor Networks, Frank Reichenbach, Alexander Born, Dirk Timmermann, Ralf Bill ; The Spatial Dimensions of Multi-Criteria Evaluation - Case Study of a Home Buyer's Spatial Decision Support System, Claus Rinner, Aaron Heppleston ; Graph-Based Navigation Strategies for Heterogeneous Spatial Data Sets, Andrea Rodriguez, Francisco Godoy ; Correlation Analysis of Discrete Motions, Takeshi Shirabe ; Representing Topological Relationships for Moving Objects, Erlend Tissebro, Mads Nygard ; UMN-MapServer: A High-Performance, Interoperable, and Open Source Web Mapping and Geo-spatial Analysis System, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Shashi Shekhar, Thomas E. Burk, Stephen Lime ; Author Index
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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  • 2
    Monograph available for loan
    Monograph available for loan
    Boca Raton : CRC Press
    Call number: 6/M 25.95970
    Type of Medium: Monograph available for loan
    Pages: xxxv, 849 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    ISBN: 9781482217957 , 978-1-4822-1795-7
    Series Statement: Remote sensing handbook / edited by Prasad Srinivasa Thenkabail volume 2
    Language: English
    Note: Foreword ; Preface ; Acknowledgments ; Editor ; Contributors ; SECTION I Vegetation and Biomass : 1 Monitoring Photosynthesis from Space, Alfredo Huete, Guillermo Ponce-Campos, Yongguang Zhang, Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Xuanlong Ma, and Mary Susan Moran ; 2 Canopy Biophysical Variables Retrieval from the Inversion of Reflectance Models, Frederic Baret ; 3 Aboveground Terrestrial Biomass and Carbon Stock Estimations from Multisensor Remote Sensing, Wenge Ni-Meister ; SECTION II Agricultural Croplands : 4 Agriculture, Clement Atzberger, Francesco Vuolo, Anja Klisch, Felix Rembold, Michele Meroni, Marcia Pupin Mello, and Antonio Formaggio ; 5 Agricultural Systems Studies Using Remote Sensing, Agnes Begue, Damien Arvor, Camille Lelong, Elodie Vintrou, and Margareth Simoes ; 6 Global Food Security Support Analysis Data at Nominal 1 km (GFSADlkm) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities, Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla, Prasad S. Thenkabail, Jun Xiong, Murali Krishna Gumma, Chandra Giri, Cristina Milesi, Mutlu Ozdogan, Russell G. Congatton, James Tilton, Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey, Richard Massey, Aparna Phalke, and Kamini Yadav ; 7 Precision Farming, David J. Mulla and Yuxin Miao ; 8 Remote Sensing of Tillage Status, Baojuan Zheng, James B. Campbell, Guy Serbin, Craig S.T. Daughtry, Heather McNairn, and Anna Pacheco ; 9 Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications, Prasad S. Thenkabail, Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla, Murali Krishna Gumma, and Venkateswarlu Dheeravath ; SECTION III Rangelands : 10 Global View of Remote Sensing of Rangelands: Evolution, Applications, Future Pathways, Matthew c. Reeves, Robert A. Washington-Allen, Jay Angerer, E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., Ranjani Wasantha Kulawardhana, Lalit Kumar, Tatiana Loboda, Thomas Loveland, Graciela Metternicht, and R. Douglas Ramsey ; 11 Remote Sensing of Rangeland Biodiversity, E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., Cuizhen Wang, D. Terrance Booth, Samuel E. Cox, La/it Kumar, and Matthew C. Reeves ; 12 Characterization, Mapping, and Monitoring of Rangelands: Methods and Approaches, La/it Kumar, Priyakant Sinha, Jesslyn F. Brown, R. Douglas Ramsey, Matthew Rigge, Carson A. Stam, Alexander J. Hernandez, E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., and Matthew C. Reeves ; SECTION IV Phenology and Food Security : 13 Global Land Surface Phenology and Implications for Food Security, Molly E. Brown, Kirsten M. de Beurs, and Kathryn Grace ; SECTION V Forests : 14 Characterizing Tropical Forests with Multispectral Imagery, E.H. Helmer, Nicholas R. Goodwin, Valery Gond, Carlos M. Souza, Jr., and Gregory P. Asner ; 15 Remote Sensing of Forests from Lidar and Radar, Juha Hyyppii, Mika Karjalainen, Xinlian Liang, Anttoni Jaakkola, Xiaowei Yu, Michael Wulder, Markus Hollaus, Joanne C. White, Mikko Vastaranta, Kirsi Kari/a, Harri Kaartinen, Matti Vaaja, Ville Kankare, Antero Kukko, Markus Holopainen, Hannu Hyyppii, and Masato Katoh ; 16 Forest Biophysical and Biochemical Properties from Hyperspectral and LiDAR Remote Sensing, Gregory P. Asner, Susan L. Ustin, Philip A. Townsend, Roberta E. Martin, and K. Dana Chadwick ; 17 Optical Remote Sensing of Tree and Stand Heights, Sylvie Durrieu, Cedric Vega, Marc Bouvier, Frederic Gosselin, Jean-Pierre Renaud, and Laurent Saint-Andre ; SECTION VI Biodiversity : 18 Biodiversity of the World: A Study from Space, Thomas W Gillespie, Andrew Fricker, Chelsea Robinson, and Duccio Rocchini ; 19 Multiscale Habitat Mapping and Monitoring Using Satellite Data and Advanced Image Analysis Techniques, Stefan Lang, Christina Corbane, Palma Bionda, Kyle Pipkins, and Michael Forster ; SECTION VII Ecology : 20 Ecological Characterization of Vegetation Using Multisensor Remote Sensing in the Solar Reflective Spectrum, Conghe Song, Jing Ming Chen, Taehee Hwang, A/emu Gonsamo, Holly Croft, Quanfa Zhang,Matthew Dannenberg, Yulong Zhang, Christopher Hakkenberg, and Juxiang Li ; SECTION VIII Land Use/Land Cover : 21 Land Cover Change Detection, John Rogan and Nathan Mietkiewicz ; 22 Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection and Monitoring Using Radar Remote Sensing, Zhixin Qi, Anthony Gar-On Yeh, and Xia Li ; SECTION IX Carbon : 23 Global Carbon Budgets and the Role of Remote Sensing, Richard A. Houghton ; SECTION X Soils : 24 Spectral Sensing from Ground to Space in Soil Science: State of the Art, Applications, Potential, and Perspectives, Jose A. M. Dematte, Cristine L. S. Morgan, Sabine Chabrillat, Rodnei Rizzo, Marston H. D. Franceschini, Fabrfcio da S. Terra, Gustavo M. Vasques, and Johanna Wetterlind ; 25 Remote Sensing of Soil in the Optical Domains, E. Ben-Dor amd José A.M. Demattê ; SECTION XI Summary : 26 Remote Sensing of Land Resources: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping Advances over the Last 50 Years and a Vision for the Future, Prasad S. Thenkabail ; Index
    Location: Reading room
    Branch Library: GFZ Library
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